According to the definition by ICOM, „A museum is a not-for-profit,
permanent institution in th... more According to the definition by ICOM, „A museum is a not-for-profit, permanent institution in the service of society that researches, collects, conserves, interprets and exhibits tangible and intangible heritage. Open to the public, accessible and inclusive, museums foster diversity and sus tainability. They operate and communicate ethically, professionally and with the participation of communities, offering varied experiences for education, enjoyment, reflection and knowledge sharing.“ (https://icom. museum/en/resources/standards-guidelines/museum-definition/) At first glance, the museums in Bulgaria, and correspondingly those in Southwestern Bulgaria, adhere to the definition provided by ICOM. They are non-profit institutions and engage in research, collection, preserva tion, interpretation, and presentation of tangible and intangible heritage. However, upon closer examination and precise analysis of their structure and operations, we would have to classify museums as serving adminis trative bodies rather than serving society. According to Article 25, para graph 3 of Regulation No. N-00-0001 of February 14, 2011, concerning f ield archaeological research, public access to archaeological documenta tion is severely limited, and comprehensive access to the full range of ar chaeological materials is practically impossible. In practice, visitors have access to minimal artifacts and information, which need to be improved to create a fundamental understanding of the respective archaeological culture, settlement, or structure. There are no annual, medium-term, or long-term plans for archaeological, ethnographic, historical, interdisci plinary, or exhibition development. There is no strategy for restoration and conservation. Practically no activity is conducted regarding intan gible cultural heritage. The closure of museums in Southwestern Bulgar ia within municipal administrations and their limited resources restricts public interest in museums and their capabilities. In order to compensate for this, as well as to be attractive to society, museums shift from presen ting culture to presenting shows. Instead of authenticity, reconstruction, a product of the subjective views of specific researchers, is exhibited. The article directs the attention of museums and their activities towards the needs and resources of society. If museums have real, not fictitious, com munication with society and scientific communities, they will achieve sustainability and a real presence in cultural life.
В настоящето изследване са разгледани 10 539 монети от археологически проучвания, единични и коле... more В настоящето изследване са разгледани 10 539 монети от археологически проучвания, единични и колективни находки, нумизматични фондове на музеи в региона. Преобладават сребърните монети – 9612 броя, докато бронзовите са в обем от 926 екземпляра. Укриването на бронзовите монети е основно през първата половина на II в. пр. Хр., а на сребърните – в периода от втората половина на II в. пр. Хр. до началото на I в. сл. Хр. Анализът на нумизматичния материал показва, че в периода от края на III в. пр. Хр. до средата на I в. сл. Хр. монетната циркулация в долината на река Струма е изключително интензивна и включва предимно македонските бронзови монети, които след рухването на Антигонидите през 168 г. пр. Хр. са заменени със сечените под контрола или разрешени от римските власти бронзови монети. От македонските монети преобладават тези, които са сечени в трите големи града – Амфиполис, Тесалоника и Пела. При сребърните монети картината е различна – преобладават тетроболите на Хистиея, римските републикански денари, тетрадрахмите на Атина Нов стил, тетрадрахмите на Езилас, Тасоските тип тетрадрахми, оригиналното монетосечене на Тасос, тетрадрахмите на Първа македонска област и др. Колективните находки по левия бряг на Струма чувствително надвишават тези по десния и укриването им е свързано с варварски нашествия и несигурност на македонската, а впоследствие – римската северна граница. Макар и по-малко, колективните и единичните находки по десния бряг на Струма показват, че именно по неговото протежение се развива политическото и икономическото влияние на Македония, а по-късно и на Рим. В тази област военно-политическите хегемони на Балканския полуостров разчитат на устойчива пътна мрежа, добре организирани градски общности и регионални структури, ползващи се с определена степен на автономия
Годишникът се издава с подкрепата на Община Самоков РЕДАКЦИОННА КОЛЕГИЯ І ПКС дфн Росен Росенов М... more Годишникът се издава с подкрепата на Община Самоков РЕДАКЦИОННА КОЛЕГИЯ І ПКС дфн Росен Росенов Малчев (Главен редактор) доц. д-р Константин Звездомиров Рангочев проф. д-р Николай Иванов Ненов проф. д.ф.н. Маргарет Драганова Димитрова Международни членове: проф. д.ф.н Владимир Наполских, член-кореспондент на РАН, Удмуртски университет-Ижевск, Руска федерация проф. д-р Трайче Нацев, Университет "Гоце Делчев"-Щип, Република Северна Македония
The place “Kouzhuh” is situated 10 km north-east from Petrich and represents one of the significa... more The place “Kouzhuh” is situated 10 km north-east from Petrich and represents one of the significant archaeological sites in the valley of the Middle Struma River. Because of the fact, that the studied objects in 2007 were situated at the foot of “Dzhonkov peak”, in the dykes lots of coins were found, fallen from the upper parts of the hill. They give us an opportunity to suggest an active economic life started in the 4th century B.C. uhich kept its intensity up to the Barbarian invasions in the Roman Empire in the 3rd century. Extremely interesting are the Celtic or local imitations of August of Philipi. They showed that at the end of the 1st century B.C. Celtic or local population lived in the region and minted chome-made coins with low nominal for the objectives of the inner circulation of goods. The research of that coin-minting yet is forthcoming through searching of analogues in the museum collections of the region as well. Thanks to clearly shown fires and the numerous stratified coins was proved, that the fortress wall of the ancient town was built after the 1st and before the year 257. In numismatic way were proved the invasions of karps and Goths (known from historical sources) in the middle of the 3rd century; the invasion of coalition of Goths and others from the years 269–270; the barbarian invasions at the end of the 3rd century and the destructions, connected probably with the Gothis’ rising in the year 383. In contrast to the first two invasions, that hadnot serious economic effects on the events at the end of the 3rd century, and the rising in the year 383 speak about serious economic and cultural decay of the ancient town at the place “Kouzhuh”.
