Session 1: Network Geometry and Design
Routing Design in Operational Networks:
A Look from the Inside
David A. Maltz, Geoffrey Xie, Jibin Zhan, Hui Zhang
Carnegie Mellon University
Gı́sli Hjálmtýsson†, Albert Greenberg
AT&T Labs–Research
In any IP network, routing protocols provide the intelligence
that takes a collection of physical links and transforms them
into a network that enables packets to travel from one host
to another. Though routing design is arguably the single
most important design task for large IP networks, there has
been very little systematic investigation into how routing
protocols are actually used in production networks to implement the goals of network architects. We have developed
a methodology for reverse engineering a coherent global view
of a network’s routing design from the static analysis of
dumps of the local configuration state of each router. Starting with a set of 8,035 configuration files, we have applied
this method to 31 production networks. In this paper we
present a detailed examination of how routing protocols are
used in operational networks. In particular, the results show
the conventional model of “interior” and “exterior” gateway
protocols is insufficient to describe the diverse set of mechanisms used by architects. We provide examples of the more
unusual designs and examine their trade-offs. We discuss
the strengths and weaknesses of our methodology, and argue
that it opens paths towards new understandings of network
behavior and design.
Routing design, static configuration analysis, reverse engineering, network modeling
By constructing the collective distributed routing state,
routing protocols create the “network-wide intelligence” that
transforms a collection of individual links and routers into
an IP network. A network’s routing design is embodied in
the configuration of these protocols. While originally targeted at establishing basic reachability, in practice routing
designs are used to attempt to deal with a large and complex
set of objectives and constraints: (i) providing resiliency and
predictable behavior under a wide set of internal or external fault or overload conditions; (ii) maintaining stable and
efficient internal operations; (iii) maintaining contractual or
business relationships between different administrative domains; (iv) coping with complex interactions between a wide
set of protocols, which run concurrently, overlap in functionality, and collectively determine the forwarding tables within
the routers.
Creating a routing design is in practice a policy driven
design task of specifying packet filters, link weights, routing policies, and so forth. Understanding a routing design
is complicated by the enormous range of options the routing designer may choose from to realize given objectives and
constraints – a diverse range of routing designs may all satisfy a given set of constraints. More importantly, intricate
details of the design choices have significant impact on fundamental aspects of overall network performance and operations, including complexity, cost, and survivability. Routing
design is both inherently hard and the single most important
network design task.
It is natural to think of numerous possibilities to improve
the situation: e.g., construction of simpler, more robust and
more efficient routing designs with available protocols; construction of better models for reasoning about the range of
emergent routing states that may result from the design in
the operational network; construction of better configuration languages and better protocols that more cleanly separate policy intent from implementation, so that policies can
be better composed and reasoned about. To succeed, we
need first to get some level of understanding of what routing designs look like in operational networks, and what the
routing designers are attempting to achieve. In practice this
must be an exercise in reverse engineering, in part because
documentation lags the network as network technologies and
Categories and Subject Descriptors
C.2.1 [Network Architecture and Design]
General Terms
Design, Management, Measurement
This research was sponsored by the NSF under ITR Awards
ANI-0085920 and ANI-0331653. Views and conclusions contained in this document are those of the authors and should
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Also at Reykjavı́k University
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SIGCOMM’04, Aug. 30–Sept. 3, 2004, Portland, Oregon, USA.
Copyright 2004 ACM 1-58113-862-8/04/0008 ...$5.00.
business conditions change rapidly and overloaded operations staff only need the specific configuration rules rather
than the global configuration intent.
Two reverse engineering methodologies might be attempted.
One, which we term “black-box” involves using a variety
of data available without administrative privilege, including
trace routes, pings, BGP table dumps, and DNS lookups.
An excellent set of “black-box” research results have come
from the RocketFuel [25], Skitter [2], and Mercator [8]
projects. These projects have provided some understanding of the topology and POP structure of major backbone
networks, providing an estimated snapshot of the routers
and their IP connectivity within a given administrative domain. Another approach, which we term “white-box” involves using data available to those with network administrative privileges. Insights and results from white-box approaches can go substantially beyond IP topology snapshots.
Topology snapshots emerge as the results of the interactions
of routing configuration and routing protocols. White-box
approaches shed direct light on the routing design that governs the protocols that produce the snapshots, and provide
fundamental data needed to reason about why a particular topology emerges. In contrast to black-box approaches,
there is little understanding of the power and limitations of
white-box approaches.
With this paper we begin the process of structuring and
analyzing IP routing designs. Our approach is pragmatic.
Rather than theorizing about goals and metrics, we have
chosen to begin our research by investigating routing configurations of existing production networks. By far the best
source of structure and design pattern information available
for operational IP networks are the running configuration
files associated with the routers. A router configuration
file provides a dump of the complete set of configuration
commands currently executing on the router. Roughly, a
router configuration file corresponds to a program, and the
set of router configuration files in a network corresponds to
a distributed program. Just as program analysis has had
a rich history (e.g., [16]) and a profound impact on computing technologies (e.g., modern compilers, RISC architectures), we believe routing design analysis may illuminate the
way forward for better configuration languages and simpler,
more robust network architectures.
In this paper, we propose a scalable white-box approach
for reverse engineering of routing designs, from data easily and routinely archived today in virtually all operational
networks. In collaboration with a major network service
provider we retrieved and anonymized the configuration files
of 23,417 production routers. With the aid of a trusted
intermediary we selected for detailed analysis 8,035 configuration files constituting 31 production networks ranging in
size from medium to large, representing regional enterprises,
global enterprise networks, and segments of provider’s backbone networks. To our knowledge such an undertaking has
not been done before, and certainly not at a comparable
scale. This is a significant contribution of this paper. An
additional contribution is our methodology of working with
anonymous data. Configuration files commonly contain sensitive and proprietary information. Working with anonymous data was key in getting access to the set of configuration files and makes our methods viable to the larger networking community. Using this methodology we perform a
detailed examination of how routing protocols are used in
Enterprise Network
= interface
= logical link
= external router
Figure 1: An example topology showing routers, interfaces, and links. R1-R3 represent a small enterprise network customer connected to R4-R6, which
represent part of a transit network that also serves
operational networks and derive a number of interesting observations that could not have been made using any other
existing approach.
This section explains the types of configurations required
to implement a routing design. To make the explanation
more concrete, Figure 1 shows a router-level view of an example topology. Routers R1 to R7, depicted as disks, are
connected with physical links (shown as solid lines in the figure). Links terminate at interfaces, shown as small squares.
In this example, routers R1-R3 belong to a small enterprise
network that obtains connectivity to the Internet through a
transit backbone network, of which routers R4-R6 are a part.
Router R7 belongs to another customer of the backbone network. Figure 2 shows part of the routing configuration file
from router R2 in Figure 1. This “configlet” is in the Cisco
IOS language. While the syntax of other router configuration languages differ, the granularity and type of information
they contain are very similar. We use this example and these
figures throughout this section. As described in Section 4,
user-specific information is anonymized for privacy reasons.
