NELL2RDF: Reading the Web, and Publishing it as Linked Data

2018, arXiv (Cornell University)


NELL is a system that continuously reads the Web to extract knowledge in form of entities and relations between them. It has been running since January 2010 and extracted over 50,000,000 candidate statements. NELL's generated data comprises all the candidate statements together with detailed information about how it was generated. This information includes how each component of the system contributed to the extraction of the statement, as well as when that happened and how confident the system is in the veracity of the statement. However, the data is only available in an ad hoc CSV format that makes it difficult to exploit out of the context of NELL. In order to make it more usable for other communities, we adopt Linked Data principles to publish a more standardized, self-describing dataset with rich provenance metadata.

Technical Report. November 2017. arXiv:1804.05639v1 [cs.DB] 16 Apr 2018 NELL2RDF: Reading the Web, and Publishing it as Linked Data José M. Giménez-Garcı́a1, Maı́sa Duarte1 , Antoine Zimmermann2 Christophe Gravier1, Estevam R. Hruschka Jr.3,4 , and Pierre Maret1 1 2 Univ Lyon, UJM-Saint-Étienne, CNRS, Laboratoire Hubert Curien UMR 5516, F-42023 Saint Étienne, France {jose.gimenez.garcia, maisa.duarte, christophe.gravier, pierre.maret} Univ Lyon, MINES Saint-Étienne, CNRS, Laboratoire Hubert Curien UMR 5516, F-42023 Saint-Étienne, France [email protected] 3 Federal University of Sao Carlos - UFSCar, São Carlos, Brazil 4 Carnegie Mellon University - CMU, Pittsburgh, United States [email protected] Abstract. NELL is a system that continuously reads the Web to extract knowledge in form of entities and relations between them. It has been running since January 2010 and extracted over 50,000,000 candidate statements. NELL’s generated data comprises all the candidate statements together with detailed information about how it was generated. This information includes how each component of the system contributed to the extraction of the statement, as well as when that happened and how confident the system is in the veracity of the statement. However, the data is only available in an ad hoc CSV format that makes it difficult to exploit out of the context of NELL. In order to make it more usable for other communities, we adopt Linked Data principles to publish a more standardized, self-describing dataset with rich provenance metadata. Keywords: NELL, RDF, Semantic Web, Linked Data, Metadata, Reification 1 Introduction Never-Ending Language Learning (NELL) [3, 16] is an autonomous computational system that aims at continually and incrementally learning. NELL has been running for about 7 years in Carnegie Mellon University (US). Currently, NELL has collected over 50 million of candidate beliefs, from with about 3.6 million have been promoted as trustworthy statements. NELL learns from the web and uses an ontology previously created to guide the learning. One of the most significant resource contributions of NELL, in addition to the millions of beliefs learned from the Web, is NELL’s internal representation (or metadata) for categories, relations and concepts. Such internal representation grows in every iteration, and is used by NELL as a set of different (and constantly updated) 1 Technical Report. November 2017. feature vectors to continuously retrain NELL’s learning components and build its own way to understand what is read from the Web. Zimmermann et al. [24] published in 2013 a solution to convert NELL’s beliefs and ontology into RDF and OWL. However, NELL’s internal metadata is not modeled in their work. Thus, the main contribution of this work is to extended the approach to include all the provenance metadata (NELL’s internal representation) for each belief. We publish this data using five different representation models: RDF reification [2, Sec. 5.3], N-Ary relations [19], Named Graphs [5], Singleton Properties [18], and NdFluents [10]. In addition, we publish not only the promoted beliefs, but also the candidates. As far as we know, this dataset contains more metadata about the statements than any other available dataset in the linked data cloud. This in itself can also be interesting for researchers that seek to manage and exploit meta-knowledge. Our intention is to keep this information updated and integrate it on NELL’s web page5 . The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2 presents NELL