JTAM (Jurnal Teori dan Aplikasi Matematika)
p-ISSN 2597-7512 | e-ISSN 2614-1175
Vol. 6, No. 2, April 2022, pp. 371-385
Teachers Promoting Mathematical Reasoning in Tasks
Ajeng Gelora Mastuti1, Abdillah2, Muhammad Rijal3
1,2,3Department of Mathematic Education, IAIN Ambon, Indonesia
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected]
Article History:
Received : 21-01-2022
Revised : 11-03-2022
Accepted : 14-03-2022
: 12-04-2022
Teacher involvement;
Student arguments;
Mathematics tasks;
The phenomenon today in schools is that teachers rarely build student arguments
but only accept students' answers. However, teacher activities that always make
students 'arguments and support each solution and defend students' arguments
without long debates are relevant and exciting to study. This study aims to explain
and explore the promotion of mathematics teacher reasoning in tasks in the
classroom. The author surveyed teachers who teach mathematics at the junior
high level. This research is a qualitative descriptive study with an experimental
research design, which begins with a survey of teachers who teach mathematics at
the junior high school level in Maluku Province. First, the authors conducted
initial observations for one month in several junior high schools in Maluku
Province with the guide of the observation instrument for the promotion of
teacher reasoning in learning. Second, the writer states that there are three
groups of attractive teachers who can promote mathematical reasoning in each of
their teachings based on indicators of teachers' mathematical reasoning. Third,
the writer created the same math problems for the three teachers and observed
how they built students' reasoning and evaluated their thinking efficiently.
Finally, the results and surveys were carried out by triangulation with direct trials
on seven classes at the junior high level. The results show how teacher actions
promoting mathematical reasoning give generalizations or justifications. Teacher
actions supporting precise rationale are discussed in more detail in this article.
This is an open access article under the CC–BY-SA license
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Students need mathematical reasoning as a condition for carrying out proofs and using
routine concepts that go beyond procedures in each task. Thus developing students'
mathematical reasoning in everyday classrooms is an essential aspect of learning
mathematics (Mata-Pereira & da Ponte, 2017); (Segerby & Chronaki, 2018)). Mathematical
reasoning is also seen as making correct conclusions using deductive, inductive, and abductive
processes (Hidayah et al., 2020; Hjelte et al., 2020; Moguel et al., 2019). So formulating
questions and completing strategies, formulating and testing generalizations and other
conjectures, and justifying them are also seen as mathematical reasoning processes. To
promote mathematical reasoning, a teacher must provide a challenging learning environment,
not only from the lesson but also from exercises requiring thinking processes using various
procedures. Four important things form the basis for promoting mathematical reasoning
372 | JTAM (Jurnal Teori dan Aplikasi Matematika) | Vol. 6, No. 2, April 2022, pp. 371-385
carried out by teachers, namely teacher intervention, tasks, questioning skills, listening skills,
and the mathematics community (Mueller et al., 2014).
The four basic mathematical reasoning that the teacher must do will provide direct
involvement of students in arguing, which is a challenge in teaching mathematics, including
ordering statements to refute mathematical claims (Lin, 2018). Many studies have
emphasized the importance of argumentation (Firdausy et al., 2021; Nergård, 2021; Tavşan &
Pusmaz, 2021), because effective argumentation skills are essential for good conceptual
understanding and communication. Accumulated studies and reform documents have
recommended that students should have an early opportunity to make conjectures, explore
the veracity of their conjectures, use counter-examples, justify their conclusions,
communicate them to others, and respond to the arguments of others (Simsek, 2021; Widjaja
& Vale, 2021). To provoke students' arguments, teacher intervention is needed. Teacher
intervention is an important component of promoting ideas and sharing solutions among
students. Based on (Darling-Hammond et al., 2020), the teacher's role in increasing
meaningful interventions when students solve problems will help students represent and
improve their ideas to play an active role in learning. Therefore, the teacher can facilitate a
more meaningful and clear explanation that leads to detail and streamlined representation so
that, in the end, perfecting students' arguments (Santia et al., 2019). Teachers who are
proficient in intervening can generate students' reasoning.