Link-level Topology
Each router has one or more interfaces; each interface
has one or more IP addresses and subnets that identify the
set of other IP addresses directly reachable from that interface. Lines 1-11 of Figure 2 show interface definitions
for three interfaces of R2, an Ethernet, Serial, and High
Speed Serial (Hssi) interface, having IP addresses and subnets,, and,
From the configuration files, we infer the logical IP links
between routers by matching interfaces with the same subnet.1 When an interface fails to match with any other interface in the network’s configuration files, we can usually
Interfaces can also be unnumbered, meaning that no IP
address is assigned to them. These interfaces cannot easily
be matched into links without additional information, but
they are quite rare in the networks we have evaluated so far:
we found only 528 unnumbered interfaces out of 96,487 total
interface Ethernet0
ip address
ip access-group 143 in
interface Serial1/0.5 point-to-point
ip address
ip access-group 143 in
frame-relay interface-dlci 28
interface Hssi2/0 point-to-point
ip address
router ospf 64
redistribute connected metric-type 1 subnets
redistribute bgp 64780 metric 1 subnets
network area 0
router ospf 128
redistribute connected metric-type 1 subnets
network area 11
distribute-list 44 in Serial1/0.5
distribute-list 45 out
router bgp 64780
redistribute ospf 64 match route-map 8aTzlvBrbaW
neighbor remote-as 12762
neighbor distribute-list 4 in
neighbor distribute-list 3 out
access-list 143 deny
access-list 143 permit any
route-map 8aTzlvBrbaW deny 10
match ip address 4
route-map 8aTzlvBrbaW permit 20
match ip address 7
ip route
Figure 2: Part of the router configuration file from
R2 in Figure 1 showing three interface definitions,
two different instances of OSPF, one instance of
BGP, and assorted policies. User-specific information, such as a IP addresses and route-map names,
have been anonymized for privacy (e.g., the routemap name “8aTzlvBrbaW” is a random string that
replaces the actual name).
route redistribution
OSPF 128
interface subnets
static routes
Route Selection
Router RIB
Figure 3: The relation between routing process
RIBs, route creation, route redistribution, and the
router RIB that stores routes used to forward packets.
cess 64780 speaking BGP, respectively. By default, no information is exchanged between these routing processes.
Each routing process can be associated with one or more
interfaces on the router. There are many ways to create
this association, but the most common one is via a network
command (e.g. line 16 in Figure 2) that covers the address
assigned to the interface (line 2).
For two routing processes on different routers to directly
exchange routing information, the processes must be adjacent. The definition of adjacent depends on the type of the
routing process. Two BGP processes are adjacent if the processes are explicitly configured to speak to each other and
it is possible to open a TCP connection between the two
routers. For OSPF, IS-IS, RIP, or EIGRP processes to be
adjacent, the processes must be of the same type; there must
be a link between the routers on which the processes run;
and each process must be configured to cover the interface
at its end of the link. If R4 and R5 in Figure 1 are running
OSPF processes and both interfaces on those routers are associated with the process, then the OSPF processes on R4
and R5 would be adjacent.
2.3 Route Calculation and Selection
We model a route as an IP subnet address (e.g.,
plus some additional attributes, such as weights or an AS
path, that the router may use to calculate a next-hop to
reach that subnet. There are several ways a router can learn
a route. Routes to all the directly connected subnets are
always available to the router, or routes can be manually
configured (e.g., with static routes). An example of a static
route is line 36 in Figure 2.
Through routing protocols, routes can be learned dynamically. While different protocols exchange different types of
routing information to convey routes between adjacent processes, e.g., OSPF and IS-IS use link-state advertisements
and BGP uses path-vector records, the end result is the processes learning routes.
For the purpose of reasoning about routing designs, the
details of a large class of routers can be abstracted to the
model depicted in Figure 3, where each routing process maintains its own Routing Information Base, RIB, where its associated routing state is stored. The routes a router uses for
forwarding packets are centrally stored in the router RIB.
Route selection logic is used to select which routes from the
routing process RIBs should be entered into the router RIB.
Prior work [7, 9, 10, 21] has studied route selection in BGP.
declare the interface to be external facing and anything connected to it must be external to the network. In Figure 1,
R6 is external to the enterprise network, and R7 is external
to both enterprise and backbone networks.
2.2 Routing Topology
Routing protocols are typically classified as either Interior
Gateway Protocols (IGPs) used to exchange information inside a network (e.g., OSPF [20], IS-IS [4], RIP [13], and
EIGRP [26]) or an Exterior Gateway Protocol (EGP) used
to exchange information between networks (e.g., BGP [22]).
Both IGPs and EGPs share the common goal of exchanging routing information between routers, but differ in the
features and performance they provide. Each router can
use multiple protocols simultaneously; moreover multiple instances of the same protocol may exist on a single router. To
maintain boundaries on how routing information is shared,
each routing protocol runs as a separate process on the
router and is identified by a process-id. In Figure 2, lines
13-16, 18-22, and 24-28 define routing process 64 speaking
OSPF, routing process 128 speaking OSPF, and routing pro-
However, BGP route selection determines only which routes
are present in the RIB of the BGP process. A second route
selection process determines which of those routes are entered into the router RIB.
# lines in configuration file
Redistribution, Routing Policies and Packet Filtering
Routing protocols exchange routing information, hence
routes, between routers. Inside a single router, a mechanism called route redistribution is used to transfer routes
between routing processes, as illustrated by the dashed arrows in Figure 3. 2
To model the handling of routes for the subnets that are
directly connected to the router and routes that are statically configured, we introduce a local RIB that holds these
routes. This makes the handling of static routes parallel to
that of dynamically learned routes, as route redistribution
can then be used to redistribute routes from the local RIB
into the other routing processes on the router. Lines 14 and
19 are examples of this type of redistribution.
Routing policies are the mechanisms that control the exchange of routes between routers and between routing processes on the same router. Modern routers support a rich
language to specify routing policies, and the complexity of
routing design is largely incorporated into these policies.
In our example above, R2 uses “distribute-list 4” to control the routes learned from R6, and “distribute-list 3” for
routes announced out. It uses route-map “8aTzlvBrbaW”
to control which routes can be redistributed from the “ospf
64” routing process into the BGP process.
Redistribution and routing policy operate in the control
plane of the network and determine the path that packets
will take from their sources to their destinations. There is
another kind of policy control in the network which works
directly on the data plane. That is packet filtering. Packet
filtering enables a router to classify the incoming or outgoing packet stream based on the properties associated with
individual packets or packet streams. Matching packets are
either forwarded (allowed) or dropped (denied).
Unlike routing information, packet filters are interface specific, statically configured, are not shared across routers, and
can only be changed manually. In Figure 2, lines 30 to 31
define a packet filter, which is assigned to the Serial1/0.5
interface in line 7.
Router ID, sorted by configuration file size
Figure 4: Size distribution of the configuration files
for net5
the network, examining even 10% of them by hand would
be a major challenge.
More importantly, the number of details in each configuration file and the distributed nature of router configuration makes manual reverse engineering unreliable. Correctly extracting the routing design requires creating the
proper relationships between literally thousands of details,
some located inside a single file and some distributed across
many different files. It is like trying to capture by hand the
global behavior of dozens of distributed yet interacting programs written in assembly language. What is needed is a
framework for systematically reverse engineering, representing, and analyzing routing designs that enables the scientific
study of the art of routing design.
In this section we describe four abstractions we have developed that can be automatically reverse engineered from a
network’s router configuration files: routing process graphs,
routing instances, route pathway graphs, and address space
structure. With these abstractions, we have a succinct means
to capture the routing design of network and reduce the need
for researchers and operators to work with routers only at
the level of the configuration files. It opens the door to discussion of the performance and operation of complete networks, rather than individual protocols.
