DOI: 10.1021/cg1010924
Confocal Raman Microscope Mapping of a Kofler Melt
Aalae Alkhalil, Jagadeesh B. Nanubolu, Clive J. Roberts, Jonathan W. Aylott, and
Jonathan C. Burley*
2011, Vol. 11
Received August 20, 2010; Revised Manuscript Received November 23, 2010
ABSTRACT: The spatial distribution of molecular and crystalline entities in a model Kofler melt was characterized using
confocal Raman microscopy/spectroscopy. Direct classical least squares and principal component analysis were used to
generate hyperspectral maps. The long-standing view that the Kofler method is suitable for rapid and reliable mapping of a
binary phase diagram is not supported from our results.
Multicomponent solids are widely discussed in the context
of a variety of applications in pharmaceutical, chemical, and
material fields.1,2 Co-crystals, in particular, have recently
gained a great deal of attention in the pharmaceutical area.3,4
They have been adopted as an approach to modify the properties of single-component materials, which has become a
matter of importance in drug development and delivery
fields.5-9 Co-crystals can be defined as single-phase multicomponent solid materials, where components coexist in stoichiometric ratios and are linked through noncovalent bonds
with the components remaining un-ionized.10
Few techniques have been employed to generate co-crystals, of which solution screening is the dominant method of
isolating new crystalline forms. However, this can be complex
when applied to co-crystal formation, especially for components of differing solubilities.11,12 This issue can be addressed
by conducting the crystallization from a melt, which avoids
the use of any solvent. An example of this is the use of the fusion
contact protocol by means of hot-stage microscopy.13,14 The
concept of fusing mixed compounds based on the contact
method was originally described by Lehmann in 1888,15 which
was later refined by Kofler16 and called the contact method by
McCrone.13 In fact, the use of the fusion contact protocol for
screening co-crystals is not particularly widespread and has
remained unmodified since McCrone’s work.13 However, it
has been recently revisited by a few researchers such as Davis
et al.,17 McNamara et al.,18 and Berry et al.19
The basic premise of the Kofler mixed fusion method is to
allow two components to meet between a glass microscope slide and a coverslip, and form (by melting) a
composition gradient. Subsequently the potential formation of a co-crystal at this zone of melting is investigated
by optical microscopy. The fusion method can also be
used to generate small seed crystals which can subsequently be used to grow larger crystals from solution
(suitable for structure determination by single crystal
X-ray diffraction).11 However, the main idea of using hotstage microscopy in Kofler preparation is to screen the melting
behavior of two component systems in a single rapid and
straightforward experiment, without the necessity to determine
their full phase diagram.20 The conventional theory of the
*To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: jonathan.burley@
Published on Web 01/04/2011
observed phases in an ideal Kofler experiment assumes a
linear composition gradient across the zone of mixing after
starting with 100% of the respective materials at the peripheral sides (Figure 1a).11,14,19,21,22 The co-crystal formation is
potentially achieved from the liquefied mixture at any area
within the contact region, provided that the components’
composition exists at a suitable molar ratio for the crystallization of single-phase form (typically 1:1, 1:2, 2:1, or other
commensurate ratio). This formation is separated from the
components present at the peripheral sides with solidified
eutectic mixtures existing at different ratios. Thus, Kofler melt
preparation allows a rapid qualitative mapping of the phase
diagram, as outlined in Figure 1b.
Despite all the benefits of traditional hot-stage microscopy
in Kofler mixed fusion preparations, there are some serious
limitations of this method in achieving full qualitative and
quantitative characterization. One severe limitation is that the
hot-stage microphotographs often cannot unambiguously
identify the phases present, as their interpretation depends
on visual inspection. Therefore, such an investigation is
subjective and cannot be used for example to unequivocally
identify phases. We propose in this contribution that such
imperfections could be overcome by the use of spectroscopic
mapping techniques for screening Kofler melts.
