BMC Pediatrics
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Open Access
Pathogenesis of peroxisomal deficiency disorders (Zellweger
syndrome) may be mediated by misregulation of the GABAergic
system via the diazepam binding inhibitor
Rainer Breitling*
Address: Department of Biology, San Diego State University, San Diego, USA
Email: Rainer Breitling* -
[email protected]
* Corresponding author
Published: 12 March 2004
BMC Pediatrics 2004, 4:5
Received: 13 November 2003
Accepted: 12 March 2004
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© 2004 Breitling; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article: verbatim copying and redistribution of this article are permitted in all media
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Background: Zellweger syndrome (ZS) is a fatal inherited disease caused by peroxisome
biogenesis deficiency. Patients are characterized by multiple disturbances of lipid metabolism,
profound hypotonia and neonatal seizures, and distinct craniofacial malformations. Median live
expectancy of ZS patients is less than one year. While the molecular basis of peroxisome biogenesis
and metabolism is known in considerable detail, it is unclear how peroxisome deficiency leads to
the most severe neurological symptoms. Recent analysis of ZS mouse models has all but invalidated
previous hypotheses.
Hypothesis: We suggest that a regulatory rather than a metabolic defect is responsible for the
drastic impairment of brain function in ZS patients.
Testing the hypothesis: Using microarray analysis we identify diazepam binding inhibitor/acylCoA binding protein (DBI) as a candidate protein that might be involved in the pathogenic
mechanism of ZS. DBI has a dual role as a neuropeptide antagonist of GABA(A) receptor signaling
in the brain and as a regulator of lipid metabolism. Repression of DBI in ZS patients could result in
an overactivation of GABAergic signaling, thus eventually leading to the characteristic hypotonia
and seizures. The most important argument for a misregulation of GABA(A) in ZS is, however,
provided by the striking similarity between ZS and "benzodiazepine embryofetopathy", a
malformation syndrome observed after the abuse of GABA(A) agonists during pregnancy.
Implications of the hypothesis: We present a tentative mechanistic model of the effect of DBI
misregulation on neuronal function that could explain some of the aspects of the pathology of
Zellweger syndrome.
Clinical background of Zellweger syndrome
Zellweger syndrome (ZS) is a class of inherited metabolic
disorders caused by a deficiency in peroxisomal biogenesis (reviewed in [1,2]). The incidence of ZS is about 1/
25,000 – 1/50,000 births. ZS patients are characterized by
profound hypotonia and neonatal seizures, which –
accompanied by feeding difficulties and psychomotor
retardation – lead to an early death, usually in the first
year of infancy. Another characteristic symptom is a distinct craniofacial malformation complex, consisting of
high forehead, low/broad nasal bridge, epicanthus, high
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arched palate, and micrognathia. In addition, the severe
disturbance of many peroxisomal metabolic pathways in
ZS leads to a variety of defects in almost every organ, most
prominently the liver (hepatomegaly in 78% of patients,
fibrosis in 76%), the kidney (renal cysts in 98%), and the
brain. In the latter, white matter abnormalities and a
unique neuronal migration defect in the cerebral hemispheres, the cerebellum, and the inferior olivary complex
are the most striking symptoms.
Biochemically, ZS patients are characterized by the
absence of functional peroxisomes and an almost complete disruption of peroxisomal beta-oxidation, leading to
the accumulation of branched and very long-chain fatty
acids, abnormal bile acids, and leukotrienes. In addition,
the biosynthesis of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and
plasmalogens is impaired, resulting in a drastic decrease
of these important lipid components of the central nervous system. The metabolism of pipecolic acid and the peroxisomal steps of isoprenoid biosynthesis are also
impaired to some extent.
Pathogenetic mechanism of Zellweger syndrome
ZS is caused by mutations in any one of about a dozen
components of the peroxisome assembly machinery [3].
The cell biology of the disease has been elucidated in considerable detail during the last decade. However, it is still
completely unknown, how the deficiency in peroxisomal
metabolism leads to the severe phenotype and extremely
poor prognosis of ZS patients.
