Journal of
Clinical Medicine
Challenges of Pituitary Apoplexy in Pregnancy
Ana-Maria Gheorghe 1,† , Alexandra-Ioana Trandafir 2,† , Mihaela Stanciu 3, *, Florina Ligia Popa 4 ,
Claudiu Nistor 5,‡ and Mara Carsote 6, *,‡
Citation: Gheorghe, A.-M.; Trandafir,
A.-I.; Stanciu, M.; Popa, F.L.; Nistor,
C.; Carsote, M. Challenges of
Pituitary Apoplexy in Pregnancy. J.
Clin. Med. 2023, 12, 3416. https://
Academic Editors: Michal Kovo and
Tal Biron-Shental
Received: 31 March 2023
Revised: 2 May 2023
Accepted: 7 May 2023
Published: 11 May 2023
Copyright: © 2023 by the authors.
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
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distributed under the terms and
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Department of Endocrinology, “C.I. Parhon” National Institute of Endocrinology, 011683 Bucharest, Romania;
[email protected]
Department of Endocrinology, Doctoral School of “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy,
“C.I. Parhon” National Institute of Endocrinology, 011683 Bucharest, Romania;
[email protected]
Department of Endocrinology, Faculty of Medicine, “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu, 50169 Sibiu, Romania
Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Faculty of Medicine, “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu,
550169 Sibiu, Romania;
[email protected]
Department 4—Cardio-Thoracic Pathology, Thoracic Surgery II Discipline, Faculty of Medicine,
“Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy & Thoracic Surgery Department, “Dr. Carol Davila”
Central Emergency University Military Hospital, 013058 Bucharest, Romania;
[email protected]
Department of Endocrinology, “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy & “C.I. Parhon”
National Institute of Endocrinology, 011683 Bucharest, Romania
[email protected] (M.S.);
[email protected] (M.C.)
These authors contributed equally to this work.
These authors contributed equally to this work.
Abstract: Our purpose is to provide new insights concerning the challenges of pituitary apoplexy
in pregnancy (PAP) and the postpartum period (PAPP). This is a narrative review of the English
literature using a PubMed search. The inclusion criteria were clinically relevant original studies
(January 2012–December 2022). Overall, we included 35 original studies: 7 observational studies
(selected cases on PA) and 28 case reports, including 4 case series (N = 49; PAP/PAPP = 43/6). The
characteristics of PAP patients (N = 43) are as follows: maternal age between 21 and 41 (mean of
27.76) years; 21/43 subjects with a presentation during the third trimester (only one case during first
trimester); average weak of gestation of 26.38; most females were prim gravidae; 19 (out of 30 patients
with available data on delivery) underwent a cesarean section. Headache remains the main clinical
feature and is potentially associated with a heterogeneous panel (including visual anomalies, nausea,
vomiting, cranial nerve palsies, diabetes insipidus, photophobia, and neck stiffness). Pre-pregnancy
medication included dopamine agonists (15/43) and terguride (1/43) in addition to subsequent
insulin therapy for gestational diabetes (N = 2) and type 1 diabetes mellitus (N = 1). Overall,
29/43 females received the conservative approach, and 22/43 women had trans-sphenoidal surgery
(TSS) (and 10/22 had the initial approach). Furthermore, 18/43 patients had a pituitary adenoma
undiagnosed before pregnancy. Most PA-associated tumors were prolactinomas (N = 26/43), with the
majority of them (N = 16/26) being larger than 1 cm. A maternal–fetal deadly outcome is reported in
a single case. The characteristics of PAPP patients (N = 6) are as follows: mean age at diagnosis of
33 years; 3/6 subjects had PA during their second pregnancy; the timing of PA varied between 5 min
and 12 days after delivery; headache was the main clinical element; 5/6 had no underlying pituitary
adenoma; 5/6 patients were managed conservatively and 1/6 underwent TSS; pituitary function
recovered (N = 3) or led to persistent hypopituitarism (N = 3). In conclusion, PAP represents a rare,
life-threatening condition. Headache is the most frequent presentation, and its prompt distinction
from other conditions associated with headache, such as preeclampsia and meningitis, is essential.
