The need not to lose that ability to interpret the past which determines our ability to interpret the present and plan a future with more solidarity. La necesidad de no perder esa capacidad de interpretar el pasado que determina nuestra habilidad para interpretar el presente y planificar un futuro más solidario.

Memories against fires The need not to lose that ability to interpret the past which determines our ability to interpret the present and plan a future with more solidarity. Illustrations by Ralph Steadman for "Fahrenheit 451", Red Fox Books edition. Courtesy Red Fox Books The anguish felt by the threat of book burning during the McCarthy era prompted Ray Bradbury to write "Fahrenheit 451: the temperature at which book paper catches fire and burns." There he presents a future where books are forbidden and there are "firefighters" devoted to burning them. One of them gives up his role by reading them instead of burning them, and ends up joining the Resistance whose members memorize books to preserve them from state fires. Suggestive resemblance to the Hafiz (in Arabic protector, memorizer, and not by random in Spanish "keeper, watcher, preserver”) men and women, who among Muslims, memorized the Koran in the time of the Prophet Muhammad to protect it from persecution and recite it to others. As a social "back up", the custom continued to give rise to the professionalization of its public reciting as a university discipline (Taywid) since its reading and reciting is still perceived as that distant shadow of the divine act that compelled believers to "read ”, calling the text “reading”, in Arabic: “Quran”. The same anguish of Bradbury and the first Muslims shocks us, affecting us today "90 years after Nazism came to power", because how could we not feel, as F. Bosoer says (Clarín 8/4/23), that "those years far away blow at our necks or appear as a reincarnated ghost before our eyes”, in the face of the advance of the racist Plague of Hate spread by, for example, parties and individuals that organize and governments that authorize the public burning of Korans? Or in the face of the denial of the same governments that hide or conceal the Islamophobia of their opposition or abstention from the resolution approved on June 28 by the United Nations Human Rights Council condemning the "periodic burning of copies of the Koran, as incitement to hatred religion, discrimination and violence", considering it as a "limitation of Freedom of Expression", with the paradoxical argument that criminalizing a belief as a cultural threat, does not imply criminalizing its believers as a social threat, to later argue that the " Human Rights consist of protecting people, not religions and their symbols”, as if they were not part of people. As if Heinrich Heine's warning had not been fulfilled, from the Berlin Bebelplatz of 1933 to Auschwitz from 1940 to 1945, that "where you start by burning books, you end up burning people" (The gods in exile). Asymmetric inability to convert data into knowledge and, therefore, destiny into awareness and memory, evoking the case of the fool who only looks at the wise man's finger instead of the moon he points at. Enough demonstration of how necessary the spaces and instances of academic reflection are, so as not to lose that ability to interpret the past which determines our ability to interpret the present and plan a future with more solidarity with Us and Others, whoever they are, and with Cultural Diversity itself and that foreign to it. And to remember that "heretics" as Shakespeare said, "are not those who burn at the stake, but those who light it." (A Winter's Tale) Dr. Hamurabi Noufouri As a Director Unesco Chair & Doctorate on Cultural Diversity at- National University of Tres de Febrero - Argentina