One form of intervention that is often planned before the teacher enters the classroom is
task selection or design. Many researchers have emphasized that task promotes reasoning
and understanding (Darling-Hammond et al., 2020; Mastuti et al., 2016, 2016; Mata-Pereira &
da Ponte, 2017; Sølvik & Glenna, 2021). Tasks for reasoning can be designed in a challenging
and open manner (Darling-Hammond et al., 2020; Johnson et al., 2017). In addition, teachers
need to design tasks that can encourage students to justify their arguments and rely on
themselves (Lodge et al., 2018; Van Lacum et al., 2014). After doing tasks, teachers encourage
students to build their justifications and share ideas. During this phase, the teacher observes
and listens carefully to expect students to think of their solutions. Then, based on the type of
task posed, the teacher initiates specific movements to promote reasoning and understanding.
The specific movement made by the teacher is that when students try to improve
understanding, the teacher must practice being a skilled and attentive listener. By listening,
teachers can recognize if their students build solutions from their understanding of the
problem. Listening also makes teachers understand students' ideas and recognize students'
conceptions so that they can find problem-solving (Abdillah et al., 2022; Abramovich et al.,
2019; Wilkinson et al., 2018). (Neumann, 2014) explains that teachers must listen, investigate,
interpret and respond to students' thoughts.
In addition to listening, investigating, interpreting, and responding to students' thoughts,
the important thing that teachers must also have is the ability to ask questions to improve
students' reasoning, construct new knowledge, and share ideas (Tambunan & Naibaho, 2019).
Questions are important things teachers must do to create a supportive environment in
understanding mathematics and problem solving (Abdillah et al., 2022; Li & Schoenfeld, 2019;
Masingila et al., 2018). (McCarthy et al., 2016) suggest that teachers should be aware of the
types of questions they ask and their purpose in asking questions and divide the questions
into three types: probing, guiding, and factual. Probing questions consist of questions that ask
Ajeng Gelora Mastuti, Teachers Promoting Mathematical... 373
students to explain their thinking, offer justification or evidence, and use prior knowledge in
dealing with tasks. Guiding questions tend to support students in creating their heuristics in
obtaining mathematical concepts. In comparison, factual questions are requests for facts or
definitions and answers or the next step in solving problems.
Mathematical reasoning and understanding naturally result in communication in the
mathematics community (C. Wilkinson et al., 2018). The mathematics community is a
classroom where students learn to speak and work in mathematical discussions, propose and
defend arguments, and respond to their ideas and conjectures (Darling-Hammond et al.,
2020). The formation of learning communities with social norms that promote reasoning
directly promotes the development of autonomy in students.. (Pepin et al., 2017)
characterizes mathematically autonomous students as individuals who are aware of their
mathematical resources and can call on and use these resources to make mathematical
judgments. Based on the previous explanation, the writer realized that the teacher's
intervention, task, questioning ability, listening ability, and the mathematics community
played an important role in promoting mathematical reasoning carried out by teachers.
This article is the author's investigative report on the behaviour of teachers in the
mathematics community by assigning tasks to their students by promoting their reasoning.
The research shows whether the promotion of mathematical reasoning carried out by
teachers is successful or not in the mathematics community. Therefore, the results of this
study are significant for the development of teaching thinking. This study provides an
overview of mathematics education practices that can provide recommendations for better
practice in Indonesia and the future. Mathematics teachers can use the results of this research
as insight into how to make tasks for their students best and allow students to have many
ideas about developing students' understanding and reasoning. In-service teacher trainers
can also use the results of this study to train and improve the quality of existing mathematics
teachers according to their competencies who can encourage their students to produce better
student work that expresses their abilities.
This research is qualitative descriptive research and experimental design research.