A Model for Understanding Routing
Routing Process Graphs
Our first step for extracting the routing design of a network is to build the routing process graph that models how
routing information flows through the network. The vertices
in this graph are the RIBs that store the routing information learned by each routing process. Since there is one
RIB for each routing process on a router, the vertex list can
be easily extracted from the configuration files. An edge
between two RIBs is added to the graph whenever routes
from one RIB might be transfered to the other RIB. These
edges are discovered by parsing the configuration files for
all commands that create adjacencies between routing processes or that import, export, or redistribute routes between
processes. Policies that govern the exchange of routes can
be modeled as annotations on the edges of the graph. Figure 5 shows the routing process graph for the example of
While router configuration files are designed to be editable
directly by human operators, it is extremely tedious to reverse engineer the routing design of a network by manually
extracting information from the configuration files. Many
production networks are large in terms of both the number
of routers they contain and the size of each router’s configuration files. Figure 4 shows the configuration file size
distribution of one network in our data set, which has a total of 881 routers. The configuration files for these routers
contain an average of 270 lines of configuration commands
each. With a total of 237,870 commands used to configure
JunOS and Gated use import and export commands, which
always go through the router RIB, but this can be modeled
in our framework.
instance 2
ospf 64
Router 7
Router 1
Router 4
000 111
000 111
000 111
Router RIB
Router RIB
Router RIB
Router RIB
Router RIB
Router 2
Router 6
Router 5
Router 3
instance 1
ospf 128
Router RIB
Router RIB
Router 1
instance 4
BGP AS 64780
Router RIB
Router 2
AS 8342
instance 3
ospf 0
Router RIB
Typical backbone network
Typical backbone network design
Figure 6: A depiction of the routing designs for the
networks in Figures 1 and 5.
Figure 5: Routing process graph for the example
networks in Figure 1.
graph (Figure 5), is tremendously valuable in understanding the interaction between those processes. However, as
we have discovered in our analysis of the production networks, the value of this type of model drops rapidly as the
number of routers and the complexity of the routing design
increases. To further abstract away details that obscure the
structure of the routing design and enable the analysis and
understanding of larger networks, we introduce the concept
of a routing instance that can represent a large number of
routing processes.
A routing instance models the set of routing processes
that share routing information. We compute the routing instances for a network from its configuration files by grouping
together all the routing processes running the same protocol that are adjacent to each other. We first select from the
network a routing process that has not yet been assigned
an routing instance and assign to it a new unique instance
number. We then locate all the adjacencies of that process,
and compute the transitive closure to find the set of routers
and routing processes belonging to the new routing instance.
The closure operation flood fills through the routing process
graph, stopping when it reaches an edge between routing
processes of different types or an EBGP adjacency between
BGP speakers with different AS numbers. The process of selecting an unassigned routing process is then repeated until
all routing processes have been assigned to a routing instance.
As described in Section 2.2, each routing process has a
process ID assigned to it by the configuration file. However,
the meaning of these process IDs is entirely separate from
the routing instance defined above. In many production networks we examined the process ID gives no indication of how
the routing processes are connected. It is very common for
routing processes with the same process ID to be found in
two different routing instances, or for processes with different IDs to be found in the same routing instance. In general,
the only requirement enforced on routing process IDs is that
they be unique on each router — they have no network-wide
Figure 6 shows the result of applying our routing instance
model to the example networks in Figure 5. The individual routers and routing processes in the networks have been
removed and replaced with the routing instances that the
routing processes are part of. The heavy lines between instances indicate where route exchange occurs between different protocols or ASs. In order to help a human reader
Figure 1, in which a small enterprise network is connected
to a transit backbone network.
There are two main advantages of the routing process
graph. First, it immediately becomes easier to frame questions that were previously unanswerable via static analysis,
such as how many routes will a routing process have to handle or what destinations will be reachable from a particular
router under any given failure scenario [27].
Second, the routing process graph exposes the detailed
structure of the routing design so that alternative designs
can be compared. For example, the enterprise network and
backbone network in Figure 5 both contain the same number of routers, but have very different routing designs. In
the backbone network (right half of the figure), routes to
external subnets are learned from external peers (R7 and
R2) via an External-BGP session (EBGP) and shared with
the other routers in the network via Internal-BGP sessions
(IBGP). The EBGP speaker also announces to the outside
world the routes reachable via this AS. An IGP process (e.g.,
OSPF) is run on each router in the network and used to
compute routes to all subnets internal to the network (aka
infrastructure routes). This design is typical of large ISP
transit networks. The hallmark of this design is that external routes are never redistributed into OSPF: the only place
internal and external routes come together is in the router
RIB of each individual router. Redistribution policies are
not shown in the figure for clarity.
In the enterprise network (left half of the figure), routes
to external subnets are again learned from an external peer
(R6) via an External-BGP session (EBGP), but here they
are redistributed into OSPF on the border router (R2). The
OSPF processes then exchange routes to both internal and
external destinations. This design is typical of small enterprise networks, where it is chosen because BGP processes
only need to be configured on the border routers, which are
few in number. This also minimizes the size of the IBGP
mesh that must be constructed inside the network. The border routers use BGP’s extensive routing policy features to
craft a small number of key routes that summarize the external routes they have learned and inject these summaries
into the IGP.
instance 5
BGP AS 12762
Router 5
Typical enterprise network
Typical enterprise routing design
Routing Instance Graphs
Directly showing the relationship between the routing processes on different routers, as is done in a routing process
themselves, and without additional processing the subnets
found inside the configurations are too small and fragmented
to reveal the overall structure of the address space usage.
We recover the structure of the address space usage by
finding a set of network numbers and netmasks that best
covers the subnets that are mentioned in the configuration
files. This discovery process starts with a list of all subnets
mentioned in the network. The process then repeatedly joins
together any two subnets whose network numbers differ in
no more than the least two bits (basically, expanding the IP
subnets so long as at least half the addresses in the enlarged
subnet are “used” by the network) until no more joins are
possible. The result is a hierarchical tree of address space
In extracting a network’s routing design we make use of
the address space structure in two ways. First, we can associate with each routing instance the set of address blocks
that are connected to the instance. This reduces the number of individual subnets present in the extracted routing
design and makes the design easier to understand and reason about. Second, it helps us to determine if the network
being analyzed contains routers whose configuration state
was left out of the data set. When a router R is missing
from the data set, the routers in the data set will have their
interfaces that should be adjacent to R erroneously marked
as external-facing, since the matching interfaces on R cannot be found (see Section 2.1). Analysis of the address space
structure can then help identify the missing router. Many
networks assign their external-facing interfaces from a different block of addresses than the block used to assign internalfacing interfaces. If an interface is marked “external-facing”
but has an address from the middle of an block used by
many internal-facing interfaces, then it is very likely that
the data set is missing a router’s configuration file, and
that “external-interface” is actually connected to the missing router.
instance 4
BGP AS 64780
instance 1
ospf 128
Router RIB
Router 1
(a) Typical Enterprise network
00000000 111111
00000000 111111
00000000 111111
instance 5
BGP AS 12762
instance 3
ospf 0
Router RIB
Router 5
(b) Typical backbone network
Figure 7: The pathways via which routing information is learned by Router 1 and Router 5. The pathway in (a) is typical of enterprise networks and the
pathway in (b) is typical of backbone networks.
understand how a particular router fits into the routing design, that router can be added back into the model as shown
by routers R1, R2, and R5 in Figure 6. Dashed lines are
used to indicate the routing instance to which each routing
process belongs.
The value of the routing instance model is its ability to
scale to large numbers of routers without losing the ability to
capture complex policies and interactions between multiple
routing protocols. While in this example the routing process
graph and routing instance graph have similar complexity,
in later sections we will show examples from real networks
where a single routing instance is able to represent hundreds
of routing processes — radically reducing the complexity of
the graph and rendering the structure of the network easily
3.3 Route Pathway Graphs
Using the routing instance model, we can construct for
any router a route pathway graph showing where the routes
used by that router come from. Starting at the Router RIB
for the router in question, we perform a breath-first-search
through the routing instance model, recording the instances
through which the search passes. As shown in Figure 7,
Router 1 learns all its routes from routing instance 1, which
learns all its routes from instance 4, which learns routes
from the outside world via an external peer. Router 5 learns
routes from instances 5 and 3, and all routes to the external world must come via instance 5. Routing policies are
typically applied at each edge in the pathway graph. Route
pathways are useful for characterizing the routing design of
a network. They can also be used to locate all the routing
policies that affect the routes seen by any particular router,
and pinpoint where the policies are applied.
