University of Technology Sydney (UTS)
This paper explores the quest for an account of the ‘total linguistic fact’.
Speech act theory, sociolinguistics, linguistic anthropology and social
semiotics have all attempted, in various ways and at various times, to find
a way to describe as much as possible that is going on around any speech
event. While this search for the total linguistic fact will always be a
chimerical goal, this paper proposes a framework based on the acronym
SEMIOSIS as one way of grasping the complexity of what is at play,
comprising social relations, emotional and sensorial engagement,
mobility, Iterative activity, objects and assemblages, socio- and
translingual practices, interactivity, and spatial repertoires. Looking at
data from a small Bangladeshi-run store in Tokyo, the paper shows how
bringing in this wider set of concerns at least allows for a more
– Miguel Oliveira, Jr. (UFAL)
comprehensive account of sociolinguistic moments.
– René Almeida (UFS)
– Vera Cristovão (UEL)
– Marcel Amorim (IFRJ)
Este artigo explora a busca por uma explicação do "fato linguístico total".
A teoria dos atos de fala, a sociolinguística, a antropologia linguística e a
–Received: 06/10/2021
semiótica social têm tentado, de múltiplas formas e em vários momentos,
–Accepted: 07/03/2021
encontrar uma maneira de descrever o máximo possível o que está
–Published: 08/01/2021
acontecendo em torno de qualquer evento de fala. Embora essa busca
PENNYCOOK, Alastair (2021). From
the Total Linguistic Fact. Cadernos de
Linguística, v. 2, n. 1, e386.
DOI 10.25189/2675-4916.2021.V2.N1.ID386
pelo fato linguístico total seja sempre um objetivo quimérico, este artigo
propõe um framework baseado na sigla SEMIOSIS como uma forma de
apreender a complexidade do que está em jogo, levando em conta
relações sociais, envolvimento emocional e sensorial, mobilidade,
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atividade interativa, objetos e montagens, práticas sócio e translinguais,
interatividade e repertórios espaciais. Considerando os dados de uma
pequena loja administrada por Bangladesh em Tóquio, o artigo mostra
como trazer esse conjunto mais amplo de preocupações permite ao
menos uma descrição mais abrangente de momentos sociolinguísticos.
Semiosis; Assemblage; Total Linguistic Fact.
Semiose; Agenciamento; Fato Linguístico Total.
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As part of his framework for the ethnography of speaking, Hymes1 (1974) proposed his
SPEAKING acronym, referring to the different components of interaction: setting/ scene,
participants, ends, acts sequence, key, instrumentalities, norms, and genre. This was part of
the argument to develop an understanding of sociolinguistic interaction beyond the limited
framework that other forms of linguistics suggested: An argument that to speak
appropriately involved communicative competence rather than grammatical correctness
(as narrowly defined by notions such as linguistic competence). This was to have a major
influence on the ethnography of communication (as developed by Saville-Troike, 1982, and
others), arguably a precursor to more recent work in linguistic ethnography (Copland
Creese, 2015), as well as communicative language teaching, when it was taken up by
Canale and Swain (1980 and others. The setting or scene referred to the time, place and
physical surrounds (the context); participants were the speaker or audience; the ends
described the purposes, goals, and outcomes of the speech event; the acts sequence
pointed to the importance of the order of speech acts within the event; key was a term used
to refer to the tone (or manner) of the interaction; instrumentalities referred broadly to the
forms and styles of language used (speaking writing, dialect, register and so on); norms
were the social rules that governed participants and their interactions; and genre described
the kind of speech act involved.
This proved a useful and fairly resilient model that gave a way of accounting for the
complexity of sociolinguistic interaction and what communication involved (even if it was
reduced to ‘sociolinguistic competence’ within the communicative competence of language
education). It was an attempt, one might say, to get at ‘the total linguistic fact’, all that is
going on when people interact with language. This has been a long-term goal of
sociolinguists, linguistic anthropologists and language philosophers. Austin (1962, p.52), for
example, in search of an understanding of what made an utterance effective, spoke of the
“total speech situation.” There has never been, however, as Butler (1997, p.3) points out, any
easy way “to decide how best to delimit that totality.” Butler’s concern is with questions of
time and iterative practice: the illocutionary act “performs its deed at the moment of the
I am very aware of the problems associated with Dell Hymes’ widely-attested history of sexual harassment. There
has been much discussion of whether he should be ‘cancelled’ (as some have put it), whether his work should be
ignored, or whether these can be separated. I take the view that it is hard for us to ignore his work, given its
significance in sociolinguistics, but that it is equally impossible to overlook his personal history. I have therefore
decided, as an uncomfortable compromise, to continue to refer to his work but to always include a note such as
this drawing attention to his inexcusable past.
