Computational Studies Across Catalysis
Carine Michel
To cite this version:
Carine Michel. Computational Studies Across Catalysis. Theoretical and/or physical chemistry. Ecole
Normale Supérieure de Lyon, 2016. tel-01727176
HAL Id: tel-01727176
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Présentée le 8 juin 2016
En vue d’obtenir l’Habilitation à diriger des Recherches
de l’Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon
Par Carine MICHEL
Computational Studies
Across Catalysis
Les Membres du Jury sont :
Pr. Núria López
Pr. Anastassia Alexandrova
Dr. Dorothée Berthomieux
Pr. Anne Milet
Pr. Christophe Coutanceau
Dr. Philippe Marion
Dr. Philippe Sautet
My research activities focus on the theoretical study of chemical reactivity catalysis and green chemistry. Based on models and simulations and strong collaborations with experimentalists, this research
aims at establishing structure/catalytic activity relationships to promote
a rational and efficient development of new catalysts in homogeneous
catalysis, heterogeneous catalysis and electrocatalysis. My main ambition is to improve the models and methodologies beyond their limits
to provide a better understanding. For instance, with a simple microsolvation effect, I could rationalize the impact of the water solvent on
the activity of metallic catalysts for the levulinic acid conversion into
γ-valerolactone. Solvent effects are even more crucial in electrocatalysis as shown recently on the CO2 electroactivation. Thus, developing
solvatation models for heterogeneous interfaces is a clear milestone for
the coming years. Another challenge will be the constant improvement
of the quality of the model of the catalyst in its steady state.
ii ∑
Mes recherches se sont construites au grès de rencontres marquantes
qui m’ont fait progressée aussi bien scientifiquement qu’humainement.
Première rencontre fondamentale, celle qui restera toujours ma chef,
Pr. Anne Milet qui m’a initié à la recherche, à la chimie théorique, à
l’art de la collaboration et aux arcanes du monde universitaire. Deuxième rencontre, Pr. Evert Jan Baerends, qui m’a fait confiance en me
laissant ’trouver un nouveau sujet’ et monter une collaboration. Je pense
à lui à chaque article que j’écris, lui qui m’a appris à écrire pour "mes"
lecteurs. Enfin, mes derniers guides, Françoise Delbecq et Philippe
Sautet, qui m’ont accueillie au Laboratoire de Chimie et surtout qui
m’ont accompagnée dans le monde fascinant de la Catalyse. Merci à
eux deux pour leur patience, leur bienveillance, pour les échanges riches
et passionnés, pour tout.
Je ne sais pas travailler seule, ces travaux de recherche sont tous le
fruit de collaborations, que ce soit avec d’autres théoriciens aux compétences complémentaires ou avec des expérimentateurs de différents
domaines. A chaque collaboration, de belles rencontres, des amitiés qui
se construisent. Rassembler autour d’un projet commun des collaborateurs est pour moi un moteur fort, et je suis très heureuse que cela
se concrétise à travers le projet Tanopol. A tous mes collaborateurs,
passés, présents et même futurs, merci!
Et surtout, cette habilitation s’est construite grâce aux étudiants qui
m’ont fait confiance et ils sont nombreux. De ma première stagiaire,
Lise Morlet à Stephan Steinmann, post-doc recruté au CNRS, j’ai une
pensée pour chacun, que chacun trouve sa voie! Tous m’ont appris
iv ∑
à leur manière à accompagner, encadrer, guider sur le chemin de la
Recherche. J’essaie à mon tour d’être une "bonne chef" et c’est un apprentissage de chaque jour! Merci à tous pour votre confiance et surtout
. . . votre patience!
Le travail de recherche ne peut se faire sans le groupe de Chimie
Théorique, membres passés et présents, le Laboratoire et tous ceux en
"soutien à la recherche", du pôle de gestion aux informaticiens, du Laboratoire de Chimie aux services de l’ENS de Lyon et du CNRS, merci à
tous pour votre soutien!
Pour finir, mon infinie reconnaissance à mes proches, amis, famille.
Nicolas, Mathilde, Romane, merci!
Single site catalysis
2.1 Oxidation of alkanes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.2 Oxidation of alcohols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.3 Coupling of CO2 and ethylene using Ni-Based systems
2.4 Amination of alcohols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.5 What’s next? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Heterogeneous Catalysis
3.1 Complex reaction networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.2 Effect of water solvent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.3 What’s next? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.1 Computational hydrogen electrode . . . . . . . . . . . 96
4.2 Inclusion of the potential . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
4.3 What’s next? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Curriculum Vitae
Publication List
My research activities focus on the theoretical study of chemical reactivity catalysis and green chemistry. Based on models and simulations
and strong collaborations with experimentalists, this research aims at establishing structure/catalytic activity relationships to promote a rational
and efficient development of new catalysts. Nowadays, this approach is
essential to ensure an efficient development of novel catalysts that are
more efficient and less polluting. I applied it in homogeneous catalysis,
in heterogeneous catalysis and electrocatalysis, as reported in the three
corresponding chapters.
My main interest is the development of novel catalysts in the evergrowing domain of the conversion of biomass into platform molecules
needed to advance the sustainable production of fuels and base chemicals. In this domain, solvent effects can manifest in numerous ways,
such as explicit participation in the mechanism (e.g., water-mediated
proton transfer) and the reaction rate constant (e.g., via electrostatics
due to solvent re-organization). Solvent effects are even more crucial in
electrocatalysis. This account pushed us to propose to include solvent
effects based on micro-solvation and more recently on a force-field development and free energy perturbation (Music project).
This manuscript is divided into chapters dedicated to Methodology
and then to different kinds of catalysis (homogeneous and single site
catalysts, supported metallic catalysts, electrocatalysts). Each chapter
dedicated to catalysis includes a summary of my research activities and
a short selection of my articles. I have co-authored the references indicated in blue and red, the latter being also including at the end of the
chapter. The last chapter is a synthesis of my research perspectives. In
appendix, my curriculum vitae and a list of my peer-reviewed publications.
My research is focused on the modeling of catalytic cycles of various
systems. The first step is to evaluate the energetic and the structures
of the plausible intermediate and transition states along the catalytic
cycle but also along potential side routes that could deactivate the catalyst. The evaluation of these reaction pathways require to make several choices: (i) choice of the model (ii) choice of the methodology to
compute the energies. Those choices are intrinsically interconnected
since the most accurate methods are generally not affordable for the
most accurate models. I mostly use the Density Functional Theory
(DFT) as a good trade-off between cost and accuracy. At the crossing
point between molecular chemistry and solid state physics, the study
of molecules adsorbed at metallic surfaces are challenging to describe
accurately and still highly rely on the use of the Generalized Gradient Approximation (GGA), now often including dispersion correction
(Grimme D3 2 , dDsC 7,8 or non-local functionals 3 ). A recent benchmark on the adsorption of insaturated molecules on Pt(111) against
single crystal adsorption calorimetry SCAC experiments demonstrates
that optPBE and PBE-DdSc are the best approaches we can afford nowdays for this kind of system. 11 In metallic heterogeneous catalysis, the
metallic nanoparticles are described using a periodic finite slab of the
most compact facet (typically a p(3x3) cell of a four layers slab). The
solvent is generally modeled as a continuum model 9 when available 1,5
and by including few water molecules in a simple micro-solvation ap5
proach. More advanced models for describing the metal/water interface require methodological development. I have also collaborated with
R. Bulo who is developing adaptive QM/MM approaches. 10 However,
those methods are not mature yet to tackle complex catalytic systems,
especially for heterogeneous metallic systems. We are currently working on development of novel strategies based on free energy perturbation to obtain solvation free energies, combined with the development
of better force field for water/platinum interface (Music project).
Once the Gibbs free energy profiles are computed, we need efficient
tools to extract the predicted variations in activity or selectivity. The
data could be input to a micro-kinetics model to include the effect of
concentration and get the turn-over frequency and the selectivity. 6 The
reaction profile of a catalytic reaction can also be easily interpreted using the energetic span framework that relates the energetic span of a
profile to the turn over frequency (TOF) of the catalyst. 4 In short, the
rate-determining transition state is not necessarily the highest in energy
of the reaction profile since this is not invariant with the choice of the
starting point in the cycle. It is neither the one corresponding to the
elementary step with the highest activation energy. To determine the
rate determining transition state, one has to first compute the energy
difference δE between each intermediate I and transition state TS in
the forward direction:
δE = E(T S) − E(I)
if TS appears after I
δE = E(T S) − E(I) + ∆Gr
if TS appears before I
The rate determining transition state and the rate determining intermediate are the ones that maximize δE. And the corresponding δE is
the energetic span of the catalytic cycle. Those concepts are illustrated
in Figure 1.1 and Figure 1.2.
∑Methodology 7
Figure 1.1: A typical Gibbs energy profile for the conversion of reactants into products catalyzed by a heterogeneous catalyst with an
exothermic Gibbs free energy. In this typical case, the adsorption of
the reactants (R*) is followed by the highest transition state in energy.
This step is exergonic, yielding to the intermediate Int1 that is strongly
stabilized by the surface. The stability of this intermediate clearly controls the overall kinetics. This first step is followed by the step with
the higher activation energy of the profile. The subsequent intermediate
Int2 is weakly stabilized by the surface and is quickly converted into
the product P* through the rate determining transition state.
Figure 1.2: A typical Gibbs energy profile for the catalytic conversion
of reactants into products catalyzed by a heterogeneous catalyst with an
exothermic Gibbs free energy. In this typical case, the rate determining
intermediate is Int, the rate determining transition state is TS1 and the
energetic span is given by δE = E(T S1) − E(Int) + ∆Gr
∑Methodology 9
[1] Fishman, M.; Zhuang, H. L.; Mathew, K.; Dirschka, W.; Hennig, R. G. Phys. Rev. B 2013, 87, 245402.
[2] Grimme, S.; Antony, J.; Ehrlich, S.; Krieg, H. J. Chem. Phys.
2010, 132.
[3] Klimeš, J. c. v.; Bowler, D. R.; Michaelides, A. Phys. Rev. B:
Condens. Matter 2011, 83, 195131.
[4] Kozuch, S.; Shaik, S. Acc. Chem. Res. 2011, 44, 101–110, PMID:
[5] Mathew, K.; Sundararaman, R.; Letchworth-Weaver, K.;
Arias, T. A.; Hennig, R. G. J. Chem. Phys. 2014, 140.
[6] Medford, A. J.; Shi, C.; Hoffmann, M. J.; Lausche, A. C.;
Fitzgibbon, S. R.; Bligaard, T.; Nørskov, J. K. Catal. Lett. 2015,
145, 794–807.
[7] Steinmann, S. N.; Corminboeuf, C. J. Chem. Theory Comput.
2011, 7, 3567.
[8] Steinmann, S. N.; Corminboeuf, C. J. Chem. Phys. 2011, 134.
[9] Tomasi, J.; Mennucci, B.; Cammi, R. Chem. Rev. 2005, 105,
2999–3094, PMID: 16092826.
[10] Bulo, R. E.; Michel, C.; Fleurat-Lessard, P.; Sautet, P. Journal of
Chemical Theory and Computation 2013, 9, 5567–5577.
[11] Gautier, S.; Steinmann, S. N.; Michel, C.; Fleurat-Lessard, P.;
Sautet, P. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2015, 17,
10 ∑Methodology
After a PhD dedicated to mechanistic studies of molecular systems, I
have chosen to work on homogeneous catalysts under the supervision
of Pr.Evert Jan Baerends in Amsterdam. There, I focused on C−H oxidation, working on two different systems, leading to the publication of
three articles. 24, 22,25
Since then, I keep a research activity in this domain, in particular
in collaboration with Rhodia and then Solvay (which tookover Rhodia
few years ago). Thanks to the support of Solvay, Prokopis Andrikopoulos was hired for 18 months as a postdoc to work on the screening of
homogeneous catalysts for the alkane oxidation. 21 Later, Wenping Guo
was hired as a postdoc to work in collaboration with the E2P2L, a join
laboratory between Solvay and the CNRS set in Shanghai, China. He
focused on two reactions: (i) the CO2 /ethylene reductive coupling 23 (ii)
the amination of alcohols. Those reactions were also considered in heterogeneous catalysis, see later.
More recently, I have also started to work on the catalytic cleavage
of C−C bond in lignin models in collaboration with T. Baker (uOttawa)
and P. Fleurat-Lessard (Université de Bourgogne) in the context of the
LIA Funcat. Last, I have been recently involved in the long-term collaboration between Philippe Sautet and Christophe Copéret (ETH Zurich)
on the understanding of single site heterogeneous catalysts for metathe11
12 ∑Single site catalysis
sis reaction, at the cross-section between homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis.
2.1 Oxidation of alkanes
The activation of C−H bonds in alkanes is central to several important industrial processes to upgrade petroleum derivatives into alcohols,
alkenes and carbonyls. A typical example is the oxidation of the cyclohexane into cyclohexanol, the first step to nylon-6. This major industrial reaction is also one of the less efficient ones: in most cases,
O2 from air is used as a final oxidant and the oxidation is catalyzed by
cobalt or manganese derivatives at high temperature (160°C) in the K-A
process. 10,13
In fine chemistry, most of the oxidant are still based on chromium or
manganese used in stoichiometric quantities and thus leading to the production of large quantities of toxic salt. The development of novel catalysts based preferentially on transition metals opens the road to greener
processes that are less demanding in energy and less polluting regarding
the production of toxic salts. Two majors challenges have to be faced in
this domain: (i) ensure the stability of the catalyst in those highly oxidative conditions (ii) avoid the over-oxidation when this is needed while
it is generally favored. oxidant The C−H activation can be performed
using either homogeneous or heterogeneous catalysts based on transition metals. In both cases, a better comprehension of the mechanism
is essential to a rational development of novel modern catalysts. Those
reactions involve the transfer of electron from the target to the catalyst
and then from the reduced catalyst to the final oxidant.
The oxidation reactions catalyzed by transition metals are mostly
believed to follow a radical mechanism. 11 However, experimental studies of the Fenton reaction have questioned this dogma and demonstrated the crucial role of the high spin Fe(IV)−O moiety. 4 Those
studies were at the origin of a long-term project on this reaction lead
∑Single site catalysis 13
by Pr. E.J. Baerends. The C−H oxidation in alkane can be catalyzed by the Fe(IV)−O entity following a rebound mechanism in two
steps, as show in Figure 2.1. The C−H bond is activated by the electrophilic Fe(IV)−O, leading to a carbon radical intermediate together
with Fe(III)−OH. Then a rebound step results in the oxidized product
(alcohol) and the reduced catalyst (Fe(II)).
Figure 2.1: Main steps involved in the oxidation of C−H bond by the
Fe(IV)−O moiety.
Since the catalyst acts as an electrophile, its oxidative ability lies
in its lower active acceptor molecular orbital. To establish which orbital controls the activity, one of the key aspects is the spin state of the
Fe(IV)−O. Two spin sates are generally accessible: the triplet state and
the quintet state. The spin gap varies with the ligand field. Weaker ligands such as water favors the high spin state while stronger ligands such
as ammonia destabilizes more the δx2 +y2 orbital and favors the triplet
state (see Figure 2.2). The change in the spin state results in a reduction
of the exchange stabilization of the α spin-orbitals. In the quintet state,
the lowest acceptor orbital is the σ ∗ (α). It is pushed up in energy upon
the replacement of weak ligands by stronger ligands as a result of two
phenomena: the destabilizing stronger field and the reduction of the exchange. Then, in the triplet state, the lowest acceptor orbital is not any
more the σ ∗ (α) but the π ∗ (β).
In a nutshell, depending on the ligand, two different spin states are
accessible, with two different electronic configurations. They lead to
two different reactive channels for the C−H bond cleavage. The corresponding transition states are represented in Figure 2.3. The quintet spin
state opens the σ channel, where the C−H points towards the Fe(IV)−O
14 ∑Single site catalysis
Figure 2.2: Main molecular orbitals of Fe(IV)−O in two environments
(a) with weak ligands (water), in a quintet spin state (b) with donor
ligands (ammonia), in a triplet spin state.
with an angle of 180°. The overlap is optimal and the steric hindrance
between the substrate and the ligand sphere is minimized. On the triplet
state, this channel is generally not accessible since the σ∗ is strongly
destabilized. However, the oxidation can still take place through the π
channel, where the C−H points towards the Fe(IV)−O with an angle
of 120°, as a compromise between the overlap (optimal at 90°) and the
steric hindrance (minimal at 180°).
This system has been extensively studied with a large variety of ligands, both experimentally 12,14,15,19 and theoretically 2,6,8,18 . To enable a
efficient design in silico, we built a data base of potential ligands (over
50 complexes). 21 We demonstrated that the activation energy for the CH abstraction on the high spin state can be correlated with the energy
of the lowest lying active orbital, namely the σ∗. This correlation validates the usage of the electronic structure as a tool for understanding
and design this type of catalyst. As expected, we had to separate the set
∑Single site catalysis 15
Figure 2.3: Transition state structures for the C−H cleavage as promoted by the Fe(IV)−O moiety in two different environments (a) with
water ligands, in a quintet spin state (b) with ammonia ligands, in a
triplet spin state.
according to the total charge of the complex since the orbital energies
vary considerably with the electric field. In addition, we had to separate the monodentate ligands from the multidentate ones: for a given
σ∗ orbital energy, the Fe(IV)−O is more active when coordinated by
a multidentate ligand than with several monodentates. The solvent can
also tune the activity, a too high dielectric constant being detrimental.
As a result of this study, we were able to propose to use (i) non-polar
solvent (the target alkane), (ii) polydentate ligands with weak coordination sites (oxygen based) to ensure a high spin state, to our experimental
partners in Solvay. 21
This Fe(IV)−O moiety is wide-spread. It can also be found in several enzymes such as P450 3 and TauD 16 and is postulated being the
active center in some zeolites. 7 The screening in silico of the activity
of M(H2 O)2+
n , M=V,. . . ,Cu, shows that Fe is indeed special. Its appears
that the number of 3d electrons in Fe(IV) is optimal to ensure that the
π ∗ and σ ∗ are low lying in energy but not filled up yet with electrons,
16 ∑Single site catalysis
that would increase the repulsion with the electrons of the σ(C-H).
2.2 Oxidation of alcohols
The team of Pr. Reedijk has proposed a simple system based on
CuBr2 (Bipy)−TEMPO catalyst that is efficient and selective: while the
secondary alcohols are not oxidized, primary alcohols are converted selectively into the corresponding aldehyde. 5 After a detailed study of
the solvent effect, the counter-ions, etc, they have proposed a reaction
mechanism involving a copper (II) center, coordinated by the TEMPO
radical, the alcoholate and the bipyridine. In this case, the substrate is
postulated to be oxidized by a Cu-coordinated TEMPO· radical. However, in the oxidation of alcohols, others postulate that the substrate is
oxidized by uncoordinated TEMPO+ . 17
In collaboration with the group of Pr. Reedijk, we have performed
a theoretical study of this catalytic cycle in collaboration with P. Belanzoni et E.J. Baerends that refined this initial proposition. 22,25 In the key
step, the copper (II) activates the TEMPO radical by a partial oxidation,
favoring the proton transfer from the primary alcoholate to the nitrogen of the TEMPO as shown in Figure 2.4. Based on a careful analysis
of the electronic structure, we claimed that this Cu(bipy)2+/TEMPO
cocatalyst system can be best viewed as electrophilic attack on the alcohol C−Hα bond by coordinated TEMPO+ . This mechanism combines elements of the Semmelhack mechanism (oxidation of TEMPO
to TEMPO+ ) and the Sheldon proposal (in the coordination sphere of
Cu). The chemio-selectivity is ensured by the four methyl groups that
surround the nitrogen. Those results open the door to a rational design
of novel ligands that link the bipyridine and the TEMPO, for a catalyst
that could be more efficient and easier to graft.
∑Single site catalysis 17
Figure 2.4: Key structure for the selective oxidation of CH3 CH2 OH
into CH3 CHO as catalyzed by TEMPO - Cu(II)(bipy) system.
2.3 Coupling of CO2 and ethylene using
Ni-Based systems
CO2 is a inert molecule, with a completely oxidized carbon. Its utilization as a C1 fragment, for instance to be coupled with an unsaturated molecule such as ethylene, requires strongly reducing conditions.
In collaboration with Solvay, we focused on two strategies: (i) electrochemical activation (ii) using strong reductants such as complexed
based on Ni(0). In the later case, the major difficulty is to turn this
stœchiometric process into a catalytic one. The product is a very stable nickel lactone. By addition of methyl iodide as an electrophile in
large excess, the methylacrylate can then be recovered and the yield was
tuned with different amine and phosphine ligands 1,9 Based on an hybrid
approach in collaboration with Pr. X. Xu, Shanghai, we demonstrated
that the choice of ligand has little effect on the main productive pathway.
However, it has a significant influence on side reactions, which compete
with the productive pathway and are detrimental to methyl acrylate formation. Finally, the need for a very large overstoichiometry of MeI
for a good yield of methyl acrylate is explained by the lower polarity
18 ∑Single site catalysis
of MeI, which avoids the stabilization of nonproductive intermediates.
The nature of the limiting intermediates has been validated by comparing calculated and experimental vibrational spectra. 23
2.4 Amination of alcohols
Wenping Guo worked also on the amination of alcohols catalyzed by
aluminium triflate salts in collaboration with experimentalists from the
E2P2L laboratory in Shanghai, China. The reaction mechanism is simple. It is based on the nucleophilic substitution of the alcohol by the
amine, catalyzed by the Lewis acid to favor the C−O rupture. The typical benchmark reaction in the domain is the amination of benzyl alcohol
by aniline. Our DFT study demonstrated that the catalyst has a highly
labile coordination sphere that is completed by both reactants and products. Once the structure of the catalyst assessed, we focused on the
impact of the solvent and the nature of the alcohol and the amine, the
main target being the amination of aliphatic alcohol by ammonia.
2.5 What’s next?
My research activities in the understanding of single sites catalysts will
continue along two lines of research, both in collaboration with reknown experimental groups: (i) the lignin valorization with Pr. Tom
Baker, uOttawa in the context of the LIA Funcat (ii) characterization of
tungsten supported catalysts for metathesis with Pr. Christophe Copéret,
ETH Zurich, and Pr. Olga Safonova, Paul Scherrer Institute, Zurich, in
the context of the SNF-ANR Mascat.
Lignin valorization
The controlled depolymerization of the lignin part is currently highly
challenging and limits the potential of this feedstock as a source of
∑Single site catalysis 19
aromatics. The complexity lies in the high structural heterogeneity
of lignin. This polymer is based on several monomers that are linked
through various types of bonds. This is illustrated in 2.5. The ratio of
monomers and the occurrence of a given type of link depends on the
source (softwood, hardwood, etc.). 20
Figure 2.5: A typical lignin polymer and the three common monolignols
The main idea is to design homogeneous catalysts that would selectively perform the oxidative cleavage of the C−C bond in the β-O4 linkage, the most abundant in lignin. In the group of Tom Baker,
they characterize the catalytic activity of vanadium-oxo complexes to
selectively cleave the C−C bond (and not the ether bond) in model
molecules. The mechanism is still rather speculative and a better understanding would favor a rational design of those catalysts. In line
with our previous studies in the domain, we hope to provide guidelines
in a near future.
20 ∑Single site catalysis
Industrial heterogeneous alkene metathesis catalysts are based on supported Mo and W oxides and contain very low concentrations of active
sites (typically below 1%). These sites are presumably formed under
operating conditions from dispersed metal oxo species, and they have
been proposed to correspond to oxo alkylidene species. Despite their industrial use, the low activity in these catalysts – by comparison to their
homogeneous homologues –raise several important questions: what is
the structure of the active sites, how are they formed, what are the necessary structural features for surface sites to become active, and finally
how to tune catalysts preparation to increase the density of active sites
in order to increase the efficiency of the process.
To address these questions we suggest an original approach based
on the in situ characterization of the surface (active) sites at the
molecular level at the precursor stage and during the catalytic event
(in situ/operando), using in particular X-ray absorption fine structure
(XAFS) and Raman spectroscopies combined with first principle density functional theory (DFT) calculation.
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Inorganic Chemistry 2009, 48, 11909–11920 .
∑Single site catalysis 23
Reprinted with permission from Inorg. Chem. 2009, 48, 3628-3638
Copyright 2009 American Chemical Society
Inorg. Chem. 2009, 48, 3628-3638
What Singles out the FeO2+ Moiety? A Density-Functional Theory Study
of the Methane-to-Methanol Reaction Catalyzed by the First Row
Transition-Metal Oxide Dications MO(H2O)p2+, M ) V-Cu
Carine Michel and Evert Jan Baerends*
Theoretische Chemie, Vrije UniVersiteit Amsterdam, De Boelelaan 1083,
1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Received November 1, 2008
Metaloxo species are often postulated as key active species in oxidative catalysis. Among all, the quintet FeO2+
moiety is particularly widespread and active: aliphatic C-H bonds undergo hydroxylation easily through a
H-abstraction/O-rebound mechanism. The high electrophilicity of quintet FeO2+ originates from its electronic structure:
a low lying vacant σ* can accept electronic density from the aliphatic C-H bond. What singles out this quintet
FeO2+? Its lowest vacant acceptor orbital energy? its shape (σ* vs π*)? or has its biological importance more
simply arisen from the high iron abundance? To answer those questions, we have performed density-functional
theory calculations to study systematically the methane-to-methanol reaction catalyzed by MO(H2O)2+
p complexes
(M ) V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, p ) 5 and M ) Ni, Cu, p ) 4) in gas phase. We show here that the lower the MO2+
acceptor orbital lies in energy, the lower the H-abstraction barrier is in general. However, a σ* acceptor orbital is
much more efficient than a π* acceptor orbital for a given energy. Finally, we found that indeed, the FeO2+ moiety
is particularly efficient but also CoO2+ and MnO2+ could be good candidates to perform C-H hydroxylation.
Homogeneous catalytic oxidation processes have attracted
much attention for years for several reasons:1 (1) they are
one of the most challenging processes to bring to satisfactory
peformance (yield, selectivities, sustainability, etc.); (2) the
existing processes often leave room for considerable improvement; (3) involved mechanisms are quite complex
(multiple pathways, multiple spin states); (4) they have
extensive applications in various areas from fine chemical
production2 to waste degradation or bleaching.3
Currently, the main challenge is the development of green
oxidative processes. To reach this goal, the stoichiometric
oxidant has to be efficient, benign, and easily accessible.
Dioxygen from air or hydrogen peroxide are the favorite
ones, but they cannot oxidize directly and selectively alkanes
into more valuable functionalized products such as alcohols,
* To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail:
[email protected].
(1) Barton, D.; Martell, A.; Sawyer, D.; Sheldon, R.; van Santen, R.
Catalytic Oxidation: Principles and Applications; World Scientific:
Singapore, 1995.
(2) Caron, S.; Dugger, R. W.; Gut Ruggeri, S.; Ragan, J. A.; Brown Ripin,
D. H. Chem. ReV. 2006, 106, 2943–2989.
(3) Hage, R.; Lienke, A. Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 2006, 45, 206–222.
3628 Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 48, No. 8, 2009
esters, aldehydes, ketones, and others.1,4 Among all, the
selective conversion of methane into various oxidized
products, such as methanol and acetic acid, is particularly
challenging: methane is the most abundant and unreactive
hydrocarbon, a cheap raw material, and a greenhouse gas.
New mild green selective routes to convert methane into
valuable products could contribute to sustainable routes to
methanol or other oxidized products and also to methods to
lower its present concentration in the atmosphere. A widely
used strategy in this field is to use transition metal complexes
as catalysts together with a stoichiometric oxidant, such as
dioxygen or peroxides. For instance, iron derivatives are used
in Fenton-like processes in bleaching.5,6 Manganese is a wellknown key ingredient of the Jacobsen-Katsuki catalyst to
perform alkene epoxidation.7 And now, (salen)manganese
complexes can also perform asymmetric oxidation of the σ
C-H bond.8 Last but not least, vanadium complexes such
(4) Simandi, L. Catalytic ActiVation of Dioxygen by Metal Complexes;
Kluwer Academic Publishers: Dordrecht, 1992.
(5) Fenton, H. J. H. Chem. News 1876, 190.
(6) Pignatello, J. J.; Oliveros, E.; MacKay, A. Crit. ReV. EnViron. Sci.
Technol. 2006, 36, 1–84.
(7) Katsuki, T. Coord. Chem. ReV. 1995, 140, 189–214.
(8) Katsuki, T. Synlett 2003, 3, 281–297.
10.1021/ic802095m CCC: $40.75
2009 American Chemical Society
Published on Web 03/20/2009
24 ∑Single site catalysis
What Singles out the FeO2+ Moiety?
Figure 1. H-abstraction/O-rebound mechanism scheme. R is the reactants. RC is the reactants complex. I is the intermediate. PC is the products complex.
P is the products.
as amadavine derivatives can perform a single-pot conversion
of methane into acetic acid in the presence of potassium
peroxodisulphate (K2S2O8).9-11 In all those examples, the
postulated active species is the MOn+ moiety: FeO2+ in
Fenton-like processes, MnO3 + in Jacobsen-Katsuki epoxidation,12 VO2+ in amadavine derivatives.
The most widely spread MOn+ moiety is the oxoiron(IV)
(ferryl ion) FeO2+, well established in hydroxylating aliphatic
C-H bonds.13 A well-known example is the active center
in heme iron enzymes such as cytochrome P450.14-17 There
is also evidence of such a reactive moiety for some nonheme enzymes,18,19 for iron containing zeolites,20,21 for
biomimetic complexes,22 or for the Fenton reaction.23-25
This noticeable wide range of use, from enzymes to zeolite
catalysts, leads us to the following question: What singles
out FeO2+?
First of all, iron is the most abundant transition metal in
the Earth’s crust, easily accessible and cheap.26 This may
explain why it is the most widespread co-factor of enzymes
involved in oxidative processes for instance. But the main
reason may lie also in the reactivity of the FeO2+ moiety.
The C-H hydroxylation by the FeO2+ moiety is generally
(9) Reis, P.; Silva, J.; Palavra, A.; Da Silva, J.; Kitamura, T.; Fujiwara,
Y.; Pombeiro, A. Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 2003, 42, 821–823.
(10) Kirillova, M. V.; Kuznetsov, M. L.; Reis, P. M.; Da Silva, J. A. L.;
Da Silva, J. J. R. F.; Pombeiro, A. J. L. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2007, 129,
(11) Kirillova, M. V.; Kuznetsov, M. L.; Da Silva, J. A. L.; Guedes Da
Silva, M. F. C.; Da Silva, J. J. R. F.; Pombeiro, A. J. L. Chem.sEur.
J. 2008, 14, 1828–1842.
(12) Mardani, H. R.; Golchoubian, H. J. Mol. Catal. A: Chem. 2006, 259,
(13) Groves, J. T. J. Inorg. Biochem. 2006, 100, 434–447.
(14) de Visser, S. P.; Shaik, S.; Sharma, P. K.; Kumar, D.; Thiel, W. J. Am.
Chem. Soc. 2003, 125, 15779–15788.
(15) Shaik, S.; Kumar, D.; de Visser, S. P.; Altun, A.; Thiel, W. Chem.
ReV. 2005, 105, 2279–2328.
(16) Altun, A.; Shaik, S.; Thiel, W. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2007, 129, 8978–
(17) Schöneboom, J. C.; Neese, F.; Thiel, W. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2005,
127, 5840–5853.
(18) Bassan, A.; Blomberg, M. R. A.; Borowski, T.; Siegbahn, P. E. M.
J. Inorg. Biochem. 2006, 100, 727–743.
(19) Krebs, C.; Fujimori, D. G.; Walsh, C. T.; Bollinger, J. M. Acc. Chem.
Res. 2007, 40, 484–492.
(20) Yoshizawa, K.; Yumura, T.; Shiota, Y.; Yamabe, T. Bull. Chem. Soc.
Jpn. 2000, 73, 29–36.
(21) Yang, G.; Zhou, D.; Liu, X.; Han, X.; Bao, X. J. Mol. Struct. 2006,
797, 131–139.
(22) Nam, W. Acc. Chem. Res. 2007, 40, 522–531.
(23) Buda, F.; Ensing, B.; Gribnau, M.; Baerends, E. J. Chem.sEur. J.
2001, 7, 2775–2783.
(24) Ensing, B.; Buda, F.; Blöchl, P.; Baerends, E. J. Angew. Chem., Int.
Ed. 2001, 40, 2893–2895.
(25) Ensing, B.; Buda, F.; Gribnau, M. C. M.; Baerends, E. J. J. Am. Chem.
Soc. 2004, 126, 4355–4365.
(26) Earnshaw, A.; Greenwood, N. Chemistry of the elements; ButterworthHeinemann: Woburn, MA, 1997.
Table 1. Ligand Environment Influence on the FeO2+ Moiety As
Illustrated on the FeO(H2O)n(NH3)5-n
, n ) 5,4,1,0 Complexes by
Bernasconi et al.30 a
lowest vacant
acceptor orbital
(2S + 1)
energy (eV)
energy barrier
H 2O
H 2O
H 2O
H 2O
Those data refer to BLYP calculations as detailed in this work.30 Note
the strong influence of the strength of the equatorial ligand field on the
spin state, the nature and energy (in eV) of the lowest vacant orbital and as
a consequence on the H-abstraction energy barrier (in kJ/mol). Note also
the influence of the axial ligand in the high spin state on the 3σ* energy:
an increase in the ligand donation (from H2O to NH3) pushes up the 3σ*
and as a consequence, leads to a higher energy barrier (kJ/mol) for the
H-abstraction step.
described by an H-abstraction/O-rebound mechanism, as
proposed about 30 years ago by Groves and co-workers.27,28
The scheme of this mechanism is given Figure 1: in the first
step, one hydrogen atom is abstracted from the alkyl species
by the FeO2+ species, yielding an FeOH2+ moiety together
with a carbon radical (intermediate I); in the second step,
this latter species collapses onto the hydroxyl oxygen. This
rebound step is almost a barrierless process.25 Consequently,
the kinetics of the reaction is controlled by the first step
RC f I, namely the H-abstraction step.
Let us then focus on the H-abstraction from an alkyl C-H
bond by a FeO2+ species. The first issue is the presence and
the role of different spin states of the oxidoiron species.29
To investigate the FeO2+ reactivity as a function of the spin
state, Bernasconi et al. have studied the electronic structure
and the reactivity of [FeO(H2O)n(NH3)5-n]2+, n ) 5,4,1,0
(see Table 1).30 From those results, one can notice that the
triplet state is stabilized by a strong equatorial ligand field,
such as created by NH3, whereas the quintet state is stabilized
by a weak equatorial ligand field such as created by H2O.
The reason is simple and lies in the orbital pattern depicted
in Figure 2 in the H2O versus NH3 equatorial environment
case. The ligands lying in the equatorial plane affect the
energy of the orbitals lying in this plane, namely the 1δxy
and the 1δx2-y2. The stronger the ligand field is, the more
destabilized those δ orbitals are. The destabilization shift
depends on the orbital shape: the 1δx2-y2 orbital is more
strongly destabilized than the 1δxy orbital because of its lobes
(27) Groves, J. T.; McClusky, G. A. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1976, 98, 859–
(28) Groves, J. T.; Vanderpuy, M. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1976, 98, 5290–
(29) Neese, F. J. Inorg. Biochem. 2006, 100, 716–726.
(30) Bernasconi, L.; Louwerse, M. J.; Baerends, E. J. Eur. J. Inorg. Chem.
2007, 3023–3033.
Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 48, No. 8, 2009
∑Single site catalysis 25
Michel and Baerends
Figure 2. Simplified molecular orbital diagram for FeO2+ moiety in two
different ligand environments: a weak equatorial ligand field environment
(H2O; left panel) favors the quintet spin state; a strong equatorial ligand
field (NH3; right panel) favors the triplet spin state. The most important
orbitals are in color. The spin state is mainly controlled by the δ orbitals
(in blue) whereas the reactivity is mainly controlled by the σ* orbital (high
spin configuration) or the π* orbitals (low spin configuration) (in red).
pointing toward the ligands. When the destabilization is large
enough, the 1δx2-y2(R) becomes then so high-lying that it
loses its electron in favor of the 1δxy(β), the complex switches
from a high spin state (quintet) to a low spin state (triplet).
Thus, the spin state is essentially controlled by the strength
of the equatorial field through the differential δ orbital destabilization. What about the reactivity? It has already been
emphasized that the capability of the FeO2+ moiety to promote
H-abstraction is directly connected to its electrophilicity: the
C-H bond breaking is induced by electron donation from this
C-H bond into a low lying empty molecular orbital of the
FeO2+ species. This low lying empty orbital which accepts
electronic density from the substrate is the lowest acceptor
molecular orbital. It can be different from the lowest unoccupied
molecular orbital (LUMO). Indeed, because of the hindrance
of equatorial ligands, 1δx2-y2 and 1δxy orbitals cannot accept
density from the substrate C-H bond, but they can be the
LUMO. The nature and the energy level of the lowest acceptor
orbital depends on the spin state of this electrophilic species as
illustrated by the [FeO(H2O)n(NH3)5-n]2+, n ) 5, 4, 1, 0 cases
(see Table 1 and Figure 2). In a high spin configuration, the
LUMO is the 1δxy(β) orbital. The strong exchange field of the
four unpaired R electrons stabilizes significantly the R orbitals.
As a consequence, the σ*(R) orbital is lying below the 2π*(β)
orbitals. It is the lowest acceptor orbital: it will accept electron
donation from the C-H bond during the H-abstraction step. In
the low spin configuration, the exchange field stabilization is
weaker; hence, the 2π*x(β) orbital is both the LUMO and the
lowest acceptor orbital. As seen previously, the strength of the
equatorial ligand field controls the relative position of the 1δ
energy levelssfrom which follow the spin state and the nature
of the lowest acceptor orbital. It also controls the global position
of the energy levels of the π and σ orbitals. Indeed, donating
ligands such as NH3 induce a global stronger destabilization of
those orbitals and as a consequence they reduce the FeO2+
electrophilicity. To conclude, the choice of the equatorial ligands
is crucial. A weak ligand field strongly enhances the electrophilicty of the FeO2+ moiety: (1) orbitals are relatively low lying
in energy, (2) the high spin state stabilizes the lowest lying
vacant orbital (3σ*(R)) by the strong exchange field.
3630 Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 48, No. 8, 2009
Last but not least, what about the influence of the axial
ligand field? The axial ligand may affect the molecular
orbitals lying along the z axis, namely the σ and π orbital.
Indeed, according to Bernasconi et al.,30 a stronger σ-donating ligand pushes up the 3σ*. Thus, the electrophilicity of
the FeO2 is reduced, the H-abstraction energy barrier is
higher. For instance, replacing H2O by NH3 in axial position
of the FeO(H2O)52+ complex leads to a higher lying 3σ*(R)
(from -13.6 eV to -13.3 eV) and a higher energy barrier
(from 23 to 54 kJ/mol) (see Table 1). This effect can be
used to tune the reactivity of a FeO2+ complex in high spin
In summary: (1) a wide range of transition metals can be
used to perform oxidation reactions; (2) the FeO2+ moiety
is a widespread active species in alkyl hydroxylation, from
zeolites to enzymes; (3) the strong reactivity of the high spin
FeO2+ moiety results from its electronic structure: the low
lying 3σ*(R) vacant orbital is responsible for its strong
electrophilicity, making it accept electrons even from poor
donating entities such as aliphatic C-H bonds. We thus
understand the role of the ligand environment on the
reactivity of the FeO2+ species. In this article, we will focus
on the role of the metal. We present here an extensive study
in gas phase of the methane-to-methanol reaction catalyzed
by the first row transition-metal oxide-dications MO(H2O)p2+
(M ) V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, p ) 5 and M ) Ni, Cu, p ) 4).
The electronic structure analysis together with the reactive
scheme for each complex allow us to discuss the relative
importance of the vacant 3σ* compared with the vacant 2π*
and to highlight the great importance of the “d count” on
the reactivity of those complexes.
Level of Theory. All the calculations have been performed using
the ADF (Amsterdam Density Functional) package,32-35 using the
OPBE density functional.36,37 This functional has been chosen for
its performance in describing close-lying spin states, in particular
in iron complexes.38 In the ADF code, the electronic orbitals are
written in terms of Slater-type orbitals (STO). We use a triple-ζ
basis set with two polarization functions for the C, O, and H atoms
and a quadruple zeta basis set with three polarization functions for
the transition metal atoms, as available in the ADF library of
standard basis sets. Additionally, the calculations were corrected
for relativistic effects using the zero-order regular approximation
(ZORA) approach.39,40 When needed, the frequencies are computed
(31) Bernasconi, L.; Baerends, E. J. Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2008, 1672–
(32) Bickelhaupt, F.; Baerends, E. ReV. Comp. Chem. 2000, 15, 1–86.
(33) Baerends, E. J.; Ellis, D. E.; Ros, P. Chem. Phys. 1973, 2, 41–51.
(34) Velde, G. T.; Bickelhaupt, F. M.; Baerends, E. J.; Guerra, C. F.; Van
Gisbergen, S. J. A.; Snijders, J. G.; Ziegler, T. J. Comput. Chem. 2001,
22, 931–967.
(35) SCM, ADF2006.01; Theoretical Chemistry,Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam: The Netherlands, 2006;
(36) Perdew, J. P.; Burke, K.; Ernzerhof, M. Phys. ReV. Lett. 1997, 78,
(37) Cohen, A. J.; Handy, N. C. Mol. Phys. 2001, 99, 607–615.
(38) Swart, M.; Ehlers, A.; Lammertsma, K. Mol. Phys. 2004, 102, 2467–
(39) van Lenthe, E.; Baerends, E. J.; Snijders, J. G. J. Chem. Phys. 1994,
101, 9783–9792.
(40) van Lenthe, E.; Ehlers, A.; Baerends, E. J. J. Chem. Phys. 1999, 110,
26 ∑Single site catalysis
What Singles out the FeO2+ Moiety?
Figure 3. 2πx*(R) (left side) and 3σ(R)* (right side) molecular orbitals of
the MnO(H2O)52+ (top) and FeO(H2O)52+ (bottom) in the ground state.
analytically. All the transition state structures have been characterized by the presence of an imaginary frequency.
Chosen Systems. To better understand the reactivity of the MO2+
moiety toward aliphatic C-H bonds, it is crucial to take into account
its ligand environment. Indeed, as seen in the Introduction, it
influences the electronic structure and the spin state of the MO2+
moiety, hence its reactivity toward a C-H bond. To study the
influence of the metal, we have chosen to study a hydrated MO2+
First, the presence of ligands prevents methane from interacting
directly with the transition metal. For the bare oxo MO+ in gas
phase, Shiota and Yoshizawa propose for instance a reactant
complex OM-CH4+ where the methane interacts directly with the
metal and an intermediate HOM-CH3+, which exhibits a metal-carbon bond.41 Such a mechanism is strongly disadvantaged if the
metal is surrounded by ligands.25
In our study of the influence of the “d count” on the reactivity
of the MO2+ moiety, we have chosen to focus on the first row
transition metal series, from vanadium to copper. The chosen
systems are then the MO(H2O)p2+ complexes (M ) V, Cr, Mn, Fe,
Co, Ni, Cu). They can be divided into two groups according to the
number p of water molecules in the first solvation shell of the MO2+
• p ) 5: for M ) V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, the MO(H2O)52+ complex
is pseudo-octahedral, keeping almost the same geometry along the
series. The MdO distance is slightly increasing from 1.54 Å to
1.59 Å when going from V to Co. The metal-water distances are
between 2.05 Å and 2.15 Å in general (see the iron case in Figure
4 and Table 2).
• p ) 4: for M ) Ni, Cu, the MO(H2O)42+ complex presents a
strongly distorted trigonal bipyramid geometry coordination, the
oxo group lying in the trigonal plane (see Figure 5 and Table 2).
Some species along the reaction path can afford an extra water
molecule such as NiO(H2O)42+ in high spin state (2S + 1 ) 5).
However, most of the species along the reaction path cannot afford
an extra water molecule in their coordination sphere: all attempts
to optimize the geometry of NiO(H2O)42+ in low spin state or
CuO(H2O)42+ in both spin states result in the dissociation of one
metal-water bond. We therefore keep in all cases the coordination
shell constant at four water molecules along the entire reaction path.
(41) Shiota, Y.; Yoshizawa, K. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2000, 122, 12317–12326.
Figure 4. Structure of FeO(H2O)2+
5 , high spin state. Distances are given
in angstrom. See Table 2 for data on angles.
Table 2. Geometrical Data for MO(H2O)2+
p , M ) Fe and p ) 5, M )
Ni, Cu and p ) 4 in Their Ground Statea
Angles are in degree. See Figure 4 and Figure 5 for notations.
Results and Discussion
First, we will focus on the electronic structure of the MO2+
moiety in the MO(H2O)p2+ complexes. Then, we will expose
the reaction scheme of the methane hydroxylation catalyzed
by those complexes. Those results will provide us some clues
to answer the questions raised in the introduction: what is
the relative importance of the vacant 3σ* compared with the
vacant 2π* orbital? what is the importance of the “d count”
on the reactivity of the MO2+ species? what singles out
Electronic Structure of the MO2+ Moiety. The electronic
structure of the MO(H2O)p2+ complex is reported in Table
3. All along the series, the M-O bonding results from the
filling of the 1π and 2σ orbitals, which are M3d-O2p bonding
orbitals. From V to Fe, each added electron occupies an extra
R orbital, stabilized by the exchange field: 1δx2-y2(R) in the
chromium complex, 2π*x (R) in the manganese complex,
2π*y (R) in the iron complex. As a consequence, the spin state
increases regularly from doublet to quintet. Then, the next
step is cobalt. Whereas the spin state of the bare oxo complex
CoO2+ is a sextet, the extra electron occupies a β orbital
(1δxy(β)) in the CoO(H2O)52+ complex, leading to a quartet
Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 48, No. 8, 2009
∑Single site catalysis 27
Michel and Baerends
Table 4. Selected Vacant Molecular Orbitals (Energy in eV) for the
Ground State of MO(H2O)2+
p (for M ) V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, p ) 5; for M
) Ni, Cu, p ) 4)a
lowest vacant 3σ*
spin %dM %pO
lowest vacant 2π*
spin %dM %pO
1δx2-y2(β) -15.7
The molecular orbital spin is provided together with its composition
in terms of d metal orbitals percentage (%dM) and p oxygen orbitals (%pO)
Figure 5. Structures of MO(H2O)2+
4 , M ) Ni, Cu, high spin state. Distances
are given in angstrom. See Table 2 for data on angles.