Qualitative research describes how teachers promote students' mathematical reasoning and
expect their students to use their reasoning in every math task in class. This research is an
experimental design that aims to provide a means for teachers to promote mathematical
reasoning so that researchers themselves are the main tool for systematically analyzing these
methods. Promoting mathematical reasoning in question is a problem-solving process carried
out by students involving student analysis and arguments with teacher intervention. An
intervention structure is needed to carry out this design to focus on teacher tasks and actions
taken from literature research and the experimental design cycle. Participants in this study
were ten selected mathematics teachers who joined the Junior High School Mathematics
Teachers' Community Discussion Group. The conditions to determine research participants
1. Teachers can teach for at least five years or teachers who have taken master
374 | JTAM (Jurnal Teori dan Aplikasi Matematika) | Vol. 6, No. 2, April 2022, pp. 371-385
Mathematics teachers who have characteristics in making design tasks during
teaching observed and proven by their portfolio,
Mathematics teachers who are willing to become a research participant,
Teachers are divide into three groups, and group 1 consists of 3 teachers who will
conduct reasoning promotions in 3 classes at School A, group 2 consists of 3 teachers
who teach in 3 courses at School B, group 3 consists of 4 teachers who teach in 4
classes at School C.
To find out the best way on how to promote mathematical reasoning in student tasks, the
authors ask teachers to do mathematical task-based learning that involves student reasoning
in its completion. In this study, the writer prepares a simple problem and proposes a group of
teachers to give their students the issue. Then the process will be observed using a video
camera. This problem can saw in the question below.
1. Bayu only has 50 thousand. He wants to buy seven books and three pens in shop A,
But Bayu is hesitant to buy it and is worried about the lack of money. When he was
watching the shop, he saw someone paying ten books that he was targeting at the
cashier with a piece of 50 thousand that received a change of five thousand. Then
Bayu saw another child paying the same pen with his choice of twelve thousand for
two pens. Bayu realized that every time he bought five notebooks, he would
automatically get a 10% discount. Help Bayu to calculate whether the money is
enough to buy seven books and three pens? If it's enough to give your argument? If
not enough, how many books and pens should Bayu buy?
2. The mother wants to buy T-shirts for her twin children. The first t-shirt is Rp. 85,000
with a 23% discount while the second one is Rp. 90,000 with a 15% + 15% discount.
If your money is only 140,000, help me choose which shirt to buy to save more? Your
decision? Why?
3. A middle school student named Abdul wants to buy a collection of junior high school
mathematics UN questions from his savings. After checking with the two bookstores,
he found different prices and different offers. At the "Dian Pertiwi" store, the price of
the book is Rp. 150,000 with a discount of 15% + 15%. While at the NN store, the
book's price is Rp 135,000, with a 17% discount. The "Dian Pertiwi" store's location is
further from the "NN" store, so Abdul Abdul has to take public transportation to and
from the shop to get to the store. If Abdul money is only Rp. 125,000, help Abdul to
choose books from what store he should buy? Your decision? Give your argument?
This research is design to investigate how mathematical ideas and student reasoning
develop over time. Attend the problems presented in mathematical tasks. In the process of
promoting mathematical reasoning, the writer's focus is on the question of students
generalizing and justifying (decision making). This study focuses on the characteristics of the
task (Mastuti et al., 2016; Mata-Pereira & da Ponte, 2017). These characteristics include (1) a
variety of questions from various levels of challenge, emphasizing problems and exploratory
issues; (2) items that arise generalization; (3) questions asking for justification of answers
and completion process; (4) elements that enable different settlement process.
Ajeng Gelora Mastuti, Teachers Promoting Mathematical... 375
Based on (Mata-Pereira & da Ponte, 2017), the author considers several principles
regarding teacher actions to structure interventions: (a) monitoring students as they
complete tasks, with the aim of not reducing the level of challenges; (b) ask students to
explain why and to present alternative justifications; (c) highlighting or asking students to
identify valid and invalid arguments by emphasizing what can validate them; (d) encourage
the sharing of ideas; (e) accept and value false or partial contributions by deconstructing,
adding to, or clarifying them; (f) support or inform students to highlight reasoning processes
such as generalization and justification; (g) challenge students to formulate new questions,
generalize, or justify. Each group of teachers conducts learning and tasks for 3 x 35 minutes
done in 10 classes. Data collected in the form of video footage of teacher activities in class and
interviews with teachers. Data analysis centers on each teacher's actions during class
discussions. The author analyzes each data recorded on the video, which included in the
category of teacher action, the process of mathematical reasoning delivered at each student
argument. Teacher data is obtained from the learning records of each group of teachers who
teach in grades VIII and IX.
