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1 No sentido de prover um protocolo de enlace comum para várias tecnologias de rede local, o padrão IEEE 802 separou a camada de enlace em duas subcamadas: Media Access Control (MAC) e Logical Link Control (LLC). O protocolo LLC é independente de tecnologia e há vários protocolos MAC, um para cada tecnologia englobada pelo padrão. Uma delas é Ethernet (IEEE 802.3). Essa separação não ocorre no padrão DIX. O protocolo IP utiliza o Ethernet IEEE 802.3 sem o uso de LLC, o que o torna compatível com DIX. ED. CAMPUS -MELHORES PRÁTICAS PARA GERÊNCIA DE REDES DE COMPUTADORES -0700 -CAPÍTULO 14 -3ª PROVA n 5B/6B; n 8B/10B; n 4D-PAM5. As mídias incluem: n Cabos coaxiais (raramente utilizados hoje, embora fossem comuns no início da vida da tecnologia Ethernet); n Pares trançados de várias categorias, as mais comuns sendo Cat 3 (Voice Grade -ou "feitos para voz"), Cat 5 e Cat5e. É o tipo de mídia mais comumente utilizado para chegar ao desktop; n Fibras óticas monomodo ou multímodo, mais comumente utilizadas na espinha dorsal (backbone) da rede.
Dissertation, 2023
This paper aims to show that Theophrastus created a new literary genre with his Characters, directly linked to Aristotle's theory of action and moral psychology of agency.
Boletín de Lima Nº 179, ISSN0253-0015, 2015
se estudia el desarrollo del patrimonio funerario de Cusco republicano, a partir del cementerio de la Almudena y como este patrón se extendió volviéndose globalmente un componente para la cultura funeraria e imaginario mortuorio de la región
International Journal of Current Science Research and Review, 2024
Bullying is a global, social phenomenon that has taken on alarming proportions, especially in recent decades, and seriously threatens the smooth psycho-emotional and social development of children and adolescents, as it is expressed in direct or indirect physical, sexual or verbal violence. This article seeks to approach the phenomenon, its characteristics and the causes of each aggressive behavior, with the aim of describing the effects on the functioning of children and consequently the family, school and the wider social environment.
Descending with a lamp, he thus saw things under the ground.
The art of Siege Warfare and Military Architecture from the Classical World to the Middle Ages, Oxford, 2020
Scholars acknowledge the crucial role of values in influencing behavior and market choices. This paper examines the role of consumption values in influencing destination image and travel behavior by proposing a destination image formation model. Having as theoretical base the means-end chain theory and the theory of consumption values, the model suggests that destination image is a function of five consumption values and that these in turn influence travel behavior. The essay discusses some pertinent issues with respect to the measurement of such values. This involves conducting in-depth interviews based on the laddering technique, developing a structured questionnaire based on data from laddering, applying fuzzy logic to quantify the consumption values, and finally using k-means clustering to define segments of travelers holding similar images of the destination. The paper emphasizes that combined use of a qualitative data collection method such as laddering with a structured questionnaire is an effective way of researching consumption values and their influence on image and travel behavior. The study also discusses a k-means clustering approach to define segments of travelers holding similar images of a destination and the degree of membership of travelers to each value. The paper concludes that segmenting travelers based on their consumption values enables destination marketers to better understand travelers' behavior. Value research has particular application for market analysis, segmentation, destination product planning, and promotional strategies. This paper contributes to the very limited number of studies that analyze the influence of consumption values on destination image and travel behavior. The theoretical frameworks and methodological approaches that the paper proposes are also new contributions to destination image studies. However, the paper does not empirically test the theoretical frameworks and methodological steps. To contribute further to this field of study, scholars should attempt to empirically test the approaches that the study discusses.
Este trabalho estuda as relacoes entre capital humano - medido pelo numero de matriculas em quatro niveis de educacao - e o Produto Interno Bruto (PIB) do Brasil. Como abordagem, utiliza o metodo de Johansen de cointegracao e causalidade de Granger. Concomitantemente a isso, o estudo supoe a educacao como o principal elemento de formacao de capital humano e a existencia de uma relacao de longo prazo entre capital humano e PIB. De fato, este trabalho replica o estudo feito por Asteriou e Agiomirgianakis (2001, Journal of Policy Modeling) para a Grecia, o qual conclui que o capital humano causa, no sentido de Granger, o PIB daquele pais para os niveis educacionais primario e secundario, encontrando causalidade reversa para o ensino superior. No presente estudo, o periodo analisado compreende de 1959 a 2000, com dados sobre os numeros de matricula nos niveis do ensino fundamental, ensino medio, graduacao e pos-graduacao. Para o Brasil, o presente trabalho encontra relacoes de causalida...
Revista de Ensino de Biologia da SBEnBio, 2023
Resources Policy, 2019
Open Journal of Social Sciences
The Journal of Urology, 1998
MATEC Web of Conferences, 2018
Springer eBooks, 2020
The Journal of Accounting and Management, 2020
Plasma and Fusion Research, 2011