Studies in the valley of Strumeshnitsa river, 2011
Ancient votive monuments from Heracleia Sintica and the surrounding area. Ancient sepulchral monu... more Ancient votive monuments from Heracleia Sintica and the surrounding area. Ancient sepulchral monuments from the region of Petrich. Coins of the Romans questors: Gaius Publilius and Lucius Fulcinius. Roman lamps from the place of Kozhuh, Petrich municipality. Archaeological explorations near the village of Kolarovo, Petrich municipality, 2005. Archaeological explorations near the village of Kolarovo, “Project Chukata”, 2006.
This text looks at the history of the ancient city Heraclea Sintica and more specifically
archae... more This text looks at the history of the ancient city Heraclea Sintica and more specifically archaeological work and historical research. In the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, for the first time they tried to locate the historic city. With time and interest a scientific discussion began which ended successfully in 2002, after the discovery of the imperial letter made by Galerio and Maximin Daza in Kozhuh, Petrich Municipality in the southwestern part of Bulgaria.
The Petrich History Museum’s establishment goes through three stages: the establishment of a muse... more The Petrich History Museum’s establishment goes through three stages: the establishment of a museum collection at the Community center “Bratya Miladinovi,” on September 8, 1966; the unsuccessful attempt to transform the Community’s collection into a real museum by a decision of the Municipal council of Petrich (McP) on 11.12.1998; the establishment of the Petrich History Museum on April 28, 2005, after coordination with the Ministry of Culture and a decision of the McP. The establishment’s act is a key one because it closely links the museum institution’s functions and activities to its legal framework and structure.
The destructions in Heraclea Sintica and in the Roman road station situated 7
km northwards occur... more The destructions in Heraclea Sintica and in the Roman road station situated 7 km northwards occurred after the rule of Augustus the Emperor most likely are connected with treasuring of coin hoards at the town of Kocherinovo and the village of Laskarevo. The lack of information about any Barbarian invasions allows us to relate the destructions and the treasuring of coin hoards to the changes in the tax system of Macedonia province. The disturbances broken out in 14 AD could be observed as a local reaction against misappropriations of the publican corporations in taxes collecting. Indirect evidence to this is the request addressed to Tiberus the Emperor by the population from Macedonia and Achaea provinces requesting assuagement and fair collecting of taxes. The undertaken financial reforms by Tiberius and his heirs gradually remove the right of the publican associations to collect taxes and assign this privilege to the provincial towns.
The countermarked bronze coins in the coin circulation of the 1st century in the Middle Struma valley, 2018
The scope of this paper includes six countermarked coins which were part of the monetary circulat... more The scope of this paper includes six countermarked coins which were part of the monetary circulation along the Middle Struma Valley in the first century AD. Three of these coins were countermarked by the city authorities of Heraclea Sintica and the other three – by the Roman authorities. Countermarking was very common in the years after AD 45-46. It is likely that countermarking and the use of imitations lasted until the end of Nero’s reign. The core reason for the countermarking of bronze coins in the province of Macedonia up to the middle of the first century AD was their acute deficit in the coin circulation, leading to their long use; the Roman administration used the countermarks to verify the value of the worn out coins.
T he period from the 4 th c. BC until the middle of the 1 st c. AD marks several fundamental stag... more T he period from the 4 th c. BC until the middle of the 1 st c. AD marks several fundamental stages in the Southwest Balkans. It starts with the rise of the Macedonian kingdom as a primary political and economic power on the Balkan Peninsula, followed by the turbulent times of the late Hellenistic period with the military, political and economic expansion of the Roman Republic. It ends with the establishment and the first 70 – 80 years of the Principate. The lower chronological boundary is marked by the successful conquest of Philip II who included the territory of the Middle Strymon River within the boundaries of the Macedonian kingdom. A natural upper end of this chronological boundary for the reviewed period is the establishment of the province of Thrace in AD 45/46 during the reign of Emperor Claudius when Macedonia becomes internal province. There are various views on the nature of the Macedonian political control over the Middle Strymon region in the period from 297 BC – the time after Cassander's death, until 221 BC – the time of reign of Philip V This is a definitive conclusion based on the nature of the available coin data. The majority of the finds comprise single coins or groups of few coins, which is typical sign of small everyday transactions. At the same time it can be concluded that the situation with the settlement under San-danski and those belonging to its territory was similar, considering the monetary circulation in Heraclea Sintica located 10 km southwards. In terms of contents, despite the limited amount thereof, the numismatic data from the collection of the Sandanski museum shows that the ancient town under modern Sandanski presents an integral element of the general coin circulation in the region of Middle Strymon valley. It is a linking point for the trade between the Vardar and Mesta Rivers, as well as between the Aegean coast and inland Balkan Peninsula. Bronze coins in circulation from the 4 th c. BC – the beginning of the 1 st c. AD were mainly Macedonian. The amount of the bronze coins minted by the three main Macedonian cities (Thessalonica, Amhipo-lis and Pella) in the local coin circulation is considerable. The pattern of coin circulation in the A-PDF Merger DEMO : Purchase from to remove the watermark
