arXiv:hep-th/9411145v1 18 Nov 1994
Canadian Mathematical Society
Conference Proceeding
Volume 00, 0000
Quantum Affine Algebras
and their Representations
Abstract. We prove a highest weight classification of the finite-dimensional
irreducible representations of a quantum affine algebra, in the spirit of Cartan’s
classification of the finite-dimensional irreducible representations of complex
simple Lie algebras in terms of dominant integral weights. We also survey
what is currently known about the structure of these representations.
1. Introduction
Around 1985, V.G. Drinfel’d and M. Jimbo showed, independently, how to associate to any symmetrizable Kac–Moody algebra g over C a family Uq (g) of Hopf
algebras, depending on a parameter q ∈ C× , and reducing (essentially) to the classical universal enveloping algebra U (g) when q = 1. The introduction of quantum
groups has opened up a fascinating new chapter in representation theory; in addition, quantum groups have turned out to have surprising connections with several
areas of mathematics (algebraic groups in characteristic p, knot theory, . . . ) and
physics (two–dimensional integrable systems, conformal field theories, . . . ).
Many of the applications of quantum groups (such as those in knot theory, for
example) depend on the fact that, if g is finite–dimensional and q is not a root
of unity, one can associate to any finite–dimensional representation V of Uq (g)
an operator R ∈ End (V ⊗V ) which satisfies the quantum Yang–Baxter equation
R12 R13 R23 = R23 R13 R12
(here, R12 means R⊗id ∈ End(V ⊗V ⊗V ), etc.). In fact, if W is another finite–
dimensional representation of Uq (g), it turns out that the tensor products V ⊗W
and W ⊗V are isomorphic as representations of Uq (g), and further that there is a
1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 17B37, 81R50; Secondary 16W30, 82B23.
The first author was partially supported by NSF Grant #9207701
canonical choice of isomorphism IV,W : V ⊗W → W ⊗V . If V = W and σ is the
flip map V ⊗V → V ⊗V , the matrix R = σI satisfies (1).
In some situations, however, it is important to have a solution of the ‘QYBE
with spectral parameters’:
R12 (u, v)R13 (u, w)R23 (v, w) = R23 (v, w)R13 (u, w)R12 (u, v).
Here, R(u, v) is a family of operators in End (V ⊗V ), for some finite–dimensional
vector space V , depending on a pair of complex parameters u, v. In many cases,
possibly after making a change of variable u 7→ f (u), v 7→ f (v), R(u, v) becomes a
function of u − v, which we write as R(u − v).
In the theory of two–dimensional lattice models in statistical mechanics, for
example, R(u) is a matrix whose entries are the ‘interaction’ energies of the atoms
in the lattice, and u is a parameter on which the properties of the model depend,
such as the values of external electric or magnetic fields. From R(u) one constructs
the ‘transfer matrices’
T (u) = R01 (u)R02 (u) . . . R0N (u) ∈ End (V ⊗V ⊗N )
(the first copy of V in V ⊗V ⊗N is numbered 0, the others 1, . . . , N ) and from these
the partition function
Z = traceV ⊗N (traceV (T )N )
(we assume that the lattice is N atoms wide in each direction and that periodic
boundary conditions are imposed). It is explained in [1], for example, that the
physical properties of the model may be deduced from Z. If R(u) is invertible and
satisfies (2), it is easy to show that traceV (T (u)) commutes with traceV (T (v)) for
all u, v: for this reason, such models are called ‘integrable’.
One can hope to construct solutions of (2) whenever one has a Hopf algebra
A equipped with a family of automorphisms τu . For, if V is a finite–dimensional
(complex) representation of A, pulling back V by τu gives a 1-parameter family
of representations V (u). Assume that, for all parameters u, v, w, and for some
representation V of A,
(i) V (u)⊗V (v) is isomorphic to V (v)⊗V (u), and
(ii) V (u)⊗V (v)⊗V (w) is irreducible,
and let I(u, v) : V (u)⊗V (v) → V (v)⊗V (u) be an intertwiner (which, by (i), is
well–defined up to a scalar multiple). If R = σI, equation (2) is the condition for
the equality of the two composites of intertwiners
V (u)⊗V (v)⊗V (w) → V (v)⊗V (u)⊗V (w) → V (v)⊗V (w)⊗V (u) → V (w)⊗V (v)⊗V (u)
V (u)⊗V (v)⊗V (w) → V (u)⊗V (w)⊗V (v) → V (w)⊗V (u)⊗V (v) → V (w)⊗V (v)⊗V (u).
Thus, condition (ii) guarantees that (2) is satisfied up to a scalar multiple.
Let ĝ be the (untwisted) affine Lie algebra associated to a finite–dimensional complex simple Lie algebra g. Recall that ĝ is a central extension, with 1–dimensional
centre, of the Lie algebra g[t, t−1 ] of Laurent polynomial maps C× → g, under
pointwise operations. There is an obvious multiplicative 1-parameter group of automorphisms of ĝ, given by rescaling t, which fixes each element of the centre. On
the other hand, ĝ is a symmetrizable Kac–Moody algebra, so one can define the
Hopf algebra Uq (ĝ). We shall assume from now on that q is transcendental. It turns
out that Uq (ĝ) also has a multiplicative 1-parameter group of automorphisms τu ,
which reduce, in the limit q → 1, to the rescaling automorphisms of ĝ. According
to Drinfel’d [11], property (i) holds for generic values of u, v, and there exists a
canonical choice of isomorphism I(u, v) such that R(u, v) = σI(u, v) satisfies (2).
Moreover, the multiplicative property of τu implies that R(u, v) depends only on
u/v; reparametrizing by u 7→ eu , v 7→ ev , we get a solution of (2) which depends
only on u − v. Thus, it is of considerable interest to describe the finite–dimensional
irreducible representations of Uq (ĝ).
The main result proved in this paper (Theorem 3.3) gives a parametrization of
the finite–dimensional irreducible representations of Uq (ĝ) analogous to Cartan’s
highest weight classification of the finite–dimensional irreducible representations
of g. The role of dominant integral weights in the representation theory of g is
played for Uq (ĝ) by the set of rank(g)–tuples P of polynomials in one variable with
constant coefficient 1; let V (P) be the representation of Uq (ĝ) associated to P.