Table 3. Spin State (2S + 1) and Electronic Configuration of the
Ground State of MO(H2O)2+
p (for M ) V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, p ) 5; for M
) Ni, Cu, p ) 4)
spin (2S + 1)
(2σ)2 (1πx)2 (1πy)2 1δxy
(2σ)2 (1πx)2 (1πy)2 1δxy 1δx2-y2
(2σ)2 (1πx)2 (1πy)2 1δxy 1δx2-y2 2π*x
(2σ)2 (1πx)2 (1πy)2 1δxy 1δx2-y2 2π*x 2π*y
(2σ)2 (1πx)2 (1πy)2 (1δxy)2 1δx2-y2 2π*x 2π*y
(2σ)2 (1πx)2 (1πy)2 (1δxy)2 1δx2-y2 2π*x 2π*y 3σ*
(2σ)2 (1πx)2 (1πy)2 (1δxy)2 (1δx2-y2)2 2π*x 2π*y 3σ*
spin state for the ground state. Then, in nickel and copper,
the extra electron occupies successively the 3σ*(R) and the
1δx2-y2(β), leading to two complexes with all 3d R orbitals
We have already emphasized in the Introduction the
importance of the lowest lying acceptor orbital for the
electrophilic properties of the FeO2+ moiety. Along this
series, it can be either a σ* orbital or a π* orbital. These
orbitals are illustrated with plots of the 3σ*(R) and the
2π*(R) for Mn and Fe complexes in Figure 3.
Table 4 gives some properties of the lowest vacant 3σ*,
the lowest vacant 2π*, and the LUMO (which may or may
not be the 2π* or 3σ*): energy, spin, composition in terms
of d metal and p oxygen percentage (%dM and %pO). In
Figure 6, we plot the most important molecular orbital
energies as a function of the metal: 2π*(R), 3σ*(R), 1δxy(β),
3632 Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 48, No. 8, 2009
Figure 6. Energies of molecular orbitals of interest (in eV) for the studied
complexes (MO(H2O)2+
p , M ) V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, p ) 5; for M ) Ni, Cu,
p ) 4). As a guide to the eye, we connect the same orbitals with a line that
is solid for R orbitals and dashed for β orbitals. For the sake of simplicity,
πx and πy are not distinguished. The LUMO orbital is highlighted by a
black circle.
1δx2-y2(β), 2π*(β), and 3σ*(β) (in order of increasing energy).
From this table and Figure 6, the first striking fact is that
the molecular orbital energy decreases when the atomic
number of M increases: it is due to the higher nuclear charge
along the series. A closer analysis of those results leads us
to divide the studied complexes into three groups according
to the lowest vacant orbital:
M ) V, Ce, Mn. In this group, the lowest acceptor orbital
is a 2π*(R) orbital. It is also the LUMO.
M ) Fe, Co. In this group, the lowest acceptor orbital is
the 3σ*(R) orbital. In the iron case, it differs from the LUMO
(1δxy(β)), for Co, it is the LUMO.
M ) Cu, Ni. In this group, the lowest acceptor orbital is
a 2π*(β)* orbital. In the nickel case, it differs from the
LUMO (1δx2-y2(β)), for Cu, it is the LUMO.
28 ∑Single site catalysis
What Singles out the FeO2+ Moiety?
Figure 7. Simplified molecular orbital diagram of MO(H2O)52+, M ) V,
Cr, Mn. The black spins represent the occupation in the vanadium case.
For the chromium complex, the supplementary spin (here in blue) occupies
the 1δx2-y2(R) orbital. Then, for the manganese complex, the second extra
electron (here in red) occupies the 2π*(R)
orbital. For the sake of simplicity,
we have not shown here the crossing between 2π*(R)
and the δx2-y2 when
switching from the vanadium to the chromium complex. The main
consequence of the energy levels crossing is that the LUMO in both
complexes is the 2π*(R)
molecular orbital.
Figure 8. Simplified molecular orbital diagram of MO(H2O)52+, M ) Fe,
Co. The black spins represent the occupation in the manganese case. For
the iron complex, the supplementary spin (here in blue) occupies the 2π*y(R)
orbital. Then, for the cobalt complex, the second extra electron (here in
red) occupies the 1δxy(β) orbital.
Let us consider the electronic structure within each group.
V, Cr, Mn. A schematic orbital energy diagram of this
group is given Figure 7. From V to Mn, each added electron
occupies an extra R orbital, stabilized by the exchange field:
1δx2-y2(R) in Cr complex, 2π*x (R) in Mn complex. The spin
state increases from doublet to quartet.
Along this group, very few crossings of energy levels
occur. The most noticeable one is the crossing of the 2π*x (R)
level from below the 1δx2-y2(R) level in the vanadium
complex to above the 1δx2-y2(R) level in the chromium
complex. For the sake of simplicity, we only represent the
orbital ordering for the Cr and Mn cases in the simplified
orbital energy diagram of Figure 7. The consequence of this
swap is that even with one more R electron in the chromium
complex, the lowest acceptor orbital is the same (2π*x (R)) in
both the V and Cr complexes.
Thus, in this group, the lowest vacant acceptor orbital,
which is also the LUMO, is a 2π*(R) orbital, namely the
2π*x (R) orbital for V and Cr and the 2π*y (R) for Mn. Two
factors have to be taken into account to predict the electrophilicity of the MO2+ moiety: the energy of the lowest vacant
orbital, ε2π*(R), and its oxygen p orbital contribution, %pO.
Generally speaking, the lower the acceptor orbital lies in
energy and the higher the %pO is, the more electrophilic the
MO2+ will be: they are both in favor of a large electronic
donation from the C-H bond into the MO2+ acceptor orbital.
Within the series (V, Cr, Mn), ε2π*(R) is strongly decreasing
(from -12.2 eV to -14.8 eV) while %pO is strongly
increasing (from 29% to 59%), see Figure 6 and Table 4.
So, from V to Mn, the MO(H2O)52+ complex should be more
and more efficient in performing H-abstraction from methane.
Previous studies have demonstrated the high reactivity of
the FeO(H2O)52+ complex. The lowest acceptor orbital of
this complex is the 3σ*(R), lying at -13.9 eV. Thus, on the
basis of the energy level of the lowest acceptor orbital, one
should expect the Mn complex to be even more efficient
than the Fe complex. However, the nature of the lowest
acceptor orbital differs (2π*(R) versus 3σ*(R)). In the 2π*
case, the overlap efficiency requires sideways approach,
Figure 9. Simplified molecular orbital diagram of MO(H2O)42+, M ) Ni,
Cu. The black spins represent the occupation in the cobalt case. For the
nickel complex, the supplementary spin (here in blue) occupies the 3σ*(R)
orbital. Then, for the copper complex, the second extra electron (here in
red) occupies the 1δx2-y2(β) orbital.
leading to steric hindrance of the incoming organic substrate
molecule (e.g., CH4) with the equatorial water ligands. This
competition may reduce the Mn complex oxidative activity.
Fe, Co. A schematic orbital energy diagram is given in
Figure 8. From Mn to Fe, the extra electron goes into the
2π*y (R), leading to the expected high spin configuration
(quintet) for the FeO(H2O)52+ complex. In the CoO(H2O)52+
complex case, the extra electron occupies a β orbital, leading
to a quartet spin state for the ground state.42 Thus, for both
iron and cobalt, the 2π*(R) is doubly occupied and the lowest
acceptor orbital is the 3σ*(R) orbital. We have already
pointed out that the two main parameters which can control
the electrophilicity of the complex are the energy and the
2pO contribution of the lowest lying vacant orbital. The
3σ*(R) energy and the 2pO contribution are similar in both
complexes: the cobalt complex 3σ*(R) lies 0.6 eV below
the iron complex 3σ*(R) (see Figure 6), but its pO contribution is slightly less favorable (30% vs 36%), see Table 4.
Previous studies have demonstrated the high reactivity of
FeO(H2O)52+ complex. Even if cobalt has been used much
less than iron in oxidative processes, it is clear that cobalt
complexes should be as reactive as iron complexes, if not
more so.
Ni, Cu. A schematic molecular diagram is given in Figure
9. We have already set apart those two complexes because
of a reduced number of water ligands in the coordination
shell. They can also be distinguished through their electronic
structure. All the R orbitals of interest are occupied: from
(42) Cobalt is the only case where the spin state of the complex
MO(H2O)p2+ differs from the spin state of the bare oxo MO2+.
Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 48, No. 8, 2009
∑Single site catalysis 29
Michel and Baerends
Table 5. Studied Reaction: MO(H2O)2+
p + CH4fM(H2O)p + CH3OH,
i.e., R f Pa
spin (2S + 1)
∆E (kJ/mol)
For each metal, this table gives the spin state of the reactant R and
product P ground state and ∆E, the energetic cost of the reaction (in kJ/
cobalt to nickel complex, the extra electron occupies the
3σ*(R) leading to a quintet spin state. Then, from nickel to
copper, the extra electron is added into the 1δx2-y2 orbital.
Thus, in both complexes, the lowest lying acceptor orbital
is a 2π*(β). As seen previously, the energy and the
composition of this 2π*(β) orbital determine the electrophilicity of the complex. In the copper complex, the 2π*(β)
lies at a lower energy (-16. eV vs -15.4 eV) and its 2pO
contribution is larger (58% vs 18%) than in the nickel
complex. So, we can assume that this complex may be more
reactive than the Ni complex to perform alkyl hydroxylation.
Anyway, both Ni and Cu complexes seem very promising
to promote C-H oxidation based on the lowest vacant orbital
energy level (at least 1 eV lower than the iron one). The
nature of the lowest acceptor orbital (2π*(β)) may reduce
the efficiency of those complexes because of the overlap/
steric hindrance of the water ligands upon the sideways
approach of a substrate molecule, which is required for
optimal overlap with 2π* orbitals. The lower number of
water molecules should however reduce the impact of this
competition. However, very little is known about the stability
of those complexes as active intermediates in oxidative
Along the Series. The energy of the lowest acceptor
orbital and its 2pO orbital contribution are a bit less favorable
in Fe and Co complex than in the Mn or Cu complex.
However, for iron and cobalt, the lowest acceptor orbital is
the 3σ*(R), not a 2π* orbital. As noted, the overlap between
the acceptor orbital and the C-H bonding orbital may be
lower with a 2π* orbital than with a 3σ* orbital because of
the steric hindrance of the ligands. Thus, no conclusion can
be drawn yet concerning the H-abstraction capability of all
these complexes. To investigate further the MO(H2O)p2+
reactivity toward the C-H bond, we have made an extensive
study of the intermediates and transition states involved in
the CH4 + MO(H2O)p2+ f M(H2O)p2+ + CH3OH reaction.
Mechanism. Overview. In Table 5, data concerning the
R f P reaction are collected: energetic cost ∆E ) E(P) E(R), spin state of the reactants R, spin state of the products
P. Except in the vanadium case, this reaction is exoenergetic.
The energetic cost decreases from V (149.1 kJ/mol) to Cu
(-302.4 kJ/mol) and is particularly low in the Mn case
3634 Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 48, No. 8, 2009
Figure 10. Energy profile (in kJ/mol) for the methane to methanol
conversion catalyzed by MO(H2O)52+, M ) V, Cr, Mn. Dashed line stands
for the high spin mechanism and continuous line for the low spin
mechanism. Along the reaction coordinate, the following species have been
characterized: the reactants MO(H2O)52+ and CH4 (R); the reactant complex
[MO(H2O)52+, CH4] (RC); the transition state corresponding to the
H-abstraction step (TS1); the intermediate [MOH(H2O)52+ · · · ·CH3], (I); the
transition state corresponding to the rebound step (TS2); the product
complex MCH3OH(H2O)52+ (PC); the products M(H2O)52+ and CH3OH
(-206.8 kJ/mol). Moreover, this reaction implies a spin
crossing, except for iron and cobalt.
This reaction follows a rebound mechanism (see Figure
1).25 First, one hydrogen atom is abstracted from the
substrate, here CH4. This yields intermediate I (MOH(H2O)2+
p + · CH3. Then, the carbon radical · CH3 can collapse
onto the hydroxo group to yield the product complex PC
p ). The energy profile of those steps is
given in Figure 10 for the V, Cr and Mn complexes, in Figure
11 for the Fe and Co complexes, and in Figure 12 for the Ni
and Cu complexes.
The rebound step is relatively uninteresting, being very
smooth. Data concerning this step are collected in Table 6:
spin evolution, energetic cost ∆E2 ) E(P) - E(I), energy
barrier ∆ETS2
, C-O distance and MOC angle in the transition
state structure. This step is highly exoenergetic in all cases.
It is a non-activated process or with very low activation
barrier ∆ETS2
. Thus, we will mainly focus on the Habstraction step, which controls the reaction kinetics. We
will put in evidence the strong link between the activation
energy ∆EqTS1, and the transition state structure (TS1) on one
hand and the lowest lying acceptor orbital of the MO(H2O)2+
complex on the other hand. In the previous section, we have
discussed the electronic structure of the MO(H2O)p2+ complexes. To supplement this, we have also performed a
detailed study of the electronic structure of the H-abstraction
transition state structures (TS1) thanks to a fragment interaction analysis. We have chosen to focus on the interaction
between two fragments43 in the transition state geometry:
(i) the fragment MO(H2O)p2+ (ii) the fragment CH4. The
30 ∑Single site catalysis
What Singles out the FeO2+ Moiety?
Table 7. Studied Reaction: RC f Ia
lowest vacant
acceptor MO
spin state
metal RC
(kJ/mol) (kJ/mol) (Å) (Å) (deg) label (eV)
2π*(R) -12.2
2π*(R) -13.8
2π*(R) -14.8
3σ*(R) -13.9
3σ*(R) -14.5
2π*(β) -15.4
2π*(β) -16.3
Figure 11. Energy profile (in kJ/mol) for the methane to methanol
conversion catalyzed by MO(H2O)52+, M ) Fe, Co. Dashed line stands for
the high spin mechanism and continuous line for the low spin mechanism.
Along the reaction coordinate, the following species have been characterized:
the reactants MO(H2O)52+ and CH4 (R); the reactant complex [MO(H2O)52+,
CH4] (RC); the transition state corresponding to the H-abstraction step
(TS1); the intermediate [MOH(H2O)52+ · · · ·CH3] (I); the transition state
corresponding to the rebound step (TS2); the product complex
MCH3OH(H2O)52+ (PC); the products M(H2O)52+ and CH3OH (P).
For each metal, this table gives the spin state (2S +1) of RC and I
(ground states) and the energetic cost ∆E1 of the reaction (in kJ/mol). It
provides also the activation energy ∆ETS1
, the OH distance (in Å) and the
MOH angle (in degree) in the transition state structure TS1. The last two
columns are a reminder of the key data concerning the lowest vacant
acceptor molecular orbital: label and energy (in eV).
Table 8. Fragment Analysis of the Transition State Structure TS1 for
Each Complex MO(H2O)2p + (M ) V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, p ) 5; for M )
Ni, Cu, p ) 4)a
Figure 12. Energy profile (in kJ/mol) for the methane to methanol
conversion catalyzed by MO(H2O)42+, M ) Ni, Cu. Dashed line stands for
the high spin mechanism and continuous line for the low spin mechanism.
Along the reaction coordinate, the following species have been characterized:
the reactants MO(H2O)42+ and CH4 (R); the reactant complex [MO(H2O)42+,
CH4] (RC); the transition state corresponding to the H-abstraction step
(TS1); the intermediate [MOH(H2O)52+ · · · ·CH3] (I); the transition state
corresponding to the rebound step (TS2); the product complex
MCH3OH(H2O)42+ (PC); the products M(H2O)42+ and CH3OH (P).
Table 6. Data for the Rebound Step: I f PCa
spin state
∆E2 (kJ/mol) ∆ETS2
(kJ/mol) C-O (Å) MOC (deg)
For each metal, this table gives the spin state (2S +1) of I and PC
ground state and the energetic cost of the reaction ∆E2 ) E(PC) - E(I) (in
kJ/mol). It provides also the activation energy ∆ETS2
(kJ/mol), the CO
distance (in Å), and the MOC angle (in degree) in the transition state
structure TS2.
gross population of the interesting fragment molecular
orbitals in the transition state structure TS1 are given in Table
8. The overlaps between the σC-H orbital of the stretched
The two fragments are MO(H2O)p2+ and CH4. In this table, the gross
populations of the relevant fragment molecular orbitals are given: the 2π*
and 3σ* of the complex and the σC-H of the methane. In italic, the difference
between the integer gross population in the isolated fragment and the gross
population in the transition state. The orbitals have been defined in spin
restricted calculations on the isolated fragments in the geometry they have
in TS1.
C-H bond and the 2π* and 3σ* orbitals of the complexes
are given in Table 9.
Data related to the H-abstraction step are collected in Table
7: spin state evolution, energetic cost (∆E1), and activation
energy barriers (∆ETS1
), selected geometrical data of the
transition state structures (TS1). We have also added some
key features of the electronic structure of the reactant
As we already noticed, this series can be divided into three
groups according to the lowest acceptor orbital of the
MO(H2O)p2+ complex. We keep this subdivision to discuss
the mechanism of the reaction CH4 + MO(H2O)p2+ f
M(H2O)p2+ + CH3OH. Before entering the discussion of the
three groups we note that the calculated transition barriers
are for gas phase reactions, and therefore much lower than
(43) The orbitals of the fragments are obtained in spin restricted calculations
on the fragments with the geometries they have in the transition state.
The orbital occupations have been enforced to yield electronic
structures for the fragments that conform to the situation in the
Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 48, No. 8, 2009
∑Single site catalysis 31
Michel and Baerends
Table 9. Overlaps between the Highest σ Molecular Orbital of the CH4
Fragment and the Molecular Orbitals of Interest of the Metal Complex
Are Given for the Transition State Structure TS1 of Each Complex
p (M ) V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, p ) 5; for M ) Ni, Cu, p ) 4)
The fragments are MO(H2O)p2+ and CH4.
what would be obtained in water solvent. This difference
between gas phase and solvent has been observed in
Car-Parrinello MD simulations on the FeO2+ catalyzed
oxidation of methane to methanol in water solution.25 It was
found that the solvent effect raises the barrier by more than
80 kJ/mol. This explains that the methane to methanol
conversion is not readily effected by ironoxo based catalysts
or enzymes, even though the barrier in the gas phase is quite
low. The solvent effect has also been studied with polarizable
continuum models and a full explanation has been given44
based on the very electronic structure characteristics of this
reaction we are discussing in this work. The solvent effects
will affect all the reactions similarly, and we therefore can
use the present gas phase studies to obtain insight in the
differences between the various metaloxo species.
V, Cr, Mn. For the earlier metal complexes (V, Cr, Mn),
the high spin state surface lies above the low spin state
surface in the entrance channel (before TS1) of the considered reaction (see Figure 10). In the vanadium case, the spin
crossing occurs in the entrance channel of the second step
(the rebound step). For the chromium complex, the high spin
surface does not exhibit any intermediate I such as
[CrOH(H2O)52+, · CH3]. Thus, it is hard to predict when the
spin crossing is likely to occur. In the manganese case, the
spin crossing is likely to occur in the exit channel of
the first step (the H-abstraction step).
Whereas the rebound step is, as observed before, an almost
barrierless process in each case (see Table 6), the Habstraction can exhibit quite a high barrier ∆EqTS1, depending
on the metal used (up to 198.9 kJ/mol in the vanadium case,
see Table 7). For the H-abstraction step, the energetic cost
∆E1 and the energy barrier ∆ETS1
decrease along the series
V, Cr, Mn. As one could expect, the lower the activation
energy barrier is, the longer the O-H bond is (from 1.04 Å
to 1.20 Å) and the shorter the C-H bond is (from 1.76 Å to
1.34 Å). The manganese complex is particularly efficient with
a low energy barrier of 9.7 kJ/mol.
Let us then focus on the correlation between the electronic
structure and the H-abstraction step efficiency. As we noticed
previously, the 2π*(R) orbital is the lowest vacant acceptor
orbital in this first group (V, Cr, Mn). According to the
fragment analysis, the σ(R)C-H donates electronic density to
the 2π*(R)(MO2+) during the H-abstraction step (see Table
(44) Louwerse, M.; Baerends, E. J. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2007, 156.
3636 Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 48, No. 8, 2009
Figure 13. Activation energy of the H-abstraction step ∆Eq is linearly
correlated to the energy of the lowest vacant molecular orbital (Eπ*(R)) along
the series MO(H2O)52+, M ) V, Cr, Mn.
8). Indeed, in the transition state TS1, the σ(R)(C-H) gross
population has dropped from 1.00 in free CH4 to 0.28 in
TS1(V), 0.46 in TS1(Cr), 0.43 in TS1(Mn). Meanwhile, the
2π*(R)(MO2+) gross population has increased: from 0 in the
free vanadium complex to 0.83 (0.40 + 0.43) in the transition
state; from 0 in the free chromium complex to 1.66 (0.99 +
0.67) in the transition state; from 0 in the free Mn complex
to 0.70 (0.74 - 0.04) in the transition state. In the Cr case,
the transfer of 1.66 el. to the two 2π*(R) orbitals gives the
impression of a two-electron transfer. However, this is not
consistent with the decrease in population of the σ(R)C-H
orbital of -0.54. This apparent inconsistency is resolved if
one takes into account that there is an electronic configuration
change of the metal complex when going to the transition
state: the δx2-y2(R) is emptied in favor of the 2π*(R) orbital.
This electronic donation clearly controls the transition state
geometry and the activation energy ∆EqTS1. First, the transition
state geometry presents an MOH angle of around 125° (see
Table 7) which results from the balance between the orbital
interaction (maximized for a 90° MOH angle) and the Pauli
repulsion resulting from the equatorial water ligands, which
increases when this angle approaches 90°. Then, at these
angles of about 125° the activation energy ∆ETS1
is linearly
correlated to the 2π*(R) orbital energy επ*(R): ∆ETS1
) 0.75
× επ*(R) +11.212 (in eV), with R2 ) 0.9997 (see Figure 13).
So, the lower the 2π*(R) (MO2+) lies in energy (επ*(R)), the
lower the H-abstraction energy barrier (∆ETS1
) is.
Fe, Co. No spin crossing occurs during the C-H bond
hydroxylation within this group. The reaction occurs on the
high spin surface when catalyzed by FeO(H2O)52+ complex
whereas it occurs on the low spin surface when catalyzed
by CoO(H2O)52+ complex (see Figure 11).
This second group (Fe, Co) exhibits a σ*(R) orbital as
the lowest vacant acceptor orbital. From the fragment
analysis, there is clearly an electronic donation from the
σ(R)C-H molecular orbital to the lowest σ*(R)complex molecular
orbital during the H-abstraction (see Table 8): in the transition
state structure, about half-electron has been donated from
the σ(R)C-H to the σ*(R)complex. There is also a smaller
donation from the σ(β)C-H molecular orbital to the lowest
σ*(β)complex molecular orbital (about 0.1 electron).
This donation clearly controls the transition state geometry:
Pauli repulsion and orbital interaction are both in favor of a
linear transition state (MOH angle around 180°). The 3σ*(R)
32 ∑Single site catalysis
What Singles out the FeO2+ Moiety?
lies lower in energy in the cobalt case than in the iron case
(-14.5 eV vs -13.9 eV). The energy barriers (∆ETS1
) are
close (11.7 kJ/mol vs 9.2 kJ/mol). Furthermore, if one
compares with the first group (V, Cr, Mn), the energy barrier
∆EqTS1 is particularly low given that the lowest acceptor orbital
energies for, for example, the Cr and Mn complexes, are
close to those of the Fe and Co complexes. For instance,
the iron complex lowest vacant acceptor orbital energy
(-13.9) is very close to the chromium complex one (-13.8
eV) whereas the energy barrier ∆ETS1
is much lower: 9.2
kJ/mol versus 84.9 kJ/mol. This huge difference in oxidative
capability for a given lowest vacant orbital energy results
from the difference in the nature of the lowest vacant orbital.
In the chromium case, it is a 2π* orbital whereas in the iron
case, it is a 3σ*. During the electronic donation from the
C-H bond into this lowest vacant acceptor orbital, the orbital
interaction competes with the Pauli repulsion resulting from
the water ligands. In both cases, the Pauli repulsion is
minimized for an 180° angle whereas the orbital interaction
stabilization is optimal for an angle of 90° in the chromium
case and 180° in the iron case. The synergy between the
strong orbital interaction stabilization and a reduced Pauli
repulsion leads to an highly efficient iron complex whereas
the disfavorable competition between those two terms leads
to a less efficient chromium complex. So, the efficiency of
the high spin FeO2+ arises from the energy and the
orientation of the acceptor orbital, the 3σ*(R). According to
this study, the high spin CoO2+ should be as efficient as the
high spin FeO2+, exhibiting the same acceptor orbital.
Ni, Cu. For these late metal complexes, the high spin
surface lies below the low spin surface in the entrance
channel of the oxidative process (see Figure 12). Then, this
high spin state is highly destabilized once the H-abstraction
has been carried out: no structure could be optimized for
the intermediate species PC (MCH3OH(H2O)42+). On the
other hand, the low spin surface is highly reactive in both
cases. It lies much higher in energy than the high spin
surface. The reactant complex RC is even higher in energy
than the isolated molecules. However, once the CH4-O
distance is small enough (<3 Å), the oxidation of the C-H
bond occurs without any barrier, yielding the very stable
species MCH3OH(H2O)2+
4 . As a consequence, the spin
crossing occurs necessarily before the rebound step, but it
is hard to say when exactly.
Let us focus now on the high spin surface reactivity. Let
us remember that this last group (Ni, Cu) is characterized
first by a different coordination environment, four water
molecules instead of five, and second by a π*(β) orbital as
the lowest vacant acceptor orbital. Once again, the fragment
analysis demonstrates that the lowest acceptor orbitals,
namely, here the π*(β) orbitals, accept electronic density
from the σC-Hβ orbital (around 0.6 electron, see Table 8).
In this group, the donation from the σ(R)C-H orbital to some
acceptor molecular orbital of the complex is not feasible:
all the R acceptor molecular orbitals are occupied.
The σC-Hβf2π*x,yβ donation clearly controls the transition
state geometry. Similarly to the V, Cr, Mn group, where also
donation into 2π* prevails, the TS1 geometry presents an
MOH angle of around 125° (see Table 7), resulting from
the balance between orbital interaction (optimal for 90°) and
Pauli repulsion (mimimal for 180°). Furthermore, this
donation also controls the H-abstraction energy barrier
(∆EqTS1): the lower the 2π*(β) lies in energy, the lower ∆EqTS1
is. But given the very low energy of the acceptor orbitals in
this group, particularly in the Cu complex (-16.3 eV), one
might have expected an even lower barrier than the low one
we have obtained (14.5 kJ/mol for Ni, 6.8 kJ/mol for Cu),
or even a barrierless process. An explanation may be the
larger Pauli repulsion due to all the occupied R orbitals of
the metal complex. Nevertheless, if such species could be
generated, they would be highly reactive.
Summary: π* versus σ* Control along the Series. The
MO2+ electrophilicity can be quantified through the Hq
abstraction energy barrier: the lower ∆ETS1
is, the more
electrophilic the MO2+ moiety is. We have seen previously
that the H-abstraction step can be controlled by the electron
donation from the σC-H orbital into the lowest vacant acceptor
orbital, namely, the lowest 2π* or the 3σ*(R). In the first
and the last group (V, Cr, Mn and Ni, Cu), the MO2+
electrophilicity is under 2π* control whereas in the Fe and
Co cases, the MO2+ electrophilicity is under 3σ*(R) control.
Let us analyze further the differences between 2π* and
3σ*(R) control.
Under the 2π* control, the lower the 2π* orbital lies in
energy, the more electrophilic the MO2+ moiety is. In the
first group, ε2π*(R) and ∆EqTS1 are even linearly correlated (see
Figure 13). In the last group, the MO2+ electrophilicity is
controlled by the 2π*(β): the lower it is, the lower the
H-abstraction barrier is. Given the low 2π*(β) energy ε2π*(β)
for the Ni and Cu complexes, the H-abstraction energy barrier
is higher than one might have expected. However, as
we have already seen, the R orbitals are fully occupied.
Hence, the donation from the σ(R)C-H orbital to some 3dbased R acceptor molecular orbital of the complex is not
feasible. Futhermore, we can divide the Pauli repulsion into
two terms: (1) the Pauli repulsion generated by the interaction
of occupied substrate orbitals with MO2+ occupied molecular
orbitals, and (2) the Pauli repulsion with the ligands. From
the first group (V, Cr, Mn) to the last one (Ni, Cu), the first
term is increased by the greater number of electrons on MO2+
whereas the second term is decreased (only 4 ligands instead
of 5). From the energy barriers ∆ETS1
one would infer that
the larger Pauli repulsion with the MO2+ electrons in the
last group than in the first one outweighs the reduced Pauli
repulsion with the ligands. To conclude, under 2π* control,
the electrophilicity is directly correlated to the 2π* energy
only for a given Pauli repulsion.
Under 3σ*(R) control, which applies in the case of the Fe
and Co complexes, the low energy barrier (around 10 kJ/
mol) is striking. The orbital energy of the lowest vacant
acceptor orbital of the iron complex is pretty close to the
one of the chromium complex, whereas the energy barrier
Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 48, No. 8, 2009
∑Single site catalysis 33
Michel and Baerends
is quite different: 9.2 kJ/mol in the iron case versus 84.9
kJ/mol in the chromium case. If we would apply the
correlation between activation energy ∆EqTS1 and the controlling orbital energy as obtained in the first group (Figure 13),
we would obtain an activation barrier of 75.8 kJ/mol instead
of 9.2 kJ/mol in the iron case. This is also true for the cobalt
complex: for the H-abstraction step we would obtain an
activation barrier of 32.3 kJ/mol instead of 11.7 kJ/mol.
Obviously, when the reaction is performed under 3σ*(R)
control it is much more efficient. The σ* controlled reactions
present lower barriers than the π* controlled reactions for a
given orbital energy thanks to the combination of two effects:
(1) the Pauli repulsion with the ligands is lower in the linear
geometry, and (2) the orbital overlap is larger (see Table 9).
In this work, we have systematically studied the methaneto-methanol reaction catalyzed by the first row transitionmetal complexes MO(H2O)p2+. This reaction follows a
rebound mechanism in two steps: (1) H-abstraction leading
to a MOH2+ species, and (2) carbon radical collapse onto
this species. The first step is the kinetic controlling step for
all the studied complexes. The activation barrier and the
transition state geometry of this H-abstraction step are
directly correlated to the nature of lowest acceptor orbital.
The main results are as follows: (1) the σ* controlled
H-abstraction reactions present linear transition states and
π* controlled H-abstraction reactions present bent transition
states, (2) the σ* controlled reactions present lower activation
barriers than the π* controlled reactions for a given lowest
acceptor orbital energy, and (3) the activation barrier is
directly correlated to the lowest vacant orbital energy
provided the Pauli repulsion remains the same (same number
of ligands, similar number of electrons) and provided the
lowest acceptor orbital remains of the same type (σ* or π*).
So, now we can answer the question raised in the Introduction. Iron is so special because of the nature of its lowest
acceptor orbital: a low lying 3σ*(R), which is particularly
efficient in promoting the H-abstraction step according to
our results. However, the Fe complex does not emerge from
this study as the only one. According to our results, the cobalt
complex should be as efficient as iron for the Fenton
chemistry under the proper experimental conditions. Indeed,
cobalt-based compounds have already been used successfully
in oxidation of cyclohexane45-47 and even in decomposition
of organic dyes.48
3638 Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 48, No. 8, 2009
Finally, this study leads on to other questions. For instance,
what is the ligand environment effect in the cobalt complex?
We have seen in the introduction that a nitrogen equatorial
environment induces a less favorable low spin state and less
reactive species in the iron case. Preliminary tests on the
cobalt system indicate the effect to be in the same direction,
but Cobalt seems to be less sensitive to those environmental
effects. The CoO(NH3)2+
5 complex is high spin (quartet). Its
lowest acceptor orbital is still the 3σ*(R)(ε3σ*(R) ) -12.4
eV). The H-abstraction step energy barrier is still quite low
(∆E1† ) 77.1 kJ/mol), though much higher than for
5 (11.7 kJ/mol).
Another question concerns the charge effect. Let us take
two isoelectronic complexes: FeO(H2O)2+
5 and MnO(H2O)5 .
The electronic structures of those two complexes are very
similar: same spin state (quintet), same lowest acceptor
orbital (3 σ*(R)). However, the charge decrease from the
Fe to the Mn complex induces orbitals lying higher in energy:
ε3σ*(R) (FeO(H2O)2+
5 ) ) -13.9 eV and ε3σ*(R) (MnO(H2O)5 )
) -6.7 eV. As expected, the activation barrier of the
H-abstraction step catalyzed by MnO(H2O)+
5 is much higher
than the one catalyzed by FeO(H2O)2+
5 (∆E1 (Mn) ) 105.3
kJ/mol vs ∆E†1 (Fe) ) 9.2 kJ/mol. The late transition metal
complexes should be less sensitive to this charge effect.
Indeed, with a lowest acceptor orbital lying at -9.7 eV, the
CuO(H2O)+3 complex seems to be a promising active species.
CuO+ has already been postulated in some enzymes and
biologically relevant systems as an possible intermediate.49,50
These and other points will be the subject of further
Acknowledgment. Support by the National Research
School Combination “Catalysis by Design” is gratefully
(45) Pokutsa, A. P.; Sheparovich, R. B.; Zaborovskii, A. B.; Kopylets, V. I.
Kinet. Catal. 2002, 43, 691–697.
(46) Pokutsa, A. P.; Zaborovskii, A. B.; Sheparovich, R. B.; Kopylets, V. I.;
Maksim-Lutsik, D. S. Kinet. Catal. 2003, 44, 121–128.
(47) Tong, J.; Zhen, L.; Xia, C. J. Mol. Catal. A: Chem. 2005, 231, 197–
(48) Chen, W. X.; Lu, W. Y.; Yao, Y. Y.; Xu, M. H. EnViron. Sci. Technol.
2007, 41, 6240–6245.
(49) Kamachi, T.; Kihara, N.; Shiota, Y.; Yoshizawa, K. Inorg. Chem. 2005,
44, 4226–4236.
(50) Pitié, M.; Boldron, C.; Pratviel, G. AdV. Inorg. Chem. 2006, 58, 77–
34 ∑Single site catalysis
Reprinted with permission from ACS Catal. 2015, 5, 2490-2499
Copyright 2015 American Chemical Society.
Research Article
In Silico Screening of Iron-Oxo Catalysts for CH Bond Cleavage
Prokopis C. Andrikopoulos,† Carine Michel,† Sandra Chouzier,‡ and Philippe Sautet*,†
University of Lyon, CNRS, Laboratoire de Chimie, UMR5182, ENS de Lyon, 69364 Lyon, France
Research and Innovation Centre Lyon, Solvay Polyamide and Intermediates, 69192 Saint-Fons, France
S Supporting Information
ABSTRACT: Inspired by oxidation enzymes such as P450 and TauD, several
groups have based their research on the iron−oxo moiety in the field of alkanes
partial oxidation. Still, the controlled cleavage and oxidation of the aliphatic C−H
bond remains a prized goal in chemistry. We present here a computational
methodology to predict the comparative reactivity of iron−oxo complexes for this
process from linear relations based on the sole electronic structure of the reactant
state. The efficient correlation of the C−H activation barrier to a simple but
intuitive molecular orbital descriptor enables the design of ligands that permit low
barrier C−H abstraction steps and the fast screening of novel potential complexes.
The activation of the catalyst by a multidentate effect is also evidenced. We
anticipate this study to improve the rational design of hydrocarbon oxidation
KEYWORDS: alkane partial oxidation, methane, iron-oxo complex, activation energy, molecular orbital descriptor
This correlation between the barrier height and the reaction
energy is known as the Bell−Evans−Polanyi principle.14
Since the pioneering works of K. Fukui15 and R. Hoffmann,16
the importance of the interactions between the molecular
orbitals of the reagents, and mainly between the frontier
orbitals, is well-known as a key parameter governing reactivity.
In the CH abstraction step, the proton transfer to the oxooxygen is coupled to an electron transfer from the σ(CH) of
the alkane substrate to the lowest vacant acceptor orbital of the
electrophilic FeIVO group.17,18 The qualitative role of several
parameters was underlined for this interaction from the
electronic structure calculations of octahedral FeIVO
complexes.19−23 Shaik and co-workers stressed the influence
of the overlap between the alkane σ(CH) and the acceptor
orbitals on the complex to determine the structure of the
transition state. Baerends and co-workers noted the crucial
importance of the energy of the acceptor orbital. On a set of
four model complexes with water as equatorial ligands, they
were able to modulate the energy of the acceptor orbital by the
nature of the axial ligand and modify the calculated barriers.
However, to the best of our knowledge, those qualitative
analyses were not transformed into a detailed and predictive
correlation between the C−H abstraction barrier and a welldefined electronic structure parameter of the initial complex.
Such a correlation would supplement the existing ones derived
from the BEP principle providing a fundamental and easy
descriptor of the FeIVO activity.
Iron complexes are gradually moving to the forefront of the
field of alkane activation.1−5 These have been inspired by
analogue processes in biological systems,6 where FeIVO
active sites are responsible for the activity such as the
cytochrome-P450 compound-I7 or the intermediate J of taurine
dioxygenase (TauD).8 In order for iron complexes to cross over
to useful applications in industry, an effort in documenting and
predicting their properties in a consistent manner has to be
implementeda task that is undertaken here by theoretical
The high spin FeIVO intermediate is a strong electrophile
that can abstract a hydrogen atom from an alkane. A rebound
step follows, that forms the C−O bond and leads to the
corresponding alcohol.9 Certain patterns have emerged from
the number of iron−oxo complexes that have been recently
examined. The C−H abstraction step is expected to be crucial
in the full oxidation cycle, the overall kinetics being correlated
to the strength of the C−H bond of various substrates.10 The
pKa of the FeIV−OH intermediate is also essential to the overall
activity as demonstrated recently in cytochrome P450.11 In
other words, the driving force for the C−H activation by the
FeIVO moiety is given by the difference between the energy
of the C−H bond to be broken (BDECH) and the energy of the
O−H bond to be formed (BDEOH). De Visser has rationalized
those trends on a family of seven Fe-oxo complexes using DFT
calculations: the height of the hydrogen abstraction barrier of
propene is linearly correlated to the reaction energy, ΔH =
BDECH − BDEOH.12 This approach has been generalized
recently in a meta-analysis of 13 computational studies on
hydrogen abstraction by iron and manganese oxo complexes
demonstrating the importance of the reaction driving force.13
© 2015 American Chemical Society
Received: July 12, 2014
Revised: March 10, 2015
Published: March 10, 2015
DOI: 10.1021/cs500996k
ACS Catal. 2015, 5, 2490−2499
∑Single site catalysis 35
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oxygen along the axis of the pyramid and three nitrogen type
ligands in the equatorial plane, while one N atom holds the
other axial position.30,31 This configuration ensures a high spin
ground state (Figure 1b) that is preserved along the hydrogen
abstraction step. Another strategy to reach the most active state
is the spin crossover from a low spin (S = 1) ground state to a
high spin (S = 2) excited state in a two-state reactivity
mechanism popularized by Schröder, Shaik, and Schwarz.32 An
indication of its energetic cost is provided by the HS−LS
adiabatic gap. The lowest energy path for the reaction is then
determined by a comparison of the barrier of the LS-π path
against the sum of the HS-σ path barrier and the spin gap.
The working hypothesis of the present paper asserts that the
C−H abstraction barrier and the lowest acceptor orbital energy
of the initial FeO complex are correlated: the lower the
acceptor orbital energy, the lower the energy barrier would be.
For a high spin ground state complex, the barrier will be related
to the energy of the σ* acceptor orbital (HS-σ path). For a low
spin ground state, the barrier will be related to the energy of the
π* orbital (LS-π path). In this latter case, the high spin S = 2
excited state will also be considered. Its σ* energy will be
related to the corresponding HS barrier to compare the
multistate reactivity with the LS-π path. These basic qualitative
effects were outlined in the original works by Baerends19−21,27,33 and Shaik.18,26,32 The work presented here will
demonstrate how these can be expanded into a valuable tool for
catalyst prediction employing an extensive set combining model
and realistic catalysts to establish a correlation between the
activation energy and the energy of the lowest acceptor orbital
(σ* for the HS path and π* for the LS path).
The possible spin states of d Fe O intermediates are S =
0, 1, or 2 depending on the ligand field. The singlet state (S =
0) is generally very unstable and will not be considered here,
the ground state of the complexes being either the triplet (S =
1, called here low spin (LS) for simplicity) or quintet state (S =
2, called here high spin (HS)). In the presence of strong
enough donor ligands, (typically nitrogen based), octahedral
FeIVO intermediates have a triplet low spin (LS) state, the
lowest acceptor orbital being generally the so-called β−π*
(antibonding combination of dxz(Fe)/dyz(Fe) and px(O)/
py(O) in the β manifold; see Figure 1a). The corresponding
Figure 1. Frontier molecular orbitals of (a) an octahedral Fe-oxo
complex in a low spin configuration including the interaction with the
equatorial (in the x, y plane) and axial (along the z axis) ligands. In the
high spin configuration, the down-spin electron from the δ orbital is
promoted to the dx2−y2 orbital, resulting to a total of four unpaired
electrons and (b) a trigonal bipyramidal Fe−oxo complex in a high
spin configuration. In this simplified representation up and down spin
orbitals are shown with the same energy.
In order to test this hypothesis and demonstrate the
correlation, a large data set of iron-oxo complexes was chosen,
shown in Figures 2 and 3 (see also the XYZ coordinates in the
Supporting Information (SI)). The choice of systems was made
from popular ligands from the literature,5 porphyrin complexes,3 iron ligands from chemical databases, and simple model
systems, while methane was the chosen substrate. Since the
focus of the paper is on the influence of the ligand, the substrate
was not changed. A conscious effort was made to obtain a
diverse set of ligands that span the whole range of lowest
acceptor orbital energies. The first set, shown in Figure 2, is
comprised of complexes with a total charge of 2+. This set
mixes model complexes designed to rationalize trends (1−12,
23−28) and also complexes selected from the literature (13−
22, 19−38)5 to provide a direct comparison with experiments.
This set includes a variety of complexes with mainly N donors:
cyclams (TMC 34−36),34,35 bicyclic bispidine ligands (32,
33),36 tripodal ligands motifs with pyridyl (TPA 17), guanidine
(TMG3tren 18), amino (Me6-TREN 22), or benzimidazole
(Me3NTB 37) groups,37,38 EDTA (38), etc. Those complexes
are included, as is customary, without the counterions that
would balance the total charge and in some cases, complete the
metal coordination.30
The second set (Figure 3) covers neutral complexes, selected
from the literature5 or derived from commercially available
ligands and Fe complexes. Complexes belonging to the first
group can be shifted to the second group by including the
omitted counterions. The influence of those counterions can be
quite complex39 and will not be covered extensively in this
study. The division in two sets is required since the energy
range of the acceptor orbitals differs according to the charge
reaction channel is the LS-π path. The proton transfer is
coupled to the electron transfer from the σ(CH) of the alkane
to the π*(FeIVO). This electronic interaction requires a
perpendicular orientation between the CH bond and the
FeIVO bond, leading to a bended transition state.24 In the HS
state, two types of possible acceptor orbitals are competing,
defining two reaction channels: the β−π* and the so-called
α−σ* (antibonding combination of dz2(Fe) and pz(O) in the α
spin manifold of molecular orbitals).25 The β−π* opens a HS-π
path, similar to the LS-π path. The α−σ* orbital is generally the
lowest acceptor orbital on the FeIVO fragment due to the
considerable electron exchange stabilization of the α molecular
orbitals manifold in the S = 2 configuration.26 This α−σ*
acceptor orbital opens a HS-σ path, where the electronic
interactions lead to a linear transition state, the CH and the
FeO bonds being collinear. This alignment favors the
frontier orbital overlap27 and reduces the Pauli repulsion
between the alkane and the ligands.23 These reaction channels
have been described in more details in recent reviews.18,28,29
Later in the text, the α−σ* will be noted simply as σ* and the
β−π*, simply as π*.
This active HS-σ path can be reached by weakening the
ligand field and a common strategy is to reduce the number of
donor ligands in the equatorial plane. One approach is to create
a trigonal bipyramidal configuration at the iron with the oxo2491
DOI: 10.1021/cs500996k
ACS Catal. 2015, 5, 2490−2499
36 ∑Single site catalysis
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Research Article
Figure 2. Structure of the complexes with an overall positive charge of 2 included in the first correlation plot. 1−12 is the subset of complexes with
monodentate ligands, and the drawing includes the position of the FeO moiety. 13−38 is the subset of polydentate ligands. The position of the
FeO group is not included for clarity. Atoms coordinated to Fe in the equatorial position are shown in blue, while those in the axial position are in
(complex 6 here),43 the quintet-triplet spin gap is estimated
accurately (1.3 kcal·mol−1) while the LS-π and HS-σ barriers
are not as underestimated as with the popular hybrid B3LYP
A clear correlation was obtained for the first group (1−38,
charge 2+) for the HS-σ path between the activation energy for
CH bond dissociation on the HS oxo complexes and the energy
of the lowest acceptor σ*(FeO) orbital (HS-σ path, black
and blue symbols in Figure 4). Crosses and diamonds signify
whether the HS-σ path is associated with a ground or excited
state of the initial complex, respectively. From the presence of
the 2+ charge, the energy of the σ*(FeO) orbital can be
quite low, lower than the HOMO energy of methane in gas
phase. However, the HOMO of methane is markedly stabilized
in the reactant complex, where it is in the field of the dication,
and its energy is again below that of the σ* acceptor orbital.
Evidently, the correlation can be directly applied in order to
(−14 to −8 eV and −6 to −2 eV for 2+ charged and neutral
complexes, respectively). Other popular ligands could be
incorporated, such as the negatively charged pyrrolide or urea
ones,40,41 provided an extensive complex set is constructed for
their respective charge group, similarly to the 2+ and neutral
sets presented here.