and the components it comprises; in Section 3 describes the transformation of NELL data and metadata to RDF; Section 4 presents the dataset generated in this paper and how it is published; finally, Section 5 provides final remarks and future work. 2 The Never-Ending Language Learning System NELL [3, 16] was built based on a new Machine Learning (ML) paradigm, the Never-Ending Learning (NEL). NEL paradigm is a semi-supervised learning [1] approach focused on giving the ability to a machine learning system to autonomously use what it has previously learned to continuously become a better learner. NELL is based on a number of coupled components working in parallel. These components read the web and use different approaches to, not only infer new knowledge in the form of beliefs, but also to infer new ways of internally representing the learned beliefs and their properties. Beliefs are divided into candidates and promoted beliefs. In order to be promoted a belief needs to have a confidence score of at least 0.9. 1. AliasMatcher finds relations between entities and their Wikipedia URL on Freebase. It was run only once and is currently not active. 2. CML (Coupled Morphologic Learner) [4] is responsible for identifying morphological regularities (such as that words finished in burg could be cities). It makes use of orthographic features of noun phrases (e.g., length and number of words, capitalization, prefixes and suffixes).CMC is the previous version of this component. 3. CPL (Coupled Pattern Learner) [4] is the component that learns Named Entities (NE) and Textual Patterns (TP) from text in the web pages. Internally, a different implementation was used between 2010 and 2013 that could learn 5 2 Technical Report. November 2017. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. categories and relations together. After that, CPL was splitted in CPL1 and CPL2, the former learning categories and the latter relations, but the distinction is not made in the knowledge base. All the knowledge from CPL1 is promoted promoted only if CPL2 agrees. i.e., CPL will extract TPs for categories ( is a city, city such as , etc.) and for relations (arg1 is a city located in arg2, arg1 is the capital of arg2, etc.). Then, using those TPs, CPL will extract NEs for categories (e.g. city(Paris), city(Annecy), etc.) and NE pairs for relations (locatedIn(Paris, France), locatedIn(Annecy, France), etc.). KbManipulation is used to correct some old bugs from NELL’s internal indexing knowledge. Several of these bugs should be removed automatically, but NELL has not one automated process for this task yet. LatLong matches the literal string of Named Entities against a fixed geolocation database. LE (Learned Embeddings) [23] predicts new categories or relations of entities based on Event and Named Entity extraction It creates a feature space where each dimension is a single NELL predicate, and NELL’s learned NE (or NE pairs for relations) is used as training examples. LE’s process predicts category or relation for NE (or NE pairs) that were not related in the training set. MBL, also known as ErrorBasedIntegrator and Knowledge Integrator, is the component responsible for taking the decision of promotion based on the contributions of the other components. EntityResolverCleanup is the name used for the same MBL process applied during a big alteration in NELL’s knowledge base. In 2010 a big change was made in the NELL’s KB structure to make possible for two words to have different meanings (e.g apple the fruit and Apple the company) and, conversely, for a concept to use different words (e.g Google and Google Inc.). OE (Open Eval) [21] queries the web and extract small text using predicate instances. OE calculates the score based on the text distance between the instances in a relation. OntologyModifier is used for any ontology alteration. This component appears in the Knowledge base when a new seed or and ontology extension is manually introduced. PRA (Path Ranking Algorithm) [9] is based on Random Walk Inference. PRA analyzes the connections between two categories instances which are the arguments for a relation. This component replaced the old Ruler Learner component. RL (Rule Learner) [13] extracts new knowledge using Horn Clauses based on the ontology. Its implementation was based on FOIL [20]. It can be found in NELL’s KB, but its execution stopped when NELL started to deal with polysemy resolution. SEAL (Coupled Set Expander for Any Language) [22] is the component responsible for extracting knowledge from HTML patterns. It works in a similar way to CPL, but using HTML patterns instead of textual patterns. 