To construct explicit solutions of (2), one needs to understand the structure of
the representations V (P). Now, there is a canonical embedding of Hopf algebras
Uq (g) ֒→ Uq (ĝ) which, in the limit q → 1, becomes the embedding g ֒→ ĝ given
by regarding elelments of g as constant maps C× → g. Thus, representations of
Uq (ĝ) can be regarded as representations of Uq (g). Since finite-dimensional representations of Uq (g) are completely reducible, a first step in understanding V (P)
would be to describe its decomposition under Uq (g). We shall say that two representations of Uq (ĝ) are equivalent if they are isomorphic as representations of Uq (g).
Unfortunately, the problem of describing the structure of V (P) as a representation
of Uq (g) appears to be intractable for general P. However, it is still interesting to
understand the representations V (P) of some special type.
Any V (P) has a unique irreducible Uq (g)–subrepresentation of maximal highest weight. Conversely, given a finite–dimensional irreducible representation V of
Uq (g), one can consider the representations V (P) of Uq (ĝ) which have V as their
top Uq (g)–component – V (P) is then called an affinization of V . (Thus, every V (P)
is an affinization of its top Uq (g)-component.)
Classically, every finite–dimensional representation V of g has an affinization (in
the obvious sense) which is irreducible under g. For, there is an algebra homomorphism evu : ĝ → g, for any u ∈ C× , which annihilates the centre of ĝ and evaluates
maps C× → g at u; note that evu is the identity on g. Pulling back V by evu
gives a family of representations V (u) of ĝ, which are obviously isomorphic to V
as representations of g. In the quantum case, however, there are simple examples
of irreducible representations of Uq (g) which have no affinization that is irreducible
under Uq (g). Thus, it is natural to look for the ‘smallest’ affinization(s).
In [4], a natural partial ordering was defined on the set of equivalence classes of
finite–dimensional representations of Uq (g). One can show that a given irreducible
representation V of Uq (g) has only finitely many affinizations, up to equivalence, so
it makes sense to look for the minimal one(s). In Section 6, we give necessary and
sufficient conditions on P for V (P) to be a minimal affinization of its top Uq (g)–
component, summarizing results in [7], [9], [4], and [10]. We use these results to
describe the Uq (g)–structure of the minimal affinizations in some cases.
2. Quantum affine algebras
We begin by recalling the definition of the Hopf algebras Uq (g). Let g be a
finite–dimensional complex simple Lie algebra with Cartan subalgebra h and Cartan
matrix A = (aij )i,j∈I . Fix coprime positive integers (di )i∈I such that (di aij ) is
symmetric. Let P = ZI and let P + = {λ ∈ P | λ(i) ≥ 0 for all i ∈ I}. For
i ∈ I, define λi ∈ P + by λi (j) = δij . Let R (resp. R+ ) be the set of roots (resp.
positive roots) of g. Let αi (i ∈ I) be the simple roots and let θ be the highest
root. Let Q = ⊕i∈I Z.αi ⊂ h∗ be the root lattice, and set Q+ = i∈I N.αi . Define
a partial order ≥ on P by λ ≥ µ iff λ − µ ∈ Q+ . If η = i∈I mi αi ∈ Q+ , define
height(η) = i∈I mi . Define a non-degenerate symmetric bilinear form ( , ) on h∗
by (αi , αj ) = di aij , and set d0 = 21 (θ, θ).
Let q ∈ C× be transcendental, and, for r, n ∈ N, n ≥ r, define
q n − q −n
q − q −1
[n]q ! = [n]q [n − 1]q . . . [2]q [1]q ,
[n]q !
[r]q ![n − r]q !
r q
[n]q =
Set qi = q di .
Proposition 2.1. There is a Hopf algebra Uq (g) over C which is generated as
an algebra by elements x±
(i ∈ I), with the following defining relations:
i , ki
ki ki−1 = ki−1 ki = 1, ki kj = kj ki ,
±aij ±
xj ,
ki x±
= qi
j ki
i , xj ] = δij
ki − ki−1
qi − qi−1
X 1 − aij
r ± ± 1−aij −r
= 0,
i ) xj (xi )
i 6= j.
The comultiplication ∆, counit ǫ, and antipode S of Uq (g) are given by
i ) = xi ⊗ki + 1⊗xi ,
i ) = xi ⊗1 + ki ⊗xi ,
∆(ki±1 ) = ki±1 ⊗ki±1 ,
i ) = 0, ǫ(ki ) = 1,
+ −1
i ) = −xi ki , S(xi ) = −ki xi , S(ki ) = ki ,
for all i ∈ I.
The generators and relations in 2.1 serve, in fact, to define a Hopf algebra Uq (g)
when g is an arbitrary symmetrizable Kac–Moody algebra. In particular, if ĝ is
the (untwisted) affine Lie algebra associated to g, one can define the Hopf algebra
Uq (ĝ) as in 2.1, but replacing I by Iˆ = I ∐ {0} and A by the extended Cartan
matrix  = (aij )i,j∈Iˆ of g; we let q0 = q d0 .
Note that there is a canonical homomorphism Uq (g) → Uq (ĝ) such that x±
i 7→ xi ,
ki 7→ ki for all i ∈ I. Thus, any representation of Uq (ĝ) may be regarded as a
representation of Uq (g).