The “reactant complex” state, where methane is loosely
oriented toward the oxo oxygen (typically 2−3 Å apart) and the
transition state structures were then determined to compute the
activation barriers EACT(LS-π path) and EACT(HS-σ path). In
order to accurately compare HS-σ and LS-π paths, reliable
predicted spin gaps are required (E GAP). The chosen
combination of OPTX (exchange) and PBEc (correlation)
functionals with the Dunning’s correlation consistent basis sets
employed here is known to perform well in this respect.42 For
example, in comparison to CCSD(T) calculations performed
by Shaik and co-workers on penta-ammoniated iron oxo
DOI: 10.1021/cs500996k
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∑Single site catalysis 37
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Figure 3. Neutral complexes included in the second correlation plot. All drawings here include the approximate position of the FeO moiety.
point (MECP)), when dealing with LS ground states. Two
subsets of linear relations clearly emerge, and they correspond
to different types of ligands.
The first subset (black, 1−12) shows an R2 value of 0.97, a
slope of 38, and a mean absolute deviation (MAD) of 4 kJ·
mol−1. In this set, all ligands are monodentate. Models 13−38
in Figure 4 (blue) form the second trend-line which is almost
parallel to the previous one with a slope of 33, an R2 value of
0.90, and an MAD of 11 kJ·mol−1. All ligands are here
polydentate with three to six coordination sites. In particular,
15−18, 20−25, and 37 are forming with the FeO moiety a
complex of trigonal bipyramidal geometry.
Overall, the two trend lines reveal a close-fitting linear
relation between the energy of the acceptor σ* orbital and the
activation energy. The activation energy of the LS-π path points
are also included as a function of the energy of the π* for the
low spin ground state complexes 5, 6, 14, and 29−36 (red
diamonds). A meaningful correlation cannot be obtained here
between the activation energy on the LS-π path and the π*
acceptor orbital energy. The typical bended transition state
probably induces a larger variation in the steric hindrance
contribution to the activation barrier. For instance, in the
TMC−CH3CN (35) complex, the cyclam scaffold hinders the
methane approach, leading to a FeOH angle 132° while in the
N4Py (29), the FeOH angle is smaller (121°), indicating a
lower steric hindrance. Despite a similar π* energy, their
activation energy differs by 49 kJ·mol−1.
For the second group of neutral complexes (39−55), a
correlation of the same nature is obtained for the HS-σ path,
shown in Figure 5 with black symbols and line. The complexes
in this set are less uniform than those of the previous group and
show a narrower orbital energy range than for the 1−38 group
(∼3 eV).
The heme Fe−oxo complexes with a Cl axial ligand included
here (models 47−51) that originate from a FeIII bare site
Figure 4. Correlation between the energy of the σ* orbital of the Fe−
oxo complex in electronvolts (x-axis) and the barrier height of the C−
H abstraction step in kilojoules per mole (y-axis) for models 1−38
(HS-σ path). Two subsets are distinguished: (1−12) in black and
(13−38) in blue. Crosses indicate complexes with a high spin ground
state (quintet), while diamonds indicate those with a low spin (triplet).
In addition, for the FeO complexes with a LS ground state, the
activation energy for C−H abstraction along the LS-π path is also
plotted as a function of the energy of the π* orbital (red diamonds)
even if in this case no correlation appears.
obtain the total barrier when dealing with HS ground states,
which constitute the majority on this set, or combined with the
LS-HS gap, (ideally, with a calculated minimum energy crossing
DOI: 10.1021/cs500996k
ACS Catal. 2015, 5, 2490−2499
38 ∑Single site catalysis
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Research Article
the energies of the HS state σ* orbital and the LS state π*
orbital. In the case of the LS path, although most of the
complexes show large activation energy in the right part of
Figure 5, some of them counterintuitively yield a small barrier
(41, 45, and even 43). This shows that, if the π* orbital is low
enough, the LS-π pathway in the case of neutral systems can
also provide efficient systems for CH activation (we again stress
that by LS we mean quartet/triplet cases).
The correlations in Figures 4 and 5 illustrate that not only
high spin ground state complexes (shown as crosses) can be
expected to lie along the linear relation but also high spin
excited states (shown as diamonds), isomers, regardless of their
relative stability (54 and 55), bimetallic complexes (41), hemecontaining systems, inferring that iron-oxo orbitals facilitate the
electron transfer to the porphyrin ring (46−51), and, as
mentioned before, complexes with radical ligands (43, 45, 47−
51; see Tables S1, S2, and S3 in the SI for details).
Figure 5. Correlation between the energy of the σ* orbital of the Fe−
oxo complex in electronvolts (x-axis) and the barrier height of the C−
H abstraction step in kilojoules per mole (y-axis) for models 39−55,
shown in black with all complexes considered in the high spin state
(HS-σ path). Crosses indicate complexes with a high spin ground state
(sextet/quintet), while diamonds those with a low spin (quartet/
triplet). The correlation between the barrier height of the C−H
abstraction step (on the low spin surface) and the energy of the π* of
certain low spin ground state models is also included with red
diamonds and line (LS-π path).
These correlations provide, on both sets of ligands, a fast
prediction of the H-abstraction activation energy EACT(HS-σ
path) on the S = 2 potential energy surface and in the case of
the neutral molecules also for EACT(LS-π path) on the S = 1
potential energy surface. The MAD for the activation energy
ranges between 4 and 11 kJ·mol−1, which is reasonably low for
a first screening of a large potential set of ligands, provided that
they correspond to the same charge for the (L)FeIVO
complex. This translates into a deviation of ∼0.3 eV for the
characteristic orbital energy (σ* or π*) of the Fe−oxo complex,
and hence the approach cannot discriminate cases where
acceptor orbital energies are too close.
For the +2 charge complexes, the correlation provides the
C−H activation barrier in the quintet (HS) spin manifold, but
this is the overall barrier only if the reactant complex is a spin
quintet. For triplet complexes (diamonds in Figure 4), the spin
gap should be added, since spin−orbit coupling should yield a
high probability for spin inversion and open the two state
reactivity mechanism.32 The correlation provides the activity
order between two complexes only if the change in HS barriers
dominates the variations in spin-gap. In the opposite case where
the spin-gap variation dominates, reactivity prediction is out of
reach of our correlations.
The division of the charge 2+ catalysts in two correlation
subsets (monodentate/multidentate) is remarkable and was not
underlined before. It shows that the energy of the σ* orbital is
not the only criterion governing the CH dissociation energy.
For a given value of the σ* energy, the presence of the
multidentate scaffold tends to lower the activation energy by
∼25 kJ·mol−1. In the case of independent monodentate ligands,
Fe is close to the plane of the equatorial ligands, in a rather
perfect geometry. This is not the case for the multidentate
ligands where the constraint imposed by the scaffold prevents
the coordinating atoms to occupy their optimal position in the
equatorial plane (see the SI). As a result the Fe and equatorial
ligand show a pyramid shape, the ligands being bent away from
the oxo group, and this distortion is often stronger in the TS
than in the reactant state (see Table S1, S2, and S3 in the SI).
In other words, the FeIVO unit is pulled out above this plane
(see also SI Figure S2). The correlations presented stem from
the dominating two electron interaction between the C−H
occupied orbital and the Fe-oxo acceptor orbital. The fourelectron interaction between occupied states on methane and
on the ligands is however non-negligible. Upon its approach,
display the typical ligand radical configuration OFeIV(Por•+)(Cl−) and hence correspond to a quartet ground state (called
low spin here) and a sextet high spin excited state. Remarkably,
the nonheme complexes 43 and 45 that also originate from a
FeIII bare site attain a similar configuration OFeIV(L•+).
While in heme containing systems the LUMO is typically
located mainly on the heme, and in 43−45 it is located on the
ligand, the C−H abstraction will be initiated normally through
the acceptor orbital FeIVO(π*) or FeIVO(σ*).26 This
allows heme containing systems to be included in the
correlation.The transition state structures of this neutral
group display Fe−O−H angles much lower than 150° (see SI
Table S2) typical of a π-path motif. However, the orbital
analysis of those transition state structures reveals that the
forming bonding orbitals are of substantial σ* character (e.g.,
35% σ* for the HOMO the transition state structure of 46 with
a Fe−O−H angle of 137.5°) which explains their correlation
preference with the σ* energy levels.
No distinct monodentate/polydentate lines are established in
this correlation since only one model is exclusively monodentate (39). Despite the high heterogeneity of the set, the
quality of the correlation is also of high standard with an R2
value of 0.87 and an MAD of 5 kJ·mol−1.
For several of the low spin ground state models, the relation
between the energy of their respective π* orbital and the
activation energy along the low spin PES (LS-π path) is also
included in the neutral correlation plot (Figure 5, red). In
contrast with the case of the charge 2+ complexes, a good
correlation is also obtained here. As mentioned before, to
predict the minimum energy pathway, one would only have to
compute the spin gap between the two spin variants and then
compare the activation barriers obtained from the linear
relation on the two spin PESs, simply from the calculation of
DOI: 10.1021/cs500996k
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is however dependent on the choice of ligand, since this choice
affects the electrostatic properties of the complex, the barrier
for 10 being increased by only 20 kJ·mol−1 between vacuum
and water, while that of 7 is increased by 77 kJ·mol−1. Hence
the reactivity order between various ligands is dependent on the
choice of solvent, e.g. 7 is more reactive than 9 and 10 in
cycloxexane but less reactive in acetonitrile.
Therefore, once calibrated with a few points, such relations
represent a practical way to evaluate the activation barrier on
the HS surface, with several exchange correlation functionals
and solvent polarities, since it only requires to calculate the
energy of the σ* orbital in the Fe−oxo complex. It has also a
strong potential to be extended to other catalytic reactions.
Beyond this numerical aspect, the linear relation also
provides simple chemical insight since it allows us to link the
CH bond dissociation activation energy for a given spin state
with a simple quantity, the energy of the lower lying acceptor
orbital of the FeIVO catalyst, for which we have many
guidelines from molecular orbital theory. The energy of this
orbital is simply related with the electronic character of the
ligands, electron donating ligands pushing it to higher energy
and electron withdrawing ones in contrast lowering its energy,
and hence yielding a lower barrier for CH activation. This can
give simple and powerful design ideas to the chemists.
This effect is clearly illustrated on the first subgroup of the
first set (models 1−12, black line). Weakly donating H2O
ligands are progressively substituted by stronger amine type
donors (1−8), shifting up the σ*(FeO) orbital. From the
shape of the dz2(Fe) orbital, the substitution of the axial ligand
is more effective than that of the equatorial ones as already
discussed in the literature44 and nicely illustrated experimentally on a cyclam series.45
As indicated in the introduction, a BEP type linear relation
has been proposed earlier on a set of Fe and Mn oxo
complexes, linking the H abstraction barrier to the reaction
energy ΔE.12,13 In the present paper, the reactivity descriptor is
not the total reaction energy, but an electronic structure
parameter: the energy of the (initially vacant) acceptor orbital
of the Fe−oxo complex. Although both types of relations are
potentially interesting, one advantage of the present approach is
that as said just above, molecular orbital theory gives us
qualitative tools to predict the variation of the σ* energy as a
function of the type of ligands.
These correlations have been established with GGA
exchange correlation functionals (OPBE mainly, and B3LYPD in one case) that have already proven a reasonable accuracy
for the electronic structure and catalytic reactivity of
coordination complexes. To the best they would reproduce
the DFT energy and hence cannot perform better than these
for the comparison with experimental results. In addition, the
intrinsic error forbids distinguishing ligands that yield similar
energy for the acceptor orbital, in a window of 0.3 eV, and cases
where the complex is not high spin add the complication of the
spin-gap. Some of the mentioned complexes are comprised of
model ligands and this type of ligand searches should ideally be
performed in tandem with experimental work. Hence, we will
now discuss how the results from the linear relations compare
with experimental data on the reactivity of iron oxo complexes.
Such a comparison should optimally be performed by
comparing to measured reaction rates.
The guanidyl ligand series (18−20) nicely demonstrates how
the modulation of the donor properties of the ligand enables to
tune the reactivity, in the case of complexes with charge +2 and
methane feels less Pauli repulsion from the pyramidal FeO
with multidentate ligands than from complexes with monodentate ligands and this leads to a more favorable transition
state energy at a given σ* energy. This effect will depend on the
multidentate ligand which gives more scatter in the multidentate line (13−38) than in the case of the model complexes
(1−12). The use of a multidentate ligand is also known to
increase the catalyst stability by reduction of the ligand lability.
Thus, using a multidentate scaffold is essential to improve the
design of FeIVO catalysts as it provides gains in stability and
activity at once.
These correlations have been established with the OPBE
exchange correlation functional and in the gas phase. It is
important to assess their general character. For practical reasons
this has been performed on the subset of complexes 1−12 and
on the HS surface. A second functional has been tested,
B3LYP-D, and it also provides a clear linear relation. However,
if the existence of a correlation between acceptor orbital energy
and activation energy is general, the slope and offset are
dependent on the chosen functional (see SI Figure S4). The
second method-related question concerns the influence of
solvent. The implicit PCM method has been considered for
three different solvents (cyclohexane, acetonitrile, and water),
and the resulting activation energy/acceptor orbital energy
relations are shown in Figure 6. A linear relation of high quality
Figure 6. Correlation between the energy of the σ* orbital of the
reactant in electronvolts (x-axis) and the barrier height of the C−H
abstraction step in kilojoules per mole (y-axis) for models 1−12 (HS-σ
path), demonstrating the solvation effect. Green crosses and line refer
to cyclohexane (ε = 2.02), red to acetonitrile (ε = 35.69), and blue to
water (ε = 78.36) implicit solvent calculations. The gas phase
calculations are recalled for comparison with black crosses and line.
holds for each choice of solvent. The solvent simply shields the
positive charge, so that the σ* orbital energy is less stabilized,
the effect being smaller with cyclohexane with low dielectric
constant and saturating for acetonitrile/water. The proposed
linear relation hence still holds in the presence of a solvent, and
the slope is unchanged within error bars. At the same time, the
solvent increases the C−H activation barrier for a given ligand,
and the effect is stronger for highly polar solvents. This explains
the preference for a low polarity solvent, like the alkane itself,
for alkane partial oxidation with Fe−oxo complexes. This effect
DOI: 10.1021/cs500996k
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40 ∑Single site catalysis
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Research Article
octahedral Fe-oxo complexes are obtained and their ground
state is a triplet. The five points fall very close to the linear fit of
Figure 4, but the corresponding σ* energies only differ by a
maximum of 0.25 eV (less than the error related uncertainty for
the σ* energies of 0.3 eV) and points 30, 32, and 33 almost
overlap. The range in calculated activation energies on the HS
surface is hence also small (EACT = 102−113 kJ·mol−1). In
addition since the complex are low-spin, the spin gap should be
added to the HS activation energy to obtain the global
activation energy. In fact, the variation of the triplet-quintet
energy gaps is much larger than that of the HS barriers and
controls the relative activity (EGAP = 26−52 kJ·mol−1). Hence,
we are here clearly at the limit of applicability of the method.
For instance, the two bicyclic bispidine (32, 33) have almost
the same HS barrier around 110 kJ·mol−1. The observed greater
activity of 33 lies in the spin gap, 15 kJ·mol−1 smaller than that
of 32. Similarly, 31 is 10 times more active than 29, while the
HS barriers are 106 and 102 kJ·mol−1, respectively. The correct
order in barriers is retrieved after addition of the spin gaps to
obtain the global barriers, respectively 142 and 154 kJ·mol−1.
For this family of low spin complexes, the reactivity is not
controlled by the energy of the σ* orbital (since changes are
small) but rather by variations in the spin gaps and possible
influence of the second coordination sphere.48
The last comparison with experiment will focus on the set of
neutral complexes. Synthetic porphyrins were among the first
complexes to be involved in the biomimetic C−H oxidation
effort.3 First generation iron porphyrins (FeIIITPPCl, 48)
perform well for various partial oxidation reactions, such as the
cyclohexane to cyclohexanol conversion.49 Our approach
(Figure 5) fittingly predicts the superiority of the TPP
(tetraphenylporphyrin) and TDCPP (tetrakis (2, 6dichlorophenyl)porphyrin) (48 and 49, respectively) over the
TMP (tetramesitylporphyrin) type (50).50−52 The axial ligand
effect in porphyrins is known to differ from the nonheme
complexes: a stronger donor leads to a greater activity.53 The
induced variations of reactivity have been shown to correlate
mainly with the stability of the intermediate and the ease of the
rebound step.49 Those effects are out of reach of our simple
screening approach based on the electronic structure of the
FeO complex.
In final, it is important to underline that comparisons with
experiments have to be considered carefully as a relevant article
by Nam and co-workers demonstrates,54 since yields and
alcohol to ketone ratios depend profoundly on the respective
conditions, such as the type of solvent used, the amount and
kind of oxidant, and the manner the various counterions
interact with the metal center. Nevertheless, if one keeps in
mind the limited accuracy in acceptor orbital energy (0.3 eV)
and the fact that these correlations mainly apply to the HS
energy surface, the above comparisons validate our approach.
As a consequence, these correlations have a potential for the
design of optimal ligands, specifically tuned to minimize the C−
H activation energy using Fe−oxo complexes. A strategy to
lower the reaction barrier can be, for example, to replace
strongly electron donor trimethylamine ligands by imine
ligands in the equatorial plane as illustrated on simple model
systems (22 → 24 → 23). An even more efficient approach is
to act on the axial ligand and to replace it by a noncoordinating
carbon atom (i.e., 22 → 27). This switches from a tetradentate
to a tridentate ligand and blocks the axial position of the
complex, yielding a strong reduction of both the σ* energy and
the CH activation barrier. These two strategies can be
with a HS quintet ground state. From TMG3tren (18) to
TMG2dien−CH3CN (20), one arm of the ligand is removed
and a solvent molecule CH3CN occupies the vacant equatorial
coordination site. The change for a weaker donor ligand pulls
down the energy of the σ* orbital by 0.47 eV and activates the
FeIVO core. The HS barrier is here the global C−H
activation barrier and is reduced by 18 kJ·mol−1, in agreement
with the experimental gain in the kinetic constant, by a factor of
630 for 9,10-dihydroanthracene.37 A further activation can be
realized by the removal of CH3CN solvent molecule (19).
Again, the σ* orbital is stabilized (by 0.4 eV) and the activation
barrier is reduced by an extra 17 kJ·mol−1.
The reactivity of the Fe-oxo complex with benzimidazol 37
has been evaluated in the same conditions as 18 and 20, and it
was found to be 100 to 3000 times more reactive than 18.38
The Fe−oxo complex initially coordinates a solvent CH3CN
and is low spin (S = 1), but it is likely that the solvent molecule
departs to form the reactive trigonal bipyramidal high spin (S =
2) complex. Compared to 18, 37 reduces the donor capacity of
the equatorial N groups, which move the σ* orbital 0.9 eV to
lower energy. As a result the barrier on the HS surface is
markedly reduced, in relation with the experimental result.
The cyclam family (34−36) remains on the charge 2+ case
but shows a LS triplet ground state. The contraction of the
scaffold with one carbon less in TMC-13 (36) than in TMC-14
(34) has little influence on the energy of the σ* orbital, nor on
the spin-gap (see SI Table S1). Experiment however shows
that, if acetonitrile is used as solvent, the iron−oxo complex
with 34 accepts a solvent molecule in axial position (noted
35).46 The strong effect of a donor ligand in axial discussed
above pushes the σ* orbital to higher energy by 1.5 eV and
hence, following the linear relation, strongly increases the C−H
dissociation barrier on the HS surface. In principle the spin-gap
from triplet to quintet in the reactant complex should be added
to obtain the global barrier, but the effect is large enough (90
kJ·mol−1) here to allow a direct conclusion. The contracted ring
of 36 is too narrow to allow the coordination of acetonitrile and
the axial position remains vacant, hence keeping a low σ*
orbital and a high reactivity. This is in good agreement with
experiment where the complex TMC-13 (36) is much more
reactive than that with TMC-14 (34) in acetonitrile. From our
linear relations one can suggest a further modification in the
cyclam family 34−36. In addition to the ring contraction to
remove the acetonitrile, one can also play on the nature of the
donor atom, replacing nitrogen by oxygen hence leading to azacrown ether (13, 14).
The comparison of the reactivity of a low spin and a high
spin complex should be done with care. 20 and 29 have been
experimentally studied in similar conditions, and 20 is 15−30
times more active than 29, depending on the substrate. Figure 4
indicates that 20 presents a σ* orbital 0.8 eV higher in energy
and, following the linear relation, a barrier of 139 kJ·mol−1 on
the HS surface, 37 kJ·mol−1 larger than that of 29. This could
seem in disagreement with the experiment, but disregards the
fact that 29 is a low spin complex. The barrier on the LS surface
is calculated at 147 kJ·mol−1, and the promotion from the LS to
the HS state for the reactant costs 52 kJ·mol−1, which puts the
global barrier through the HS TS at 154 kJ·mol−1. Hence 29 is
calculated to be less active than 20, well in line with the
measured reactivity.
Recently, the oxidative properties of a series of N5 ligands
have been investigated experimentally by varying the N-donor
groups (pyridyl, bispidine, or amino, 29−33).47 Charge 2+
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∑Single site catalysis 41
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Research Article
combined and this leads to an optimal model complex with a
predicted barrierless C−H abstraction in vacuum (28, EACT: 0.3
kJ·mol−1) and hence a low barrier in cyclohexane. Hence, from
the analysis of the first set of complexes (2+ charge), several
guidelines can be extracted to design efficient nonheme
oxidation catalysts based on the FeIVO moiety. One should
try to reach a high-spin FeIVO active species with a low lying
σ* orbital combining (i) a weak equatorial ligand field, using in
particular a tridentate ligand, and (ii) the weakest possible axial
ligand field, blocking the axial site with noncoordinating carbon,
for instance.
To propose potential efficient oxidation catalysts, one can
also target the neutral oxo complexes of the second set (Figure
3) extracted from literature such as heme-complexes50−52 or
derived from commercially available Fe complexes. Such a
choice of neutral complexes avoids spurious effects of
counterions. The porphyrin complexes included in this work
are found in the right section of the correlation plot (Figure 5,
46−51) with computed barriers for the C−H dissociation step
of over 100 kJ·mol−1. The computational screening and the
proposed σ* energy descriptor however underlines much more
efficient systems and predicts the complexes found well to the
left on the correlation line (e.g., 41, 42, 45, 52) as prime
candidates for the task. Following the strategies extracted from
the model systems analysis, they exhibit a weak equatorial
ligand field, no ligand in the axial position and a first
coordination sphere replete by the multidentate ligand. The
high activity of these complexes is a prediction from our study
since to our knowledge they have not yet been tested for alkane
partial oxidation yet. A potential limitation is that these
complexes also correspond often to weak metal ligand
interactions (see SI Figures S3a and b) so that their stability
might be an issue. They might appear only as short-lived
intermediates in the catalytic cycle. However, some possible
candidates combine a reasonable stability and good activity.
Complex 45 derived from FeIII−citrate, specifically tried
because of the resemblance with 26−28, is the most stable of
the neutral set by virtue of its strongly donating carboxylate
groups. However, it also combines a trigonal equatorial ligand
sphere and an axial site being blocked by a noncoordinating
carbon in a multidentate ligand. Therefore, its low-spin ground
state exhibits a low-lying π* that opens the LS path with a
reasonable activation barrier (EACT = 77 kJ·mol−1). Interestingly, this path is more active than the two-state scenario (spin
crossing and HS-transition state). This potential catalyst
demonstrates that design strategies could also target the LS
path efficiently using the correlation we have established here.
Next, the very simple FeII−oxalate complex (52), provided that
no extra strong ligand could coordinate Fe in the reaction
media, or the associated dimer (41) seem to be other very
promising catalysts. The reasonable stability of the FeIVOoxalate is combined with good activity (EACT = 87 kJ·mol−1),
enrooted in an HS ground state and a low-lying σ*. It would be
of great interest to test those candidates experimentally. Then,
the potential synthetic modifications of those complexes could
be tested primarily in silico using the correlation presented in
this article. These potential catalysts have been evaluated in the
absence of solvent. Our model study (Figure 6) however
indicates that a solvent with low dielectric constant and weak
coordinating capabilities, as cyclohexane, is the best choice,
while acetonitrile, frequently used in the literature, might not be
the optimal solvent due to its ligand capability.
Clear linear relations have been demonstrated between the
activation energy for C−H dissociation on the HS (sextet/
quintet) energy surface and the σ* acceptor orbital of the initial
(L)FeIVO complex. In addition for the neutral LS oxo
complexes (quartet/triplet) a relation between π* acceptor
orbital and activation energy on the low-spin surface also holds.
Although initially established for the OPBE functional, these
linear relations have a general character, however the relation
parameters (slope and offset) can depend on the choice of
functional and on the solvent. Comparison with experiments
validate the concept, although these comparisons have to be
performed with care due to the uncertainty in acceptor orbital
energy, to potential two-state reactivity, and to the influence of
the solvent. The correlation trend-lines included here can hence
be used as a powerful tool for the rational design of iron−oxo
catalysts for C−H activation. The barrier prediction error lies in
the 4−11 kJ·mol−1 range, an accuracy that is attained by the
robustness of the correlation and the wide range of the data set.
The approach described has a twofold advantage, assisting the
ligand design process in the lab and allowing for very fast
screening of potential candidate models that are commercially
available. In addition, it links the reactivity with simple
molecular orbital concepts that can be applied at no cost for
the generation of potential ligand candidates.
Molecular orbital descriptors hence appear to be more than a
qualitative analysis tools but they can be transformed in
quantitative relations providing key insights for the rational
exploration of potentially efficient ligands and catalysts.
All calculations were performed using the Gaussian 09
program.55 Unless stated otherwise, they were performed in
the gas-phase and refer to zero Kelvin temperature and ideal gas
conditions, which may be different from room temperature
experiments in a solution. The DFT functional employed is the
OPBE, comprised by the Handy’s OPTX modification of
Becke’s exchange functional (O)56 and the 1996 correlation
functional of Perdew, Burke, and Ernzerhof (PBE).57 For an
additional DFT functional, see the SI Figure S4. Dunning’s
correlation consistent basis sets where utilized as follows: for
the Fe, Cl atoms, the triple-ζ (cc-pVTZ) was employed, while
for the C, H, N, and O atoms this was the double-ζ cc-pVDZ.58
Transition state optimizations were performed using the Berny
algorithm59 and resulted in a structure with a single imaginary
frequency that corresponded to the expected methane C−H
bond stretch and was followed by intrinsic reaction coordinate
calculations (IRC60) to verify the link to the expected reactants
and products. For many complexes (such as 8, 15, and 22), it
was possible to locate both the HS-σ and HS-π path transition
states, while for others the σ*−π* energy gap was large enough
to be prohibitive for locating the energetically disfavored πpath. All barrier values reported are calculated with respect to
the “reactant complex” on the same spin surface as the relevant
transition state. When a “low spin, LS” complex is mentioned in
the text, this indicates a state lying on the triplet/quartet
surface, while “high spin, HS” in the quintet/sextet, as per
usual. The solvation method utilized is the PCM method as
implemented in Gaussian 09.61−63 It should also be stressed
that the work presented here only focuses on the FeIVO
unstable intermediates of the catalytic cycle. The reported spin
gaps (SI Tables S1−S3) should not be confused with, and
DOI: 10.1021/cs500996k
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42 ∑Single site catalysis
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S Supporting Information
The following file is available free of charge on the ACS
Publications website at DOI: 10.1021/cs500996k.
Geometric and energy data, additional correlation plots
and counterion effects, Cartesian coordinates of optimized structures, and spin densities (PDF)
Corresponding Author
[email protected].
The authors declare no competing financial interest.
P.C.A. acknowledges Solvay for the financial support. We also
thank the PSMN at ENS de Lyon for computational resources.
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44 ∑Single site catalysis
My main research line as a CNRS researcher is dedicated to the conversion of biomass-derived molecules into chemicals by metallic heterogeneous catalysts.
A typical target is the conversion of glycerol into various chemicals
of interests such as 1,2-propanediol, 1,3-propanediol, lactic acid etc.
This target nicely illustrates the two main challenges that we face to
model such systems: (i) complexity of the reaction networks ; (ii) complexity of the catalytic system. I worked on this system for years, in collaboration with experimentalists in catalysis (C. Pinel and M. Besson,
Lyon, France). I started working in the domain with F. Auneau, a
PhD student who was combining modeling and experiments during his
project on the hydrogenolysis of glycerol. This first collaboration was
continued with the ANR Galac project and the PhD of J. Zaffran, that
was mainly dedicated to the design fast methodologies to screen in silico the catalytic activity of metals towards polyol dehydrogenation. It
opens the door to the efficient screening of the large reaction networks
of higher polyols, the target of our current ANR Music project (1PhD
and 1 post Doc) in collaboration with D. Vlachos, uDelaware, USA and
A. Goetz, UCSD, USA.
46 ∑Heterogeneous Catalysis
In most cases, the conversion of biomass derived molecules is done
in liquid phase, usually using water as a solvent. This solvent can
considerably affects the catalytic activity of metallic supported catalysts 1,14,21 Thus, the inclusion of water is a necessity to properly model
and understand the behavior of those catalysts. Based on a simple
micro-solvation approach, we were able to interpret the influence of water in two different contexts (i) the oxidation of alcohols on Pt, during
the master project of S. Chibani. 27 (ii) the hydrogenation of levulinic
acid as a first step toward γ-valerolactone in collaboration with A. Ruppert (Lodz, Poland). 32 Finally, based on this model, we were able to
explain why Ruthenium is widely used in biomass valorisation and not
in gas phase reactions. 31 Those studies demonstrate the needs for better
methods to described the reactivity at metal/liquid water interfaces, an
aspect that is central to the ANR Music in collaboration with A. Goetz,
San Diego.
I have recently enlarged my research to the amination of alcohols by
ammonia in collaboration with Solvay and the E2P2 Lab in Shanghai,
China. During his PhD, A. Dumon focused on the later. He demonstrated that one of the reactant (ammonia) strongly modify the catalytic
relative activity of Ni and Pd metallic catalysts. T. Wang has just started
a screening in silico based on the combination of scaling relations, BEP
relations and micro-kinetics. He is also working on the deactivation
processes of Ni under the reactive conditions (Shapes project).
Asolventnother important aspect in green chemistry is to avoid to
use H2 and favors the hydrogen transfer from sustainable feedstock. In
collaboration with A. Ruppert, Lodz, Poland, we are currenlty working
on the hydrogen transfer from formic acid to levulinic acid to generate
γ-valerolactone. We first considered the impact of the preparation of
Ru-based catalysts on the overall activity 33 We are now considering alloying as a strategy to overcome the intrinsic limitations of monometallic systems.
∑Heterogeneous Catalysis 47
3.1 Complex reaction networks
Glycerol is a tri-ol that can be directly obtained by vegetable oil transesterification or by transformation of cellulose. It is an interesting platform molecule, not only per se but also as a typical model of more
complex polyols that are more up-stream in the cellulose valorisation. 8,10,19,23 This small triol is a typical example of the challenges that
catalysis has to overcome to produce chemicals for industry with high
yield and high selectivity. 15 With three alcohols function, two at the terminal positions and one at the central position of the C3 molecule, the
required chemioselectivity is difficult to achieve for a heterogeneous
catalyst. In addition, the extension of the reaction network and the reaction conditions impede a deep understanding of the activity at a molecular level, a necessary step for a rational design. Some steps of the
reaction network are catalyzed by the metal supported catalyst while
others are solution equilibria that are sensitive to the pH, the solvent
etc. Even the surface reactions might be impacted by the solution. And
neither experiments, neither simulations can provide a complete picture
of the reactive events occurring at the water/catalyst interface in those
range of pressure and temperature.
Glycerol can be converted in various interesting chemicals depending on the type of catalysts. We focused on hydrogenolysis conditions.
In our case, the target polyol is reduced using a pressure of dihydrogene (around 50 bar) at a mid-range temperature (180°C) in alkaline
water using a supported Rh catalyst. While the initial target was the
1,3-propanediol (1,3-PDO), our collaborators (F. Auneau, IRCELyon)
obtained mainly the 1,2-propanediol (1,2PDO) and the lactic acid (LA).
The production of LA came as a surprise and this product became our
target as an interesting platform in the biobased chemical industry. 6 In
those conditions, the initial step was highly debated, being either a dehydrogenation or a dehydration. Based on our periodic DFT calculations at the GGA level, we were able to propose a reaction mechanism
that starts with the dehydrogenation of glycerol on its terminal position,
48 ∑Heterogeneous Catalysis
Figure 3.1: Transition state structures and activation barriers obtained
at the PW91 level for the O−H scission in (i) ethanol (ii) glycerol (iii)
ethanol dimer on Rh(111)
yielding glyceraldehyde (GAL). In addition, according to our mechanism, the two products (lactic acid and 1,2-propanediol) are in equilibrium and this equilibrium can be affected by the pressure of H2 : the
lower the pressure, the higher is the yield in LA. Thus, based on our
model, decreasing the H2 partial pressure should fasten the first step
and increase the selectivity in LA. Those predictions were confirmed
experimentally, demonstrating the validity of our proposition. 25
During this study, we evidenced the important role of hydrogen
bonds on the O−H bond scission. Among the three hydroxyls, it is the
one that stands the farther from the catalyst surface that is the most reactive. The corresponding activation barrier is much lower than the O−H
bond breaking in ethanol (see Figure 3.1). This reactive O−H in glycerol is not chemisorbed but H-bonded to the other terminal hydroxyl
that is chemisorbed on the Rh(111). To provide a deeper understanding, we considered also the dehydrogenation of ethanol when adsorbed
as a dimer. The physisorbed, H-bonded ethanol is highly prone to O−H
scission, with the lowest barrier among the three systems under consideration. Compared with glycerol, this system is less constrained by
the carbon backbone. In a nutshell, physisorbed alcohols that accept a
H-bond from a chemisorbed alcohol are more susceptible to overcome
an O−H scission than an isolated, chemisorbed alcohol. And if the
two alcohol functions under consideration belong to the same polyol
∑Heterogeneous Catalysis 49
molecule, then, this H-bond assistance is partially compensated by a
backbone constraint. 29
Then, we started to enlarge our scope to other metals such as Iridium. 26 However, to open the door to a screening in silico, it was necessary to develop screening tools for dehydrogenation reactions of polyols
provided the extensiveness of the corresponding reaction network. We
focused on the Bronsdet-Evans-Polyani (BEP) relations for the C−H
and O−H bond scissions in (poly)-alcohols on a series of transition
metals. BEP relations aim at correlating the kinetics with the thermodynamics of a series of elementary steps. Several choices can be made to
represent the kinetics (activation energy, energy of the transition state
relative to a reference) and the thermodynamics (reaction energy, energy of the initial or final state relative to the reference). Those relations
are classically used to relieve the computational burden of optimizing
a high number of transition states. We started assessing the committed error when using various types of Bronsdet-Evans-Polyani (BEP)
relations for the C−H and O−H bond scissions in simple alcohols on
Rh(111). We demonstrated that the quality of a BEP relation depends
on the choices made to cluster the elementary steps and to represent the
relation. With an adequate choice, an accurate linear energy relationship is obtained for the O−H and C−H bond breaking on Rh(111). We
then show that this relation can then be used for a fast prediction of the
reactivity of glycerol on Rh(111) with a systematic deviation of 0.1 eV
that can be imputed to intramolecular effects occurring in glycerol. 34
Upon the extension to a series of transition metals, (Co, Ni, Ru, Rh,
Pd, Ir, and Pt), we kept the separation of the elementary steps in two
sets: (i) O−H scission (ii) C−H scission. Then, for each set, a single
linear relation can be constructed for all metals together on the basis
of the original Brønsted-Evans-Polanyi formulation with a mean absolute error smaller than 0.1 eV. In addition, a close statistical analysis
demonstrates that errors stemming from such predictive models are not
uniform along the set of metals and of chemical reactions that is considered opening the road to a better control of error propagation. 35
50 ∑Heterogeneous Catalysis
3.2 Effect of water solvent
Once we have evidenced the impact of hydrogen bonds on the O−H
scission on Rh(111), a question raises naturally: what is the role of
water solvent on the catalytic performance of metal supported catalysts?
To better understand how general is this assistance by hydrogen
bond on the O−H breaking, we have systematically analyzed this reactive event in three systems: (i) a single water molecule, chemisorbed
on the metallic surface (ii) a physisorbed water molecule, that acceptes a H-bond from a chemisorbed water molecule respectively(iii)
a chemisorbed water molecule, that donates a H-bond to a physisorbed
water molecule. The last two systems correspond to the two possibilities
of O−H scission in a water dimer adsorption on a metallic surface. On
a series of transition metals (Ru, Co, Rh, Ir, Ni, Pd, Pt), the scission of
the O−H is always easier in the physisorbed water. 30 This bond scission
is all the more easy that the metal is oxophilic, the lower barrier being
obtained on Ru(0001) and the higher on Pt(111). This assistance can be
illustrated plotting the activation energy ∆E‡ in function of the reaction
energy ∆E. Since the O−H scission is a very early reaction, this representation is more conclusive based on the reverse reaction, namely the
formation of water from OH and H.
∑Heterogeneous Catalysis 51
Figure 3.2: Activation energy ∆E‡ of the O−H bond formation in function of the reaction energy ∆E (in eV) on the compact plane of a series of transition metals. +, x, and * display the data points and solid
lines the linear regression for (i) a single water molecule, chemisorbed
on the metallic surface (ii) a physisorbed water molecule, that acceptes a H-bond from a chemisorbed water molecule respectively(iii)
a chemisorbed water molecule, that donates a H-bond to a physisorbed
water molecule. Adapted from 30
52 ∑Heterogeneous Catalysis
We developed a simple model to catch the water solvent influence on
the catalytic events, based on a micro-solvation model. A chemisorbed
water mimics the hydrated surface. We considered the dehydrogenation
of ethanol on two metallic surfaces, the oxophilic Rh(111) and the nonoxophilic Pt(111), and compared their activity with the corresponding
hydrated surfaces, H2 O-Rh(111) and H2 O-Pt(111). In each case, two
pathways are accessible: (i) the alkyl path, starting with the C−H bond
scission that yields a hydroxyalkyl intermediate (ii) the alkoxy path,
starting with the O−H bond scission, yielding an alkoxy intermediate.
A contrasted picture emerges. The presence of water on Rh(111) drastically changes its activity. With the stabilization of the O−H scission,
the reaction path is changed towards the generation of the alkoxy intermediate and the overall process exhibits a lower effective barrier than on
Rh(111). On H2 O-Pt(111), the stabilization of the O−H scission transition state is not sufficient to switch to the alkoxy pathway. In addition,
the initial C−H bond scission of the productive path is slightly pushed
up in energy, reducing the overall catalytic activity. As a conclusion,
the dehydrogenation of alcohol is expected to be activated on oxophilic
metals and slightly deactivated on non-oxophilic ones. 28
∑Heterogeneous Catalysis 53
Figure 3.3: Reaction pathways for the dehydrogenation of ethanol to
acetaldehyde on Rh(111), H2 O-Rh(111), Pt(111) and H2 O-Pt(111) surfaces. In straight line, the alkoxy path, in dashed line, the alkyl path.
The reference energy is the clean slab or the hydrated slab and the
ethanol isolated in gas phase. The produced hydrogen is considered
as chemisorbed at an infinite distance. Adapted from 28
54 ∑Heterogeneous Catalysis
Figure 3.4: Possible route of valorisation of cellulose into γvalerolactone (GVL) through the production of levulinic acid (LevA)
and formic acid (FA).
We applied our solvation model to another reaction in collaboration
with the group of A. Ruppert and J. Grams (Poland). Our target reaction
was the conversion of levulinic acid (LevA) in γ-valerolactone (GVL).
This conversion can be done using Ruthenium supported catalysts at
70°C, 50 bar of H2 . A greener strategy would be to use formic acid
(FA) as a hydrogen donor instead of a pressure of H2 . However, the
optimisation of the catalyst for the overall reaction is complex since
this catalyst should optimally dehydrogenate FA, then hydrogenates the
ketone function of LevA, a step that is followed by the cyclic transesterification into GVL.
We have started with the study of the hydrogenation of LevA under a pressure of H2 . Our experimental collaborators demonstrated that
the Ruthenium catalyst was active only in presence of water as a solvent while Pt was not affected by the replacement of water by THF as
a solvent. Thanks to our simple model of water solvent, we highlighted
the key role of the water solvent in ketone hydrogenation in the case of
Ruthenium: it stabilizes the initial O−H bond scission and destabilizes
the low lying alkoxy intermediate. We have generalized to a series of
transition metals (from Ru to Pt). Here again, the less oxophilic metals
are poorly affected by chemisorbed water while the more oxophilic are
strongly activated. 32 This is key to understand the wide usage of Ruthenium in biomass valorisation while it is barely used in petrochemistry
∑Heterogeneous Catalysis 55
(gas phase reactions). 31 Building up on this study, we switched to the
total reaction. During the hydrogen transfer from FA to LevA, the surface formate is so stable that it blocks at least partially the active sites
for the subsequent reaction (LevA hydrogenation). 33
According to our model, Pt catalysts should be insensitive to the
choice of the solvent and exhibit the same activity in absence and in
presence of water. However, the addition of water has been shown to increase noticeably the oxidation kinetics of aliphatic alcohols catalyzed
by platinum-supported catalyst. 27 To relieve this apparent contradiction,
we have to recall that the experimental conditions differ strongly. So far,
we worked in the context of hydrogenation/hydrogenolysis, i.e. under
a pressure of hydrogen or eventually of an inert gas. Under oxidative
conditions, the reaction is performed is presence of O2 , the final oxidant. In those conditions, the splitting of O2 is the key step impacted
by the absence or presence of water. The reaction O + H2 O −−→ 2 OH
is known to occur easily on Pt(111) 5,12 , yielding an hydroxylated platinum surface, OH−Pt. The dehydrogenation is greatly facilitated on
OH−Pt compared with H2 O−Pt and Pt. In a nutshell, the presence of
surface hydroxyls is required to perform the oxidation of alcohols using
a Platinum based catalyst and this can be achieved only in presence of
O2 and water. 27
3.3 What’s next?
Screening of reaction networks
To tackle the great challenge of screening the extensive reaction networks of polyol transformation, we aimed at developing efficient strategies based on a hierarchy of methods. The complete network is screened
based on a combination of scaling relations based on group additivity
and BEP relations. Then, both the kinetics and the thermochemistry can
be related directly to few descriptors such as the atomic adsorptions of
56 ∑Heterogeneous Catalysis
C, O and H. A sensitivity analysis of the micro-kinetic model build on
this extensive network selects the most sensitive steps that need to be
refined with more advanced models, including the complete evaluation
of the elementary step at the DFT level. This will be achieved on polyol
reactivity in collaboration with D. Vlachos, USA, in the project Music.
Better solvation models
With a very simple model, we already demonstrated the key role of coadsorbed water. This micro-solvation can be completed by the inclusion
of a continuum model of the bulk water as implemented by Hennig and
co-workers in VASPsol for instance. 7 So far, the impact of the continuum is rather limited to few meV on the reaction energies and activation
energies we considered so far. The next step is to build more complete
models that describe explicitly water molecules. It is the aim of our
collaboration with A. Goetz, USA in the project Music. This framework will open the door to more advanced simulations that should be
able to tackle key questions in the domain of biomass valorisation. For
instance, the oxidation of alcohols using O2 as a final oxidant always
require a base in a stoichiometric amount, generating a salt instead of
the wanted carboxylic acid. This is a strong limitation of this strategy since the subsequence hydrolysis yields an equivalent of undesired
waste. 3,13,18 to better understand the synergetic between the metal (typically Au or Au-Pd, Au-Pt alloys) and the base (NaOH) requires new
methodological advances to include the water solvent.
From alcohols to aromatics
The ligno-cellulosic biomass is composed of carbohydrate polymers
(cellulose and hemicellulose) and aromatic polymers (lignin). So far,
lignin was considered as too recalcitrant to be used as a feedstock, despite its strong content in aromatics. As shown in 2.5, it is a highly
heterogeneous polymer, increasing the challenge of a selective produc-
∑Heterogeneous Catalysis 57
tion of chemical from this feedstock. The conversion of lignin-derived
aromatics is one of our next targets in biomass valorization using metallic supported catalysts. In this context, R. Réocreux dedicates his PhD
project to the C−C and C−O cleavages in lignin-derived aromatics as a
potential source of aromatic compounds in collaboration with J. Giorgi,
Beyond the monometallic supported catalyst
My research was dedicated to supported monometallic catalysts that can
be usually nicely modeled using a simple slab model of the most stable
facet ((111) or (0001)). To open new directions of design, it is key to
probe several manners to tune the catalytic activity. A first possibility
is to analyze the alloying of two transition metals. 2,8 This will be our
strategy in the amination of alcohols but also in the hydrogen transfert
from formic acid to levulinic acid, yielding γ-valerolactone. 22, 33 Another possibility to tune a catalyst is to play with the exposed facet. 11,20
We have recently studied how the conditions of preparation of metallic
particles can affect the nature of the most exposed facet. Our theoretical approach allows us to predict the influence of the concentration of
the shaping agent on the Cobalt nanoparticles shape. 24 An intermediate
concentration yields to rods that expose mainly the (10.0) facet, where
ternary sites are not present anymore. Being able to control the shape
allows us to establish structure/activity relation. This will be address
soon in the project Tanopol. Another clear way to tune a catalyst activity is to play on co-adsorbant and modifiers. 15 We have shown that
the generation of surface hydroxyl is essential in polyols oxidation catalyzed by Pt. 27 Similarly, we are currently focusing on the influence of
co-adsorbed ammonia on the amination of alcohol (PhD projet of A.
Dumon). The shaping agent used to tune the shape of the nanoparticle may also affect the catalytic activity, as already demonstrated by
the group of Medlin 9,17 and others. 4 A better understanding of those
co-adsorption effects is still required. In all those ways of modifying a
58 ∑Heterogeneous Catalysis
catalyst, the atomistic simulations can sustain a rational design. 16
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∑Heterogeneous Catalysis 61
DOI: 10.1002/chem.201101318
Unravelling the Mechanism of Glycerol Hydrogenolysis over Rhodium
Catalyst through Combined Experimental–Theoretical Investigations
Florian Auneau,[a, b] Carine Michel,[b] FranÅoise Delbecq,*[b] Catherine Pinel,*[a] and
Philippe Sautet[b]
Abstract: We report herein a detailed
and accurate study of the mechanism
of rhodium-catalysed conversion of
glycerol into 1,2-propanediol and lactic
acid. The first step of the reaction is
particularly debated, as it can be either
dehydration or dehydrogenation. It is
expected that these elementary reactions can be influenced by pH variations and by the nature of the gas
phase. These parameters were conse-
quently investigated experimentally.
