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1988, Journal of Dairy Science
10 pages
1 file
RESUMEN Este estudio fue realizado para hallar la influencia estacional sobre la incidencia de la mastitis a lo largo del año, en vacas indígenas, vacas cruzadas y búfalas Murrah. Se analizaron los registros de lactación correspondientes a un periodo de 12 años, la incidencia de mastitis fue comparada con los climogramas de la zona de Karnal, Haryana, India. El clima cálido y húmedo afectó negativamente a la incidencia de mastitis en todas las razas bovinas y los búfalos. La incidencia fue afectada significativamente por la estación (p<0,01) en todas las razas, aunque el efecto fue menor en las búfalas Murrah. El registro de mastitis fue más elevado en las razas Sahiwal y Tharparkar (p<0,01) que en los cruces Karan-Suiza y Karan-Fries. El incremento del índice de temperatura y humedad dio lugar a una mayor incidencia de mastitis en las vacas (p<0,01), aunque las búfalas Murrah resultaron menos afectadas.
Among 190 milk samples confirmed positive for bovine mastitis by California mastitis test, Somatic cell count and White side test. Among 190 samples, 138 (72.63 %) samples. Staphylococcus aureus (27.37%) was found to be the most prevalent organism followed by coagulase negative Staphylococcus spp. (12.63%), E. coli. (08.95%), Pseudomonas spp. (07.89%), Streptococcus spp. (05.79%), mixed bacterial infection (04.74%), yeast (03.15%), Klebsiella spp. (01.57%) and Bacillus spp. (00.52%). Further, the incidence of bovine mastitis was recorded under different climatic conditions, which was found to be highest in winter followed by summer and least in rainy season. Additionally, it was observed that Gram positive organisms were more common cause of bovine mastitis than Gram negative and Staphylococcus aureus was most common isolate in all the seasons. Incidence of bovine mastitis has been also recorded under different climatic conditions. However, Streptococcus spp. showed a significant rise in incidence during summer. Our results revealed that there was a definite impact of seasonal variation on incidence of bovine mastitis and the microbe associated with it.
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 2019
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences
Proceedings of the Conference of the International Society for Economics and Social Sciences of Animal Health - South East Asia 2019 (ISESSAH-SEA 2019), 2019
Subclinical mastitis in dairy farm can cause many impact in milk production which lead to economic loss for farmers. The average of subclinical mastitis in East Java is 70-80% with average on milk yield loss about 2-3 liters per day. Early detection on subclinical mastitis in dairy cows are important to reduce potential problems infection spreading caused by infected udder. Indirect test using California mastitis test (CMT) can be used in the field to detect subclinical mastitis. This research aim was to determine the prevalence and predisposing factors of subclinical mastitis in traditional dairy farm Sukses Bersama Jaya, located in Deyeng village, Kediri district of East Java province. Study was conduct on August to September 2018 in total of 47 lactating cows from 13 farmers using CMT. Predisposing factors assessed using closed questionnaire given to all farmers. Of the total animal examined, 21.3% (10/47) had subclinical mastitis. Predisposing factors differs significantly (P<0.05) to subclinical mastitis prevalence were udder morphology, number of lactation, and dry period treatments. Udder morphology associated to subclinical mastitis (χ2=11.0, P<0.05), udder with strong suspensory ligament were more affected (OR 0.628; 95%; CI 0.14-2.83). Treatments during dry periods significantly associated with subclinical mastitis (χ2=30.43, P<0.05), un-treatment cows have greater risk (OR 0.07; 95%; CI 0.03-0.22). Lack on personal hygiene was noticed as all of farmers did not wash their hands using soap before milking process and Teat dipping was not practiced by all farmers (100%). It can be concluded that prevalence on subclinical mastitis in Sukses Bersama Jaya farm was low compared to average prevalence in East Java. Most farmers were already practicing good dairy management, although improvements on personal hygiene were still needed.