Now ĝ is better understood than an arbitrary infinite–dimensional Kac–Moody
Lie algebra because it has another realization as (a central extension of) a space of
maps C× → g, as we mentioned in Section 1. In [12], Drinfel’d stated (in a slightly
different form) a realization of Uq (ĝ) which, although still in terms of generators
and relations, more closely resembles the description of ĝ as a space of maps. In
the following form, the result was proved by Beck [2]:
Theorem 2.2. Let Aq be the algebra with generators x±
i,r (i ∈ I, r ∈ Z), ki
(i ∈ I), hi,r (i ∈ I, r ∈ Z\{0}) and c±1/2 , and the following defining relations:
c±1/2 are central,
ki ki−1 = ki−1 ki = 1, c1/2 c−1/2 = c−1/2 c1/2 = 1,
ki kj = kj ki , ki hj,r = hj,r ki ,
±aij ±
xj,r ,
ki xj,r ki−1 = qi
∓|r|/2 ±
xj,r+s ,
[hi,r , x±
j,s ] = ± [raij ]qi c
±aij ± ±
xj,s xi,r+1 = qi ij x±
i,r xj,s+1 − xj,s+1 xi,r ,
i,r+1 xj,s − qi
i,r , xj,s ] = δij
k=0 (−1)
k qi
−(r−s)/2 −
c(r−s)/2 φ+
i,r+s − c
qi − qi−1
± ±
i,rπ(1) . . . xi,rπ(k) xj,s xi,rπ(k+1) . . . xi,rπ(m) = 0,
if i 6= j, for all sequences of integers r1 , . . . , rm , where m = 1 − aij , Σm is the
symmetric group on m letters, and the φ±
i,r are determined by equating powers of u
in the formal power series
i,±r u
ki±1 exp
±(qi −
qi−1 )
hi,±s u
If θ =
i∈I ki . Suppose that the root vector xθ of g
i∈I mi αi , set kθ =
corresponding to θ is expressed in terms of the simple root vectors xi (i ∈ I) of g
θ = λ[xi1 , [xi2 , · · · , [xik , xj ] · · · ]]
for some λ ∈ C× . Define maps wi± : Uq (ĝ) → Uq (ĝ) by
∓1 ±
wi± (a) = x±
i,0 a − ki aki xi,0 .
Then, there is an isomorphism f : Uq (ĝ) → Aq defined on generators by
f (k0 ) = kθ−1 , f (ki ) = ki , f (x±
i ) = xi,0 ,
f (x+
f (x0 )
(i ∈ I),
· · · wi−k (x−
j,1 )kθ ,
λkθ wi+1 · · · wi+k (x+
j,−1 ),
where µ ∈ C× is determined by the condition
0 , x0 ] =
k0 − k0−1
q0 − q0−1
Let Û ± (resp. Û 0 ) be the subalgebra of Uq (ĝ) generated by the x±
i,r (resp. by
the φi,r ) for all i ∈ I, r ∈ Z. Similarly, let U (resp. U ) be the subalgebra of
Uq (g) generated by the x±
i (resp. by the ki ) for all i ∈ I. We have the following
weak version of the Poincaré–Birkhoff–Witt theorem:
Proposition 2.3.
(a) Uq (g) = U − .U 0 .U + .
(b) Uq (ĝ) = Û − .Û 0 .Û + .
See [8] or [14] for details.
3. Representation theory of Uq (g) and Uq (ĝ)
We begin by summarizing the relevant facts about the representation theory of
Uq (g) (we continue to assume that q is transcendental). For further details, see [8]
or [14], for example.
Let W be a representation of Uq (g). One says that λ ∈ P is a weight of W if the
weight space
Wλ = {w ∈ W |ki .w = q λ(i) w}
is non–zero. We say that W is of type 1 if
W =
Wµ .
A non–zero vector w ∈ Wλ is called a highest weight vector if x+
i .w = 0 for
all i ∈ I, and W is called a highest weight representation with highest weight
λ if W = Uq (g).w for some highest weight vector w ∈ Wλ . Any highest weight
representation is of type 1.
For any λ ∈ P , let M (λ) be the quotient of Uq (g) by the left ideal generated
by {x+
.1}i∈I . Then, M (λ) is a highest weight representation of Uq (g)
i , ki − q
with highest weight λ, and it follows from 2.3(a) that M (λ)λ is one–dimensional.
The standard argument implies that M (λ) has a unique irreducible quotient V (λ),
and that every irreducible highest weight representation with highest weight λ is
isomorphic to V (λ).
For any i ∈ I, let σi be the algebra automorphism of Uq (g) such that
δij +
σi (x+
j ) = (−1) xj , σi (kj ) = (−1) kj , σi (xj ) = xj
for all j ∈ I.
Proposition 3.1.
(a) Every finite–dimensional representation of Uq (g) is completely reducible.
(b) Every finite–dimensional irreducible representation of Uq (g) can be obtained
from a type 1 representation by twisting with a product of the automorphisms
σi .
(c) Every finite–dimensional irreducible representation of Uq (g) of type 1 is
highest weight.
(d) The representation V (λ) is finite–dimensional iff λ ∈ P + .
(e) If λ ∈ P + , V (λ) has the same character as the irreducible representation of
g of the same highest weight.
(f) The multiplicity mν (V (λ)⊗V (µ)) of V (ν) in the tensor product V (λ)⊗V (µ),
where λ, µ, ν ∈ P + , is the same as in the tensor product of the irreducible
representations of g of the same highest weight (this statement makes sense
in view of parts (a), (c) and (d)).
We now turn to the representation theory of Uq (ĝ). A representation V of Uq (ĝ)
is of type 1 if c1/2 acts as the identity on V , and if V is of type 1 as a representation
of Uq (g). A vector v ∈ V is a highest weight vector if
i,r .v = 0, φi,r .v = Φi,r v,
c1/2 .v = v,
for some complex numbers Φ±
i,r . A type 1 representation V is a highest weight
representation if V = Uq (ĝ).v, for some highest weight vector v, and the pair of
(I × Z)–tuples (Φ±
i,r )i∈I,r∈Z is its highest weight. (In [8], highest weight representations of Uq (ĝ) are called ‘pseudo-highest weight’.)
Note that Φ+
i,r = 0 (resp. Φi,r = 0) if r < 0 (resp. if r > 0), and that
Φi,0 Φi,0 = 1. Conversely, if Φ = (Φ±
i,r )i∈I,r∈Z is a set of complex numbers satisfying
Φ) be the quotient of Uq (ĝ) by the left ideal generated by
these conditions, let M (Φ
Φ) is a highest weight represen{x+
− 1}. Then, M (Φ
i,r , φi,r − Φi,r .1}i∈I,r∈Z ∪ {c
Φ) as a representation of
tation of Uq (ĝ). It follows from 2.3(b) that, regarding M (Φ
Φ))λ = 1, and hence that M (Φ
Φ) has a unique irreducible
Uq (g), we have dim(M (Φ
Φ). Clearly, every irreducible highest
quotient (as a representation of Uq (ĝ)), say V (Φ
weight representation of Uq (ĝ) is isomorphic to some V (Φ
Let σi (i ∈ I) be the algebra automorphisms of Uq (ĝ) defined by the formulas in
ˆ Also, let σ be the algebra automorphism of Uq (ĝ)
(5), but with the indices i, j ∈ I.
given, in terms of the presentation 2.2, by
σ(c1/2 ) = −c1/2 ,
σ(ki ) = ki ,
r ±
i,r ) = (−1) xi,r ,
σ(hi,r ) = hi,r .