The index of suspicion should be high, especially in patients with additional risk factors such as
pre-gestation treatment with dopamine agonists, diabetes mellitus, anticoagulation therapy, or large
pituitary tumors. The management is conservative in most cases, and it mainly includes corticosteroid
substitution and dopamine agonists. The most frequent surgical indication is neuro-ophthalmological
deterioration, although the actual risk of pituitary surgery during pregnancy remains unknown.
PAPP is exceptionally reported. To our knowledge, this sample–case series study is the largest of
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its kind that is meant to increase the awareness to the benefit of the maternal–fetal outcomes from
multidisciplinary insights.
Keywords: pregnancy; pituitary apoplexy; postpartum; hormone; endocrine; neurosurgery; surgery;
pituitary neuroendocrine tumor; pituitary adenoma
1. Introduction
Pituitary apoplexy (PA), an endocrine emergency caused by acute hemorrhage and/or
infarction in the pituitary gland, represents an acute clinical syndrome presenting as a severe headache and decreased vision, ophthalmoplegia, and even altered consciousness [1–3].
PA may lead to hormonal deficiencies including life-threatening adrenal insufficiency and
diabetes insipidus (DI), regardless of the presence of a prior pituitary mass [4–9]. PA in
pregnancy has been exceptionally reported, but it remains of major importance to be adequately recognized and treated because it can lead to a fatal outcome for both the mother
and fetus [10–14].
Generally, PA occurs in from 2 to 12% of patients with pituitary adenomas [15]; for
instance, a prevalence of 8% is reported for non-functioning macroadenomas [16], and a
prevalence of 6.8% is reported in lactotroph pituitary neuroendocrine tumors (PitNETs) [17].
The true prevalence, however, is still unknown [18,19]. Grand’Maison et al. estimated
PA prevalence in pregnancy and the postpartum period (PP) to be 1 per 10,000 term
pregnancies [20].
Outside pregnancy and lactation, PA is associated with a number of risk factors
including cardiac surgery and other major surgeries, head trauma, arterial hypertension,
coagulation disorders, anticoagulant treatment, pituitary stimulation tests, initiation or
withdrawal of dopamine agonist treatment, radiotherapy, etc. [17,21–23].
During pregnancy, a series of changes that impact the pituitary gland occur. Physiological hormonal secretion from the placenta mediates an increase in the ovarian production of
estrogen and progesterone. The surge in estrogen levels stimulates the pituitary gland and
leads to the hypertrophy of lactotroph cells as well as hyperplasia up to 50% [1,24,25]. High
levels of estrogens may also lead to hyperemia of the pituitary [26–28]. Furthermore, during
pregnancy, there is an increase in pituitary volume, starting from the first weeks of pregnancy, but an increase in pituitary tumor size has also been noted, especially in lactotroph
tumors, during the preparation period for lactation [24,29–38]. Another contributing factor
is the pro-thrombotic state accompanying pregnancy [39].
In pregnant women, PA most commonly occurs in patients with previous pituitary
adenomas as a result of their gestational hypertrophy. Lactotroph tumors, in particular, may
enlarge during pregnancy, increasing the risk of PA and associated neuro-ophthalmological
consequences such as the compression of the optic chiasm or cranial nerves. Often, PA in
pregnancy is identified in patients with an undiagnosed PitNET as the first manifestation
of the disease. However, due to the physiological gestational increase in pituitary volume,
PA may occur in patients without any underlying hypophyseal mass [40–42].
Due to its clinical presentation with acute headache as the core manifestation, PA can be
mistaken for a series of other serious conditions for which pregnancy may also increase risk,
such as preeclampsia, cerebral venous thrombosis, subarachnoid hemorrhage, and arterial
dissection. Other conditions that may present with headache and should be included in
the differential diagnosis include meningitis, idiopathic intracranial hypertension, and
migraine [43–46]. PA should also be differentiated from hyperemeis gravidarum due to the
possible presentation with nausea and severe vomiting [47].
