peptides 27 (2006) 3370–3376
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Neurokinin A and neurokinin B in the human retina
Eduard Schmid a, Johannes Leierer b, Gerhard Kieselbach a, Barbara Teuchner a,
Martina Kralinger a, Reiner Fischer-Colbrie b, James E. Krause c, Quynh Anh Nguyen a,
Gertrud Haas a, Katrin Stemberger a, Josef Troger a,*
Department of Ophthalmology, Innsbruck Medical University, Innsbruck, Austria
Department of Pharmacology, Innsbruck Medical University, Innsbruck, Austria
Neurogen Corporation, 135 Northeast Industrial Road, Brandford, USA
article info
Article history:
Very recently, the authors found levels of neurokinin (NK) A-like immunoreactivities in the
Received 24 April 2006
human retina which were more than five times higher than those of substance P (SP). The
Received in revised form
present study aimed to find out how many of these immunoreactivities can be attributed to
28 July 2006
NKA and NKB and then the exact distribution pattern of both NKA and NKB was evaluated in
Accepted 28 July 2006
the human retina and compared with that of SP. For this purpose, NKA-like immunor-
Published on line 7 September 2006
eactivities were characterized in the human retina by reversed phase HPLC followed by
radioimmunoassay using the K12 antibody which recognizes both NKA and NKB. Further-
more, the retinae from both a 22- and 70-year-old donor were processed for double-
Neurokinin A
immunofluorescence NKA/SP and NKB/SP. The results showed that NKA contributes to
Neurokinin B
approximately two thirds and NKB to approximately one third of the immunoreactivities
measured with the K12 antibody. NKA was found to be localized in sparse amacrine cells in
the proximal inner nuclear layer, in displaced amacrine cells in the ganglion cell layer with
processes ramifying in stratum 3 of the inner plexiform layer and also in sparse ganglion
cells. By contrast, staining for NKB was only observed in ganglion cells and in the nerve
fiber layer. Double-immunofluorescence revealed cellular colocalization of NKA with SP
and also of NKB with SP. Thus, the levels of NKA and NKB are more than three and two
times higher than those of SP, respectively. Whereas the distribution pattern of NKA is
typical for neuropeptides, the localization of NKB exclusively in ganglion cells is atypical
and unique.
# 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Neurokinin (NK) A and NKB are neuropeptides which belong
to the family of tachykinins and which share the common Cterminal amino acid sequence Phe-X-Gly-Leu-Met-NH2 [18].
The tachykinin family includes substance P (SP), NKA, NKB
and two NKA-related peptides (neuropeptide K and neuropeptide g). SP, NKA and NKA-related peptides are encoded by
the preprotachykinin (PPT) I gene, whereas NKB is encoded by
the PPT II gene [29,36]. The PPT I gene generates three distinct
PPTA mRNAs by alternative RNA processing [22,26,33,34]. band g-PPTA mRNAs encode SP/NKA-containing precursors
which account for the majority of the PPTA mRNAs derived
from the SP/NKA gene, and a mRNA, a minor species encodes
a SP-containing precursor only. SP, NKA and NKB act
preferentially on distinct neurokinin (NK) receptors, termed
* Corresponding author at: Universitätsklinik für Augenheilkunde, Anichstraße 35, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria. Tel.: +43 512 504 23758;
fax: +43 512 504 23768.
E-mail address:
[email protected] (J. Troger).
0196-9781/$ – see front matter # 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
peptides 27 (2006) 3370–3376
NK1, NK2 and NK3, respectively, which belong to the
superfamily of G-protein-coupled receptors [36] and are
distributed differentially throughout the nervous system
and peripheral tissues [30].
