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This book presents original research on the controversies surrounding animal sacrifice in South Asia through the lens of court cases. It focuses on the parties involved in these cases: on their discourses, motivations, and contrasting points of view. Through an examination of judicial files, court decisions and newspaper articles, and interviews with protagonists, the book explores how the question of animal sacrifice is dealt with through administrative, legislative, and judicial practice. It outlines how, although animal sacrifice has over the ages been contested by various religious reform movements, the practice has remained widespread at all levels of society, especially in certain regions. It reveals that far from merely being a religious and ritual question, animal sacrifice has become a focus of broader public debate, and it discusses how the controversies highlight the contrast between 'traditional' and 'reformist' understandings of Hinduism; the conflict between the core legal and moral principles of religious freedom and social progress; and the growing concern with environmental issues and animal rights.
Academia Medicine, 2023
The presence of burnout, anxiety, and depression among health professionals is a crucial issue that must be carefully addressed. The aim of this study is to investigate the levels of burnout, anxiety, and depression among health professionals (medical and nursing staff), the association of burnout with anxiety and depression, and the impact of occupational and demographic factors. One hundred and twenty-five health professionals (medical and nursing staff), who were working in a public hospital in the broader area of Athens, participated in the study (a sample of convenience). Of these 125 health professionals, 41 were men and 84 women, with the majority of them being in the age category of 36–45 years. For data collection, the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) questionnaire were used. The results showed that there was a statistically significant and negative correlation of emotional exhaustion with HADS total (r = −0.377; p = 0.000) and HADS anxiety (r = −0.417, p = 0.000). Also, there was a statistically significant and negative correlation of depersonalization with HADS total (r = −0.370, p = 0.000) and HADS anxiety (r = −0.431, p = 0.000). Moreover, there was a statistically significant effect (p < 0.05) of occupational and demographic characteristics.
Müller, J., Kirleis, W., Taylor, N. (eds) Perspectives on Socio-environmental Transformations in Ancient Europe. Quantitative Archaeology and Archaeological Modelling. Springer, Cham., 2024
Schirrmacher, J., I. Feeser, D. Filipović, H-P- Stika. M. Oelbüttel, W. Kirleis.
A necessidade de reduzir acidentes e aumentar a segurança viária, bem como ofertar e comercializar novos serviços a motoristas e passageiros, têm levado ao desenvolvimento da tecnologia VANET (Vehicular Ad hoc Network). Embora possam se conectar com a infraestrutura disponível em vias e estradas, as VANETs são definidas como redes de comunicação veiculares, em que os participantes não dependem necessariamente de pontos de acesso centrais para comunicarem-se. Elas pressupõem a aplicação das comunicações sem fio, já amplamente utilizadas para computadores, equipamentos portáteis e redes móveis, nos veículos. Nos projetos de VANETs atualmente em fase de desenvolvimento e realização de testes de campo, um aspecto chave reconhecido nas pesquisas é a segurança da informação nas comunicações veiculares. Para ser aceita pelos consumidores a rede veicular requer alto grau de confiabilidade, o que se reflete na salvaguarda dos princípios: disponibilidade das comunicações e aplicativos, integridade dos dados, confidencialidade de informações sensíveis, privacidade dos motoristas e passageiros, responsabilização e não-repúdio pelas ações realizadas na rede. A análise de risco é um processo essencial para determinar ameaças, vulnerabilidades e estimar riscos de segurança da informação. Este trabalho visa verificar a aplicabilidade da norma ISO27005 de gestão de riscos de segurança da informação em VANETs. A utilização de mapas de risco permite a visualização dos riscos antes e após medidas de mitigação que vêm sendo propostas em pesquisas e projetos nesta área emergente de estudos.
GIANT STEP | Reflections and Essays on Institutional Critique, 2015
Essay written for GIANT STEP | Reflections and Essays on Institutional Critique
The challenges faced by the human resource management have hindered its development and success. For the human resource department to succeed, these challenges need to be tackled. The challenges include: Limited sources for Training: the organization should have enough budgeted funds for accommodation and travelling during employee training. The organization may lack the funds to facilitate this, resulting to uncompetitive and unskilled employees. The organizations need to plan for hiring and training in their goals and strategies. Recognition of human resource management: the human resource managers are not appreciated in many organizations and their impact on an organization ignored. The role of the HR managers is also not clearly defined. many companies do not see the need of Human resource managers when there is a general manager. Organizations need to identify and define the roles and functions of the human resource management if the HR managers are to be respected and influential. Trade Unions: trade unions are very ruthless when it comes to negotiation and they pressure or influence the employees to strike. This ends up to affecting the human resource practice because it is the role of the human resource managers to provide a good working and conducive environment for workers. To reduce the adverse effects of the trade unions, the human resource managers of the various organizations need to work together with the trade unions in their plans and strategies. Retrenchment and downsizing: this happens when the economy becomes bad and the organizations are forced to reduce the number of employees in an organization, which affects the
Definición: son macromoléculas (generalmente orgánicas) formadas por la unión mediante enlaces covalentes de una o más unidades simples llamadas monómeros. Estos forman largas cadenas que se unen entre sí por fuerzas de Van der Waals, puentes de hidrógeno o interacciones hidrofóbicas. Los polímeros tienen elevadas masas moleculares, que pueden alcanzar incluso millones de UMAs.
