Q-compensation for High Resolution Seismic Imaging
Jerry M. Harris and Tieyuan Zhu
Department of Geophysics, Stanford University, USA
Copyright 2014, SBGf - Sociedade Brasileira de Geofísica
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Q-compensated imaging combines attenuation (Q )
estimation with attenuation-compensated reverse time
migration (Q-RTM). We review the approach (theory
and algorithm), and present results from a field
application of Q-compensated imaging using borehole
seismic data. The goal of Q-compensated imaging is to
restore pre-stack amplitude loss, improve signal
bandwidth, and improve pre-stack balance of amplitude
and phase in an effort to improve stack coherency and
subsequently image resolution. To this end, we
developed and tested a consistent approach for Q
estimation and forward-time and reverse-time
simulation for waves in constant Q media. This
approach incorporates robust and practical algorithms
for Q-compensated imaging. The approach is tested on
a crosswell field dataset from west Texas, USA where
improved spatial resolution and improved spatial
continuity can be observed in the Q-compensated
(a) Q-RTM: provides a robust algorithm for forward- and
reverse-time simulation of wave propagation in
attenuating media.
(b) Wavefield and waveform processing: a sequence of
preprocessing algorithms, e.g., filters, to prepare the
dataset for Q-RTM imaging.
(c) Q-Tomography: requires a robust approach for
quantitatively estimating velocity and attenuation
needed by Q-RTM.
The goal of borehole seismic surveys is to gain a better
understanding of heterogeneity near and between
boreholes. Borehole approaches seek high spatial
resolution for reservoir characterization and monitoring
of reservoir production processes. Previous studies
have shown that seismic attenuation can vary
significantly in reservoir and non-reservoir formations,
an observation that can result in reduced resolution
when attenuation is not considered in traditional
imaging approaches such as CDP and reverse time
Seismic attenuation affects both amplitude and phase
of seismic signals. The effects of attenuation are
dispersive with frequency and can result in reduced
stack coherency and subsequently reduced spatial
resolution from the stacked image. Ad hoc processing
methods that attempt to compensate for attenuation
provide some improvement, but often lack consistency
with the physics of wave propagation in attenuating
media, i.e., dispersion.
Methodology for Q-compensated Imaging
The general processing workflow for Q-compensated
imaging is diagrammed in Figure 1 for borehole seismic
surveys. The methodology relies on the integration of
three main steps that are listed here in the reverse
order of their occurrence in the workflow:
Figure 1 – General processing workflow for borehole
seismic data.
Each of the three steps listed above is important to Qcompensated imaging. Nevertheless, various methods
of preprocessing and Q-tomography exist already. The
enabling technology still needed comes in Step (a), QRTM. Zhu and Harris (2014a) have formulated a wave
equation simulation algorithm that partially decouples
amplitude loss/gain and normal dispersion in smoothly
varying media with constant Q dispersion:
Eqn. 1 is a formulation for viscoacoustic waves in a
medium with constant Q. This formulation is especially
useful because it partially separates dispersion and
amplitude loss/gain in terms represented by the RHS
terms of eqn. (1). Eqn. 1 can be used for both forward
and the backward wave propagation as required by QRTM. Note too that the medium’s Q is in terms
operators. For
represented by fractional Laplacian
details, see Zhu and Harris (2014a).
Eqn. (1) applies to “smoothly” varying heterogenous
media. Even though it is not exact, it does closely
approximate dispersion in a constant Q medium as
VI Simpósio Brasileiro de Geofísica
illustrated in Figure 2 with the comparisons of the
numerical simulations, theory, and laboratory data.
Moreover, the quality of fit to the dispersion theory can
be adjusted over a limited band (lower or higher
frequencies) by selection of a reference frequency, here
set at 100 Hz to model the higher frequencies used in
borehole seismic surveys. Sample shot simulations
from Eqn.1 with and without attenuation are shown in
Figure 3.
Figure 2 – Comparison of velocity and attenuation
dispersion for a homogeneous constant Q medium
(Zhu, 2014c).
Results with Synthetic Data
We tested Q-compensated imaging with simulated data
generated for a synthetic model developed by BP
(Billette and Brandsberg-Dahl, 2004). The model
includes a high attenuation zone (gas chimney with low
Q value) above the imaging target at and below about
1km depth. The velocity and attenuation models are
shown in Figures 4a-4b. 2-D surface seismic data were
simulated using a viscoacoustic algorithm (staggered
grid pseudospectral method) with a standard linear
solid model for the attenuation (Zhu, et al., 2013). The
Q-compensated image was made using the fractional
Laplacian algorithm discussed above, i.e., eqn. (1).
Comparison of the Q-compensated image with the
conventional RTM image (with no compensation)
demonstrates the improved spatial resolution with Qcompensation. The improved resolution includes better
location of the structure as well improved recovery of
the reflectivity (Zhu, et al., 2014d).
Figure 3 – Comparison of velocity and attenuation
dispersion for a homogeneous constant Q medium
(Zhu, 2014c).