On the other hand, there was a lack of
knowledge about the behaviour of
glycerol at the surface of the metallic
catalyst. A theoretical approach on a
model RhACHTUNGRE(111) surface was thus impleKeywords: density functional calculations · lactic acid · propanediol ·
reaction mechanisms · rhodium
In the actual context of shortage of petroleum resources,
biomass is considered a renewable alternative for fuels and
chemical substitution. More importantly, the chemical transformation of bio-resources has a reduced impact on greenhouse gas emissions compared to petroleum-dependent industrial processes. Glycerol, obtained as a co-product of the
transesterification of vegetable oils to produce bio-diesel, is
a potential building block to be processed in bio-refineries.[1, 2] The valorisation of this abundant C3-platform molecule has been intensively implemented experimentally along
several routes.[3–5] Its heterogeneously catalysed transformation into important value-added products such as acrolein
through dehydration,[6] glycerol esters or ethers through
esterification or etherification,[7] 1,2-propanediol (12-PDO)[8]
or 1,3-propanediol (13-PDO)[9–12] through hydrogenolysis
and oxidation products such as glyceric acid or dihydroxya[a] F. Auneau, Dr. C. Pinel
Universit! de Lyon, Institut de Recherches
sur la Catalyse et l"Environnement de Lyon
IRCELYON, Universit! Lyon I, CNRS, UMR5256
2, Avenue Albert Einstein
69626 Villeurbanne Cedex (France)
Fax: (+ 33) 4-72-44-53-99
[email protected]
[b] F. Auneau, Dr. C. Michel, Dr. F. Delbecq, Dr. P. Sautet
Universit! de Lyon, CNRS, Institut de Chimie de Lyon
ENS Lyon, Laboratoire de Chimie, UMR CNRS 5182
46 All!e d"Italie, 69364 Lyon Cedex 07 (France)
Fax: (+ 33) 4-72-72-88-60
[email protected]
Supporting information for this article is available on the WWW
mented in the framework of density
functional theory (DFT) to describe
the above-mentioned elementary reactions and to calculate the corresponding transition states. The combination
of experiment and theory shows that
the dehydrogenation into glyceraldehyde is the first step for the glycerol
transformation on the Rh/C catalyst in
basic media under He or H2 atmosphere.
cetone[13–15] has been targeted over recent years. Due to its
availability, glycerol has also been envisaged as a potential
source of renewable fuels through, for instance, aqueousphase reforming.[16]
Glycerol hydrogenolysis in the presence of metallic catalysts has always been challenging because of selectivity considerations under the moderate to high hydrogen pressures
usually employed (0.1 to more than 100 bar). PDO-selective
formation is usually the aim, and it is consequently necessary to avoid C!C bond ruptures, which lead to undesired C1
and C2 cracking products such as ethylene glycol, ethanol,
methane, methanol and carbon dioxide. Historically, first attempts with Co, Ni Raney, Cu Raney, Cu, Ru, Rh, Ir and Pt
catalysts were conducted by Montassier et al.[17, 18] The addition of a second metal was proven to be useful to enhance
the selectivity into 12-PDO, for instance, in the case of Cu!
chromite,[8] Cu!Ag,[19] Ru!Cu[20] or Ru!Pt.[21] More recently,
important works allowed significant improvements in the selective hydrogenolysis into 13-PDO with Ir!Re[9] or Pt!
The glycerol transformation into PDO is formally a dehydration coupled to a hydrogenation: glycerol+H2 !
PDO+H2O. Dehydration is known to be strongly sensitive
to the pH medium, whereas hydrogenation is expected to be
dependent on the gas-phase atmosphere composition as well
as on the nature of the catalyst. Thus, both the pH solution
and the atmosphere composition may be key parameters to
control the selectivity of the glycerol conversion into PDO
in the presence of a metallic catalyst.
Indeed, the pH of the solution influences the activities of
various metal catalysts. On the one hand, acidic co-catalysts
have shown good abilities to accelerate reaction rates and
obtain at the same time good selectivity into 12-PDO, as
# 2011 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
Chem. Eur. J. 2011, 17, 14288 – 14299
62 ∑Heterogeneous Catalysis
evidenced by the group of Tomishige et al.[22–25] On the
other hand, as initially reported by Montassier et al., the Cu
Raney activity is increased in alkaline conditions.[17] However, the distribution of the products is strongly affected with
the appearance of lactic acid (LA) and the decreased yield
for cracking products such as ethylene glycol (EG) compared to neutral pH. These trends were confirmed for other
catalytic systems, namely, carbon-supported Pt, Ru, PtRu
and AuRu catalysts.[26, 27] In addition, the formation of
formic acid (FA) and gaseous species was reported. The appearance of oxidation products such as LA and FA under
reductive conditions raises questions about the underlying
As expected, the role of the gas-phase atmosphere is also
debated. Recently, glycerol conversion toward 12-PDO (together with EG) was carried out by D"Hondt et al. in the
absence of added hydrogen with a Pt/NaY catalyst.[28] Montassier"s group had originally mentioned for a Cu Raney catalyst that the reaction rate of glycerol transformation into
12-PDO and EG at neutral pH was poorly affected by the
presence or absence of hydrogen, whereas LA was only
formed in low amounts in both cases (< 1 %).[17] These reports are astonishing at first sight: they demonstrate the feasibility of the hydrodeoxygenation of glycerol under inert atmosphere, whereas, as said before, glycerol conversion into
PDO should require the presence of hydrogen. This raises
again questions about the mechanism. The hydrodeoxygenation of glycerol under inert atmosphere has not been investigated systematically since these results, though some studies
have dealt with this interesting issue.[8, 21, 29–32]
All these parameters (second metal, pH and gas-phase
composition) have a pronounced influence on the reactivity.
The simple picture of a hydrogenation coupled to dehydration is not sufficient to understand all the experimental results. In particular, the first step of the reaction is still under
debate. It has been proposed to be a dehydration, or more
surprisingly, under H2 atmosphere a dehydrogenation
(Scheme 1). The dehydration has been proposed for copperbased[33] catalysts, including copper–zinc[34] and copper–chromite[8] catalysts. Noble metals are also concerned with this
dehydration mechanism, as shown with ruthenium carbonbased catalysts in the presence of an acidic co-catalyst.[22–25, 32] However, the mechanism originally suggested by
Montassier et al.[17] puts forward the dehydrogenation as the
first step of the reaction in neutral water and alkaline condi-
tions with a copper Raney catalyst. It was also supported by
Hawley et al.[35] and reported for carbon-based Ru, Pt, PtRu
and AuRu catalysts in alkaline conditions.[26, 27] Nevertheless,
the exact mechanism still remains in question, as dehydration and dehydrogenation can occur simultaneously, for instance, with platinum supported on alumina catalysts together with reforming processes.[30] For this kind of catalyst, not
only the support but also the platinum metal is shown to
play a role in the dehydration of glycerol.[29] Recently, it was
demonstrated that even for copper–zinc catalysts, traditionally associated with the dehydration mechanism, dehydrogenation takes place on the metallic copper.[31] Concerning
rhodium, this metal has often been associated with the dehydration mechanism in past studies either in association with
an acidic co-catalyst[36] or with the assistance of rhenium.[37]
The interpretation of this complex system would benefit
from a better comprehension of surface phenomena from a
fundamental point of view. For this aim, theoretical modelling appears as a useful complementary tool to experiments.
Some of us have already investigated from density functional theory (DFT) calculations the adsorption of glycerol and
its dehydration intermediates at the surfaces of NiACHTUNGRE(111), RhACHTUNGRE(111) and PdACHTUNGRE(111) to identify the key points that control the
selectivity of the hydrogenolysis reaction.[38] The adsorption
and reactivity of other small oxygenated compounds such as
methanol[39–45] (MeOH) or ethanol[46–56] (EtOH) on the
model surfaces of transition metals can also provide helpful
clues. Despite the tremendous number of works realised
until now, only a few have performed a mixed experimental
and theoretical approach (using DFT) to gain further insights into the reactivity of glycerol. This is the case for
Davis, Neurock and their co-workers[57] who have considered the oxidation mechanism of glycerol in alkaline aqueous conditions by using Au, Pd and Pt catalysts on various
supports (TiO2 and C). The theoretical part focused on the
oxidation of ethanol into acetic acid on AuACHTUNGRE(111) and PtACHTUNGRE(111)
assisted by surface-bonded hydroxide species in liquid
water. In the direct line of our experimental investigations
on glycerol hydrogenolysis into PDO,[12, 58] we focus here on
the glycerol hydrogenolysis over an Rh/C catalyst in alkaline
solution. We report in detail the behaviour of this catalyst as
a function of various reaction parameters. In particular, we
have observed the concomitant formation of hydrogenolysis
(12-PDO) and oxidation (LA) products under both reductive and inert atmospheres. This raises the question: Is this
process really a hydrogenolysis? To arrive at an answer, we
aim at a better comprehension of the elementary steps of
the reaction. The first step is of particular interest, as it can
be either dehydration or dehydrogenation. We have focused
on the energy profiles of these two competitive first steps,
dehydrogenation and dehydration with theoretical DFT calculations performed on a model rhodium RhACHTUNGRE(111) surface.
We gather here our experimental results together with the
theoretical results to gain a better insight into the unexpected processes that occur during the glycerol conversion and
to provide a unified picture of the reaction mechanism.
Scheme 1. Glycerol transformation into 12-PDO and LA.
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Experimental Results
First, we detail the behaviour of the 0.7 % Rh/C catalyst we
have prepared as a function of various reaction parameters
such as solution pH and gas-atmosphere composition. We
focus in particular on their influence on the products distribution and the kinetics. Then we provide the gas-phase analysis and check the stability of the reaction products.
Catalytic tests: Table 1 shows how the pH of the solution
can impact the conversion and the product distribution in
the presence of rhodium-based catalyst. At neutral pH
Table 1. Influence of the pH on the reactivity.[a]
NaOH 0.1 m
NaOH 1 m
Mass balance
Yield [%]
12-PDO LA Others[c]
pH under He, the conversion of glycerol was less than 1 %
after 12 h and traces of GAL (together with glyceric acid),
pyruvaldehyde, acetol and 12-PDO were detected.
Kinetic study: A kinetic study was implemented to analyse
the evolution of the reaction. The glycerol conversion profile (Figure 1) is very different under He or H2 atmosphere.
Glycerol reacts indeed faster under He than under H2, and
after 24 h reaction, the glycerol is almost totally converted
under He (91 %), whereas half (49 %) of the initial glycerol
is still present under H2. The initial activity of the reaction is
0.8 mol min!1 molRh!1 under
3.3 mol
min!1 molRh!1 under helium (hence larger by a factor of 4).
The evolution of the yields as a function of the conversion
provides information about product formation, stability and
reactivity. From the beginning, the product yield increases
linearly along the conversion for 12-PDO and LA, regardless of the type of atmosphere (Figure 2). This indicates that
LA and 12-PDO are the primary products of the reaction.
[a] Conditions: glycerol (6 mL, 5 wt %) in solvent, SPR16, 50 bar H2,
453 K, 12 h. [b] TOC analysis. [c] Others including EG, 13-PDO, formic
acid (FA), EtOH, MeOH, acetol, acetic acid (AA).
under hydrogen atmosphere, almost no glycerol was converted (< 2 %) in 12 h, and only some traces of 12-PDO (<
1 % yield) were analysed. The reaction rate increases with
the alkalinity of the glycerol solution to give 12-PDO but
also LA as the major products. The best conversion reached
is nonetheless still low (23 % after 12 h). Moreover, glyceraldehyde (GAL) was observed (together with glyceric acid) at
neutral pH, whereas acetol was not observed regardless of
the pH (Scheme 1).
Interestingly, a catalytic transformation of glycerol also
happens in the absence of hydrogen when glycerol comes
into contact with the metallic catalyst at basic pH (Table 2).
The conversion is even surprisingly higher under He (55 %)
than under H2 (22 %). Moreover, the product distribution is
strongly modified upon atmospheric change. Whereas 12PDO is the major product under H2, LA becomes the major
product under inert He atmosphere (its yield is multiplied
by 5). However, it is striking that 12-PDO, which is the
product of the hydrogenolysis reaction (hence requiring H
atoms to be formed), is still produced under He (with a
yield reduced by 50 % relative to the reaction under H2). In
addition, when performing the reaction in water at neutral
Table 2. Gas-phase influence on reactivity of glycerol in alkaline conditions.[a]
Mass balance
Yield [%]
[a] Conditions: glycerol (100 mL, 5 wt %) in NaOH 1 m, Hastelloy autoclave equipped with a Teflon pot, 50 bar H2/30 bar He, 453 K, 8 h.
[b] TOC analysis after 24 h reaction. [c] Others including EG, 1,3-PDO,
FA, EtOH, MeOH, acetol, AA.
Figure 1. Glycerol conversion over reaction time: glycerol (100 mL,
5 wt %) in NaOH 1 m, Hastelloy autoclave equipped with a Teflon pot,
50 bar H2/30 bar He, 453 K.
Data can be extracted from the kinetic study to compare
the distribution of products at similar glycerol conversion
(Table 3). After 24 h, 49 % conversion is obtained under
50 bar H2, thus yielding 22 % 12-PDO and 15 % LA. Under
He, similar conversion (46 %) is achieved after 6 h. LA is
clearly the major product with a 20 % yield; the 12-PDO
production reaches only 3 % yield.
Gas-phase analysis: Gas-phase analysis has been motivated
by the increase of the pressure in the reactor along time at
constant temperature under inert atmosphere (Figure 3).
The pressure rises rapidly at the very beginning of the reaction but evolves more gradually after 100 min. There is
therefore generation of gaseous species, and it is important
to identify these compounds. Under hydrogen atmosphere,
the initial increase in pressure is interestingly slower than
under helium, and rapidly (20 min) the pressure starts to decrease, thereby indicating hydrogen consumption. The final
gas-phase composition reflects the observed pressure evolu-
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64 ∑Heterogeneous Catalysis
Glycerol Hydrogenolysis
Table 4. Gas-phase analysis.[a]
gas phase
He [%]
H2 [%]
> 99
Final gas phase
CO [%]
propane, propene, H2O
[a] Conditions: glycerol (100 mL, 5 wt %) in NaOH 1 m, Hastelloy autoclave equipped with a Teflon pot, 50 bar H2/30 bar He, 453 K, 24 h.
Helium, hydrogen and carbon monoxide percentages refer to a volumic
percentage. Products not quantified were only detected in traces amount.
Figure 2. Evolution of the product yields as a function of the conversion
of glycerol (linear regression): glycerol (100 mL, 5 wt %) in NaOH 1 m,
Hastelloy autoclave equipped with a Teflon pot, 50 bar H2/30 bar He,
453 K.
Table 3. Products distribution at glycerol isoconversion.[a]
t [h]
Conv. [%]
Yield [%]
[a] Conditions: glycerol (100 mL, 5 wt %) in NaOH 1 m, Hastelloy autoclave equipped with a Teflon pot, 50 bar H2/30 bar He, 453 K. [b] Others
including EG, 1,3-PDO, FA, EtOH, MeOH, acetol, AA.
a small content of C3 alkane (propane) and alkene (propene) under hydrogen. In both cases, the only gaseous product in any significant amount is hydrogen. It is supposed to
be responsible for the small pressure increase noticed under
hydrogen at the beginning of the reaction, and for the continuous pressure increase all over the reaction observed
under helium. If APR were occurring, other gases such as
methane, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide would have
been detected in significant amounts. Furthermore, all the
mass balances of the organic soluble products were in the
range of 94–100 %. We can consequently exclude APR from
playing a key role in the pressure augmentation and the H2
production observed.
Product stability: The stability of LA and 12-PDO has been
evaluated under the reaction conditions (5 wt % of product
in NaOH 1 m with Rh/C catalyst). LA does not show any
conversion after 12 h at 453 K either under He or under H2.
On the contrary, 12-PDO is found to be reactive, especially
under inert atmosphere, and yields mainly LA, formic acid
(FA), and degradation products (Table 5).
Table 5. Reactivity of the reaction products, 12-PDO and LA, under reaction conditions.[a]
Mass balance[b]
Yield [%]
Figure 3. Continuous pressure acquisitions as a function of reaction time
under He or H2 pressure: glycerol (6 mL, 5 wt %) in NaOH 1 m, 30 bar
He or 50 bar H2, 453 K.
[a] Substrate (6 mL, 5 wt %) in NaOH 1 m, SPR16, 50 bar H2/30 bar He,
453 K, 12 h. [b] TOC analysis. [c] Others including EG, 1,3-PDO, FA,
EtOH, MeOH, acetol, AA.
tion along the reaction (Table 4). Under hydrogen only
trace amounts of water, propane and propene were analysed. Under helium, analysis of the gas phase after 24 h reveals the presence of a large fraction of hydrogen, the origin
of which is to be discussed, together with traces of carbon
monoxide water.
Aqueous-phase reforming (APR) of oxygenated compounds is a well-known reaction to produce H2 and other
fuels from biomass.[59–61] For glycerol, APR into synthesis
gas is usually performed at 498–573 K.[62] Our reactions were
performed at a lower temperature of 453 K. Moreover, gasphase analysis only showed traces of CO under helium and
Theoretical Calculations
Chem. Eur. J. 2011, 17, 14288 – 14299
In this part, we report the theoretical study on the relative
stabilities of glycerol, the products and the potential intermediates when adsorbed on the RhACHTUNGRE(111) surface. Then we
focus on the first elementary steps of the catalytic reaction
and provide energy barriers. The (111) face was chosen because it is the main face of Rh particles.
Glycerol adsorption: Glycerol is a C3 polyalcohol with three
hydroxyl groups on terminal (positions 1 and 3 of the alkyl
chain) and central (position 2) carbon atoms. Those hydrox-
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F. Delbecq, C. Pinel et al.
yl groups will be respectively designated as terminal and
central hydroxyl groups in the following. Glycerol exhibits
numerous stable conformations in the gas phase.[63, 64] The
most stable one has been re-optimised with our method to
give the lowest conformation in energy represented in
Figure 4 (left panel) and to show two internal hydrogen
Figure 4. Most stable conformations of glycerol in the gas phase and on
the RhACHTUNGRE(111) surface. Black, white, dark grey and light grey spheres correspond to C, H, O and Rh atoms, respectively. Hydrogen bonds are represented in dashed dark grey lines. Bond lengths are expressed in $.
Colour version of the figure is available in the Supporting Information
(Figure S3).
bonds. Glycerol can adopt several adsorption modes on the
RhACHTUNGRE(111) surface.[38] The optimal structure (Figure 4, right
panel) shows two oxygen atoms adsorbed atop sites of Rh
and one hydrogen bond from the adsorbed terminal hydroxyl group to the other terminal hydroxyl, farther from the
surface. The corresponding adsorption energy is Eads =
!0.60 eV. It is higher than the typical adsorption energy of
monoalcohols (" !0.40 eV).[51]
Stability of products and intermediates on the RhACHTUNGRE(111) surface: Experimentally, glycerol can be converted into two
products: 1,2-propanediol (12-PDO) and lactic acid (LA).
In the gas phase, the corresponding reactions can be formally written [Eqs. (1) and (2)]:
Glycerol þ H2 ! 12-PDO þ H2 O
Glycerol ! LA þ H2
From a thermodynamic point of view, the first reaction is
exothermic (DEreact(1) = !1.00 eV), whereas the second one
is almost athermic (DEreact(2) = 0.03 eV). On the surface, the
situation is reversed. Indeed, the previous chemical reactions can be rewritten in the following manner, taking into
account the dissociated character of H2 and H2O on RhACHTUNGRE(111)
[Eqs. (3) and (4)]:
Glycerol þ 2 H ! 12-PDO þ H þ OH
Glycerol ! LA þ 2 H
When considering each species being adsorbed on RhACHTUNGRE(111)
at low coverage, both reactions are exothermic but the formation of LA is strongly favoured by 0.71 eV (DEreact(3) =
!0.16 eV and DEreact(4) = !0.87 eV, Figure 5).
Two pathways are plausible to convert glycerol into these
products. They differ by the first step that can consist of
Figure 5. Relative stabilities of intermediates and reaction products adsorbed onto the RhACHTUNGRE(111) surface. Dashed lines and continuous lines stand for dehydration and dehydrogenation paths. All the products and atoms considered are adsorbed on the slab. Energies are given in eV. The reference energy
taken here is the glycerol adsorbed at the RhACHTUNGRE(111) surface plus two isolated hydrogen adsorbed at the RhACHTUNGRE(111) surface.
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66 ∑Heterogeneous Catalysis
Glycerol Hydrogenolysis
either dehydration or dehydrogenation. We report in
Figure 5 the relative stability of the reaction intermediates
when adsorbed onto the RhACHTUNGRE(111) surface.
Through the dehydration path, glycerol can first lead to
two different enols almost isoenergetic on RhACHTUNGRE(111): 1) the
propene-2,3-diol, namely, Enol 1; or 2) the propene-1,3-diol,
namely, Enol 2. On RhACHTUNGRE(111) the C=C bond is coordinated in
a p mode and a terminal hydroxyl group is bound to the surface (Figure 6). The conversion of Enol 2 into 13-PDO
Glycerol dehydrogenation path: The two possible products
GAL and DHA result from successive C!H and O!H bond
ruptures on the Rh surface. We describe first the structures
of the four mono-dehydrogenated intermediates and the
eight transition-state (TS) structures. Then we report the
four possible reaction paths.
Intermediate and transition-state structures: The first X!H
bond scission can take place at the central (CHc) or terminal (CHt) carbon atom, or at the central (OHc) or terminal
(OHt) oxygen atom that leads to alkyl intermediates (IntCHc,
IntCHt) and alkoxy intermediates (IntOHc and IntOHt), respectively (Figure 7). Both alkyl intermediates are bound to the
Figure 6. Structures of Enol 1 (propene-2,3-diol), Enol 2 (propene-1,3diol), DHA and GAL chemisorbed onto the RhACHTUNGRE(111) surface. Black,
white, dark grey and light grey spheres correspond to C, H, O and Rh
atoms, respectively. Dashed dark grey lines represent hydrogen bonds.
Colour version of the figure is available in the Supporting Information
(Figure S4).
through hydroxypropanaldehyde has not been considered,
since 13-PDO is not seen in the experiment. Enol 1 can be
rearranged further in acetol (DE = !0.09 eV) and then
acetol can be hydrogenated into 12-PDO (DE = 0.54 eV).
Acetol can also be dehydrogenated toward pyruvaldehyde
(PAL) (DE = !0.59 eV), finally giving LA by an intramolecular Cannizzaro reaction under basic conditions (DE =
0.42 eV).
Considering the dehydrogenation path, glycerol leads first
to dihydroxyacetone (DHA) or glyceraldehyde (GAL). In
the gas phase, DHA is more stable than GAL by 0.17 eV
but those two compounds are almost isoenergetic once adsorbed at an RhACHTUNGRE(111) slab. Both molecules are adsorbed
with a lateral interaction of the C=O bond with the surface
(Figure 6). Whereas DHA cannot easily undergo a further
dehydration step, GAL can be dehydrated into an enol
(Enol 3, with a very exothermic reaction, DE = !0.73 eV)
that rearranges into PAL (Figure 5). Then LA is reached by
an intramolecular Cannizzaro reaction, whereas 12-PDO results from a double hydrogenation through acetol.
Thus, the main difference between the two routes lies in
the nature of the first step. Dehydration, dehydrogenation
and enol rearrangements into ketone or aldehyde are exothermic on the surface. On the contrary, C=O bonds hydrogenation steps and LA formation are endothermic.
Chem. Eur. J. 2011, 17, 14288 – 14299
Figure 7. Structure of mono-dehydrogenated intermediates on RhACHTUNGRE(111).
Black, white, dark grey and light grey spheres correspond to C, H, O and
Rh atoms respectively. Dashed dark grey lines represent hydrogen bonds.
IntCHt, IntCHc, IntOHt and IntOHc are the mono-dehydrogenated intermediates that resulting respectively from terminal C!H (CHt), central C!H
(CHc), terminal O!H (OHt) and central O!H (OHc) bond ruptures in
glycerol. The displayed structures are the ones after hydrogen diffusion
away from the intermediate, that is without the co-adsorbed hydrogen
atom. Energies are in eV. The reference energy taken here is the glycerol
adsorbed at the RhACHTUNGRE(111) surface. Bond lengths are expressed in $.
Colour version of the figure is available in the Supporting Information
(Figure S5).
Rh atoms through the mono-dehydrogenated carbon atom
and both the terminal hydroxyl groups. The IntCHc intermediate is more stable than the IntCHt by 0.17 eV, which is in
agreement with the greater stability of secondary carbon
radicals relative to primary ones. Conversely, alkoxy intermediates structures differ: in IntOHc, the alkoxy in adsorbed
in a ternary site, whereas it is adsorbed at a top site in
IntOHt. This can explain the greater stability of IntOHc (by
0.19 eV) since methoxy is preferentially adsorbed at a ternary site rather than at a top site by 0.39 eV. For IntOHt, the adsorption of the hydroxyl group and the position of the internal hydrogen bonds constrain the alkoxy to be in its lessstable position. The structures of the transition states for the
first and the second dehydrogenation steps are shown in
Figure 8 and Figure 9, respectively. The label of the TS for
the second hydrogenation is built by concatenating the
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F. Delbecq, C. Pinel et al.
Figure 8. Structure of the transition states for the first step of glycerol dehydrogenation on RhACHTUNGRE(111). Black, white, dark grey and light grey spheres
correspond to C, H, O and Rh atoms, respectively. Dashed dark grey
lines represent hydrogen bonds. Bonds implicated in the TS are represented in light grey. Energies are in eV. The reference energy taken here
is the glycerol adsorbed at the RhACHTUNGRE(111) surface. Bond lengths are expressed in $. Colour version of the figure is available in the Supporting
Information (Figure S6).
name of bonds dissociated in the first step and in the second
step. TS structures can be divided into two categories: 1) TS
of the C!H bond rupture are characterised by a triangle
configuration Rh/C/H, the bond being broken onto an atop
site 2) TS of the O!H bond rupture are characterised by a
oxygen at a top site and a hydrogen atom in a neighbouring
bridge position.
Reaction paths: Figure 10 illustrates the glycerol dehydrogenation pathways to GAL and DHA. The reference is the
energy of adsorbed glycerol. GAL results from the successive C!H and O!H bond scissions at the terminal position
of glycerol. Depending on the order of those two dissociations, two pathways are possible: 1) the alkoxy path starts
Figure 9. Structure of the transition states for the second step of glycerol
dehydrogenation on RhACHTUNGRE(111). Black, white, dark grey and light grey
spheres correspond to C, H, O and Rh atoms. Dashed dark grey lines
represent hydrogen bonds. Bonds implied in the TS are represented in
light grey. Energies are in eV. The reference energy taken here is the
glycerol adsorbed at the RhACHTUNGRE(111) surface. Bond lengths are expressed in
$. Colour version of the figure is available in the Supporting Information
(Figure S7).
with the terminal O!H bond scission to lead to IntOHt and
continues with the terminal C!H bond scission or 2) the
alkyl path starts with the terminal C!H bond scission to
lead to IntCHt and continues with the terminal OH bond scission. Similarly, two routes yield DHA through glycerol dehydrogenation at the central position: 1) the alkoxy path
through IntOHc and 2) the alkyl path through IntCHc. The two
intermediates dehydrogenated at the central position are
more stable on the surface than the corresponding terminal
ones by around 0.2 eV. IntOHc is even the most stable one
(!0.32 eV). In addition, the O!H bond scission at the central position has the lowest activation barrier (Eact = 0.67 eV)
among the four possible initial dissociations, thereby making
IntOHc the most probable intermediate. However, from
Figure 10. Energy profiles [eV] for the dehydrogenation reaction paths of glycerol toward glyceraldehyde (GAL) and dihydroxyacetone (DHA) formation. The reference energy taken here is the glycerol adsorbed at the RhACHTUNGRE(111) surface (Figure 4). GAL and DHA structures on the surface can be seen
in Figure 6. The straight line is the alkoxy route along which the mono-dehydrogenated intermediates are IntOHt and IntOHc (Figure 7). The dashed line is
the alkyl route along which the mono-dehydrogenated intermediates are IntCHt and IntCHc (Figure 7). Structures of transition states of first and second
steps are displayed Figure 8 and Figure 9, respectively.
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68 ∑Heterogeneous Catalysis
Glycerol Hydrogenolysis
IntOHc, the following C!H bond dissociation is unfavourable,
the central C!H bond being oriented towards the vacuum
(Figure 7). To take advantage of the metal catalyst activation, an Rh!Ot bond (2.28 $) has to be broken and the central oxygen has to switch from a stabilising hollow site to a
top site (see IntOHc in Figure 7 and TSOHc!CHc in Figure 9).
The associated energy barrier is the highest computed for
C!H and O!H bond dissociations in glycerol (Eact = 1.16 eV,
Figure 10). Consequently, the alkoxy route that leads to
DHA is kinetically slow. Given the lower stability of the terminal intermediates, the OH bond rupture at the terminal
position is surprisingly the second-lowest activation barrier
(Eact = 0.70 eV). Then it is easily followed by the CHt bond
scission with a low energy barrier (Eact = 0.55 eV, Figure 10).
Thus, the alkoxy route that leads to GAL is the most favourable route kinetically. Moreover, the alkyl route that leads
to GAL is also competitive: the CHt barrier is only 0.07 eV
higher than the OHt barrier and the second dissociation
transition state CHt!OHt is only 0.05 eV lower in energy
than OHt!CHt. Besides, the alkyl route that leads to DHA
requires the crossing of higher barriers and is less probable.
To conclude, GAL is the major dehydrogenation product
and it is mainly obtained through the alkoxy route.
Glycerol dehydration path: The dehydration of an alcohol
catalysed by a metallic surface is a two-step process: C!H
bond scission followed or preceded by the adjacent C!O
bond scission. Wang et al. have shown that the C!H dissociation comes first when dehydrating ethanol at a RhACHTUNGRE(111)
surface.[50] According to their work, the initial C!O bond
rupture is reported to be difficult (Eact = 1.76 eV), whereas
the initial C!H bond rupture is accessible (Eact = 0.52 eV).
Conversely, the C!O bond rupture as a second step from
the mono-dehydrogenated CH3CHOH species is easy (Eact =
0.42 eV). Thus, we have considered the dehydration of glycerol by adopting the following route: C!H scission followed
by C!O scission.
Intermediates and transition-state structures: This process
shares the first step with the alkyl routes of the dehydrogenation process (see above). The TS structures of the CO rupture are provided in Figure 11. The dissociating hydroxyl
group is adsorbed onto a top site of the surface, and is already distant from the forming enol, as the CO bond length
is 2.11 $ in both TS structures.
Figure 11. Structure of the transition states for the second step of glycerol
dehydration (C!O bond cleavage) on RhACHTUNGRE(111). Black, white, dark grey
and light grey spheres correspond to C, H, O and Rh atoms. Dashed
dark grey lines represent hydrogen bonds. Bonds implied in the TS are
represented in light grey. Bond lengths are expressed in $. Colour version of the figure is available in the Supporting Information (Figure S8).
Reaction paths: As already said, the glycerol dehydration
can lead to two different enols: 1) Enol 1 (central C!H
bond followed by terminal CO scission) or 2) Enol 2 (terminal C!H bond followed by central CO scission). Figure 12
shows the corresponding reaction pathways. The TS of the
CO scission are rather high in energy: 0.95 eV at the terminal position, 0.86 eV at the central position with respect to
adsorbed glycerol. Consequently, the main dehydration
route is CHt!COc for which both barriers are lower, thus
leading to Enol 2.
Figure 12. Energy profiles [eV] for the dehydration reaction path of glycerol toward Enol 1 and Enol 2 formation. Enol 1 and Enol 2 structures can be
seen in Figure 6. The reference energy taken here is the glycerol adsorbed at the RhACHTUNGRE(111) surface (Figure 4). The mono-dehydrogenated intermediates
are IntCHt and IntCHc, which are displayed in Figure 7. Structures of transition states of first and second steps are shown in Figure 8 and Figure 11, respectively.
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The glycerol transformation into propanediols (PDOs) is
generally performed in basic or acidic media in the presence
of a metal catalyst under hydrogenolysis conditions: 12PDO is usually the main product. This transformation is formally a dehydration coupled to a hydrogenation reaction.
Consequently, dehydration is commonly envisaged as the
first step of the reaction. The corresponding mechanism is
represented in Scheme 2 in black. The glycerol dehydration
yields an enol (Enol 1, propen-1,2-diol) in equilibrium with
acetol. Then this ketone is hydrogenated at the metal catalyst into 12-PDO.
Scheme 3. Proposed mechanism of glycerol conversion into lactic acid
(LA) and 1,2-propanediol (12-PDO) starting with a dehydrogenation
tivity (LA and 12-PDO) depending on the nature of the atmosphere.
Scheme 2. Dehydration mechanism usually proposed for the glycerol conversion into 1,2-propanediol (12-PDO). In grey, an extension can be
easily proposed from acetol to lead to the lactic acid (LA).
As seen in the Results Section, glycerol yields the expected 12-PDO in the presence of an Rh/C catalyst at basic pH
under hydrogenolysis conditions (P(H2) = 50 bar) but it also
yields an oxidation product, the lactic acid (LA) with a
slightly lower yield (Table 2, entry 2). This product could be
obtained by the dehydrogenation of acetol into pyruvaldehyde (PAL), followed by a Cannizzaro reaction into LA
(Scheme 2, additional path in grey). Moreover, when changing the atmosphere from reductive to inert, both products
are still obtained but with a reversed selectivity (Table 2,
entry 1). Thus, even in absence of H2, 12-PDO can be produced. This questions the mechanism of glycerol hydrogenolysis previously described.
In the literature, an alternative mechanism has been proposed by Montassier et al.,[17] starting with a dehydrogenation step, unfamiliar under hydrogenolysis conditions. This
alternative route is represented in Scheme 3 in the particular
case of Rh/C catalyst in basic media. The glyceraldehyde
(GAL) formed by the dehydrogenation of glycerol is dehydrated into PAL. Finally, this intermediate is successively
hydrogenated into acetol and 12-PDO. LA can be easily obtained by a Cannizzaro reaction from PAL. Dihydroxyacetone is often reported as another dehydrogenation product
of glycerol, but dehydration is difficult in this case because
of the absence of adjacent carbons that bear H and OH
Gathering experimental and theoretical results, we will
first discuss the nature of the first step, dehydrogenation
versus dehydration. Then we will focus on the product selec-
Dehydration versus dehydrogenation: The glycerol conversion and the pH increase together, and this is often associated with a dehydration mechanism. However, one should
note that the basic media is essential in both mechanisms
we examine here at different steps: the Cannizzaro reaction
that leads to LA from PAL in both routes, the initial glycerol dehydration step in the dehydration mechanism and the
dehydration of GAL into Enol 3 in the dehydrogenation
To test the feasibility of the glycerol dehydration, glycerol
was introduced in sodium hydroxide under He without catalyst. No conversion is observed after 24 h. This means that if
the dehydration occurs, the metal catalyst and sodium hydroxide are both required and that there would be an assistance of the metal.[38]
The key intermediates, GAL, PAL and acetol, are not
stable in a molar solution of sodium hydroxide at room temperature. Their detection requires performing the experiments in neutral or acidic solution. When reacting glycerol
in water (pH 6.5) in the presence of the Rh/C catalyst, a
very low glycerol conversion is reached and traces of 12PDO are observed, whatever the atmosphere. Under H2 atmosphere, traces of GAL (together with glyceric acid) are
seen, whereas acetol is not detected. Under helium atmosphere, traces of GAL (together with glyceric acid), PAL and
acetol are detected. GAL is a key intermediate in the dehydrogenation route only, whereas PAL and acetol are expected to be key intermediates in both routes. Following those
experiments, dehydrogenation seems to be the first step of
glycerol deoxygenation into 12-PDO and LA. But one
should wonder whether these findings could be extrapolated
to the reaction in alkaline conditions.
In the operating conditions, we observed an initial increase of pressure (Figure 3) whatever the atmosphere.
However, under hydrogen atmosphere, a decreasing pres-
# 2011 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
Chem. Eur. J. 2011, 17, 14288 – 14299
70 ∑Heterogeneous Catalysis
Glycerol Hydrogenolysis
sure follows. Analysis of the gas phase indicates that the
only gas produced in significant amount is H2. It is consequently reasonable to attribute the pressure variations to H2
production and consumption. Since APR is excluded under
our conditions, there is necessarily a dehydrogenation step
that occurs. Now there is a potential H2 source in both
mechanisms. H2 is obviously produced from glycerol if dehydrogenation is the first step. If the dehydration is the first
step, acetol can be another possible source of H2 by dehydrogenation into PAL (Scheme 2), which is thermodynamically favoured (Figure 5). However, under hydrogen atmosphere, the pressure increases and then decreases and the
main product is 12-PDO. According to the dehydrogenation
mechanism (Scheme 3), the first step produces one equivalent of GAL and of H2. Later, the formation of 12-PDO involves the consumption of two equivalents of H2, which
leads to the further decrease in the pressure. Along the alternative dehydration route (Scheme 2), H2 production and
consumption steps are not sequential as in the previous discussion, but are parallel and initiate from acetol. Consequently, the initial increase of hydrogen pressure would be
observed only if LA is the main product. Now, under hydrogen, the hydrogenation product, 12-PDO, is the dominant
one at all stages of the reaction. Thus, the dehydration
mechanism appears incompatible with the transient formation of H2.
The influence of the atmosphere on the conversion rate
has also to be pointed out. The glycerol hydrodeoxygenation
is actually found to be significantly faster under helium than
under hydrogen-gas pressure: the catalyst is initially almost
four times more active (Figure 1). According to the dehydrogenation mechanism, this can be explained by the reversibility of the initial dehydrogenation step. Under H2 atmosphere, the high H2 pressure inhibits the glycerol dehydrogenation. On the contrary, under He atmosphere, the equilibrium is inverted, thereby favouring a faster glycerol conversion. If we consider now the alternative mechanism that
is initiated by a dehydration step, the production of the key
intermediate acetol should not depend on the H2 pressure.
Hence the rate of transformation of glycerol should not decrease under H2 compared to He, but only the selectivity
should be modified, with more 12-PDO and less LA produced under H2. Hence, the dehydration mechanism seems
to be again incompatible with the experimental results.
Let us now look at the conclusions from the DFT calculations. The glycerol dehydration on model RhACHTUNGRE(111) surface
leads to two enols, Enol 1 and Enol 2, to yield 12-PDO and
13-PDO, respectively, after isomerisation and hydrogenation
steps (Figure 5). Those two enol intermediates are isoenergetic on the metal catalyst and more stabilised than the dehydrogenation intermediates, GAL and DHA. Thermodynamically, dehydration is hence favoured over dehydrogenation on the surface. If we now look at the reaction barriers,
the formation of Enol 1 goes through transition states of
higher energies (0.83, 0.95 eV, Figure 12) than the reaction
path to Enol 2 (0.77, 0.86 eV, Figure 12). Thus, Enol 2 is the
kinetically favoured intermediate on the dehydration route.
Chem. Eur. J. 2011, 17, 14288 – 14299
It would lead by hydrogenation to 13-PDO, in contradiction
with the experimental selectivity. Alternatively, the dehydrogenation path can be considered. Two routes are possible,
the alkyl route and the alkoxy route, depending on the first
bond rupture, C!H or O!H. Obviously, the first dehydrogenation step of the alkyl routes (C!H rupture) is common
with the dehydration. However, the C!H bond ruptures
have higher barriers (0.83, 0.77 eV) than the alternative O!
H bond ruptures (0.67, 0.70 eV). In addition, when starting
with the terminal hydroxyl scission (OHt!CHt route), the
first dissociation is the rate-limiting step (Figure 10). Consequently, the dehydrogenation (overall barrier of 0.70 eV) is
favoured kinetically compared with dehydration (overall
barrier of 0.86 eV) and leads to GAL by means of an OHt!
CHt route.
To sum up, the combination of experiment and theory
shows that dehydrogenation into GAL is the first step for
the glycerol transformation on the Rh/C catalyst in basic
media under He or H2 atmosphere.
LA and 12-PDO selectivity: The proposed mechanism is
summarised in Scheme 3. Glycerol is dehydrogenated into
GAL. Then, its subsequent dehydration into Enol 3 is thermodynamically favoured on the surface (Ereac = !0.73 eV),
as shown from DFT calculations. The isomerisation of
Enol 3 into PAL is straightforward, and then a double hydrogenation into 12-PDO or a Cannizzaro reaction to yield
LA can occur. From our experimental results, PAL conversion into LA is irreversible, whereas PAL hydrogenation
into 12-PDO is an equilibrium. Indeed, LA is stable under
our experimental conditions (Table 5, entries 3 and 4),
whereas 12-PDO is mainly converted into LA under He.
Those final steps control the product selectivity depending
on the atmosphere.
Under a hydrogen atmosphere, the main product is the
12-PDO since the equilibrium is displaced towards the hydrogenation direction (Table 5, entry 2). Moreover, the PAL
hydrogenation into acetol and then 12-PDO is probably
faster than the Cannizzaro reaction into LA under H2 pressure, hence the 12-PDO being the main product.
Under helium atmosphere, the pressure increases continuously, thereby leading to a significant concentration of hydrogen in the gas phase at the end of the reaction. As already noted, hydrogen production is ensured by the glycerol
dehydrogenation. However, the H2 partial pressure is much
lower than under H2 atmosphere. Therefore, all the hydrogenation/dehydrogenation equilibria are displaced towards
dehydrogenation. This contributes to the H2 pressure increase but also to the diminution of the 12-PDO yield and
to the increase of the LA yield (Table 5). Since the formation of LA is irreversible under the reaction conditions, this
is the main product under He atmosphere.
In a nutshell, the product distribution is controlled by the
hydrogenation/dehydrogenation equilibria, and hence by the
nature of the atmosphere. Under H2, the hydrogenation of
the intermediates into 12-PDO is favoured, whereas under
neutral atmosphere, the transformation of PAL into LA by
# 2011 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
∑Heterogeneous Catalysis 71
F. Delbecq, C. Pinel et al.
a Canizzaro reaction is the main path since 12-PDO is potentially dehydrogenated.
The association of the experimental and theoretical points
of view has provided a deep insight into the rhodium-catalysed transformation of glycerol into 1,2-propanediol (12PDO) and lactic acid (LA). We have particularly focused on
the determination of the first step of the reaction, as there
was a need to decide between the dehydration and the dehydrogenation mechanisms. Although the conversion and
the pH increase together, which could be tentatively associated with a dehydration mechanism, some clues appeared
experimentally in favour of the dehydrogenation route. We
established that switching the nature of the gas phase from a
reductive to an inert atmosphere increased the reaction rate.
It must be underlined that under inert atmosphere, although
the products distribution was sharply impacted in favour of
LA formation, a significant amount of 12-PDO was obtained together with the production of hydrogen. The theoretical investigations on glycerol dehydrogenation and dehydration at a model RhACHTUNGRE(111) surface with density functional
theory allowed us to distinguish between the two reaction
paths. Dehydrogenation was found to be kinetically favoured at the surface over dehydration. In addition, glyceraldehyde (GAL) was found to be the favoured intermediate
over dihydroxyacetone (DHA). The dehydrogenation of
glycerol into GAL has thus been evidenced as the major
phenomenon that initiates the hydrodeoxygenation mechanism on rhodium catalyst. Furthermore, key experimental
results such as the transient production of H2 in the gas
phase and the influence of the nature of the atmosphere (H2
or He) on the reaction rate are fully explained by the proposed mechanism, whereas they cannot be explained from
the alternative route initiated by a dehydration step. We
have hence revisited Montassier"s dehydrogenation mechanism by highlighting the surface phenomena and by showing
from the mixed experimental and theoretical study that dehydrogenation and not dehydration is the first step of the reaction.
(unless another temperature is specified) and pressurised at 30 bar if the
reaction was performed under helium. If the reaction was run under hydrogen, the pressure was adjusted to 50 bar. For the kinetic study, the reaction was performed in a 200 mL stainless steel autoclave equipped with
a graphite-stabilised Teflon container. Samples of the reaction medium
were taken out regularly and analysed by HPLC using a CarboSep 107H
column (0.5 mL min!1 of 0.005 n H2SO4, T = 40 8C). 13-PDO, 12-PDO,
ethylene glycol, 1-propanol, 2-propanol, ethanol, methanol, acetol, lactic
acid, formic acid, acetic acid, glyceraldehyde and glyceric acid were analysed. Total organic carbon (TOC) was also measured using a Shimadzu
TOC-5050A analyser. The difference between TOC measured and TOC
concentration introduced into the reactor gave an estimation of gaseous
products (CO, CO2, H2 and so on) formed during the reaction. Gas phase
was collected in a gas bag at the end of the reaction and analysed using a
GC-MS (Agilent Technologies, 5975C) instrument equipped with Alumina, Poraplot U and 5 $ molecular sieve columns and thermal-conductivity detectors. Backflush injectors were used for Poraplot U and 5 $ molecular sieve columns.
Computational details: Periodic density functional theory (DFT) calculations have been carried out using the Vienna Ab Initio Simulation Program (VASP).[65] The exchange-correlation energy and potential were calculated within the generalised gradient approximation (Perdew–Wang 91
functional).[66] A tight convergence of the plane-wave expansion was obtained with a cutoff of 400 eV. The electron–ion interactions were described by the projector augmented method (PAW) introduced by
Blçch[67] and adapted by Kresse and Joubert.[68] The RhACHTUNGRE(111) surface is
modelled by a 3 % 3 surface supercell that contains a slab of four layers
and a vacuum of five equivalent metal layers (11.10 $). A Monkhorst–
Pack mesh of 3 % 3 % 1 k points was used for the 2D Brillouin zone integration.[69]
The adsorption of the molecules was realised on the upper side of the
slab. The two bottom layers of the slab were kept frozen in the bulk positions, whereas the uppermost layers and the molecule were free to relax.
The adsorption energy Eads is calculated as the difference between the
energy of the adsorption complex and that of the bare surface plus the
molecule in the gas phase. A negative energy means a stabilising adsorption. The reaction energy Ereact is defined as the difference between the
energy of the product and the energy of the reactant. A negative energy
means that the reaction is exothermic, whereas a positive energy means
that the reaction is endothermic. Reactions paths have been studied by
combining Nudge Elastic Band (NEB) procedures[70] together with our
local reaction path generator OpenPath[71] and the dimer method.[72]
Then transition-state structures have been optimised with a quasiNewton algorithm and characterised by a single imaginary frequency.