3 Technical Report. November 2017. In the past it was called CSEAL, but after some improvements in its performance it changed the name for SEAL. 13. Semparse [12] combines syntactic parsing from CCGbank (a conversion of the corpus of trees Penn Treebank [15]) and distant supervision. 14. SpreadsheetEdits provides modifications in the NELL’s Knowledge base using human feedback. Each of of these components, with the exception of LE, output provenance information regarding theirs execution. In the next sections we present how this metadata is modeled in RDF. 3 Converting NELL to RDF In this section we describe how NELL data and metadata are transformed into RDF. The first subsection presents how NELL’s ontology and beliefs are converted, following the work by Zimmermann et al. [24]; the second subsection describes how we convert the provenance metadata associated with each belief. NELL’s Knowledge bases used in this paper for the promoted and candidates beliefs are respectively corresponding to the iterations 10756 and 10707. The code is publicly available in GitHub8 . 3.1 Converting NELL’s beliefs to RDF NELL’s ontology is published as a file with three tab separated values per line, where each line expresses a relationship between categories and other categories, relations, or values used by NELL processes. In order to convert NELL’s ontology to RDF each line is transformed into a triple as per Zimmermann et al. [24]. In short, the first and the third values are a pair of categories or relations, or either a category or relation in the first field and a value in the third. The second field is a predicate that indicates the relationship between the two elements. The transformations can be seen in Table 1. NELL’s beliefs are also published in tab-separated format, where each line contains a number of fields to express the belief and the associated metadata, such as iteration of promotion, confidence score, or the activity of the components that inferred the belief. All the fields except 4, 5, 6, and 13 are used to convert the beliefs into RDF statements. Table 2 shows the meaning of each field. Fields 1, 2, and 3 are converted into the subject, predicate, and object of an RDF statement; the content of fields 7 and 8 create new statements using rdf:label properties; fields 9 and 10 create new triples with the property skos:prefLabel; finally, fields 11 and 12 are used to create triples indicating the types of the subject and the object. For a more detailed description of this step, refer to Zimmermann et al. [24]. 6 7 8 4 Technical Report. November 2017. Table 1: NELL’s ontology predicates and their translation in RDFS / OWL (from [24]) NELL predicate Translation to RDFS / OWL antireflexive rdf:type owl:IrreflexiveProperty antisymmetric antisymmetric Literal(?object,xsd:boolean) description rdfs:comment Literal(?object,@en) rdfs:domain Class(?object) domain domainwithinrange domainWithinRange Literal(?object,xsd:boolean) generalizations rdfs:subClassOf Class(?object) humanformat humanFormat Literal(?object,xsd:string) instancetype instanceType IRI(?object) inverse owl:inverseOf ?object memberofsets if ?object is rtwcategory then rdf:type rdfs:Class else ?object is rtwrelation then rdf:type rdf:Property mutexpredicates if ?subject is a class then owl:disjointWith ?object else ?subject is a property then owl:propertyDisjointWith ?object nrofvalues if ?object is 1 then rdf:type owl:FunctionalProperty populate populate Literal(?object,xsd:boolean) rdfs:range ?object range rangewithindomain rangeWithinDomain Literal(?object,xsd:boolean) visible visible Literal(?object,xsd:boolean) # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Table 2: Description of NELL’s beliefs fields Description Subject of the belief Predicate of the belief Object of the belief Iteration when the belief was promoted, or a list of iterations when the components generated the belief Probability Confidence score of the belief Source MBL activity to promote the belief Entity literalStrings Labels of the subject Value literalStrings Labels of the object Best Entity literalString Preferred label of the subject Best Value literalString Preferred label of the object Categories for Entity Classes of the subject Categories for Value Classes of the object Candidate Source Activity of the components that generated the belief Field Entity Relation Value Iteration 5 Technical Report. November 2017. 