Wavefield and waveform preprocessing (step (b))
includes a sequence of spatial and temporal filters that
are needed to separate the complex assemblage of
wave types observed in borehole datasets, e.g. Pwaves, S-waves, and C-waves. Together these filters
seek to enhave primary reflections, remove multiples,
and generate a dataset that meets the assumptions
used by the Q-RTM algorithm.
Finally, step (c), travel-time and frequency-shift
tomography is used in a joint inversion for velocity and
attenuation, respectively. Previous Q-tomography
studies (Quan and Harris, 1997) have shown that
spatial variations in seismic attenuation can be
significant. Attenuation tomography is similar to velocity
tomography except the input data are frequency shifts
estimated from the centroid frequency of spectrum of
the direct arriving waveform. Quan and Harris (1997)
introduced the frequency-shift method for the estimation
of seismic attenuation. In the field data example that
follows, we use a boundary-preserving joint inversion
algorithm for velocity and attenuation recently
developed (Zhu and Harris, 2013). In this algorithm,
both travel-times and frequency-shifts are input to the
joint inversion.
Figure 4 – Surface seismic synthetic tests: (a) P-wave
velocity model; (b) P-wave Q model; (c) Results of QRTM; (d) Results of RTM (Zhu, 2014e).
Results with Field Data
We tested Q-compensated imaging with data from a
crosswell field survey recorded in west Texas, USA.
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The target of the survey was a carbonate mound that
was identified in one well (B) but not detected in a
nearby nearby well (A). All the steps outlined in the
processing workflow (Figure 1) were performed for the
field dataset, including the wavefield processing. The
resulting images are displayed in Figure 5, one with no
attenuation compensation and another with Q
compensation. The images show a remarkable
improvement of Q compensation. Each RTM image is
displayed with a color underlay of the velocity image,
obtained from tomography, for comparison of the RTM
reflectivity with velocity variations.
Figure 5a shows the image obtained with traditional
acoustic RTM and no attenuation compensation. This
image provides reasonable stratigraphic information (for
example, the reflectors between depths of 8400 feet
and 8700 feet) but also displays a lack of resolution and
loss of amplitude in the target area between 8700 and
8850 feet. The low Q of the reservoir zone has
attenuated the reflected signals that pass through the
reservoir area.
Figure 5b depicts the image obtained by Qcompensated imaging, where attenuation (no shown)
was estimated with velocity using the joint algorithm of
Zhu and Harris (2013). The location of the reservoir are
well inferred from the low velocity zone and the slightly
dipping structures near Well B between depths of 8700
and 9000 ft.
The most striking difference between the two images is
the fine scale structure that can be seen in the Qcompensated image but absent in the traditional image
without compensation, especially inside and below the
reservoir zone. The flat layers appear to truncate the
dipping structure. The transition from left-dipping to flat
features suggest delineation of the reservoir (Figure
5b). Vertical resolution is clearly better and reflection
continuity is much improved as can be seen at depths
between 8500 and 8700 fee for example with the strong
reflectors above the reservoir zone.
Discussion and Conclusions
The compensation of amplitude loss and velocity
dispersion caused by attenuation is important for highresolution imaging. Moreover, wave equation based
compensation is effective in balancing amplitudes for
signals that have traversed paths of significantly
different lengths as well as for paths that have
experienced significantly different amount of amplitude
loss due to spatial varying rates of attenuation.
Amplitude restoration alone does not correct for
dispersion caused by attenuation, thus the benefit
achieved by the wave equation process of reverse time
Tests with field data indicate that compensation for
attenuation improves the image in regions where low Q
has reduced amplitudes. Compensation also improves
continuity in areas where high attenuation is less
evident. Therefore, attenuation compensation not only
restores amplitude loss at high frequencies, it also
improves pre-stack coherence of signals presumably by
making small adjustments to the velocity caused by
normal dispersion in attenuating media. Improvement is
evident even when the model for attenuation is not
known, as we demonstrated by creating a synthetic
dataset using a different model for attenuation
dispersion than was used in the RTM imaging
We used a wave equation formulation that is especially
well suited for reverse time simulation. The formulation
maintains the appropriate relationships of amplitude
loss in reverse time propagation that is needed to
compensate for attenuation experienced in forward time
In order to compensate for attenuation in RTM imaging,
it is necessary to estimate the spatially varying rate of
attenuation from the dataset. Q tomography based on
frequency-shift data is useful in estimating consistent
attenuation rates. We used a method of inversion
where traveltime data and frequency shift data are
jointly inverted for velocity and attenuation, respectively.
The authors thank Chevron for providing the field
dataset used in this study.
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VI Simpósio Brasileiro de Geofísica
Figure 5: Seismic reflection images (a) by conventional RTM and (b) by Q-RTM overlaid on the estimated tomographic
velocity. The target is the low velocity reservoir detected in Well B between 8700 feet and 8850 feet. (Zhu et al, 2014e).
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