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utterance, and yet to the extent that the moment is ritualized, it is never merely a single
moment” (1997, p3 italics in original). For Butler, the concern is that “the temporality of
linguistic convention, considered as ritual, exceeds the instance of its utterance” (1997, p3).
And yet, this question of time is only one of many expansions one might be tempted to make
- social, cultural, spatial, political – for which Austin’s total speech situation cannot do justice
to all that is at play.
The idea of trying to grasp this totality nonetheless gained some traction through
Silverstein’s (1985) interest in “the total linguistic fact,” referring to the “unstable mutual
interaction of meaningful sign forms, contextualised to situations of interested human use
and mediated by the fact of cultural ideology” (1985, p220). Silverstein’s focus, which would
be important for other linguistic anthropologists such as Blommaert (2015), was on the
relations among forms of language, their use, and the ways they are understood
ideologically, each affecting each other. Others have added to this framework (or
suggested that such ideas were already there), Wortham (2008), for example pointing to the
importance of domain alongside the other three elements, to refer, following Agha (2007) to
“the set of people who recognize the indexical link between a type of sign and the relevant
ideology” (2008, p4). In other words, we need to take into account not just the form, use and
ideology, but also the ways participants recognize or enregister them. This three- or fourway account still left open the question of what might be included within signs and contexts.
In search of the total sociolinguistic fact, Karimzad (2021, p.26) makes a case for a
better understanding of chronotopes, so that we can pay more attention to different levels
of contexts that are relevant for any interaction and thus provide “more precise and
coherent understandings of experience, memory, imagination, and ideology and their
impact on situated practices.” For Blommaert, at stake was the “multimodal total semiotic
fact” (2015, p21), encompassing a wider set of signs than the linguistic, narrowly defined. In
order to understand this “total linguistic/ semiotic fact” in relation to “cultural ideology” and
“sociolinguistic stratification” (Blommaert, 2017, p.58), we have to account for the
multiplicity of factors that come together around people and place: “These dense and
complex objects are the ‘stuff’ of the study of language in society” (2017, p.59). In the
concluding chapter of her overview of the third wave of sociolinguistics, Eckert (2018) turns
to the semiotic landscape or what we might call (though this is not Eckert’s point) the 4th
wave of sociolinguistics, the move by sociolinguists – or sociocultural linguists (Bucholtz and
Hall, 2008) where sociolinguistics and anthropological linguists come together – to engage
with a broader set of semiotic artefacts than before. For Eckert, this is about the “production
of locality” (2018, p186), about the ways in which locally encountered resources are
combined with more distantly encountered resources to produce a ‘here’ and ‘there’.
This trend towards a broader semiotic whole can be observed in a number of domains
of socio- and applied linguistics. The field of linguistic landscapes, for example, has
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expanded from an earlier focus on languages on signs in the public space to a broad
understanding of the social semiotics of space, from signs as signage to signs as semiotics
(Pennycook, 2019), to include “images, photos, sounds (soundscapes), movements, music,
smells (smellscapes), graffiti, clothes, food, buildings, history, as well as people who are
immersed and absorbed in spaces” (Shohamy, 2015, pp. 153-154). And while a lot of the focus
on the translinguistic turn in sociolinguistics has been on its challenge to linguistic
orthodoxies around bilingualism, code-switching and the ontology of named languages –
the idea that “communication transcends individual languages” – a secondary focus has
been on the ways that “communication transcends words and involves diverse semiotic
resources and ecological affordances” (Canagarajah, 2013, p.6). This broad multilingual,
multimodal and multisensorial focus (Zhu Hua, Otsuji & Pennycook, 2017)) has been taken
up through an interest in semiotic assemblages (Pennycook, 2017) or entanglements
(Pennycook, 2020). Demuro and Gurney (2021) argue that this move towards assemblages
represents an ontological shift from a prior account of languages as systems, and a
subsequent interest in languages as social practices, to a view of language as an emergent
conjuncture of different components.