Several mechanisms have been suggested:
¾ Accumulation of branched and very long-chain fatty
acids could lead to a structural disruption of cell membranes, particularly in the central nervous system
(reviewed in [4]).
¾ The disturbance of lipid metabolism could also lead to
a more subtle disturbance of membrane micro-domains
(rafts, caveolae) involved in intercellular signaling.
¾ Deficiency of major myelin constituents, such as plasmalogens, DHA, and cholesterol, might lead to impaired
neuronal development (see for example [5] for a review of
the beneficial effects of DHA supplementation in ZS
¾ Increased levels of leukotrienes due to beta-oxidation
deficiency could precipitate an inflammatory process that
might be involved in the pathogenesis of the brain defects
¾ Studies in a mouse model of ZS have shown that
reduced levels of the ether phospholipid platelet activating factor (PAF) and consequent impairment of glutamatergic signaling might cause the neuronal migration
defects by an unknown mechanism [8].
The importance of lipid metabolism for the pathogenesis
of ZS is underlined by the phenotype of peroxisomal single enzyme-deficient patients. Disruption of peroxisomal
beta-oxidation at the level of multifunctional protein type
2 leads to the same pathological syndrome as ZS,
although the patients have a slightly better prognosis [9].
Patients with acyl-CoA:dihydroxyacetone phosphate acyltransferase deficiency have rhizomelic chondrodysplasia
punctata, which shares many of the key symptoms with
ZS, including hypotonia, feeding problems, growth retardation, and early neonatal death [9]. On the other hand,
defects of many other peroxisomal enzymes (catalase, glutaryl-CoA
alanine:glyoxylate aminotransferase, 2-methylacyl-CoA
racemase, pipecolic acid oxidase, and mevalonate kinase)
as well as deficiencies in non-peroxisomal metabolism do
not lead to ZS.
The most important recent data on the pathogenesis of ZS
come from the analysis of three mouse models, that are
deficient in different components of the peroxisomal biogenesis machinery (Pex2, Pex5, and Pex11beta, respectively [10-12]). All three mice show an almost exact
phenocopy of the human ZS, including severe hypotonia
at birth, impaired neuronal migration in the same brain
areas, and early neonatal death. However, some important pathologies such as hepatomegaly, renal cysts, and
bone abnormalities are not recapitulated. Mice disrupted
in Pex11alpha are externally indistinguishable from wildtype animals [13]. Detailed analysis of these ZS models
has demonstrated that DHA and isoprenoid/cholesterol
biosynthesis are unlikely to be central to the pathogenic
mechanism [14-16]. A more detailed study of Pex5 knockout mice further established that changes in very long
chain fatty acid, docosahexaenoic acid, or plasmalogen
levels in brain are unlikely to be responsible for the neuronal migration defects [17]. Most strikingly, however, the
Pex11beta knockout mouse (which has intact peroxisomes) dies of ZS, but shows almost normal peroxisomal
metabolism, including normal levels of very long-chain
fatty acids and plasmalogens, thus confuting the major
pathogenic hypotheses listed above [12]. This conclusively establishes that the obvious biochemical disturbances are concomitant but not causal to the most serious
symptoms of ZS patients.
In addition, analysis of a mouse model of peroxisomal
beta-oxidation deficiency indicates that the most severe
ZS-like symptoms are independent of the characteristic
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Figure 1 conditions leading to Zellweger-like syndromes in human and mouse
Molecular conditions leading to Zellweger-like syndromes in human and mouse. Biochemical and pathological consequences
that are not common to all disorders are indicated. PEXn = any of the peroxisome biogenesis proteins that can be mutated in
classical Zellweger syndrome. MFP1/2 = multifunctional proteins of peroxisomal beta-oxidation. DHAPAT = dihydroxyacetone
phosphate acyl transferase. VLCFAs = very long-chain fatty acids. DHA = docosahexaenoic acid.
neuronal migration defects [18,19]. Figure 1 summarizes
the molecular conditions leading to Zellweger-like syndromes in human and mouse.