Proposition 3.2. Let V be a finite-dimensional irreducible representation of
Uq (ĝ).
(a) V can be obtained from a type 1 representation by twisting with a product
ˆ σ.
of some of the automorphisms σi (i ∈ I),
(b) If V is of type 1 (as a representation of Uq (ĝ)), then V is highest weight.
See Section 12.2 of [8] for the proof.
Thus, to classify the finite-dimensional irreducible representations of Uq (ĝ), we
Φ) is finite-dimensional.
have only to determine for which Φ the representation V (Φ
The answer to this question is the main result of this paper. If λ ∈ P + , let P λ be
the set of all I-tuples (Pi )i∈I of polynomials Pi ∈ C[u], with constant term 1, such
that deg(Pi ) = λ(i) for all i ∈ I. Set P = ∪λ∈P + P λ .
Theorem 3.3. Let Φ = (Φi,r )i∈I,r∈Z be a pair of (I × Z)-tuples of complex
Φ) of Uq (ĝ) is finitenumbers, as above. Then, the irreducible representation V (Φ
dimensional iff there exists P = (Pi )i∈I ∈ P such that
deg(Pi ) Pi (qi u)
i,r u = qi
Pi (u)
i,−r u
in the sense that the left- and right-hand terms are the Laurent expansions of the
middle term about 0 and ∞, respectively.
By abuse of notation, we denote the finite-dimensional irreducible representation
of Uq (ĝ) associated to P by V (P), and say that P is its highest weight.
The ‘only if’ part of 3.3 is proved in [8], and we shall say no more about it in
this paper. The ‘if’ part is proved in the next two sections.
To conclude the present section, however, we describe the behaviour of the Ituples P under tensor products. If P = (Pi )i∈I , Q = (Qi )i∈I ∈ P, let P⊗Q ∈ P
be the I–tuple (Pi Qi )i∈I .
Proposition 3.4. Let P, Q ∈ P, and let vP and vQ be Uq (ĝ)-highest weight
vectors in V (P) and V (Q), respectively. Then, in V (P)⊗V (Q), we have
i,r .(vP ⊗vQ ) = 0, φi,r .(vP ⊗vQ ) = Ψi,r (vP ⊗vQ )
for all i ∈ I, r ∈ Z, where the complex numbers Ψ±
i,r are related to P⊗Q as the
See [8] for the proof. The following result is an immediate consequence:
Corollary 3.5. Let P, Q ∈ P. Then, V (P⊗Q) is isomorphic, as a representation of Uq (ĝ), to a quotient of the subrepresentation of V (P)⊗V (Q) generated by
the tensor product of the highest weight vectors in V (P) and V (Q).
Since every polynomial is a product of linear polynomials, the last result suggests
that we define a representation V (P) of Uq (ĝ) to be fundamental if, for some i ∈ I,
Pj = 1 if j 6= i and deg(Pi ) = 1. Then, iterating 3.5, we obtain
Corollary 3.6. For any P ∈ P, the representation V (P) of Uq (ĝ) is isomorphic to a subquotient of a tensor product of fundamental representations.
This suggests a method of proving the ‘if’ part of Theorem 3.3. For, in view
of 3.6, it clearly suffices to prove that the fundamental representations of Uq (ĝ)
are all finite-dimensional. Since the fundamentals are the ‘simplest’ representations
of Uq (ĝ), it should be possible to describe them ‘explicitly’, and, in particular, to
prove that they are finite-dimensional. We shall use this approach in the sl2 case
in the next section, and, although we have no doubt that it can be carried through
in the general case, we shall use a different, more abstract, approach to complete
the proof of 3.3 in Section 5.
4. Proof of the main theorem: sl2 case
It is easy to construct finite–dimensional representations of the classical affine
Lie algebra ĝ thanks to the existence of the family of homomorphisms eva : ĝ → g
which annihilate the centre of ĝ and evaluate maps C× → g at a ∈ C× . If V is a
representation of g, the pull–back of V by eva is a representation Va of ĝ. Jimbo
ˆ 2 ):
[13] defined an analogue of eva for Uq (sl
ˆ 2) →
Proposition 4.1. There is a family of algebra homomorphisms eva : Uq (sl
Uq (sl2 ), defined for all a ∈ C , such that eva (c ) = 1 and
−r −r r +
eva (x+
a k1 x1 ,
1,r ) = q
−r −r − r
eva (x−
a x1 k1 ,
1,r ) = q
for all r ∈ Z.
See [6], Proposition 4.1, for the proof.
ˆ n ), for all n ≥ 2 (strictly
Remark. Jimbo defined an analogue of eva for Uq (sl
speaking, if n > 2 Jimbo’s homomorphism takes values in an ‘enlargement’ of
Uq (sln )). If g is not of type A, there is no homomorphism Uq (ĝ) → Uq (g) which is
the identity on Uq (g) ⊂ Uq (ĝ) (see [8]).
If V is a type 1 representation of Uq (sl2 ), its pull–back Va by eva is obviously a
ˆ 2 ); we call Va an evaluation representation of Uq (sl
ˆ 2 ).
type 1 representation of Uq (sl
Since eva is the identity on Uq (sl2 ), Va is isomorphic to V as a representation of
Uq (sl2 ); in particular, Va is irreducible if V is. The finite-dimensional irreducible
type 1 representations of Uq (sl2 ) are easy to describe. We know that there is exactly
one such representation V (r) of each dimension r + 1 ≥ 1, since the same is true
for sl2 . It is easy to check that, if {v0 , v1 , . . . , vr } is a basis of V (r), the formulas
k1 .vk = q r−2k vk , x+
1 .vk = [r − k + 1]q vk−1 , x1 .vk = [k + 1]q vk+1
define the required representation (we set v−1 = vr+1 = 0). Using the relations in
2.2, it follows that v0 is a Uq (ĝ)–highest weight vector of V (r)a , and that
−k k(r−1) r
(q − q −r )v0
1,k .v0 = a
v0 .
Using these formulas, one finds that V (r)a ∼
= V (Pr,a ), where
h1,k .v0 = q −k a−k
Pr,a (u) =
(1 − a−1 q r−2k+1 u).