Because the sample is held between a coverslip and a glass
microscope slide, infrared mapping methods such as contact
method attenuated total reflectance IR (ATR-IR) are inappropriate as the Kofler melt is not directly accessible. We have
therefore employed confocal Raman microscopy, which can
be performed in a noncontact, confocal manner,23 in the
present study to investigate the spatial distribution of chemical and crystalline entities in a Kofler melt.
Raman spectroscopy/mapping is a well-established technique and is widely employed in many fields including pharmaceuticals.24 It is typically used to provide information on the
molecular nature of the sample by employing the spectral
window 400-4000 cm-1, which covers the energy range of
intramolecular vibrations. However, by employing the lower
energy phonon-mode bands (10-400 cm-1), it is possible to
probe the intermolecular vibrations and thereby obtain detailed information about the solid-state characteristics of the
sample, including polymorphism.25,26 Phonon-mode data
have recently been employed in generating Raman maps of
spatially distributed polymorphs in molecular semiconductors,27 where they proved to be far more sensitive to crystalline
packing than the traditional intramolecular bands. In the
r 2011 American Chemical Society
Crystal Growth & Design, Vol. 11, No. 2, 2011
Figure 1. Schematics of the traditional component’s position in Kofler melt preparation and its binary phase diagram. Panel (a) is the plot of
molecular fraction vs its position in Kofler melt slide, while (b) is the binary phase-diagram of the co-crystal formation. The temperature in the
phase diagram is plotted vs the molar fractions of components (A and B, the higher and lower melting components, respectively). It shows the
co-crystal formation (C) from stoichiometric (A and B) at 50%. It also displays the melting of (A, B) at 100% of each, Tm (A) and Tm (B),
respectively. It indicates the meeting in the liquid phase between component (A) and co-crystal (C), component (B) and the co-crystal (C) at the
lowest temperature or eutectic temperature as indicated by asterisks where the intersection occurs in wide and smooth style.
Figure 2. Molecular structure of flurbiprofen (a) and nicotinamide (b).
present study, we employed confocal Raman spectroscopy/
microscopy to study the molecular and crystallographic nature of a model Kofler melt system through both phononmode and intramolecular bands. Our study provides detailed
insight into the applicability of the Kofler method for cocrystal screening and represents the first application of spectroscopic mapping method to a Kofler melt. The phononmode Raman data on the co-crystal are also the first example
of the application of this emerging spectroscopic technique to
characterize co-crystals.
The well-characterized model system flurbiprofen (FBP)nicotinamide (NCT), which was previously investigated by
Berry et al. using standard hot-stage microscopy, was selected
for our study.19 The characterization in the Berry et al. study
was based on standard hot-stage optical microscopy, which
provided clear evidence for four separate phases in the FBPNCT system: the co-crystal, FBP, and two NCT polymorphs.19
Thus, we were encouraged to use this system as a model in
our spectroscopic mapping study. FBP is used as an active
pharmaceutical ingredient (API) and NCT is the co-crystallizing agent. FBP (Figure 2a) falls in the carboxylated group of
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, while NCT (Figure 2b)
is a vitamin B3 derivative. NCT is generally regarded as safe
and suitable for human use.28 It possesses a pyridyl ring and
amide group in its structure. Both groups allow NCT to serve
as a complementary cofactor and a solubility enhancing
Experimental Section
Raman spectral data were acquired using a LabRAM HR system
(Horiba Jobin Yvon), operating with an 800 mm path-length, a 600
lines/mm grating, a 532 nm laser source, and a 50 objective lens and
a Synapse thermo-electrically cooled CCD. Temperature control was
achieved using a Linkam LTS350 hot-stage. The system was calibrated before acquiring measurements on a standard silicon, as well
as the Rayleigh line. The silicon Raman peak was within (1 pixel of
520.7 cm-1. The grating was fixed to allow relatively rapid mapping,
at the expense of a slightly restricted spectral range. Such combination improves the quality of data achieved through this instrument
and allows for an access to the phonon-mode spectral window
(30-400 cm-1) as well as the higher wavenumber region (4004000 cm-1) which provides information on the traditional intramolecular bands. Thereby, both the intramolecular and intermolecular
spectral information could be obtained. The mapping was automated
by an XY stage and set up to cover a grid of (1550 μm 1625 μm)
at 25 μm steps. 4030 Raman spectra were acquired based on an
acquisition time of 3 s per spectrum.