T he period from the 4 th c. BC until the middle of the 1 st c. AD marks several fundamental stag... more T he period from the 4 th c. BC until the middle of the 1 st c. AD marks several fundamental stages in the Southwest Balkans. It starts with the rise of the Macedonian kingdom as a primary political and economic power on the Balkan Peninsula, followed by the turbulent times of the late Hellenistic period with the military, political and economic expansion of the Roman Republic. It ends with the establishment and the first 70 – 80 years of the Principate. The lower chronological boundary is marked by the successful conquest of Philip II who included the territory of the Middle Strymon River within the boundaries of the Macedonian kingdom. A natural upper end of this chronological boundary for the reviewed period is the establishment of the province of Thrace in AD 45/46 during the reign of Emperor Claudius when Macedonia becomes internal province. There are various views on the nature of the Macedonian political control over the Middle Strymon region in the period from 297 BC – the time after Cassander's death, until 221 BC – the time of reign of Philip V This is a definitive conclusion based on the nature of the available coin data. The majority of the finds comprise single coins or groups of few coins, which is typical sign of small everyday transactions. At the same time it can be concluded that the situation with the settlement under San-danski and those belonging to its territory was similar, considering the monetary circulation in Heraclea Sintica located 10 km southwards. In terms of contents, despite the limited amount thereof, the numismatic data from the collection of the Sandanski museum shows that the ancient town under modern Sandanski presents an integral element of the general coin circulation in the region of Middle Strymon valley. It is a linking point for the trade between the Vardar and Mesta Rivers, as well as between the Aegean coast and inland Balkan Peninsula. Bronze coins in circulation from the 4 th c. BC – the beginning of the 1 st c. AD were mainly Macedonian. The amount of the bronze coins minted by the three main Macedonian cities (Thessalonica, Amhipo-lis and Pella) in the local coin circulation is considerable. The pattern of coin circulation in the A-PDF Merger DEMO : Purchase from to remove the watermark
D uring the period of the 2 nd -1 st centuries BC the bronze issues of Macedonian kingdom were in... more D uring the period of the 2 nd -1 st centuries BC the bronze issues of Macedonian kingdom were in circulation within the territory of Macedonia (Touratsoglou 1993, 32). In fact, the bronze coins were in use in the south-western Thracian lands, limited between the middle reach of the Struma River (ancient Strymon) and the Mesta River (anc. Nestos), (Prokopov 1989, 89-93). The region was not politically consolidated. Heraclea Sintica, for example (Mitrev
Circulation of Bronze Coins
of Amphipolis and Their Barbarian Imitations from the 2nd Century BC
... more Circulation of Bronze Coins of Amphipolis and Their Barbarian Imitations from the 2nd Century BC to the 1st Century BC on the Territory of Southwest Bulgaria
Настоящата книга е написана въз основа на защитена дисертация на 21.06.2018 г., за присъждане на ... more Настоящата книга е написана въз основа на защитена дисертация на 21.06.2018 г., за присъждане на ОНС доктор по научната специалност Стара история и тракология, професионално направление 2.2 История и археология, в област на висше образование 2. Защитата е съгласно Заповед № 1021/30.04.2018 г. на Ректора на ЮЗУ "Неофит Рилски"-Благоевград, на основание чл. 4 и чл. 13 от ЗРАСБР, чл. 4, чл. 61, чл.66 (1) и чл. 67 от Вътрешните правила за развитие на академичния състав в ЮЗУ "Неофит Рилски" и решение на ФС на Правно-историческия факултет (Протокол № 28/27.04.2018-29.04.2018 г.). Научно жури в състав: Проф. д.н. Ваня Лозанова-Станчева-ИБЦТ при БАН, София-РЕЦЕНЗИЯ; Проф. д.н. Иля Прокопов-РИМ, Кюстендил-РЕЦЕНЗИЯ; Доц. д-р Людмил Вагалински-НАИМ при БАН, София-СТАНОВИЩЕ; Проф. д.н. Калин Порожанов-ПИФ, ЮЗУ-научен ръководител-СТАНОВИЩЕ Доц. д-р Алексей Гоцев-ПИФ, ЮЗУ и НАИМ-СТАНОВИЩЕ This is the fifth book of the series-"Monographs" (CCCHBulg M5).
According to the definition by ICOM, „A museum is a not-for-profit,
permanent institution in th... more According to the definition by ICOM, „A museum is a not-for-profit, permanent institution in the service of society that researches, collects, conserves, interprets and exhibits tangible and intangible heritage. Open to the public, accessible and inclusive, museums foster diversity and sus tainability. They operate and communicate ethically, professionally and with the participation of communities, offering varied experiences for education, enjoyment, reflection and knowledge sharing.“ (https://icom. museum/en/resources/standards-guidelines/museum-definition/) At first glance, the museums in Bulgaria, and correspondingly those in Southwestern Bulgaria, adhere to the definition provided by ICOM. They are non-profit institutions and engage in research, collection, preserva tion, interpretation, and presentation of tangible and intangible heritage. However, upon closer examination and precise analysis of their structure and operations, we would have to classify museums as serving adminis trative bodies rather than serving society. According to Article 25, para graph 3 of Regulation No. N-00-0001 of February 14, 2011, concerning f ield archaeological research, public access to archaeological documenta tion is severely limited, and comprehensive access to the full range of ar chaeological materials is practically impossible. In practice, visitors have access to minimal artifacts and information, which need to be improved to create a fundamental understanding of the respective archaeological culture, settlement, or structure. There are no annual, medium-term, or long-term plans for archaeological, ethnographic, historical, interdisci plinary, or exhibition development. There is no strategy for restoration and conservation. Practically no activity is conducted regarding intan gible cultural heritage. The closure of museums in Southwestern Bulgar ia within municipal administrations and their limited resources restricts public interest in museums and their capabilities. In order to compensate for this, as well as to be attractive to society, museums shift from presen ting culture to presenting shows. Instead of authenticity, reconstruction, a product of the subjective views of specific researchers, is exhibited. The article directs the attention of museums and their activities towards the needs and resources of society. If museums have real, not fictitious, com munication with society and scientific communities, they will achieve sustainability and a real presence in cultural life.