The activation energy Eact is specified as the difference between the
energy of the TS and the energy of the reactant. Extended calculations
with a 4 % 4 unit cell, a five-layer slab with a 3 % 3 unit cell, and taking
into account the dipole correction have been performed, without affecting notably the activation barriers values and the TS structures (Table S1
in the Supporting Information), hence validating the model initially
Experimental Section
Catalyst preparation and characterisation: The rhodium catalyst supported on carbon was prepared by cationic exchange (see the Supporting Information). The effective Rh weight loading determined by ICP analysis
was 0.7 wt %. XRD analysis furnished little information, given the amorphous nature of the carbon support. The absence of intense Rh peaks led
us to think that Rh particles are well dispersed (Figure S1 in the Supporting Information). TEM analysis confirmed this forecast; the pictures
could be seen (Figure S2 in the Supporting Information): the Rh/C catalyst shows small, well-dispersed nanoparticles (2–3 nm).
Catalytic tests and analysis: Initial screening of catalysts was conducted
using a Slurry Phase Reactor 16 (AMTEC) for 12 h with glycerol (6 mL,
5 wt %) in solvent (H2O or NaOH 1 m), 30 mg catalyst, 1000 rpm. The reactors were purged three times with 20 bar helium, heated at 453 K
We are indebted to the EU (Topcombi contract no. NMP2-CT2005–
515792) for financial support. F.A. acknowledges the French Minister of
Research and Education for a PhD grant. Pascale Mascunan and No&lle
Christin, Mimoun Aouine, FranÅoise Bosselet and Chantal Lorentz are
acknowledged for their assistance (ICP analysis, TEM, XRD and gasphase analysis, respectively). Paul Fleurat-Lessard is acknowledged for
providing the OpenPath program. We are grateful to PSMN, to GENCI
(CINES/IDRIS, project x2010075609) and to CINECA for computer facilities and helpful assistance.
# 2011 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
Chem. Eur. J. 2011, 17, 14288 – 14299
72 ∑Heterogeneous Catalysis
Glycerol Hydrogenolysis
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# 2011 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
Received: April 29, 2011
Revised: August 18, 2011
Published online: November 8, 2011
∑Heterogeneous Catalysis 73
Reprinted with permission from ACS. Catal. 2014, 4, 464-468.
Copyright 2014 American Chemical Society.
Linear Energy Relations As Predictive Tools for Polyalcohol Catalytic
Jérémie Zaffran, Carine Michel, Florian Auneau, Françoise Delbecq, and Philippe Sautet*
Université de Lyon, CNRS and Ecole Normale Supérieure of Lyon, 46 Allée d’Italie, 69364 Lyon Cedex 07, France
S Supporting Information
ABSTRACT: Molecules extracted from biomass can be complex, and
computing their reactivity on a catalyst is a real challenge for theoretical
chemistry. We present herein a method to predict polyalcohol reactivity in
heterogeneous catalysis. We start from a set of simple alcohol molecules, and we
show that an accurate linear energy relationship can be constructed from DFT
calculations for the O−H and C−H dehydrogenation reactions. We then show
that this relation can then be used for a fast prediction of the reactivity of
glycerol. Compared with pure DFT calculations, our method provides results of
good accuracy with a systematic deviation of ∼0.1 eV. We were able to prove
that this deviation is caused mainly by intramolecular effects occurring in
glycerol and not in simpler molecules.
KEYWORDS: Brønsted−Evans−Polanyi type relationships, glycerol, polyols, biomass, monoalcohols, dehydrogenation, DFT
very large number of configurations in the gas phase5 and on a
surface.6 It is unclear if the most stable configuration will be the
most reactive one, and probing all configurations/pathways
with first principle approaches such as DFT is, hence, a very
tedious and computer-intensive task.
The idea of simple and fast evaluation of activation barriers
from reaction thermodynamic data traces back to the
pioneering work of Brønsted,7 Bell,8 Evans, and Polanyi,9 as
detailed in a recent review.10 These correlations were initially
used to compare molecular reactivity and, in a later stage, to
model the kinetics of chemical reactions. They have been
applied to heterogeneous catalysis reactions by several authors;
however, two alternative methods were considered. Although
some authors correlated activation energy with reaction
energy,11−14 in a traditional BEP style, others proposed to
correlate the transition state energy with the energy of the
initial or the final state of the reaction, a method later referred
to as transition state scaling (TSS).15−19 Only a few papers
compare the merits of both correlation methods.20,21 The
situation remains confused on this point because for a single
type of correlation, different definitions were used. In this
paper, we will explore both TSS (with eight possible
definitions) and BEP (with four definitions) correlations to
clarify their comparison.
A general catalytic elementary step is shown in Scheme 1.
The step starts from the initial state minimum, IS; progresses
through the transition state, TS; and finishes at the final state
olecules extracted from biomass set new challenges for
heterogeneous catalysis and require the design of
improved catalysts.1,2 The cellulosic fraction of biomass is
constituted of polyalcohols, which can be transformed to
valuable products (chemicals or fuels) by various types of
chemical reactions (dehydrogenation, hydrogenolysis, dehydration, ...).3 These polyalcohols are associated with a large
space of geometric configurations, and they can be involved in a
complex network of serial or parallel reactions, which render
the study of their reactivity with a solid catalyst complex and
tedious. The calculation of their reactions at metal surfaces
requires quantum chemical methods to properly describe bondbreaking and bond-forming steps, but these methods are too
heavy for a fast exploration of complex reaction networks. It is
hence of utmost importance to design methods that are of
similar accuracy to quantum chemical approaches but can allow
a fast screening of multiple elementary steps.
In this work, we show that transition state energies and
reaction barriers for polyalcohols can be efficiently predicted
from linear relationships of Brønsted−Evans−Polanyi (BEP)
type, linking the desired kinetics quantities with more easily
accessible adsorption energy or reaction energy data, which are
established here using a set of monoalcohol molecules. Here,
we use glycerol as a prototype polyalcohol, and we focus on
dehydrogenation reactions on a Rh catalyst, hence involving the
C−H and O−H bond-breaking processes. Indeed, it has been
demonstrated that dehydrogenation is the first step for glycerol
transformation on a Rh catalyst, under H2 gas pressure or under
He.4 Even if one restrains the reactivity of glycerol to
dehydrogenation processes, many pathways are possible by a
combination of elementary acts dealing with CH/OH groups in
central/terminal positions. In addition, glycerol can adopt a
© XXXX American Chemical Society
Received: November 11, 2013
Revised: December 17, 2013
464 | ACS Catal. 2014, 4, 464−468
74 ∑Heterogeneous Catalysis
ACS Catalysis
several substitution levels and a mixture of primary and
secondary alcohols. For each of them, OH and CH bond
dissociations have been considered, with a further distinction
between CH bonds in the α or β position with respect to the
OH. First and second dehydrogenation reactions have been
considered so that a set of dehydrogenated products is formed
of various chemical natures (radicals, carbonyls, enols). In total,
the sampling set contains 29 bond activations (12 CHα, 7
CHβ, and 10 OH, see the Supporting Information (SI)).
If we first select the diss.FS/FS, exo.FS/IS, and BEP.diss
forms of correlation, which have been previously used in the
literature,11−21 the 29 points ETS/EFS or E‡/ΔE are displayed in
Figure 1. A clear and high-quality linear relation is seen. The
statistical analysis of the deviations between DFT values and
linear relation values are shown for each correlation as box plots
on the inserts of Figure 1. We also report the mean absolute
error (MAE) and the maximum error (MAX). Error is defined
as “DFT value − linear relation value”. The three chosen
correlation definitions give very similar error distributions for
the three subsets CHα/CHβ/OH, in a range from ∼−0.1 to
+0.1 eV. This attests to the good quality of these relationships,
which is confirmed by a MAE on the order of 0.05 eV (see
Table 1) in each case. Note that the range of data is smaller for
the BEP definition, giving a less visually appealing correlation
(and a larger confidence interval for the slope of the linear
relation; see the SI) for a similar distribution of errors. Let us
highlight in addition that splitting the sample into three subsets
considerably lowers the errors of the linear model, as shown by
the MAE/MAX analysis, which is almost divided by 2.
Furthermore, predicting CHα/CHβ/OH by a model established with all the points together leads to nonnegligible
systematic errors (see SI Figure S2), significantly degrading the
From this analysis of the sampling set, the three selected
types of correlations are of equivalent and high quality, and the
error values after a separation in the three types of bonds is
small (MAE ∼ 0.05 eV), which is very encouraging for a use of
these correlations in predicting reactivity. A similar result was
obtained for all 12 types of correlations considered, as seen in
Figure 2. When taking all bonds together, only small variations
are seen in the MAE between the methods, and hence, all 12
should be evaluated as being of the same general quality (error
∼ 0.08 eV). Separation of the set in each type of dissociated
bond (CHα/CHβ/OH) again lowers the error, showing
fluctuations around 0.05 eV for the various methods. None,
however, is consistently better than the other ones, even if for
the specific case of CHβ dissociation BEP are more accurate
than TSS (for box plots, see SI Figure S3). The main point here
is to clearly stress that TSS and BEP type relations have a
similar (and high) merit,19 at least for Rh catalysts and the
chosen family of monoalcohol molecules.
Our results also show that the choice of the direction of the
reaction (either on a chemical or energy base) or of the
reference (for TSS modes) is not determinant for the result.
This is, of course, reassuring for the robustness of the
correlation concept and its usage for a wide range of systems
and reactions. The BEP formulation has some practical
advantages because the correlated quantities are more directly
linked with reaction thermodynamics and kinetics so that
trends can more clearly be caught and so that the slope (also
called the transfer coefficient) has a simple interpretation in
terms of early or late character of the transition state.
Scheme 1. General Scheme of a Surface Catalytic Elementary
ETS, EIS, and EFS are energies of the transition state, the initial state,
and the final state, respectively. E‡ and ΔE are activation and reaction
energies, respectively.
minimum, FS. The principle of the BEP analysis is to explore
the correlation behavior when plotting the activation (or the
TS) energy versus the reaction (or FS) energy for a given
sample of such reaction steps. The definition of IS and FS is not
absolute because it depends on the direction chosen for the
reaction. In our case, one can define the direction from the
reaction itself, bond dissociation (diss), or association (assoc).
Another possibility is to select the direction on an energy
criterion, such as for each step choosing the endothermic
(endo) or exothermic (exo) direction. This defines four types
of BEP analysis, expressing the correlation between the
activation energy, E‡ = ETS − EIS, and the reaction energy,
ΔE = EFS − EIS. TSS relations correlate intrinsic TS and FS
energies so that a reference energy is needed. We use as a
reference a state in which all surface fragments are considered
in gas phase, and the most stable spin state was chosen in the
case of radicals. A TSS relation is, hence, defined by a direction
(diss/assoc or exo/endo), a choice of thermodynamic state
(either IS or FS), and a choice for the energy reference (again
IS or FS). Our general notation is diss.IS/IS, where the last
symbol defines the energy reference. Clearly, diss.IS/IS and
assoc.FS/FS are identical definitions, such as exo.FS/FS and
endo.IS/IS, so that only diss and exo directions will be kept.
Eight types of TSS are then defined.
The existence and the quality of the correlation will be
studied on a sample of simple alcohol molecules that are
displayed in Scheme 2. Six molecules have been chosen with
Scheme 2. Sample of Molecules Used to Establish the BEP
Type Relationshipsa
Here are depicted the six monoalcohol molecules generating the 29
elementary CH and OH dissociation steps included for the
construction of the linear relations.
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∑Heterogeneous Catalysis 75
ACS Catalysis
Table 1. Error Analysis for Monoalcohol BEP Type
Here is presented the error analysis (mean absolute error, MAE;
maximal absolute error, MAX) for the 29 CH and OH dissociation
elementary steps of the considered monoalcohols family on Rh(111).
The correlation can be established from the global sample (all), or
subfamilies can be considered for each type of chemical bond activated
(CHα, CHβ, OH).
Figure 2. Comparison of the 12 considered definitions for the
correlations (grouped into 8 TSS and 4 BEP types). MAE is given for
the linear relation considering the 3 subsets (CHα/CHβ/OH)
separately and the whole set (“All”) of monoalcohol dehydrogenation
glycerol on Rh(111) and determined the TS linking them. Note
that for some reaction steps, we included several TS and their
corresponding reactants and products (associated with different
conformations of glycerol) to improve the reliability of our
statistical analysis (see glycerol structures in the SI and Figure
The 31 (18 C−H and 13 O−H dissociations) points for
glycerol are shown in Figure 3, together with their associated
linear relation in black and with the correlation lines previously
established for the monoalcohol family (in red). This graph
clearly shows that the correlation established with the
monoalcohol family is already a good model to predict the
transition state energy or the activation energy for glycerol. The
analysis of the deviation between the points for glycerol and the
(red) line from the monoalcohol family quantifies this result
(see box plots in Figure 3 and Table 2).
Notice that in this case, we also present the mean signed
error (MSE), which is nonzero here because the linear relation
is not associated with the sample considered for glycerol. One
can clearly notice a systematic deviation, the prediction line
underestimating the activation energy (on average, by 0.1 eV)
for the CH bonds and overestimating it (by 0.1 eV) for the OH
bonds. We will see the consequence of this systematic error on
the predictive potential of the method later. The MAE is very
close to this MSE and, hence, remains small (∼0.1 eV for all
three definitions). The error is, hence, reasonably increased
with respect to the sampling set, and this gives predictive power
to the approach. Points corresponding to metastable configurations of glycerol follow the linear relation within given
statistical errors, although the most stable thermodynamic state
Figure 1. Linear relations constructed from first and second
dehydrogenation steps of the six monoalcohol molecules of Scheme
1 on Rh(111). Three definitions of the correlation are considered: □,
×, and + are the DFT calculated values for CHα, CHβ, and OH
respectively; and full, dashed, and mixed lines are the corresponding
linear relations. At the bottom right corner of each graph, the box plots
depict the corresponding error distribution. Red crosses signal mean
absolute errors (MAE).
Now that we have established these correlations on the
monoalcohol sample set, we turn to the central question: Can
we use them to predict the reactivity of glycerol, chosen as a
prototype polyalcohol? We have considered all first and second
C−H and OH bond dissociations of glycerol on Rh(111). Note
that in the case of glycerol, all CH bonds are in α of an OH
group. For simplicity, we focus here on only the three
correlation modes already selected for Figure 3 (diss.FS/FS,
exo.FS/IS, and BEP.diss), but a complete analysis is provided in
the SI (see Figure S4). We calculated the most stable initial and
final states for first and second hydrogenation processes on
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76 ∑Heterogeneous Catalysis
ACS Catalysis
The capability to reasonably predict the catalytic reactivity of
glycerol from that of simple alcohols is not a straightforward
result, and it opens several perspectives. Generally speaking, to
our knowledge, the use of BEP-type relations on simple
molecules to predict multifunctional ones has not been
demonstrated. It has been proposed, however, to predict the
influence of substituents in the case of the hydrogenation of
unsaturated aldehydes.22 There are many reasons why glycerol
reactivity might be different from that of simple alcohols. The
presence of terminal and central OH/CH is equivalent to
primary and secondary alcohols, both of which are in the
sampling set. One key difference, however, is the presence in
glycerol of intramolecular hydrogen bonds that assist the OH
dissociation for the H bond acceptor OH.23 The DFTcalculated TS energy will, hence, be lower for glycerol than for
the monoalcohol sample, hence explaining the ∼-0.1 eV
systematic error. This effect appears clearly if one considers
some water-assisted reactions in the case of dehydrogenation of
As a simpler H-bonded system, we considered ethanol,
interacting with a chemisorbed water molecule through a Hbond, ethanol being the H-bond acceptor. 22 In this
configuration, the OH bond scission in ethanol is modified,
and the corresponding points are shifted toward the glycerol
line in the BEP plots (see Figure S6 in the SI). In contrast, the
positive systematic error seen for the CH bond dissociation is
not related to the H bond effect. It stems from the constraints
that neighboring OH groups in glycerol exert on glycerol. By
interacting with the metal surface, they make the adsorbed
molecule more rigid; hence, hindering the formation of the
optimal C−H transition structure and increasing its energy with
respect to the freer situation of monoalcohol sample. However,
these effects are not very marked, and on average, the predictive
potential remains good.
In the following, we will consider some examples of glycerol
dehydrogenation elementary steps focusing on selectivity
issues, that is, on the comparison of the barriers between
different paths from a given intermediate. This is a severe test in
situations for which DFT barriers are close and will highlight
the cases in which a prediction is valid and those for which the
accuracy might be insufficient. Scheme 3 presents two examples
for glycerol or its hydrogenated intermediate on a Rh(111)
surface and compares DFT calculated barriers (below arrow)
with those predicted by three correlations built from the
monoalcohol family (above arrows). The comparison between
CH and OH dissociation (first line) is especially difficult
because the systematic deviation in the prediction is different,
with an overestimation for OH and an underestimation for CH,
and because here, the DFT barrier difference is small. The
method is, hence, not able to correctly grasp the preferred
The second elementary reaction starts from dehydrogenated
glycerol at the terminal carbon and compares two further OH
dissociation steps. The systematic deviation is eliminated
because similar reactions are compared and the random error
remains, which is inherent to any statistical model. Errors range
now between ∼-0.1 and ∼+0.1 eV, which is similar to the
results obtained for simple alcohols. In addition, the difference
between barriers obtained from the correlations (0.13−0.22
eV) being large enough to safely predict that the reaction on
the right, forming glyceraldehyde, is favored.
We, hence, showed that linear energy relations established
for a sample of monoalcohol molecules on Rh can efficiently be
Figure 3. Linear relations constructed from first and second
dehydrogenation steps of glycerol on Rh(111). Three definitions of
the correlation are considered: □ and × are the DFT calculated values
for CH and OH bonds, respectively, and full and mixed lines are the
corresponding linear relations. In red are recalled the linear relations
obtained in the case of the monoalcohol set for the CHα (full line)
and the OH (mixed line) bonds. At the bottom right corner of each
graph, the box plots depict the corresponding error distributions
between the data points and the (red) monoalcohol linear relations.
Red crosses signal mean signed errors.
is not always strictly associated with the most stable TS (see
Figure S5 in the SI). Again, the two TSS and the BEP
approaches have a very similar performance in terms of error.
This can be generalized to all 12 correlation types considered in
this paper, as shown in Figure S4 in the SI. All definitions give a
similar error distribution, with an especially narrow range for
the BEP case for OH dissociation and a larger error for the TSS
involving the initial state as variable for the CH activation.
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∑Heterogeneous Catalysis 77
ACS Catalysis
Table 2. Error Analysis for the Prediction of Glycerol Reactivity
Here is presented the error analysis for predicting glycerol reactivity on Rh(111) from the monoalcohol linear energy relationship using the three
main definitions: MSE, mean signed error; MAE, mean absolute error; and MAX, maximal absolute error.
Scheme 3. Prediction of Activation Energies for Glycerol
The authors declare no competing financial interest.
We thank PSMN at ENS Lyon, IDRIS-CNRS, and CINES for
computational resources. We also acknowledge the support of
ANR through the GALAC Project (ANR-10-CD2I-011).
The first line describes two possible paths for the first dissociation
starting from glycerol, and the second line describes two probable
routes for the second step starting from “radical 1”. The value below
each arrow is the activation energy predicted by DFT, and the three
values above are the activation energies predicted from three
definitions of the monoalcohol linear energy relationship (TSSdiss.FS/FS, TSS-exo.FS/IS, BEP.diss).
applied to the prediction of reaction barriers for polyalcohol
molecules, such as glycerol with a statistical mean absolute error
of ∼0.1 eV. Coupled with other approaches that simplify the
evaluation of the adsorption energy of large molecules, as group
additivity24 or scaling relations,25 this opens a fast and powerful
exploration of the complex mechanisms and of the kinetics for
the catalytic transformation of molecules extracted from
biomass. Small deviations occur from the presence of
intramolecular H bonds in the polyalcohol molecule, underestimating (respectively overestimating) the barrier for CH
(respectively OH) and, hence, favoring CH dissociation versus
OH in the predicted values. It would be certainly important to
develop methods to estimate this systematic deviation between
the set of CH or OH dissociation steps for glycerol versus
monoalcohols because this would allow us to implement a
correction on the data and to improve the prediction when
comparing dehydrogenation at CH and OH on the polyalcohol.
Although this analysis has been performed on a Rh(111)
surface, the conclusions should not be specific to that system
and extend to other faces or metal, as already proposed for
other reaction steps.18,20 Immediate perspectives aim at
generalizing this behavior to other bond cleavages, such as
C−C or C−O; other metals; and other types of molecular
systems extracted from biomass, such as lignin.
S Supporting Information
Computational methods and elements of statistics, additional
tables and schemes, list of reactions and their corresponding
structures used to get the relationships. This material is
available free of charge via the Internet at
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Cite this: DOI: 10.1039/c2cy20363d
On the key role of hydroxyl groups in platinum-catalysed alcohol
oxidation in aqueous mediumw
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Published on 14 August 2012 on | doi:10.1039/C2CY20363D
Siwar Chibani,za Carine Michel,*a Françoise Delbecq,a Catherine Pinelb and
Michèle Besson*b
Received (in CYZUR) 29th May 2012, Accepted 10th August 2012
DOI: 10.1039/c2cy20363d
In the aerobic selective oxidation of alcohols in aqueous medium in a batch reactor, it was
observed that the addition of water to dioxane solvent (10–50 vol%) substantially increased the
activity of a Pt/C catalyst. Periodic density functional theory (DFT) calculations were carried out
to compare the reactivity of alcohols on the bare Pt(111) surface and in the presence of adsorbed
water or hydroxyl groups, to explain the effect of water. The calculations indicate that the
presence of adsorbed hydroxyl groups promotes the catalytic activity by participating directly in
the catalytic pathways and reducing the activation barrier. Good agreement was found between
the experiments in aqueous phase and these calculations. Further, decarbonylation of the
aldehyde may be involved in the deactivation during oxidation of a primary alcohol.
1. Introduction
The selective oxidation of alcohols into the corresponding
aldehydes, carboxylic acids and/or carbonyl compounds is
one of the most important and useful reactions in the fine
chemical, pharmaceutical and agrochemical sectors.1–3 Classical
oxidants (stoichiometric quantities of inorganic oxidants such
as permanganates, chromates, hypochlorites, or HNO3),4 the
Dess–Martin periodinane,5 or the Swern reagent,6 are often
used for commercial applications. However, they may be toxic
and release large amounts of waste. An attractive clean method
known for a long time,7 and which has received considerable
attention over the years, is aerobic oxidation with a cheap
oxidant such as molecular oxygen using metal catalysts. These
catalysts can efficiently oxidize alcohols, using oxygen or air to
generate only water as a by-product under mild conditions
(40–100 1C), atmospheric or a low pressure, and pH 7–10.
Several supported metallic systems (particularly palladium,
platinum, ruthenium, and recently gold) on various supporting
materials have been an area of intense interest and have
emerged as efficient catalysts as described in reviews.8–11
Universite´ de Lyon, CNRS, École Normale Supe´rieure de Lyon,
46 alle´e d’Italie, F-69364 Lyon Cedex 07, France.
[email protected]
Universite´ de Lyon, CNRS, IRCELYON, 2 avenue A. Einstein, F-69626
Villeurbanne, France. E-mail:
[email protected];
Fax: +33 (0)472445399
w Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI:
z Present address: Laboratoire CEISAM - UMR CNRS 6230,
Université de Nantes, 2 rue de la Houssiniére, BP 92208, 44322 Nantes
Cedex 3, France.
This journal is
The Royal Society of Chemistry 2012
From a practical point of view, the first studies have mostly
concentrated on the use of water as the solvent for oxidation
of carbohydrates over Pt or Pd catalysts.12 However, the poor
solubility in aqueous solution of weakly polar alcohols is a
crucial issue for the generalization of this reaction. Though
the use of detergents,13 organic solvents,14 scCO2,15,16 or
amphiphilic resin-supported particles of Pd or Pt,17,18 has been
proposed to overcome the difficulty, the choice of the solvent
remains crucial. Several studies have indicated a promoting
effect of water on the activity in aerobic oxidation of alcohols
on metallic catalysts. For instance, we have investigated the
oxidation of primary and secondary alcohols which are poorly
soluble in water, and dioxane was used as additional solvent.
1- and 2-Octanol were chosen, since, moreover, aliphatic
alcohols have been reported as being particularly difficult to
oxidize compared with aromatic and allylic alcohols.19 Upon
reacting the alcohol in dioxane solvent, only a slow oxidation
took place. In comparison to the dioxane solvent, a significant
enhancement in catalytic activity of a Pt/C catalyst was
observed for both alcohols, by addition of increasing amounts
of water to the solvent. The higher the water content, the
higher the activity is. A promoting effect of water was also
revealed in the oxidation of 1-phenylethanol and a-substituted
pyridinemethanol derivatives over Pt/C and PtBi/C,20 of
benzyl alcohol over Pd confined in SBA-16,21 Au/TiO2 in
xylene,22 or carbon nanotube supported Ru catalysts in
toluene.23 The solvent composition also modified the activity
of Au–Pd and Au–Pt catalysts in oxidation of n-octyl, cinnamyl
or benzylic alcohols.24,25
Another major problem in alcohol oxidation is the possible
catalyst deactivation. Upon comparing 1-octanol and 2-octanol,
we noted different reaction profiles with reaction time.19 A severe
Catal. Sci. Technol.
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deactivation was observed during 1-octanol oxidation and
complete conversion was not achieved at 100 1C. In the
2-octanol oxidation, full conversion could be attained with total
selectivity to 2-octanone. One reason might be decarbonylation of
the produced aldehyde resulting in site-blocking by chemisorbed
CO and carbonaceous fragments under anaerobic conditions.
Spectroscopic studies have shown that the aldehydes formed
from primary alcohols (1-octanol, cinnamyl alcohol) were
decarbonylated, while the ketones (in particular 2-octanone)
were stable.26 Decarbonylation of crotonaldehyde was demonstrated by synchrotron XPS combined with temperatureprogrammed desorption during oxidation of crotyl alcohol.27
Strongly adsorbed CO could be removed by air.28,29
The exact reaction sequence through which a dehydrogenation
mechanism occurs during selective oxidation of alcohols over
noble metal catalysts is still debated. There are still discussions
concerning the oxidation state of the active metallic sites, the
elementary steps, and the involvement of oxygen or water in the
reaction mechanism, the reason for the catalyst deactivation.8–11
The generally accepted mechanism for Pt group metals involves a
dehydrogenation step of the adsorbed alcohol molecule on the
metallic sites forming the carbonyl compound. The adsorbed
hydrogen becomes oxidized by dissociatively adsorbed oxygen
to liberate the metallic sites. This was supported by kinetic
modelling,30 by the observation that oxygen can be replaced by
an H-acceptor,31 or by the fact that the metal catalyst is in a
reduced state both in the presence and absence of molecular
oxygen by measurements of electrode potential,32 or in situ
X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS).33 The direct interaction
of surface oxygen species with the adsorbed alcohol (or its
partially dehydrogenated intermediate) has also been proposed,
supported by XAS studies that indicate partial oxygen coverage
on the metal surface,34 and some kinetic studies revealing a
Langmuir–Hinshelwood-type mechanism.35 The major role of
oxygen has also been shown to be the removal of impurities
from the aldehyde degradation on the surface sites.28,29
Clearly, the oxide species and chemisorbed oxygen species at
the surface of the platinum (O2, –OH, H2O) should play an
important role during the oxidation reactions. There are few
data on how the presence of water at the catalyst–liquid
solution interface can influence the kinetics of the catalytic
reaction.36–38 Investigating the reactions at the solid–liquid
interface in the complex solvent environment becomes essential to improve the heterogeneous process and to understand
the mechanism. Computational studies using the density
functional theory (DFT) have been undertaken for many years
to shed light on the mechanisms of alcohols oxidation i.e.
dehydrogenation and decomposition on surfaces, in particular
of methanol39–45 and ethanol46–49 on Pt(111). Recently, 1- and
2-propanol have been also considered.50 Nowadays the
experimental conditions begin to be taken into account in
the calculations, particularly the solvent51 and co-adsorbates
on the surface.52–55 To our knowledge, none of the previous
works studied systematically the influence of the presence of
hydroxyl groups or water on the energy of the intermediates
on the Pt surface.
The aim of the present study is a further understanding of
the promotion of the oxidation reaction by water and the
possible poisoning of the active sites:
Catal. Sci. Technol.
(i) To further assess the general use of aqueous phase
promotion, the study was extended to some other alcohols
in dioxane–water solvent, such as sterically hindered menthol
and borneol.
(ii) To gain insight into the nature of the interactions of
adsorbates with the platinum surface in the solvent environment, DFT calculations have been performed. We tried to
elucidate the rate-determining step in different environments,
including water molecules and co-adsorbates in the calculations to show whether they can enhance the activity of the
catalyst by providing a low energy route for dehydrogenation.
We also examined the possible deactivation attributed to
subsequent decarbonylation of the produced aldehyde in the
case of primary alcohols.
2. Experimental details
Pt catalysts supported on a synthetic carbon catalyst (2.8–
4.7 wt% Pt) were prepared by impregnation with an aqueous
solution of H2PtCl6, followed by liquid phase reduction with
formaldehyde in alkaline medium, as described previously.19
The carbon was prepared by carbonization at 1073 K of a
porous polymeric phenolic resin, washing and activation with
CO2 at 1123 K with 30% burn-off.56
The oxidation reactions were performed in a 300 mL
autoclave reactor made of Hastelloy C with a magnetically
driven stirrer. The reactor was loaded with the feed solution
(150 mL, 35–100 mmol L!1) and an appropriate amount of
catalyst, then sealed, purged with Ar and heated to the desired
temperature. Air was introduced up to the pressure of 10 bar
and the reaction started upon applying efficient stirring.
Liquid samples were periodically withdrawn from the reactor
via a sample diptube, and analyzed via gas chromatography
(GC) equipped with a flame ionization detector (FID) and a
HP5 column (30 m " 0.25 mm, 0.25 mm film thickness).
3. Computational details
Periodic density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations have been
carried out using the Vienna Ab Initio Simulation Program
(VASP).57 The exchange-correlation energy and potential were
calculated within the generalized gradient approximation (PerdewWang 91 functional).58 A tight convergence of the plane-wave
expansion was obtained with a cut-off of 400 eV. The electron–
ions interactions were described by the projector augmented
method (PAW) introduced by Blöchl59 and adapted by Kresse
and Joubert.60 The supported platinum catalyst has been
modelled by a Pt(111) surface using a 3 " 3 supercell of a
periodic slab of four layers and a vacuum of five equivalent
metal layers. A Monkhorst–Pack mesh of 3 " 3 " 1 k points
was used for the 2D Brillouin zone integration.61 Molecules
have been adsorbed at the upper side of the slab. The
adsorbates and the two upper layers were free to relax while
the two bottom layers have been kept frozen in the bulk
position (Pt–Pt distance = 2.82 Å). Geometries were converged
up to reach forces less than 0.01 eV Å!1.
Reaction paths have been studied combining Nudged Elastic
Band (NEB) procedures62,63 together with our local reaction path
generator OpenPath64 and the dimer method.65,66 Then, transition
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state (TS) structures have been optimized with a quasi-Newton
algorithm and characterized by a single imaginary frequency.
The reaction energy DE of the bond scissions is the difference
between the adsorbed reactant and the two products considered
at infinite distance. The activation energy DEz is specified as the
difference between the energy of the TS and the energy of the
reactant. The adsorption energy, Eads, is the difference between
the energy of the whole system and the energies of the reactant
in gas phase and of the considered surface (Pt, H2O@Pt or
OH@Pt). A negative value means stabilization.
The HREEL spectra have been simulated by calculation
of the vibration frequencies, following a previous procedure.67
The technique used is based on the numerical calculation
of the second derivatives of the potential energy surface within
the harmonic approach. The force constant matrix is built with
finite differences of the first derivatives of the total energy by
geometrical perturbations of the optimized Cartesian coordinates
of the system. The diagonalization of this matrix provides the
harmonic molecular frequencies and the associated harmonic
normal vibration modes. The intensities of the HREELS spectra
are estimated by applying the formula given in ref. 67 where the
intensities are proportional to the square of the dynamic dipole
moments (derivatives of the dipole moments with respect to a
given normal mode), to a function depending on experimental
parameters and to the inverse of the frequencies.
Fig. 1 Role of water in the aerobic oxidation of 1- and 2-octanol: (a)
2-octanol in dioxane (E) or dioxane–water 80/20 vol% (m) or
dioxane–water 50/50 vol% (’), (b) 1-octanol in dioxane (E), dioxane–
water 90/10 vol% (K), or dioxane–water 50/50 vol% (’). Reaction
conditions: 150 mL 0.1 mol L!1 alcohol, 373 K, 10 bar air, substrate/Pt
molar ratio = 100.
4. Results and discussion
Water effects
Experimental results. Previous experiments on oxidation of
1- and 2-octanol showed the positive influence of water; with
increasing water contents in dioxane–water solvent, a large
enhancement of the initial reaction rate was observed, as
illustrated in Fig. 1.19
In the oxidation of 2-octanol, whereas the catalyst was
poorly active in dioxane, addition of water to the solvent
greatly enhanced the reaction rate to attain total conversion to
2-octanone within one hour in dioxane–water 50/50 vol%. The
initial reaction rate in 1-octanol oxidation was also greatly
enhanced even by addition of a low amount of water (dioxane–
water 90/10 vol%). Further addition of water (dioxane–water
50/50 vol%) did not significantly improve the performances.
However, in contrast to the observations with 2-octanol, none
of the reactions could attain completion; after a high initial
reaction rate, a severe inhibition was clearly observed and
conversion was rapidly limited to ca. 70–75% after 1 h reaction.
In dioxane the major product was 1-octanal, while in dioxane–
water solvent octanoic acid concentration was the higher.
We further explored the oxidation of some secondary
alcohols. Fig. 2 shows the reaction of menthol and borneol in
dioxane and different dioxane–water mixtures to the corresponding ketone.
In the reactions with these secondary alcohols, the activity
of the catalyst was also improved by increasing the water
concentration. Conversion attained rapidly completion, and
no inhibition of the reaction was observed. The selectivity to
the ketone was >95%.
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Fig. 2 Evidence of the role of water in the aerobic oxidation of
secondary alcohols to the ketone: (a) menthol in dioxane (E) or
dioxane–water 80/20 vol% (’), (b) borneol in dioxane (E), dioxane–
water 70/30 vol% (m), or dioxane–water 50/50 vol% (+). Reaction
conditions: 150 mL 0.035 mol L!1 alcohol, 373 K, 10 bar air,
substrate/Pt molar ratio = 100.
Theoretical results. The target of this theoretical part will be
essentially a better understanding of the role of water in
promoting the reaction according to the experimental results.
As alcohol models, primary alcohols are represented by
ethanol (EtOH) while secondary alcohols are represented by
isopropanol (iPrOH). As a reference, the reactivity of alcohols
at the bare platinum surface will be provided first. Then, the
effect of the co-adsorption of an oxygen atom will be studied
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to analyse the effect of the O2 atmosphere. Similarly, the effect
of the water in the liquid phase will be mimicked by the
co-adsorption of a water molecule at the platinum surface.
To end, as the reaction O + H2O - 2OH is known to occur
easily on Pt(111),68–70 the influence of a co-adsorbed hydroxyl
will be also analysed. Finally, in the case of primary alcohols
the decarbonylation of the resulting aldehyde will be also
The transformation of the primary alcohol into the aldehyde
and of a secondary alcohol into the ketone corresponds to the
scission of two bonds: an O–H bond and a C–H bond.
Depending on which breaking occurs first, two routes are
possible: (i) route O starting with the O–H bond dissociation
and followed by the a-CH bond breaking of the alkoxy,
(ii) route C starting with the C–H bond dissociation and then
the O–H bond breaking. In the following paragraphs, the
influence of the environment (bare surface, adsorbed H2O
and OH) on these two paths will be discussed for EtOH and
then iPrOH. For the first step, the transition states (TSs) are
labelled after the bond breaking (TSOH and TSCH), and so does
the subsequent intermediate (IntOH and IntCH). For the second
step, the TS label is built by concatenating the name of bonds
dissociated in the first step and in the second step: for instance,
TSOH–CH corresponds to the CH scission as a second step
(route O).
Adsorption. The adsorption of the ethanol molecule at a
Pt(111) surface follows the general mode of alcohols on this
surface: EtOH interacts with the metallic surface through an
oxygen lone pair and is consequently adsorbed at a top
position. The adsorption energy is !0.34 eV (33 kJ mol!1)
with our calculation parameters, slightly higher than the one
calculated previously, 27 kJ mol!1,48 but smaller than the experimental value determined from TPD experiments, 50 kJ mol!1,71
which indicates a weak adsorption.
Let us now consider a modified platinum surface. When one
oxygen atom is already adsorbed at the surface, the adsorption
energy of ethanol adsorbed at a vicinal site is reduced to !0.15 eV
and its adsorption geometry is not modified. In other words, an
ethanol molecule prefers to adsorb at the bare platinum surface or
far from an oxygen atom of the oxygenated one. Thus, the
influence of oxygen on alcohol reactivity at the Pt(111) surface
will not be considered further.
When one water molecule is already chemisorbed at the
Pt(111) surface, the adsorption energy is increased to !0.61 eV
which means that the presence of chemisorbed water promotes
the ethanol adsorption. In addition, the adsorption geometry
is strongly modified. The ethanol molecule does not interact
directly with the surface through an oxygen lone pair. However,
it interacts with the pre-adsorbed water molecule through a
H-bond (H# # #O = 1.61 Å), the water molecule being the
H-bond donor and the ethanol being the H-bond acceptor
(Fig. 3). This configuration has been found 0.32 eV more stable
than the co-chemisorption of the two molecules, each one on a
top position on a Pt atom. Thus, an ethanol molecule prefers to
interact with the pre-adsorbed water molecule than to be
chemisorbed on the Pt(111) surface. This strongly stabilizing
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Fig. 3 Structures of the adsorbed alcohols in the presence of water.
Eads = !0.61 eV for both.
co-adsorption mode has already been described and analysed
on Rh(111).54
The hydroxylated surface has an even more surprising
reactivity towards ethanol adsorption. The hydroxyl is considered
to be adsorbed at a top position (only 0.05 eV higher than the
bridge position). On such a modified platinum surface, the ethanol
is strongly adsorbed (!0.89 eV). It interacts with a neighbour
platinum atom (Pt–O = 2.07 Å) and its hydroxyl hydrogen is
transferred to the pre-adsorbed hydroxyl group along the
adsorption path, leading to the H2O–EtO structure represented
in Fig. 4 (O–H = 1.39 and 1.09 Å between ethanol and OH,
respectively). It is worth noting that EtOH is already partially
oxidized by the pre-adsorbed hydroxyl. While our work was in
progress, similar results have been published.52 The same
transfer has also been calculated in the case of phenylethanol
on a gold catalyst.53
Reaction paths. The co-adsorbed species affects not only the
adsorption process but also the reaction paths followed by
the target molecule. As already mentioned, the oxidation of
ethanol into acetaldehyde can follow two routes, route O and
route C depending on which bond is broken first (OH or CH,
The stationary points along these two routes have been
fully characterized in three cases: (i) bare Pt(111) surface,
(ii) H2O@Pt(111) surface and (iii) OH@Pt(111) surface. At
the bare surface, the TS structure of route C exhibits a classical
triangular shape for the first scission (TSCH) while the first TS
of route O involves four atoms (Fig. 5 and Table 1 for the
main geometrical characteristics). The resulting intermediates
IntCH and IntOH are bonded top to a platinum atom through
the C and O atom, respectively. The next dissociation leads to
the formation of a CQO bond. The TSOH–CH is a five-centres
transition state: two platinum atoms plus the C, O and H atoms are
directly involved in the TS (Fig. 5) and the resulting acetaldehyde is
adsorbed at a top configuration (Pt–O = 2.0 Å, the CQO bond
Fig. 4 Structures obtained after adsorption of ethanol and isopropanol in the presence of an adsorbed hydroxyl (Eads = !0.89 eV in
both cases).
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Fig. 6 Transition states structures of the ethanol oxidation at a
H2O@Pt(111) surface.
Fig. 5 Transition states structures of the ethanol oxidation at a bare
Pt(111) surface.
Table 1 Energetic and main geometrical characteristics of the transition
state structures for the ethanol oxidation at the bare platinum surface
(Pt(111)), at the hydrated platinum surface (H2O@Pt(111)) and at the
hydroxylated surface (OH@Pt(111)). The CH step is the first step of
route C. The CH–OH step is the second step of route C. The OH step is
the first step of route O. The OH–CH step is the second step of route O.
The reaction energy DE and the activation energy DEz of each step are
provided in eV. The transition state structures are characterized by the
number of involved atoms (N). The main distances are given in Å: X–H is
the breaking bond; Pt–Y corresponds to the Pt–C (resp. Pt–O) bond for
the CH bond scissions (resp. OH bond scissions). In the case of reaction
at the hydrated and hydroxylated surfaces, C or O is not adsorbed in the
final product. H# # #O corresponds to the hydrogen bonds
H# # #O
being almost perpendicular to the surface). The adsorption
energy is !0.32 eV, in agreement with previous calculations.47
On the other route, the TSCH–OH is a four-centres transition
state (Fig. 5). The resulting acetaldehyde is adsorbed in a less
stable di-sigma mode (Eads = 0.21 eV), the CQO bond being
almost parallel to the surface.
When adsorbed at the hydrated surface, the ethanol molecule
does not interact directly with the surface. However, the first
dissociation is also promoted by the platinum surface, the
corresponding TS being close to the ones obtained at the bare
surface (Fig. 6 and Table 1). The second scission is more
affected. The TSOH–CH keeps a five-centres structure, but the
TSCH–OH is a six-centres one, involving the water molecule
(Fig. 6 and Table 1). Both TS lead to an acetaldehyde molecule,
non-adsorbed at the surface but H-bonded with the water
molecule, the CQO bond being almost parallel to the surface,
but farther than in the absence of water (Fig. 7).
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Fig. 7 Final state structures of ethanol and isopropanol oxidation at
a H2O@Pt(111) surface.
The hydroxylated platinum surface is the last case under
consideration. It differs from the two previous cases, as the
first OH scission is concomitant with the adsorption process
(see above). The following CH dissociation is promoted by the
platinum surface through a five-centres transition state. This
TS is similar to TSOH–CH at the hydrated surface (Fig. 6).
The presence of co-adsorbed species modifies also strongly
the energetics of the reaction paths. The two possible reaction
paths for ethanol oxidation are represented in Fig. 8 for each
case: (i) bare Pt(111), (ii) H2O@Pt(111) and (iii) OH@Pt(111).
At the bare platinum surface, the main reaction path is clearly
route C compared with route O. On this route C, both steps are
equally demanding energetically. In the presence of co-adsorbed
water, the OH scissions are slightly facilitated while the CH
bond scissions are inhibited: DEz(TSCH) = 0.67 eV at the bare
Pt(111) while DEz(TSCH) = 0.90 eV at the hydrated surface
for instance. The same phenomenon has been observed and
explained in the case of Rh.54 This shift up in energy for the CH
dissociation makes those dissociations the rate-limiting step in
both routes (i.e. the first step of route C and the second step of
route O) at the hydrated surface. Another consequence is that
route O becomes competitive with route C: the main route
cannot be easily identified. However, both of them are more
demanding energetically than route C at the bare surface. In
other words, the hydrated platinum surface is less active than
the bare surface.
Once again, the hydroxylated surface presents a completely
different behaviour. Only one step is activated and its barrier is
low (DEz(TSOH–CH) = 0.33 eV, half the CH bond breaking at
the bare surface). Thus, this surface is strongly activated
compared with the bare surface and the hydrated surface
and will promote easily the ethanol dehydrogenation into
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Fig. 8 Reaction paths of EtOH oxidation into acetaldehyde (CH3CHO): (i) at the bare platinum surface Pt(111), (ii) at the hydrated platinum
surface H2O@Pt(111) and (iii) at the hydroxylated surface OH@Pt(111). Energies are in eV. The reference energy is the isolated EtOH and (i) the
bare platinum surface, (ii) H2O@Pt(111), (iii) OH@Pt(111).
Adsorption. On the bare surface and the hydrated surface,
the adsorption of iPrOH is similar to that of ethanol, both
geometrically (Fig. 3) and energetically: Eads = !0.35 eV for the
bare surface, Eads = !0.61 eV for the hydrated surface. The
adsorption energy of this secondary alcohol at the hydroxylated
surface is close to the one of ethanol (!0.89 eV). But the geometry
differs: the pre-adsorbed OH does not abstract the hydroxyl
hydrogen of iPrOH and isopropanol adsorbs molecularly,
making only a hydrogen bond with OH (see Fig. 4, the O–H
distances being 1.07 and 1.42 Å with iPrO and OH, respectively). So, adsorbed on a platinum surface, iPrOH is less
acidic than EtOH.
Reaction paths. The transition states for the different
elementary steps of the isopropanol oxidation are very similar
to the ones of ethanol oxidation. They are represented in Fig. S1,
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S2 and S3 (ESIw). The reaction energy, the activation energy and
the main geometrical characteristics of the TS of each step are
collected in Table S1 (ESIw). The transition state structures are
similar to those of ethanol but with longer C–H and Pt–C
distances due to the steric hindrance, in the case of the first
CH breaking. In the other cases, second CH dissociation or
hydrated surface, the bond lengths are not modified because the
C(CH3)2 group is farther from the surface. At the bare surface,
the final product (acetone) is preferentially adsorbed on-top and
the di-s adsorption mode is 0.6 eV less stable. At the hydrated
surface, acetone is adsorbed through a H-bond with the water
molecule, similarly to acetaldehyde (Fig. 7).
The reaction paths for the isopropanol oxidation are shown
in Fig. 9. At the bare surface, route C is the easiest one and
conversely, route O is preferred at the hydrated surface. In
both cases, the two steps are equally energetically demanding.
The corresponding transition states energies are lower for the
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Fig. 9 Reaction paths of the iPrOH oxidation into acetone (CH3)2CHO: (i) at the bare platinum surface Pt(111), (ii) at the hydrated platinum
surface H2O@Pt(111) and (iii) at the hydroxylated surface OH@Pt(111). Energies are in eV. The reference energy is the isolated iPrOH and (i) the
bare platinum surface, (ii) H2O@Pt(111), (iii) OH@Pt(111).
bare surface than for the hydrated one. Once again, the hydroxylated surface is completely different from the bare and hydrated
ones. As seen in the previous paragraph, isopropanol does not
undergo OH dissociation when co-adsorbed with a hydroxyl. In
addition, even if one tries to enforce a iPrO–H2O configuration, the
system turns back spontaneously to a iPrOH–OH configuration.