FBP and NCT were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (Poole, UK)
and were used as received. X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD) confirmed that they were of form I crystalline state when compared to
patterns obtained from Cambridge Structural Database (library
Reference codes are “FLUBIP”, and “NICOAM03”, respectively).29,30
They were also found to melt as per literature by differential scanning
calorimetry (DSC) (114.01 and 128.24 °C, respectively).31,32 Reference samples of the two FBP polymorphs were prepared by solution
methods and characterized by X-ray powder and single crystal
diffraction, and Raman spectroscopy. The single crystal structure
of FBP form II was achieved in an attempt to prepare FBP-NCT cocrystal from solution (Figure S1, Supporting Information). Solvent
was analytical grade supplied by Fisher Scientific (Loughborough,
Leicestershire, UK).
The process of Kofler melt preparation was carried out by placing
a small amount of NCT on a glass microscopic slide under a coverslip.
This was heated until melting occurred at around 130 °C, and then
allowed to solidify. FBP was later placed at the opposite edge of the
coverslip and melted at around 115 °C. Once melted, it was drawn by
capillary action under the coverslip dissolving the juxtaposed part of
the NCT. The whole preparation was then allowed to cool and kept at
RT to solidify for ease of sample handling. All of our experiments
were performed at room temperature; therefore, the entire samples
and the various interfaces identified are static.
As a premapping procedure, Raman spectra were taken for the
melted starting materials (FBP form I and NCT) and from their
equimolar melted mixture. These Raman spectra were taken under
the same conditions as for the Kofler preparation and therefore used
as references.
Raman spectra of the starting materials NCT and FBP form I,
FBP form II, and co-crystal at the zone of mixing were acquired
(Figure S2, Supporting Information) and used for assigning principal
components’ loadings to their original components.
Spectral data sets were subjected to baseline correction and mean
normalization before carrying out direct classical least squares
(DCLS) analysis of the melted region. DCLS maps were generated
by employing a limited number (n) of selected spectra to form a linear
combination, which was then used to model all of the spectra in the
Raman spectral image. The modeling is achieved through a best-fit
methodology (eq 1). The sum of the (n) components would not often
be able to model 100% of a given spectral pixel in the image which is
expressed by an error (ε) as shown in the eq 1. Both the molecular
composition and crystalline form are of interest in a Kofler melt and
Alkhalil et al.
Crystal Growth & Design, Vol. 11, No. 2, 2011
Figure 3. Fusion method preparation of flurbiprofen-nicotinamide and single Raman spectra. Shown in (a) is Kofler preparation after cooling
which includes the peripheral regions, flurbiprofen (left) and nicotinamide (right), and the zone of mixing at the center in between; all are
indicated by arrows, while (b) is Raman spectra of NCT (green), co-crystal (blue), and FBP (red).
were investigated through employing the selected numbers (n) in
particular spectral windows for the analysis. Setting n = 2 would
correspond to FBP and NCT molecules, whereas setting n=3 refers
to the crystalline forms FBP, NCT, and a potential co-crystal. In
addition to selecting a given number of spectra with which to create
the DCLS model, there is also a choice of spectral window selection
in which DCLS modeling was performed; in particular, the
phonon-mode region (30-400 cm-1), the molecular stretching
region (400-1721.6 cm-1), and the entire wavenumber region
(30-1721.6 cm-1).
Y ðvmÞ ¼ K X ðcmÞ þ ε
Equation 1 is a classical least-squares fitting model. Through this
equation, a number of spectra (m) at a specific v-wavenumber of
composition (c), arranged into Y matrix (v m), are classified
according to each representative spectrum (n) into a column of
concentration matrix X(c m) with a matrix of sensitivity K and
an error ε.