В настоящето изследване са разгледани 10 539 монети от археологически проучвания, единични и коле... more В настоящето изследване са разгледани 10 539 монети от археологически проучвания, единични и колективни находки, нумизматични фондове на музеи в региона. Преобладават сребърните монети – 9612 броя, докато бронзовите са в обем от 926 екземпляра. Укриването на бронзовите монети е основно през първата половина на II в. пр. Хр., а на сребърните – в периода от втората половина на II в. пр. Хр. до началото на I в. сл. Хр. Анализът на нумизматичния материал показва, че в периода от края на III в. пр. Хр. до средата на I в. сл. Хр. монетната циркулация в долината на река Струма е изключително интензивна и включва предимно македонските бронзови монети, които след рухването на Антигонидите през 168 г. пр. Хр. са заменени със сечените под контрола или разрешени от римските власти бронзови монети. От македонските монети преобладават тези, които са сечени в трите големи града – Амфиполис, Тесалоника и Пела. При сребърните монети картината е различна – преобладават тетроболите на Хистиея, римските републикански денари, тетрадрахмите на Атина Нов стил, тетрадрахмите на Езилас, Тасоските тип тетрадрахми, оригиналното монетосечене на Тасос, тетрадрахмите на Първа македонска област и др. Колективните находки по левия бряг на Струма чувствително надвишават тези по десния и укриването им е свързано с варварски нашествия и несигурност на македонската, а впоследствие – римската северна граница. Макар и по-малко, колективните и единичните находки по десния бряг на Струма показват, че именно по неговото протежение се развива политическото и икономическото влияние на Македония, а по-късно и на Рим. В тази област военно-политическите хегемони на Балканския полуостров разчитат на устойчива пътна мрежа, добре организирани градски общности и регионални структури, ползващи се с определена степен на автономия
Годишникът се издава с подкрепата на Община Самоков РЕДАКЦИОННА КОЛЕГИЯ І ПКС дфн Росен Росенов М... more Годишникът се издава с подкрепата на Община Самоков РЕДАКЦИОННА КОЛЕГИЯ І ПКС дфн Росен Росенов Малчев (Главен редактор) доц. д-р Константин Звездомиров Рангочев проф. д-р Николай Иванов Ненов проф. д.ф.н. Маргарет Драганова Димитрова Международни членове: проф. д.ф.н Владимир Наполских, член-кореспондент на РАН, Удмуртски университет-Ижевск, Руска федерация проф. д-р Трайче Нацев, Университет "Гоце Делчев"-Щип, Република Северна Македония
The place “Kouzhuh” is situated 10 km north-east from Petrich and represents one of the significa... more The place “Kouzhuh” is situated 10 km north-east from Petrich and represents one of the significant archaeological sites in the valley of the Middle Struma River. Because of the fact, that the studied objects in 2007 were situated at the foot of “Dzhonkov peak”, in the dykes lots of coins were found, fallen from the upper parts of the hill. They give us an opportunity to suggest an active economic life started in the 4th century B.C. uhich kept its intensity up to the Barbarian invasions in the Roman Empire in the 3rd century. Extremely interesting are the Celtic or local imitations of August of Philipi. They showed that at the end of the 1st century B.C. Celtic or local population lived in the region and minted chome-made coins with low nominal for the objectives of the inner circulation of goods. The research of that coin-minting yet is forthcoming through searching of analogues in the museum collections of the region as well. Thanks to clearly shown fires and the numerous stratified coins was proved, that the fortress wall of the ancient town was built after the 1st and before the year 257. In numismatic way were proved the invasions of karps and Goths (known from historical sources) in the middle of the 3rd century; the invasion of coalition of Goths and others from the years 269–270; the barbarian invasions at the end of the 3rd century and the destructions, connected probably with the Gothis’ rising in the year 383. In contrast to the first two invasions, that hadnot serious economic effects on the events at the end of the 3rd century, and the rising in the year 383 speak about serious economic and cultural decay of the ancient town at the place “Kouzhuh”.
Studies in the valley of Strumeshnitsa river, 2011
Ancient votive monuments from Heracleia Sintica and the surrounding area. Ancient sepulchral monu... more Ancient votive monuments from Heracleia Sintica and the surrounding area. Ancient sepulchral monuments from the region of Petrich. Coins of the Romans questors: Gaius Publilius and Lucius Fulcinius. Roman lamps from the place of Kozhuh, Petrich municipality. Archaeological explorations near the village of Kolarovo, Petrich municipality, 2005. Archaeological explorations near the village of Kolarovo, “Project Chukata”, 2006.
This text looks at the history of the ancient city Heraclea Sintica and more specifically
archae... more This text looks at the history of the ancient city Heraclea Sintica and more specifically archaeological work and historical research. In the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, for the first time they tried to locate the historic city. With time and interest a scientific discussion began which ended successfully in 2002, after the discovery of the imperial letter made by Galerio and Maximin Daza in Kozhuh, Petrich Municipality in the southwestern part of Bulgaria.