3.2 Converting NELL metadata to RDF Fields 4, 5, 6, and 13 of each NELL’s belief are used to extract the metadata. Each belief is represented by a resource, to which we attach the provenance information. In the promoted beliefs process, field 4 is used to extract the iteration when the belief was promoted, while field 5 gives a confidence score about it. On the other hand, in the candidate beliefs process, fields 4 and 5 contains the iterations when each component generated information about the belief, and the confidence score provided by each of them. Field 6 contains a summary information about the activity of MBL when processing the promoted belief. The complete information from field 6 is a summary of field 13. For that reason, we only process field 13. Finally, in field 13 every activity that took part in generating the statement is parsed. The ontology can be seen in Figure 1. We make use of the PROV-O ontology [14] to describe the provenance. Each Belief can be related with one or more ComponentExecution that, in turn, are performed by a Component. If the belief is a PromotedBelief, it has attached its iterationOfPromotion and probabilityOfBelief. The ComponentIteration is related to information about the process: the iteration, probabilityOfBelief, Token, source and atTime (the date and time it was processed). The Token expresses the concepts that the Component is relating. Those concepts can be a pair of entities for a RelationToken, and entity and a class for a GeneralizationToken (note that LatLong component has a different token GeoToken, further described later). Finaly, each component have a source string describing their process for the belief. This string is then further analyzed and translated into a different set if IRIs for each type of component in the subsections below. The classes of the ontology are described in Table 3 and properties of the ontology are described in Table 4. The classes and properties of each component are described down below. Table 3: Description of NELL metadata classes rdfs:subClassOf Description Class Belief prov:Entity A belief PromotedBelief Belief A promoted belief CandidateBelief Belief A candidate belief ComponentExecution prov:Activity The activity of a component in an iteration prov:SoftwareAgent A component Component Token owl:Thing The tuple that was inferred by the activity RelationToken Token The tuple <Entity,Entity> that was inferred for a relation GeneralizationToken Token The tuple <Entity,Category> that was inferred for a generalization GeoToken Token The tuple <Entity,Longitude,Latitude> that was inferred for a geografical belief 6 Fig. 1: NELL2RDF metadata ontology Technical Report. November 2017. 7 Technical Report. November 2017. Table 4: Description of NELL metadata properties rdfs:subPropertyOf rdfs:domain rdfs:range Description generatedBy prov:wasGeneratedBy Belief ComponentIteration The Belief was generated by the iteration of the component associatedWith prov:wasAssociatedWith ComponentIteration Component The iteration was performed by the component iterationOfPromotion owl:DatatypeProperty PromotedBelief xsd:integer iteration in which the component was promoted probabilityOfBelief owl:DatatypeProperty PromotedBelief xsd:decimal Confidence score of the Belief owl:DatatypeProperty ComponentIteration xsd:integer iteration Iteration in which a component performed the activity probability owl:DatatypeProperty ComponentIteration xsd:decimal Confidence score given by the component hasToken owl:ObjectProperty ComponentIteration Token The concepts that the component is relating source owl:DatatypeProperty ComponentIteration xsd:string Data that was used by the component in the activity atTime owl:DatatypeProperty ComponentIteration xsd:dateTime Date and time when the component execution was performed tokenEntity owl:DatatypeProperty Token xsd:string Entity on which the data was inferred relationValue owl:DatatypeProperty RelationToken xsd:string Entity related the entity appointed by tokenEntity generalizationValue owl:DatatypeProperty GeneralizationToken xsd:string Class of the entity appointed by tokenEntity Property 8 Technical Report. November 2017. AliasMatcher execution is denoted by a resource of class AliasMatcherExecution, and includes the date when the data was extracted from Freebase using the property freebaseDate. The added