Obtaining Network Configurations
The 31 networks whose configuration files we analyzed
were obtained from a large telecommunications company
that manages enterprise networks as part of its service portfolio. As is typical in real networks, the routing designs
we see include those designed by the ISP’s engineers, those
designed by the ISP’s customers, and hybrid mixes of the
The value of router configuration files to networking researchers is that they contain intricate details about the
structure and operation of the network they describe. For
this same reason, they are carefully guarded as proprietary
secrets of the companies that own and manage the network
they describe. This secrecy has hampered researchers from
gaining access to network configurations, and has driven the
development of black-box methods of network analysis as the
only alternative. We have overcome this challenge by developing a means for anonymizing router configuration files
that preserves enough structure in the files to enable our
analysis, but prevents readers of the files from determining
even the identity of the network being examined.
To conduct our study, we combined configuration file anonymization with a single-blind methodology. Three members
of our group had knowledge of the identity of the networks
being examined and contact information for the designers of
3.4 Extracting the Address Space Structure
Network designers often have a structured plan for assigning addresses inside the network. Since the routes exchanged
by the routing protocols are written in terms of subnets that
represent blocks of IP addresses, understanding the structure used to divide the address space into blocks is very
helpful in analyzing the routing design. Unfortunately, the
configurations may never explicitly list the address blocks
those networks, but this information was kept from the rest
of the group. All analysis described in this paper was performed on the anonymized configuration files without knowledge of the network identity. Our results were then verified
with the actual designers via the group members with the
contact information for those networks.
Without both anonymization and the single-blind methodology, access to these configuration files would have been
inconceivable — especially at this scale. Our hope is that
these techniques may enable other researchers to gain access
to similar types of data. Given the success of our methodology and the value we were able to generate from access
to the configurations, perhaps more organizations can be
led to anonymize and release their network configurations.
The creation of a shared data-set of configurations would
enable the direct clarification of many questions, such as
network topology, that researchers have debated, and potentially increase network security for all concerned through
an open-source-like review process.
networks in study
known networks
Fraction of networks
Number of routers in network
Figure 8: Distribution of the size of the 31 analyzed networks compared to the size distribution of
all networks known in this repository.
4.1 Anonymizing Configuration Files
Our current anonymizer [17] is specific to Cisco IOS, but
the strategy is generally applicable. All comments are removed from the configs using regular expressions. Under
the assumption that no “secret” or identifying information
would appear in the published Cisco IOS command reference guide, but that most valid IOS commands would be
found there, all of the words found in the guide were extracted and turned into a list of tokens that that do not
require anonymization. All non-numeric tokens in the configurations are checked against this list, and any tokens not
found in the list are hashed using SHA1 digests [1]. This
anonymizes the names of class-maps, route-maps, and any
other strings that could hold privileged information. Simple
integers are generally not anonymized. Regexps are used
to locate and anonymize all public AS numbers, although
private AS numbers are not hashed since they do not leak
information about the identity of the network. All IP addresses are hashed using a modified version of the tcpdpriv
algorithm [19].
While hypothetical attacks on the tcpdpriv algorithm have
been proposed [28], they use the frequency with addresses
appear in a packet trace — information that is not available
from anonymized static configuration files. An attack on
the IP address anonymization could be attempted by fingerprinting the pattern of address space usage inside a network
and probing addresses in candidate networks to look for a
match, but most of the networks in our data set filter the
packets that would be needed to conduct the probing. Even
if the network permitted probing, determining the number
of /30s, /29s etc., from ICMP Reply or backscatter packets
would be quite challenging. In our case, these anonymization techniques have proven sufficient to give our partner
telecommunications company a sufficient level of comfort to
grant us access to the configuration files for this study.
As a result of the anonymization process, all comments,
documentation, semantically meaningful names, or anything
that could convey intent is removed from the configurations.
All that is left is raw mechanism. Since the configuration
files for each network are placed in a single directory with
filenames of the form “config1”, “config2”, ... not even DNS
naming conventions that have been used by other groups to
guess at POP structure and geographic location are avail-
able. The lack of comments and meta-data increases the
challenge in reverse-engineering the routing design of the
network, but highlights the value of the modeling techniques
proposed in this paper to extract the structure of the routing
design from an unorganized mass of configuration files.
Size of the Analyzed Networks
Figure 8 shows the distribution of the sizes of the 31 networks we studied in detail compared with the sizes of 2,400
networks in a repository available to us. Our study contains
networks from across the range of network sizes found in
the wild, with a slight overweighting towards networks with
more than 20 routers.
Discoveries from Routing Design Analysis
Using tools built to embody our reverse engineering methodology, we conducted extensive analysis of 31 networks whose
configurations were available to us. In this section we discuss some of the more interesting routing related observations that show the power of the analysis of static configuration files to frame and answer questions about networks
that were previously unexamined.
Using the Routing Instance Model to Understand a
Network’s Structure
To illustrate how reverse engineering the routing design
can take even an extremely complicated network and make
it intelligble, we examine an enterprise network called net5.
This network contains a total of 881 routers and 14 different
BGP ASs, all internal to the network. There are 24 routing
instances, which range in size from the largest that contains
445 routers to the smallest that contains only a single router.
The network connects to external networks through EBGP
sessions with 16 different external ASs.
A graph of the physical topology of net5 is an unintelligible “hairball” — a densely connected set of routers and links
that gives no insight into how the network is structured or
instance 5
BGP AS 10436
3 routers
instance 4
BGP AS 65001
6 routers
instance 6
32 routers
instance 1
445 routers
Router RIB
Router RIB
Router 1
Router 2
BGP AS 65010
39 routers
BGP AS 65040
7 routers
instance 7
64 routers
Router RIB
Router 4
Router 3
Router RIB
Router 5
Figure 9: The routing design of three compartments in network net5. Net5 uses EIGRP as an inter-domain
protocol to redistribute external routes between BGP instances 2 and 4, and EBGP as an intra-domain
protocol to redistribute internal routes between BGP instances 2 and 3. Routes to external destinations
learned by the 445 routers in EIGRP instance 1 have been passed through at least 3 layers of routing
protocols and redistributions - all inside the single network.
instance 6
32 routers
instance 7
64 routers
world by router 3 use the egress point at the far left of
the network, or the far right?” The route pathway graph
shows which routers have policy that governs how routes
are propagated to router3.
The route pathway graph for router 3 also makes clear
that the routing design of net5 does not follow either the
conventional enterprise or backbone network pattern. The
use of routing protocols in net5 simply cannot be fit into the
conventional model of a two layer EGP/IGP network.
BGP AS 65040
instance 5
BGP AS 10436
instance 4
BGP AS 65001
BGP AS 65010
instance 1
445 routers
IGP vs EGP classification
To quantify how many networks use an unconventional
routing design, we examine how the networks make use of
routing protocols. Routing protocols are commonly categorized as either Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP) or Exterior
Gateway Protocols (EGP). The IGP and EGP classification
refers to a protocol’s routing scope in relation to an administrative domain. RIP, OSPF, IS-IS, and EIGRP have been
cast as IGPs primarily because they lack the route selection
attributes believed to be required of an EGP, and because
of their historical application as protocols whose operation
remained entirely inside an administrative domain. It is also
widely accepted that BGP is the only EGP for IP networks.