The Petrich History Museum’s establishment goes through three stages: the establishment of a muse... more The Petrich History Museum’s establishment goes through three stages: the establishment of a museum collection at the Community center “Bratya Miladinovi,” on September 8, 1966; the unsuccessful attempt to transform the Community’s collection into a real museum by a decision of the Municipal council of Petrich (McP) on 11.12.1998; the establishment of the Petrich History Museum on April 28, 2005, after coordination with the Ministry of Culture and a decision of the McP. The establishment’s act is a key one because it closely links the museum institution’s functions and activities to its legal framework and structure.
The destructions in Heraclea Sintica and in the Roman road station situated 7
km northwards occur... more The destructions in Heraclea Sintica and in the Roman road station situated 7 km northwards occurred after the rule of Augustus the Emperor most likely are connected with treasuring of coin hoards at the town of Kocherinovo and the village of Laskarevo. The lack of information about any Barbarian invasions allows us to relate the destructions and the treasuring of coin hoards to the changes in the tax system of Macedonia province. The disturbances broken out in 14 AD could be observed as a local reaction against misappropriations of the publican corporations in taxes collecting. Indirect evidence to this is the request addressed to Tiberus the Emperor by the population from Macedonia and Achaea provinces requesting assuagement and fair collecting of taxes. The undertaken financial reforms by Tiberius and his heirs gradually remove the right of the publican associations to collect taxes and assign this privilege to the provincial towns.
The countermarked bronze coins in the coin circulation of the 1st century in the Middle Struma valley, 2018
The scope of this paper includes six countermarked coins which were part of the monetary circulat... more The scope of this paper includes six countermarked coins which were part of the monetary circulation along the Middle Struma Valley in the first century AD. Three of these coins were countermarked by the city authorities of Heraclea Sintica and the other three – by the Roman authorities. Countermarking was very common in the years after AD 45-46. It is likely that countermarking and the use of imitations lasted until the end of Nero’s reign. The core reason for the countermarking of bronze coins in the province of Macedonia up to the middle of the first century AD was their acute deficit in the coin circulation, leading to their long use; the Roman administration used the countermarks to verify the value of the worn out coins.
T he period from the 4 th c. BC until the middle of the 1 st c. AD marks several fundamental stag... more T he period from the 4 th c. BC until the middle of the 1 st c. AD marks several fundamental stages in the Southwest Balkans. It starts with the rise of the Macedonian kingdom as a primary political and economic power on the Balkan Peninsula, followed by the turbulent times of the late Hellenistic period with the military, political and economic expansion of the Roman Republic. It ends with the establishment and the first 70 – 80 years of the Principate. The lower chronological boundary is marked by the successful conquest of Philip II who included the territory of the Middle Strymon River within the boundaries of the Macedonian kingdom. A natural upper end of this chronological boundary for the reviewed period is the establishment of the province of Thrace in AD 45/46 during the reign of Emperor Claudius when Macedonia becomes internal province. There are various views on the nature of the Macedonian political control over the Middle Strymon region in the period from 297 BC – the time after Cassander's death, until 221 BC – the time of reign of Philip V This is a definitive conclusion based on the nature of the available coin data. The majority of the finds comprise single coins or groups of few coins, which is typical sign of small everyday transactions. At the same time it can be concluded that the situation with the settlement under San-danski and those belonging to its territory was similar, considering the monetary circulation in Heraclea Sintica located 10 km southwards. In terms of contents, despite the limited amount thereof, the numismatic data from the collection of the Sandanski museum shows that the ancient town under modern Sandanski presents an integral element of the general coin circulation in the region of Middle Strymon valley. It is a linking point for the trade between the Vardar and Mesta Rivers, as well as between the Aegean coast and inland Balkan Peninsula. Bronze coins in circulation from the 4 th c. BC – the beginning of the 1 st c. AD were mainly Macedonian. The amount of the bronze coins minted by the three main Macedonian cities (Thessalonica, Amhipo-lis and Pella) in the local coin circulation is considerable. The pattern of coin circulation in the A-PDF Merger DEMO : Purchase from to remove the watermark
T he period from the 4 th c. BC until the middle of the 1 st c. AD marks several fundamental stag... more T he period from the 4 th c. BC until the middle of the 1 st c. AD marks several fundamental stages in the Southwest Balkans. It starts with the rise of the Macedonian kingdom as a primary political and economic power on the Balkan Peninsula, followed by the turbulent times of the late Hellenistic period with the military, political and economic expansion of the Roman Republic. It ends with the establishment and the first 70 – 80 years of the Principate. The lower chronological boundary is marked by the successful conquest of Philip II who included the territory of the Middle Strymon River within the boundaries of the Macedonian kingdom. A natural upper end of this chronological boundary for the reviewed period is the establishment of the province of Thrace in AD 45/46 during the reign of Emperor Claudius when Macedonia becomes internal province. There are various views on the nature of the Macedonian political control over the Middle Strymon region in the period