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2022, Dever de diligência das empresas e responsabilidade empresarial
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Radiocarbon, 2024
A new series of 22 radiocarbon dates provides new insights on the origin and distribution of the Early Trypillian archaeological culture in modern-day Moldova and Ukraine. The paper presents data from the sites of preceding groups (5 dates), highlighting gaps in the agricultural settlement of the region, dates related to the Early Trypillia directly (14 dates) and dates from the ceramic hunter-gatherers' sites that yielded some Early Trypillian pottery (3 dates). The results indicate that the expansion of Early Trypillia into Moldovan and Ukrainian forest-steppe took place during 47-45th centuries BCE and it was a relatively fast colonization likely spanning only 3-5 generations.
Propiedades físicas de los minerales forzadores de roca
Dezvoltarea producţiei de bunuri materiale a făcut obiectul multor dezbateri teoretice, care în principiu, reduc aceasta la procesul de producţie şi valorificare a informaţiilor. Alţi teoreticieni (Alvin Tofler, Daniel Bell) remarcă mutaţiile profunde care vor avea loc în urma revoluţiilor tehnico-ştiinţifice în urma cărora prevăd declinul industriei şi reducerea rolului forţei de muncă productive. În prezent, asistăm la revizuirea acestor teorii, recunoscâdu-se că sistemele economice actuale nu vor putea fi în întregime informaţionale sau postindustriale. Aşadar, se poate spune că producţia de bunuri materiale va continua, dar vor avea loc mutaţii profunde care nu vor mai fi compatibile cu concepţiile şi metodele actuale de producţie. În acest context o abordare realistă a problematicii activităţii de producere de bunuri materiale impune abordarea din punct de vedere sistemic a întregului sistem de producţie. Tratarea sistemică a unei unităţi de producţie presupune determinarea interacţiunilor dintre diversele subsisteme şi structuri componente ale acesteia. În general, prin sistem se înţelege un ansamblu de elemente aflate într-o relaţie de interdependenţa şi interacţiune reciprocă, formând un tot organizat şi funcţional. Sistemele sunt caracterizate de trei elemente, şi anume: a) obiective; b) sarcini; c) funcţii. Obiectivul unui sistem este bine definit atunci când există un mijloc ce poate fi utilizat pentru obţinerea rezultatelor dorite. Sarcina sistemului derivă din obiectivul sistemului, în sensul că un anumit obiectiv poate fi atins prin realizarea mai multor sarcini. Funcţia unui sistem este proprietatea acestuia de a transforma intrările în ieşiri şi defineşte modul cum se realizează sarcina.
Murakami's works are influenced by the materialistic culture of Japan, which led to increased divorce and suicide rates, frustration, and desperation among the younger generation. His characters including the lost generation, rebel against the system and American cultural hegemony, focusing on the artificiality of society. Murakami's unconventional spiritual beliefs focus on the inherent strength of the human system, combining attachment, detachment, connection, and dissociation. His characters enter the unconscious or inner consciousness as a form of self-therapy to fill their spiritual need. Murakami believes in the process of awakening one's inner talents and coming to terms with reality. Enlightenment is a state where the person is fully aware of the reality outside and within themselves, allowing them to interact with it and work with it to create harmony and life. Enlightenment involves linking one's internal reality with the outside world in a pure manner, and the main characters harness their inner potential to accomplish their goals. Individualization, defined by Jung as the harmony between the two worlds, is the goal of self-actualization. In Wind Up Bird, Toru Okdada seeks self-realization after a breakup and alienation, focusing on the other world. He experiences fancies, hallucinations, coincidences, dreams, and epiphanies to find peace and release from the real world. Okada's journey is complicated by Murakami's metaphysical partition between the conscious and unconscious worlds. He travels to the other world twice, relating unconscious concepts to his existence and realizing the link between the past and the present. Okada's struggle against Wataya, a foe, liberates him from his anger and helps him understand the Japanese notion that the stomach is where the soul resides. The "hanging" home and the well are brought back to life when Okada purchases a plot of land for spiritual healing. Dance Boku explores the discrepancy between awareness and unconscious realms, with Boku's isolation leading to his spiritual release. He meets a Sheep Man, a spiritual being who helps him connect with the unconscious. Boku's estrangement is brought on by weakening ties within the physical realm, necessitating a reconnection with his inner consciousness.
Israel: testemunhas do Reino, 2010
The “Book of travels” by a certain Hayrullah Efendi, judge of Thessaloniki in 1821, is one of the main sources used by modern historians on this period of the history of the city. The paper seeks to prove that this source, translated in 1940 by Avraam N. Papazoglou, is manifestly his own fabrication: neither Hayrullah nor his manuscript appear in any other source or study, there are several chronological, style and other mistakes and contradictions. Moreover, Papazoglou seems to have often forged or altered sources in his other articles as well.
Minorities in contact in the Medieval Mediterranean , 2020
On the persistence of Christian anti-Jewish polemic in early Islam and on some Jewish responses
This article discusses the development of Islamic banking in Indonesia, its contribution to and role in the constellation of national economy, particularly in empowerment of medium, small and micro enterprise (UMKM) which constitutes the pillar of national economy. This article also analyses a number of challenge faced by the Islamic banking institutions and attempts made by university as the centre for research, training human recourse to be capable and comprehend Islamic economy and to professionally develop Islamic financial industries, educating and advocating society for the strengthening of the regulation implementation. This is needed in order that the acceleration and development of Islamic banking in Indonesia could be realized in short time.
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Journal of the Siam Society (Bangkok), 86 (1-2)
IV Congreso ISUF-H: Metrópolis en recomposición: prospectivas proyectuales en el Siglo XXI: Forma urbis y territorios metropolitanos, Barcelona, 28-30 Septiembre 2020, 2020
Revista Valenciana de Filologia, 2023
Journal of Business Management and Economic Research, 2019
International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering
Bulletin of the American …, 2009
Engenharia Sanitaria e Ambiental, 2012
Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Medicine, and Pathology, 2015
Journal of Cystic Fibrosis, 2013
Frontiers in Microbiology, 2021
e-Letras com Vida: Revista de Estudos Globais — Humanidades, Ciências e Artes, 2018