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A study was conducted in ten selected stations of Indian Sundarbans to assess the health of mangroves using ecological indices as proxy. The stations are distributed in the western and central sectors of the deltaic complex. It is observed that the values of Shannon-Weiner Species Diversity Index are relatively high in the stations of western sector compared to those in the central sector. Mangroves, being brackish water loving species survived with a better biomass in the western Indian Sundarbans due to their exposure to low saline environment in the Hooghly estuarine mudflats. This is mainly because of the Farakka discharge in the Hooghly estuary, which cannot reach the Matla estuary in central Indian Sundarbans on account of the Bidyadhari siltation.
A study was conducted in ten selected stations of Indian Sundarbans to assess the health of mangroves using ecological indices as proxy. The stations are distributed in the western and central sectors of the deltaic complex. It is observed that the values of Shannon-Weiner Species Diversity Index are relatively high in the stations of western sector compared to those in the central sector. Mangroves, being brackish water loving species survived with a better biomass in the western Indian Sundarbans due to their exposure to low saline environment in the Hooghly estuarine mudflats. This is mainly because of the Farakka discharge in the Hooghly estuary, which cannot reach the Matla estuary in central Indian Sundarbans on account of the Bidyadhari siltation.
Relative abundance and Shannon-Weiner species diversity index of true mangrove species were estimated in 10 sampling stations of Indian Sundarbans during 2013. The mangrove patches in the selected stations were categorized into a 4-point scale depending on the values of Shannon-Weiner species diversity index. The health of the mangrove forest as per our constructed 4-point scale was found to be regulated primarily by anthropogenic factors, although in station like Sagar South, the natural erosion may be the key player in determining the mangrove floral diversity.
Journal of Coastal Conservation, 2017
The present study attempts to reveal the impact of salinity on mangrove species in terms of species distribution, and their trend of adapting to salinity changes. The study considers the mangrove species of entire Sundarban encompassing India and Bangladesh. The mangrove species distribution depends on a great deal on the salinity regime. Each mangrove species has optimal salinity range for its preferred habitat. This preference, as well as its tolerance level, may alter with the changing environmental regime. Based on this hypothesis, a few indicator species have been identified according to the preferred salinity. Ceriops and Avicennia have been identified as high salinity indicator species which are found in high frequency in the polyhaline zones, whereas Nypa and Heritiera are recognized as low salinity indicator species which show high abundance in oligohaline to mesohaline zones. Exoecaria and Bruguiera, the medium salinity indicator species, are found almost everywhere but are most abundant in the mesohaline zones. This study will help in evaluating the adaptive capacity of mangroves and also could build a functional relationship between their occurrences as indicator species with respect to the salinity.
Relative abundance and Shannon-Weiner species diversity index of true mangrove species were estimated in 10 sampling stations of Indian Sundarbans during 2013. The mangrove patches in the selected stations were categorized into a 4-point scale depending on the values of Shannon-Weiner species diversity index. The health of the mangrove forest as per our constructed 4-point scale was found to be regulated primarily by anthropogenic factors, although in station like Sagar South, the natural erosion may be the key player in determining the mangrove floral diversity.
Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences, 2015
Relative abundance and Shannon-Weiner species diversity index of true mangrove species were estimated in 10 sampling stations of Indian Sundarbans during 2013. The mangrove patches in the selected stations were categorized into a 4-point scale depending on the values of Shannon-Weiner species diversity index. The health of the mangrove forest as per our constructed 4-point scale was found to be regulated primarily by anthropogenic factors, although in station like Sagar South, the natural erosion may be the key player in determining the mangrove floral diversity.
The fall of the Berlin wall in 1989, and the subsequent political changes in much of central and eastern Europe, were major events in the lives of all who lived through them. These changes had effects not only in politics but also in academia and – for archaeology – in the ways in which fieldwork and publication were organised. Instead of a rigid adherence to traditional, “Marxist” principles in thinking about the past, essentially imposed from above, scholars were now free to explore a range of different models and modes of thought in how they interpreted site and artefacts. This volume considers the changes in archaeological thought and practice that have taken place – or not taken place – in Bronze Age studies in the countries that were previously part of the Soviet bloc. Contributors from Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Romania, as well as German and British scholars who have worked in those countries in recent years, describe aspects of their experiences in fieldwork and interpretation in the 30 years that have elapsed since that time. These are supplemented by personal reflections by a group of British scholars who worked there both before and after the “Change”. While the contributions present personal views, the message is clear, that the academic landscape in the Bronze Age archaeology of central and eastern Europe has changed out of all recognition in these last decades.
This paper proposes a strategy to improve the students reading comprehension so-called Question and Answer Relationship (QAR) Strategy. The strategy is chosen because it helps students to differentiate types of questions such as stated and implied questions. By that, the students may easily answer correct answers to the questions of a reading passage. As the students capable to answer questions, they have already comprehended the reading passage. Also, QAR strategy allows students to participate actively in teaching and learning process, and make them strategic reader. Overall, the strategy has been proven to have been able to improve the students reading comprehension achievement and participation.
Revue de métaphysique et de morale, 2004
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The paper traces the journey of television in India which started for promoting development and serving the cause of the poor and the underprivileged. While some efforts were made to fulfil these brave goals, television also earned the unholy reputation of being a vehicle for government propaganda. Doordarshanthe public service broadcaster was the only available terrestrial network till 1991 when transnational satellite television channels began to make forays into the country. Soon Indian players entered the television industry thereby leading to enormous expansion. Since then, the very nature of Indian broadcasting has changed. Television has transformed from a medium devoted to development communication and the cause of the marginalised, to a true middle-class medium. Contemporary Indian television is divorced from the realities of the 'other half of India that lives in abject poverty and deprivation, thus presenting a distorted view of social reality. This paper seeks to examine these and other related issues, and make some suggestions for policy initiatives to put the development agenda back on television.
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Geographica
Global Perspectives on Legal History, 2023
Nazwah Nazifah, 2024
Journal of Health Sciences
Proceedings of the 57th ISOCARP World Planning Congress, 2021
Colonial Latin American Review, 2024
Trends in Plant Science, 2005
SciPost Physics, 2020