In line with this assemblage-oriented way of thinking, it may be useful to reorient the
earlier SPEAKING framework towards a broader understanding of SEMIOSIS. While the
search for the total linguistic fact will always be a chimerical goal – indeed, these versions
of the ‘total linguistic fact’ have never seriously claimed to cover everything – this
framework suggests a context for language that responds to the recent broadening of
sociolinguistics towards a wider semiotics. It is made up of the following elements: Social
relations between the participants, with particular relation to questions of class, ethnicity,
gender, race and religion; Emotional and sensorial engagement refers to the affective and
somatic domains; Mobility draws our attention to the need to account for the ways in which
people and their resources are rarely static; Iterative activity locates language within an
understanding of social practices; Objects and assemblages help us see how these social
interactions are always part of a network of artefactual relations; Socio and translingual
practices refer to the different linguistic resources at play; Interactivity looks at the ways
people interact though posture, gesture, and language; and Spatial repertoires is used to
address the importance of place and the semiotic resources available. In the rest of this
paper, I shall draw on various examples from the ten-year (2010-2020) metrolingualism
project (Pennycook and Otsuji, 2015a) using linguistic ethnography to study language
complexities in urban settings, to illustrate the work that this framework can do.
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Social relations
Iterative activity
Objects and assemblages
Socio and translingual practices
Spatial repertoires
Social background (class, ethnicity, gender, race, religion etc)
Affective and somatic domains
Accounting for movement of people and language
Language as social practice
Networks of artefactual relations
Different linguistic resources at play
Posture, gesture, and interaction
Place and available semiotic resources
We have found corner stores to be particularly productive sites for the study of complex
social interactions (Zhu Hua, Otsuji & Pennycook, 2017): Commonly run as migrant small
businesses (Panayiotopoulos, 2010) they are key sites of everyday economic, intercultural
and linguistic exchange. Following the notion of multiculturalism from below, or everyday
multiculturalism – understood as “a grounded approach to looking at the everyday practice
and lived experience of diversity in specific situations and spaces of encounter” (Wise and
Velayutham 2009, 3) – a focus on the role of small shops from a localised, ethnographic
perspective draws attention to the ways in which multilingual cities operate at a local level.
This brings together a focus on the sociolinguistics of globalisation (Blommaert 2010),
grassroots multilingualism (Han, 2013), and an understanding of the interconnectedness of
“contemporary corner shop cosmopolitanism and everyday diversity unfold” (Karrabæk,
2017, p469). In this paper, intended as a research overview, I draw mainly on one example
(for purposes of space) that has been discussed elsewhere (Pennycook and Otsuji, 2019),
while drawing on other examples to develop certain aspects of the framework.
This might equally have been termed social background, though this phrasing can usefully
highlight the relational aspects of social identity (cf Agha, 2007): Being of Bangladeshi or
Pakistani or Nepalese background does not matter in itself so much as it matters in
relational terms. Such identity markers matter in Tokyo (often along racial lines) but take on
a different status in a shop where the staff are all of Bangladeshi background themselves.
The Bangladeshi-owned corner shop we have focused on in a number of papers, is located
in Isuramu Yokochō (Islamic alley) in Hyakunin-chō in Shinjuku (Tokyo). People who shop
there are both diverse (in terms of linguistic and ethnic backgrounds) and dispersed
(travelling from different parts of Tokyo to stock up on food and various products). In the
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data I will use to flesh out the SEMIOSIS framework, it is early evening during Ramadan and
two shop assistants (SA1, SA2) and the shop manager are taking turns to attend to
customers. A short time before this excerpt, SA1 has been answering a regular customer’s
questions about SIM cards while simultaneously browsing his mobile phone to find the live
stream match between Bangladesh and New Zealand at the 2017 International Cricket
Council Champions Trophy in England and Wales, which he then proceeds to watch while
serving customers (being from Bangladesh, with its postcolonial ties, matters).