This means that route O is not possible for isopropanol at a
hydroxylated surface. However, route C is feasible. The activation
energy of the CH scission is only 0.27 eV, the lowest activation
energy found in this complete study. Moreover, the OH bond
breaking occurs simultaneously with the CH scission and acetone,
not adsorbed at the surface but making a hydrogen bond with
H2O, is obtained directly. In other words, here again the oxidation
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of the alcohol at the hydroxylated platinum surface requires
only one activated step.
Comparison of primary/secondary alcohols. Let us compare
now the isopropanol and ethanol reaction paths. The first
observation, when Fig. 8 and 9 are compared, is that the
global oxidation reaction is endothermic for both alcohols, as
well in the gas phase as on the surface, except in the presence
of a hydroxyl group. Nevertheless, the endothermicity is
less important in the case of isopropanol. If the Hammond
principle is valid, this would mean that isopropanol should be
more reactive. However, the reaction is multistep and the
kinetics can give different results.
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Ethanol and isopropanol only differ by an extra methyl group
adjacent to the C–O bond. This group increases the bulkiness of
the C atom that undergoes the C–H dissociation and also the
stability of the resulting radical, secondary vs. primary. The two
effects are opposite. In the case of the first step of route C, where
the carbon must approach the surface, the strong steric effect
prevails over the electronic one and an increase of the barrier by
0.14 and 0.28 eV is observed, compared to ethanol, in the case of
the bare and hydrated surface, respectively. In the case of the
second CH scission (TSOH–CH), the carbon atom is farther from
the surface and the electronic effect prevails, leading to a decrease
of the barrier by 0.15 eV, compared to ethanol in the case of the
hydrated surface. In the case of the hydroxylated surface, the
carbon atom is also farther from the surface since the final
product is directly a non-bonded acetone molecule, and the same
effect is observed: a decrease of the barrier by 0.06 eV. The OH
scission is much less affected by the substitution: the activation
energies DEz(OH) and DEz(CH–OH) are close to the ones for
ethanol ($0.05 eV).
Depending on the surface under consideration, the conclusions
are different. At the bare surface, route C is preferred for both
alcohols. In the case of isopropanol, the barriers are higher than
in the case of ethanol. Hence, the secondary alcohol is less reactive
than the primary one, in agreement with the experimental results
observed in pure dioxane (without water).
In the case of the hydrated surface, route O becomes the
most favourable route for isopropanol. In addition, isopropanol appears being more reactive than ethanol, since the barrier
of the second step is smaller, which agrees with the experimental observations (Fig. 1). However, if the bare and the
hydrated surfaces are compared, the latter appears being less
reactive towards both alcohols (higher barriers), which is in
contradiction with the experimental observations. Therefore,
these results do not explain the role of water in enhancing the
reactivity of the alcohols on the catalyst.
Now, as mentioned previously, it has been shown experimentally
that the adsorption of water at a Pt surface, precovered with
oxygen, leads to the easy formation of OH groups adsorbed at the
surface.68–70 The barrier for the reaction O + H2O - 2OH has
been calculated at 0.25 eV.74 At the hydroxylated surface, we have
already noted that the unique activation energy along the reaction
path is the lowest one for both alcohols. Not only this surface is
promoting the alcohol oxidation, but also it seems to be slightly
more reactive towards isopropanol than towards ethanol:
DEz(ethanol) = 0.33 eV and DEz(isopropanol) = 0.27 eV. These
results are in agreement with the experimental results: the addition
of water increases the rate of the reaction and more for 2-octanol
than for 1-octanol.
Our results show that the role of water in enhancing the
reactivity of the platinum surface during the oxidation of
alcohols is an indirect one: the hydroxyl groups, formed by
reaction of H2O with O atoms at the surface, are indeed the
promoters of the reaction. The role of OH groups has indeed
been observed experimentally on Au and Pt catalysts.51
be strongly inhibited. However, performing the reaction at
333 K in dioxane–water 50/50 vol% solvent made slightly
alkaline (0.03 eq. NaOH) instead of 373 K allowed the
reaction to be complete to the acid, without any deceleration
of the reaction rate, though, as expected, the reaction rate was
The aldehyde obtained after oxidation of the primary
alcohol can be further oxidized in solution into a carboxylic
acid thanks to the presence of water, through the formation of
the gemdiol. It can also be decomposed at the platinum
surface, as observed for acetaldehyde.72,73 In that case, the
final product is CO, showing that there is a decarbonylation.
Some theoretical works have already dealt with the decomposition scheme of acetaldehyde on Pt(111).46–48,52 In these
works, the possible bond breakings (C–H, C–C, C–O) were
calculated. The conclusion was that breaking the C–H bond of
the aldehydic group is the easiest reaction. Then the C–C bond
is broken more easily than the C–O one but the barrier is high.
We have revisited the C–H and C–C bond breaking of
acetaldehyde and of the subsequent species with the present
surface model and method in order to be consistent and able to
compare with the previous energy diagrams.
The C–H dissociation of the aldehyde hydrogen is exothermic
by !0.76 eV and needs a small energy barrier of 0.26 eV
(Table 2), higher than the one calculated in ref. 43 and 44,
but in the same range as the one extracted from kinetics
measurements (0.21 eV). The corresponding transition state is
a four-centers TS, rather early along the path with a C–H bond
of 1.33 Å (21% elongation) and a Pt–H bond of 1.77 Å. The
resulting acetyl intermediate CH3CO is adsorbed by the carbon
atom in a top geometry (Pt–O = 2.02 Å). The di-s geometry
where both the carbon and the oxygen are bound to the surface
(with a long Pt–O bond of 2.42 Å) is only slightly less stable
than the first one. This step presents the lowest barrier we have
found in the transformation of ethanol (see Fig. 8). It is even
lower than the desorption energy of acetaldehyde. Hence, this
intermediate can be easily obtained. In addition, the reverse
barrier is rather high (1.02 eV) preventing the system from
going back to acetaldehyde.
The following step can be either a C–C or a C–H bond
breaking. The C–C bond breaking is slightly exothermic
(!0.16 eV) and the energy barrier is high (1.44 eV), in
agreement with the values found previously.48,49 In the TS,
the C–C bond is elongated to 1.99 Å and the Pt–C bond is
almost formed (2.27 Å, 9% elongation). This TS can be
considered as late in relation with the high barrier. A secondary
agostic interaction takes place between a H of the methyl
group and a Pt atom (Pt–H = 1.94 Å), which elongates the
CH3CHO - CH3CO + H !0.76 0.26 1.33
0.08 1.06 1.52
!0.16 1.44
CH3CO - CH3 + CO
0.10 0.87 1.53
Table 2 Energetics and main geometrical characteristics of the
transition state structures for the decomposition steps of acetaldehyde
at the bare platinum surface Pt(111). The reaction energy DE and the
activation energy DEz of each step are provided in eV. The main
distances are given in Å
DE DEz C–H C–C Pt–H Pt–C(CO)
Deactivation by decarbonylation
The experimental results described above for 1-octanol oxidation at 373 K (Fig. 1) showed that the oxidation reaction could
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C–H bond to 1.15 Å. This agostic interaction is broken in
the final state. Except the latter interaction that was not
mentioned, the present TS looks very similar to the one
previously reported. The products are a methyl group and a
CQO group chemisorbed at top vicinal positions (Pt–C =
2.08 Å and 1.86 Å, respectively and C–O = 1.16 Å). The C–H
bond breaking leads to a ketene molecule, adsorbed in a di-s
CC geometry (Pt–C = 2.08 and 2.03 Å, C–C = 1.50 Å, CO =
1.20 Å). The reaction is slightly endothermic by 0.08 eV and
the barrier is also relatively high at 1.06 eV (compared to
0.96 eV49). The TS is a relatively late three-centres TS with
C–H and Pt–H distances of 1.52 and 1.62 Å, respectively. The
barriers of the C–C and C–H bond breakings are both high,
the C–H bond rupture being the smallest. Hence at low
temperature (333 K), CH3CO is likely the acetaldehyde
decomposition species. In the presence of OH groups, it can
be hydroxylated to acetic acid. The barrier for this step is low
(0.31 eV46).
At higher temperature (373 K), a barrier of 1 eV is likely to
be overcome. Hence for such temperatures, the C–H bond
rupture could take place and ketene be obtained. Alcala et al.
have shown that the barrier to break the C–C bond in ketene is
higher than in the case of acetyl CH3CO (1.38 eV) but that the
corresponding barrier in the ketenyl CHCO is much smaller
(0.96 eV). However, the transformation of ketene into ketenyl
had not been studied. Hence, we have considered the C–H
breaking in ketene leading to ketenyl. The reaction is slightly
endothermic (0.10 eV) and the barrier is 0.87 eV far lower than
the one for the C–C bond breaking calculated previously. The
TS is an usual three-centers TS with C–H and Pt–H distances
of 1.53 and 1.63 Å, respectively. Hence, in ketene, as in acetyl,
it is preferable to break first the C–H bond to obtain CHCO;
then the C–C bond breaks more easily. The transition states
structures can be found in Fig. 10.
The acetaldehyde decomposition on Pt(111) has been
followed by temperature-programmed desorption (TPD)
experiments associated with high-resolution electron-energy
loss spectroscopy (HREELS).72,73 The HREEL experimental
spectrum collected following adsorption at 120 K corresponds
to a monolayer of adsorbed acetaldehyde (see Fig. 11). During
the heating, the nCO peak of CH3CHO at 1663 cm!1 almost
disappears as well as the bands between 1360 and 1427 cm!1.
Meanwhile, a high peak grows at 620 cm!1. At 350 K, the
characteristic peak of on-top bonded CO dominates (2089 cm!1)
Fig. 11 Experimental HREELS spectra of adsorbed acetaldehyde on
Pt(111) after heating at various temperatures (reprinted with permission
from ref. 72). Simulated spectra of CH3CHO, CH3CO, CH2CO,
CHCO, CH2. All calculated spectra have the same scale.
Fig. 10 Transition states structures of the acetaldehyde decomposition
at a bare Pt(111) surface.
This journal is
The Royal Society of Chemistry 2012
accompanied by the corresponding peak at 474 cm!1. A small
peak assigned to bridge bonded CO exists also at 1819 cm!1.
This evidences that decarbonylation takes place from this
temperature. In the region of the nCH vibrations, the peak
at 3008 cm!1, present at low temperature, disappears when the
temperature increases and a new peak appears at 2981 cm!1
at 350 K.
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∑Heterogeneous Catalysis 87
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Published on 14 August 2012 on | doi:10.1039/C2CY20363D
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To characterize adsorbed surface species during the
desorption experiment, we have simulated the vibrational
spectra of CH3CHO, CH3CO, CH2CO, CHCO, and CH2
and compared them to the experimental ones. CH3 has not
been considered since its formation is unlikely owing to the
high barrier (Table 2). The simulated spectrum for CH3CHO
has been already published75 but is redone here for the sake of
consistency. This calculated spectrum exhibits two main peaks
at 1663 and 520 cm!1, corresponding to nCO and nPtO,
respectively, and found experimentally at 1663–1745 and
523–541 cm!1. There are also features at 893, 1107 and
1323–1358 cm!1. All these peaks are found in the experimental
spectrum (898, 1122, 1362–1427 cm!1). Finally high nCH
peaks are obtained between 2817 and 3091 cm!1. They
correspond to the large band observed in the experimental
spectrum taken after heating at 120 K. The simulated
spectrum of CH3CO shows significant differences both in
intensity and in position of the peaks. The peaks centred
around 1300 cm!1 no longer exist and the spectrum is
dominated by the nPtC mode at 569 cm!1, corresponding to
the experimental peak at 620 cm!1 observed above 150 K. The
other peaks are also slightly shifted. The nCH peaks are also
less intense. Hence, between 150 and 300 K, the appearance in
the experimental spectra of a peak at 620 cm!1 and the
disappearance of the peaks at 1361–1427 cm!1 indicates that,
in this temperature range, the main species is CH3CO.
At 350 K, CO is obviously already present and a small
quantity of CH3CO remains. However the high intensity nCH
peak at 2981 cm!1 shows the existence of hydrocarbons. In
fact, we have shown before that CH3CO decomposes likely
into CH2CO and CHCO before the C–C bond is broken. The
calculated spectra of ketene CH2CO and ketenyl CHCO are
dominated by an intense peak at 1756 and 1753 cm!1,
respectively. Such peaks do not exist in the experimental
spectrum at 350 K. Hence ketene and ketenyl are transient
intermediates and therefore species like adsorbed CH2 or CH
are likely present. These species give intense nCH vibrations as
illustrated for the carbene, which could explain the high peak
at 2981 cm!1 appearing with CO at 350 K. Ketene can also be
at the origin of acetic acid production by hydration.
This analysis of the TPD experiment allows us to confirm that
the first step of acetaldehyde decomposition is the C–H breaking
of the aldehydic group. It occurs at temperature as low as 150 K
in agreement with the low calculated barrier. The subsequent
C–H and C–C breakings are more energy demanding and occur
at higher temperature so that CH3CO remains the main species
over a large range of temperatures. At high temperature, the final
result of acetaldehyde decomposition is decarbonylation.
To summarize, the above study of acetaldehyde decomposition allows us to shed light on some experimental details. In
the case of primary alcohols, at the temperature of the reaction
(373 K), the product resulting from the removal of the
aldehydic hydrogen (corresponding to acetyl) can easily be
hydroxylated to carboxylic acid or decomposed further into
CO and carbonaceous residues, poisoning the surface, which
could explain the limitation of the conversion. At lower
temperature, the decomposition is less easy and the reaction
can go to completion with production of large amounts of acid
as observed experimentally.
Catal. Sci. Technol.
The C–C bond breakings are more difficult than the C–H
ones and become feasible after the removal of almost all
hydrogens. In acetone, the absence of H on the CQO group
prevents decomposition from taking place. This could be
the reason why the catalyst is not poisoned in the case of
secondary alcohols.
5. Conclusion
The combination of experimental results on the oxidation
reaction of alcohols on Pt catalysts and of DFT calculations
has allowed the understanding of the different behaviour of
primary and secondary alcohols. In particular, it has been
shown that the higher activity of secondary alcohols compared
with the primary alcohols in the presence of water is due to a
balance between steric and electronic effects of the substituents.
The present study has also shed light on the role of water in
these reactions. The main new conclusion is that the rate
enhancement in the presence of water is not due to water itself
but to hydroxyl groups formed by reaction of water with
dissociated oxygen at the surface of the catalyst. The most
energetically favorable pathway is then facilitated by the
presence of adsorbed OH, which reduces the overall barrier.
Decarbonylation of acetaldehyde at 373 K is likely to be the
cause of deactivation of the catalyst.
The calculations have been performed using the local HPC
resources of PSMN at ENS-Lyon and of GENCI (CINES/
IDRIS), project x2010075105.
Notes and references
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Catal. Sci. Technol.
∑Heterogeneous Catalysis 89
Volume 50 Number 83 25 October 2014 Pages 12403–12580
Chemical Communications
ISSN 1359-7345
Carine Michel, Agnieszka M. Ruppert et al.
Role of water in metal catalyst performance for ketone hydrogenation: a
joint experimental and theoretical study on levulinic acid conversion into
90 ∑Heterogeneous Catalysis
Cite this: Chem. Commun., 2014,
50, 12450
Received 9th June 2014,
Accepted 18th June 2014
DOI: 10.1039/c4cc04401k
Role of water in metal catalyst performance for
ketone hydrogenation: a joint experimental and
theoretical study on levulinic acid conversion into
Carine Michel,*a Jérémie Zaffran,a Agnieszka M. Ruppert,*b
Joanna Matras-Michalska,b Marcin Je
˛drzejczyk,b Jacek Gramsb and Philippe Sauteta
While Ru is a poor hydrogenation catalyst compared to Pt or Pd in
the gas phase, it is efficient under aqueous phase conditions in the
hydrogenation of ketones such as the conversion of levulinic acid
into gamma-valerolactone. Combining DFT calculations and experiments, we demonstrate that water is responsible for the enhanced
reactivity of Ru under those conditions.
The swap from hydrocarbon based to biomass based feedstock
triggers the development of novel catalysts and processes to
transform oxygenates into valuable molecules.1 Most of the time,
those reactions with reactants extracted from biomass are conducted in water to efficiently solubilise reaction intermediates
and products. We will show here that water can also play an
essential role in the catalytic activity, focusing on the conversion
of levulinic acid (LA) into g-valerolactone (GVL)2 (see Fig. 1). LA
can be obtained via cellulose hydrolysis and dehydration of such
obtained glucose. GVL is an attractive platform molecule that
can be derived from biomass and can be converted to a variety of
chemicals, including biofuel additives.3–5
Galletti et al.6 have established that with supported metal
catalysts LA hydrogenation to GVL follows the scheme presented in Fig. 1: (i) the metal catalyses the first step, i.e. the
hydrogenation of the ketone moiety into 4-hydroxy pentanoic
acid and (ii) the cyclising esterification easily leads to the GVL.
Laboratoire de Chimie UMR5182, University of Lyon, CNRS, Ecole Normale
Supérieure de Lyon, 46 allée d’Italie, F-69364 Lyon Cedex 07, Lyon, France.
[email protected]; Fax: +33472728080; Tel: +33472728847
Institute of General and Ecological Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry,
Łódź University of Technology, ul. Żeromskiego 116, 90-924 Łódź, Poland.
[email protected]; Fax: +48426313128; Tel: +48426313106
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Experimental section;
TEM images; computational details; energetic span definition; energetic spans of
each path and each metal, without and with water; energetic spans of each path
with an implicit solvent for Ru(0001); transition state structure for the hydrogenation of the alkoxy on Ru(0001) in the presence of 3 water molecules and in
the presence of 11 water molecules; an alternative route to the alkoxy path in the
presence of water on Ru(0001); correlation of the energetic span variation for the
alkoxy path with the d-band center; all calculated structures together with their
absolute energies. See DOI: 10.1039/c4cc04401k
12450 | Chem. Commun., 2014, 50, 12450--12453
Fig. 1
Conversion of levulinic acid into gamma-valerolactone.
Another route is opened at higher temperatures (4200 1C),
starting with the cyclising dehydration of the enolic form of
LA.7–9 The CQC bond of the intermediary angelica lactone is
then hydrogenated, leading to GVL. This alternative route is not
accessible under our mild conditions.
Under these conditions, it is striking that Ru is usually more
active in the conversion of LA to GVL than Pd and Pt in water,9–12
while Ru is known to be poorly active compared to Pd and Pt in the
hydrogenation of ketones under gas phase conditions.13 Actually,
the hydrogenation capability of Ru is strongly modulated by the
reaction environment. Rooney et al. have shown that the hydrogenation of 2-butanone catalyzed by Ru/SiO2 is 30 times faster in
water than in heptane.14 Thus, Ru is much more active in aqueous
media, even more active than Pt or Pd, so it is frequently used for
aqueous phase hydrogenation of various ketones.15
This strong dependence of Ru activity upon solvent can also be
transferred to our target reaction, the hydrogenation of LA towards
GVL. We analysed three noble metal catalysts (Ru, Pt, Pd) supported on titania in two different environments (water and tetrahydrofuran (THF)) under mild conditions (70 1C, 50 bar of
hydrogen, details in ESI†). The catalysts were prepared in a way
that the particle size effect could be minimized since all metal
particles possess a similar size (2.1–3.2 nm). With the same
support and particle size, the experiments here provide a consistent case of comparison of two solvents under similar conditions,
hence avoiding other effects on the hydrogenation activity. TEM
images (ESI†) generally demonstrated a homogeneous distribution
of the active phase on the support. The results of the catalytic
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2014
∑Heterogeneous Catalysis 91
Fig. 2 LA conversion and GVL yield in % for Ru, Pd, Pt catalysts in THF and
in water solvent. No conversion was observed for Ru and Pd in THF solvent.
activity are presented in Fig. 2. The Ru catalyst activity is strongly
dependent on the reaction media. While it is not active in THF, Ru
is the most active in water (99% LA conversion, 95% GVL yield). Pt
and Pd activities are not sensitive to the solvent: around 15–20% of
GVL yield together with a 20–30% conversion of LA is obtained
using Pt and negligible activity is observed using Pd. Note that Pd
was active for this reaction but at higher temperatures (190 1C) and
with conservation of the same order of reactivity: Ru 4 Pt 4 Pd.
Finally, the trends of the metal and solvent are similar for the LA
conversion into GVL and the ketone hydrogenation, indicating
that the first step (i.e. the ketone hydrogenation, see Fig. 1) is the
rate determining step of this reaction.
To our knowledge, this striking dependence of the relative
activity of Ru, Pt and Pd for ketone hydrogenation on the
reaction medium is not yet well understood. In this paper, we
aim to explain the apparently unique behaviour of Ru in the
presence of water using DFT calculations. Several strategies are
possible to model solvent effects. Implicit models take into
account the dielectric constant and its capability to stabilize
charges.16 Explicit models include solvent molecules increasing
the number of atoms and accessible configurations.17 The
increase of activity of Ru in the aqueous phase compared with
the organic solvent lies probably in the hydrogen bond effect of
liquid water. An implicit model cannot grasp this kind of effect
easily. However, an explicit model of liquid water is highly
expensive. We propose here the use of a micro-solvation
approach, including only the most important solvent molecule,
following our previous studies on the influence of water on
alcohols dehydrogenation.18–20 The ketone was modelled by
acetone, since both molecules show very similar trends upon
metal and solvent changes, implying that the acid group does
not affect the hydrogenation of the ketone function.
We start by the elementary steps for acetone hydrogenation on
the Ru(0001) surface. We modelled gas phase hydrogenation with
a periodic slab approach (see ESI†). The two possible reaction
paths are presented in Fig. 3, both starting in the centre of the
figure and evolving towards the left, the reference being the
Ru(0001) and acetone and hydrogen in the gas phase. In the alkyl
path, the chemisorbed acetone (IS*) is hydrogenated on the oxygen
first through the transition state TSOH. It leads to an alkyl radical
IntC. In the second step, the carbon is hydrogenated (TSOH–CH)
resulting in the weakly chemisorbed isopropanol (FS*, Eads =
!0.44 eV). This route is disfavoured by high lying transition states
(TS) of energy !0.41 eV and !0.28 eV relative to the reference. The
second TS is the highest, 1.37 eV higher than chemisorbed
acetone. In the alkoxy path, the carbon is hydrogenated first
(TSCH), leading to a very stable alkoxy intermediate (IntO, 0.25 eV
more stable than the chemisorbed acetone and one chemisorbed H
atom). Then, the second step for the O hydrogenation (TSCH–OH)
has to overcome a high activation energy barrier (1.40 eV) despite a
transition state lying lower than in the alkyl route. Those results are
in agreement with the acetone hydrogenation paths on Ru(0001)
obtained by Sinha and Neurock.23
To compare kinetic rates for the two pathways, we can follow
the energetic span analysis introduced by Kozuch and Shaik,
Fig. 3 Reaction paths (in eV) for the hydrogenation of acetone on Ru(0001) in the absence (left) and in the presence of a water molecule (right). The alkyl
path is represented in dash line and the alkoxy path in solid line. The reference energy is common and includes the acetone and a H2 molecule in the gas
phase, three bare Ru(0001) slabs and a ‘hydrated’ slab bearing a chemisorbed water molecule.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2014
Chem. Commun., 2014, 50, 12450--12453 | 12451
92 ∑Heterogeneous Catalysis
by establishing the TOF-determining intermediate (TD-I) and the
TOF-determining TS (TD-TS).24 The energetic span (or effective
barrier) is calculated as the energy difference between the
TD-TS and the TD-I of a catalytic cycle.
The smaller the energetic span, the higher the rate and the
more efficient is the corresponding catalyst. More details on the
procedure are given in the Computational details section of the
ESI.† This approach shows that the two paths are equally
disfavoured with an energetic span of 1.37 eV for the alkyl
route and 1.40 eV for the alkoxy one.
To grasp the major effect of the water solvent, we used the
simplest possible approach and added a chemisorbed water
molecule to our model. The chemisorption of acetone is
strongly modified. In the absence of water, acetone exhibits
two iso-energetic chemisorbed structures (Eads = !0.47 eV; the
CQO bond parallel to the surface or perpendicular to the
surface). In the presence of water, the most stable situation
for acetone corresponds to the configuration parallel to the
surface forming a H-bond with the chemisorbed water molecule (see Fig. 4, left). This configuration is 0.18 eV more stable
than the separated adsorption of water and acetone. The
co-adsorption of the resulting isopropanol and water is in line
with previous studies on Pt(111)18 and Rh(111):19,20 the alcohol
is H-bonded to the chemisorbed water and shows no direct
interaction with the surface. Here again, the two possible
hydrogenation paths starting from this configuration are presented in Fig. 3 starting from the centre and going towards the
right, the reference being the Ru(0001) slab with water already
chemisorbed and acetone and hydrogen in the gas phase. The
chemisorbed acetone (IS*) is stabilised by B0.2 eV. The TSOH of
the alkyl path is also stabilized by B0.2 eV. However, the
second transition state TSOH–CH is not affected and still
remains high in energy (!0.27 eV relative to the reference).
Thus, the overall effective barrier is increased by 0.2 eV. The
situation is more favourable on the alkoxy path. The two
transition states remain lower in energy in the presence of
water. In addition, the formation of the alkoxy intermediate is
less exothermic, although it remains the TD-I for that path.
Altogether, the effective barrier markedly decreases by 0.41 eV
(from 1.40 to 0.99 eV). To conclude, the presence of co-adsorbed
water slightly inhibits the alkyl path and strongly favours the
alkoxy path. The effective activation barrier is diminished by
35%, leading to a strong increase of the predicted activity of Ru(0001).
Fig. 4 Co-adsorption structures of acetone and water (left) and isopropanol and water (right) on Ru(0001).
12452 | Chem. Commun., 2014, 50, 12450--12453
The addition of a single chemisorbed water molecule hence allows
us to capture the origin of the enhanced activity of Ru under
aqueous conditions observed for the hydrogenation of ketones14 or
for the conversion of LA into GVL as already exposed. To go beyond
this initial model, we have refined the most favourable alkoxy
route. Adding the surrounding aqueous environment as a continuum model21 does not change the energetic span significantly
(see Tables S2 and S3, ESI†). Then, we increased the number of
water molecules to 11 to include the first solvation sphere as
suggested by Hu and co-workers.22 Here again, the energetic span
is not strongly affected (Fig. S3, ESI†). A single water molecule is
enough to grasp the Ru catalyst activation. An alternative route
could involve the dissociation of a water molecule (Fig. S4, ESI†).
For instance, the hydrogen-bonded water could dissociate and
transfer the proton involved in the hydrogen bond to the alkoxy
(second elementary step of the alkoxy route) leading to the
isopropanol and a surface hydroxyl. However, surface hydroxyl
groups cannot accumulate at the catalyst surface and have to be
eliminated. Their hydrogenation is as energy demanding as the
hydrogenation of the alkoxy intermediate.
To better understand the periodic trends for the influence of
water, the same paths were computed for a larger series of late
transition metals (Ru, Co, Rh, Ir, Ni, Pd, Pt, Cu) on the corresponding close-packed surfaces (111) for fcc metals and (0001)
for hcp ones. For most of the metals under consideration, the
two routes are almost equally probable in the absence of water,
with a small preference for the alkyl path (except for Rh and Ir).
The energetic span of the most favourable path is provided in the
absence and presence of water and for each metal under consideration in Fig. 5 (more details in ESI,† Table S2). At the bare
metallic surface, the most active catalysts are Ir, Pt and then Cu
and Rh according to their respective energetic span while Ni, Pd,
Ru and Co are much less active catalysts. This is in good
agreement with experimental observations for gas phase acetone
hydrogenation.13 For the common subset of metals, the experiment gives the activity order Pt 4 Rh 4 Pd B Ru 4 Ni B Co
while calculations show Pt 4 Rh 4 Ni 4 Pd B Ru 4 Co so that
only Ni is slightly misplaced. Last, one can notice that the activity
for the alkyl paths is mainly controlled by the acetone adsorption
(IS*) as the TOF-determining state and the TS for the second
Fig. 5 Energetic span (in eV) for the acetone hydrogenation at the bare
metallic surface (in black) and in the presence of one chemisorbed water
(in grey) for a series of transition metals.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2014
∑Heterogeneous Catalysis 93
hydrogenation on the carbon (TSOH–CH) as the TOF-determiningTS while the alkoxy paths are controlled by the oxygen hydrogenation TS (TSCH–OH) and the chemisorbed acetone (IS*) or the alkoxy
state (IntO) for more oxophilic metals such as Co, Ni, and Ru.
The presence of one water molecule strongly modifies the
energetic span values and the alkoxy route is clearly preferred over
the alkyl one for all metals (see ESI,† Table S3). This inversion
results from an activation of the alkoxy route with a concomitant
deactivation of the alkyl route. The influence of water on the
energetic span of the most favourable route is summarized in
Fig. 5. We have already seen that the capability of Ru to hydrogenate
acetone is strongly enhanced by the presence of a single chemisorbed water. On the other hand, the less-oxophilic metals (Pd and
Pt) are barely affected. The promotion of the alkoxy route is not
strong enough to facilitate the acetone hydrogenation: Pt is as active
as in the absence of water; Pd is still inactive. This is in line with our
experimental findings: Pt is active to some extent in both THF and
water while Pd is not in both environments under our mild
conditions. Calculations clearly show the promotion of Ru vs. Pt
in the aqueous phase. However, from the intrinsic error bar of DFTGGA (0.15 eV) it is not possible to determine in absolute value which
metal is the most active one under aqueous conditions, since the
calculated barriers only differ by 0.1 eV. Other aspects, as the
coverage of hydrogen, could also slightly alter the relative energies
of the hydrogenation transition states. This goes beyond the scope
of this communication.
Our wider screening of transition metals shows in addition that
the promotion effect seen for Ru can be generalized to the other
oxophilic metals such as Co and Ni. The higher the energy of the
d-band centre is, the more oxophilic the metal is. The variation of
the energetic span of the alkoxy path upon water assistance nicely
correlates with the d-band centre of the metal under consideration
(Fig. S5, ESI†). Surface species on those metals are more strongly
affected by the co-adsorption of a water molecule. The TD-TS
(TSCH–OH) is stabilized while the TD-I (mainly IntO) is often
destabilized. Therefore, the energetic span is strongly reduced
(up to B0.4 eV) and those metals become good candidate catalysts
for acetone hydrogenation in an aqueous environment. This result
clears up the difference in the catalytic reactivity order of metal for
acetone hydrogenation in the gas phase13 and in the aqueous
phase.15 As discussed above, in the gas phase, Ru, Co, Ni and Pd
are poorly active.13 Things change completely in aqueous phase
experiments and Ru, Co, Ni become excellent catalysts while Pd
remains poor.15 The calculated assistance of water for oxophilic
metals hence shed light on experimental observations.
Ru is widely used to hydrogenate biomass sourced oxygenates
such as levulinic acid while this metal is known to be a poor
hydrogenation catalyst of acetone in the gas phase. Combining
experiments in THF and water together with DFT calculations, we
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2014
showed that this metal activity is highly sensitive to its environment.
The presence of a H-bonded water molecule dramatically reduces
the energetic span of the reaction pathway, hence enhancing the
catalytic activity. We predict that this activation can be generalized
to other oxophilic metals such as Co or Ni while Pt and Pd are
insensitive to their aqueous environment.
The authors gratefully acknowledge that this work was done
within the framework of Polonium project 2012/2013. A.M.R.
acknowledges that part of this work was done within the NCN
grant NN 209 75 83 40. J.Z., C.M. and P.S. acknowledge that part
of this work was done within the ANR GALAC project (ANR-10CD2I-011). We thank also PSMN at ENS Lyon, IDRIS-CNRS, and
CINES for computational resources. The authors would like to
thank Prof. Bert Weckhuysen and his group for help in the GC
analysis of the products.
Notes and references
1 D. M. Alonso, J. Q. Bond and J. A. Dumesic, Green Chem., 2010,
12, 1493.
2 W. R. H. Wright and R. Palkovits, ChemSusChem, 2012, 5, 1657.
3 I. T. Horvath, H. Mehdi, V. Fbos, L. Boda and L. T. Mika, Green
Chem., 2008, 10, 238.
4 D. M. Alonso, S. G. Wettstein and J. A. Dumesic, Green Chem., 2013,
15, 584.
5 J.-P. Lange, R. Price, P. M. Ayoub, J. Louis, L. Petrus, L. Clarke and
H. Gosselink, Angew. Chem., Int. Ed., 2010, 122, 4581.
6 A. M. Raspolli Galletti, C. Antonetti, V. De Luise and M. Martinelli,
Green Chem., 2012, 14, 688.
7 W. Luo, U. Deka, A. M. Beale, E. R. H. van Eck, P. C. A. Bruijnincx
and B. M. Weckhuysen, J. Catal., 2013, 301, 175.
8 V. Mohan, C. Raghavendra, C. V. Pramod, B. D. Raju and
K. S. R. Rao, RSC Adv., 2014, 4, 9660.
9 P. P. Upare, J.-M. Lee, D. W. Hwang, S. B. Halligudi, Y. K. Hwang and
J.-S. Chang, J. Ind. Eng. Chem., 2011, 17, 287.
10 L. Corbel-Demailly, B.-K. Ly, D.-P. Minh, B. Tapin, C. Especel,
F. Epron, A. Cabiac, E. Guillon, M. Besson and C. Pinel, ChemSusChem, 2013, 6, 2388.
11 J. M. Tukacs, R. V. Jones, F. Darvas, G. Dibo, G. Lezsak and
L. T. Mika, RSC Adv., 2013, 3, 16283.
12 L. E. Manzer, Appl. Catal., A, 2004, 272, 249.
13 N. N. Rimar and G. N. Pirogova, Russ. Chem. Bull., 1998, 47, 398.
14 B. S. Akpa, C. D’Agostino, L. F. Gladden, K. Hindle, H. Manyar,
J. McGregor, R. Li, M. Neurock, N. Sinha, E. H. Stitt, D. Weber,
J. A. Zeitler and D. W. Rooney, J. Catal., 2012, 289, 30.
15 J. Lee, Y. Xu and G. W. Huber, Appl. Catal., B, 2013, 140, 98.
16 J. Tomasi, B. Mennucci and R. Cammi, Chem. Rev., 2005, 105, 2999.
17 C. D. Taylor and M. Neurock, Curr. Opin. Solid State Mater. Sci., 2005,
9, 49–65.
18 S. Chibani, C. Michel, F. Delbecq, C. Pinel and M. Besson, Catal. Sci.
Technol., 2013, 3, 339.
19 C. Michel, F. Auneau, F. Delbecq and P. Sautet, ACS Catal., 2011,
1, 1430.
20 D. Loffreda, C. Michel, F. Delbecq and P. Sautet, J. Catal., 2013,
308, 374.
21 K. Mathew, R. Sundararaman, K. Letchworth-Weaver, T. A. Arias and
R. G. Hennig, J. Chem. Phys., 2014, 140, 084106.
22 J. Liu, X.-M. Cao and P. Hu, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2014, 16, 4176.
23 N. K. Sinh and M. Neurock, J. Catal., 2012, 295, 31.
24 S. Kozuch and S. Shaik, Acc. Chem. Res., 2011, 44, 101.
Chem. Commun., 2014, 50, 12450--12453 | 12453
94 ∑Heterogeneous Catalysis
Electrocatalysis can be seen as a branch of catalysis where the current
(generated or utilized) is analogous to the heat in thermal catalysis. Endothermic reactions can be reached using adequate current and potentials while exothermic reactions can produce a current in addition to
the targeted product. The choice of the electrode and of the operating conditions are essential, but they can hardly be rationalized based
on a molecular understanding of the reactive processes occurring at the
electrode/electrolyte interface. They are difficult to characterize also
experimentally. While modeling seems like an adequate complementary tool, it also suffers from severe limitations. The direct inclusion of
the electrochemical potential is not trivial, even though several methods have been developed in the last decade. 4,6,10,13,15,19 Those methods
have been barely used to understand the bond breaking/formation at
the metal/electrolyte interface. 7 We have recently used them to understand the electrocatalytic behavior of CO2 and related compounds such
as alkenes and formic acid thanks to the strong investment of S. Steinmann, a post-doc that was first hired on a Solvay contract. 21,22, 23 The
inclusion of the electrochemical potential can be necessary but is computationally expensive. The computational hydrogen electrode (CHE) is
a cheaper approach, based on a basic correction a posteriori on the thermochemistry of the elementary steps. 12 It has been extensively used in
96 ∑Electrocatalysis
the last decade. 1,3,5,8,11,14,18 We have recently used this simple model in
the context of ethanol alkaline fuel cell, in collaboration with E. Baranova and her PhD student E. Monyoncho (Canada, LIA Funcat).
4.1 Computational hydrogen electrode
This approach was proposed in 2004 by Norskov and co-workers. 12 The
basic idea is that each electron transfer is coupled with a hydronium
(H+ + e– ) and the experimental electrochemical potential of this couple
is taken as a reference electrochemical potentiel. For instance, at a
given potential U, the reaction energy of the following reaction
CH3 CO + H2 O −−→ CH3 COOH + H+ + e–
is computed as:
∆Gr (U) = E(CH3 COOH) − [E(CH3 CO) + E(H2 O)] − 0.5 E(H2 ) − U,
where we have assumed U to be with respect to the pH insensitive Reversible Hydrogen Electrode and a pH of 0.
The CHE is straightforward in its application since it only requires
to add or remove a correction term to the reaction energy. This term
depends only on the number of hydrogen that are involved in the elementary step (usually 0 or 1) and the reaction energy is computed in
absence of potential or charge, it corresponds to the thermal reaction
energy. The simplicity of CHE relies on strong assumptions. We emphasize here the two main ones. First, CHE can be used only in cases
where the electron transfert is coupled to a proton (or another cation
such as sodium). Second, it implies that the reaction energy obtained in
absence of any charge or potential (the ’thermal’ reaction energy) corresponds to the U=0 V/RHE situation, whatever the nature of the surface
species at the electrochemical interface. This is a strong limitation of
the model, since the relation between the charge and the potential is
∑Electrocatalysis 97
given by the capacitance of the system and this quantity depends on the
interface under consideration.
However, the simplicity of this approach allows to tackle large reaction networks. We recently focused on the ethanol oxidation in alkaline fuel cells in collaboration with E. Baranova and E. Monyoncho from uOttawa, Canada. To reach a high current and efficiency,
the oxidation of ethanol needs to be complete, yielding 12 electrons
per ethanol. However, the reaction generally stops at the acetate/acetic
acid. We studied the whole reaction network of ethanol oxidation to acetate and then CO2 . Combining polarization modulation infrared reflection absorption spectroscopy (PM-IRRAS) and density functional theory (DFT) calculations (see Figure 4.1), we understood why the C−C
bond is not broken and the oxidation stops at acetate. As shown in Figure 4.1, acetate is clearly the most stable species of the complete reaction network of the conversion of ethanol into CO2 . In addition, acetate
is highly resistant to C−C bond scission. Thus, we focused on the steps
that precede the oxidation in acetate and we highlighted the pivotal role
of the acetyl CH3 CO intermediate: it can either undergo a C−C bond
scission yielding CO and then CO2 or it can either be oxidized towards
acetate. The latter is facilitated by the overpotential but it is a dead end
in the reaction scheme towards CO2 production, since it cannot be easily oxidized nor broken into C1 fragments. CH3 CO is however not the
most favored intermediate formed from ethanol electrooxidation on Pd,
hence limiting the production of CO2 . This reaction mechanism is sum
up in Figure 4.2. Building on this study, we plan to screen catalysts in
silico to favor the formation of the acetyl and its dissociation.
98 ∑Electrocatalysis
Figure 4.1: Global reaction energy profile of the most stable intermediates during ethanol electrooxidation process on Pd(100) at 0.26 V/RHE.
The black squares show the most stable C2 intermediates at each oxidation state (C2 path) whose intermediates are indicated at the top. To
guide the eyes, a line has been added, in solid (resp. dotted) when the
intermediates are connected (resp. not) from one oxidation state to the
next. Legend: (a) Most stable C2 species, (b) C1 fragments generated
from the most stable C2, (c) Most stable C1 fragments, and (d) Parent C2 species of the most stable C1 fragments which are shown at the
∑Electrocatalysis 99
Figure 4.2: General Reaction Scheme based on our DFT results (shown
in Figure 4.1. In blue, the experimental evidences. In black, the intermediates as suggested by our DFT simulations. Most of the steps are
catalyzed by the Pd electrode (single arrows) while others are solution
equilibria (two one-sided arrows).
100 ∑Electrocatalysis
4.2 Inclusion of the potential
A system of interest for Solvay is the development of novel routes yielding adipic acid. An elegant strategy is to use CO2 as a C1 building
block and couple it to butadiene, using electrocatalysis to perform this
endothermic reaction. CO2 is an inert molecule. It requires a preliminary (partial) reduction to be active and this can be achieved only at
highly reductive potentials. To design a proper catalyst able to activate
CO2 with a low overpotential without opening the door to side reactions
is a key challenge in the domain of CO2 electrocatalytic valorisation.
We started to demonstrate that the inclusion of the potential using
the method developed by Filhol and Neurock 4 in the simulations of the
electrochemical interface requires the inclusion of the solvent, at least as
a continuum, to get a realistic capacitance. 22 In addition, we evidenced
that non-electrochemical steps could be sensitive to the electrochemical potential such as the CO2 adsorption or the formate rotation in the
HCOOH/CO2 conversion on Ni. 21 Once the modeled was appropriate,
we tackled the targeted reaction. The electrochemical coupling between
CO2 and butadiene on Ni and Pt electrodes is difficult: our simulations
are in agreement with the strong overpotential observed experimentally.
The C−C bond formation is not sensitive to the electrochemical potential and could be eventually facilitated by a change in the catalyst
morphology. 23
4.3 What’s next?
As a natural next step, I would like to compare the electrocatalytic conditions to the thermal catalytic conditions. A potential target is the oxidation of biomass-derived alcohols, where interestingly, the same kind
of catalysts are currently used in both domains (namely Au, Pd and Pt
and alloys of Au-Pd and Au-Pt). 2,9,16,17,20
In addition, this domain will greatly benefit of any methodological
development to improve the description of the solvent, as we already
∑Electrocatalysis 101
discussed in the previous chapter.
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∑Electrocatalysis 103
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Impacts of electrode potentials and solvents on
the electroreduction of CO2: a comparison of
theoretical approaches†
Stephan N. Steinmann,a Carine Michel,ab Renate Schwiedernochc and
Philippe Sautet*ab
Since CO2 is a readily available feedstock throughout the world, the utilization of CO2 as a C1 building block
for the synthesis of valuable chemicals is a highly attractive concept. However, due to its very nature of
energy depleted ‘‘carbon sink’’, CO2 has a very low reactivity. Electrocatalysis offers the most attractive
means to activate CO2 through reduction: the electron is the ‘‘cleanest’’ reducing agent whose energy
can be tuned to the thermodynamic optimum. Under protic conditions, the reduction of CO2 over many
metal electrodes results in formic acid. Thus, to open the road to its utilization as a C1 building block, the
presence of water should be avoided to allow a more diverse chemistry, in particular for C–C bond formation with alkenes. Under those conditions, the intrinsic reactivity of CO2 can generate carbonates and
oxalates by C–O and C–C bond formation, respectively. On Ni(111), almost exclusively carbonates and
carbon monoxide are evidenced experimentally. Despite recent progress in modelling electrocatalytic
reactions, determining the actual mechanism and selectivities between competing reaction pathways is
still not straight forward. As a simple but important example of the intrinsic reactivity of CO2 under aprotic
Received 13th February 2015,
Accepted 21st April 2015
conditions, we highlight the shortcomings of the popular linear free energy relationship for electrode potentials
DOI: 10.1039/c5cp00946d
(LFER-EP). Going beyond this zeroth order approximation by charging the surface and thus explicitly
including the electrochemical potential into the electronic structure computations allows us to access
more detailed insights, shedding light on coverage effects and on the influence of counterions.
1 Introduction
Heterogeneous electrocatalysis is at the heart of advanced energy
technologies such as hydrogen production1 and fuel-cells.2
Furthermore, electrochemistry, in combination with photovoltaic
cells, promises access to ‘‘green’’ and ‘‘mild’’ redox chemistry.3–5
In particular, the electroreduction of CO2 is a conceptually
attractive avenue: electrochemistry activates the intrinsically
rather inert green-house gas under mild conditions (i.e., low
pressure and temperature), enabling us to utilize CO2 as a C1
building block in C–C coupling reactions6–9 or to generate
Université de Lyon, Laboratoire de Chimie, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon 46
allee d’Italie, Lyon, France
CNRS, Laboratoire de Chimie, UMR 5182, 46 allee d’Italie, Lyon, France.
[email protected]; Fax: +334 7272 8080; Tel: +334 7272 8155
Eco-Efficient Products and Processes Laboratory (E2P2L), UMI 3464 Solvay/CNRS,
Shanghai, P. R. China
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Bader charges for
selected adsorbates as a function of potential, all geometries optimized at zerocharge in a vacuum and a shell-script to post-process VASP computations
according to the correction proposed by Filhol and Neurock. See DOI: 10.1039/
This journal is © the Owner Societies 2015
small, energy rich molecules such as CO, methanol or
formic acid.10–13
In protic media, the reduction of CO2 competes with H2
evolution and mixtures of CO + H2O, formic acid and very small
amounts of hydrocarbons are observed in general.14,15 Hence,
the efficient use of CO2 as a C1 building block precludes the
presence of water and protons. For instance the electroreduction of CO2 in DMF in the presence of a diene over Ni has been
reported to yield C–C coupled products, in particular the
dicarboxylates.6,7,16–18 However, the existing procedure is not
very efficient in terms of yield and selectivity and the mechanism
is poorly understood. In addition, in aprotic solvents, CO2 has an
intrinsic reactivity, potentially yielding oxalate and a combination
of CO and carbonate,11,19 opening additional reaction paths.
Electrocatalysis is carried out in a complex environment, i.e.,
an electrolyte is required to increase the conductivity of the
solution and the interface between the catalyst and the solvent
is thin compared to the solution, making experimental characterization challenging.20–25 Despite considerable efforts, we lack,
therefore, a detailed mechanistic understanding at the atomic
level, hampering the rational design of novel catalysts. For
all these reasons, research and development have still huge
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2015, 17, 13949--13963 | 13949
104 ∑Electrocatalysis
View Article Online
Published on 27 April 2015. Downloaded by Bibliotheque Diderot de Lyon on 30/05/2016 13:18:40.
challenges to overcome in order to efficiently use CO2 as a C1
building block.