In the retina, SP has been localized to amacrine cells in
the proximal inner nuclear layer (INL) and to displaced
amacrine cells in the ganglion cell layer (GCL) in various
species which represent interneurons with dendrites ramifying in the inner plexiform layer (IPL) [2,35,38,47] and this
is also valid for primates [1,14,32]. The peptide is also
present in ganglion cells in the rabbit [3], rat [6,43] and
chicken [16]. Furthermore, previous studies also demonstrated the presence of SP in the human retina [13,28,44]
where SP-immunoreactivity has been localized to large-field
amacrine and displaced amacrine cells with processes
ramifying not only in stratum 3 but also 1 and 5 of the
IPL and to sparse large-field ganglion cells [13]. Functionally,
SP is well known to modulate the excitability of innerretinal
neurons [15,19,48], to participate in retinocentral projections at least in certain species [3,6,16,43] and possibly to
play an important role in the development of correct
innerretinal circuits and of correct retinocentral projections
While SP has been extensively studied in the retina, there
is little knowledge on the other main tachykinins NKA and
NKB available at present. However, these tachykinins are
present in the bovine retina [41], levels of NKA have been
reported to be higher than those of SP in the porcine retina [21],
the expression of SP/NKA mRNA and NKB mRNA has been
demonstrated in the rat retina by in situ hybridization [4]
and the localization of NKA is distinct from that of SP in
the anuran retina [39]. A detailed study of the presence
and distribution of NKA and NKB in the retina of higher
primates has not been published so far. Very recently, the
authors found more than 1000 fmol/mg protein of NKA-like
immunoreactivities in the human retina measured by radioimmunoassay and this concentration is more than five times
higher than that of SP [40]. In the present study, the authors
aimed to find out how many of these immunoreactivities
can be attributed to NKA and NKB in the human retina and
then the distribution pattern of both NKA and NKB was
evaluated by immunofluorescence in the human retina and
compared with that of SP.
Materials and methods
Reversed phase HPLC and radioimmunoassay
Since the antibody K12 used in the recent study (donated from
Theodorsson E, Department of Clinical Chemistry, University
Hospital, Linkoping, Sweden) recognizes both NKA and NKB
and other tachykinins including neuropeptide K, NKA (3–10)
and NKA (4–10), a reversed phase HPLC of the human retina
was performed followed by radioimmunoassay as described
previously [45] to separate the tachykinins. In brief, an extract
of two human retinae was loaded into a reversed phase HPLC
column (LiChrospher WP 300 RP-18 5 mm, Merck, Darmstadt)
and eluted with a gradient ranging from 20% to 60%
acetonitrile in 0.1% trifluoroacetic acid/water over 50 min at
a flow rate of 1 ml/min. Fractions (1.0 ml) were collected,
lyophilized, reconstituted in assay buffer and analyzed by
radioimmunoassay using the K12 antibody [40]. The elution
position of NKA and NKB was determined in a separate run
with synthetic NKA and NKB as standard (Peninsula Laboratories, 601 Taylor Way San Carlos, CA 94002, US). The
radioimmunoassay was performed as described by our
previous study [45].
The eyes of a 22- and 70-year-old donor dedicated for corneal
transplantation were removed immediately after death
because of an accident and a bronchial carcinoma, respectively. The eyes had no signs of pathologies and were not
pseudophacic. The cornea was trephaned in the local cornea
bank. Then the iris/ciliary body complex, lens and vitreous
were carefully removed, the whole retina was detached from
the retinal pigment epithelium and cut from the periphery.
The retinae were immersed with 4% paraformaldehyde in
phosphate buffered saline (PBS) overnight, then placed in a
solution containing 15% sucrose in PBS for one hour and in
30% sucrose overnight, frozen in cold ( 60 8C) isopentane
and stored at 70 8C. Ten to 30-mm-thick sections were cut
from the specimens on a Reichert Jung cryostat (LeicaReichert, Vienna, Austria) at 20 8C and mounted on poly-Llysine-coated slides. The immunofluorescence was performed as described by the authors recently [40]. The
sections were incubated for 72 h at 4 8C with either the
antibody SK2 for NKA (donated from Theodorsson E,
Department of Clinical Chemistry, University Hospital,
Linkoping, Sweden) or the antibody Peptide 2 for NKB
Fig. 1 – Analysis of NKA-like immunoreactivities by
reversed phase HPLC. A total of 100 ml from an extract of
two human retinae was loaded into a reversed phase
HPLC column and eluted with 0.1% trifluoroacetic acid/
water over 50 min at a flow rate of 1.0 ml/min. The dotted
line indicates the gradient profile (percent acetonitrile,
right ordinate). One milliliter per minute fractions were
collected, lyophilized, reconstituted in an assay buffer and
immunoreactivities were determined by
radioimmunoassay using the K12 antibody. The elution
positions of synthetic NKA and NKB are indicated above
the peaks.