ontology can be seen in Figure 2. Fig. 2: AliasMatcherExecution metadata ontology CMC execution is denoted by a resource of class CMCExecution. A number of morphological patterns MorphologicalPatternScoreTriple are attached to it, each one containing a name, a value, and a confidence score. The properties used can be seen in Table 5, while the ontology diagram is shown in Figure 3. Table 5: Description of CMC metadata properties rdfs:domain rdfs:range Description morphologicalPattern CMCExecution MorphologicalPatternScoreTriple One of the morphological patterns used by CMC morphologicalPatternName MorphologicalPatternScoreTriple xsd:string Name of the morphological pattern (i.e., prefix, suffix, etc.) morphologicalPatternValue MorphologicalPatternScoreTriple xsd:string Value of the morphological pattern (i.e., prefix = Saint and suffix = burgh) morphologicalPatternScore MorphologicalPatternScoreTriple xsd:decimal Score of the morphological pattern Property CPL execution is denoted by a resource of class CPLExecution. It contains a series of textual patterns patternOccurrences, each one with a literal that describes the pattern, and the number of times it has occurred in the NELL’s data source. The properties used are described in Table 6, and the diagram for the ontology is shown in Figure 4. KbManipulation execution is denoted by a resource of class KbManipulationExecution. Ir contains the bug oldBug that was manually fixed. Its shown in Figure 5. 9 Technical Report. November 2017. Fig. 3: CMC metadata ontology Table 6: Description of CPL metadata properties rdfs:domain rdfs:range Description patternOccurrences CPLExecution PatternNbOfOccurrencesPair One of the textual patterns used by CPL textualPattern PatternNbOfOccurrencesPair xsd:string Textual pattern in the form of a sentence nbOfOccurrences PatternNbOfOccurrencesPair xsd:nonNegativeInteger Number of times it has occurred in the NELL’s source data Property Fig. 4: CPL metadata ontology 10 Technical Report. November 2017. Fig. 5: KbManipulation metadata ontology LatLong execution is denoted by a resource of class LatLongExecution. It contains a list of locations NameLatLongTriple that were used to infer the belief. Each one containing the name and the latitude and longitude values. This execution has also its own token GeoToken with the latitude and longitude values reusing the same properties. The properties are detailed in Table 7, and the ontology diagram is shown in Figure 6. Table 7: Description of LatLong metadata properties rdfs:domain rdfs:range Property Description location LatLongExecution NameLatLongTriple One of the locations used by Latlong name NameLatLongTriple rdf:langString Name of the location latitudeValue NameLatLongTriple xsd:decimal Latitude of the location longitudeValue NameLatLongTriple xsd:decimal Longitude of the location LE execution is denoted by a resource of class LEExecution. It does not contain any additional triples. MBL execution is denoted by a resource of class MBLExecution. It contains the entities and the categories of the other belief that was used to promote this one. The properties used are described in Table 8, and the ontology diagram is shown in Figure 7. OE execution is denoted by a resource of class OEExecution. It contains a set of pairs TextUrlPair, each one including the sentence that was used to infer the belief, and the URL from where it was extracted. The properties used can be found in Table 9, and the ontology diagram in Figure 8. 11 Technical Report. November 2017. Fig. 6: LatLong metadata ontology Table 8: Description of MBL metadata properties rdfs:domain rdfs:range Description promotedEntity MBLExecution xsd:string Entity of a belief previously promoted promotedEntityCategory MBLExecution xsd:string Category of the entity of the promoted belief promotedRelation MBLExecution xsd:string Relation of the promoted belief promotedValue MBLExecution xsd:string Value of the promoted belief promotedValueCategory MBLExecution xsd:string Category of the promoted belief, if applicable Property Fig. 7: MBL metadata ontology 12 Technical Report. November 2017. Table 9: Description of OE metadata properties Property rdfs:domain rdfs:range Description textUrl OEExecution TextUrlPair One of the pairs <text, url> used by OE text TextUrlPair rdf:langString Text extracted from the web url xsd:anyURI Web page where the text was extracted Fig. 8: OE metadata ontology 13 Technical Report. November 2017. OntologyModifier