In the particular example we are using here, the customer is of West African origin, with
implications for the languages used and the items bought (he is trying to find the right kind
of dried fish). In a different example from this data set (Pennycook and Otsuji, in press), we
have focused on three young men of Uzbek background who are not sure who runs this
shop, asking amongst themselves (in Uzbek) “Bu qorachalar kim? Hintlar ekanu” (Who are
these darker people? Seem like Indians). Their Japanese and English is limited but they point
to an Uzbek 500 söm banknote on the counter – both their presence and that of this note
reflecting recent migrationary trends and working visa changes in Japan – and explain (in
Japanese) “Kore wa watashi tachi no (this is ours)” which is met with “Uzubekisutan desho
(Uzbekistan, right?)” from the shop assistant. These social relations – religion, class,
ethnicity, gender, race – matter in these interactions. They do not determine them or the
language used – language produces as much as it reflects social relations – but they are an
important part of the complex set of relations that are brought into play. A raciolinguistic
perspective, as Oostendorp (2021, p.17) argues, has to be brought into conversation with
work on semiotic repertoires: “Not only do semiotic repertoires construct bodies; semiotic
repertoires are also partially determined by the bodies that come with them.” These are
relational attributes, different when young Uzbeki men puzzle over who runs the shop from
when a customer of West African background deals with the same shop assistants.
Emotional (affective) and sensorial relations is a broad category of concerns, reflecting two
of the ‘turns’ that have influenced the social sciences over the past decades. Both address
the concern that sociolinguistics has drawn too heavily on the cognitive-rationalist
dimensions of linguistic inquiry – the intra-cranial view of language in Joseph’s (2020) terms
– that have tended to make the literate mind in the head of the individual the assumed locus
of language (Finnegan, 2015), thereby overlooking bodies, emotions and senses other than
seeing and hearing (Pennycook, 2018a). Sociolinguistic research needs to engage “the
material world of stuff, objects, and things and, concomitantly, the immaterial world of
affect, emotions, and feelings.” (Thurlow, 2016, p15). The ‘affective turn’ (Clough and Halley,
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2007; McElhinny, 2010.) draws our attention to the importance of emotional life in any social
interaction. A response to the over-reliance on rationality as the core driver of human
interaction, this also suggests a re-orientation of sociological work (categories such as
structure and agency, for example) as well as a recognition that “brains and bodies are in
the same mind-enabling soup” (Damasio, 2018, p.240). The sensorial turn meanwhile takes
up those aspects of embodiment – particularly smell, taste and touch – that have often been
left out of the sociolinguistic picture. These senses, as Howes and Classen (2014, pp 88-9)
make clear are deeply social: Odour, for example, is often associated with “ethnic identify
and physical hygiene,” a site of racial, ethnic and class assumptions about others and the
ways they live.
Smellscapes are an important part of the social semiotic domain (Pennycook and
Otsuji, 2015b). The Bangladeshi shops we have researched almost always sell dried fish,
as well as spices, giving a rich background aroma. In their call for “an embodied
sociocultural linguistics” (174) Bucholz and Hall stress the importance of making more
salient bodily aspects of communication from voice to style and ways in which the body
is “imbricated in complex arrangements that include nonhuman as well as human
participants, whether animals, epidemics, objects, or technologies” (Bucholz and Hall
2016, p.186). We shall return to the role of gesture (interactivity) and complex
arrangements (assemblages) below. Smell and touch are an important part of the
shopping experience in corner stores. While supermarkets tend to remove such elements
(packaging and controlled sensory environments remove this engagement with food and
other items), they are often central in small shops. In the interaction under discussion here,
there is also frustration that this long search for the right kind of dried fish is taking so
long: The shop assistant puts one leg on the stool behind the counter, and fiddles with the
handle of the basket between them, and when the customer discovers the latest offering
is not the right one, his gentle laughter while explaining “not this one…no not this one”
(Excerpt 1, line 9) appears to be a way of softening the frustration on both sides. All this
matters – the smells, touches, sounds, the quiet flipping back and forth of the handle of
the basket – as the interaction unfolds, and we need research methods that can
incorporate this wider diversity of factors (Pink, 2008; Thurlow, 2016).
C: ah no. not this one. she said not this one
[C returns the fish]
[SA1 makes a phone call from his mobile phone on speaker
mode to SA3]
2. SA1 to SA2: oije boroda lon taile. smoked fish boroda
den. (give that big one in that case. give me the bigger
smoked fish.) oije boroda ano. boroda ano. (Bring the
big one. Bring the big one.)
3. C: allo. OK. [to the phone and keeps the line on hold]
[SA1’s call was picked up by SA3]
4. SA3:
SA1 [to the phone]: ak case American loya ahen toh.
(bring one case of American___)
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[pic 1]
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5. SA3: a::achha (okay)
SA1 to C: may be this one better not small fish.