peptides 27 (2006) 3370–3376
Fig. 2 – Demonstration of the distribution pattern of NKA- (a, c, e, and g) in comparison with SP-immunoreactivities (b, d, f,
and h) in the human retina. (a) NKA-immunoreactivity is shown in one ovally-shaped amacrine cell in the proximal INL
(arrow) and in one displaced amacrine cell in the GCL (arrowhead) and a continuous immunoreactive band is shown in
peptides 27 (2006) 3370–3376
(generated by Krause JE, Neurogen Corporation, 135 Northeast Industrial Road, Brandford, CT06405, USA) at a dilution
of 1:1000 each in tris buffered saline (TBS) containing 2%
normal goat serum and 0.3% Triton X-100. The SK2 antibody
was raised in New Zealand White rabbits with NKA coupled
to bovine serum albumine using carbodiimide hydrochloride
as coupling agent [5]. The antibody features no crossreactivity with SP but 63% with NKB [5]. The Peptide 2
antibody was raised in rabbits against a synthetic peptide
corresponding to the amino acids 50–79 of rat preprotachykinin B. It was coupled to poly-L-lysine and glutarylaldehyde
was used to couple via amino groups [31]. The antibody does
not cross-react with SP and NKA [31]. Furthermore, double
immunofluorescence of NKA with SP and NKB with SP was
performed using a SP-antibody raised in guinea pigs against
the immunogen CRPKPQQFFGLM (dilution of 1:1000)
(Research Diagnostics Inc., Pleasant Hill Road, Flanders NJ
07836, USA). After three washes with TBS, the sections were
incubated with the secondary antibody for NKA and NKB
(Cy3-conjugated AffiniPure goat anti-rabbit IgG; code 111165-006; Jackson Immuno Research Labs, West Grove, PA,
USA) and diluted 1:1000 for 24 h at 4 8C. For SP, a goat antiguinea pig antibody at a dilution of 1:1000 was taken (Alexa
Fluor1 488 goat anti-guinea pig IgG, Medac GmbH, 22880
Wedel, Germany). In control experiments, no immunoreactivity could be detected with the SP-antibody adsorbed with
an excess of SP (1 mM) or when the primary antibody was
omitted. When the SP-antibody was adsorbed with an excess
of NKA or NKB the distribution pattern was identical to that
without preadsorption.
Reversed phase HPLC followed by radioimmunoassay
Reversed phase HPLC of an extract of the human retina
followed by radioimmunoassay using the K12 antibody
revealed two peaks (Fig. 1): one higher peak which appeared
in the position of synthetic NKA and a smaller one which
appeared in the position of synthetic NKB. These results
indicate that in the human retina the NKA-like immunoreactivities measured by radioimmunoassay in the recent
study attribute exclusively to the tachykinins NKA and NKB.
NKA makes up 65.5% and NKB 34.5% of immunoreactivities.
The absolute levels deduced from the recent study are
therefore 660 fmol/mg protein and 350 fmol/mg protein,
respectively, and the ratio of the levels of SP, NKA and NKB
is approximately 1:3,5:2.
Distribution pattern of NKA and NKB in the
human retina
The distribution pattern of NKA and NKB was evaluated in
many sections of the human retina and the most important
findings are summarized in Figs. 2 and 3. For NKA, immunoreactivities were present in all retinal regions in varicose
processes, which were most prominently seen in sublamina 3
of the IPL where they formed a continuous band (Fig. 2a, c and
e) but also sparsely in sublamina 1 and 5 (Fig. 2e). The
ramification pattern in the IPL showed full colocalization with
SP (Fig. 2b, d and f) but the bands in sublamina 3 and also in
sublamina 1 and 5 were more prominent for NKA than for SP
(Fig. 2e and f). NKA was also present in cells of the human
retina. The cells were observed sparsely in the INL at the
boarder to the IPL (Fig. 2a) and also in the GCL at the boarder to
the IPL (Fig. 2a and c). The cells were approximately round or
oval in shape with a diameter of 13–17 mm in the INL and also
13–17 mm in the GCL and are therefore amacrine cells and
displaced amacrine cells, respectively. As seen for the
processes in the IPL, the cells which were immunoreactive
for NKA both in the INL and GCL were also immunoreactive for
SP (Fig. 2a–d). Very rarely, NKA-like immunoreactive cells in
the GCL with a larger diameter (approximately 20 mm)
resembling most likely ganglion cells were also immunoreactive and as observed for the amacrine cells, these cells were
also immunoreactive for SP (Fig. 2g and h).