One of the first observations we make is that the use of
routing protocols in many of the 31 networks does not follow
the IGP-EGP classification. To compute the frequency with
which each routing protocol serves in a given role, we developed a method to classify the roles of all routing protocol
instances employed by the 31 networks. Routing protocol
instances that have adjacencies with the instances of another network are considered to be serving as an EGP or
inter-domain protocols; otherwise they are being used as an
IGP or intra-domain protocol.
Determining whether a routing protocol instance has an
adjacency with a routing instance in another network is not
easy, as many links in IP networks are multi-point and unless all the addresses in the link’s subnet are found in the
configuration files of other routers in the network, it is possible that an external router is present on the link - making
the link an external peering point.
Point-to-point links commonly use a /30 subnet, which
generally contains only 2 usable IP addresses. If both addresses are present in the configuration files, the interface
is declared internal-facing, otherwise it is declared externalfacing. Multipoint links, such as Ethernet, commonly have
much larger subnets assigned to them (e.g., a /24 containing
Router 3
Figure 10: The route pathway graph by which
Router 3 learns routing information.
functions. In contrast, Figure 9 shows the routing instance
graph for the majority of net5 (541 out of the 881 routers).
As shown in the figure, most of the network’s routers
are connected to one of three routing instances running the
EIGRP protocol: 445 routers to instance 1, 32 routers to
instance 6, and 64 routers to instance 7. Routes are redistributed between the EIGRP instances by four different
BGP instances, each with a different AS number. Using
the routing instance diagram as a key, it is possible to navigate through the configuration files finding the exact set of
routers whose configuration must be understood in order to
answer a given question.
For example, a question might be “how many routers need
to fail before instance 1 is partitioned from instance 2?” As
shown in the routing instance graph, the function of router 2
in the routing design is to redistribute routes between routing instances 4 and 1. There are 6 routers in net5 that serve
this same purpose, and they serve as redundant backups for
each other. If all these 6 routers were to fail, these two
instances would be separated (unless they were somehow
reachable to each other through the external world, which
is not true in this case)
Figure 10 shows the route pathway graph for router 3,
which sits in the middle of net5. This figure can be used to
answer questions such as “will packets sent to the outside
Table 1: Number of protocol instances performing
intra- or inter-domain routing.
Fraction of networks < x
256 address). Such interfaces could be internal-facing and
used to connect individual hosts, or they could implement
a shared “DMZ” specifically designed to connect internal
and external routers. However, routing configuration can
be used to determine the true purpose of the link. If the
interface is used as the next-hop for any external destinations (i.e., addresses not known to be inside the network as
determined by analysis of the address space structure), then
we assume there must be an external router on the link to
accept and forward these packets and we mark the link as
Table 1 shows both the number of different routing instances found in our 31 networks, broken out by routing
protocol and intra/inter role in the network. In our data
we saw no use of IS-IS. The number for intra-domain use of
EIGRP includes two instances of IGRP. For OSPF, EIGRP
and EBGP, the vast majority of sessions conform with conventional wisdom, with about 90% of OSPF and EIGRP
sessions being used for intra-domain routing and about the
same fraction of EBGP sessions being inter-domain. However, the data show a more diverse use, with a significant
number of sessions breaking the conventional paradigm. Among
the 31 networks, there are a total of 2664 cases (11% of total) where an IGP protocol instance performs the function of
an EGP and 1490 instances (10% of total) where an EBGP
session is used for intra-network routing. Three networks do
not use BGP at all.
We hypothesize several reasons why designers use IGPs
like RIP, OSPF, EIGRP, etc. as edge protocols that talk to
another network: be it their provider or their customer. It is
widely believed that these protocols are easier to configure
than BGP, and there is anecdotal evidence that these protocols consume fewer memory resources than a BGP process
(which is significant for low-end enterprise routers). There
are also several reasons why EBGP might be chosen for use
an internal protocol. Perhaps the network designer sought
greater scalability by dividing the network into compartments, or perhaps the EBGP sessions are a legacy from when
several separate networks were merged together to form a
single network during a corporate merger. Alternatively, the
use of BGP gives the network designer a fine degree of control over route selection and reachability with its extensive
routing policy features.
Restricting Reachability in the Network
Another surprising result from our analysis is that some
of the networks have many packet filters applied to the internal links. This type of reachability restriction inside the
network has not been documented before. According to conventional wisdom, “protective” route and packet filtering are
only required at the edge of a network to avoid bogus route
advertisements and spoofed packets [6]. To evaluate how
Percent of filter rules applied to internal links
Figure 11: CDF of percentage of packet filters applied to internal links
packet filtering is used in production networks, we gathered
packet filter usage statistics for each network. Three networks do not have any packet filter definitions, and they are
ignored for the purpose of this analysis reducing the data
set size to 28 networks.
The basic building block of a packet filter definition is an
access control list or route-map that consists of a variable
number of “if condition then action” clauses. To measure
the total amount of filtering policy on a link, regardless of
how the policy is grouped into filters, we treat each clause
as a separate filter rule.
Figure 11 plots the cumulative density distribution of the
percentage of packet filter rules applied to internal links for
the 28 networks. The figure shows that in more than 30%
of the networks, at least 40% of the packet filter rules are
applied at internal interfaces.
We investigate further by examining the details of all the
internal packet filters. The results show a great diversity
in the policy goals that these filters try to achieve. For example: They are used to drop packets of a specific protocol
(e.g., PIM) originating from an internal host, effectively disabling that protocol in all or parts of the network. They are
used to block traffic that uses certain UDP or TCP ports.
They are also used to dictate which set of hosts can use a
particular application through selective filtering based the
application’s port.
Our detailed look at the packet filters also reveals weaknesses in the Cisco IOS language that can make configuring
routers more error prone and the maintenance of router configurations more difficult. For example, we had a hard time
deciphering the purpose of one packet filter because it consists of 47 clauses defining several policies simultaneously.
A better design would be to create multiple packet filters,
one for each policy. However, IOS only allows a single filter
to be applied to each interface, thereby forcing the designer
to place all 47 clauses into a single filter.
Case Studies of Routing Designs
From the 31 analyzed networks, it is very clear that the
use of alternate architectures is not just a theoretical pos-
sibility, it is very common. Beyond even the unusual use
of “interior” and “exterior” gateway protocols described in
Section 5.2, we have found a vast array of different routing designs in use in these production networks. The diversity highlights the need to study and understand these
designs. As a community, we must determine if they represent a clever optimization of previously unknown trade-offs,
or if they are simple kludges and mis-designs that could be
avoided if the research community develops a repository of
best-common practices for routing design through the study
of such positive and negative examples.
As a first step in this direction, this section presents a
case study of the routing design of two networks to show
how the designers’ latent insights can be brought out. The
first case study examines how the need for an IBGP mesh
can be avoided, even in networks that must implement complicated routing policy. The second case study examines
how reachability to external destinations can be controlled.
instance 2
AS 25286
instance 1
instance 6
instance 3
= acess−list 1 permit
instance 4
instance 5
= access−list 1 deny
= Address Block 2
Figure 12: Routing design of network 15 annotated
with policies.
Backbone networks do not have the freedom to assign
addresses to all the peers whose packets will transit their
network, so their routers must use AS-path attributes to
decide which routes should be placed in their RIBs or redistributed. In creating net5’s routing design, the network
designer was able to avoid the need to configure an IBGP
mesh that would distribute external routes throughout the
network. Given the large number of nodes in the network,
a simple IBGP mesh would not be scalable, and a complex
set of IBGP reflectors would be required.