The set Σr,a = {aq
, aq
, . . . , aq r−1 } of roots of Pr,a is called the q-segment
of length r and centre a.
At this point, it is easy to complete the proof of 3.3 in the sl2 case. As we noted
at the end of Section 3, it suffices to prove that the fundamental representations
are finite-dimensional. But, since P1,a (u) = 1 − a−1 u, it follows that the fundaˆ 2 ) are precisely the V (1)a , for arbitrary a ∈ C× . In
mental representations of Uq (sl
particular, they all have dimension 2.
Before turning to the general case of 3.3, however, we shall describe the structure
ˆ 2 ) in more detail:
of the representations V (P ) of Uq (sl
Proposition 4.2. Let r1 , r2 , . . . , rk ∈ N, a1 , a2 , . . . , ak ∈ C× , k ∈ N. Then, the
tensor product V (r1 )a1 ⊗V (r2 )a2 ⊗ · · · ⊗V (rk )ak is reducible as a representation of
ˆ 2 ) iff at least one pair of q-segments Σr ,a , Σr ,a , 1 ≤ i, j ≤ k, are in special
Uq (sl
i i
position, in the sense that their union is a q-segment which properly contains them
This is proved in [6].
It is now easy to describe the representation V (P ), for any polynomial P ∈ C[u]
with constant coefficient 1. The roots of P form a multiset, i.e. a finite set of nonzero complex numbers (the roots of P ), with a positive integer attached to each
element of the set (its multiplicity as a root of P ). It is not difficult to show that
every multiset can be written uniquely as a union of q-segments, no two of which
are in special position. (The union is in the sense of multisets: the multiplicity of
a complex number in a union of multisets is the sum of its multiplicities in each of
them.) We can thus write
multiset of roots of P = Σr1 ,a1 ∪ Σr2 ,a2 ∪ · · · ∪ Σrk ,ak
for some r1 , r2 , . . . , rk ∈ N, a1 , a2 , . . . , ak ∈ C× , k ∈ N, and where no pair Σri ,ai ,
Σrj ,aj is in special position. By 3.5 and 4.2, there is an isomorphism of representaˆ 2)
tions of Uq (sl
V (r1 )a1 ⊗V (r2 )a2 ⊗ · · · ⊗V (rk )ak ∼
= V (Pr1 ,a1 Pr2 ,a2 . . . Prk ,ak ).
But, the polynomial Pr1 ,a1 Pr2 ,a2 . . . Prk ,ak has the same roots as P , with the same
multiplicities, and hence is equal to P (both polynomials having constant coefficient
1). Thus,
V (P ) ∼
= V (r1 )a ⊗V (r2 )a ⊗ · · · ⊗V (rk )a .
We have proved
ˆ 2 ) of
Theorem 4.3. Every finite-dimensional irreducible representation of Uq (sl
type 1 is isomorphic to a tensor product of evaluation representations.
There is an amusing interpretation of q-segments in terms of ‘q-derivatives’,
which will allow us to give a kind of Weyl dimension formula for V (P ). We recall
that, if P ∈ C[u], its q-derivative is
(Dq P )(u) =
P (q 2 u) − P (u)
q2 u − u
It is obvious that Dq P is a polynomial in u (and q), and that
lim Dq P =
The interpretation we have in mind is based on the following elementary result,
whose proof we leave to the reader.
Proposition 4.4. Let P ∈ C[u] have non-zero constant coefficient, and let ΣP
be its multiset of roots. Then, for each integer k ≥ 2, the number of q-segments
of length k in ΣP is equal to the number of common roots of the polynomials
P, Dq P, . . . , Dqk−1 P .
To clarify the meaning of 4.4, suppose that, in the canonical decomposition of
ΣP into a union of q-segments, no two of which are in special position, there is one
segment of length 2 and one of length 3. Then, the number of q-segments of length
2 in ΣP is 3:
Of course, there is one q-segment of length 3 in ΣP , and none of length > 3.
In general, suppose that, for each k ≥ 1, there are nk q-segments of length k
in the canonical decomposition of ΣP . Then, there are Nk q-segments of length k
altogether, where
N1 = n1 + 2n2 + 3n3 + · · · + rnr ,
N2 = n2 + 2n3 + 3n4 + · · · + (r − 1)nr ,
N r = nr ,
and r = deg(P ). Hence,
nk = Nk − 2Nk+1 + Nk+2
(we set Nk = 0 if k > r). By 4.3, and the discussion preceding it, it is clear that
dim(V (P )) =
(k + 1)nk .
A little rearrangement now gives
Proposition 4.5. For any P ∈ C[u] with constant coefficient 1,
dim(V (P )) = 2
deg(P )
deg(P ) 2
k −1
where, for each integer k ≥ 2, Nk is the number of common roots of P, Dq P, . . .
. . . , Dqk−1 P .
It would be interesting to find an analogue of this result for the dimensions of
the representations V (P) of Uq (ĝ), for arbitrary g.
5. Proof of the main theorem: general case
Let P = (Pi )i∈I ∈ P and let vP be a Uq (ĝ)-highest weight vector in V (P). Since
by λ(i) = deg(Pi ), then
i,0 = ki , it follows from (6) that, if we define λ ∈ P
ki .vP = qi
vP , so vP ∈ V (P)λ . By 2.3(b), V (P)λ = CvP and
V (P)λ−η .
V (P) =
Thus, to prove the ‘if’ part of 3.3, it is enough to prove the following assertions:
(a) V (P)λ−η = 0 for all except finitely many η ∈ Q+ .
(b) For all η ∈ Q+ , dim(V (P)λ−η ) < ∞.
PROOF OF (a). Let 0 6= v ∈ V (P)µ , where µ = λ − η, η ∈ Q+ . Let Ui
be the subalgebra of Uq (ĝ) generated by x±
(i ∈ I), and let Vi = Ui .v.
i and ki
Note that there is an obvious homomorphism of algebras (actually an isomorphism)
Uqi (sl2 ) → Ui which takes x±
7→ ki±1 , so Vi may be regarded as a
1 7→ xi , k1
representation of Uqi (sl2 ). We claim that, to prove (a), it suffices to prove
(c) If 0 6= v ∈ V (P)µ and Vi = Ui .v, then dim(Vi ) < ∞.