Maps were also generated using principal component analysis
(PCA) in the spectral regions mentioned previously in Matlab 7.6.0
(R2008a). PCA simplifies the data into sets of variables, which are
linearly correlated with the original data. It characterizes the variances in data by creating uncorrelated axes leading to transformation in the original coordinates. The axis that gives the highest
variance between the original data refers to the first score, the one
with consequent variance is the following one, and so on.33 Raman
spectral profile data were split into individual spectra, baseline
corrected under LabSpec5 software, and imported into Matlab
7.6.0 (R2008a) in text format. Each variable was divided by the
standard deviation of its Raman spectrum, and all original data were
mean normalized prior to PCA analysis. The results were rescaled to
represent their intensities for use in red-green-blue (RGB) color-map
as pixels with higher intensity can mask less intensity changes elsewhere. Images areas with positive loadings were assigned red derivative color while negative ones were in blue. The first three principal
components (PCs) were selected in this study having statistically
significant values accounting for >93% of variances (Figure S3,
Supporting Information). Loadings were compared with Raman
spectra of NCT, FBP form I and II, and the spectrum extracted from
the zone of mixing.
Results and Discussion
Kofler Preparation. Author: Please verify that the changes
made to improve the English still retain your original meaning.Several attempts were carried out in order to achieve the
required preparation, represented by holding the sample for
a time above the eutectic temperature before being fully
solidified. This difficulty in crystallising the co-crystal in
the Kofler preparation is thought to be due in large part to
the stochastic nature of the nucleation process. The formation of a suitable Kofler melt for analysis was confirmed
optically (Figure 3a). Inspection shows clearly the existence
of at least three crystalline phases in the Kofler melt,
assigned as NCT, FBP, and co-crystal. This was also
chemically proven when investigating their Raman spectra
acquired from the three optically different regions (Figure 3b).
Each of these spectra, referring to NCT, FBP, and co-crystal
from Kofler preparation, was in good agreement with the
referenced samples prepared separately from a fusion procedure in which the composition gradient was not generated
(Figure S4, Supporting Information). In contrast to Berry
et al.,19 we did not observe any polymorphism in NCT in the
small area sampled in our experiment. The generation and the
screening of polymorphs generally require a statistically significant number of experiments, so the nonappearance of
second polymorph of NCT in our results is not an issue for
concern in this report.
Raman Mapping. Raman mapping of the NCT-FBP
Kofler melt preparation was conducted following the optical
and spectral confirmation of the preparation and its data
were analyzed by means of DCLS and PCA. For the DCLS
analysis, a number (n) of representative spectra exhibiting
similar features to the pure components were needed as an
input for generation of the DCLS map. Such a requirement
was achieved by extracting spectra from the mapping data
and comparing them to the reference samples of NCT, FBP,
and co-crystal prepared separately from the melt. Figure S4,
Supporting Information shows the possibility of using any
of the spectra extracted from the three optically different
regions as representative models after confirming their similarity to the referenced samples. Two (n) selections, n = 2
and 3, were designated to probe the molecular and crystalline
species, respectively. The selection n = 2 refers to the
starting (molecular) materials NCT and FBP, while n = 3
alludes to the expected crystalline materials (the emerging
phase (co-crystal) in addition to both crystalline starting
In addition to selecting the number of DCLS components,
three selected spectral windows were employed in these
analyses, in order to address the spatial distribution of
molecular and crystalline entities. The traditional intramolecular spectral window (400-1721.6 cm-1) is expected to be
most sensitive to the molecular composition of the samples,
whereas the phonon-mode data (30-400 cm-1) are expected
to be more sensitive to the crystallographic nature of the
samples. We also present an analysis of the entire spectral
range for comparison.
Maps generated from a DCLS analysis with n = 2 (i.e.,
maps achieved from reference spectra for NCT and FBP
only) in the three spectral regions are presented in Figure 4.
Crystal Growth & Design, Vol. 11, No. 2, 2011
Figure 4. DCLS maps at two number of selection n = 2. Two-component scores are given in a-c, and their models are in d-f. Maps generated
in the phonon-mode region (30-400 cm-1) are given in a and d, the molecular stretching region (400-1721.6 cm-1) in b and e, and the entire
spectral range in c and f. The colors in the peripheral regions refer to the compositions of the higher and lower melting components (green and
red, respectively) as shown from their models.