1. When the Teacher Engages Students in Algebra and Arithmetic Problems at the
Same Time
The first question corresponds to characteristic (1), where students are involved in
various questions of various challenge levels, emphasizing problems and exploratory
questions. The first question is designed by combining two problems at once, namely algebra
and arithmetic. Students are placed in pair discussions and combine several ideas. The
information needed is the price of books and pens by mathematical modelling, which involves
a simple two-variable linear equation system, parsing prices after discounts by involving
percentages in arithmetic. Questions 2 and 3 lead students to generalize the procedure
according to characteristics (2). For example, students are asked to choose which items are
more economical and choose a store selection decision based on the distance and price
offered. Question 2 allows students to use different solving strategies, such as trial and error
or looking for the right procedure, according to characteristic (4), namely questions that allow
various solving processes. Question 2 also asks for justification, which is implicit in question 3
according to characteristic (3). Students are not expected to indicate which items to choose
but consider the store's location to spend more efficiently. Design principles for teacher action
regarding student work and whole-class discussion are considered in the lesson plans used
throughout the lesson.
Formulate Strategies According to the Principle of Teacher's Actions
Each teacher in each group starts the lesson by introducing the task to students and
asking questions while watching students work on the task. Some students observed
beginning to work on problem 1, which directed students to start simple reasoning and make
decisions. Then students begin to work on tasks in pairs. When they work, the teacher feels
that many have difficulty with the second question. All three teachers call attention to
students and invite students to be directly involved in class discussions. In contrast, the third
376 | JTAM (Jurnal Teori dan Aplikasi Matematika) | Vol. 6, No. 2, April 2022, pp. 371-385
group of teachers tries to repeat questions without reducing the level of challenges. Teacher
statements following principle (a):
"If you have never heard of the term discount, try to start with representation using more
natural numbers, such as numbers 100 or 100,000. Try to imagine the solution and try to
be directly involved in decision making as in the first problem."
The teacher suggests an interpretation of the second question, but some observed
teachers are aware of starting from the first problem. Each teacher compares the solution to
the first problem because students find it easier to solve. The teacher tries to encourage
various ideas (principle d), challenges students to justify the answer (principle b), hoping that
the learning objectives achieved. Student 1 tries to overcome the challenges in Question 1.
S1 : Ma'am, I try the price of books and pens first
G : why should it be counted one by one?
S2 : Because the book's price is determined from the first payment
while the pen from the second payment
S3 : Pay attention must be given to the first payment
Based on interview data with teacher group 1 involved in the student discussion above,
the teacher commented on student answer 1, that student 1 refers to the calculations one by
one as a means to get answers, but the justification is not complete. The teacher considers
students' responses 1 not to refer to the book discount paid. But the teacher in group 1 values
students' answers without arguing. The teacher appreciates his partial contribution by using
the answer (principle e). The teacher always asks "why" in each student's response. It aims to
challenge students' answers to go one step further than their initial thought (principle b).
When students step on the book discount, students begin to get close to justification. So the
teacher suggests a more accurate form for modeling mathematically (principle f), so students
can validate the rationale for the questions in Question 1.
S1 : I understand ma'am after we calculate the book's price after
the discount and the cost of the pen paid we will know
G : Okay. How do we know if the money is enough or not?
S4 : we will try to add them for seven books and three pens
The teacher gives agreement to students 'answers to the responses to question 1 and
validates students' explanations. After that, the teacher continues on problem 2. The teacher
rechallenges students to do different strategies in solving problems (principle d). But not
every teacher's challenge is immediately answered by students because there are still some
students in the discussion still silent. The teacher realizes and begins to guide the discussion
group. However, this guiding act is not enough to lead students in formulating strategies, and
the teacher goes further in guiding. Even so, the teacher's guidance hasn't helped much.