For NKB, cells in the proximal INL resembling amacrine and
cells in the GCL resembling displaced amacrine cells were not
immunoreactive and a stained continuous or discontinuous
band in the IPL was not observed. In contrast, immunoreactive
cells were only found sparsely in cells of the GCL with a
diameter of more than 17 mm which therefore are most
obviously ganglion cells (Fig. 3a) since a clear immunoreactive
band was also observed in the nerve fiber layer (Fig. 3c).
Colocalization studies with SP revealed that the ganglion cells
immunoreactive for NKB are also immunoreactive for SP
(Fig. 3a and b) whereas the stained band in the nerve fiber layer
was only seen for NKB but not for SP (Fig. 3c and d).
Our results revealed two main novel findings: firstly, the
presence of both NKA and NKB has been unequivocally
verified in the human retina by reversed phase HPLC in this
study providing evidence that at least quantitatively NKA
predominates NKB. Considering the absolute levels of NKAlike immunoreactivities of 1010 fmol/mg protein [40] and the
sublamina 3 of the IPL (asterisk). (b) The same section incubated with the SP-antibody shows SP-immunoreactivity in the
same cells and IPL-band as in (a). (c) NKA-immunoreactivity is shown in two displaced amacrine cells (arrows) and in
sublamina 3 and 5 of the IPL (asterisk). (d) The same section as in (c) but incubated with the SP-antibody demonstrates
immunoreactivity for SP in the same cells (arrows) and in sublamina 3 of the IPL (asterisk). (e) NKA-immunoreactivity is
prominently present in sublamina 3 (asterisk) but also in sublamina 1 (arrowhead) and sublamina 5 (arrow). (f)
Colocalization with SP revealed a band in sublamina 3 (asterisk) but scarcely in sublamina 1 (arrowhead) and 5 (arrow). (g) A
larger NKA-like immunoreactive cell with a diameter of more than 15 mm is stained in the GCL which obviously represents
a ganglion cell (arrow). (h) The same cell as in (g) is also positive for SP (arrow). GCL = ganglion cell layer; IPL = inner
plexiform layer; INL = inner nuclear layer. Scale bar = 50 mm.
peptides 27 (2006) 3370–3376
Fig. 3 – Demonstration of the distribution pattern of NKB (a and c) with that of SP (b and d) in the human retina. (a) An
immunoreactive cell stained for NKB in the GCL resembling a ganglion cell is indicated by the arrow. (b) The same cell as in
(a) is also immunoreactive for SP (arrow) but the immunoreactive band in the IPL is only seen for SP (asterisk). (c) A stained
band in the nerve fiber layer is immunoreactive for NKB (arrows). (d) The same section as in (c) but stained for SP. Note that
the nerve fiber layer is devoid of immunoreactivity (arrows). GCL = ganglion cell layer; IPL = inner plexiform layer;
INL = inner nuclear layer. Scale bar = 50 mm.
results of the reversed phase HPLC of the present study, there
are more than three times higher concentrations of NKA
and two times higher concentrations of NKB when compared
with SP. Although the tachykinins are colocalized, their
concentrations are different which can simply be explained
methodologically since the immunofluorescence provides
a qualitative approach allowing no conclusions about the
absolute levels.