The diagnosis of PA in pregnancy is confirmed by magnetic resonance imaging
(MRI) [19,22,48,49], which identifies intrasellar hemorrhage [50]. In addition to confirming
PA, MRI is an important tool for the differential diagnosis of neurologic disorders associated
with pregnancy [50,51].
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Generally, the initial approach of patients with PA is conservative, aiming to ensure
fluid and electrolyte balance and to restore glucocorticoids replacement. Steroids are also
indicated for the prevention of cerebral edema. The next step is the decision to either
continue conservative treatment, with the possibility of administering dopamine agonists
(DA) or to undergo surgery [14,19,52–54]. Patients with prolactinoma taking DAs should
stop the medication when pregnancy is confirmed. In particular cases, such as invasive
adenoma or continuous tumor growth, DAs should be resumed [55–58].
Concerning PA in pregnancy, the conservative approach is often preferred. Due to the
risk for the mother and fetus, surgical management during pregnancy is reserved for patients with deteriorating consciousness or severe neuro-ophthalmological
deficits [57,59–61].
When surgical management is chosen, the second trimester and early third trimester are
preferred [59,62], with no preference regarding the anesthetic approach [63].
Our purpose is to provide new insights for AP in pregnancy and the PP period by
ff different aspects from presentation to outcome.
2. Methods
This is a narrative review of the English medical literature regarding PA in pregnancy
and PP, using a PubMed-based
‐ search with the following keywords: “pituitary apoplexy”
and “gestational” or, alternatively, “pregnancy” or “postpartum”. The inclusion
‐ criteria
consisted of clinically relevant original studies with a publication date between‐ January
2012 and December 2022. We excluded other etiologies of PA.
Overall, we identified and analyzed 35 papers; among them, 30 original studies
cluding case reports) addressed subjects with PA in pregnancy, and 6 case reports‐recorded
PA during PP (notably, 1 study, which includes 2 previously unreported individuals
PA in pregnancy and one during PP, is common to both sections). There was a total of
50 patients analyzed from the published data, including 44 patients with PA in pregnancy
and 6 with PA during PP (Figure 1).
Figure 1. Flowchart diagram according to our methodology.
3. Results
3.1. Sample–Case Series Study
Findings regarding PA in pregnancy are summarized in Tables 1 and 2.
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Table 1. Characteristics, clinical presentation, management, and outcome of patients with PA in
pregnancy. The studies are displayed starting with those from 2012 [20,64–92]. This table introduces
the studied population, week of gestation, and clinical presentation, including the data on preexisting
pituitary lesions.
(Name, Number, and
Year of Publication) and
Type of Study
Couture [64]
Case report
Population WG on Presentation
Clinical Presentation
Preexisting Pituitary Lesion
37 y F
16 WG
Blurred vision
Lactotroph PitNET < 1
cm—diagnosed before pregnancy
and treated with DA (bromocriptine
switched to cabergoline) until
pregnancy was confirmed
Lactotroph PitNET > 1
cm—diagnosed before pregnancy
and treated with DA
Jansssen [65]
Case report
27 y F
10 WG (G1)
Visual disturbance
Kita [66]
Case report
26 y F
26 WG
NFPA > 1 cm
14 WG
Visual field
Lactotroph PitNET > 1
cm—diagnosed before pregnancy
and treated with DA
Witek [67]
Case report
26 y F
Chegour [68]
Case report
29 y F
19 WG
Visual disturbances
(unilateral vision loss)
Lactotroph PitNET > 1
cm—undiagnosed before pregnancy
The patient received treatment with
DA (bromocriptine) before
pregnancy for hyperprolactinemia of
uninvestigated etiology
Hayes [69]
Case report
41 y F
18 WG
Visual disturbances
(visual field defects)
Pituitary adenoma—diagnosed
before pregnancy (Lactotroph
Pituitary adenoma—undiagnosed
before pregnancy
Piantanida [70]
Case report
27 y F
35 WG (G1)
Tandon [71]
Case report
27 y F
36 WG
Unilateral vision loss
Lactotroph PitNET—diagnosed
during pregnancy at 19 WG and
treated with bromocriptine
Bedford [72]
Case report
35 y F
Pituitary macroadenoma
De Ycaza [73]
Case report
26 y F
28 WG (G1)
before pregnancy
4 F with
PA #
Patient 1: 39 WG
Patient 2: 20 WG (G1)
Patient 4: G4P1A3
Patient 1: Headache,
nausea, blurred vision,
and neck stiffness
Patient 2: Headache
Patient 1: Pituitary hyperplasia
without preexisting lesion
Patient 2: Lactotroph PitNET with
regression after DA (cabergoline)
Case series
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Table 1. Cont.