Viento Sur, 2023
A los espectadores externos les llama poderosamente la atención la mansedumbre de la izquierda marroquí con el régimen político autoritario, policial y expansionista actual, y en particular con el vértice del mismo, el Majzén. Antes de abordar el porqué de este sometimiento de la izquierda marroquí, hemos de plantearnos qué es el Majzén, una singular formulación del Estado, propia de Marruecos, de per les históricos propios. Con frecuencia, en la prensa diaria, se habla del Majzén como de un Estado paralelo, en la sombra, que difícilmente podemos interpretar en sus intenciones últimas. La palabra majzén está admitida desde hace años por la Real Academia de la Lengua española, con el signi cado literal de "en Marruecos, antiguamente, Gobierno o autoridad suprema". Sin embargo, intuimos que esta de nición es poco clari cadora, ya que el asunto no es sólo histórico, sino sobre todo del presente político. En realidad, el Majzén es literalmente el dar-al-Majzén, en sentido de casa-almacén. Es el espacio palatino y defensivo donde se encuentra la sede del poder, la sultaniya, del sultán mismo-realmente, o de manera gurada, ya que muchos palacios reales están vacíos de su presencia-, AG O
Proceedings of the The First International Conference On Islamic Development Studies 2019, ICIDS 2019, 10 September 2019, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia, 2019
Good personal hygiene and food safety practices are crucial in foodservice establishments. It should guarantee the food is safe to be eaten by the consumers. However, food poisoning cases are still arising from time to time. Therefore, this study was conducted to assess the knowledge, attitude, and practices of food safety among food-handlers. A quantitative method is applied in this study involving 140 foodhandlers. The results showed that respondents do possess the right attitude; however, there are some vital aspects of food safety that still can be improvised. In addition, the respondents were reported to have good knowledge of food handling. In terms of practice, the respondents do practice the important aspects of food safety and hygiene, but still, there are some of them that are being neglected. Hence, the outcomes of this study may perhaps increase the awareness of food-handlers regarding the importance of hygiene in food premises.
The Journal of Interdisciplinary History, 2004
The central bureaucracy of the Ottoman Empire adapted the empire's economic, monetary, and military institutions to changing circumstances with a degree of flexibility and pragmatism that permitted the empire to endure longer than contemporary empires in Asia and Western Europe. However, because it directed its policies primarily toward preserving the traditional order, including its own dominance, it tended to stifle capital accumulation in private hands and the creation of a broad power base, thus ultimately leading to the empire's disintegration.
Degres Journal ISSN NO:0376-8163, 2024
The 2024-25 budget of Tamil Nadu presents a critical framework for understanding the state's fiscal strategy and priorities. This analysis delves into the strategic expenditure patterns, revenue sources, and sector-wise allocations outlined in the budget. The budget reflects a focused approach towards infrastructure development, healthcare, and education, aiming to stimulate economic growth and improve quality of life. Notable allocations include increased funding for rural development projects, social welfare programs, and technological advancements to support the state's ambitious growth targets. Tamil Nadu's revenue streams are diversified, encompassing state taxes, central transfers, and public sector undertakings. The budget underscores a progressive taxation policy, with enhanced efforts to broaden the tax base and improve compliance. Additionally, there is a notable emphasis on leveraging federal grants and increasing revenue from state-owned enterprises. Key sectors receive tailored allocations to address specific needs and challenges. Healthcare sees a significant increase to enhance public health infrastructure and services, while education funding is directed towards improving school facilities and teacher training. Infrastructure investments focus on road networks, public transportation, and urban development to bolster economic activity. The 2024-25 budgets encapsulates Tamil Nadu's strategic priorities and fiscal management efforts, aiming to achieve balanced growth, enhance public services, and foster socioeconomic development. To accomplish this, secondary data and statistics are employed, underscoring the significance of the prevailing political, economic, and social context.
Revista Universitaria de Historia Militar , 2024
International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, 2022
Deleted Journal, 2024
ambienta, 2006
Proceedings of the 1992 Annual Meeting of JSME/MMD, 2006
Studia Praehistorica 18, 2024
Behavioral Ecology, 2008
Esc Heart Failure, 2020
science-line, 2024
Applied Linguistics, 2014
Fred Fafanyo Anku, 2024