The example of net5 indicates that the space of trade-offs
in which network design takes places is much larger than
originally believed. By analysis of an operational network’s
routing design we found evidence supporting a new class
of trade-offs: namely a tension between structured address
assignment that enables simplified routing policies and arbitrary address assignment which requires more complex routing designs and routing policies.
The exercise also validates our goal that routing design
extraction can be used to help understand and assess the
structure of networks for which no documentation is available.
6.1 Avoiding an IBGP Mesh
Analysis of the routing design of net5 (Figure 9) shows
that its highly unconventional structure is not a mistake,
but rather a clever design optimized to the constraints of the
network. For reasons we have been unable to discern from
the configurations, the designer felt the need to segregate
the network into compartments. This compartmentalization, combined with the large number of places the network
peers with external networks, creates a large number of potential egress points for packets being routed in the middle
of the network.
Under conventional wisdom, the need for complex route
selection logic in the middle of the network to choose among
egress points and the need to pass route information between
network compartments should cause the designer to decide
use a backbone-like routing design. In a backbone design
(typified by router 5 in Figures 5 and 7), IBGP sessions are
used to distribute external routes through out the network,
because implementing complex route selection logic generally requires the use of route attributes carried by BGP, such
as AS-path information, that would be lost if the routes were
redistributed into an IGP.
However, the designer of net5 appears to have deliberately constructed the network to avoid the need for BGP
attributes in route selection, enabling an IGP to be used for
redistribution of all routes inside the compartments of the
network. Two techniques were used to achieve this simplification.
First, the address blocks used in the network were carefully laid out so that the routers and hosts in each network
compartment use addresses from an address block made up
by a small number of unique and non-overlapping subnets.
This meant that even complicated redistribution policies
could be expressed using only address-based route-maps, as
the address space was laid out to support the containment
the designer was trying to achieve. There was therefore no
need for the use of BGP-style attributes like AS-paths to
control route redistribution.
Second, external routes were tagged to indicate their source
as they were first redistributed into the network’s IGP instances. Route selection for the router RIB on each router
was configured to key off the tag, and since the IGP can
propagate these tags, the need for an IBGP mesh and related BGP configuration was avoided.
Controlling External Reachability
While the ultimate goal of networking is to enable communication between hosts that are not directly connected,
in the networks we studied we observed a wide diversity
of mechanisms being used to limit the set of destinations
that hosts could reach. A completely accurate answer to
the question of which hosts can communicate is extremely
difficult, as it requires modeling the details of the route selection algorithm used by each protocol on each router on
the network. However, by applying routing design analysis
there is a middle ground that avoids the need to model route
selection but still provides an extremely useful view of the
reachability provided by the network.
We have developed a reachability analysis algorithm [27]
that begins with the routing instances calculated as described in Section 3. Figure 12 shows an example of this
analysis applied to net15, which has 79 routers. The network
connection to the outside world is via EBGP peering sessions
with two different public ASs (anonymized as AS 25286 and
AS 12762). The network has six routing instances, shown
with rounded boxes, and the links connecting them repre-
tion 3. In this section, we evaluate how closely production
networks follow these architectures, and we verify whether
heuristics commonly used to classify networks are accurate
or not. Our data set of 31 networks contains 4 backbone
networks, enterprise networks of varying sizes, and several
large tier-2 ISPs.
Table 2: Address blocks mentioned by redistribution
Policy #
AB0, AB1
Policy #
AB0, AB3
Differences Among Routing Designs
7.1 Routing Design
Although enterprise networks and backbone networks are
commonly thought of as following canonical “textbook” architectures, in reality the routing designs used by networks
are far more diverse than these two architectures.
The four backbone networks do exhibit features close to
the textbook backbone routing design: a large number of
EBGP sessions are used to peer with external networks;
IBGP is used for distribution of external routes from the
border routers to interior routers; and a small number of
IGP instances is used to distribute routes to internal subnets.
The large tier-2 ISP has the BGP structure of a backbone
network, but contains a very large number of staging IGP
instances. These are routing instances of a traditional IGP
protocol, like OSPF or EIGRP, that have only a single router
inside the network, but a large number of external peers.
Presumably these are used to connect customers that do not
run BGP to the tier-2 ISP. Instead, an IGP protocol is used
to distribute routing information to the customers. Network
designers tell us that this is often done in preference to using
static routes because the IGP provides ongoing validation
that the link to the customer is still up.
Seven of the 31 networks had routing designs very close
to a textbook enterprise network: a small number of BGP
speakers that communicate with the outside world and inject
routes into a small number of IGP instances from which most
of the network’s routers learn their routes. The largest of the
seven divided up its 101 routers equally between two IGP
instances, presumably to improve performance and scalability.
The remaining 20 enterprise networks exhibited designs
that were so markedly different both from textbook examples and from each other as to defy classification. Figure 7
shows how routes are redistributed between IGP and EGP
for the canonical backbone and enterprise architectures using route pathway graphs. The difference between this figure and Figure 10 showing the route pathway graph for net5
makes clear how different production routing designs can be.
The hierarchy of protocols and route redistribution used in
net5’s routing design is only one example of the many different structures observed across the 31 networks we examined.
17 of the networks involved some form of the redistribution
of external routes learned via BGP into an IGP, but they
differed in the number of ASs used internal to the network,
the arrangement of those ASs, the completeness of the IBGP
mesh inside the ASs, and the redistribution of routes between the ASs.
Networks are designed and built to serve a purpose, such
as connecting together the computers used by a corporation
or creating a transit backbone. In other fields, commonality of purpose has led to commonality in the mechanisms
used to achieve these purposes through the construction of
“cookbooks” or “best practices.” In routing design, the classic textbooks [12] generally define only two architectures:
the enterprise and backbone architectures presented in Sec-
7.2 Size
Backbone networks are commonly assumed to be the largest
networks, but network size is not a good indication of network type. The four networks with a backbone architecture
range in size from 400 to 600 routers, with a mean of 540
routers. The seven networks with a classic enterprise structure tend to be quite small, with sizes ranging from 19 to 101
sent the route redistribution between the instances. Where
there is policy restricting the redistribution, the link is annotated with a policy number and whether the routes specified by the policy are blocked (stop sign) or permitted (flag).
The subnets mentioned in the policies have been aggregated
into numbered Address Blocks, which are connected to the
routing instances where those subnets are attached to the
network. From this figure and Table 2, which shows which
address blocks are mentioned in each policy, the following
observations emerge:
First, this is an example of a network where hosts do
not have reachability to the Internet at large. The only
routes allowed into the network from the public BGP ASs
are those listed by policies A1, A3, and A5, which total
two /16 networks and 3 /24s. There is no default route
permitted. However, routes to the hosts connected to the
network (address blocks AB2 and AB4) are allowed out. It
is impossible to tell whether the public ASs propagate these
routes further, but from a security standpoint it is possible
that packets from the global Internet will find their way into
this network, although the hosts inside the network will not
be able to respond.
Second, from the structure of the routing design, presumably the routers in instances 1, 2, and 3 are located in a different location from those in instances 4, 5, and 6. However,
the connections to the public ASs are not used to create a
virtual private network between the two sites. In fact, packets from hosts connected in Address Block 2 cannot reach
hosts in Address Block 4 at all, or vice versa. The intersection of the policies that control routes leaving the left half
the network with those controlling routes entering the right
half of the network is the null set: A2 ∩ A5 = A2 ∩ A3 =
A4 ∩ A1 = ∅.