(Name, Number, and
Year of Publication) and
Type of Study
Watson [74]
Case report
Population WG on Presentation
Clinical Presentation
Preexisting Pituitary Lesion
30 y F
37 WG (G5P4)
Visual disturbances
Numbness and
weakness of the left
side of the
left-sided facial
Pituitary adenoma—undiagnosed
before pregnancy
No pituitary adenoma
Abraham [75]
Case report
32 y F
23 WG (G6P4)
Right-sided numbness
Annamalai [76]
Case report
25 y F
37 WG
Lactotroph PitNET—treated with
DA for three months
Patient 1: 28 WG (G1)
Patient 2: 25 WG
Patient 1: Headache,
blurred vision, and loss
of consciousness
Patient 2: Headache,
blurred vision, and
visual field defects
Patient 1: Lactotroph PitNET >1 cm
Patient 2: Lactotroph PitNET
Patient 1:
before pregnancy
Patient 2: Non-functioning
adenoma—diagnosed before
Pituitary adenoma—undiagnosed
before pregnancy
Galvão [77]
observational study
Lambert [78]
observational study
35 F ##
71 F ###
Case report
27 y F
29 WG
Visual field defects (2
days after start of
Bachmeier [80]
Case report
30 y F
36 WG (G1)
Unilateral visual loss
Lactotroph PitNET—clinically
asymptomatic and previously
Patient 1: Headache
and blurred vision
Patient 2: Headache,
nausea, and vomiting
Patient 3: Headache
and visual disturbances
Patient 1: Pituitary
adenoma—undiagnosed before
Patient 2: Non-secretory pituitary
adenoma—the patient underwent
treatment with DA for two years
Patient 3: Pituitary
before pregnancy
Symptoms of PA,
including visual field
Lactotroph PitNET ≥ 1 cm
Jemel [81]
Case series
3 F with
PA ####
Patient 1: 37 WG
Patient 2: 22 WG (G1)
Patient 3: 24 WG
Barraud [82]
observational study
46 F #####
(3 F with
Patient 1: NA
Patient 2: 4th month
of gestation
Patient 3: 36 WG
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Table 1. Cont.