All three maps exhibit at least two well-defined regions which
are separated by vertical boundaries in Figure 4a-c. The
regions themselves are indicated by colors in the Figure 4a-c
and their representative spectra are in Figure 4d-f. The
comparison of the optical image (Figure 3a) with the DCLS
maps at n=2 indicates that the left-hand region in the DCLS
maps corresponds to FBP plus co-crystal, and the right-hand
to NCT only. DCLS maps conducted at the three spectral
regions are in general rather similar. However, some differences are apparent on closer inspection. For example, there is
an evidence of a third region running vertically down the
middle of the image in the map generated from the phononmode spectral window data (Figure 4a), and to a lesser extent
in the map generated from the entire spectral window
(Figure 4c). This region corresponds to the co-crystal, which
was again deducted from the comparison to the optical
image in Figure 3a. Note that a reference spectrum for the
co-crystal was not included in the input for map generation,
and thus it is slightly surprising that the co-crystal can be
identified from these maps. The co-crystal in these maps is
manifested by a high loading on the error term ε in eq 1
(Experimental Section), rather than a direct loading on either
of the two input spectra. In contrast to the phonon-mode
map, the co-crystal is not readily apparent from inspection of
the map generated from the intramolecular spectral range
(Figure 4b). Overall, for the n=2 DCLS map generation, the
presence of the co-crystal is most clear in the phonon-mode
data, and this is in accord with the phonon-mode data being
more sensitive to the nature of the crystalline phase(s) than
other spectral ranges.
Figure 5 presents the results of generating DCLS maps
with n=3 (i.e., the input of spectra herein refers to FBP, cocrystal, and NCT). The three spectral ranges were similarly
employed to generate separate maps. All three maps exhibit
three distinct regions which correspond (from left to right)
to FBP, co-crystal, and NCT. Again the maps are similar in
broad terms, but differences emerge on detailed inspection.
In all three maps, the interface co-crystal/NCT is very
distinct, with the FBP/co-crystal interface being less discrete.
This clearly indicates that the composition gradient is different in nature at these two interfaces.
The FBP/co-crystal interface is less distinct in the map
generated from the molecular data than in the phonon-mode
data (the molecular conformation in the FBP-NCT cocrystal appears to be similar to those in both FBP and
NCT (Figure 5e) unlike the differences in the intermolecular
interactions as manifested in the phonon region (Figure 5d).
The obvious interpretation of this is that the molecular
composition gradient is relatively smooth, whereas the
crystalline composition gradient is relatively sharp. This is
expected for a Kofler melt, in which a molecular composition
gradient is used to isolate a co-crystal of a particular composition. The co-crystal is expected only to form in a limited
composition range, and the results observed are fully in
accord with this.
The differences in the nature of the interfaces in the FBP/
co-crystal and, the co-crystal/NCT was commonly noticed in
analyses generated for all spectral windows. This suggested
the possibility of investigating the composition gradient
across the Kofler melt preparation, an issue that has not
been addressed in previous work. Figure 6a-c shows the
averaged percentages of the existing components, taken from
eight horizontal lines across the preparation, calculated from
DCLS when n = 3 at the phonon region, the molecular
region, and the whole wavenumber window, respectively.
The relative amounts of the components do not correspond
directly with the molar quantities due to calibration issues
including differing Raman scattering cross sections of the
Crystal Growth & Design, Vol. 11, No. 2, 2011
Alkhalil et al.
Figure 5. DCLS maps at three number of selection n = 3. Three-component scores are given in a-c, and their models are in d-f. Maps
generated in the phonon-mode region (30-400 cm-1) are given in a and d, the molecular stretching region (400-1721.6 cm-1) in b and e, and
the entire spectral range in c and f. The colors in the peripheral regions refer to the compositions of the higher and lower melting components
(green and red, respectively), while the one at the zone of mixing (blue) refers to the co-crystal as shown also in their models.