The study was conducted to measure the prevalence and identification of risk factors of clinical mastitis in dairy cows at Sirajgonj upazila in Sirajgonj district from 27 th October to 30 th December, 2011. Total 80 farms and households were selected and 502 cows were observed for measuring the prevalence and identification of risk factors. The overall prevalence was 7.77% and this prevalence was higher in crossbred cows (8.78%) than indigenous cows (5.37%). The prevalence of mastitis was higher in advance age (12.9%) and in 5th lactation period (15.38%). The cows were more prone to mastitis during 1st month of lactation (12.99%) and high quarter prevalence rate. There was a significant relationship between prevalence of clinical mastitis and associated risk factors like general physical condition, herd size, frequency of dung removal, floor drainage quality, and condition of floor. Reproductive diseases and periparturiant diseases showed higher incidence (32.46%) of mastitis in cows in the said area.
A cross-sectional study was carried out on a total of 330 lactating dairy cows at Baghabari, Sirajganj to determine the prevalence and risk factors of clinical (CM) and sub-clinical (SCM) mastitis using California Mastitis Test (CMT), White Side Test (WST) and Surf Field Mastitis Test (SFMT) during the period from July to December, 2009. Of all cows tested, 2.12% (n=7) cows were affected with CM and 37.58% (n=124), 36.67% (n=121) and 35.15% (n=116) cows showed positive reaction for SCM by CMT, WST and SFMT respectively. The overall prevalence of SCM was 36.46% and CMT showed better performance in detecting SCM (37.58%) among three indirect tests used. The prevalence of SCM was significantly (p<0.01) higher (47.61%) in age group more than 13 years than others. A significantly (p<0.01) higher prevalence of SCM was observed in parity number more than 11 than others. The prevalence of SCM was significantly (p<0.01) higher (37.12%) in cows yielding >10L of milk than others. The prevalence of SCM was highest in late lactation (72.45%) followed by early (40%) and mid lactation (27.56%). Herds having 16 or more milch cows had significantly (p<0.05) higher SCM than those with fewer milch cows.
Veterinary practitioner
The present study was conducted on 5698 cases (4133 cattle and 1565 buffaloes) presented to Veterinary Teaching Hospital from January 2002 to December 2009 for various disorders with a primary aim to assess the present epidemiological status of mastitis in bovines of tarai regions of Uttarakhand. The overall incidence of mastitis in bovine was (21.12%) with high incidence in cattle (23.05%) than buffaloes (15.97%). The overall incidence of mastitis was higher in case of cross bred (23.29%) than non-descriptive or indigenous bovines (13.64%). Age wise incidence of mastitis was higher in 4-6 years age group (59.39%) followed by 2-4 years age group (27.34%) and least in 6-8 years age group (13.30%). Analysis of odd ratio revealed that the risk of development of mastitis in cattle was 1.576 times more than buffaloes. Whereas breed wise analysis of data revealed that the cross bred cattle are 2.55 times more prone to disease than non descriptive breeds. In contrast to cattle the odd rati...
Journal of Veterinary Medicine Series B, 2000
A cross-sectional study was conducted on dairy farms in eight milking centres in Trinidad to determine the prevalence of risk factors for mastitis and to assess their relationship to occurrence of subclinical mastitis. The California mastitis test (CMT) was used to determine the prevalence of subclinical mastitis by estimating the somatic cell counts in bulk and composite milk. Of a total of 177 dairy farms studied, 121 (68.4 %), 39 (22.0 %) and 17 (9.6 %) practised semi-intensive, extensive and intensive management systems, respectively. A total of 129 (72.9 %), 37 (20.9 %) and 11 (6.2 %) farms milked cows in parlours, stanchions and pasture/out-on-field, respectively. Based on sanitary practices, 40 (22.6 %), 123 (69.5 %), and 14 (7.9 %) farms were classified as good, fair, and poor, respectively, while 76 (42.9 %) and 60 (33.9 %) farms reported to rarely experience and frequently experience water shortages, respectively. Amongst the 177 farms, only seven (4.0 %) used machine-milking primarily, 152 (85.9 %) screened for mastitis as a routine, 18 (10.2 %) teat dipped, and 49 (27.7 %) practised dry cow therapy. To detect mastitis, of 152 farms involved, 20 (13.2 %) used the strip