The second main finding of this study concerns the
histochemical results. There is no doubt that most neuropeptides are expressed by amacrine and displaced amacrine cells in
the vertebrate retina due to their classic localization and
ramification of their processes in the IPL and this is also true for
NKA in the human retina whereas NKB-immunoreactivities are
only found in ganglion cells. The latter is based on the
observation that a clear immunoreactive band was found in
the nerve fiber layer although processes of displaced amacrine
cells can also run into this layer as previously described for
displaced GABAergic amacrine cells [24]. However, since a clear
immunoreactive band in the IPL was never observed for NKB,
they are most likely true ganglion cells. This is in agreement
with the study of Brecha et al. who found a signal for SP/NKA
mRNA in the INL and for NKB mRNA in the GCL by in situ
hybridization in the rat retina [4]. The most important feature of
our study is that both NKA and NKB are colocalized with SP in
cells of the INL and GCL. This is in contrast to the anuran retina
where NKA and SP were found in distinct subsets of amacrine
cells [39]. This can only be explained by species differences as is
the case for the tachykinin receptors (see below). In contrast to
NKB, there is no immunoreactivity for SP in the nerve fiber layer
which is most obviously the result of the lower levels and
consequently of too low anterograde transport of the peptide to
become detectable by immunofluorescence. Whether the SK2
antibody indeed features 63% cross-reactivity with NKB
remains open since an immunoreactive band in the nerve fiber
layer was never observed with this antibody which is so typical
for NKB. By examining wholemounts additionally to cryostat
sections, SP-IR was most prominently found in one type of
large-field amacrine cell which showed many similarities with
thorny, type 2 amacrine cells described from Golgi studies and
one type of ganglion cell, a wide-field ganglion cell, resembling
G21 from a Golgi study [13,23]. Because of the colocalization of
the tachykinins, the cells positive for NKA and NKB are simply
of the same type.
peptides 27 (2006) 3370–3376
The functional significance of NKA and NKB in the retina
has not been evaluated in this study but is worth discussing.
Both the NK1 and NK3 receptor have been localized in the rat
retina by immunohistochemistry [7,8,12,37] and in situ
hybridization [25,42] whereas staining for the NK2 receptor
was negative both in the adult and postnatal rat retina
indicating an absence of this receptor in this tissue [37]. The
NK1 receptor was found to be localized mainly on neurons of
the inner retina including GABA- and tyrosine hydroxylase
(TH)-positive amacrine cells and displaced amacrine cells
and furthermore, an intense staining of each lamina in the IPL
was evident [7,8]. At least in rats, there is a clear mismatch
between the prominent expression of the NK1 receptor in
the inner retina and a much weaker staining of its preferred
ligand, the tachykinin SP. Since the preferred receptor of
NKA, the NK2 receptor, is obviously absent in the retina and
the NK1 receptor is so prominently present in the rat, NKA
may also act on this receptor. This would not be unique for the
retina since NKA contracts the sphincter muscle in the rabbit
via the NK1 receptor rather than the NK2 receptor [27]. This
hypothesis has functional consequences. SP is well known to
exert excitatory influences on innerretinal neurons in carp
and mudpuppy [15,19] and in rabbits without affecting
ganglion cell receptive field properties [48] and is proposed
to act as a developmental factor in the immature retina [8,10].
Hence, if NKA also acts on the NK1 receptor then this peptide
would exert similar functional roles in the retina to SP and due
to the much higher levels, would functionally represent the
much more important peptide when compared with SP.
However, the NK1 receptor must be further characterized in
the human retina since there are species differences. In
rabbits for instance, the NK1 receptor is expressed much
less in the inner retina but by a subset of On-type cone bipolar
cells [9,10] and in the mouse also by On-type cone bipolar cells
and by certain amacrine cells [11]. A common feature in all
species is the presence of the NK1 receptor on dopaminergic
amacrine cells which is consistent with the reported enhancement of dopamine release by SP in the rat [46] and rabbit
retina [10].
On the other hand, the cellular expression of the NK3
receptor on Off-cone bipolar cells and TH-positive amacrine
cells in the rat [8,12] may indicate that NKB has a direct action
on Off-type cone pathways and indirect actions mediated by
the dopamine-containing amacrine cells given that the
expression pattern of the NK3 receptor is similar in humans.
But it must be emphasized that there is a discrepancy between
the localization of the NK3 receptor in the mid retina in rats
[8,12] and the localization of its preferred ligand NKB in the
inner retina in humans (this study) and rats [4]. Thus, NK3mediated effects of NKB may play a minor role since there is a
distance for NKB to act in a paracrine manner. The staining of
ganglion cells and the nerve fiber layer indicates that NKB
mainly participates in the transfer of visual information into
the central nervous system rather than in visual processing
within the retina. Nevertheless, the localization of NKB
exclusively in ganglion cells and the nerve fiber layer is
atypical and unique for neuropeptides although other
peptides have previously been shown to be mainly expressed
by ganglion cells, in particular PACAPs (review, see [20]) or
LANT-6 [17,28].
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