Figure 6. Composition gradient deduced from DCLS using three components selection n = 3 in three spectral windows. Panels (a), (b), and
(c) show the analysis generated from the phonon-mode data, the molecular data, and from the entire spectral data, respectively.
various components, which is beyond the scope of the
present work to address. However, the relative amounts of
material from our analysis do provide a good guide to the
nature of the composition gradient if not the exact values of
the composition. Analysis performed at the three spectral
regions (Figure 6a-c) all show that the composition gradient
of both starting components was not ideally linear, especially
toward the higher-melting component (NCT). This is clearly
noticed from the obvious sharp descent in NCT concentration and the sudden rise of co-crystal concentration. However, there is a gradual decrease/increase in components’
concentration at the FBP/co-crystal interface. The reason
for this can be deduced by considering the manner in
which the Kofler melt is prepared and studied. Conceptual perspective on such findings is proposed by taking
into consideration the sequential events of Kofler preparation (Figure 7 I-IV):
1 The highest melting material (NCT) was offset to one
side, once it solidified after being melted (Figure 7 I);
2 Later, the lower melting material (FBP) was melted
when brought into contact with the juxtaposed part of
the higher melting material (NCT) (Figure 7 II);
3 The lower melting material dissolved some solidified
parts of the higher melting component NCT at the
contact area, while the rest of the parts remained inaccessible (Figure 7 III). This is analogous to the effect of
tides on the seashore, whereas the powerful sea waves
erode only the facing coastal features, depositing the
washed sands offshore. This phenomenon was clearly
demonstrated from DCLS results, which revealed the
Crystal Growth & Design, Vol. 11, No. 2, 2011
Figure 7. Schematic of proposed sequence of events in the formation of a Kofler melt in (I-IV). It shows the consequential steps for preparing
Kofler sample, whereas the higher melting component is (A) shown in green, the lower melting component is (B) shown in red, and the
co-crystal is (C) shown in blue.
Figure 8. Schematics of our perspective about ingredient’s position in Kofler melt preparation and its binary phase diagram, showing the
restricted access to the higher melting component region. Panel (a) is the plot of molecular fraction vs its position in Kofler melt slide, while (b) is
the binary phase-diagram of the co-crystal formation. The temperature in the phase diagram is plotted vs the molar fractions of components
(A and B, the higher and lower melting components, respectively, while C is the co-crystal). The intersection occurs in a sharp form only in the
melting component section as shown by the green line.
discontinuity of the component distribution in NCT
region (Figures 4a-c and 5a-c). Thereby, the higher
melting component forms an area with a very distinct
border at the interface with the zone of mixing.
4 Finally, the higher melting material NCT portions
already dissolved to the saturation point in the liquefied
lower melting component FBP would crystallize forming a stripe of co-crystals along the contact area
(Figure 7 IV). Some detached NCT particles and unsolidified co-crystal might diffuse in the lower melting
material (FBP) (Figure 7 IV), depending on how fast the
lower melting component crystallizes. This is inherently
difficult to control, and it is correlated to the solubility
and the kinetics of dissolution process.
The obviously different nature of the two interfaces,
observed for the first time in this work, refines the traditional
vision of a linear composition gradient in Kofler preparation. Our results (Figures 6a-c) unambiguously demonstrate that a linear composition gradient does not form, and
indeed on detailed consideration of the process of forming a
Kofler melt, it is not expected to form. This is illustrated
schematically in Figure 8a, in which the traditional vision of
the Kofler melt preparation is compared with the actual
situation we find in this work. It shows the direct interface of
the higher melting point solid with the rest of the preparation, instead of a linear composition gradient causing to a
sharp change in the composition.
This finding has important implications for the use of the
Kofler melt as a screening method for co-crystal formation.