To see that (c) implies (a), note that, if si is the ith fundamental reflection in
the Weyl group W of g, the finite-dimensionality of Vi implies that its set of weights
is stable under the action of si (this follows from 3.1(e) and the analogous classical
statement). Hence, V (P)µ 6= 0 implies V (P)si (µ) 6= 0 for all i ∈ I. It follows
that, if w ∈ W is arbitrary, then V (P)w(µ) 6= 0. Since one can choose w so that
w(µ) ∈ P + , it follows that any µ ∈ P such that V (P)µ 6= 0 belongs to the finite set
W.{ν ∈ P + | ν ≤ λ}.
Thus, we are reduced to proving (c).
Now (c) is clearly a consequence of
(d) If V (P)µ 6= 0, there exists N > 0 such that V (P)µ−rαi = V (P)µ+rαi = 0 if
r > N.
Indeed, assuming (d), it is clear that Vi is spanned by {(x±
i ) .v | 0 ≤ r ≤ N }.
To prove (d), note that it is obvious that V (P)µ+rαi = 0 for r >> 0, since
µ + rαi ≤ λ only for finitely many r > 0. We shall prove, on the other hand, that
V (P)µ−rαi = 0 if r > 3h + λ(i), where h = height(λ − µ). Indeed, this follows from
(e) For any r > 0, V (P)µ−rαi is spanned by vectors of the form
− −
− −
X1− x−
i1 ,k1 X2 xi2 ,k2 . . . Xh xih ,kh Xh+1 .vP ,
where λ − µ = αi1 + αi2 + · · · + αih , k1 , k2 , . . . , kh ∈ Z are arbitrary, and
each Xp− , 1 ≤ p ≤ h + 1, is a product of the form
Xp− = x−
i,ℓ1,p xi,ℓ2,p . . . xi,ℓrp ,p ,
for some ℓ1,p , ℓ2,p , . . . , ℓrp ,p ∈ Z and r1 , r2 , . . . , rh+1 ∈ N such that
r1 + r2 + · · · + rh+1 = r
r1 , r2 , . . . , rh ≤ 3.
To see that (e) implies that V (P)µ−rαi = 0 if r > 3h + λ(i), let Ûi be the
subalgebra of Uq (ĝ) generated by {x±
i,k , φi,k }k∈Z , and set V̂i = Ûi .vP . There is
ˆ 2 ) → Ûi
an obvious homomorphism of algebras (actually an isomorphism) Uqi (sl
which takes x1,k 7→ xi,k , φ1,k 7→ φi,k , so V̂i may be regarded as a representation of
ˆ 2)
ˆ 2 ). According to Lemma 2.3 in [9], V̂i ∼
Uq (sl
= V (Pi ) as a representation of Uq (sl
(in particular, V̂i is irreducible). It follows from 4.2 that (V̂i )λ−sαi = 0 if s > λ(i).
On the other hand, 2.3 implies that V (P)λ−sαi = (V̂i )λ−sαi for all s ≥ 0. Now, for
any vector (8) satisfying the conditions in (e), we have rh+1 ≥ r − 3h > λ(i), so
.vP ∈ V (P)λ−rh+1 αi = 0
. Thus, (e) implies that V (P)λ−rαi = 0 if r > 3h + λ(i).
To prove (e), note that it is obvious by 2.3(b) that V (P)µ−rαi is spanned by
vectors of the form (8) satisfying all the stated conditions except possibly condition
(9). Thus, it suffices to show that any vector v of the form (8) which does not
satisfy (9) can be written as a linear combination of vectors of the same form which
do satisfy (9). We prove this by induction on h.
If h = 0, there is nothing to prove. Assume that h ≥ 1. By repeated use of
relation (4) in 2.2, the product X1− x−
i1 ,k1 can be expressed as a linear combination
Y1− and Ỹ1− are of the same form as X1− ,
of terms of the form Y1− x−
i1 ,k1 1
but where Y1− is a product of ≤ 3 generators x−
i,ℓ , and Ỹ1 is a product of ≥ ℓr1 − 3
such generators. (If g is simply-laced, we can assume that Y1− is a single x−
i,ℓ , and
if g is of type B, C or F, that Y1 is a product of ≤ 2 such generators.) So v can
be expressed as a linear combination of vectors
− − −
Y1− x−
i1 ,k1 Ỹ1 X2 xi2 ,k2 . . . Xh+1 .vP .
By the induction hypothesis,
Ỹ1− X2− x−
i2 ,k2 . . . Xh+1 .vP
can be expressed as a linear combination of vectors
− −
Y2− x−
i2 ,k2 Y3 xi3 ,k3 . . . Yh+1 .vP ,
where each of Y2− , Y3− , . . . , Yh− is a product of ≤ 3 x−
i,ℓ ’s, and Yh+1 is a product of
≥ r − 3 − 3(h − 1) = r − 3 xi,ℓ ’s. This completes the inductive step and proves (e).
The proof of (a) is now complete.
PROOF OF (b). We proceed by induction on h = height(η). If η = 0, there is
nothing to prove. If η = αi , we have to show that the vectors x−
i,k .vP (k ∈ Z) span
a finite-dimensional space. But this space is obviously contained in Ûi .vP , and we
have already seen that Ûi .vP is finite-dimensional.
Assume now that h ≥ 2, and that (b) has been proved for η’s of height < h. The
weight space V (P)λ−η is spanned, in view of 2.3(b), by vectors of the form
i1 ,k1 xi2 ,k2 . . . xih ,kh .vP ,
where η = αi1 +αi2 +· · ·+αih and k1 , k2 , . . . , kh ∈ Z. It clearly suffices to prove that
the vectors (10) span a finite-dimensional space for each fixed choice of i1 , . . . , ih ;
denote this space by Vi1 ,... ,ih . By the induction hypothesis, there exists M ∈ N
such that, for all i ∈ {i1 , i2 , . . . , ih }, V (P)λ−η+αi is spanned by vectors of the form
j2 ,ℓ2 xj3 ,ℓ3 . . . xjh ,ℓh .vP ,
where αj2 + αj3 + · · · + αjh = η − αi and |ℓ2 |, |ℓ3 |, . . . , |ℓh | ≤ M . It suffices to prove
that Vi1 ,... ,ih is contained in the space
W =
i2 ,k2 .V (P)λ−η+αi2 + xi1 ,0 .V (P)λ−η+αi1 ,
k2 =−M
since W is finite-dimensional by the induction hypothesis.