Identification of candidate genes by microarray analysis
We suggest that a regulatory defect is central to the severe
disease phenotype of ZS patients. Even a slight disturbance of specific pathway intermediates, such as seen in
the Pex11beta knockout mouse, could trigger a catastrophic regulatory response that escalates by inappropriate activation of feedback loops. Such a mechanism has
recently been identified in peroxisome-deficient yeast,
where a slight increase in cytosolic aminoadipate levels is
suggested to lead to a full-blown activation of the lysine
biosynthetic pathway via a positive feedback mechanism
We decided to use microarray data to identify possible
players involved in such a misregulation mechanism in
human ZS. Microarrays provide an unbiased survey of
gene expression levels in human tissues and cells under
various experimental conditions. Many hundred data sets,
examining most of the predicted genes of the human
genome, are now publicly available for exploratory analysis. Based on the known clinical data of ZS patients, we
defined three criteria for candidate genes:
1. A candidate should be regulated positively or negatively
in concert with lipid metabolism genes, because changes
in acyl-CoA derivatives are the only common factor in ZS
and the ZS-like single enzyme deficiencies.
2. To be active in a regulatory pathway, a candidate should
be involved in a signaling pathway or in transcriptional
regulation, so that feedback regulation is possible.
3. Because the most serious symptoms of ZS affect the
brain, an ideal candidate would be involved in brain or
neuron function.
Using these criteria we identified only a single candidate
gene, Diazepam Binding Inhibitor, DBI, in all data sets
available in the Stanford Microarray Database http:// Co-regulation of DBI with lipid metabolism is found consistently
in experiments representing the two current microarray
methodologies, Affymetrix oligonucleotide arrays [21]
and spotted two-color cDNA arrays [22] (Table 1). DBI is
also among the most highly upregulated genes in lovastatin-treated squamous cell carcinomas [23].
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Table 1: Ten genes that have expression profiles most similar to diazepam binding inibitor, DBI, in two large-scale microarray
expression profiling studies, as quantified by Pearson correlation coefficient r (the top 10 neighbors of DBI are shown for each sample
set, corresponding to r > 0.73 for the fibroblast samples). Genes that are mentioned twice refer to two independent clones on the array.
50 human fibroblast samples [22]
farnesyl diphosphate synthase
3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA synthase
sterol-C4-methyl oxidase
insulin induced gene 1
histone H2A variant
fatty acid desaturase
squalene epoxidase
insulin induced gene 1
3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA synthase
174 human carcinoma samples [21]
unknown function
isopentenyl diphosphate isomerase
insulin induced gene 1
UDP-N-acetylglucosamine pyrophosphorylase
fatty acid synthase
lanosterol 14-alpha-demethylase
unknown function
sterol-C4-methyl oxidase
sorbitol dehydrogenase
synaptobrevin-like 1
Bold genes are involved in lipid metabolism. The expression profiles can be explored and compared at
fibroblast/figures.shtml (fibroblast samples) and (carcinoma samples).
Properties of Diazepam Binding Inhibitor
DBI is a particularly promising candidate for the regulatory pathway responsible for the brain and morphological
defects associated with ZS. It has a dual function as a
secreted GABA(A) receptor neuroregulatory peptide and
as an acyl-CoA binding protein involved in lipid metabolism (reviewed in [24,25]). DBI is expressed almost ubiquitously, including in a variety of glial and neuronal cell
types in many brain regions [26-32]. In the brain DBI is
processed to various neuropeptides (triakontatetraneuropeptide TTN = DBI17-50, octadecaneuropeptide ODN =
DBI33-50, eikosaneuropeptide ENP = DBI51-70, and others [33]) with slightly varying activity. DBI was first identified by its ability to displace the GABA(A) agonist
diazepam and hence is able to antagonistically modulate
the GABA(A) receptor in the brain. GABA is the most
important inhibitory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system, and the GABA(A) receptor is the main target
of benzodiazepine sedatives, such as diazepam. Increases
in DBI serum levels were found in epileptic patients [34].