In particular, the step change in the composition of the
preparation by the highest melting component will restrict
access to this part of the phase diagram (Figure 8b, intermittent line). Thus, any potential co-crystals with compositions rich in the highest-melting component may not be
experimentally accessible. The composition range which is
rendered inaccessible will depend on a number of factors, the
most important of which is likely to be the amount of time
spent by the lower-melting liquid in contact with the highermelting solid. The longer this time is, the more the chance is
for the higher melting solid to dissolve into the lower melting
liquid, and the more likely for the sharp change in composition at the interface to be reduced. Thus, our DCLS findings
represent an important step forward in understanding the
crystal growth in Kofler melts, which would be difficult to
quantify without the use of the Raman microscopy technique.
Finally, the PCA was the second chemometric method
employed for Raman mapping analysis. Such an approach
derives a number of independent linear combined variables
that has sufficient information about the original chemical
data without the interference of operators, unlike DCLS
which requires referenced spectra for linearly modeling data.
The first three principal components were selected for this
study, whose scores were heavily loaded by the presence of
compounds in the three optically different regions, as shown
in Figure 9aI-cI. These components displayed a homogeneous distribution of pure composition in the higher melting
region, which forms a very distinct boundary once reaching
the zone of mixing. In contrast, PCA results highlighted the
nonuniformity in the distribution of components in the
Crystal Growth & Design, Vol. 11, No. 2, 2011
Alkhalil et al.
Figure 9. PCA analysis results. The first three PCs scores are shown in aI, bI, and cI, their corresponding loadings in aII, bII, and cII. Shown
are (d) the original Raman spectra of NCT (black), co-crystal (green), FBP I (red), and FBP II (blue) (from top to the bottom). RGB color-map
image from PC1, 2, and 3 is shown in (e).
lowest melting region and its unclear boundary with the zone
of mixing region.
The homogeneous composition in the higher melting
region was clearly confirmed by studying the first principal
component (PC1). Figure 9aII shows that PC1 was positively
weighted only by NCT, which was verified by the comparison of the NCT Raman spectrum (Figure 9d) and the PC1
loadings (Figure 9aII). Alternatively, the lower melting
region displayed heterogeneity in components’ composition.
Such an issue was proven by investigating PCs’ loadings.
Figure 9bII,cII shows that components’ weight on PC2 and
PC3 refer to both FBP and co-crystal. This was confirmed
when comparing their positive and negative loadings to the
referenced Raman spectra of co-crystal and FBP, respectively.
However, the loadings exhibited some positive weights, specifically on PC2, which does not initially match with any of
the referenced spectra. These loadings occur strongly in the
left-hand side of the images, which does not correspond to
FBP form I and alerted us to the likelihood of polymorphism in this component. In this context, polymorphism in FBP
has been reported in the literature. Three different polymorphs of FBP are known. Form I is the most stable form,
form II could be induced by heteronucleation approaches
with polymers, and it could also be prepared from seeded
solutions. However, it is less stable than form I as it transforms to form I at around 90 °C. The third form is the least
stable, although it is stable between a slide and a coverslip.
Moreover, it has been reported that the three forms can
be simultaneously crystallized from melt-quenched FBP
form I.31,34,35 Figure S5, Supporting Information confirms
the similarity of reference spectra for FBP forms I and II to those
extracted from two different pixels in the Kofler melt preparation.
Crystal Growth & Design, Vol. 11, No. 2, 2011
It clearly indicates that polymorphism of FBP does indeed
occur in our Kofler preparations. Thus, PCA analysis was an
effective exploratory tool for data interpretation especially
when compared to DCLS. It revealed unexpectedly the presence of polymorphism in FBP, which has not been noticed
in our DCLS approaches. The apparent lack of DCLS
selectivity to the polymorphism of FBP is in fact purely an
operator issue - we had not included input spectra for the
two polymorphs of FBP into the DCLS map generation, as
we did not expect to observe it. With the benefit of hindsight,
even the optical image (Figure 3a) presents some evidence of
FBP polymorphism through the lower visual homogeneity
of the FBP than the NCT, although this lower visual homogeneity is easy to mistake for larger differences in crystal
habit and orientation when compared to NCT.