[SA2 brings the dried smoked fish, SA1 point to the fish: pic
6. C: [goes back to the phone] ah? allo? il faut regarder
ton portable. On dirait ça, c’est ce qu’il vient de me
montrer là. attends je prends un photo. je vais
t’envoyer. don’t worry. da da da da. (hello? you have
to look at your phone. it seems like it, that’s what he has
just shown me. hang on I’ll take a photo. I’ll send it to
[C takes a photo of the smoked fish: pic 2]
7. C: [into phone : pic 3] qu’est-ce qu’il a fait, hein? …il faut
regarder. [unclear] en haut. (What did he do, eh? … you
[waiting for his partner’s response]
8. C: allo? c’est pas ça? ah. OK. (Hello? It’s not that? Oh,
[SA1 turns around and takes plastic bags from the wall
behind him]
9. C: not this one [to SA1] [laughs] no not this one
10. SA1: [pointing behind customer] easy to [the rustling
sounds from opening the plastic bag overlaps with the
[C looks behind]
11. C: [to SA2] No. not this one. [to phone] OK. je suis
désolé alors. désolé. bye. (Ok. well then I’m sorry.
[C finishes the phone call and removes the ear phones:
pic 4]
[SA1 continues packing three packs of skin-on frozen goat
meat and semolina powder]
[pic 2]
[pic 3]
[pic 4]
Excerpt 1. SA1: Shop assistant 1, a younger brother; SA2: Shop assistant 2, an older brother; C: Customer, SA3: a shop
Bangla: Bold; English: Plain; French: Italics; unknown: Bold Italics (translation in brackets)
A focus on mobility is more than just an observation about diversity in a world in which
people can (or are obliged to) move around more. It is a broader challenge to what has been
seen as the static sociolinguistic emphasis on language in place. “Mobility is the great
challenge: it is the dislocation of language and language events from the fixed position in
time and space attributed to them by a more traditional linguistics and sociolinguistics”
(Blommaert, 2010, p21). As suggested in the brief discussion of social relations above, the
people who come to this shop in Tokyo are of many backgrounds – people of South Asian
background looking for familiar foods, Muslims in search of Halal meat, people from the
Maghreb in search of lentils and chick peas, West Africans after particular kinds of fish, or
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Japanese customers who like to cook Asian food – and have often travelled a long way in
terms of their wider trajectories as well as a longer trek across Tokyo to stock up on supplies
(it is quite common for people to arrive with an empty suitcase). These mobilities have
evident implications for the social relations and linguistic resources at play in the shop at
any moment.
We have also become interested in the ways that mobile phones also now contribute to
what goes in in this space. Besides being a sales product neatly displayed in the glass
showcase behind the counter, the presence of mobile phones is conspicuous in the shop:
they are used for shopping lists, as a source of music and videos (through headphones), for
timekeeping, and as a communicative or information-gathering tool. They also enable
people to connect with other social spaces. In Excerpt 1, not only do we see the mobility that
has brought this customer and his desire for certain fish to this shop, but also his use of a
mobile phone to check the fish (a photo, a discussion) with someone else elsewhere. This
enables an expanded and interlocking spatiotemporal dimension produced by the use of
mobile technologies within the daily activities of shopping, with an emphasis particularly on
the simultaneity of entangled activities. In their paper on interactions in a “Polish Shop” in
London, Zhu Hua, Li Wei and Lyons (2017) describe an interaction between the shop
assistant, who is looking at her mobile phone, and a customer, in terms of a “face-to-face
communicative zone at the counter and the other digital communicative zone to which the
mobile serves as a gateway” (p. 426). Drawing on these insights, we prefer to look at this not
so much in terms of two interlocking communicative zones but rather as one semiotic
assemblage, an issue to which we return below. The use of mobile phones – often for
shopping lists but also as we see here for taking images of products and discussing with
others elsewhere – are becoming part of a new set of sociolinguistic practices.
This term points to one of the significant aspects of daily practice: repeated social action
that forms into practice. This is to take a practice-based orientation to language seriously
– not just as something we do but as a sociological category. Like the affective and sensorial
turns discussed above, the practice turn (Schatzki, 2001; 2002) in the social sciences
emphasizes the ways in which social life is organized in terms of things we do: cooking
practices, banking practices, recreation practices, religious practices, shopping practices,
and so on. To look at language practices in this way is to do more than emphasize the
activity of using language – a focus that has also arisen with the emphasis on ‘languaging’
and ‘translanguaging’ within the translinguistic movement (Garcia and Li Wei, 2014) – but
rather to turn the tables on common ways of framing language use. Van Leeuwen (2008)
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points out that while practice – a focus on ‘what people do’ – has been seen as a
foundational category in sociology and anthropology, in linguistics by contrast, “things have
generally been the other way around, with systems (grammars, paradigms) generating
processes (syntagms), rather than processes (practices) generating systems (institutions
and objectified forms of knowledge)” (p.5). As this observation makes clear, the point in
looking at language practices is to reverse the ways in which language studies have
generally privileged language structure over social activity.