Although these actions do not result in student participation was to be sought, they open the
way for students to present their ideas. S5 intervenes:
Ajeng Gelora Mastuti, Teachers Promoting Mathematical... 377
I calculate the price of the shirt first, then second
okay, how to count it?
Try to count the second shirt after 15% discount than 15%
discount again
At the beginning of their contribution, S5 did not answer the real challenge posed by the
teacher, but immediately gave answers to problem 2. The teacher tried to encourage him to
share his ideas (principle d) and support to complete his contribution (principle e). This
teacher's action leads S5 to present the sum of discounts in question 2. Where is the price
after the first discount then the results are discounted (0,85 × 90.000) = 𝑦, 𝑎𝑛𝑑 (𝑦 × 0,85) =
𝑧, then compared to the price the first shirt and students asked to determine their decisions,
so the teacher successfully identifies strategies to solve problem 2.
The strategy for completing problem 2 requires a generalization of the procedure sought.
So the process of determining the price of each shirt is related to arithmetic thinking where
students can choose to use the process (0,77 × 85.000) × 2 or ( 0,85 × 90.000) =
𝑦, 𝑑𝑎𝑛 (𝑦 × 0,85) = 𝑧, 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑧 × 2 or (0,77 × 85.000) + 𝑧, with this, the teacher challenges
students 5 to ask for a justification for the statement (principle b).
G : why do we choose this way?
S5 : To determine if I choose the first two shirts
S5 presents invalid justification. By asking other questions, the teacher tells S5 that their
statements are not sufficient justification (principle c) and guides students to get the right
argument (principle b).
Why do we need to know the price of each shirt?
To verify whether you have enough money to buy
why do we have to verify?
I don't agree well with student 6, because it's not just enough
that is needed but how to save money.
S6 provides invalid justification, but this time by repeating his statement, the teacher
challenges students to validate the answer (principle c). The development obtained by the
teacher, that S5 succeeded in identifying that the statement of S6 was less valid. Then the
teacher tries again to repeat the same question until most students begin to be sure about
their decision. The researcher analyzes at the stage of formulating this strategy, and the
teacher feels the difficulty of students in dealing with problem 2. This leads him to repeat the
question and involve students in it without reducing the challenge (principle a). Then,
throughout the discussion, the teacher challenges or supports the action, guides students to
clarify and deconstruct the wrong or correct incomplete contributions (principle e), and
encourages sharing ideas (principle d). Principle B is rather prominent because the teacher
asks students several times to lead them in the discussion. To overcome this principle, most
378 | JTAM (Jurnal Teori dan Aplikasi Matematika) | Vol. 6, No. 2, April 2022, pp. 371-385
teachers rely on challenging actions. However, when a student's justification is wrong or
incomplete, he also handles this principle by guiding work. The teacher initially considers
students 'mathematical thinking the same as students' fundamental knowledge (Çelik & Güzel,
2017). In this case, students need to connect their essential familiarity with the new
knowledge they have gained. In terms of validating student justification (principle c), the
teacher confirms or cancels the student's argument by relying on informing or asking
students to express their strategies. In this last case, he also highlighted the need for
justification (principle f) and suggested students in more accurate mathematical language. In
the stage of formulating this strategy, the generalization of the procedure sought arises
because of the student's plan 5. Even though the student or teacher does not state
generalization, it becomes more visible when the teacher requests justification for the
strategy student 5. So, at this stage, students have several opportunities to put forward
arguments or ideas based on the principles of teacher action design and provide responses to
other students. Reasons for giving explanations or arguments to explain students 'reasons
based on mathematical principles they know and students' arguments also explain
mathematical concepts and facts that students know (Murtafiah et al., 2018).
3. Focus on Procedures That Inadvertently Lead to Generalizations on Student
The discussion took place intending to promote student reasoning by finding problemsolving problems 2. Students expected to make decisions on which shirts to choose
concerning the amount of money to save. At the end of the discussion, S7 raised his hand and
began to guess without completing the procedure like other students. S7 prefers to use his
intuition in reasoning.