(Name, Number, and
Year of Publication) and
Type of Study
Bichard [83]
Case report
Chan [84]
Case report
Oguz [85]
Case report
Geissler [86]
Case report
Kanneganti [87]
Case report
Kato [88]
Case series
Khaldi [89]
Case report
Kuhn [90]
Case series
Population WG on Presentation
Clinical Presentation
Preexisting Pituitary Lesion
29 y F
30 WG
DI (Polydipsia 10
L/day and polyuria)
Pituitary adenoma—undiagnosed
before pregnancy
38 WG (G5P1)
Decrease in visual
Pituitary adenoma—undiagnosed
before pregnancy
26 y F
22 WG(G0)
Visual disturbances
(including visual field
Lactotroph pituitary macroadenoma
27 y F
1st pregnancy: 34
WG (G3P0)
2nd pregnancy: 32
Similar presentation for
both pregnancies:
Visual disturbance
(repetitive flashes of
Pituitary adenoma—undiagnosed
before pregnancy
37 WG (G1)
Visual disturbance
Breast discharge
PA with optic chiasma compression
Patient 1: 35 WG (P1)
Patient 2: 32 WG
Patient 3: 28 WG
Patient 1: Visual field
defects (temporal
Patient 2: Headache
and visual field defects
(temporal hemianopia)
Patient 3: Headache
Patient 1: Lactotroph PitNET with
compression on the optical chiasm
(known before pregnancy)
Patient 2: Lactotroph and
gonadotroph PitNET with
compression on the optical chiasm
(undiagnosed before pregnancy)
Patient 3: Lactotroph adenoma with
compression on the optical chiasm
(undiagnosed before pregnancy)
22 WG
Visual disturbance
Giant lactotroph
PitNET—diagnosed before
pregnancy and treated with DA and
TSS with a 50% residual tumor
Patient 1:
Patient 2:
Patient 3:
Patient 4:
Patient 5:
Patient 1: Headache,
visual impairment,
bitemporal hemianopia,
and photophobia
Patient 2: Transient DI
Patient 3: Headache
and unilateral vision
Patient 4: Headaches
and visual field defects
Patient 5: Headache
Patient 1: Lactotroph PitNET
Patient 2: Lactotroph PitNET
Patient 3: Lactotroph PitNET
Patient 4: Lactotroph PitNET
Patient 5: Lactotroph PitNET
All patients were diagnosed with
pituitary adenomas before
28 y F
26 y F
3 F with
30 y F
5 females
with PA
36 WG
26 WG
35 WG (G3)
16 WG
24 WG
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Table 1. Cont.
(Name, Number, and
Year of Publication) and
Type of Study
Ye [91]
Case report
Sedai [92]
Case report
Population WG on Presentation
Clinical Presentation
Preexisting Pituitary Lesion
24 y F
32 WG
Headache throughout
pregnancy without
remission under
analgetic treatment
Dysarthria and
hemiplegia after
Low-grade fever
Pituitary adenoma—undiagnosed
before pregnancy
21 WG
Projectile vomiting
Decreased visual acuity
Altered consciousness
Pituitary adenoma—undiagnosed
before pregnancy
40 y F
Abbreviations: y = Years; F = female; NFPA = non-functioning pituitary adenoma. # PA during pregnancy or in the
PP period with ages of 33 years (patient 1) and 30 years (patient 2); the case of patient 3 was previously published
in 2012 and therefore not included; the case of patient 4 is summarized in Table 3. ## A total of 35 pregnant women
with prolactinoma (2 women out of the 35 presented with PA during pregnancy at the age of 30 years—patient 1);
NA (patient 2). ### A total of 71 women with pituitary tumors diagnosed before or during pregnancy (2 women
presented with PA during pregnancy). #### patients with PA during pregnancy with ages of 32 years (patient 1),
37 years (patient 2), and 30 years (patient 3). ##### A total of 46 female patients with lactotroph PitNETs ≥ 1 cm,
with at least one pregnancy after diagnosis (3 patients developed PA during pregnancy). ###### A total of
3 females diagnosed with PA in pregnancy with ages of 33 years (patient 1), 22 years (patient 2), and 29 years
(patient 3). ####### A total of 5 females with PA in pregnancy with ages of 31 years (patient 1), 21 years (patient 2),
32 years (patient 3), 23 years (patient 4), and 25 years (patient 5).
Table 2. Introduces the data concerning additional risk factors, therapy, delivery, and maternal
outcome [20,64–92].