Language, as Canagarajah (2007) observes, “does not exist as a system out there. It is
constantly brought into being in each context of communication” (p.91): Language cannot
be understood “outside the realm of practice” (p.94). This shift from system to practice
suggests an ontological shift in what language is (Demuro and Gurney; 2021). To look at
language as iterative activity – something we do repeatedly that forms into established
practices – makes central the doing of language as a material part of social and cultural
life rather than the idea of language as an abstract entity. As Bourdieu (1977) reminds us,
practices are actions with a history, suggesting that when we think in terms of language
practices, we need to account for both time and space, history and location. Considering
Extract 1, shopping practices (using shopping lists, choosing items, paying for them at the
counter and so on) are central. These are closely connected to related linguistic practices
(writing a shopping list, looking at food labels, interactions between customers and
shoppers). We have analysed these processes elsewhere (Otsuji and Pennycook, 2021;
Pennycook and Otsuji, in press), suggesting that there is a multifaceted interplay among
shopping and language practices, shopping lists and items bought, items on the shelves and
language used while shopping. It is the way language is embedded in these repeated social
practices that matters.
As we have argued elsewhere (Pennycook & Otsuji, 2017), Bangladeshi-run stores in
different parts of the world may contain similar goods, from imported riverine fish (Sen,
2016), spice and rice to locally grown (and slightly different) vegetables (onions and bitter
melon), as well as items such as phone and SIM cards. The fondness for certain river fish
unites people from parts of South Asia across nationalities, ethnicities and religions. Such
fish serve as boundary objects through their “ability to mediate across geographies,
environments, culinary traditions, and histories” (Sen, 2016, p. 71). Yet when these objects
encounter the variable affordances of these different shops, they enter into new and
momentary sets of relationships that we have termed semiotic assemblages (Pennycook,
2017, Pennycook & Otsuji, 2017). The notion of assemblages as “ad hoc groupings of
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diverse elements, of vibrant materials of all sorts” (Bennett, 2010, p. 23) allows for an
understanding of how different trajectories of people, semiotic resources and objects
meet at particular moments and places. This understanding of the vibrancy of matter, the
importance of things (goat meat, phone and SIM cards) and the significance of place in
the entanglement of physical, social and economic processes, enables us to appreciate
the importance of things in social life and to see how they play a role within more complex
assemblages (Tsing, 2015).
In the example In Excerpt 1 it matters that the customer (C) is looking to buy a particular
type of dried fish (and other products). The excerpt starts when SA1 urges SA2 to bring
another type of dried, smoked fish from the back of the shop (two other types of dried fish,
one from Japan and the other from Africa, had already been rejected so this time he tries
smoked fish). SA1 shows him all the possible fish he could think of (including Japanese semidried Sukimi tara, a type of cod) and SA2 goes back and forth between the counter and the
back corner where the dried fish is stocked. There are considerable resources – linguistic,
artefactual, spatial, technological, personal – at play here as they try to find a suitable fish.
Meanwhile, in a parallel space, C’s interlocutor remains connected to the shop while C talks
with the shop assistants, takes a photo, and waits for SA2 to bring the “Smoked fish boroda
den (bigger smoked fish)”. In this excerpt we see an early-evening assemblage of people (a
customer of West African background, Bangladeshi shop assistants) objects (mobile
phones, fish, plastic bags), an expanded spatial repertoire made possible by the use of the
mobile phone, various sensory effects (sounds, smells) and the particular linguistic
resources made possible by the simultaneity of these everyday activities.
