Causality and Explanation in the Sciences: the Rest of the Best

2013, Erkenntnis


In 1991 The Pogues, a Celtic punk band, released a compilation album with the well-chosen name The Best of the Pogues. It contained fourteen brilliant songs many of which are still part of our collective memory. Soon after that, they proudly presented another compilation album-this time entitled The Rest of the Best-with songs which were all as splendid as their predecessors. Twenty years later, in September 2011, philosophers of science, logicians, mathematicians, biologists, social scientists, computer scientists and the like gathered at Ghent University to discuss the relation between causality and explanation: Causality and Explanation in the Sciences (CaEitS2011). 1 In the course of 3 days, a range of topics were discussed. Different accounts of causality and explanation, such as Jim Woodward's interventionist account, Michael Strevens' kairetic account, and the mechanistic account. The relation between causality, explanation and understanding. The nature and status of causality and explanation in biology, in the social sciences, in medicine, in physics and in mathematics. The relation between causal and constitutive explanation. How causal relations can be discovered and what we can infer from our causal knowledge. Five of the many brilliant contributions at CaEitS2011 have been published in a special issue of Theoria (vol. 27, no. 2, 2012). If that issue deserves the nickname The Best of CaEitS2011, then the present issue of Erkenntnis can rightly be called The Rest of the Best. We are happy to say that the eight papers below are all as splendid as their predecessors.