execution is denoted by a resource of class OntologyModifierExecution. It contains the ontologyModification, which can be either a modification of a category or a modification of a relation. The ontology diagram can be seen in Figure 9. Fig. 9: OntologyModifier metadata ontology PRA execution is denoted by a resource of class PRAExecution. It includes a series of Path resources describing the path followed in NELL dataset to infer the belief. Each Path includes its direction and a confidence score, along with a list of relations followed. The properties used can be seen in Table 10, while the ontology diagram is shown in Figure 10. Table 10: Description of PRA metadata properties rdfs:domain rdfs:range Property Description relationPath PRAExecution Path Relation path that entails the belief Path DirectionOfPath direction Direction of the path score Path xsd:decimal Score assigned to the entailment rdf:List listOfRelations Path Ordered list of relations in the path RL execution is denoted by a resource of class RLExecution. It contains a resource RuleScoresTuple that contains the Rule and a set of scores indicating the confidence, and the number of beliefs that are estimated to be correctly and incorrectly inferred (and the number of inferred beliefs for which it is not known if they are correct or not) with that rule. The rule itself contains the variables 14 Technical Report. November 2017. Fig. 10: PRA metadata ontology and their values, and the predicates that are part of it. Each Predicate includes the name of the predicate and the two variables it uses. The complete list of properties can be found in table 11. The ontology diagram is presented in Figure 11. SEAL execution is denoted by a resource of class SEALExecution. It includes the URL it used with the property url. The ontology diagram can be seen in Figure 12. Semparse execution is denoted by a resource of class SemparseExecution. It includes a literal with the sentence used during it, using the property sentence. The ontology diagram can be seen in Figure 13. SpreadsheetEdits execution is denoted by a resource of class SpreadsheetEditsExecution. It contains a set of literals describing the user who made the modification, the file used as input, the action made, and the modified entity, relation, and value. The list of properties can be seen in Table 12, while the ontology diagram is shown in Figure 14. 4 The NELL2RDF Dataset The current version of NELL2RDF updates the promoted beliefs to the last version, adding the provenance triples about them. It also adds the candidate beliefs and their corresponding provenance triples. We provide the dumps for the promoted beliefs9 and the candidate beliefs10 . The ontologies for the beliefs11 9 10 11 15 Technical Report. November 2017. Table 11: Description of RL metadata properties rdfs:domain rdfs:range Description ruleScores RLExecution RuleScoresTuple The rule and set of scores used by RL RuleScoresTuple Rule rule The rule RL used to infer the belief, in the form of horn clauses accuracy RuleScoresTuple xsd:decimal Estimated accuracy of the rule in NELL RuleScoresTuple xsd:nonNegativeInteger nbCorrect Estimated number of correct beliefs created by the rule nbIncorrect RuleScoresTuple xsd:nonNegativeInteger Estimated number of incorrect beliefs created by the rule RuleScoresTuple xsd:nonNegativeInteger nbUnknown Number of rules created by the rules with no known correctness variable Rule xsd:string One of the variables that appear in the rule valueOfVariable Rule xsd:string Value of the variable inferred by the rule predicate Rule Predicate One of the predicates that appear in the rule predicateName Predicate xsd:string Name of the predicate firstVariable Predicate xsd:string First variable of the predicate secondVariable Predicate xsd:string Second variable of the predicate Property Table 12: Description of SpreadsheetEdits metadata properties rdfs:range Property rdfs:domain Description user SpreadsheetEditsExecution xsd:string User that made the modification SpreadsheetEditsExecution xsd:string entity Entity of the belief affected by the modification relation SpreadsheetEditsExecution xsd:string Relation of the belief affected by the modification SpreadsheetEditsExecution xsd:string value Value of the belief affected by the modification action SpreadsheetEditsExecution xsd:string Action made in the modification SpreadsheetEditsExecution xsd:string file File where the modification was saved and then read by