Effects of Yogic Practices on Adjustment level of Aged Peoples

2019, International Journal of Science and Consciousness

The present study was designed to study the 'Effects of Yogic Practices on Adjustment level of Aged Peoples.' Pre-test post-test single group design was used. Samples were collected through Purposive sampling. The sample consists of 30 subjects in the age range of 60 to 75 years and selected from Arya Vanprastha Sanyas Ashram Jwalapur (Haridwar). Practice time for Yoga intervention was 40 minutes and the duration were 30 days. Adjustment level was measured by 'Shamsad & Jasbeer Kaur old Age Adjustment Inventory'. Calculated t-value for Adjustment is significant at 0.01 level of confidence. The result of this study shows that yogic practices are significantly effective to improve the level of Adjustment of aged people.

Original Article Access online at: International Journal of Science and Consciousness Mar. 2019, 5(1), 01 - 06 Effects of Yogic Practices on Adjustment level of Aged Peoples Anita Panda* Research scholar, Dept. of Yoga and Health, Dev Sanskriti University, Gayatrikunj- Shantikunj, Haridwar (U.K.) [email protected] Prof. Suresh Lal Barnwal** HOD, Dept. of Yoga and Health, Dev Sanskriti University, Gayatrikunj-Shantikunj, Haridwar (U.K.) Dr. Santosh Vishvakarma*** Associate professor, Dept. of Psychology, Dev Sanskriti University, Gayatrikunj-Shantikunj, Haridwar (U.K.) Abstract The present study was designed to study the ‘Effects of Yogic Practices on Adjustment level of Aged Peoples.’ Pre-test post-test single group design was used. Samples were collected through Purposive sampling. The sample consists of 30 subjects in the age range of 60 to 75 years and selected from Arya Vanprastha Sanyas Ashram Jwalapur (Haridwar). Practice time for Yoga intervention was 40 minutes and the duration were 30 days. Adjustment level was measured by ‘Shamsad & Jasbeer Kaur old Age Adjustment Inventory’. Calculated t-value for Adjustment is significant at 0.01 level of confidence. The result of this study shows that yogic practices are significantly effective to improve the level of Adjustment of aged people. Keywords: Yogic practices, Adjustment and Aged people. Article Received: 10-10-2018, Published: 03-02-2019 Conflict of interest: None declared *Corresponding Author: Anita Panda* Research scholar, Dept. of Yoga and Health, Dev Sanskriti University, GayatrikunjHaridwar (U.K.) [email protected] Shantikunj, International Journal of Science and Consciousness (IJSC): A Bio-Psycho-Spiritual approach Published by the Research Foundation for Science & Consciousness, Uttarakhand, India Copyright IJSC 2019 | Mar 2019 | Vol. 5 | No. 1 | Pages 01-06 eISSN: 2455-2038 An international, refereed, quarterly, open access, multidisciplinary, e-journal EFFECTS OF YOGIC PRACTICES ON ADJUSTMENT LEVEL OF AGED PEOPLES Introduction Old age is defined as the age of retirement that is 60 years and above. Improvement of health care technology has resulted in increased life expectancy. In India the elderly constitute about 7 % of the total population and by 2025 the number is likely to increase to 177 million (Mohan, 2002). The term 'Aging' refers to the process of growing older. Technically, all organisms can be considered as aging from the moment of conception (Crandall, 1980). It is a biological process that begins with the birth of a person and ends up in death. Our place in the social structure also changes throughout our life span. Every society is age graded. It assigns roles, expectations, opportunities, status and constrains to people of different ages. In the traditional Indian culture, people who lived over 60 years were considered as repositories of wisdom and sole authorities to the family and community. The notions of 'Vanaprastha' and "Sanyasa' were the social mechanisms that encouraged the aged to move away from the management of every day concerns. The joint family easily accommodated the elderly persons with them but the situation in the modern society has been changed completely. In modern society single family rules dominated. Because of this, in today scenario the elderly people have to be forced to live in a separate family or old age home. In human beings, after age 30, additional change occurs that reflect normal decline in all organ systems, which is called senescence. Senescence occurs gradually throughout the body, ultimately reducing the vitality of different bodily systems and increasing their vulnerability to diseases. This is the final stage in the development of an organism (Campbell & Letrack, 1978). Now a days, it is found in few families that the elderly people as a burden to society (Rajanetal., 1999). The problem of elderly is confined not only to their increasing numbers, but also includes mental stress and physical incapability felt by them. The scenario is changing and creating its impact on elderly. Aged People face a number of problems in theirs daily life in which adjustment related problem are major (Hansson, et al., 