from 297 BC – the time after Cassander's death, until 221 BC – the time of reign of Philip V This is a definitive conclusion based on the nature of the available coin data. The majority of the finds comprise single coins or groups of few coins, which is typical sign of small everyday transactions. At the same time it can be concluded that the situation with the settlement under San-danski and those belonging to its territory was similar, considering the monetary circulation in Heraclea Sintica located 10 km southwards. In terms of contents, despite the limited amount thereof, the numismatic data from the collection of the Sandanski museum shows that the ancient town under modern Sandanski presents an integral element of the general coin circulation in the region of Middle Strymon valley. It is a linking point for the trade between the Vardar and Mesta Rivers, as well as between the Aegean coast and inland Balkan Peninsula. Bronze coins in circulation from the 4 th c. BC – the beginning of the 1 st c. AD were mainly Macedonian. The amount of the bronze coins minted by the three main Macedonian cities (Thessalonica, Amhipo-lis and Pella) in the local coin circulation is considerable. The pattern of coin circulation in the A-PDF Merger DEMO : Purchase from to remove the watermark
D uring the period of the 2 nd -1 st centuries BC the bronze issues of Macedonian kingdom were in... more D uring the period of the 2 nd -1 st centuries BC the bronze issues of Macedonian kingdom were in circulation within the territory of Macedonia (Touratsoglou 1993, 32). In fact, the bronze coins were in use in the south-western Thracian lands, limited between the middle reach of the Struma River (ancient Strymon) and the Mesta River (anc. Nestos), (Prokopov 1989, 89-93). The region was not politically consolidated. Heraclea Sintica, for example (Mitrev
Circulation of Bronze Coins
of Amphipolis and Their Barbarian Imitations from the 2nd Century BC
... more Circulation of Bronze Coins of Amphipolis and Their Barbarian Imitations from the 2nd Century BC to the 1st Century BC on the Territory of Southwest Bulgaria
Настоящата книга е написана въз основа на защитена дисертация на 21.06.2018 г., за присъждане на ... more Настоящата книга е написана въз основа на защитена дисертация на 21.06.2018 г., за присъждане на ОНС доктор по научната специалност Стара история и тракология, професионално направление 2.2 История и археология, в област на висше образование 2. Защитата е съгласно Заповед № 1021/30.04.2018 г. на Ректора на ЮЗУ "Неофит Рилски"-Благоевград, на основание чл. 4 и чл. 13 от ЗРАСБР, чл. 4, чл. 61, чл.66 (1) и чл. 67 от Вътрешните правила за развитие на академичния състав в ЮЗУ "Неофит Рилски" и решение на ФС на Правно-историческия факултет (Протокол № 28/27.04.2018-29.04.2018 г.). Научно жури в състав: Проф. д.н. Ваня Лозанова-Станчева-ИБЦТ при БАН, София-РЕЦЕНЗИЯ; Проф. д.н. Иля Прокопов-РИМ, Кюстендил-РЕЦЕНЗИЯ; Доц. д-р Людмил Вагалински-НАИМ при БАН, София-СТАНОВИЩЕ; Проф. д.н. Калин Порожанов-ПИФ, ЮЗУ-научен ръководител-СТАНОВИЩЕ Доц. д-р Алексей Гоцев-ПИФ, ЮЗУ и НАИМ-СТАНОВИЩЕ This is the fifth book of the series-"Monographs" (CCCHBulg M5).
The collective find of 203 silver Roman coins was discovered accidentally
in 1959 due to the con... more The collective find of 203 silver Roman coins was discovered accidentally in 1959 due to the construction of a new community building in the Bulgarian town of Strelcha. The earliest coin is a denarius of Emperor Vespasian (69-79), and the latest is an antoninianus of Emperor Probus (276-282). The numismatic complex associated with the reign of Emperor Gordian III (238-244) is the most numerous, with 65 specimens, with the Severan dynasty (193-235) best represented with 90 specimens. With a few coins are present Faustina The Younger (161-175) - 3, Maximinus I (235-238) - 14, Philip I (244-249) - 7, Philip II (247-249) - 3. There are a lot of emperors and nobles represented by only one coin each: Vespasian, Trajan (98-117), Antoninus Pius (138-161), Faustina (138-140/141), Lucius Verus (161-169), Clodius Albinus (193-197), Maximus (235-238), Otacilia Severa (244-249), Trebonianus Gallus (251-253), Gallienus (253-268), Aurelian (270-275), and Probus (276-282). The coins were concealed during the reign of the emperor Probus.
After the conquest of Macedonia, the Romans built a provincial administration that took advantage... more After the conquest of Macedonia, the Romans built a provincial administration that took advantage of the Polis heritage of Hellenism. The political, economic and cultural life in the Middle Struma valley is closely related to the town municipality institution from the middle of the 2nd century BC until the 1st century AD. The traditions inherited from Hellenism in the urban self-government have been preserved and developed according to the Roman interests. The Roman political and tax system relies on the oligarchy, which leads to an increase in the influence of the town council and the limitation of the role of the National Assembly. The importance of the central administration, which begins to restrict local self-government, is growing gradually.
Годишникът се издава с подкрепата на Община Самоков РЕДАКЦИОННА КОЛЕГИЯ І ПКС дфн Росен Росенов М... more Годишникът се издава с подкрепата на Община Самоков РЕДАКЦИОННА КОЛЕГИЯ І ПКС дфн Росен Росенов Малчев (Главен редактор) доц. д-р Константин Звездомиров Рангочев проф. д-р Николай Иванов Ненов проф. д.ф.н. Маргарет Драганова Димитрова Международни членове: проф. д.ф.н Владимир Наполских, член-кореспондент на РАН, Удмуртски университет-Ижевск, Руска федерация проф. д-р Трайче Нацев, Университет "Гоце Делчев"-Щип, Република Северна Македония
Papers by Sotir Ivanov
permanent institution in the service of society that researches, collects,
conserves, interprets and exhibits tangible and intangible heritage. Open
to the public, accessible and inclusive, museums foster diversity and sus
tainability. They operate and communicate ethically, professionally and
with the participation of communities, offering varied experiences for education, enjoyment, reflection and knowledge sharing.“ (https://icom.