Third, as is common in enterprise networks, OSPF is used
to redistribute routes inside the network. However, by using the routing instance model, it is now possible to begin
predicting the scalability of the routing design. The reachability analysis establishes that the ingress filters A1, A3 and
A5 are the factors that control the maximum number of external routes that can be injected into the OSPF instances.
Combined with the number of routers in the OSPF instance,
the maximum load on the OSPF processes can be predicted.
from the configuration files is valuable in checking the consistency of external inventory databases, or to provide new
inputs to the database after acquiring a new network. Snapshots of the routing design over time can be used to track
the steps in adding or removing equipment from the network. The network designer can also use the current routing design to determine where and how to add a new link
or router to the network, including the planning of which
routing protocol adjacencies and parameters to configure.
Vulnerability assessment: The routing design model
provides a concise summary of the routing protocols and parameters used in the operational network. This information
can be used to assess potential network vulnerabilities, such
as vulnerability to network attacks, configuration errors, or
violations of best common practices. For example, the operator can identify connections to neighboring domains that do
not have packet or route filters, or internal links and routers
with incomplete routing protocol adjacencies.
Network engineering: The operators can also evaluate
the robustness of the routing design to equipment failures
and planned maintenance activities. For example, analysis
of the routing design data can uncover scenarios where a
single link or session failure would disconnect part of the
network. The operators can also schedule maintenance activities to avoid disabling multiple routers with static routes
to the same destination prefix, to limit the likelihood of service disruptions. In addition to the routing design data,
survivability analysis requires “what if” tools that model
the effects of changes to the network topology and routing
configuration [5]. The analysis may also require additional
information about the mapping of IP links to layer-two (e.g.,
ATM switches) and layer-1 (e.g., fiber spans and optical
amplifiers) to accurately capture the effects of failures and
maintenance activities in the underlying transport network.
With accurate measurements of the offered traffic, the operators can use the “what if” tools to determine the effects
of changes to the routing configuration and the underlying
topology on the traffic load in the network.
Anomaly detection and diagnosis: Detecting and diagnosing anomalous behavior is a crucial part of running
a large IP network [3]. Operators need effective ways to
identify why a user cannot reach a particular destination, or
why a routing protocol is flapping. Ultimately, anomaly detection depends on analyzing a wide range of network measurements of link and CPU load, packet and flow traces,
performance statistics, fault alarms, and routing protocol
messages. Diagnosing a problem may require the operator
to probe the network using tools such as ping and traceroute.
However, making sense of these data sets requires information about the routing design. For example, the routing
design captures the fact that an EBGP session is associated
with a particular edge interface, which may be important
in explaining why the BGP session has failed. The routing
design also reveals situations where two hosts should not be
able to reach each other, due to packet or route filtering policies. Finally, the routing design is crucial for deciding where
to place the measurement devices (such as packet monitors
or routing monitors) to collect the most useful data.
Table 3: Types of interfaces found among the 31
networks in analyzed data set.
total # :
routers. In contrast, the 20 enterprise networks with an unclassifiable routing design vary in size from 4 to 1750 routers,
with a mean of 300 and a median of 36. As shown in Figure 8, the distribution is skewed towards smaller networks,
but there are still four networks larger than the largest backbone network, containing 760, 890, 1430, and 1750 routers.
These networks belong to large enterprises and tier-2 ISPs.
7.3 Interface Composition
The interfaces used in a network are a relatively good
predictor of the type of the network. As expected, three of
four backbones are largely built using Packet-Over-SONET
(POS) interfaces, which are high-cost interfaces normally reserved for high-speed long-haul links. Table 3 shows the type
and frequency of the interfaces in use on the 8,035 devices
in the 31 networks we studied. By far, serial interfaces are
the most common. The links connected to these interfaces
are most commonly implemented using private T1 lines or
frame-relay circuits. Ten of the networks make extensive use
of ATM as a layer-2 technology for connecting their routers.
While POS interfaces are heavily used in three of the four
backbone networks, they appear in two enterprise networks
as well. The fourth backbone is based on High Speed Serial
Interfaces (HSSI) and ATM.
Routing Design in a Larger Context
Our analysis of router configuration data sheds light on
the poorly-understood art of routing design. In this section,
we discuss why configuration data alone does not provide a
complete view of the designers’ intent. Still, our model of
the routing design can serve as an important building block
supporting important tasks in running a large IP network.
8.1 Routing Design Data as a Building Block
In practice, the design and operation of large IP networks
consists of wide variety of tasks on different timescales. Having an accurate, up-to-date view of the routing design —
constructed from configuration files or from an external database — is extremely useful for conducting these tasks:
Inventory management: Maintaining an up-to-date
view of the network equipment, router configuration, and
the assignment of IP address blocks is an important part of
running a large IP network. The routing design extracted
In practice, an accurate, up-to-date view of the network
topology, routing protocol configuration, and packet/route
filters is crucial for supporting these and many other network
management tasks.
Challenges of Inferring the Routing Design
Certain aspects of routing design are not captured in a
snapshot of a network’s configuration state:
Uncovering the reasons for the design decisions:
The analysis of our data reveals the network topology and
routing protocol configuration but does not explain the reasoning behind these choices. For example, many large enterprises have a hub-and-spoke topology to provide spokes
(e.g., retail stores) access to hubs (e.g., central places for
maintaining inventory and credit-card charges). However,
this does not imply that the spokes never communicate with
each other, routing through the hub to do so. In some cases,
the hub-and-spoke design might be motivated in part by cost
constraints. In other cases, the network designer might not
know that the spokes do indeed communicate (through the
hub). Spoke-to-spoke communication would only be visible
by measuring and analyzing traffic data. Similarly, a hierarchical routing design might suggest that a network consists of separate administrative regions; e.g., with different
autonomous systems administered by different operations
teams. However, the same design might arise to bound the
processing load on the control plane of the routers within
each autonomous system. In some cases, a more detailed
analysis might hint that the explanation indeed lies in partitioning administrative responsibilities (e.g., presence of different passwords, operating system versions, or patterns of
configuration commands). Still, understanding the true intent of the designer(s) is difficult without more information.
Absence of important side information: The configuration files do not include basic information such as physical locations or the distances between the routers. Depending on the interface technology, the capacity of a link may
be unknown or dependent on the underlying layer-two circuit. In some cases, important information may be gleaned
from knowing the network operators’ conventions for naming
the routers, entering comment strings, or assigning tunable
parameters. For example, the hostname of a router might
implicitly indicate its location, vendor, model, and role in
the network. DNS names associated with routers and interfaces are sometimes used in a similar fashion. Comment
fields in the interface section might indicate the role of the
link (e.g., connection to a customer or peer), the name of
the neighbor, and whether the interface is in the middle of
provisioning. Specific values of routing protocol parameters (such as OSPF link costs) might indicate the type of
link (e.g., intra-PoP or inter-PoP) and whether the link is
undergoing maintenance. Acquiring this kind of “side information” from network databases and operators, while challenging and sometimes error prone, is extremely worthwhile
because it makes newer, deeper forms of analysis possible.
Limited information about the neighboring domains:
The router configuration files only provide information about
one end of the links and sessions to neighboring domains. Although the packet and route filters on edge links constrain
the behavior of the neighbors, reasoning about the expected
or typical behavior is challenging. In the extreme, an edge
link might not have any filtering at all, making it impossible
to know what kinds of data packets and route advertisements to expect. This problem becomes much simpler if
packet traces, routing table snapshots, or the configuration
files for the remote routers are available. In addition, the
configuration data does not reveal whether the routers inside the network can communicate with each other through
neighboring domains. For example, a network with links
to two neighboring domains may have a “backdoor” route
through these external connections. The presence of such
backdoor routes is difficult to discern, even for the network
operators themselves. Often, routing table dumps or traceroute data are necessary to uncover these kinds of situations.