1987). These problems range from absence of ensured and sufficient income to support themselves and their dependents to ill health, absence of social security, loss of social role and recognition and to the non-availability of opportunities for creative use of free time. (Wenger, et al.,1996). Adjustment plays a very important role in a human’s life. A person is social human being, who lives in a society and faces lots of conditions and situations of their life in the environment of his society. If a person can adjust very well, so his life is also very well and he adjusts in every situation in his life, so his adjustment level is good and he feels like happy, joy and calm, but if a person is not doing adjust in his daily life’s situations so he can feel stress, irritation and sadness, all these are types of emotions. So now we can say that if people are not doing adjust in their daily life situations so these situations affect also their emotions, mind and life. Life is a process of adjustment. If anyone wants satisfaction in life, then one has to adjust with their environment (Lehner, & Cube, 1967). Copyright IJSC 2019 | Mar 2019 | Vol. 5 | No. 1 | Pages 01-06 eISSN: 2455-2038 An international, refereed, quarterly, open access, multidisciplinary, e-journal Areas of adjustment 1. Social Adjustment- Social adjustment is the, most difficult developmental tasks of human’s life. This adjustment has to be done with members of the opposite sex in a relationship that never existed before and to adults outside the family and environments. 2. Emotional Adjustment- Emotional adjustment also called Neuroticism emotional equilibrium. Emotional adjustment is less conceptually controversial dimension (Costas, 1992; Digman, 1990; Wiggins &Trapnell, 1997). 3. Health adjustment- Health adjustment deal with the personal physical health of the aged people, body reaction to infections, their immune power and resistance to diseases, mental health, emotional and social health etc. Regular moderate physical activity in older persons should be part of their healthy life style. Inactive people who became active in old age can still achieve substantial health benefits. Previously inactive older women or men who become active show a marked reduction in overall mortality (from any cause) compared with their sedentary peers. Many advanced health cures and measures are available in the recent field of medicine with the finest technology which can treat the psychological problems of people. Yet they have many side effects. Such a medical method of all diseases that does not have any harmful effects and the disease is also removed is Yoga. Yoga is a science that has been practiced for nearly thousands of years. It consists of ancient theories, observations and principles about the mind and body connection which is now empirically being proven by modern medicine. Substantial researches have been done in the healing effects of Yogic techniques proving the health benefits of Yoga. Yoga – The Inner Science makes wonders in the person's body mind and soul. So an attempt has been made in this study to use this Yogic Technology, on aged peoples to reduce their adjustment problems. A small experimental research has been done to find the effects of Yoga on Adjustment problems of aged peoples by giving a regular practice of Yoga. Hence the study done by the investigator is entitled as “Effects of Yogic Practices on Adjustment level of Aged Peoples.” Main objectives In this study we want to examine the effects of Yogic Practices on Adjustment level of Aged peoples. Hypothesis- Null hypothesis No significant effect of Yogic Practices on Adjustment level of Aged peoples. SampleThe total samples of 30 aged peoples were selected from old age home. Only those aged male peoples were included in the samples who were over 60 to 75 years of age. Purposive sampling has been used to select samples. DesignPre-test post-test single group design has been used in the present study. In this design, one group are used. Tools used for the studyTo assess the Adjustment “Shamshad & Jasbeer kaur old Age Adjustment Inventory” by Shamsad Husain & Jasbeer Kaur was used. Protocol of the selected Yoga practice programPragya Yoga Sadhana 1. 20 min./day Copyright IJSC 2019 | Mar 2019 | Vol. 5 | No. 1 | Pages 01-06 eISSN: 2455-2038 An international, refereed, quarterly, open access, multidisciplinary, e-journal 2. Nadishodhan Pranayama 10 min./day 3. Soham Dhyan 05 min./day 4. Om Chanting 05min./day Total- 40 min./day ProcedureInitially permission was taken from the concerned head of Old age home. Then tools (Shamsad & Jasbeer Kaur old Age Adjustment Inventory) were administered on all 30 Aged Peoples (age range 60 to 75). The Aged Peoples were requested to answer truly. Instructions regarding the test were given properly and they were assured that the information given by them will be kept confidently. Test administration and scoring was done according to the instructions given in the test manual. After the completion, the