(Name and Number)
Additional Risk Factors
Maternal Outcome
Conservative management
with DA (cabergoline)
LB at 38 WG by CS
Complete recovery
Resolution of pituitary adenoma
Conservative treatment with
DA (bromocriptine), LT4 +
LB at 40 WG by VD
Adrenal insufficiency
Major decrease in size of
pituitary tumor
TSS (7 days after admission)
LB at 40 WG by CS
DI managed with
Conservative management
with DA (bromocriptine)
followed by TSS (at 20 WG
due to visual field defects)
LB at 38 WG by CS
Complete recovery
No tumor regrowth
Normal pituitary function
DA (bromocriptine)
Conservative treatment with
DA (cabergoline)
Complete recovery: remission of
symptoms and disappearance of
the expansive process
DA (cabergoline) before
pregnancy (discontinued
when pregnancy was
LB at term by VD
Resolution of symptoms
Normal pituitary function
Able to breastfeed for only
2 weeks
No adenoma recurrence
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Table 2. Cont.
(Name and Number)
Additional Risk Factors
Maternal Outcome
TSS (after delivery)
9 months after delivery
cabergoline therapy was
LB at 35 WG by
urgent CS
Central hypothyroidism
Total adenoma resection
Hyperprolactinemia treated with
DA (bromocriptine) before
LB at 37 WG by CS
Transient DI postoperatively
Improvement of visual
De Ycaza
DA (bromocripine and
cabergoline) before
pregnancy (discontinued
when pregnancy was
Conservative treatment with
glucocorticoid replacement
and DA (cabergoline) until
LB at term by VD
Tumor decreased in size after
DA (cabergoline) treatment
The patient had an uneventful
second pregnancy
Patient 1: None
Patient 2: DA (cabergoline)
before pregnancy
(discontinued when
pregnancy was confirmed)
Patient 1: Conservative
Patient 2: Conservative
management and DA
Patient 1: LB at 40
WG by VD
Patient 2: LB at term
by VD
# Patient 1: Normal pituitary
Patient 2: Normal pituitary
function, diminished pituitary
mass (9 × 9 mm), and
uneventful second pregnancy
Conservative treatment with
hydrocortisone 50 mg 6 times
Heparin postoperatively
LB at term by CS
Persistent hypocortisolism
Transient postoperative DI
Normal pituitary function
DA (cabergoline) before
pregnancy (discontinued
when pregnancy was
Conservative treatment with
hydrocortisone and DA
LB at 37 WG by CS
Resolution of PA
Resolution of pituitary
Normal pituitary function
Patient 1: None
Patient 2: None
Patient 1: Conservative
Patient 2: TSS during second
Patient 1: LB
Patient 2: LB
Patient 1: Pregnancy proceeded
Patient 2: The patient developed
DI and central hypothyroidism
Both patients received
conservative treatment
Patient 1: CS
Patient 2: NA
Good outcome
Conservative management
with hydrocortisone and DA
(bromocriptine) initially,
followed by surgery
LB at term
DI postoperatively
TSS tumor resection PP
LB at 37 WG by CS
Resolution of symptoms
Normal pituitary function
The patient was able to
Patient 1: None
Patient 2: DA (cabergoline)
before pregnancy
(discontinued when
pregnancy was confirmed)
Patient 3: None
Patient 1: Conservative
management with
hydrocortisone 100 mg 6 times
hourly and DA in PP
Patient 2: Conservative
management initially, with
hydrocortisone and DA,
followed by TSS (3 days after
Patient 3: Hydrocortisone and
Patient 1: LB at 37
Patient 2: LB at 37
Patient 3: LB at 38
Patient 1: Regression of the
pituitary mass
Patient 2: NA
Patient 3: Remission of
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Table 2. Cont.