: Fine, we arrived at the last session of discussion, has anyone
decided which one to choose?
S7 : I chose to buy the first two shirts at a discount of 23% because
I saw that the cut was more significant and the shirt's price
was lower.
The teacher challenges students to share ideas to solve problems, not only because of the
substantial discounts and prices (principle d). The teacher guides and supports student
actions in turn, and with student participation, discussion requires a t-shirt solution that
students choose with their arguments. Although the teacher expects students to solve
problems by considering all things, the teacher still allows S7 to explain the solution process
(principle d).
S7 : I have just calculated if the price of the first shirt is 2 ×
(0,23 × 85.000) = 39.100, so the price to be paid by the
mother (2 × 85.000) − 39.100 = 130.900
G : why do you multiply two at a discount.
S7 : Because I decided to choose the first two shirts
Ajeng Gelora Mastuti, Teachers Promoting Mathematical... 379
Based on the above case, the teacher does not expect the student's completion strategy 7.
The teacher decides to support answer S7 without arguing with it. The teacher asks for
confirmation so that S7 make their arguments (principle e). In this case, S5 quickly replies to
statement S7. S5 argues that it does not refer directly to the reason for S7. Still, S5 relies on
generalizations that show a direct result of 0,77 × 85.000 then multiplies by two whose
results will be the same as S7.
To focus the class on a new strategy for solving this problem, the teacher informs
students about the ideas of S7 who chose another way from their peers (principle g). The
teacher challenges students to explain why the opinions of S7 and S5 are relevant (principle
b), it aims to clarify if a product of 0,77 × 85.000 will be the same as a result of 85.000 −
(0,23 × 85.000), because some students may not be aware of the generalization regarding the
relationship between the two operations.
: Well, students all notice what your two friends are doing is
very interesting. Both chose the same decision but with
different ideas. Why did you (S7) make this decision?
S7 : I immediately saw if the first two t-shirts priced before the
discount was 170,000 then reduced by two times the discount.
The teacher realizes that his students do not have the tools to respond to their challenges.
Still, the teacher reinforces ideas S7 and suggests clarification of the chosen procedure
(principle e). S7 begins to validate and pay attention to the process, then concludes to
synthesize the strategy to answer problem 2.
The researcher analyzes this stage, and the teacher tries to further developed a discussion
about the strategy to solve the problem in problem 2. To do so, the teacher guides students
while encouraging student participation (principle d). In general, the objectives of question 2
have achieved. The teacher supports the different answers developed by S7. The teacher lets
students present their ideas, both in the process and generalizations during the discussion.
Teachers provide opportunities for students to become creative individuals and provide
opportunities for students to develop their concepts and develop logical arguments (Mastuti et
al., 2016; Murtafiah et al., 2018). When the teacher handles generalizations that are not
formulated by students, the teacher tries to involve students to justify and use challenging
methods that aim to obtain their explanations (principle b), in addition to that students
respond to the teacher's challenges with different answers (principle g). The teacher realizes
that students do not have special procedures to return to their challenges, and interestingly,
students can summarize the proposed solutions. The teacher also understands that
mathematics education students' schematic representation in solving structured problems
shows that they tend to use verbal descriptions to symbolic or vice versa (Santia et al., 2019).
This stage allows students to focus on procedures that will be generalized.
4. Students Generalize and Interpret The Results
After discussing problems 1 and 2, students work independently to solve problem 3.
During problem-solving, the teacher monitors students and asks students to explain what
380 | JTAM (Jurnal Teori dan Aplikasi Matematika) | Vol. 6, No. 2, April 2022, pp. 371-385
they are doing without reducing the problem level of challenge (principle a). With various
procedures developed to solve previous problems, most students have the ease of using the
generalizations given in question 3. After giving students time to work, the teacher asks one of
them to write the equation on the blackboard and suggest students share ideas about problem
3 (principle d).