This brings us to the linguistic resources at play. Our point as sociolinguists is not to
downplay the importance of linguistic resources but rather to understand how they are
intertwined with this broader set of semiotic resources. Not surprisingly, given the social
relations and mobilities already outlined, it is common in this store for a wide range of
linguistic resources to be deployed. Customer C uses English to the shop assistant, a
practice that is not particularly marked (in the example above with the Uzbek customers,
the shop assistant uses English and then settles on Japanese) but nor is it necessarily the
obvious choice. A large signboard displayed outside the shop states at the top in English
‘100% Halal food’ above the Japanese ‘香辛料専門店’ (spice speciality shop). Pictures of
Nepalese, Bangladeshi, Sri Lankan, Indian, Pakistani, Ghanaian and Nigerian flags, as well
as images of various foods (fish and meat), spices and phone cards are scattered round the
sign, alongside the name of the shop written in Roman, Bangla, Hindi, and Burmese scripts.
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In response to a question about languages commonly used, the shop manager listed Bangla
(as seen in the example, the common working language of the shop), Urdu, English, Hindi
and Nepalese. This linguistic repertoire was further extended by a shop assistant – “Arabī
mo chotto” (a bit of Arabic too) – using the Bangla word for Arabic and speaking in Japanese
(a language missing from the inventory above).
Beyond this inventory of commonly used languages, customers bring their own
linguistic resources (Uzbek being but one example among many). In the example here, it is
the mobile phone that also brings in the use of French as the customer checks whether the
fish is right: il faut regarder ton portable. On dirait ça, c’est ce qu’il vient de me montrer là.
attends je prends un photo. je vais t’envoyer. (hello? you have to look at your phone. it seems
like it, that’s what he has just shown me. hang on I’ll take a photo. I’ll send it to you.) We use
the term translinguistic to tie these observations about language to the broader
sociolinguistic insights about translinguistic practices, namely that linguistic boundaries are
“the result of ideological invention and sedimentation” that “do not guide communication in
everyday contexts” and that such communication is “not limited to ‘language’ insofar as
interlocutors draw on a range of semiotic and spatial repertoires” (Lee and Dovchin, 2020,
p1). Our central interest therefore is not on linguistic systems and how they may intersect
(codeswitching) but on how different linguistic resources are mobilised as part of larger
semiotic assemblages.
Interaction has always been central to many (though by no means all) approaches to
sociolinguistics. From the point of view we are developing here, our interest is in the multiple
layers of interactivity, a perspective that can also be seen in Goodwin’s (2000; 2013)
interests in action, co-operation, co-construction, multimodality, gesture and objects in
collaborative communication. The interaction at the counter while buying goods is central
here, though it is complicated by the use of the phone: in what is perhaps becoming a more
common scenario in contemporary life, the customer and shopkeeper stand face to face
while one of them is talking to somebody else. The social interactivity in this shop also tends
towards simultaneous activity: While Zhu Hua, Li Wei and Lyons (2017) note the use of mobile
phones within the communicative zones of service encounters in a Polish shop in London,
they also note the linearity of the interactions, as customers line up to be served one by one
at the counter. In this shop, by contrast, it is common for multiple interactions to be going
on at the same time, with the shop assistants moving back and forth and customers
(particularly non-Japanese customers) interacting with various assistants in different ways.
In the example above, the shop assistant interacts not only with the other shop assistant in
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order to find appropriate fish for the customer, but also with another assistant on the phone.
In the earlier scene referred to (the cricket match), he similarly interacts with the livestreamed game while serving a customer (with some confusion since his focus is very much
on the cricket) (Pennycook and Otsuji, 2019).
Interaction happens at levels other than the sociolinguistic (narrowly understood). As
suggested in the discussion of affect and sensoriality above, an important aspect of this is
the gestural or nonverbal dynamics of interaction. While a substantial literature has
developed focusing on gesture and nonverbal communication more broadly (Kendon 2004),
there is still a tendency in sociolinguistics to see the body as “secondary to language rather
than as the sine qua non of language” (Bucholz and Hall 2016, 174). The work that aspects of
nonverbal communication do, however – communicating iconically, synchronising with
speech, indicating affect and so on – is central to communicative activity. Moving the handle
back and forth on the basket, the postures of the two participants in Pic 1, the shrug of
resignation and apology that accompanies the ‘no not this one’ when the customer realises
this is not the right kind of fish, are all crucial parts of the action. And as recent work
questioning the sign language/ gesture dichotomy has started to suggest, we need to
rethink in broader ways how we understand these roles (Kusters and Sahasrabudhe. 2018).
Beyond such bodily interaction, we also want to see objects as part of dynamic and
interactive assemblages: Once we start to appreciate the vibrancy of objects within larger
entanglements of people and places, we can start to see that the fish, the basket, the plastic
bags, the counter and so on are part of an interactive whole.