Although NCT is well-known to exhibit polymorphism
(and this was observed by Berry et al.19), we observed no
evidence for the presence of more than one crystalline form
of this molecule in our experiment. This is not surprising as
our experiment only samples an extremely small subset of
experimental conditions (temperature, pressure, sample volume, etc.) and it is not expected to act as a tool for screening
polymorphism. Nucleation of polymorphs is in any case a
stochastic process and therefore not always reproducible
between apparently identical experiments.36
Finally, a RGB color map image (Figure 9e) was created
by overlapping the first three scores (being assigned by the
anticipated/unexpected compounds and having variances of
>93%) (Figure S3, Supporting Information). This demonstrates the localization of the components in three regions,
which was also noticed from DCLS scores at n= 3.
Overall, both multivariate approaches used in our study
were invaluable. DCLS analysis was beneficial for yielding
quantitative information. However, this needs to be preceded by a knowledge of all existent forms, which is not
required for PCA analysis. Thus, both chemometric techniques yielded advantageous interpretation of the hyperspectral data as they could be served to quantify and characterize
all crystal forms in the model Kofler melt.
The work presented in this article outlines the first use of
confocal Raman microscopy to characterize Kofler melt
preparations. This was shown to be valuable in generating
detailed information on the investigated phases and provided qualitative information about the newly formed phases
(co-crystal and component’s polymorphs).
Detailed quantitative and qualitative information from
Raman mapping were achieved with the use of chemometric
approaches. In this contribution, two chemometric methods
(DCLS and PCA) were explored to investigate the spatial
distribution of the components, and restricted spectral ranges
were employed to characterize the molecular and crystalline
natures of the Kofler preparation. The use of DCLS analysis
provided a new perspective regarding the composition gradient present in Kofler melt preparations. It was shown that the
composition gradient is not linear as a function of position as
had been assumed until now. Rather, a sharp interface exists
at the interface of the highest melting component and the cocrystal. This sharp interface restricts access to the binary phase
diagram in Kofler preparations at compositions rich in the
highest melting component. This may affect the utility of
the Kofler melt as a general-purpose method for screening
co-crystal formation. It is now advisible, according to our
observation, to leave Kofler preparation as long as possible at
high temperatures ; over the melting point of both components ; in order to allow the highest melting solid to dissolve
in the liquid of the lower melting component, and thus to
reduce as far as possible this inaccessible region of the binary
phase diagram.
In contrast to DCLS, PCA has not only confirmed the
distribution of components but also revealed the presence of
both FBP polymorphic forms (forms I and II), which had not
been deduced from the traditional method of optical observation (either by ourselves, or in the previous work of Berry
et al.) nor from DCLS modeling. With the benefit of hindsight
provided by the PCA results, the polymorphism of FBP could
be noted in the optical images.
It is also worth mentioning the sensitivity of screening with
respect to the crystalline components which was strongly
enhanced by considering the phonon region or phonon-mode
data (30-400 cm-1). Raman screening at this region is a
highly promising method for investigating in situ crystallization, polymorphs, co-crystals, and solid dosage forms. This is
attributed to its significant sensitivity in probing the crystalline structure of molecular compounds.
In conclusion, the use of Raman mapping was advantageous for investigating the nature and composition of phases
in Kofler preparation which was nearly impossible in the past.
From this work, we know that coupling the hot-stage with
Raman microscopy provides new insight into the use of
Kofler method to screen co-crystal formation and investigate
the composition of ingredients.
Acknowledgment. We thank the Nottingham Nanotechnology and Nanoscience Centre (NNNC) for providing access
to the Raman microscope and the East Midland Development
Agency (EMDA) for funding this equipment. A.A. thanks
Faculty of Pharmacy, Damascus University for funding her
Ph.D. at the University of Nottingham. J.B. and J.N. thank
the EPSRC for support under Grant EP/G038740/1.
Supporting Information Available: Single X-ray crystal of FBP
form II obtained from solution in an attempt to prepare co-crystal
using acetonitrile. It was confirmed to be form II when compared
with the calculated X-ray pattern taken from the Cambridge
Structural Database (CSD) (Figure S1). This material is available
free of charge via the Internet at
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