For this, we prove, by induction on k1 , that the vector (10) lies in W for every
k2 , . . . , kh (we assume that k1 ≥ 0, the proof for k1 ≤ 0 being essentially the same).
The case k1 = 0 is obvious. For the inductive step, note that we can assume that
|k2 |, |k3 |, . . . , |kh | ≤ M . Using relation (3) in 2.2, any vector (10) can be written as
a linear combination of the vectors
i2 ,k2 xi1 ,k1 xi3 ,k3 . . . xih ,kh .vP ,
i2 ,k2 +1 xi1 ,k1 −1 xi3 ,k3 . . . xih ,kh .vP ,
i1 ,k1 −1 xi2 ,k2 +1 xi3 ,k3 . . . xih ,kh .vP .
But, vectors of types (13) and (14) obviously belong to W , and those of type (15)
belong to W by the induction hypothesis on k1 . This completes the inductive step.
(Note that, by the induction hypothesis again, the vector
i2 ,k2 +1 xi3 ,k3 . . . xih ,kh .vP
can be written as a linear combination of vectors
i′ ,k′ xi′ ,k′ . . . xi′ ,k′ .vP ,
where αi′2 + · · · + αi′h = αi2 + · · · + αih and |k2′ |, . . . , |kh′ | ≤ M .)
This completes the proof of (b), and hence that of Theorem 3.3.
6. Minimal affinizations
We saw at the beginning of Section 5 that, if P = (Pi )i∈I ∈ P, and λ ∈ P + is
defined by λ(i) = deg(Pi ), then
V (P) =
V (P)λ−η and dim(V (P)λ ) = 1.
Since V (P) is finite-dimensional, it is completely reducible as a representations of
Uq (g), and in view of (16) we have
V (P) ∼
= V (λ) ⊕
V (µ)⊕mµ
µ∈P +
as a representation of Uq (g), where the multiplicities mµ ∈ N are zero unless µ < λ.
Thus, V (P) gives a way of extending the action of Uq (g) on V (λ) to an action of
Uq (ĝ), at the expense of enlarging V (λ) by the addition of representations of Uq (g)
of smaller highest weight. For this reason, we call V (P) an affinization of V (λ).
We say that two affinizations are equivalent if and only if they are isomorphic as
representations of Uq (g), and we denote by [V (P)] the equivalence class of V (P).
There is one situation in which affinizations are unique, up to equivalence:
Proposition 6.1. For any i ∈ I, V (λi ) has a unique affinization, up to equivalence.
Proof. If V (P) is an affinization of V (λi ), then Pj = 1 if j 6= i and Pi (u) =
1−a−1 u, for some a ∈ C× (i.e. V (P) is a fundamental representation of Uq (ĝ)). Denoting this V (P) by V (λi , a), we have to prove that the equivalence class [V (λi , a)]
is independent of a.
We make use of the family of (Hopf) algebra automorphisms τt (t ∈ C× ) of Uq (ĝ)
defined by
k ±
k ±
τt (x±
) = c1/2 .
i,k ) = t xi,k , τt (φi,k ) = t φi,k , τt (c
It is easy to see that, for any Q = (Qi )i∈I ∈ P, the pull-back τt∗ (V (Q)) of V (Q)
by τt is isomorphic as a representation of Uq (ĝ) to V (Qt ), where Qt = (Qti ) and
Qti (u) = Qi (tu).
In particular, τa∗ (V (λi , a)) ∼
= V (λi , 1). Since τa is the identity of Uq (g), it follows
that [V (λi , a)] = [V (λi , 1)].
Corollary 6.2. For any λ ∈ P + , V (λ) has, up to equivalence, only finitely
many affinizations.
Proof. By 3.6, any affinization V (P) of V (λ) is isomorphic as a representation
of Uq (ĝ) to a subquotient of a tensor product
V (λi , bj,i ),
i∈I j=1
for some bj,i ∈ C× (the order of the factors is unimportant). By 6.1, this tensor
product is, up to Uq (g)-isomorphism, independent of the bj,i . It therefore has only
finitely many subquotients, regarded as a representation of Uq (g).
In general, a representation V (λ) of Uq (g) has many inequivalent affinizations,
and it is natural to ask if one can make a canonical choice among them. To this
end, the following partial order on the set of affinizations was introduced in [4].
Proposition 6.3. Let λ ∈ P + and let V (P) and V (Q) be affinizations of V (λ).
Then, we write [V (P)] [V (Q)] iff, for all µ ∈ P + , either
(i) mµ (V (P)) ≤ mµ (V (Q)), or
(ii) there exists ν > µ with mν (V (P)) < mν (V (Q)).
Then, is a partial order on the set of equivalence classes of affinizations of V (λ).
An affinization V (P) of V (λ) is minimal if, whenever V (Q) is an affinization of
V (λ) and [V (Q)] [V (P)], we have [V (P)] = [V (Q)]. In view of 6.2, minimal
affinizations certainly exist.
ˆ 2) →
If g = sl2 , we explained in Section 4 that the homomorphisms eva : Uq (sl
Uq (sl2 ) enable one to extend the action of Uq (sl2 ) on any representation V (λ) to
ˆ 2 ) on the same space. These evaluation representations obviously
an action of Uq (sl
provide the unique minimal affinization. We mentioned in Section 4 that there are
analogues of the eva when g = sln for any n ≥ 2, so the minimal affinizations are
also unique, and irreducible under Uq (g), in that case.
The following result, proved in [7], gives the defining polynomials of the minimal
affinizations in the type A case.
Theorem 6.4. Let g = sln+1 (C) and let λ ∈ P + . Number the nodes of the
Dynkin diagram of g as in [3]. Then, V (λ) has, up to equivalence, a unique minimal
affinization. It is represented by V (P), where P = (Pi )i∈I ∈ P λ , iff, for all i ∈ I
such that λ(i) > 0, the roots of Pi form a q-segment with centre ai ∈ C× (say) and
length λ(i), where
(i) either, for all i < j such that λ(i) > 0 and λ(j) > 0,
= q λ(i)+2(λ(i+1)+···+λ(j−1))+λ(j)+j−i ,
(ii) or, for all i < j such that λ(i) > 0 and λ(j) > 0,
= q λ(i)+2(λ(i+1)+···+λ(j−1))+λ(j)+j−i .