At first glance, the museums in Bulgaria, and correspondingly those in
Southwestern Bulgaria, adhere to the definition provided by ICOM. They
are non-profit institutions and engage in research, collection, preserva
tion, interpretation, and presentation of tangible and intangible heritage.
However, upon closer examination and precise analysis of their structure
and operations, we would have to classify museums as serving adminis
trative bodies rather than serving society. According to Article 25, para
graph 3 of Regulation No. N-00-0001 of February 14, 2011, concerning
ield archaeological research, public access to archaeological documenta
tion is severely limited, and comprehensive access to the full range of ar
chaeological materials is practically impossible. In practice, visitors have
access to minimal artifacts and information, which need to be improved
to create a fundamental understanding of the respective archaeological
culture, settlement, or structure. There are no annual, medium-term, or
long-term plans for archaeological, ethnographic, historical, interdisci
plinary, or exhibition development. There is no strategy for restoration
and conservation. Practically no activity is conducted regarding intan
gible cultural heritage. The closure of museums in Southwestern Bulgar
ia within municipal administrations and their limited resources restricts
public interest in museums and their capabilities. In order to compensate
for this, as well as to be attractive to society, museums shift from presen
ting culture to presenting shows. Instead of authenticity, reconstruction, a
product of the subjective views of specific researchers, is exhibited. The
article directs the attention of museums and their activities towards the
needs and resources of society. If museums have real, not fictitious, com
munication with society and scientific communities, they will achieve
sustainability and a real presence in cultural life.
монети картината е различна – преобладават тетроболите на Хистиея, римските републикански денари, тетрадрахмите на Атина Нов стил, тетрадрахмите на Езилас, Тасоските тип тетрадрахми, оригиналното монетосечене на Тасос, тетрадрахмите на Първа македонска област и др. Колективните находки по левия бряг на Струма чувствително надвишават тези по десния и укриването им е
свързано с варварски нашествия и несигурност на македонската, а впоследствие – римската северна граница. Макар и по-малко, колективните и единичните находки по десния бряг на Струма показват, че именно по неговото протежение се развива политическото и икономическото влияние на Македония, а по-късно и на Рим. В тази област военно-политическите хегемони на Балканския полуостров разчитат на устойчива пътна мрежа, добре организирани градски общности и регионални структури, ползващи се с определена степен на автономия
sites in the valley of the Middle Struma River. Because of the fact, that the studied objects in 2007 were situated at the foot
of “Dzhonkov peak”, in the dykes lots of coins were found, fallen from the upper parts of the hill. They give us an opportunity
to suggest an active economic life started in the 4th century B.C. uhich kept its intensity up to the Barbarian invasions in the
Roman Empire in the 3rd century. Extremely interesting are the Celtic or local imitations of August of Philipi. They showed
that at the end of the 1st century B.C. Celtic or local population lived in the region and minted chome-made coins with low
nominal for the objectives of the inner circulation of goods. The research of that coin-minting yet is forthcoming through
searching of analogues in the museum collections of the region as well.
Thanks to clearly shown fires and the numerous stratified coins was proved, that the fortress wall of the ancient
town was built after the 1st and before the year 257. In numismatic way were proved the invasions of karps and Goths
(known from historical sources) in the middle of the 3rd century; the invasion of coalition of Goths and others from the years
269–270; the barbarian invasions at the end of the 3rd century and the destructions, connected probably with the Gothis’
rising in the year 383. In contrast to the first two invasions, that hadnot serious economic effects on the events at the end of
the 3rd century, and the rising in the year 383 speak about serious economic and cultural decay of the ancient town at the
place “Kouzhuh”.
archaeological work and historical research. In the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries,
for the first time they tried to locate the historic city. With time and interest a scientific discussion
began which ended successfully in 2002, after the discovery of the imperial letter made by Galerio
and Maximin Daza in Kozhuh, Petrich Municipality in the southwestern part of Bulgaria.
km northwards occurred after the rule of Augustus the Emperor most likely are connected with treasuring of coin hoards at the town of Kocherinovo and the village of
Laskarevo. The lack of information about any Barbarian invasions allows us to relate
the destructions and the treasuring of coin hoards to the changes in the tax system of
Macedonia province. The disturbances broken out in 14 AD could be observed as a
local reaction against misappropriations of the publican corporations in taxes collecting. Indirect evidence to this is the request addressed to Tiberus the Emperor by the
population from Macedonia and Achaea provinces requesting assuagement and fair
collecting of taxes. The undertaken financial reforms by Tiberius and his heirs gradually
remove the right of the publican associations to collect taxes and assign this privilege
to the provincial towns.
of Amphipolis and Their Barbarian Imitations from the 2nd Century BC
to the 1st Century BC on the Territory of Southwest Bulgaria
Books by Sotir Ivanov
permanent institution in the service of society that researches, collects,
conserves, interprets and exhibits tangible and intangible heritage. Open
to the public, accessible and inclusive, museums foster diversity and sus
tainability. They operate and communicate ethically, professionally and
with the participation of communities, offering varied experiences for education, enjoyment, reflection and knowledge sharing.“ (https://icom.
At first glance, the museums in Bulgaria, and correspondingly those in
Southwestern Bulgaria, adhere to the definition provided by ICOM. They
are non-profit institutions and engage in research, collection, preserva
tion, interpretation, and presentation of tangible and intangible heritage.