questionnaire was taken back from them and subjected to scoring and statistical analysis. After the pre-test taken, researcher conducted Yogic Practices session for 40 minutes every evening for 30 days. After the Yogic practices session, Post-test was administered on the group again. This post-test was parallel to the pre-test. Adjustment level was measured again. ResultThe obtain data was analyse in terms of mean, SD and t-test and is presented in the tables as follows- Experimental Mean SD r SED t-value p- value Level of significance Pre 22.16 2.32 .50 .51 4.86** Post 19.68 3.26 <0.001 p<0.001 df = 29 It can be observed from table that mean score form Adjustment level in pre measure is 22.16 and in post measure 19.68 Thus it shows the enhancement in Adjustment level scores. Further t-test was applied to study the significance of difference between pre-test and post-test measures. Result reveals that calculated t in respected to adjustment level was found to be 4.86 which are significant at 0.01 levels. This indicates that there is a significant positive effect of yogic practices on Adjustment level of Aged peoples. However, the mean of the post measure is higher than the pre measure. Result revealed that yogic practices help an individual to cope with the negative life situations. So, subjects who practiced Yoga daily their psychological Adjustment level is enhanced. Discussion- Copyright IJSC 2019 | Mar 2019 | Vol. 5 | No. 1 | Pages 01-06 eISSN: 2455-2038 An international, refereed, quarterly, open access, multidisciplinary, e-journal Result reveals that there was significant difference in the pre-test and post-test scores of Adjustment variables of aged peoples as the calculated value of ‘t’ is higher (4.86) than its tabulated value (2.462) Hence, on the basis of the result the yoga will significantly improve the adjustment level of aged people. This present finding can be reasoned out on the following grounds. Methods in Yoga provide the individual a basic discipline for his overall adjustment with his environment. According to Patanjali Yoga Sutras, Kriya Yoga cleanses the psychological environment of individuals (Goyandaka, 2012). Praying in groups helps in inculcating feelings of brotherhood for the fellow beings; thus it helps in interpersonal adjustment. Pranayama reduces neuroticism, anxiety and conflicts (James, 2009). This helps in personal and interpersonal adjustments. Yoga pays immediate dividends. The physical part of Yoga improves the health, frees the practitioner from tensions and diseases and confers a state of well-being on them (Hartfiel, 2011). It enables people to acquire progressively increasing control over the mind and the emotions. This in its turn greatly aids the social aspect of Yoga which leads to a healthy social adjustment (Betal, 2005). Result are consistent with the previous research finding that the greater use of Yoga, Pranayamas & Meditation increases the relaxation, well-being which is directly associated with the adjustment. Davidson & McEven (2012) found that Psychological characteristics can be inhanced through meditation training. Meditational and yoga practices give a more positive outlook and a belief for the future. When people suffer ill health practices like meditation and pranayamas etc. helps them because their beliefs bring comfort them and help them to more optimistic. They are more likely to achieve health goals, and believe that they will get better. These type of believe helps in enhancing their adjustment level (Sumar, 1998). Yoga is a complete science, which makes the body healthy and provides mental peace leading to spirituality. It is very useful for the disabled as they can get relief from physical ailments (Ijbarathi, 2012). Since Yoga reduces the Depression, Anxiety and Stress levels of their Adjustment problems got reduced after a period Yoga practice. This result is also supported by the study done by (Nidhi et. al., 2009). ConclusionAfter showing the result we may conclude that Yoga practices play a significant role in level of increasing Adjustment level of Aged people. After practice they showed significant changes in Adjustment level. On the basis of conclusion thus we can say that Adjustment of aged peoples who build future of their life, so it is necessary of them. Reference1. Betal, C. (2005). Effect of transcendental meditation on home, health, social, emotional adjustment of degree students. Yoga Mimansha, XXXVI (4), 228-241. 2. Campbell, E.J., and Lefrak, S.S. (1978). How aging affects the structure and function of the respiratory system, Geriatrics, 33, 68 - 73. 3. Chowdhary, B. (2013). Effect of Yoga nidra and Pranayama on Stress and Social Adjustment Capacity of Tribal Students. International Journal of Physical and Social Sciences, 3(11), 87. 4. Costas Mc, Care. (1992). Introduction to psychology, 196. 5. Crandall, R.C. (1980). Gerontology: A Behavioral Science Approach. Massachusets: Addison- Wesley Publishing Company. 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