We turn finally to the idea of spatial repertoires. We and others (Canagarajah, 2018;
Pennycook and Otsuji, 2015a) have been using this term to capture the ways that available
semiotic resources are connected to social space. The term emerged in an attempt to take
further the growing interest in the idea of repertoires to account for the ways in which
people draw on various linguistic resources. The notion of repertoire goes back to the early
years of sociolinguistics, understood as “the totality of linguistic forms regularly employed
in the course of socially significant interaction” (Gumperz 1964: 137). A tension emerged,
however, as to whether the term referred to the totality of forms available to a speech
community (an idea that itself came under pressure) or to an individual, a distinction
captured in Bernstein’s (2000, p158) reservoir (community) and repertoire (individual).
Sociolinguistics would generally follow the path of the individual (Pennycook, 2018b) and
while repertoires in recent studies have been understood socially and historically – the
interest was in people’s linguistic trajectories as they moved through life – they became tied
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to individual patterns of language use, each person bringing their own repertoire to the
table: “Repertoires are individual, biographically organized complexes of resources, and
they follow the rhythms of actual human lives.” (Blommaert and Backus, 2013: 15).
It seemed important in our studies of shops and markets, by contrast, to focus on
particular social spaces in which interaction occurred, thus avoiding the reification of the
speech community or the reduction to the individual and allowing for an understanding of
what may be available to people in this place at this time. A similar point can be made about
multilingual families: it is more useful to think in terms of a ‘translingual family repertoire’
as the shared resources within a family than to look at individual family members as
repositories of linguistic resources (Hiratsuka and Pennycook, 2019). For Canagarajah
(2018, p5) spatial repertoires are not brought “to the activity by the individual but assembled
in situ, and in collaboration with others, in the manner of distributed practice.” In the context
of this shop, the notion of a spatial repertoire enables us to think in terms of the totality of
linguistic or semiotic resources available, including the languages in use at any given time,
the labels on the food, and a range of other semiotic resources. This makes it possible to
move away from the methodological individualism that has crept into sociolinguistics once
other categories, such as speech communities, appeared too unstable to maintain, while
also allowing for a broader semiotics than the idea of a linguistic repertoire.
The search for a means to account for the total linguistic or semiotic fact will always fall
short: We can never get at everything. We should be wary of taking such claims too seriously
or seeking to constantly broaden our sociolinguistic scope. Attempts to get closer to this
totality run the risk of including more and more at the expense of greater analytic depth (a
thin horizontal collection of details rather than a vertical depth of interpretation). While this
gives us more layered involvement of place, people artefacts and semiosis, and thus more
possible purchase on the chimerical total linguistic fact, it may also be at the expense of
capturing little more than a momentary instance of complexity. Such attempts can
nonetheless be useful since they offer “a route past premature reifications, celebrations and
exclusions” (Rampton, 2016, p.472) and allow us to reflect on the reasons why we may or
may not want borders around what we hope to include. Why not bodies, things, emotions
and so on? “Our sorties into other semiotic worlds remain very ‘textual’, with little attention
to embodied, intuitive, affective ways of doing and knowing” (Thurlow, 2016, p23). We need
to have adequate grounds to reject those aspects of the total semiotic fact that we may not
consider important.
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It would not be hard to add to the list suggested by a SEMIOSIS framework, and I by no
means want to claim exhaustive or exclusive coverage. It has been useful, however, to have
an updated acronym to think about what is at stake when we analyse social contexts in
which language is involved. It is also important to acknowledge that many others, from
Goodwin (2013) to Blommaert (2017), have sought to account for similar levels of complexity,
while others have arrived at similar understandings of all that is going on in markets and
shops (Blackledge and Creese, 2020; Zhu Hua, Li Wei and Lyons, 2017). The idea of
assemblages, however, which may be seen as central (though not essential) to this
expanded sociolinguistics, allows for a breadth of understanding that allows both a wide set
of sociolinguistic artefacts and a means to understand political and economic relations that
do not render sociolinguistics secondary to other forms of analysis. Assemblages, as Tsing
(2015, p23) reminds us, “are sites for watching how political economy works. If capitalism
has no teleology, we need to see what comes together—not just by prefabrication, but also
by juxtaposition.” The different parts of the SEMIOSIS framework clearly overlap (this was
also true of the SPEAKING model) and do not suggest neatly defined domains. The
framework does, however, offer us a way of asking what may be at stake in any social
interaction involving language.
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