However, upon closer examination and precise analysis of their structure
and operations, we would have to classify museums as serving adminis
trative bodies rather than serving society. According to Article 25, para
graph 3 of Regulation No. N-00-0001 of February 14, 2011, concerning
ield archaeological research, public access to archaeological documenta
tion is severely limited, and comprehensive access to the full range of ar
chaeological materials is practically impossible. In practice, visitors have
access to minimal artifacts and information, which need to be improved
to create a fundamental understanding of the respective archaeological
culture, settlement, or structure. There are no annual, medium-term, or
long-term plans for archaeological, ethnographic, historical, interdisci
plinary, or exhibition development. There is no strategy for restoration
and conservation. Practically no activity is conducted regarding intan
gible cultural heritage. The closure of museums in Southwestern Bulgar
ia within municipal administrations and their limited resources restricts
public interest in museums and their capabilities. In order to compensate
for this, as well as to be attractive to society, museums shift from presen
ting culture to presenting shows. Instead of authenticity, reconstruction, a
product of the subjective views of specific researchers, is exhibited. The
article directs the attention of museums and their activities towards the
needs and resources of society. If museums have real, not fictitious, com
munication with society and scientific communities, they will achieve
sustainability and a real presence in cultural life.
монети картината е различна – преобладават тетроболите на Хистиея, римските републикански денари, тетрадрахмите на Атина Нов стил, тетрадрахмите на Езилас, Тасоските тип тетрадрахми, оригиналното монетосечене на Тасос, тетрадрахмите на Първа македонска област и др. Колективните находки по левия бряг на Струма чувствително надвишават тези по десния и укриването им е
свързано с варварски нашествия и несигурност на македонската, а впоследствие – римската северна граница. Макар и по-малко, колективните и единичните находки по десния бряг на Струма показват, че именно по неговото протежение се развива политическото и икономическото влияние на Македония, а по-късно и на Рим. В тази област военно-политическите хегемони на Балканския полуостров разчитат на устойчива пътна мрежа, добре организирани градски общности и регионални структури, ползващи се с определена степен на автономия
sites in the valley of the Middle Struma River. Because of the fact, that the studied objects in 2007 were situated at the foot
of “Dzhonkov peak”, in the dykes lots of coins were found, fallen from the upper parts of the hill. They give us an opportunity
to suggest an active economic life started in the 4th century B.C. uhich kept its intensity up to the Barbarian invasions in the
Roman Empire in the 3rd century. Extremely interesting are the Celtic or local imitations of August of Philipi. They showed
that at the end of the 1st century B.C. Celtic or local population lived in the region and minted chome-made coins with low
nominal for the objectives of the inner circulation of goods. The research of that coin-minting yet is forthcoming through
searching of analogues in the museum collections of the region as well.
Thanks to clearly shown fires and the numerous stratified coins was proved, that the fortress wall of the ancient
town was built after the 1st and before the year 257. In numismatic way were proved the invasions of karps and Goths
(known from historical sources) in the middle of the 3rd century; the invasion of coalition of Goths and others from the years
269–270; the barbarian invasions at the end of the 3rd century and the destructions, connected probably with the Gothis’
rising in the year 383. In contrast to the first two invasions, that hadnot serious economic effects on the events at the end of
the 3rd century, and the rising in the year 383 speak about serious economic and cultural decay of the ancient town at the
place “Kouzhuh”.
archaeological work and historical research. In the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries,
for the first time they tried to locate the historic city. With time and interest a scientific discussion
began which ended successfully in 2002, after the discovery of the imperial letter made by Galerio
and Maximin Daza in Kozhuh, Petrich Municipality in the southwestern part of Bulgaria.
km northwards occurred after the rule of Augustus the Emperor most likely are connected with treasuring of coin hoards at the town of Kocherinovo and the village of
Laskarevo. The lack of information about any Barbarian invasions allows us to relate
the destructions and the treasuring of coin hoards to the changes in the tax system of
Macedonia province. The disturbances broken out in 14 AD could be observed as a
local reaction against misappropriations of the publican corporations in taxes collecting. Indirect evidence to this is the request addressed to Tiberus the Emperor by the
population from Macedonia and Achaea provinces requesting assuagement and fair
collecting of taxes. The undertaken financial reforms by Tiberius and his heirs gradually
remove the right of the publican associations to collect taxes and assign this privilege
to the provincial towns.
of Amphipolis and Their Barbarian Imitations from the 2nd Century BC
to the 1st Century BC on the Territory of Southwest Bulgaria
in 1959 due to the construction of a new community building in the Bulgarian town of Strelcha. The earliest coin is a denarius of Emperor Vespasian (69-79), and the latest is an antoninianus of Emperor Probus (276-282). The numismatic complex associated with the reign of Emperor Gordian III (238-244) is the most numerous, with 65 specimens, with the Severan dynasty (193-235) best represented with 90 specimens. With a few coins are present Faustina The Younger (161-175) - 3, Maximinus I (235-238) - 14, Philip I (244-249) - 7, Philip II (247-249) - 3. There are a lot of emperors and nobles represented by only one coin each: Vespasian, Trajan (98-117), Antoninus Pius (138-161), Faustina (138-140/141), Lucius Verus (161-169), Clodius Albinus (193-197), Maximus (235-238), Otacilia Severa (244-249), Trebonianus Gallus (251-253), Gallienus (253-268), Aurelian (270-275), and Probus (276-282). The coins were concealed
during the reign of the emperor Probus.