Atomic scale modelling is a powerful tool for complementing
the experimental effort and providing detailed information under
very well controlled conditions (catalyst surface, applied potential).
However, computations are usually performed on simplified
models and the influences of the electrolyte and of the solvent
on the catalyst interfacial properties are rarely considered,26
although their importance is well known from more empirical
approaches.27,28 The classical description of electrochemical
systems typically relies on ‘‘empirical’’ or at least drastically
simplified equations29 (e.g., Marcus–Hush for electron transfer,
Gouy–Chapman for the double layer properties or the Fokker–
Planck equation for mass transport). These mesoscopic equations
require system averaged parameters which can either be obtained
by fitting to experiment or approximately extracted from first
principles data. Although such multi-scale models30,31 may correctly
describe the relevant physics, the fundamental issue is that the
central ingredient in electrocatalysis, the electrochemical potential,
is far from being straight forward to include explicitly in a first
principles approach at the atomic level.
The present study investigates the electroreduction of CO2
in an aprotic solvent as a prerequisite for further investigations
of the CO2 coupling with alkenes.6,7,16–18 Oxalate is the major
product of CO2 electrolysis under aprotic conditions on ‘‘inert’’
electrodes, in particular over Pb.32,33 The proposed reaction
mechanism, which is in good agreement with the high overpotentials required for this reaction, goes through CO2! ". The
radical anion is supposed to be slightly stabilized by the surface
at potentials below "1.8 V (vs. Ag/AgCl) and then undergo a fast
surface assisted coupling.34 On more reactive electrodes, and in
particular over nickel, CO formation is frequently reported.11,14
The large majority of simulations of heterogeneous electrocatalysis rely on a simple model proposed in the seminal work
reported by Norskov and coworkers under the name of the
computational hydrogen electrode (CHE),35 and its extension to
other cations than H+, e.g., Li+36 or Na+, which we call linear
free energy relationship for electrode potentials (LFER-EP). In
this model, the electrochemical potential is assumed to affect only
the chemical potential of the exchanged electrons and solvent
effects are generally neglected. In a nutshell, this approach is an
a posteriori correction of first principles studies of neutral metal
surfaces in a vacuum that are routine computations for some
decades.37 The CHE model leads to highly exploitable results,38–44
despite its known limitations: the absence of polarisation of
adsorbed molecules and electron transfer strictly coupled to
cation transfer. This implies, for example, that this method
cannot grasp the transient anionic species CO2! ".
The comparison by Rossmeisl et al.45 of the zeroth order
approach CHE and the more advanced surface charge (SC)
method of Filhol and Neurock46 (vide infra) concluded that for
adsorbates with large dipole moments and for kinetic studies the
more sophisticated SC method should be applied.45 However,
to go beyond the CHE approach, one needs to explicitly integrate
the electrochemical potential into the first principles calculations.
Applying an electrochemical potential is equivalent to tune the
13950 | Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2015, 17, 13949--13963
workfunction, which is simulated by adding or subtracting
electrons from the neutral system. Hence, charged systems are
necessary to explicitly investigate the effect of an electrochemical
potential on surface adsorbed species. Unfortunately, charged
systems cannot be simulated under periodic boundary conditions, which most efficiently simulate extended metallic systems:
a periodically charged system is infinitely charged and hence the
Coulomb potential diverges. Therefore, when changing the number
of electrons in periodic computations a countercharge is required.
Several schemes have been proposed in the literature.26,46–53 The
technically simplest way to deal with the situation is to include
a homogeneous background charge.46 The technical simplicity
leads to a major drawback: the uniform background charge
interacts with the system, even within the metallic slab. Filhol
and Neurock have proposed a correction, leading to the surface
charging (SC) mehod, in order to mitigate the issue.46,52 The SC
model provides, despite the approximations, excellent agreement with experiment when a water bilayer is used to solvate
the surfaces, as exemplified by the phase diagram of H2O over
Pt45,54 and Ni,55 CO electro-oxidation over Pt56 and the borohydride oxidation.57
In addition to the electrochemical potential, electrochemistry
depends critically on the solvent because the dielectric constant of
the solvent governs the capability of a system to stabilize and
‘‘store’’ charges, i.e., the capacitance of the system. Therefore,
solvent effects are especially important for charged systems.
So far, the water solvent was modeled using an explicit bilayer
of water.45,54–59 In our case, we aim at modelling an aprotic
solvent such as DMF. However, just like including an electrochemical potential into the simulations, accounting for solvent
effects in electronic structure computations of extended systems
is still in its infancy,60–63 with implicit solvent models becoming
publicly available only very recently.64 This is in contrast with the
situation of molecular chemistry where several solvent models
have been developed and applied for many years.65
The aim of this study is two-fold. On the one hand, we will
provide some insight into the selectivity towards the formation
of carbonates upon CO2 electrolysis over nickel under aprotic
conditions. On the other hand, we will elucidate the influence
of the applied electrochemical potential on species adsorbed on
a metal surface in order to clarify two aspects of the modelling
of heterogeneous electrocatalysis: first, the importance to
account explicitly for the electrochemical potential, going beyond
the simplest consideration of the electrochemical potential and
second the role of modelling the solvent.
The following section reminds the reader of the basics of
modelling electrochemistry, before discussing the advantages
and limitations of the two schemes applied herein: the simple
linear free energy relationship for the electron chemical potential
(LFER-EP), popularized by Norskov and coworkers and the explicit
change of the electrochemical potential through charging the
surface and neutralizing the simulation cell with a homogeneous
background charge (SC) as developped by Filhol and Neurock.
After this methodological discussion, the results for aprotic CO2
reduction as described by the two approaches are presented to
illustrate the influence of the applied electrochemical potential
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∑Electrocatalysis 105
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and the solvation effects simultaneously. With the SC method,
we investigate the origin of the selectivity of Ni(111) to produce
carbon monoxide and carbonates rather than oxalates.
into a potential, also known as electromotive force, using the
universal equation
Ucell ¼ "
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2 Methods
Computational modelling of electrochemistry is hampered by
the simple fact that the electrode potential is not a natural
variable in quantum chemical computations. Most chemists
are used to think in the ‘‘constant charge’’ picture, i.e., the
number of electrons is not fluctuating during a reaction. Since
each species with a given number of electrons corresponds to a
different electrochemical potential, the ‘‘constant charge’’ picture
is inadequate for electrochemistry, where all the intermediates
should be treated at the same potential. For example, CO2 adsorbed
on a metal surface corresponds to a different potential than CO
and O co-adsorbed on the same surface. Hence, to get the
correct reaction energy, the charge on the surface for adsorbed
CO2 and CO, O needs to be adapted individually to reach the
desired potential. Therefore, an electrochemical half-cell is
effectively a grand-canonical ensemble where the number of
electrons is adapted according to the electrochemical potential
in a different way for different intermediates of an electrochemical
reaction. The most realistic approach would be to account for
solvent molecules and explicit counterions, but this approach
is computationally very demanding, requiring large unit cells
together with statistically meaningful sampling of the solvent
and counterion positions. To overcome this challenge, more
approximate schemes have been developed, where the countercharge is introduced as some idealized distribution in the unit
cell (vide infra).
where n is the number of electrons transferred, F the Faraday
constant and USHE,~ the standard reduction potential referenced to the standard hydrogen electrode (SHE).
The SHE is an ideal electrode which is immersed in an
aqueous solution with a H2 and H+ activity of unity and a zero
overpotential for hydrogen evolution, which corresponds to the
following definition
2H+ + 2e" " H2
DrG~ = 0.0 at USHE = 0 V
It is with respect to this idealized electrode reaction that formal
‘‘half-cell’’ potentials are commonly defined.
By definition, the reduction occurs at the cathode and the
oxidation at the anode, yielding the cell potential U~
cell = Ucathode " Uanode
Away from standard conditions, it is most straight forward
to compute first DrG of the reaction and then convert it back
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For spontaneous reactions, DrG is negative and hence Ucell
is positive.
When applying an electrochemical potential, it is helpful to
work with the following equation
DrG(USHE) = "nF(USHE,~ " USHE) = DG~
r + nFU
where USHE is the imposed potential and USHE,~ " USHE is, in
general, the over- or underpotential.
The SHE is inconvenient for computational purposes, as
simulating the hydrogen evolution under realistic conditions
and measuring potentials relative to this half-cell are extremely
cumbersome. Therefore, the common computational reference
state is vacuum: on the ‘‘vacuum scale’’, the energy of an electron
in vacuum is defined as zero and all the attractive energy comes
from interactions with the nuclei. This scale is often called the
‘‘absolute’’ scale for redox potentials; we will stick to the
unambiguous term ‘‘vacuum scale’’.66
A concept closely related to the electrode potential on the
vacuum scale is the workfunction W. The workfunction is the
energy required to remove one electron from a surface, i.e., we
can understand the workfunction as the ionization energy. For
metals, the electron affinity and the ionization energy have the
same value with opposite signs. Since the vacuum scale sets the
energy of the electron in a vacuum to zero, the chemical
potential of the electron (me) in the electrode is equal to minus
the workfunction, whereas the workfunction is identical to the
electrochemical potential, Uvac. Hence we might write
W = Uvac = "me
Basics of electrochemistry
To set the stage, this section gives a brief reminder of the basic
text book equations in electrochemistry, starting with the
standard Gibbs energy of reaction DrG~
DrG~ = "nFU SHE,~
Dr G
, and the vacuum
Of course, the ‘‘experimental scale’’, U
scale, U vac, are related. IUPAC recommends67 to assign a value of
U vac = 4.44 V to the standard hydrogen electrode.70 Accordingly,
we easily switch from one scale to the other using U vac = U SHE +
4.44 V as illustrated in Fig. 1. The remaining question is how a
given computation is connected to one or the other scale.
2.2 Linear free energy relationship for electrochemical
The linear free energy relationship for accounting for the
electrochemical potential, LFER-EP, is the zeroth order level
to treat electrochemical reactions, since it accounts exclusively
for the energy of the transferred electron. The premise is that
elementary reaction steps can be devided into chemical steps
(where the composition of the system remains constant) and
electrochemical steps, where the number of electrons changes
due to adding/removing an electron and its cation (e.g., Na+ +
e" " Na(s) or the more typical H+ + e" " 12H2). The LFER-EP
has been introduced by Norskov and coworkers in the formulation of the computational hydrogen electrode (CHE).35 Throughout this article, we will use LFER-EP for the generalization of the
CHE to other cations than the proton.36 However, in this section,
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2.3 Beyond the linear free energy relationship: the surface
charging method
Fig. 1 Scales of the electrochemical potential in volts with respect to the
vacuum (left) and to the standard hydrogen electrode (right). The experimental Na/Na+ redox couple and the computed workfunction of Ni(111)
and Pt(111) are given as examples.
the characteristics of the LFER-EP are discussed with the
example of the CHE.
The model and assumptions of the CHE are summarized in
the following:
1. Electronic energies are only required for electroneutral
entities and thus do not depend on the electrochemical
potential. When evaluating the potential dependence of reaction energies, these ‘‘zero charge’’ results give the reaction
energy at 0 V vs. SHE.71
2. Electron transfers are always coupled to proton transfers
and no charged systems are involved. Therefore, processes that
have no direct involvement of counterions (e.g., Fe3+(cp)2 +
e" - Fe2+(cp)2 with cp = cyclopentadienyl) cannot be studied
3. The applied electrochemical potential only affects the electrochemical steps, i.e., the proton coupled electron transfers.
4. The correction for the applied potential is derived from:
" 1
DGHþ þe" U SHE ¼ DG~
" qU SHE . In other words, the energy
2 H2
of the electron in the electrode is equal to "qUSHE, where q is
the fundamental charge involved in the electrochemical step.
5. The choice of the reference electrode and how it is coupled
to the system under consideration imply that the solvent is water
and that the hydration energy of a proton is neither influenced by
the electrochemical potential nor by the electrolyte.
To summarize, the computational hydrogen electrode allows
us to account for the nominal potential dependence of an
electrochemical reaction, i.e., to account for the last term of
eqn (5), nFU. However, it disregards any influence of the
interaction between species and the electrode itself at a specific
potential, i.e., it describes the correct physics for solution phase
electrochemistry, but it is an approximation for the elementary
reaction steps on an electrified interface where the number of
electrons is variable in order to keep the potential constant.
Despite these limitations, the LFER-EP is not only extremely
simple to apply (being an a posteriori correction to ‘‘standard’’
computations), but also the first step in any scheme improving
on the LFER-EP.
13952 | Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2015, 17, 13949--13963
Any method aiming to improve over the LFER-EP has to take the
specific interactions between adsorbates and the electrified
electrode explicitly into account, lifting assumptions 1–3 in the
CHE (vide supra) by introducing DGelec
r (U). The superscript ‘‘elec’’
indicates that the electronic contribution, originating in polarization and charge-transfer, to the free energy is included. The
simplest approach to assess the importance of the applied
electrochemical potential on the energies of adsorbates would
be to apply an electrical field in the simulation cell.72–74 However,
the surface charge density qsurf, needed for obtaining the electrochemical free energy, is tricky to evaluate.75
Schemes that account for all relevant free energy changes
alter, therefore, the number of electrons in the system
explicitly46,48,49,51–53,76 and work with the grand-canonical energy
expression for all the surface adsorbed species. The potential
dependent free energy of the surface Gsurf (Uvac) is given by
) " qsurf (U vac)FU vac
DGsurf (U vac) = DE elec
E DE elec
" U vac
surf(U0) " 2C(U
0 )
with DE elec
) being the electronic energy at potential U vac
and qsurf is positive if electrons are removed and negative when
electrons are added, i.e., qsurf is the surface charge density of
the system and U vac is the vacuum scale potential of the electrode.
The reasoning behind eqn (7) is that electrons removed from the
system are transferred to the electrode which serves as the
reservoir of electrons at the potential U vac. Similarly, adding an
electron from the electrode is associated with the energetic cost
of removing the electron from the reservoir. The approximate
equality refers to the quadratic development of the electronic
free energy,76,77 which can serve to introduce the notion of the
capacitance C of the surface and simplifies the link between SC
and LFER-EP results. Assuming a constant capacitance for a given
surface (which is often a reasonable first order approximation78)
the results of LFER-EP and eqn (7) are identical at the potential
which corresponds to the average of the zero charge potentials
(U0), i.e., the workfunctions. Note that in the SC model the
capacitance C is not an ‘‘external’’ constant: its value, which
corresponds to the curvature of the parabola (vide infra), is
determined for each system independently and is thus quite
different in a vacuum than in implicit DMF. Furthermore, as can be
seen in Fig. 6, the capacitance weakly depends on the adsorbate:
the binding energy difference between two adsorbates (e.g., 2CO2
vs. CO, CO3) is not simply a straight line as would be the case if the
capacitances of the implicated systems were equal.
The different surface charging schemes (e.g., neutralization
with a homogeneous background-charge as developed by Filhol
and Neurock46,52,76 or Otani’s implicit counterelectrode48,53)
have a different way to obtain the first term of eqn (7), i.e.,
DE elec(Uvac), while the second term is, essentially, the same as
the one needed for the nominal potential dependence, introduced in the previous section. Here, we will apply the surface
charging method in the formulation by Filhol and Neurock
which we abreviate by SC.76
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The two main advantages of these general approaches are (a)
Proper potential alignment: since these methods work with the
vacuum scale potential, assessed through workfunctions, the
potential of all the systems is referenced to vacuum and properly
aligned, i.e., changes in the workfunction due to adsorptions
and reactions are fully taken into account. (b) Decoupling of
electrons and counterion transfer: eqn (7) does not make use
of any counterion. Hence a potential dependence of a system
where only an electron transfer has occurred is easily accessible.
For example, the potential dependence of CO2 adsorption is
readily evaluated with such a scheme, while it is a constant
within the LFER-EP framework. To be explicit, the clear distinction
between ‘‘chemical’’ and ‘‘electrochemical’’ steps makes place
for a ‘‘gradual, nuanced’’ description, where the electrochemical
potential fixes an electrode polarization, which requires a specific
surface charge density, qsurf. Hence, the coupled electron cation
transfer, which could be reasonably described by LFER-EP
and be a good approximation in the case of covalent bond
formation (e.g., C–H), becomes a special case, while in general
the surface charge changes by a characteristic value for a given
elementary reaction.
The energy of the reactants in the formally electrochemical
steps are obtained like in the LFER-EP approach, i.e.,
DGX+e"(Uvac) = DGX + q(Uvac,~
" Uvac)
can be either obtained from the experiment (e.g.,
where, Uvac,~
4.44 V for 12H2) or from the computed workfunction (e.g., 2.74 V
for Na(100) in a vacuum). The advantage of the later approach
is that the workfunction of an uncharged sodium surface can
be computed under the specific computational conditions, e.g.,
using the same solvent model, giving a ‘‘consistent’’ description. Of course, this standard redox-potential can also be
applied in the LFER-EP.
3 Model
The electroreduction of CO2 under aprotic conditions opens up
several reaction channels. Herein, we investigate the C–C coupling
of CO2, leading to oxalates
and the dissociation reaction of CO2 into CO and adsorbed
oxygen. Under electrochemical conditions, the surface bound
oxygen may further be reduced to carbonate
Both products are, in principle, competitors in any reaction
where CO2 is reduced electrochemically, e.g., formic acid or
hydrocarbon formation8,9,11,12,14,15 and are therefore worth
studying in order to, subsequently, assess the selectivity of
This journal is © the Owner Societies 2015
the target reactions. However, under the studied aprotic conditions, no formic acid or hydrocarbons can be formed.
As far as simulations are concerned, the aprotic solvent DMF
has the advantage compared to water that it is non-reactive and
that no specific interactions (H-bonds) are expected between
the solvent and the solute, but the disadvantage that its size is
considerably larger, pushing simulations with meaningful
explicit layers of DMF beyond our present capabilities. However, the average effect of the solvent, i.e., increased capacitance, might be captured well enough by an implicit solvent
model, which avoids the ambiguities in choosing a structure for
the static solvent layers as usually proposed when including
solvent effects.46 Therefore, our study investigates the combination of implicit solvent treatment and explicit accounting of
the electrochemical potential. Although this model is far from
perfect (the double layer is grossly approximated by the homogeneous background charge and there are no explicit solvent
molecules), to the best of our knowledge, it is the state of the art
that can be done with publicly available, well established, periodic
DFT codes.
We model the catalyst surface by the Ni(111) facet and the
solvent by a continuum with a relative dielectric constant (e) of
37.2, characteristic of DMF. The latter is also very close to the
one of another typical aprotic solvent for electrochemistry,
acetonitrile (e = 37.7). The results will hence be generally
applicable to aprotic solvents with a high dielectric constant.
Vlachos and co-workers concluded that the water gas shift
reaction, which involves chemisorbed CO2 and co-adsorbed
CO and O, similarly to systems reported herein, yields overall
similar results at the Ni(111) surface or the Ni(211) facet.79
Therefore, we have limited ourselves to the ideal Ni(111) surface.
In order to gain a more complete understanding, simulations over
different surfaces and the determination of activation barriers
should be considered, but these investigations are beyond the
scope of this study.
Experimentally, the electroreductive coupling of CO2 to alkenes is
carried out with a sacrifying aluminum or magnesium electrode.16–18
Computationally, the monovalent sodium cation is more convenient than the di- or trivalent cations and the redox potential
is comparable. Therefore, we model the counterion by Na+. For
example, carbonate is simulated as Na2CO3 instead of Al2(CO3)3.
The solvation energy of Na+ is predicted to be "3.14 eV by the
implicit solvation model. At the equilibrium potential, the energy
of Na+ in solution is equal to the energy of Na on the metallic
sodium surface, i.e., the solvation energy is roughly compensated
by the workfunction. The solvation energy provided by the implicit
solvent model is, thus, fairly consistent with the workfunction
of sodium metal (2.7 V) but underestimated compared to the
4–4.5 eV expected based on experimental data and clustercontinuum data in a similar solvent.80 Considering that Na+ is
co-adsorbed on the surface (or embedded in the salt solid) and
therefore never ‘‘fully solvated’’ and its energy is obtained from the
workfunction of solid sodium, we did not try to improve the
description of Na+ by including explicit solvent molecules. Furthermore, the incurred error has an undetermined sign and magnitude compared to the experimentally relevant Al3+or Mg2+.
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The salts (Na2CO3 and Na2C2O4) are modelled as crystals with
two chemical formulas per unit cell. These models are derived
from experimental crystal structures81,82 and are fully optimized.
To assess the window of the electrochemical stability of Na+
under our conditions, there is, on the one hand, a workfunction
of sodium (B2.7 V), which assures the formal stability of Na+
down to about "1.8 V vs. SHE with respect to the formation of
solid sodium. On the other hand, Na+ adsorption on Ni(111) is
positive (i.e., unstable) within this potential window (vide infra,
Fig. 2). Hence, Na+ is, indeed, the relevant chemical species
under the simulated conditions.
4 Computational details
The metal surface is modeled as a symmetric p(3 % 3) Ni(111)
slab with a lattice constant of 3.52 Å and a thickness of 5 layers
(the middle layer is frozen in its bulk position), in a periodic
box of 37.35 Å. The spin-polarized electronic structure is
described at the PBE level,83 with an energy cut-off of 400 eV
for the plane-wave basis set. The electron–ion interactions are
described by the PAW formalism.84,85 All computations are
performed with VASP,87 Accounting for solvation effects
is achieved by exploiting the implicit solvation model26,88 as
implemented by Hennig and co-workers under the name
VASPsol.64 In this model, the electrostatic interaction with the
implicit solvent is computed based on a linear polarization model,
where the relative permittivity of the medium is a continuous
function of the electron density. A switching function around a
specified isodensity value is used to vary the relative permitivity
from 1 (well ‘‘inside’’ the surface metal atoms) to the solvent bulk
value far away from the surface. This modified Hartree potential
is obtained by solving the modified Poisson equation. Hence,
the polarization of the system due to the solvent is included
self-consistently. In order to get numerically stable results for
the potential in empty space, the surface tension was set to zero
(no cavitation energy) and the critical density value was reduced
to 2.5 % 10"4 e Å"3. The dielectric constant of DMF was set to
37.2. Note that when we started this study, VASPsol was
incompatible with non-local van der Waals density functionals
and we did therefore not apply them. Since we are mainly
comparing two electrochemical approaches, we do not expect to
obtain qualitatively different conclusions upon accounting for
weak non-bonded interactions. All geometries were optimized
to reach a gradient smaller than 0.05 eV Å"1 with wave functions converged to 5 % 10"5 eV. The precision setting of VASP is
set to ‘‘normal’’ and the automatic optimization of the realspace projection operators is used.
The energy of the sodium cation is obtained according to
eqn (7) with the energy of an atom in bulk sodium (DGNa) and
is 2.74 V in a
the workfunction of the Na(100) surface (Uvac,~
vacuum and 2.67 V in implicit DMF).
In the SC method, the system is charged and Ne electrons are
present in total instead of the neutral N0 number. In order to
reach an overall neutral cell, a uniform background charge of
the opposite sign is applied. This uniform charge is also
13954 | Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2015, 17, 13949--13963
present in the metal slab itself, where it is screened by the
metal. Hence, the ‘‘effective’’ applied charge is reduced and the
DFT energy must be corrected accordingly. The correction
suggested by Filhol and Neurock46,52,76 reads
Gelec U abs ¼ EDFT ðN0 Þ þ ðEDFT ðNe Þ " EDFT ðN0 ÞÞ
ð Ne
þ q Va ðNe ÞdNe þ U abs ðNe " N0 Þ
Z N0
where Uabs is the workfunction for the system with Ne electrons
and N0 is the number of electrons for the neutral system. Z is the
interslab repeat vector of one supercell (z-direction) and z0 is the
segment along this direction not occupied by the metal slab
(the radius of the atoms is derived from the lattice constant),
therefore (in our setup ¼ 0:703) gives the ratio of the space
in which the homogeneous back-ground charge is ‘‘active’’, i.e.,
not screened by the metallicity of the slab. This ‘‘screening’’
z0 %
concerns ðNe " N0 Þ 1 "
electrons. q is the elementary charge
and the integral approximates the interaction energy of the
homogeneous background with the system in order to remove
this spurious interaction. The interaction is estimated from the
electrostatic potential Va, in the middle between the two symmetric
surfaces, which is taken to be the energy of the ‘‘vacuum’’, i.e., it is
also used to compute the workfunction. Note that even though we
are using the symbol G for the free energy (to emphasize that the
free energy change due to electron transfer is taken into account)
eqn (9) would need to be supplemented by the standard terms
accounting for translational, rotational and vibrational degrees
of freedom in order to be a ‘‘proper’’ Gibbs energy. When
discussing the results, we will thus refer to ‘‘adsorption energies’’
and not ‘‘adsorption free energies’’, although they are ‘‘electronic
free energies’’.
Energies were obtained for at least 5 different charges for
each system. Subsequently, a parabolic fit was used for accessing arbitrary potentials. The same procedure is applied to get
the effective charge qsurf (U) at an arbitrary potential. These
data are used to evaluate the charge injection Dadsq(U) = (qslab
(U) + Nmol) " qsystem
is the
surf (U) for a given reaction, where N
sum of the electrons in the isolated molecules (the counterion,
Na+, is considered as a charged species) adsorbed on the
surface. A script for automating these tasks is available in
the supplementary information. Whenever technically possible,
the charges were chosen to obtain an interpolating parabola
between "2 and 1 V (vs. SHE). Depending on the system this
was not possible, as in the highly (negatively) charged systems
the required electrons are not bound on the surface anymore
but spilling out into the ‘‘vacuum’’, filled with the background
charge. In these situations, eqn (9) is not applicable anymore,
which is seen as strong deviations from the parabolic behavior.
5 Results and discussion
CO2 electrolysis under aprotic conditions is reported to yield
CO and carbonate or the C–C coupling product, oxalate, depending
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Fig. 2 Adsorption (top) and associated charge injection (bottom) upon adsorption of Na+(purple) and of CO2 on Ni(111) as a function of electrochemical
potential in a vacuum (left) and implicit DMF (right). Two adsorption modes are compared for CO2: the intact chemisorption (red) and the dissociative
adsorption (i.e., CO and O co-adsorption, brown). Broken lines indicate the co-adsorption with Na+. The thin lines refer to the LFER-EP, while the thick
lines are computed with the SC method.
on the electrode material. We therefore start by investigating
the adsorption of the reactant, CO2, and its dissociation into
co-adsorbed CO and O. Then we consider the influence of CO2
This journal is © the Owner Societies 2015
coverage and the formation of oxalate, competing with the one
of carbonate and carbon monoxide. Investigating this intrinsic
reactivity of CO2 under aprotic, reductive conditions will not
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only be helpful to understand the mechanism and selectivity of
the carboxylation reaction of alkenes under similar conditions,
but serves equally well to determine the level of modelling
necessary to conduct such mechanistic studies for reactions
where experimental results are scarce.
We compare the simple linear free energy relationship for
the electrochemical potential (LFER-EP) to the more advanced
surface charging (SC) method. As explained above, LFER-EP
does not describe the polarization of the surface and imposes a
strict coupling of the Na+ and e" transfer. In contrast, the SC
model polarizes the surface according the the electrochemical
potential and electron transfer occurs also in the absence of a
cation transfer. Hence, under strongly reducing conditions SC
and LFER-EP may differ significantly and SC is potentially more
convenient: the cation (Na+) has no well defined place in the
reduced species (in contrast to the proton which forms regular
C–H and O–H bonds), but has to be introduced in LFER-EP,
while it might not be necessary in SC.
The adsorption of CO2 together with the preferred adsorption mode of oxalate on Ni(111) as a function of potential will
be used to assess the limitations of LFER-EP in practice and the
role of the solvent. Having established the consequences of the
improved description of SC compared to LFER-EP, we investigate the coverage effect on CO2 dissociative adsorption and
elucidate the origin of the selectivity of CO and carbonate
rather than oxalate formation over Ni(111).
5.1 Comparison of the potential dependence of adsorption
energies in a vacuum and an implicit solvent
Fig. 2 shows the energetics and associated charge injection
Dadsq in the case of CO2 and Na+ adsorption on Ni(111) as a
function of electrochemical potential in a vacuum (left) and
when accounting for solvent effects through an implicit solvent
(right). The charge injection is defined as the net charge applied
for the considered potential for the chemisorbed system minus
that of the bare Ni(111) surface. It hence corresponds to the extra
charge that needs to be injected in the presence of adsorbed
species to maintain the potential constant. The LFER-EP framework is characterized by the distinction of elementary steps into
‘‘chemical’’ and ‘‘electrochemical’’ steps. The former are rearrangements of nuclear coordinates, while the latter involve addition/
substraction of an electron and its counterion, e.g., Na+ + e". Since
electron and cation transfer are strictly coupled, the injected charge
is simply 1 e" for electrochemical steps and 0 for chemical steps.
As a consequence, only the reaction energies of electrochemical
steps depend on the potential within the LFER-EP approach.
Furthermore, all systems are electroneutral. Within the SC
model, however, the number of electrons in the system is
individually adapted to every intermediate to tune the workfunction to the specified level. Therefore, the chemical and electrochemical steps are no longer formally separated from each other.
In the text we will frequently refer to ‘‘oxalate’’ or ‘‘carbonate’’
for species adsorbed on the surface. These adsorbates do not
necessarily have the ‘‘net’’ charge of the corresponding solution
species: the adsorbate and the electrode form one system and
13956 | Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2015, 17, 13949--13963
the (surface) charge is a continuous function of the electrochemical potential.
We start the comparison of the two methods for including
the electrochemical potential first in a vacuum and only in a
second stage when accounting for solvent effects.
As a first example for a chemical step, consider the adsorption of CO2 in the absence of Na+ co-adsorption: by construction,
LFER-EP yields an adsorption energy which is independent of the
potential and the injected charge is strictly 0. However, when
co-adsorbing CO2 with Na+, we are confronted with an electrochemical step within the LFER-EP framework, since cation and
electron transfer are coupled. The adsorption energy as a function
of potential has a slope of one, corresponding to the coupled
electron transfer. In the case of the SC model, the surface
charge adapts to the potential. However, since charges are not
well stabilized in a vacuum, the charge variations compared to
LFER-EP (strict coupling of electron and cation transfer), obtained
with the surface charging method, are almost negligible (Fig. 2b):
the maximum difference occurs for Na+ where the charge injection is B 0.9 instead of 1. The number of injected electrons is
the main factor determining the potential dependence: according to eqn (5) the slope of DG(U) is, to first order, proportional
to the number of electrons injected. The inability of vacuum to
stabilize charges implies that minor charge variations change
the potential considerably, leading to very small free energy
changes due to potential alignment effects. Since at the same
time the electrons are only marginally better stabilized in one
system than in the other (e.g., on CO2@Ni(111) compared to the
bare surface), the adsorption energies barely change compared
to the zero charge (LFER-EP) results. In a vacuum, the systems
are thus effectively electroneutral and introducing a counterion
is strongly coupled to an electron transfer. Hence, the potential
dependence for the more detailed SC method is very similar to
the simple LFER-EP method, i.e., adsorptions in the absence
of Na+ are basically horizontal lines, while the reductive
Na+ adsorption or co-adsorption leads to a strong potential
dependence with a slope of B1. Therefore, in a vacuum, where
charge accumulation at metals is small, the LFER-EP is a very
reliable approximation.
Accounting for solvent effects leads to a very different
picture when explicitly tuning the electrode potential, while
the LFER-EP lines are quite similar to the ones in a vacuum: on
Fig. 2a (right) slopes of the thin lines are unchanged by
construction, while intercepts are only affected in the case of
Na+ adsorption where the charge distribution is somewhat
stabilized by the polarizable solvent. When applying the surface
charging method, the dielectric medium stabilizes charges at
the interface, especially in the presence of adsorbates and as a
result the injected charge significantly deviates from the ideal
values of zero or 1. Equivalently one might say that the dielectric
medium increases the capacitance of the system. For chemisorbed
CO2 or CO, O, the injected charge is significantly enhanced by
the solvent, up to a value of B0.2e", and hence the adsorption
energy depends on the potential with a marked stabilization at
negative potentials, where CO2 or CO accumulates a negative
charge, which is stabilized by the solvent (Bader charges on the
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adsorbate as a function of potential and the solvent can be
found in the ESI†). Such a potential dependence is obviously
absent in the LFER-EP. Hence, the two methods considerably
deviate in the presence of a solvent. For example, at U = "1 V
CO2 is underbound by 0.4 eV compared to the SC method,
which gives an exothermic reaction for CO2 adsorption
below 0 V.
Assuming a constant capacitance (C, see eqn (7)), lines for
SC and LFER-EP cross at the average zero charge potential, i.e.,
at the potential that corresponds to the average of the workfunction of the neutral systems. Note that such an assumption
is not involved in the SC model, but might be made for
interpretative purposes. For example, the workfunction of
Ni(111) and CO2@Ni(111) is 0.58 and 1.39 V vs. SHE in implicit
DMF, respectively (see ESI†). Hence, the thin and thick full
orange-red lines in the graph on the right of Fig. 2a are
expected to cross at 0.99 V. Indeed, at 0.75 V (the limit of the
x-axis in Fig. 2a), the two lines almost cross. The good agreement between the constant C prediction and the actual crossing
point gives credibility to the approximation of constant capacity
when comparing similar systems. Furthermore, this observation
justifies to call the potential at the crossing point the effective
potential to which the LFER-EP results of non-electrochemical
steps correspond to. Hence, the LFER-EP results for CO2 adsorption in the absence of Na+ co-adsorption correspond to an
effective potential of almost 1 V, which is very far from the
reducing conditions of interest herein.
The potential dependence of the Na+ assisted adsorptions is
also considerably modified by the solvent. The injected charge
is markedly lower than 1 for Na+ adsorption since the polar
solvent stabilizes the partial positive charge on Na. This can be
easily explained considering a particular case. Neutral Na@Ni(111) corresponds to a potential of "2.6 V. At this potential, the
bare surface is, however, not neutral, but effectively charged by
0.5 e" for a p(3 % 3) super cell. Hence, the injected charge to
reach the neutral Na@Ni(111) is only 0.5 e". The co-adsorption
of Na+ and CO2 combines the effects described above and the
charge injection (although not complete to "1) reaches B0.75e"
at strongly reducing potentials. In other words, Na+ adsorption
is not coupled anymore with a full electron transfer and we are
dealing with a somehow solvated Na+ and partially reduced
carbon dioxide. Similarly, in the case of CO2 dissociation,
there is only a rather weak potential dependence. Nevertheless,
in both competing reactions, we clearly obtain a stronger
potential dependence in the presence of the counterion than
in its absence, demonstrating the stabilizing capabilities of
counterions without imposing counterion-coupled electron
transfers, provided that ionic species are stabilized in a dielectric medium. The partially injected charge under realistic
solvent conditions and its deviation from the ideal values
of 0 or 1 have strong consequences on the slope of the
adsorption energy as a function of potential energy, which
markedly differs between the two methods as seen on Fig. 2a
right. Obviously, in the presence of a high dielectric constant
solvent, the LFER-EP is not anymore a reliable approximation
to evaluate adsorption energies.
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5.2 Preferred surface species and coverage dependence of CO2
In the following section, we will focus more closely on the
nature of the preferred surface species as a function of electrochemical potential. Independent of the scheme and conditions,
the dissociative adsorption of CO2 into CO and O is favored
by at least 1 eV at low coverage (1/9 ML), motivating us to
investigate higher coverages. Increasing the coverage also allows
us to model carbonate and oxalate formation since they require
at least two CO2 molecules in the unit cell, which corresponds,
in our case to a coverage of 2/9 ML.
As seen in the previous section, SC delivers a more general
description of the electrochemical systems than LFER-EP, provided
solvation is included. Here, we are discussing the extreme case
of dissociative adsorption of CO2 in the absence of Na+
co-adsorption as a function of surface coverage. By construction, LFER-EP gives constant adsorption energies for these
reactions. Furthermore, CO, O co-adsorption at zero charge
has a workfunction of 1.37 V vs. SHE. Hence, the LFER-EP
results for the dissociative adsorption correspond to an effective potential of about 1 V, just like CO2@Ni(111) (vide supra).
This oxidative potential is far from the potentials of interest
herein and we will thus not consider LFER-EP any further in
this section. In the SC model, we can compute the Bader charges
as a function of potential (see ESI†). This analysis reveals that the
charge on the surface bound oxygen varies less than the charge on
CO when lowering the potential: the oxygen is already negatively
charged like in a surface oxide and does not accept significantly
more electrons. CO3 is, on the other hand, a rather powerful
electron acceptor and hence the injected charge is significantly
higher when a CO2 is coupled to a surface oxygen atom instead
of being dissociated into CO, O (blue compared to brown lines
in Fig. 3b). With the solvent taken into account, the charge
injection reaches up to 0.5 electrons for carbonate at the
highest coverage considered. This significant charge injection
goes along with a dramatic stabilization of the species at
reducing potentials, not only compared to the LFER-EP results,
but also compared to other surface bound species. For example
carbonate and CO at high coverages (full, blue line in Fig. 3b)
get more stable than dissociated CO2 at 2/9 ML (broken, brown
line) at potentials o"1.2 V.
This comparison shows that solvent effects are crucial for
the prediction of relative stabilities under electrochemical
conditions and for allowing rather decoupled electron transfers. Hence, for chemical conclusions only SC results with a
solvent description are discussed.
Increasing the CO2 coverage from 1/9 to 3/9 ML (see Fig. 3a)
goes along with a reduced tendency (per CO2 molecule) to
dissociate CO2. Dissociative CO2 adsorption is even endothermic
at a coverage of 3/9 ML for potential 4"0.5 V, while at 2/9 ML the
CO2 dissociation is exothermic, but already less than twice
the value for 1/9 ML. Comparing the dissociated systems with the
ones where carbonate is formed (CO2 + O - CO3), a contrasting
picture emerges. At a coverage of 2/9 ML carbonate formation
(without counterions) is still disfavored at all potentials considered,
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Fig. 3 Total adsorption energies (top) and associated charge injection (bottom) of one, two and three CO2 on Ni(111) as a function of electrochemical
potential. The adsorbed species are derived from dissociated CO2, i.e., CO and O (in brown), and at higher coverages, CO and CO3. Three coverages are
considered: 1/9 ML (spaced broken lines), 2/9 ML (broken lines) and 3/9 ML (full lines) in a vacuum (left) and implicit DMF (right). The lines in blue
correspond to systems where one CO2 has reacted with a surface adsorbed oxygen atom to give CO3. Thin lines refer to LFER-EP and thick lines to the
SC method.
but if a coverage of 3/9 ML is imposed, carbonate formation is
expected even at mildly positive potentials. Furthermore, since
the full blue line crosses the broken brown line in Fig. 3a right,
13958 | Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2015, 17, 13949--13963
the thermodynamically preferred state switches with the potential:
from dissociated CO2 at an intermediate coverage (2/9 ML)
for potentials 4"1.2 V to carbonate and dissociated CO2,
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yielding higher coverages (3/9 ML), for potentials o"1.2 V. The
latter is in fair agreement with the report of carbonate formation
starting around "1.5 V.15,19,89 Nevertheless, even at 3/9 ML
coverage, the dissociative adsorption of CO2 is exothermic at
potentials below "0.5 V in solution, suggesting that CO might
generally be a relevant intermediate in CO2 reduction over Ni, e.g.,
even for C–C bond formation with alkenes.
From a chemical point of view we have learned two lessons:
first, CO2 has a strong thermodynamic tendency to dissociate
on Ni(111) at any potential considered. Nevertheless, strongly
reducing conditions are required to desorb reduced products
(vide infra), i.e., the dissociation at anodic potentials is not
catalytic but just poisoning the catalyst surface. This tendency
to dissociate CO2 is well in line with the frequently reported CO
production during CO2 electroreduction over Ni15,19,89 and the
use of Ni as a catalyst at the cathode of solid oxide electrolyzers
of CO2.90 Second, thermodynamically, the surface bound oxygen
can be coupled to a second CO2 molecule yielding carbonates –
and carbonate formation is favored at reducing potentials and
high surface coverage.
5.2.1 Adsorption mode of oxalate. Above, we have focused
on CO2 dissociation and the formation of a C–O bond. As an
alternative, the reductive dimerization, i.e., the C–C bond
formation yielding oxalate, has to be considered. When comparing
the relative stability of C2O4 with CO3, CO on Ni(111) one finds
that oxalates are much higher in energy than carbonates, which
is largely due to the important CO adsorption energy. Nevertheless, the adsorption mode of oxalates serves as an example
for a switch in the preferred adsorption mode (as opposed to a
switch in the preferred surface species) as a function of electrochemical potential. Such a switch is, by definition, absent in the
LFER-EP and thus illustrates the truly atomic, detailed understanding which is obtained with the SC method.
Fig. 4 displays the geometries of oxalates either adsorbed
‘‘flat’’, parallel, to the Ni(111) surface or slightly twisted,
‘‘perpendicular’’, creating a strong surface dipole and Fig. 5
shows their adsorption energies. The different magnitude of
the surface dipole is also reflected by the workfunction, which
is 1.52 and 1.78 V vs. SHE for the parallel and perpendicular
adsorption mode, respectively. The first observation is that with
or without implicit solvent, the parallel adsorption mode is
favored in the zero charge picture, which is what would be
discussed in the context of the LFER-EP. However, when
accounting for the potential dependence of the two adsorption
modes, a crossing is obtained: in a vacuum, quite reducing
potentials (o"1.1 V) are necessary to stabilize the perpendicular
mode. However, when accounting for the solvent, the situation is
completely reversed: for potentials as high as 0.5 V the ‘‘perpendicular’’ mode is more stable, as now the charge accumulation ‘‘far’’
from the surface is stabilized by the solvent. In addition, the
energy of the adsorbed species is markedly modified. For example, the surface charging method stabilizes oxalate by 0.7 eV at
"1 V compared to the zero charge picture.
Unfortunately, this implies that the ‘‘zero charge’’ relative
stabilities (here a difference of about 0.2 eV) are not necessarily
representative for the relative stabilities under electrochemical
This journal is © the Owner Societies 2015
Fig. 4 ‘‘Perpendicular’’ and ‘‘parallel’’ adsorption modes of oxalate (C2O4)
on Ni(111) on the left and right, respectively.
conditions. Therefore, even for the ‘‘conformational search’’
the potential dependence would need to be accounted for.
However, since this is associated with substantial effort, we
have limited ourselves herein to the lowest adsorption energy at
zero charge. Further studies will try to establish a rapid prescreening or a ‘‘predictive’’ scheme which exploits the workfunction differences between competing adsorption modes in
order to identify the structures for which computing the potential
dependence is warranted.
Reaction energies for carbonate and oxalate formation
Carbonates are possibly formed at high coverages, even in the
absence of counterions. On the other hand, the simplest C–C
coupling product, oxalate, seems to lie at considerably higher
energy. These findings raise the question: with the possibility of
stabilizing counterions, would carbonate form quantitatively or
could oxalate be dramatically stabilized?
To start with, we consider the reaction energy of the overall
reactions starting from CO2 in the gas-phase
2CO2(g) + 2(Na+ + e") - Na2CO3(s) + CO(g)
2CO2(g) + 2(Na+ + e") - Na2C2O4(s)
yielding the Na2CO3(s) and Na2C2O4(s) salts, which are, for
computational efficiency, modelled by perfect periodic crystals
(see section Models). These salts are dissolved by high dielectric
solvents such as DMF. Hence, their true energy (e.g., as ion
pairs in solution) is lower than assumed herein. These reaction
energies are given as a function of potential in thin broken
lines in Fig. 6. For the sake of consistency with the adsorption
energies discussed above, reaction energies are ‘‘electronic’’
energies, i.e., neglecting zero-point and thermal corrections.
If the overall reaction is uphill at potential U, then the
reaction is unlikely to proceed at room temperature. Hence,
we first investigate the overall thermodynamics of the quantitative formation of crystalline sodium carbonate and sodium
oxalate starting from CO2, Na+ and electrons at a potential U
that is sufficiently reductive (see broken lines in Fig. 6). In the
case of carbonates, the side product is carbon monoxide, which
has to be desorbed from the surface in order to close the catalytic
cycle. This step is endothermic by about 1.9 eV and therefore
the formation of crystalline sodium carbonate requires a minimal
potential of "1.25 V for the combined reaction to be exothermic,
in reasonable agreement with the reported onset potential
around "1.5 V.15 Oxalate formation, on the other hand, is
thermodynamically much more accessible: already at potentials
lower than "0.6 V, the formation of sodium oxalate is thermodynamically feasible.
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Fig. 5 Adsorption energies of two CO2 molecules, in the form of oxalate as a function of electrochemical potential. The oxalate can be adsorbed
‘‘parallel’’ to the nickel surface (dark green) or perpendicular (green). Thin lines refer to the zero charge picture while broken lines refer to the surface
charging method. The graph on the left and right corresponds to vacuum and implicit DMF, respectively.
Fig. 6 Reaction energies of two CO2 as a function of electrochemical potential in a vacuum (left) and implicit DMF (right). Thick lines refer to reactions
- CO, COads
starting from chemisorbed CO2 yielding adsorbed products, e.g., CO3, CO (blue): 2COads
3 , with the number of co-adsorbed Na adapted
according to the potential. Thin lines refer to the overall reaction: isolated CO2 reacts with electrons and counterions to yield precipitated salts, e.g.,
Na2C2O4(s) (dark-green): 2CO2(g) + 2Na+ + 2 e" - Na2C2O4(s). The vertical red lines indicate the point where the reactant changes from CO2, Na@Ni(111)
to CO2@Ni(111).
Since both carbonate and oxalate formation are surface
assisted processes, the second relevant question is if these
reactions are feasible on the surface. Hence, we investigate
13960 | Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2015, 17, 13949--13963
the transformation of chemisorbed CO2 into adsorbed products. Depending on the potential, the reactant and/or the
products are co-adsorbed with Na+ and the corresponding SC
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reaction energies are represented in thick lines in Fig. 6.
Concerning the reactant, the co-adsorption of CO2 with Na+ is
favored at stronlgy reducing potentials. This change in the
energy reference leads to a discontinuity in the reaction energies
and is indicated by a vertical line. Similarly, for each segment, the
most stable product is indicated in Fig. 6 at the given coverage (i.e.