Evolution of the routing design over time: In practice, routing design is not a discrete activity that takes place
a single time when a network is first built. Instead, design
is a continual process. At any given time, a network may
have elements of old and new designs, including vestiges
of incomplete or abandoned modifications to the configuration. Similarly, the provisioning and decommissioning of
equipment may lead to network configurations that appear
incomplete or inconsistent. In addition, mergers and acquisitions may lead to hybrid designs with distinct characteristics that date back to the original designs of the constituent
networks. For example, a single network might use OSPF as
the IGP in certain domains and EIGRP in others for purely
historical reasons. Acquiring a deeper understanding of the
evolution of the routing design requires a longitudinal analysis with multiple snapshots of the router configuration data
over time. We plan to pursue this analysis as part of our
ongoing work.
Related Work
In the absence of the data needed to conduct white-box
analysis of routing designs, there has been significant work
on black-box reverse engineering of network topology and IP
connectivity [25, 2, 8]. The work of [5, 3] illustrates the potential power of white-box network analysis, via automated
processing of router configuration files. Many network management tools for network and traffic engineering often rely
on similar methods to obtain topology and routing configuration information [14, 5]. A wealth of data on routing
behavior has been gleaned from routing table dumps and
route monitors, particularly the BGP data collected by the
RouteViews project [18]. Such techniques, deployed within
a given routing domain [24, 15], provide dynamic white-box
measurements of IP connectivity and reachability information. Though such data would complement and enhance
the investigation considered here, the associated instrumentation has not yet been widely deployed.
We considered existing data models, but none were appropriate for modeling routing designs. ITU-T M-series recommendations [23] are more geared for inventory management. The Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF)
has created a model for representing the configuration of
networks [11], but it is at the wrong granularity for the study
of routing design. It provides no means of abstraction, like
our routing instances, or means of analysis, like our route
pathway and routing process graphs.
An IP network’s routing design is embodied in the configuration of its routing protocols. Through the routing design,
network operators attempt to balance complex objective and
constraints, and to ensure robust network operations. In this
paper, we make three primary contributions:
1. We present a methodology for working with the configuration files of production networks that supports the
reverse engineering of the network’s routing design.
[5] Anja Feldmann, Albert Greenberg, Carsten Lund, Nick
Reingold, and Jennifer Rexford. Netscope: Traffic
engineering for IP networks. IEEE Network Magazine,
pages 11–19, March 2000.
[6] P. Ferguson and D. Senie. Network Ingress Filtering:
Defeating Denial of Service Attacks which Employ IP
Source Address Spoofing. Internet Engineering Task Force,
January 1998. RFC 2267.
[7] Lixin Gao and Feng Wang. The extent of AS path inflation
by routing policies. In Proceedings of Global Internet 2002,
[8] Ramesh Govindan and Hongsuda Tangmunarunkit.
Heuristics for internet map discovery. In IEEE INFOCOM
2000, pages 1371–1380, Tel Aviv, Israel, March 2000. IEEE.
[9] Timothy Griffin, F. Bruce Shepherd, and Gordon T.
Wilfong. Policy disputes in path-vector protocols. In
Proceedings of the 7th Annual International Conference on
Network Protocols, pages 21–30, Toronto, Canada,
November 1999.
[10] Timothy G. Griffin and Gordon T. Wilfong. An analysis of
BGP convergence properties. In Proceedings of SIGCOMM,
pages 277–288, Cambridge, MA, August 1999.
[11] DMTF Networks Working Group. schema v27.
[12] Sam Halabi and Danny McPherson. Internet Routing
Architectures. Cisco Press, 2001.
[13] C. Hedrick. RFC 1058 - Routing Information Protocol,
[14] OPNET Technologies Inc.
[15] Packet Design Inc.
[16] D. E. Knuth. An empirical study of FORTRAN programs.
Software - Practice and Experience, 1(2):105–133,
April-June 1971.
[17] David A. Maltz, Jibin Zhan, Geoffrey Xie, Hui Zhang, Gisli
Hjalmtysson, Albert Greenberg, and Jennifer Rexford.
Structure preserving anonymization of router configuration
data. Technical Report CMU-CS-04-149, Carnegie Mellon
University, 2004.
[18] David Meyer and University of Oregon Route
Views Project.
[19] Greg Minshall. tcpdpriv - remove private information from
a tcpdump -w file. Software distribution available from, 1997.
[20] J. Moy. RFC 2178 - OSPF Version 2, 1997.
[21] Vern Paxson. End-to-end routing behavior in the Internet.
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 5(5):601–615,
[22] Y. Rekhter and T. Li. RFC 1771 - A Border Gateway
Protocol 4 (BGP-4), 1995.
[23] ITU-T M series recommendations.
[24] A. Shaikh, L. Kalampoukas, R. Dube, and A. Varma.
Routing stability in congested networks: Experimentation
and analysis. In Proc. ACM SIGCOMM’00, pages 163–174,
Stockholm, Sweden, 2000.
[25] N. Spring, R. Mahajan, and D. Wetherall. Measuring ISP
topologies with Rocketfuel. In Proc. ACM SIGCOMM,
August 2002.
[26] Cisco Systems. Enhanced IGRP. doc/en igrp.htm.
[27] Geoffrey Xie, Jibin Zhan, David A. Maltz, Hui Zhang,
Albert Greenberg, Gisli Hjalmtysson, and Jennifer Rexford.
On static reachability analysis of IP networks. Technical
Report CMU-CS-04-146, Carnegie Mellon University, 2004.
[28] Tatu Ylonen. Thoughts on how to mount an attack on
tcpdpriv’s “-a50” option... Web White Paper available from
2. We provide a general method to (i) automatically process the configuration files for a given network to extract the primitives that make up the network’s routing configuration and populate a router level model
of the network, and (ii) derive coherent global views
of the network’s routing design from the individual
primitives spread across the configuration files. These
global views include the routing process graph, routing
instance graph, route pathway graph and address space
structure. Together, they provide a means to abstract
and summarize a network’s configuration that exposes
the structure of the routing design and opens it up to
direct analysis.
3. We demonstrate the value of our approach by presenting examples of the application of the techniques to
thirty-one production networks, and 8,035 configuration files. This structural information is essential for
several important operational tasks: inventory management; vulnerability assessment; network engineering; anomaly detection and diagnosis.
Some of the unconventional features of the routing designs illustrate difficulties in meeting complex objectives and
constraints in operational networks. Others illustrate that,
like programming, routing design is an art where many approaches might be used to try to achieve the same result.
We believe that the best way forward for the operational and
research communities to improve routing designs is to first
understand the details, strengths and weaknesses of existing
We see our methodology as part of series of steps towards a
holistic theory of the design and operation of data networks.
Understanding the the mechanisms and dynamic behavior
of individual routing protocols is insufficient.We must work
towards a framework for understanding the interactions between the individual protocols and mechanisms from which
the network is forged in order to make progress on the goal
of achieving more scalable and robust networks.
We are grateful for the significant contributions Jennifer
Rexford has made in advancing this work and revising this
[1] D. Eastlake 3rd and P. Jones. RFC 3174 - US Secure Hash
Algorithm 1 (SHA1), 2001. Available from
[2] CAIDA., 2000.
[3] Don Caldwell, Anna Gilbert, Joel Gottlieb, Albert
Greenberg, Gisli Hjalmtysson, and Jennifer Rexford. The
cutting EDGE of IP router configuration. In Second
Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks (HotNets-II),
November 2003.
[4] R. Callon. RFC 1195 - Use of OSI IS-IS for routing in
TCP/IP and dual environments, 1990.