(Name and Number)
Additional Risk Factors
Maternal Outcome
Two patients underwent
emergency pituitary surgery
due to worsening of visual
field defects
The third patient underwent
surgery after delivery
Patient 3: LB at 36
WG by CS
Conservative treatment with
hydrocortisone, thyroxine, and
LB at term by VD
with forceps
following induced
Clinically well and able to
Desmopressin and
hydrocortisone requirements
were reduced
Acute COVID-19 infection
Initial conservative
management with
TSS: 2 days after delivery
LB at 39 WG by VD
under epidural
Central hypothyroidism and
Possible persistence of
secondary adrenal insufficiency
(the patient did not undergo
cortisol stimulation test)
DA (cabergoline) before
pregnancy (discontinued
when pregnancy was
TSS (at 22 WG)
LB at 37 WG by CS
## Full recovery
No residual tumor
Complete recovery
Decreased pituitary size on MRI
after the first pregnancy
Normal pituitary function
Lack of milk production
gestational DM during
both pregnancies
In both pregnancies:
conservative steroid treatment
First presentation:
LB at 36th week by
Second presentation:
LB at 34th week by
Conservative treatment with
LB at term by CS
Patient 1: DA treatment
(terguride) before
pregnancy (discontinued
when pregnancy was
Initial conservative treatment
with hydrocortisone, followed
by elective TSS after delivery
in all three cases
Patient 1: LB at 36th
week by CS
Patient 2: LB at 34th
week by CS
Patient 3: LB at 37th
week by CS
Complete recovery in all three
Conservative management
with DA (bromocriptine) and
LB at 28 WG by
premature VD due
to premature
rupture of
Twins died on the
7th day of life
Adrenal insufficiency and
central hypothyroidism
Decrease in tumor size
Patient 1: LB at term
by CS
Patient 2: LB by VD
Patient 3: LB by VD
Patient 4: LB at 38th
week by CS
Patient 5: LB at term
by VD
Patient 1: Resolution of
Patient 2: DI and
Patient 3: Resolution of
headache, improvement of
vision, and corticotropic
Patient 4: Resolution of
symptoms and able to breastfeed
Patient 5: unable to breastfeed
Conservative treatment with
hydrocortisone and
LB at 38 + 1 WG by
##### Lack of lactation after
Regression of pituitary tumor
Remission of symptoms
gestational DM
DA (cabergoline) before
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Table 2. Cont.
(Name and Number)
Additional Risk Factors
Initially conservative
treatment for eclampsia (initial
Craniotomy—tumor resection
and hematoma evacuation
Maternal Outcome
Maternal exitus
Exitus on the 2nd postoperative
(Initially misdiagnosed as
# Patient 1: The patient suffered from gestational DM and preeclampsia during previous pregnancies. Patient 2:
The patient received treatment with cabergoline since 13 WG due to rapid, more than 10-fold increase in prolactin
level. ## Patient was treated with cabergoline for 12 months before pregnancy. The patient suffered from an acute
ischemic stroke 10 days PP. ### Patient 1: DA (cabergoline) before pregnancy (discontinued when pregnancy
was confirmed). Patient 2: DA (bromocriptine) before pregnancy (discontinued when pregnancy was confirmed).
Patient 3: DA (cabergoline) before and between pregnancies (discontinued when pregnancy was confirmed in
all three pregnancies). Patient 4: type 1 DM, DA (cabergoline) before pregnancy (discontinued when pregnancy
was confirmed). Patient 5: previous PA and DA (cabergoline) before pregnancy. #### Patient 1: TSS (second
day after admission). Patient 2: Conservative treatment with hydrocortisone, LT4, desmopressin, and TSS
(5 months after delivery). Patient 3: Conservative treatment with hydrocortisone and cabergoline. Patient 4:
Conservative treatment with cabergoline. Patient 5: Conservative treatment with hydrocortisone and TSS (one
year after delivery). ##### The patient suffered from pituitary insufficiency due to PA and developed extrapontine
myelinolysis after sodium supplementation. Abbreviations: A = abortion; CS = cesarian section; DA = dopamine
agonist; DI = diabetes insipidus; DM = diabetes mellitus; G = gesta; LB = live birth; NFPA = non-functioning
pituitary adenoma; P = para; PA = pituitary apoplexy; PitNET = pituitary neuroendocrine tumor; PP = postpartum;
TSS = transsphenoidal surgery; VD = vaginal delivery; WG = weeks of gestation.
We identified three observational studies, of which two were retrospective [77,82]
and one was not [78]. Galvão et al. [77] published a retrospective analysis investigating
the consequences of pregnancy in patients with a previous diagnostic of a prolactinoma.