S5 : more significant discount at the "Dian Pertiwi" store
G : please explain. Because you talk with code
seen from the cut the price is lower at the "Dian Pertiwi" store
The teacher reacts to contributions student 8 with challenging statements, shows student
8 thinking is more critical by using mathematical language (principle e). But the explanation
that should have been received by student 5 was responded to by student 8. In this discussion,
the teacher began by letting students share their ideas (principle d), but the teacher seemed
to need to refocus the discussion on the procedure used to solve the problem in problem 3.
The teacher realizes that the generalization has obtained in problem 2, but the teacher
chooses to inform students about the procedure in problem 3 (principle f). Thus, the teacher
guides students to conclude equality in the arithmetic, aiming to complete the previous
answers (principle e):
G : Problem 3 leads us to what conclusion?
S5 : choose what books to buy at the price, discount, and distance
Contribution S5 gives the answer the teacher wants. But the teacher still informs students
validating conclusions (principle c) and expressing their ideas with challenging answers
(principle g), by asking several solutions to the equation.
: How many solutions can we possibly make to choose which
shop we are going to?
S5 : a lot, ma'am
G : A lot, does that mean can you decide to choose a shop even
though the book is more expensive?
S5 : Yes ma'am, because the higher price also has a more
significant discount
G : Is it possible to choose a shop with lower book prices?
S8 : It could be ma'am because considering the possible distance
Students efficiently respond to the challenges in problem 3, and the teacher guides them
to build relationships with the number of solutions to the problem. The teacher also makes
conclusions by informing students about the validity of this relationship (principle c).
: how big is the opportunity for us to choose "Dian Pertiwi"
shop or "NN" shop
Ajeng Gelora Mastuti, Teachers Promoting Mathematical... 381
S9 : same
G : why is it the same?
S9 : Because every store has different considerations, it can be
price, it can be a discount or distance
S8 : Right ma'am, everyone can take different answers
S8 : It could be ma'am because considering the possible distance
At this stage, the teacher has confidence in students to go through several procedures
because indirectly, students begin to understand the completion of problem 3. Students only
need some guidance from the teacher to communicate mathematically well (principle e). With
excellent mathematical communication, students get the desired knowledge. For example,
when giving the opportunity, they generalize two similar arithmetic equations from two
questions with more than 1 solution, the teacher indirectly promotes each student's reasoning.
The teacher concludes this stage by finding, and informing students about their initial rough
ideas becomes a justification (principle f).
The researcher analyzes this stage. The discussion on problem 3 is structured primarily
by guiding and giving rise to challenging actions that consider or promote partial
contributions from students (principle e) followed by guiding or informing activities that
highlight the validity of student contributions (principle c). Teacher assistance can make
students communicate well (Qohar & Sumarmo, 2013). This action line starts with a
provocative act that encourages students to discuss (principle d). Apart from this stage, the
teacher begins by highlighting the generalization of the procedure sought (principle f) by
relying on guidelines and informing actions. The teacher also challenges students to go
beyond question 3 by linking it to question 2 (principle g). The teacher provides a basis for
generalizing to the procedures used in this task, which involve many solutions and
representations on each student (Santia et al., 2019).
5. Use the Procedure Again and Interpret the Results Further
The discussion returns to part two of problem 3, which aims to invite students' reasoning
in deciding to choose which bookstore to go to. This discussion is similar to the discussion on
problem 2; most teachers provide information and guide actions. When students finish
solving the equation on the board, the teacher informs all students to pay attention to the
equation, 𝐵 = (0,85 × 150.000) = 127.500 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑛 𝐵1 = 0,85 × 𝐵 = 0,85 × 127.500 = 108.375 ,
while 𝐵2 = 135.000 × 0,83 = 112.050.
However, there student 3 reacting that he had different results namely𝐵1 = 150.000 −
2(0,15 × 150.000), 𝐵2 = 135.000 − (0,17 × 135.000). The teacher allows student 3 to share
the process of completion (principle d) even though the information leads to things that are
not true. The teacher invites students to see the end of student 3 while guiding the discussion
(principle a).