SpreadsheetEdits 16 Technical Report. November 2017. Fig. 11: RL metadata ontology Fig. 12: SEAL metadata ontology 17 Technical Report. November 2017. Fig. 13: Semparse metadata ontology Fig. 14: SpreadsheetEdits metadata ontology 18 Technical Report. November 2017. and the provenance metadata12 is common for both dumps. Metadata about the dataset13 is modeled using VoID and DCAT vocabularies. In order to attach the metadata to each belief, we need to reify the statement into a resource. We follow five different models, described down below. A graphical representation of the models is shown in Figure 15. A summary of the triples and resources of each model can be seen in Table 13. – RDF Reification [2, Sec. 5.3] represents the statement using a resource, and then creates triples to indicate the subject, predicate and object of the statement. – N-Ary relations [19]: This model creates a new resource that identifies the relation and connects subject and object using different design patterns. Wikidata14 makes use of this model of annotation. – Named Graphs [5]: A forth element is added to each triple, that can be used to identify a triple or set of triples later on. This model is used by Nano-publications [17]. – The Singleton Property [18] creates a unique property for each triple, related to the original one. It defines its own semantics that extend RDF, RDFS. – NdFluents [10] creates a unique version of the subject and the object (in the case it is not a literal) of the triple, and attaches them to the original resources and the context of the statement. Table 13: Summary of dataset stats for each model Promoted Candidates Total Model Size Triples Size Triples Size Triples W/O metadata 2.99GB 0.02B 162GB 1.45B 165GB 1.48B RDF Reification 50.9GB 0.24B 776GB 4.50B 827GB 4.74B N-Ary Relations 50.7GB 0.24B 770GB 4.50B 821GB 4.74B Named Graphs 49.8GB 0.24B 727GB 4.24B 777GB 4.48B Singleton Property 49.8GB 0.24B xxxGB x.xxB xxxGB x.xxB NdFluents 51.3GB 0.25B xxxGB x.xxB xxxGB x.xxB 5 Discussion and Future Work In this work we present the conversion of both data and metadata from NELL into RDF. It presents a thesaurus of entities and binary relations between them, as well as a number of lexicalizations for each entity. It also includes detailed provenance metadata along with confidence scores, encoded using five different reification approaches. 12 13 14 19 (b) RDF Reification (c) Singleton Property (d) Named Graphs (e) N-Ary Properties (f) NdFluents 20 Technical Report. November 2017. (a) Original Triple Fig. 15: Reification models Technical Report. November 2017. Our goals for this dataset are twofold: First, we want to improve WDAquacore0 [6] query answering system, providing it with more relations and lexicalizations, along with confidence scores that can help to give hints about how trustworthy is the answer. Second, given that it contains a big proportion of metadata statements, we want to use it as a testbed to compare how the different different metadata representations behave in current triplestores. While currently we only publish the dumps of the datasets, we plan to provide SPARQL endpoint and full dereferenceable URLs. In addition, NELL is starting to be explored in languages different than English, such as Portuguese [7, 11] and French [8]. Our intention is to convert those datasets to RDF as they become available to the public, since the system and knowledge base are exactly the same used in the English one. Acknowledgements: This work is supported by funding from the EU H2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant No 642795. We would like to thank Bryan Kisiel from NELL’s CMU team for the technical support about NELL’s components. References [1] Blum, A., Mitchell, T.: Combining Labeled and Unlabeled Data with CoTraining. Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual Conference on Computational Learning Theory (1998) [2] Brickley, D., Guha, R.: RDF Schema 1.1 - W3c Recommendation. Tech. Rep. 9780123735560 (2014) [3] Carlson, A., Betteridge, J., Hruschka, Jr., E.R., Mitchell, T.M.: Coupling Semi-Supervised Learning of Categories and Relations. Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2009 Workshop on Semi-Supervised Learning for Natural Language Processing (2009) [4] Carlson, A., Betteridge, J., Kisiel, B., Settles, B., Hruschka, Jr., E.R., Mitchell, T.M.: Toward an Architecture for Never-Ending Language Learning. 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