2/9 ML): the number of co-adsorbed Na+ increases with more
and more reducing (more negative) potentials. These changes
in the number of cations lead to the other discontinuities in the
reaction energy. Since we are considering reaction energies, the
reference energy is different from that of the preceding figures,
which modifies the aspect of the potential dependence. The
potential dependence of relative energies is directly related to
workfunction differences. The change in workfunction (potential
of zero charge) is often larger for an adsorption process than for a
surface reaction. Therefore, the potential dependence of reaction
energies is often less pronounced than for adsorption energies.
Nevertheless, since the workfunction still changes during a reaction, the SC method delivers more reliable results in general and
we are only showing and discussing these results.
The oxalate formation is shown as a green line in Fig. 6: at
potentials 4"0.5 V, Na+ does neither co-adsorb with the
reactant nor with the product in vacuum and the formation
of oxalate on the surface is endothermic. For lower potentials,
one counterion is co-adsorbed with oxalate, but not with CO2,
giving rise to the noticeable potential dependence of the
reaction energy. Furthermore, at potentials lower than "0.9 V,
the surface catalyzed reaction could take place at a reasonable rate
since it is exothermic, provided that there is chemisorbed CO2
available and not only CO and O. At potentials lower than
"1.25 V, the reactant is CO2, co-adsorbed with Na+ that yields
surface adsorbed sodium oxalate (Na2C2O4). However, the
potential dependence of the elementary reaction is almost
negligible in the absence of Na+ co-adsorption, i.e., the capacitance and workfunction of C2O4@Ni(111) are not significantly
larger than those of CO2@Ni(111). The situation for carbonate
formation is similar to that for oxalate formation, except that
thermodynamically it is much more accessible on the surface,
not the least because of the CO@Ni(111) byproduct. Hence,
carbonate formation is preferred over oxalate formation on the
Ni(111) surface, although the overall reaction energy is less favorable. Nevertheless, the dominating surface species down to "1.75 V
is CO, O, which itself might react with additional CO2 to yield
carbonate, but is not expected to form oxalates.
Na+ co-adsorption provides less stability under solvent conditions than in a vacuum. For instance, surface adsorbed
oxalate is stabilized by Na+ at potentials below "0.5 V in
vacuum, but only below "1.0 V in implicit DMF. As a consequence, the surface reaction forming C2O4 is isoenergetic at
B"0.9 V in a vacuum, but it takes "1.9 V when solvating the
systems. Hence, oxalate formation on Ni(111) is even less
expected under solvent conditions than in a vacuum. Furthermore, adsorbed oxalate is more compact and thus less accessible
to the solvent than two chemisorbed CO2 molecules, resulting
in a loss of solvation energy for oxalate formation. Although
similar remarks apply to carbonate formation, the details differ
This journal is © the Owner Societies 2015
slightly, mostly because the solvent effect is enhanced for
carbonate compared to oxalate. Finally, the relative stability
of CO, O (2/9 ML) compared to carbonate in solvent varies less
with the potential than in vacuum. Nevertheless, at very reducing potentials carbonate formation becomes competitive with
the poisoning of the catalyst by the CO, O surface layer, just like
in vacuum. Hence, the combination of unfavorable oxalate
formation on the surface with the overwhelming competition
of CO2 dissociation and carbonate formation makes oxalate
formation unlikely over a nickel catalyst despite a favorable overall
reaction energy. In contrast, carbonate and carbon monoxide
formation is likely at low potentials. This selectivity between
the two possible products of CO2 electroreduction under aprotic
conditions over Ni is in excellent agreement with experimental
observations: oxalate formation accounts for less than 10% of
the current density, while CO formation is the major product
observed under aprotic conditions.11,14,15
6 Conclusion
Investigating by first principles the intrinsic reactivity of CO2 on
Ni(111) under electrochemically reducing conditions in aprotic
media, we have compared two approaches that take the electrochemical potential into account. Furthermore, the comparison
exploits a recently implemented implicit solvent model64 to move
towards more realistic conditions than vacuum.
The present study evidences that the zeroth order method
for including the electrochemical potential (LFER-EP) is a
valuable tool for quickly assessing the thermodynamic aspects
of electrocatalysis in vacuum, which often gives a good indication of the processes under more realistic conditions. For
example, this highly efficient approach correctly identifies the
dissociative adsorption of CO2 yielding CO and O as exothermic
at all relevant potentials and predicts the formation of carbonates, rather than oxalates, over Ni(111). This preference is due
to an insufficiently stabilizing interaction of oxalate with the
surface. The surface charging method (SC) allows us to vary the
charge on the adsorbates as a function of potential. Therefore,
in contrast to the LFER-EP, which is limitted to cation coupled
electron transfers, the SC method stabilizes the chemisorption
of CO2 at reducing potentials even in the absence of counterions. While the LFER-EP results are insensitive to the inclusion
of an implicit solvent description, the situation is dramatically
modified when explicitly accounting for the electrochemical
potential by charging the electrode. The solvent strongly increases
the capacitance of the surface and hence the surface charge for
a given bias potential. Even the rather simplistic solvation
model applied herein gives rise to marked changes in electrochemical reactivity compared to vacuum. Most strikingly, the
charge injection is system dependent and differs significantly
from the ideal values of 0 and 1. As a consequence, adsorption
energies are potential dependent when accounting for solvent
effects. This results, even in the absence of counterion
co-adsorption, in a potential dependence of the most stable
surface species, e.g., the formation of carbonates rather than
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just CO and O for coverages above 2/9 ML, and the preferred
adsorption mode of oxalate, while such a dependency is inherently absent in LFER-EP. In summary, the SC method coupled
with an implicit solvent model gives access to a wealth of
detailed information beyond the LFER-EP. Therefore, we
recommend this more advanced, but still quite efficient, model
when seeking an understanding of the fundamental processes
in an electrochemical interfacial system.
The authors acknowledge Solvay for financial support. J.-S.
Filhol and N. Lespes are thanked for help in setting up the
surface charging method and for fruitful discussions in the
early stage of composing the manuscript. The authors acknowledge computational resources generously provided by the
mesocenter PSMN. This work was granted access to the HPC
resources of CINES and IDRIS under the allocation 2014-080609
made by GENCI.
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70 If we use 2H+ + 2e" - H2 to estimate the energy of H2 at
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This journal is © the Owner Societies 2015
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Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2015, 17, 13949--13963 | 13963
118 ∑Electrocatalysis
DOI: 10.1002/cphc.201500187
Modeling the HCOOH/CO2 Electrocatalytic Reaction: When
Details Are Key
Stephan N. Steinmann,[a] Carine Michel,[a, b] Renate Schwiedernoch,[c] Jean-Sebastien Filhol,[d]
and Philippe Sautet*[a, b]
Our first principles simulations of the electrooxidation of
formic acid over nickel identify the reorientation of the formate
intermediate and the desorption of CO2 as the rate-limiting
steps. Although they are not associated with an electron transfer, these barriers are strongly modified when the electrochemical potential is explicitly accounted for and when modeling
the influence of the solvent. Hence, such a level of modeling is
key to understand the kinetic limitations that penalize the reaction.
Formic acid is an attractive fuel for direct fuel cells, avoiding
the delicate storage and transportation of hydrogen and ideally even yielding 0.2 V higher cell potentials.[1, 2] To be a carbon
neutral fuel, formic acid could be generated from CO2, which
can either be achieved chemically through hydrogenation,[3, 4]
or by the reasonably efficient electroreduction of CO2, which
can benefit from temporary excesses in wind or solar
power.[5, 6] From a chemical point of view, the electrochemical
transformation of CO2 into formic acid and vice versa has the
unique advantage that the CO2 skeleton does not need to be
broken or formed, which limits the byproducts compared to
the transformation of CO2 into less oxygenated compounds.
Hence, developing efficient processes for those two electrochemical reactions is a timely challenge.
Atomic scale modeling complements the experimental effort
to understand and improve the efficiency of catalysis. In particular, first principles studies are key to give credibility to experimental hypotheses in electrochemistry, where in situ characterizations are extremely challenging. For example, the debate
about the active intermediates of the electrooxidation of
[a] Dr. S. N. Steinmann, Dr. C. Michel, Dr. P. Sautet
Universitÿ de Lyon, Ecole Normale Supÿrieure de Lyon
Laboratoire de Chimie, 46 allee d’Italie, Lyon (France)
[email protected]
[b] Dr. C. Michel, Dr. P. Sautet
CNRS, Laboratoire de Chimie, UMR 5182
46 allee d’Italie, Lyon (France)
[c] Dr. R. Schwiedernoch
Eco-Efficient Products and Processes Laboratory (E2P2 L)
UMI 3464 Solvay/CNRS
Shanghai (PR China)
[d] Dr. J.-S. Filhol
CTMM, Institut Charles Gerhardt Montpellier UMR 5253
Universite Montpellier 2
Place E Bataillon, Montpellier (France)
Supporting Information for this article is available on the WWW under
ChemPhysChem 2015, 16, 2307 – 2311
formic acid over platinum is still ongoing, despite significant
progress in both experimental and theoretical understanding.[7]
In particular, earlier claims about the negligible reactivity of
formate[8] have been challenged by the identification of the
double role of (solution) formate: first, formate is weakly adsorbed and then it is oxidized (decoupled electron proton
transfer).[9] Second, co-adsorption of formate with itself, like
the co-adsorption of formate with other anions, is proposed to
stabilize the CˇH down adsorption mode (orientation 5 in
Figure 1, see below), which is the active intermediate that undergoes oxidation to CO2.[10, 11]
In the present study, we investigate the activity of earth
abundant and cheap nickel catalysts for the electrooxidation of
formic acid and the electroreduction of CO2 to formic acid.
Nickel is commonly used in heterogeneous catalysts for the hydrogenation of carbon dioxide to methane,[12] for dry reforming,[13] solid oxide electrolyzers for the conversion of CO2 into
CO,[14] and solid oxide fuel cells,[15] which can be fed with
formic acid.[16] Although pure nickel is not very active for the
electrooxidation of formic acid, that is, the kinetics are slow at
an onset potential of about 0.3 V versus SHE,[17] nickel alloys
are highly active electrocatalysts for the oxidation of formic
acid.[17–20] Nevertheless, theoretical electrochemical studies for
the electrooxidation of formic acid have, so far, focused on
platinum.[7, 21–23] Hence, the investigation of nickel is overdue as
a next step towards understanding the improved activity of
alloys of Ni with Pt and Pd. Note that Ni surfaces are likely to
be passivated by NiO layers under oxidizing, acidic conditions.[24] However, one might expect that Ni alloys with the
noble Pt and Pd metals will not suffer from this deactivation.
Therefore, we investigate metallic Ni rather than NiO in this
model study on the influence of the electrochemical potential.
The major challenge for the description of electrochemistry
at the periodic density functional theory (DFT) level is the incorporation of the electrochemical potential. The computational hydrogen electrode[25] (CHE) is the first successful model[26–29]
to allow a link to be made between routine computations in
vacuum and electrochemical experiments. The stunning simplicity of the CHE comes with two major drawbacks: first,
proton- and electron-transfer are strictly coupled, and second,
the use of CHE implies that computed barriers of elementary
reactions are not affected by the electrochemical potential. To
overcome these drawbacks, several advanced and computationally more involved models have been proposed.[30–38]
Here, we investigate the reaction mechanism of the decomposition of formic acid into CO2 at a Ni(111) model surface. As
the reverse reaction is also of considerable interest, we also
⌫ 2015 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
∑Electrocatalysis 119
Figure 1. Schematic representation of formic acid electrooxidation over nickel along the formate (top) and carboxylate (bottom) pathway. Depictions of the
geometries and their coordinates can be found in the Supporting Information.
briefly consider the electroreduction of CO2. We compare the
results of CHE to the more general and detailed, but still quite
stable and efficient surface charging (SC) method, in which the
surface charge applied to tune the electrochemical potential is
neutralized by a homogeneous background charge.[33, 39] Introduction of a homogeneous background charge is the simplest
approach to neutralize the simulation cell. The spurious interactions with the system are corrected for,[33, 39] leading to
a robust approach that has been shown to compare well to experiments.[40–43] Through using the SC model, we investigate
the mechanism in detail and address the following questions:
1) Are proton and electron transfer strictly coupled when they
occur on the catalyst surface? 2) Are activation barriers dependent on the electrochemical potential?
Although the influence of solvent and electrolytes is highly
relevant according to experiment and empirical models,[44, 45]
the associated complexity is prohibitive for routine DFT computations and is, thus, largely neglected or drastically simplified. To capture the bulk-solvent effect, an implicit description
of the water solvent is included (see the Supporting Information for further details).[46, 47, 48] We have already applied this
methodology to the intrinsic reactivity of CO2 under aprotic
conditions (DMF solvent) over a Ni(111) catalyst.[49] The use of
an implicit solvent model is computationally efficient and does
not require the (somewhat) arbitrary placement of the adsorbate within the water layers, which together significantly simplify the transition-state search. In addition, the implicit solvent
model screens the electrostatic interactions between the homogeneous background charge and the metal surface, leading
to robust results that essentially do not depend on the
vacuum (i.e. solvent) size and thus reducing one of the typical
limitations of the SC model.
The two competing pathways in formic acid electrocatalytic
oxidation were investigated (see Figure 1) and the associated
free-energy profiles are shown in Figure 2 (top). Starting from
the adsorption of formic acid, the path branches either to the
left (carboxyl) or to the right (formate). Note that we did not
consider indirect pathways, in which the CO2 framework is
broken to form CO, which is subsequently re-oxidized. The Cˇ
O bond breaking requires a high activation free energy and is,
thus, unlikely to occur at room temperature.[22] Additionally, experimental studies suggest that the decomposition of formic
ChemPhysChem 2015, 16, 2307 – 2311
acid over nickel gives mainly carbon dioxide and dihydrogen.[50] The nevertheless observed CO is ascribed to the dissociation of CO2, not of formic acid itself,[51] a process that we
have studied previously under aprotic (DMF) conditions.[49] As
2 eˇ processes have rarely been observed,[52] we did not consider the concerted liberation of two protons either.
The pathways are given for three potential values: ˇ0.25 V,
where the electrochemical cell is operating slightly above the
maximum spontaneous potential (ˇ0.2 V); 0 V, where a small
overpotential is applied; and + 0.25 V, where the oxidation is
artificially accelerated by a substantial overpotential (see
Table S1 in the Supporting Information for the thermodynamic
overpotential). In the CHE framework the potential only
changes the relative energies when a proton and an electron
are removed (indicated by a change in the background color
in Figures 1 and 2), whereas the SC method applies a certain
charge to each structure (intermediate and TS) to maintain the
potential at the imposed value. This difference of surface
charge is called charge injection and is given in the bottom
panel of Figure 2. We will discuss the charge injection after the
analysis of the free energy profile. In contrast to SC, the CHE
works at zero charge, that is, the injected charge strictly follows the number of protons in the system.
Despite the intrinsic limitations of CHE, most of the key aspects of the reaction mechanism hold for both models and all
considered potentials. Firstly, the carboxyl pathway (left pathway in Figure 2) shows transition states with higher energy
than the formate one, both for OˇH and CˇH bond scissions.
Although only marginally, the CHE results thus prefer the formate path over the carboxyl path, in agreement with experimental evidence and the results presented here from the SC
approach. Furthermore, the most probable species initially
formed from formic acid is formate (3), both kinetically and
thermodynamically and this species will, thus, be the dominant
rate-limiting intermediate, which is in good agreement with
experimental conclusions.[9, 10, 11]
Hence, we focus our discussion on the formate pathway
(right pathway in Figure 2). The proposed reaction pathway is
straightforward: Formic acid adsorbs and the OˇH bond is
broken to create the formate intermediate 3 and release (H + +
eˇ). To break the CˇH bond, formate 3 needs to reorient to
reach the correct precursor state (5). This reorientation occurs
⌫ 2015 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
120 ∑Electrocatalysis
Under these conditions, the situation is relatively simple (see
the Supporting Information for
energy profile): the limiting transition state is the chemisorption
of CO2 and formate is the limiting intermediate. Unfortunately,
the chemisorption barrier is essentially independent of the potential, and thus, responsible for
a significant kinetic limitation on
the Ni(111) surface. Hence, to
find more active electrocatalysts
for CO2 reduction, the initial adsorption barrier needs to be lowered. Analysis of the Fukui function might provide further insights for designing improved
catalysts,[54] for example, by alloying, which is also the most
promising strategy to destabilize
the formate intermediate.
We now analyze the main
steps for formic acid oxidation in
more detail. In broad terms, the
SC and CHE results are consistent. However, the SC results
provide a more nuanced picture
of the formate oxidation path, in
particular for the chemical steps,
such as the CO2 desorption and
Figure 2. Top) Free energy profile for formic acid electrooxidation relative to the reference for oxidation [RefO ;
the formate reorientation.
formic acid and a slab of Ni(111)] according to the CHE (thin lines) and SC (thick lines) approach at three different
The CO2 chemisorption is an
electrochemical potentials (vs. SHE): 0 V, + 0.25 V (where the oxidation is artificially accelerated) and ˇ0.25 V
endothermic process and we
(where the electrochemical cell is operating slightly above the maximum spontaneous potential). The path to the
right goes through formate and the alternative carboxyl path is shown on the left. Note that until the first
find a barrier of almost 0.5 eV at
proton-coupled electron transfer occurs (change from white to gray background) all the CHE lines overlap by conzero charge. The importance of
struction. The second formally electrochemical step is indicated by a background color change from light to dark
this barrier for CO2 adsorption
gray. Bottom) Charge injection along the paths. Charge injection in the CHE approach is strictly coupled to proton
has not been underlined in the
transfer, and thus, does not depend on the potential.
literature to our knowledge. In
the desorption direction, the
in two steps (from 3 to 4 then to 5) and is associated with
barrier is smaller (0.2 eV) and, as no coupled proton–electron
a high energy barrier, which originates from the substantial
transfer is involved in this process, the CHE results suggest
stabilization of the bidentate binding mode of formate to
that the situation is identical under electrochemical conditions.
metal surfaces, as extensively discussed previously for Pt.[21, 22]
However, according to the SC method, chemisorbed CO2 is staAfter reorientation, the CˇH bond breaks easily, producing
bilized by 0.1 eV at ˇ0.25 V, which increases this potential-dechemisorbed CO2 (7), which then has to desorb. The rate-limitpendent desorption barrier by 50 % compared to the CHE reing TS, which, together with the low-lying formate intersults. The reorientation of formate is the other chemical step
mediate 3, defines the energetic span of the reaction,[53] dethat is sensitive to the inclusion of the electrochemical potenpends on the potential: at positive potentials, it is associated
tial. If the energy profiles for the CHE (thin lines; Figue 2) and
with the reorientation of formate (TSrot’), whereas at the ideal
SC (thick lines) method are similar until species 4, the constant
potential of ˇ0.2 V, it is found to be the TS for CO2 desorption
potential mode of SC stabilizes the TS for formate reorientation
by 0.3 eV (TSrot’). The difference between the two methods is
CO2 desorption is particularly crucial when considering the
maximal at TSCH and disappears, by construction, upon CO2 dereverse process. Indeed, to perform the electrochemical reducsorption. As a consequence, the potential at which the limiting
tion of CO2 into formic acid, the working potential needs to be
transition state becomes CO2 desorption is predicted to be less
negative to compensate for the endothermicity of the reaction.
negative within the SC than the CHE framework.
ChemPhysChem 2015, 16, 2307 – 2311
⌫ 2015 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
∑Electrocatalysis 121
We next analyze the varying surface charge. CHE assumes
breaking of the CˇH or OˇH bond. However, what is at the
that electrons are released abruptly in electrochemical steps,
origin of the potential dependence? Liu and co-workers have
with 1 eˇ released when entering the light gray zone and
proposed[58] that the potential dependence of an elementary
a second one in the dark gray zone of the bottom panel of
reaction is directly related to the difference in the workfuncFigure 2. The SC method mostly follows these steps in charge
tion (DW) of the involved species at zero charge. Figure 3
injection, but with notable deviations by up to 0.25 eˇ . The
traces the potential of zero charge (i.e. the workfunction)
charge injection (Dadsq) gives the charge injected into a system
along the reaction path. Indeed, the largest jumps in the workfunction occur for adsorption/desorption processes, for TSrot’,
with respect to the metal surface at the same potential, and
aligns the Fermi level of the systems, thus keeping the potenand for TSOH, which correspond to the steps that are sensitive
tial constant. As the capacitances of all involved systems, into the potential. More precisely, DW is linearly correlated to
cluding the reference Ni surface, are similar, the Dadsq values
the derivative with respect to the potential of the difference
barely depend on the electrochemical potential. In our case,
between SC and CHE, whereas the difference between SC and
rotating and oxidizing bidentately bound formate 3, that is,
CHE is a quadratic function of DW (see the Supporting Information, Figures S3–S5). Furthermore, the workfunction
breaking the CˇH bond, also requires a counterintuitive charge
injection (i.e. a partial reduction) of about 0.2 eˇ . Chemisorbed
changes (DW) are, as expected,[59] roughly anticorrelated to the
CO2 requires a charge injection of about 0.2 eˇ , which can be
dipole moment of the (neutral) adsorbates (see Figure 3). Aleasily explained:[55, 56] both the bent geometry (see the Supthough not quantitative, monitoring the surface dipole allows
porting Information) and the analysis of the electronic structhe quick identification of the elementary steps when CHE
ture[55] provide evidence that the metal surface donates elecmight not be a good approximation.
tron density to CO2, forming a formal CO2ˇ ion that interacts
In summary, we presented potential-dependent reaction barwith the surface. Indeed, bending CO2 becomes energetically
riers for the conversion of formic acid over nickel in implicit
favorable upon reduction, creating a dipole moment and liftwater, comparing the popular CHE method (zero charge) with
ing the degeneracy of the LUMO orbital of CO2. This state
the more detailed SC model (constant potential). The key
crossing requires significant electronic reorganization from the
points of the mechanism are consistent between the two
highly polar chemisorbed CO2 state to the apolar solvated CO2
methods: formate is the main intermediate and the reaction
state. Thus, the large deformation energy in the transition
requires a certain overpotential to proceed. The most imporstate is not compensated by the incipient electron transfer, retant barriers, which explain the low activity of Ni at its onset
sulting in the observed activated adsorption/desorption propotential, are found for “chemical steps” that are also the most
cess. Note that the implicit solvent does not accurately capture
sensitive steps towards the electrochemical potential, that is,
the large solvent reorganization energy upon desorption and
the desorption of CO2, together with the energetically unfavorthe presented barrier might, therefore, be under estimated.
able reorientation of formate, which is associated with a draSome models that go beyond the simplest application of
matic change in the surface dipole moment.
CHE to obtain potential dependent barriers, assume that the
Hence, explicitly accounting for the electrode potential embarriers of the nominally electrochemical step are dependent
phasizes the complexity of heterogeneous electrocatalysis and
on the potential.[57, 28] In the present case, those steps are the
our results highlight the benefit of going beyond the CHE
when seeking a detailed and realistic description of electrobreaking of the CˇH and OˇH bonds, leading to the release of
the couple (H , e ). Considering Figure 2, the situation is not
chemistry on metal electrodes. Monitoring the surface dipole
that clear cut. In the formate pathway (on the right), according
allows the quick identification of elementary steps, for which
the CHE might not be a good approximation, and opens the
to the SC model, the potential has the largest influence on the
“chemical step”: the transition state of the reorientation of forway to using a combination of the CHE model, to quickly
mate TSrot’ is lowered by 0.3 eV, compared with CHE, at 0 V
screen the reaction network, and the SC model to refine the
versus SHE. This reorientation causes a change in the surface
key steps.
dipole, and thus, in the workfunction (Figure 3, see below).
The accompanying charge injection of 0.25 eˇreflects the partial negative charging of monodentately bound formate 5, in
agreement with the postulated
importance of weakly bound formate.[10, 11] As explained above,
this charge injection is retained
after CO2 formation, to stabilize
its bent form.
As seen in the preceding discussion, the potential dependence of elementary steps does
Figure 3. Evolution of the potential of zero charge, that is, the workfunction (left axis, full lines), and of the dipole
not seem to be only related to moment of the adsorbate (right axis, broken lines) along the electrooxidation pathway of formic acid. The formate
H -formation steps, that is, the pathway is shown on the right and the alternative carboxyl path is shown on the left.
ChemPhysChem 2015, 16, 2307 – 2311
⌫ 2015 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
122 ∑Electrocatalysis
The authors acknowledge Solvay for financial support. Computational resources generously provided by the mesocenter PSMN
(PÙle Scientifique de Modÿlisation Numÿrique). This work was
granted access to the HPC resources of CINES (Centre Informatique National de l’Enseignement Supÿrieur) and IDRIS (Institut
du dÿveloppement et des ressources en informatique scientifique)
under the allocation 2014-080609 made by GENCI (Grand ÿquipement national de calcul intensif).
Keywords: density functional calculations · electrocatalysis ·
electrochemistry · formic acid · heterogeneous catalysis
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Received: March 3, 2015
Revised: April 29, 2015
Published online on June 10, 2015
⌫ 2015 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
The short term perspectives are obviously dictated by my on-going
projects. With Mascat, I will join my expertise in homogeneous catalysis with the one gained in heterogeneous catalysis for the characterization and the development of novel supported metathesis catalysts in
collaboration with Pr. Ch. Copéret and Dr. O. Safonova from Zurich.
Shapes is dedicated to the amination of alcohols using an H-transfer
strategy. On this typical example of hydrogen transfer reactions in
heterogenous catalysis, we will develop a screening in silico of catalysts based on a descriptor-based approach coupled with a micro-kinetic
model. This strategy is built on the current PhD work of A. Dumon and
will be highly valuable for Solvay, our industrial partner. Music will
develop the methodological framework to tackle the challenging study
of the reactivity of polyols at the metal/water interface. Last, Tanopol
will target two major challenges in metal supported catalysis: (i) understanding the processes underlying the synthesis of the nanoparticles (ii)
rationalizing the structure/activity relationships.
In those on-going projects are en-rooted my research perspectives
on a longer term. For the selective conversion of cellulosic biomass,
water is the solvent of choice. It is ideal as a green solvent, that perfectly
solubilises the oxygenates derived from cellulose. However, water can
also strongly modify the catalytic activity and stability of the heterogeneous catalysts traditionally used for the upgrade of the petroleum
feedstock. In addition, the pH can also play a role: for instance, the
124 ∑Perspectives
oxidation of alcohols into carboxylic acid is generally performed using
metallic supported catalysts such as Au, Pt or Pd, and require the addition of a strong base such as NaOH, generating a carboxylate salt. This
salt is then hydrolyzed yielding carboxylic acid and one equivalent of
inert salt. For a greener process with a better atom economy, this salt
generation should be avoided. Despite a constant effort in the domain,
no catalyst can avoid the usage of a base keeping a reasonable conversion and yield. Accordingly, the electro-oxidation of polyols is mostly
based on the same metal supported catalysts (Au, Pd, Pt and combination of those three metals in bimetallic or alloys catalysts). Based on
the development foreseen in the Music project, we will tackle the reactivity at the metal/water interface, hopefully including pH and potential
effects in the simulations. Those studies should open the door to a more
rational development of oxidation catalysts for cellulosic biomass upgrade, the simulations being at the intercrossing between heterogeneous
catalysis and electro-catalysis.
In parallel to the development of solvatation models for heterogeneous interfaces, I would like also to address the key challenge of a
constant improvement of the quality of the model of the catalyst in
its steady state. Surface species – spectator or not – can tune the catalytic activity of heterogeneous catalysts. Similarly, reactant, product or
counter ions can modify the coordination sphere of the catalytic site in a
single site catalyst. The inclusion of those influences can be key in understanding the physics underlying the catalytic activity. Fro instance,
during the PhD project of A. Dumon, we have recently demonstrated
that one needs to include chemisorbed ammonia to appropriately describe the hydrogen transfer process from alcohol to the intermediate
imine. We expect that the ligands used to shape the metallic nanocatalysts in Tanopol could also affect the catalytic activity, opening the
door to new strategies to design catalysts. Not only ligands but also
species generated in the transient regime can impact the steady state
(formate in the hydrogen transfer from formic acid, etc.). To identify
those species, we will couple DFT studies with micro-kinetics or even
∑Perspectives 125
kinetic Monte Carlo simulations: the efficient self-consistent coupling
of several scales of simulations will be highly challenging and valuable
for the incoming years in the domain of catalysts modeling.
126 ∑Perspectives
Curriculum Vitae
2004–2007 Doctorate in Theoretical Chemistry
Theoretical Studies of chemical reactivity: from static methods
to metadynamics, under the supervision of Pr. Anne M ILET,
defended the 27/06/2007, Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble,
France ; financed by the Ministry of Education.
2000–2004 Élève normalienne de l’ENS de Lyon
Recruited on the first competitive exam in Physics/Chemistry
2004 Master in Molecular and Structural Physical Chemistry
Université Joseph Fourier - Grenoble 1
2004 Agrégation de Sciences Physiques, option chimie
2002 Maîtrise in Physical Chemistry
ENS de Lyon/Université Claude Bernard - Lyon 1
2001 Licence in Physical Chemistry
ENS de Lyon/Université Claude Bernard - Lyon 1
1998–2000 Classes Préparatoires aux Grandes Écoles (PCSI/PC*)
Lycée Berthollet, Annecy (74).
1998 Baccalauréat, série S, option Physique-Chimie
128 ∑Curriculum Vitae
Research Positions
Oct 2009 - Chargée de Recherche CNRS , Lyon, France
Computational Studies across catalysis
Laboratoire de Chimie, ENS de Lyon, Lyon, France
Sep. 2008 -Oct. 2009 Agrégée préparateur , Lyon, France
Reactivity of alcohols at metallic surfaces
Laboratoire de Chimie, ENS de Lyon, Lyon, France.
Sep. 2007– Aug. 2008 PostDoc , Amsterdam, Pays-Bas
Electronic structure and catalysis
Pr. E.J. Baerends, Vrieje Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Sep. 2004 – Aug. 2007 PhD in Theoretical Chemistry , Grenoble,
Theoretical Studies of chemical reactivity: from static methods to
under the supervision of Pr. A. Milet, Département de Chimie
Moléculaire, Grenoble, France.
R&D projects funded through
competitive calls
ANR Contracts
GALAC 2011-2014 co-PI
From glycerol to acrylic acid via lactic acid
SHAPes 2013-2017 co-PI
Novel Selective Heterogeneous Amination Processes for the Synthesis of Bio-based Monomers
∑Curriculum Vitae 129
MASCAT 2014-2018 French PI, in collaboration with Switzerland
Metathesis Supported Catalysis
MUSIC 2014-2018 French co-PI, in collaboration with USA
Multiscale Simulations of Bifunctional Catalysis ? Application to
the Hydrodeoxygenation of Molecules Extracted From Biomass
International Collaborations
PHC Polonium 2012-2014 Agnieszka Ruppert, Łódź, Poland
One-pot GVL production from sugars
PHC De Staël 2014-2016 Marcella Iannuzzi, Zurich, Switzerland
Reactivity at the solid/liquid interface: Better simulation for a
better comprehension.
LIA Funcat 2013-2017 Pr. Tom Baker, Pr. Javier Giorgi, Pr. Elena
Baranova, Ottawa, Canada.
Fundamental catalysis for green chemistry: From well-defined
active sites to mechanistic explorations
PHC Polonium 2015-2017 Agnieszka Ruppert, Łódź, Poland
Hydrogen transfer reactions
Industrial Contracts
Rhodia 2012 -2013 18 months PostDoc
Mechanisms in catalytic oxidation
Solvay 2013-2014 12 months PostDoc
Electrochemical valorisation of CO2
CNRS-Solvay 2013/16 1 PhD
Selective amination of alcohols
130 ∑Curriculum Vitae
Seminars Co-organisation of weekly seminars since 2013
Conseil du Laboratoire Member since 2016.
Website of the Theoretical Chemistry group since 2013
PhD Comitee Member : Florian Auneau (2011) ; Jijin Wang (2013)
; Jérémie Zaffran (2014) ; Kim Larmier (2015) ; Sarah Gautier
• Journals: ChemSusChem, ACS Catalysis, Journal of Physical Chemistry, Journal Of Molecular Modeling, etc.
• Price: Europacat Young award
• Conferences: ECOSS 2016 panel
Organisation and Scientific Committee Member
• "Catalysis training course", 28/08/13-31/08/13, Lyon ; 80
participants internationaux
• "Computational Studies across catalysis", 13/03/2016 –
17/03/2016, Symposium at the 251th ACS Meeting
• "Rencontres des Chimistes Théoriciens Francophones
2016", 27/06/2016 - 01/07/2016
2015 Médaille de Bronze du CNRS 2015
∑Curriculum Vitae 131
Experience supervising doctoral thesis
and/or final year projects
Doctoral theses
Florian Auneau (20%), Ministry od Education, defended 17/10/11
Jérémie Zaffran, (50%), ANR GALAC, defended 20/04/14
Alexandre Dumon, (80%), BDI CNRS-Solvay, defense scheduled in
September 2016
Romain Réocreux, (100%), Ministry of Education (LIA Funcat), defense scheduled in June 2017
Benjamin Schweitzer, (100%), ANR MUSIC, defense scheduled in
September 2018
Evans Monyoncho (10%) PhD, uOttawa, Canada
Prokopis Andrikopoulos, CNRS-Rhodia, 18 months, 2012-2013
Stephan Steinmann, ENSL-Solvay, 36 months, 2013-2014
Rodrigo Ferreira De Morais, ANR, 12 months, 2015-2016
Tao Wang, ANR, 18 months, 2015-2017
Undergraduates and Experimental PhD
Lise Morlet, L3, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, 2 months, 2009
Leila Sadr Arani, M2, Université Claude Bernard, 5 months, 2010
Siwar Shibani, M2, Université Claude Bernard, 5 months, 2011
132 ∑Curriculum Vitae
Kahina Aitatmane, PhD, Université Paris Diderot, 1 month, 2011
Sarah Saadek, L2, uOttawa, Canada, 2 months, 2012
Mathilde Iachella, M1, Université Paris Diderot, 3 months, 2012
Joanna Matras, PhD, Łódź Technical University, Poland, 2 months,
Thomas Konincks, M1, Université de Toulouse, 3 months, 2013
Alexandra Anghel, L2, uOttawa, Canada, 2 months, 2013
Romain Réocreux, M2, ENS de Lyon, 6 months, 2014
Joshua Pocher, PhD, Marburg University, Allemagne, 1 month, 2014
Minh Huynh, L3, uOttawa, Canada, 3 months, 2014
Ahmad Galuta, L3, uOttawa, Canada, 2 months, 2014
Aghiles Ouldhamou, Master, uOttawa, Canada, 2 months, 2014
Kuncheng Li, M2, Université Claude Bernard, 5 months, 2015
Natalia Potrzebowska, Master, Łódź Technical University, Poland, 2
months, 2015
Kamila Kazmierczak, Master, Łódź Technical University, Poland, 2
months, 2015
Quingyi Gu, M2, ENS de Lyon, 6 months, 2016
Few hours per year at the ENS de Lyon
Course in a Summer school (2013, 2015)
∑Curriculum Vitae 133
Fête de la Science
Promoting Science and Chemistry using the Foldit Project
Année Mondiale de la Chimie (2011)
Three presentations in High School in the framework "Les
chercheurs s’invitent au lycée" organized by the CNRS
High school visitors
I have hosted high school students for a week.
134 ∑Curriculum Vitae
Publication List
37 articles ; H-index=16 ; 660 citations (GoogleScholar data, Researcher id G-3769-2011)
[1] T. J. M. de Bruin, C. Michel, K. Vekey, A. E. Greene, Y. Gimbert,
and A. Milet. First C-C bond formation in the Pauson-Khand
reaction: Influence of carbon-carbon triple bond polarization on
regiochemistry - a density functional theory study. Journal of
Organometallic Chemistry. 2006, 691, 4281–4288. Times Cited:
[2] T. Godet, C. Vaxelaire, C. Michel, A. Milet, and P. Belmont. Silver versus gold catalysis in tandem reactions of carbonyl functions onto alkynes: A versatile access to furoquinoline and pyranoquinoline cores. Chemistry-a European Journal. 2007, 13,
5632–5641. Times Cited: 99.
[3] C. Michel, T. Godet, M.-L. Dheu-Andries, P. Belmont, and
A. Milet. Theoretical study of the cyclization of carbonyl
groups on unactivated alkynyl-quinolines in the gas phase and
in methanol solution. Journal of Molecular Structure-Theochem.
2007, 811, 175–182. Times Cited: 2.
[4] C. Michel, A. Laio, F. Mohamed, M. Krack, M. Parrinello, and
A. Milet. Free energy ab initio metadynamics: A new tool for the
theoretical study of organometallic reactivity? Example of the CC and C-H reductive eliminations from platinum(IV) complexes.
Organometallics. 2007, 26, 1241–1249. Times Cited: 35.
136 ∑Publication List
[5] K. Selmeczi, C. Michel, A. Milet, I. Gautier-Luneau,
C. Philouze, J.-L. Pierre, D. Schnieders, A. Rompel, and
C. Belle. Structural, kinetic, and theoretical studies on models of
the zinc-containing phosphodiesterase active center: Mediumdependent reaction mechanisms. Chemistry-a European Journal.
2007, 13, 9093–9106. Times Cited: 41.
[6] C. Michel and A. Milet. Free energy calculation of the effects
of the fluorinated phosphorus ligands on the C-H and C-C reductive elimination from pt(IV). Journal of Molecular StructureTheochem. 2008, 852, 54–61. Times Cited: 6 32nd Congress
of Theoretical Chemists of Latin Expression SEP 01-06, 2006
Cotes de Carthage, TUNISIA.
[7] S. Stecko, K. Pasniczek, C. Michel, A. Milet, S. Perez, and
M. Chmielewski. A DFT study of 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reactions of 5-membered cyclic nitrones with alpha,beta-unsaturated
lactones and with cyclic vinyl ethers: Part I. TetrahedronAsymmetry. 2008, 19, 1660–1669. Times Cited: 16.
[8] S. Stecko, K. Pasniczek, C. Michel, A. Milet, S. Perez, and
M. Chmielewski. A DFT study of 1,3-dipolar cycloadditions
of cyclic nitrones to unsaturated lactones. part II. TetrahedronAsymmetry. 2008, 19, 2140–2148. Times Cited: 15.
[9] W. Zeghida, J. Debray, C. Michel, A. Milet, P. Dumy, and M. Demeunynck. Synthesis of N-acridinyl-N ’-alkylguanidines: Dramatic influence of amine to guanidine replacement on the physicochemical properties. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters. 2008, 18, 4779–4782. Times Cited: 3.
[10] C. Michel and E. J. Baerends. What singles out the FeO(2+)
moiety? a density-functional theory study of the methane-tomethanol reaction catalyzed by the first row transition-metal ox-
∑Publication List 137
ide dications MO(H2 O)2+
p , M = V-Cu. Inorganic Chemistry.
2009, 48, 3628–3638. Times Cited: 49.
[11] C. Michel, P. Belanzoni, P. Gamez, J. Reedijk, and E. J.
Baerends. Activation of the C-H bond by electrophilic attack:
Theoretical study of the reaction mechanism of the aerobic oxidation of alcohols to aldehydes by the Cu(bipy)(2+)/2,2,6,6Tetramethylpiperidinyl-1-oxy cocatalyst system.
Chemistry. 2009, 48, 11909–11920. Times Cited: 61.
[12] C. Michel, A. Laio, and A. Milet. Tracing the entropy along a
reactive pathway: The energy as a generalized reaction coordinate. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation. 2009, 5,
2193–2196. Times Cited: 8.
[13] J. I. Rodriguez, R. F. W. Bader, P. W. Ayers, C. Michel, A. W.
Gotz, and C. Bo. A high performance grid-based algorithm for
computing QTAIM properties. Chemical Physics Letters. 2009,
472, 149–152. Times Cited: 46.
[14] R. E. Bulo, H. Van Schoot, D. Rohr, and C. Michel. Biasexchange metadynamics applied to the study of chemical reactivity. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. 2010, 110,
2299–2307. Times Cited: 0 SI 13th International Conference on
Application of the Density Functional Theory to Chemistry and
Physics AUG 31-SEP 01, 2009 Lyon, FRANCE.
[15] F. Auneau, C. Michel, F. Delbecq, C. Pinel, and P. Sautet. Unravelling the mechanism of glycerol hydrogenolysis over rhodium
catalyst through combined experimental-theoretical investigations. Chemistry-a European Journal. 2011, 17, 14288–14299.
Times Cited: 53.
[16] P.
C. Michel,
Cu(bipy)(2+)/TEMPO-catalyzed oxidation of alcohols: Radical
138 ∑Publication List
or nonradical mechanism? Inorganic Chemistry. 2011, 50,
11896–11904. Times Cited: 20.
[17] E. Dumont, C. Michel, and P. Sautet. Unraveling gold(I)-specific
action towards peptidic disulfide cleavage: A DFT investigation.
Chemphyschem. 2011, 12, 2596–2603. Times Cited: 2.
[18] C. Michel, F. Auneau, F. Delbecq, and P. Sautet. C-H versus O-H
bond dissociation for alcohols on a Rh(111) surface: A strong assistance from hydrogen bonded neighbors. ACS Catalysis. 2011,
1, 1430–1440. Times Cited: 28.
[19] F. Auneau, L. Sadr Arani, M. Besson, L. Djakovitch, C. Michel,
F. Delbecq, P. Sautet, and C. Pinel. Heterogeneous transformation of glycerol to lactic acid. Topics in Catalysis. 2012, 55,
474–479. Times Cited: 24.
[20] S. Chibani, C. Michel, F. Delbecq, C. Pinel, and M. Besson. On
the key role of hydroxyl groups in platinum-catalysed alcohol oxidation in aqueous medium. Catalysis Science and Technology.
2012, 3, 339–350. Times Cited: 21.
[21] P. Fleurat-Lessard, C. Michel, and R. E. Bulo. Energy extrapolation schemes for adaptive multi-scale molecular dynamics simulations. Journal of Chemical Physics. 2012, 137, year. Times
cited: 6.
[22] C. Michel, F. Göltl, and P. Sautet. Early stages of water/hydroxyl
phase generation at transition metal surfaces - synergetic adsorption and O-H bond dissociation assistance. Physical Chemistry
Chemical Physics. 2012, 14, 15286–15290. Times Cited: 16.
[23] R. E. Bulo, C. Michel, P. Fleurat-Lessard, and P. Sautet. Multiscale modeling of chemistry in water: Are we there yet? Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation. 2013, 9, 5567–5577.
Times Cited: 19.
∑Publication List 139
[24] D. Loffreda, C. Michel, F. Delbecq, and P. Sautet. Tuning catalytic reactivity on metal surfaces: Insights from DFT. Journal
of Catalysis. 2013, 308, 374–385. Times Cited: 10.
[25] K. Ait Atmane, C. Michel, J.-Y. Piquemal, P. Sautet, P. Beaunier, M. Giraud, M. Sicard, S. Nowak, R. Losno, and G. Viau.
Control of the anisotropic shape of cobalt nanorods in the liquid
phase: from experiment to theory... and back. Nanoscale. 2014,
6, 2682–2692. Times Cited: 6.
[26] W. Guo, C. Michel, R. Schwiedernoch, R. Wischert, X. Xu, and
P. Sautet. Formation of acrylates from ethylene and CO2 on
Ni complexes: A mechanistic viewpoint from a hybrid DFT approach. Organometallics. 2014, 33, 6369–6380. Times Cited:
[27] C. Michel, J. Zaffran, A. M. Ruppert, J. Matras-Michalska,
M. Jedrzejczyk, J. Grams, and P. Sautet. Role of water on metal
catalyst performance for ketone hydrogenation. a join experimental and theoretical study on levulinic acid conversion into
gamma-valerolactone. Chemical Communications. 2014, 50,
12450–12453. Times Cited: 17.
[28] J. Zaffran, C. Michel, F. Auneau, F. Delbecq, and P. Sautet. Linear energy relations as predictive tools for polyalcohol catalytic
reactivity. ACS Catalysis. 2014, 4, 464–468. Times Cited: 8.
[29] P. C. Andrikopoulos, C. Michel, S. Chouzier, and P. Sautet. In silico screening of iron-oxo catalysts for C-H bond cleavage. ACS
Catalysis. 2015, 5, 2490–2499. Times Cited: 4.
[30] S. Gautier, S. N. Steinmann, C. Michel, P. Fleurat-Lessard, and
P. Sautet. Molecular adsorption at Pt(111). how accurate are DFT
functionals? Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2015, 17,
28921–28930. Times Cited: 0.
140 ∑Publication List
[31] M. A. Lemes, A. Pialat, S. N. Steinmann, I. Korobkov, C. Michel,
and M. Murugesu. Study of a novel hepta-coordinated feiii
bimetallic complex with an unusual 1,2,4,5-tetrazine-ring opening. Polyhedron. 2015.
[32] C. Michel and P. Gallezot. Why is ruthenium an efficient catalyst for the aqueous-phase hydrogenation of biosourced carbonyl
compounds? ACS Catalysis. 2015, 5, 4130–4132. Times Cited:
[33] S. N. Steinmann, C. Michel, R. Schwiedernoch, J.-S. Filhol, and
P. Sautet. Modeling the HCOOH/CO2 electrocatalytic reaction:
When details are key. Chemphyschem. 2015, 16, 2307–2311.
Times Cited: 5.
[34] S. N. Steinmann, C. Michel, R. Schwiedernoch, and P. Sautet.
Impacts of electrode potentials and solvents on the electroreduction of CO2 : a comparison of theoretical approaches. Physical
Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2015, 17, 13949–13963. Times
Cited: 5.
[35] J. Zaffran, C. Michel, F. Delbecq, and P. Sautet. Trade-off between accuracy and universality in linear energy relations for alcohol dehydrogenation on transition metals. Journal of Physical
Chemistry C. 2015, 119, 12988–12998. Times Cited: 2.
[36] A. M. Ruppert, M. Jedrzejczyk, O. Sneka-Platek, N. Keller, A. S.
Dumon, C. Michel, P. Sautet, and J. Grams. Ru catalysts for levulinic acid hydrogenation with formic acid as a hydrogen source.
Green Chemistry. 2016. Times Cited: 1.
[37] S. N. Steinmann, C. Michel, R. Schwiedernoch, M. Wu, and
P. Sautet. Electro-carboxylation of butadiene and ethene over
Pt and Ni catalysts. Journal of Catalysis. 2016.