382 | JTAM (Jurnal Teori dan Aplikasi Matematika) | Vol. 6, No. 2, April 2022, pp. 371-385
: Is the discount 15% + 15% = 2 × 15%?
: no
: The discount is equivalent to buying items with the first
discount of 15% then the results are given a 15%
discount back
In the discussion student 3 was still not satisfied with the student's and teacher's
S3 : is it not the same as the result of 𝐵1 = 150.000 −
2(0,15 × 150.000)
G : Not the same, because you immediately multiply 2 as
15% + 15% = 2 × 15%?. Try if you count one by one,
whether the results are the same or not?
The teacher provides a challenging question for student 3, and reminds student 3 of
problem 2. Some students justify that the equation of student 3 is different from the solution,
which is almost the same as the previous question 2. The teacher explains the assumptions of
some students but does not entirely blame the students 3. The teacher gives all students
challenging problems to make as many solutions as they know (principle g). But before the
teacher explained the justification once again to all students (principles c and f). The teacher
directs students to follow the path to the previous question.
The researcher analyzes this stage, and the teacher uses information and guides actions to
engage students (principle d) in solving possible equations to many decisions. Thus, by
relying on guiding actions and using informational activities mostly to repeat students'
answers, the teacher does not reduce the task challenge (principle a). Due to student 3
unexpected statements, the teacher challenges and guides students by asking for further
alternative justifications and justifications (principles b and e), leading the discussion towards
the correct justification student 3 invalid statement. To synthesize this justification (principle
f), the teacher highlights its validity (principle c), by informing action. When comparing the
completion of questions 2 and 3, the teacher challenges students to go beyond the procedure
(principle g) by identifying the number of equation solutions. Giving students ideas and
directing them to generalize that adding a discount does not mean adding up the discount but
calculating the discount once again after the initially given discount.
Regarding design principles for teacher actions, all of them seem relevant to improve
students' mathematical reasoning. Moreover, certain design principles, combined with more
general teacher actions, seem to lead to student generalizations and justifications. As
highlighted in previous studies (Kosko et al., 2014), one teacher's activities in the class like,
explaining the material is not enough to promote situations that give rise to mathematical
reasoning processes. A systematic framework is needed to analyze teacher actions that
distinguish between inviting, informing/suggesting, guiding/supporting, and challenging
activity (da Ponte & Quaresma, 2016), It is useful to understand the path of action and help
Ajeng Gelora Mastuti, Teachers Promoting Mathematical... 383
the rearrangement of principles design principles. The most visible principle in the discussion
is to ask to explain alternative justifications. Often, the teacher's actions in this principle
followed by activities related to validating statements, where the teacher tends to act
informally and rarely uses challenging movements. Challenging works have the potential to
involve students in justifying (As’ari et al., 2019). Generalization starts by inviting students
and also by challenging or guiding them to participate, focusing on encouraging students to
share their ideas can request unexpected generalizations. Challenging students to think more
usually through challenging questions. They were then followed by guiding and informing
actions, directing students to generalize. In this study, designing an intervention aims to
develop students' mathematical reasoning.
The promotion of mathematics teacher reasoning in-class tasks is done by First, the
strong teacher involvement in the task discussion is an intervention in itself. Second, the class
discussion provides an opportunity to improve students' reasoning processes, which allows
them to make logical arguments. Third, teacher trust and respect for students 'arguments are
the most effective actions in promoting students' mathematical reasoning. Fourth, student
reasoning tends to emerge if the teacher follows several lines of work. Besides that, it also
found that the teacher's challenging actions could influence students' answers and arguments,
giving rise to generalizations or justifications. Further research that is interesting to do is to
discuss new steps taken and taken by the teacher for a mathematical proof—the shift from
generalization to a justification for indirect evidence for students or teachers.
We want to thank the mathematics education study program, especially the alumni and
students who helped. We also thank the schools and teachers involved in this research in the
Muhammadyah Middle School, SMPIT Assalam, and MTs Ambon.
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