cup while only two (1.3 %) employed the CMT. Pipe-borne water delivered directly from the hose was the only source of water to 91 (51.4 %) farms while seven (4.0 %) and eight (4.5 %) farms used only well and surface water (ponds and rivers), respectively. Based on bulk milk samples, the farm prevalence of subclinical mastitis was 60.5 % (107 of 177) with a range from 33.3 % (centre 5H) to 100.0 % (centre 2B). The difference was statistically significant (P ³ 0.01; x 2). However, using composite milk, the farm prevalence of subclinical mastitis was 52.5 % (93 of 177) with a range from 21.2 % (centre 5H) to 92.9 % (centre 2B) and again, the difference in prevalence was statistically significant (P ³ 0.001; x 2). Subclinical mastitis was detected in 150 (45.0 %) of 333 lactating cows screened and the range of prevalence was from 17.9 % (centre 5H) to 56.3 % (centre 1C). The difference was statistically significant (P ³ 0.001; x 2). Of a total of 14 risk factors for mastitis studied which were related to animal husbandry, personnel, mastitis control and water, only two, the herd size and practice of dry cow therapy were significantly (P ³ 0.05; x 2) associated with subclinical mastitis. It was concluded that the high prevalence of subclinical mastitis in Trinidad dairy herds could significantly reduce milk production with associated economic loss. Although a majority of the risk factors studied were not found to be significantly associated with the occurrence of subclinical mastitis possibly due to confounding factors, the need to eliminate or reduce these risk factors cannot be overemphasized .
St Paul's Ascent to Heaven (2 Cor 12:1-10) in the Byzantine Theological Tradition, 2023
A study of St Paul's ascent/rapture into heaven in the Byzantine theological tradition published in _Hierotopy of Air and Heaven in Christian Culture_, ed. Alexey Lidov (Moscow: Indrik, 2023). This study makes use of material from my "The Reception of Paul and Pauline Theology in Byzantium" and "Symeon of Thessaloniki and the Theology of the Icon Screen." Those interested in the material from Geometres cited in the present article may now consult the critical edition and translation (Constas and Simelidis, Dumbarton Oaks Medieval Library).
Procedimiento administrativo general comentado , 2019
Huamán Ordóñez, L. A. (2019). Procedimiento administrativo general comentado. Jurista editores. Un aspecto con el cual se inicia la redacción del Decreto Supremo N° 004-2019-JUS, Decreto Supremo que aprueba el Texto Único Ordenado de la Ley N° 27444 - Ley del Procedimiento Administrativo General se enfoca poderosamente en la aplicación de dicha regulación jurídica a determinados entes jurídico - públicos calificados como entidades públicas, dependencias u organizaciones jurídico - públicas en los términos precisados. jurídicamente sin animarse a proponer, de una manera u otra, una exacta definición jurídico - legal de dicho instituto. De inmediato, al efecto, la interrogante que surge es la siguiente: ¿Por qué detenerse en establecer las administraciones públicas a las cuales les resulta de aplicación la regulación administrativo - general sin que previamente se defina qué es lo que hay que entender como “entidad” o “entidades” de la Administración pública? Para nosotros, la razón poderosa descansa en que resulta necesario establecer, de manera antelada, las instituciones o reparticiones administrativas que se encuentran vinculadas a dicha legislación en atención a su naturaleza pública respecto de otros entes que, aunque siendo del Estado, se sujetan a un régimen jurídico distinto, en esencia, el régimen privado o respecto de quienes, aun recibiendo un perfecto calificativo privado, les alcanza lo jurídico - público e incluso de quienes, teniendo una estructura organizacional administrativa, no les alcanza la regulación jurídica del TUO LPAG por así determinarlo el propio legislador.
Revista Trabalho Necessário, 2018
7th International Conference on Gender Studies:Gender, Space, Place & Culture, 2019
Solar and Heat Pump Systems for Residential Buildings, 2015
Siwo Revista de Teología, 2015
Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education, 2021
Science and Technology Development Journal, 2013
IMF Economic Review, 2016
Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic Therapy, 2020
Journal of translational medicine, 2018
European Journal of Echocardiography, 2006
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films, 2013