In contrast, DBI was found to be the only identifiable protein downregulated in both schizophrenic and Alzheimer's disease patients [35].
In addition to GABA(A) receptor, DBI and its processing
products bind to the ubiquitous mitochondrial benzodiazepine receptor pBR and play a crucial role in the acute
stimulation of steroidogenesis [36-38]. A third type of
DBI receptor mediates rapid release of intracellular calcium, but remains to be characterized in detail [39,40].
In its role as an acyl-CoA binding protein, DBI specifically
binds to medium and long-chain acyl-CoA esters (but not
to fatty acids, acyl carnitines, cholesterol and a number of
nucleotides; [41]) and is involved in fatty acid-mediated
regulation of gene expression and the formation of intracellular acyl-CoA pools (reviewed in [42]).
In vitro studies have identified functional sterol response
elements (SREBP binding sites) and peroxisome proliferator gamma response elements (PPARgamma binding
sites) in the DBI gene promoter [43,44].
Finally, DBI has a stimulating effect on the pancreatic
cholecystokinin and insulin system [45,46], that might be
related to the pancreatic islet hyperplasia seen in many ZS
Benzodiazepines, GABAergic signaling, and Zellweger
Neonatal epileptic seizures and floppy infant syndrome
are two important symptoms that point to an involvement of defective GABAergic signaling in ZS pathogenesis.
However, the most striking connection between Zellweger
syndrome and DBI-mediated misregulation of GABAergic
signaling is provided by the report of severe developmental malformations in babies born to mothers that had
used benzodiazepines such as diazepam during pregnancy. Laegreid et al. [47-49] have described a "benzodiazepine embryofetopathy" that involves extreme
hypotonia, craniofacial abnormalities (epicanthus, low
nasal bridge, abnormal ears, high arched palate), feeding
difficulties, and delayed neuromotor development (table
2). The similarity to ZS was so striking that one of the first
patients described by Laegreid et al. [47] was later recognized to be a genuine ZS case [50,51]. However, two
others of their patients were tested biochemically and did
not show accumulation of very long and branched-chain
fatty acids, a biochemical hallmark of ZS. One of these
two died at 11 weeks of age, and upon autopsy was found
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Table 2: Comparison of selected symptoms in "fetal benzodiazepine syndrome", Zellweger syndrome and peroxisomal beta-oxidation
(multifunctional protein-2) deficiency.
hypotonia/floppy-baby syndrome
epicanthic folds
feeding difficulties
mental retardation
short upturned nose with low
nasal bridge
Highly arched palate
abnormal ears
high forehead
neonatal seizures
neuronal migration defects
"benzodiazepine embryofetopathy" [48]
Zellweger syndrome [2]
MFP2 deficiency [9]
100% (8/8)
100% (8/8)
88% (7/8)
86% (6/7)
75% (6/8)
99% (94/95)
92% (33/36)
96% (74/77)
100% (45/45)
100% (23/23)
98% (41/42)
91% (10/11)
63% (5/8)
50% (4/8)
50% (4/8)
yes, in single case examined
100% (18/18)
95% (35/37)
98% (39/40)
97% (58/60)
92% (56/61)
yes, characteristic
95% (36/38)
88% (15/17)
1 79%
(30/38) MFP2-deficient patients have a combination of dysmorphic features [9]. Numbers of affected and examined cases are indicated in
to have slight cortical dysplasia and single-cell neuronal
heterotopias in white matter [48].
The work by Laegreid et al. was heavily criticized for its
epidemiological validity (e.g. [52]) and later studies did
not find a significant correlation between benzodiazepine
use during pregnancy and birth defects (reviewed in [53]).
However, some reports have linked diazepam to oral
clefts, distal limb defects, microcephaly, and cardiovascular anomalies (reviewed in [53]). In addition, it is well
established that high doses of diazepam lead to craniofacial malformations in rodents [54-57] and mice carrying
targeted disruptions of the GABAergic pathway consistently develop a cleft palate, a rather common feature of
Zellweger patients [58,59].