To state the corresponding results when g is of type B, C or F, number the nodes
of the Dynkin diagram as in [3], and define, for any λ ∈ P + , complex numbers ci (λ)
as follows:
di (λ(i)+λ(i+1)+1)
if ai+1 i ai i+1 = 1,
ci (λ) =
di λ(i)+di+1 λ(i+1)+2di+1 −1
if ai+1 i ai i+1 = 1.
Theorem 6.5. Let g be non-simply-laced, and let λ ∈ P + . Then, V (P) is a
minimal affinization of V (λ) iff P ∈ P λ satisfies the following conditions:
(i) For all i ∈ I, either Pi = 1 or the roots of Pi form a qi -segment of length
λ(i) and centre ai (say).
(ii) Either, for all i < j such that λ(i) > 0 and λ(j) > 0, we have
cs ,
or, for all i < j such that λ(i) > 0 and λ(j) > 0, we have
2dj −2di
s .
The minimal affinization of V (λ) is unique, up to equivalence.
See [10] for the proof. Note that, for any r, I\Ir defines a type A subdiagram,
so 6.4 gives the precise conditions under which V (PI\Ir ) is a minimal affinization.
Turning finally to the D and E cases, we introduce the following notation. If
∅ 6= J ⊆ I, and λ ∈ P + , let λJ be the restriction of λ : I → Z to J. Also, if
P = (Pi )i∈I ∈ P, let PJ be the J-tuple (Pj )j∈J .
Let i0 be the unique node of the Dynkin diagram of g which is linked to three
other nodes. Then,
I\{i0 } = I1 ∐ I2 ∐ I3 ,
where I1 , I2 and I3 define type A subdiagrams.
Theorem 6.6. Let g be of type D or E, let λ ∈ P + , and assume that λ(i0 ) 6= 0.
If λIr = 0 for some r ∈ {1, 2, 3}, then V (λ) has a unique minimal affinization,
up to equivalence. It is represented by V (P) iff V (PI\Ir ) is a minimal affinization
of V (λI\Ir ).
If λIr 6= 0 for all r ∈ {1, 2, 3}, then V (λ) has exactly three minimal affinizations,
up to equivalence. In fact, V (P) is a minimal affinization of V (λ) iff there exist
r 6= s in {1, 2, 3} such that V (PI\Ir ) and V (PI\Is ) are minimal affinizations of
V (λI\Ir ) and V (λI\Is ), respectively.
See [9] for the proof.
Remark. The result of this theorem no longer holds if we drop the assumption
λ(i0 ) > 0. If g is of type D4 , for example, and λ(i0 ) = 0, the number of minimal
affinizations of V (λ) increases with λ (roughly speaking), and is generally greater
than three.
To conclude our discussion of minimal affinizations, we consider their structure as
representations of Uq (g). Except when g is of type A, when the minimal affinizations
are irreducible under Uq (g), this is not well understood. We give two results.
Theorem 6.7. Let g be of type B2 , let θ be the highest root of g, and assume
that α2 is the short simple root. Let λ ∈ P + and let V (P) be a minimal affinization
of V (λ). Then, as representations of Uq (g),
V (P) ∼
[ 12 λ(2)]
V (λ − rθ).
See [5] for the proof. Our final result gives the Uq (g)-structure of most of the
fundamental representations of Uq (ĝ).
Theorem 6.8. Number the nodes of the Dynkin diagram of g as in [3].
(a) V (λi , 1) ∼
= V (λi ) under any of the following conditions:
(i) g is of type A or C and i is arbitrary;
(ii) g is of type Bn (n ≥ 2) and i = 1 or n;
(iii) g is of type Dn (n ≥ 4) and i = 1, n − 1 or n.
(b) If g is of type Bn or Dn+1 (n ≥ 3) and 1 < i < n,
V (λi , 1) ∼
V (λi−2j ).
(c) If g is of type E6 ,
V (λ1 , 1) ∼
= V (λ1 ), V (λ2 , 1) ∼
= V (λ2 ) ⊕ C,
V (λ3 , 1) = V (λ3 ) ⊕ V (λ6 ),
V (λ4 , 1) ∼
= V (λ4 ) ⊕ V (λ1 + λ6 ) ⊕ V (λ2 ) ⊕ V (λ2 ) ⊕ C,
V (λ5 , 1) ∼
= V (λ5 ) ⊕ V (λ1 ), V (λ6 , 1) ∼
= V (λ6 ).
(Here and below, C denotes the 1-dimensional trivial representation.)
(d) If g is of type E7 ,
V (λ1 , 1) ∼
= V (λ1 ) ⊕ C, V (λ2 , 1) ∼
= V (λ2 ) ⊕ V (λ7 ),
V (λ3 , 1) = V (λ3 ) ⊕ V (λ6 ) ⊕ V (λ1 ) ⊕ V (λ1 ) ⊕ C,
V (λ6 , 1) ∼
= V (λ7 ).
= V (λ6 ) ⊕ V (λ1 ) ⊕ C, V (λ7 , 1) ∼
(e) If g is of type E8 ,
V (λ1 , 1) ∼
= V (λ1 ) ⊕ V (λ8 ) ⊕ C,
V (λ7 , 1) = V (λ7 ) ⊕ V (λ1 ) ⊕ V (λ8 ) ⊕ V (λ8 ) ⊕ C,
V (λ8 , 1) ∼
= V (λ8 ) ⊕ C.
(f ) If g is of type F4 ,
V (λ1 , 1) ∼
= V (λ1 ) ⊕ C,
V (λ2 , 1) = V (λ2 ) ⊕ V (2λ4 ) ⊕ V (λ1 ) ⊕ V (λ1 ) ⊕ C,
V (λ3 , 1) ∼
= V (λ3 ) ⊕ V (λ1 ), V (λ4 , 1) ∼
= V (λ4 ).
(g) If g is of type G2 ,
V (λ1 , 1) ∼
= V (λ2 ).
= V (λ1 ) ⊕ C, V (λ2 , 1) ∼
This can be proved using the techniques of [5].
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Department of Mathematics, University of California, Riverside, CA 92521.
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Department of Mathematics, King’s College, London, WC2R 2LS.
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