We are not aware of any other drug-induced teratogenic
syndrome that mimics ZS. It is quite unlikely that all of
Laegreid's patients just had a mild form of ZS, as they did
neither show the characteristic biochemical abnormalities
nor the disease progression with age. Also, consistent with
the fact that benzodiazepine exposure is largely terminated at birth, they did not show the neonatal seizures
that affect ZS patients.
Presentation of the hypothesis
We suggest the following tentative mechanistic model for
the pathogenesis of DBI misregulation in ZS (figure 2):
Peroxisome deficiency leads to an accumulation of peroxisomal metabolic intermediates (metabolite X), most
likely acyl-CoA derivatives that are also disturbed by the
single enzyme defects that cause ZS-like syndromes.
Directly or indirectly, metabolite X causes an inactivation
and down-regulation of DBI and a decrease in DBI release,
Figure 2regulatory
in peroxisome-deficient
network leading
to disturbed GABAergic
Possible regulatory network leading to disturbed GABAergic
signaling in peroxisome-deficient patients. Arrows indicate
the predicted direction of change in the patients. See text for
possibly by replacing its physiological acyl-CoA ligands.
Decreased activity of DBI affects two intertwined feedback
loops. In the first loop, decrease of DBI releases the inhibition of GABA(A) receptor [60]. Overactivation of
GABA(A) receptor inhibits glutamate release [61] and
consequently causes a decrease in NMDA receptor-mediated glutamatergic signaling [62]. This in turn causes a
lack of calcium release in the target cells and a deficiency
of DBI secretion and expression [63]. The second loop
starts by a decrease in DBI action on its non-GABA(A)
receptor and a subsequent lack of DBI-stimulated calcium
release [39,40,64]. Both pathways converge on the
decrease in intracellular calcium, that results in an
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inhibition of DBI release [65] and closes the loop. A hypothetical ancillary loop could involve positive crosstalk
between the over-activated GABA(A) receptor and its
counterpart GABA(B), which is known to inhibit DBI
release [66]. The two loops are not necessarily present in
the same cells, and each of them may involve several adjacent cells. Also, different processing products of DBI act
on intracellular calcium using different pathways [67],
and may lead to additional differentiation of the DBI misregulation effect. The main feature is that both loops tend
to enhance the down-regulation of DBI, thus amplifying
and maintaining a small initial disturbance caused by the
peroxisomal defect. Both loops involve a deficiency of
NMDA receptor-mediated calcium release, in agreement
with observations in ZS mouse models [8]. Gressens et al.
(2000) found that administration of GABA at a concentration of 0.25 mg/kg twice a day had no effect on neuronal
migration in peroxisome-deficient and control mice. This
finding might indicate that the neuronal migration defect
is mediated by the direct effect of DBI-derived peptides on
intracellular calcium through its non-GABA(A) receptors.
Misregulation of DBI and the consequent disinhibition of
GABAergic signaling should lead to diverse defects in various brain areas. A region of special interest is the inferior
olive, which is malformed or absent in classical ZS. Olivary axon collaterals do not only innervate non-GABAergic neurons in the cerebellar nuclei, but also GABAergic
nucleo-olivary cells, thus establishing a direct feedback
loop to the inferior olive [68]. Purkinje cells, which show
characteristic heterotopias in the cerebellum of ZS
patients are also GABAergic [69,70].
Furthermore, it has been demonstrated recently that
excessive GABA(A) receptor activation by neurosteroids or
benzodiazepines initiates a slow form of neuronal death
in cultured hippocampal neurons [71]. This could be the
basis of the increased neuronal apoptosis observed in ZS.
It should also be noted that the suggested mechanism for
ZS brain disturbances bears conceptual similarity to that
for fetal alcohol syndrome, where a combination of
NMDA blockade and GABA(A) over-activation leads to
widespread apoptosis in the developing brain [72].
The observation of cleft palate in GABA signaling-deficient mouse models indicates that disregulation of the
GABA(A) pathway might also be responsible for the malformation syndromes observed in ZS patients and in benzodiazepine embryofetopathy [58,59].
DBI is an especially suitable candidate for ZS pathogenesis
because it is shown to integrate signals from a variety of
lipid-related pathways (fatty acids, sterols, steroids). Its
restricted binding properties narrow down the search for
a specific metabolite X that is responsible for the initial
repression of DBI, and the feedback loops explain how
even a slight disturbance that is common to all ZS-like
syndromes can tip the balance towards a disinhibition of
the GABAergic system, resulting in the severe disorders
that are found in all patients.
Testing the hypothesis
The recent availability of several peroxisome-deficient
mouse models provides an excellent opportunity to
directly test the GABA/DBI model of Zellweger pathogenesis. This would involve a detailed analysis of DBI isoform
levels in wild type and mutant brains, as well as a study of
GABA agonist and antagonist effects, both in vivo and in
neuronal explants. Additional in vitro studies could be
used to determine the molecular details of DBI regulation
and processing, to test the existence of the feedback loops
postulated by the model. After the general mechanism has
been established, identification of "metabolite X" would
be crucial and could be achieved, e.g., by examining the
effect of fractionated brain extracts on a DBI reporter cell
Implications of the hypothesis
Currently, no successful therapy for peroxisome deficient
patients is available. Identification of a GABA component
to the pathogenesis of Zellweger syndrome has obvious
implications for the treatment of affected patients.
Straightforward pharmacological intervention with wellknown GABA antagonists could be used to counteract the
misregulation and to interrupt the pathological feedback
loop. In addition, even if the molecular details of the proposed mechanism turn out to be incorrect, consideration
of an amplification of minor metabolic changes by positive feedback changes could influence the search for
"metabolite X", which by implication of the present
model would be a low-concentration intermediate that
binds DBI, and hence is probably a Co-enzyme A
We suggest that peroxisomal deficiency leads to an unidentified disturbance of lipid metabolism that causes misregulation of the diazepam binding inhibitor, DBI. This
misregulation affects two independent systems and is
amplified by specific feedback loops: The DBI/GABA(A)
system and the DBI/calcium system. The independence of
the two systems agrees with the observation in peroxisomal beta-oxidation-deficient mice, where hypotonia and
early death occur without neuronal migration defects. The
activation and subsequent escalation of feedback loops
would explain why several defects with a widely varying
biochemical background lead to the same complex of
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Our rather simplistic model necessarily ignores many
details that complicate the picture, e.g. we do not consider
the regional and developmental heterogeneity in the
GABAergic system (e.g. excitatory GABA action in early
development and the enormous plasticity of the central
nervous system that will result in important compensatory regulation phenomena. Also, relatively little is known
about the functional distribution of DBI in the central
nervous system and its autocrine vs. paracrine effects.
In fact, the DBI hypothesis is not able to explain all observations in peroxisome deficiencies. However, it seems that
the DBI hypothesis is able to explain a larger part of the
observations than previous ideas, e.g. the Pex11beta k.o.
phenotype seems to follow naturally from the suggestion
that slight initiating changes in a metabolite might lead to
an escalating response via feed-back mechanisms. It is
very well possible that the DBI hypothesis is incomplete
and/or over-simplified (for example, explaining some differences between Zellweger and Zellweger-like syndromes
might require postulating different mechanisms of action
for DBI in these conditions) but we hope that even a partially correct hypothesis may be able to point research into
a useful direction, e.g. concerning the importance of small
perturbations amplified by misactivated feedback
The existence of several mouse models of ZS should allow
for rapid testing and refinement of our idea that misregulation of DBI is involved in the pathogenesis of Zellweger
Competing interests
None declared.
I thank Dr. D. Höller and Dr. S. K. Krisans for helpful discussions. This work
was supported in part by National Institutes of Health grants DK58238 and
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