Overall, 33 out of the 35 women had lactotroph PitNETs diagnosed before pregnancy. The
majority of the patients stopped medical treatment within the 8th week of gestation (WG),
and no cases of malformations were reported. No significant progression of the underlying
disease was observed during pregnancy. In total, 2 out of the 35 patients developed PA
in pregnancy (28 WG and 25 WG). The first patient was treated conservatively, and the
second one was treated surgically. Both women were admitted for headaches and visual
disturbances. They had no previously diagnostic of a PitNET, and, thus, they did not
receive DAs before pregnancy. The surgically treated patient developed hypothyroidism
and DI [77].
The risk of pituitary adenoma enlargement is higher during pregnancy. Barraud
S et al. [82] published a retrospective study also following pregnancies in females with
lactotroph PitNETs and the associated risk of tumor growth. Overall, 85 pregnancies (46/85
were macroprolactinomas), in women who were treated with DAs before pregnancy, were
included. Adenoma growth and symptomatic tumor progression occurred in 19.6% of
cases. In total, 3/85 women had PA in pregnancy; none was under DAs. Emergency transsphenoidal surgery (TSS) was performed in 2/3 females with PA due to vision anomalies
(within the 4th month and 36th WG) [82]
Lambert et al. [78] published a prospective study on 71 pregnant subjects with pituitary tumors (49/71 macroprolactinoma, 16/71 non-functioning adenomas, 3/71 somatotropinoma, and 3/71-corticotropinoma). In the study, 2/71 subjects developed PA (one
with macroprolactinoma and the other with non-functioning pituitary adenoma), and they
were conservatively managed [78].
The largest cohort of consecutive PAs in pregnancy contains from three to five individuals/series [20,81,88,90]. Grand’Maison et al. [20] introduced 4 PAs during pregnancy
and PP (one case was excluded due to previous publication by Couture et al. [64] in 2012,
and the fourth case is presented in the section regarding PA in PP and summarized in
Table 3) [20,64]. The remaining 2/4 cases, two females of 33 and 30 years of age, developed
PA at 39 WG and 20 WG, respectively, while being admitted for headache and visual disturbances. One of the patients had a history of prolactinoma and was treated with cabergoline
before pregnancy; DA was stopped within the first trimester, but it was restarted. One sub-
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ject associated high blood pressure and preeclampsia. Patients were treated conservatively,
and they delivered at term two healthy newborns [20].
Kato et al. [88] reported three PAs in pregnancy (median maternal age of 28 years).
One of the women was known to have lactotroph PitNET before pregnancy. The median
gestational age at the beginning of symptoms (headache and visual field defects) was
31 WG. The management was similar: a conservative approach amid pregnancy in 100%
of cases; the babies were delivered by caesarean section; after birth, all subjects suffered
TSS. The postoperative pathological examination confirmed 2/3 lactotroph PitNETs and
one plurihormonal PitNET (lactotroph and gonadotroph). After 3 months of follow-up, the
patients had no signs of hypopituitarism [88]
Kuhn et al. [90] identified five PAs in pregnancy (median maternal age of 26 years)
with a pre-gestational confirmation of lactotroph PitNETs. The median gestational age of
PA was 26 WG. Initially, conservative therapy was chosen, but one female underwent TSS
during pregnancy and another after delivery. As hormonal complications, we mention DI
(1/3), and adrenal insufficiency (1/3) [90].
Another series of three subjects was introduced by Jemel et al. [81]. The median
maternal age was 32 years, and one woman was diagnosed with a pituitary adenoma
before pregnancy. The median gestational age at the beginning of symptoms was 27 WG.
The management was different: while 2/3 had TSS, 1/3 had conservative therapy [81].
Overall, most data are provided from case reports rather than original studies specifically addressing pregnancies complicated with PA. The cited studies are observational and
retrospective. The majority of pituitary masses, if their type is known, were prolactinomas.
The enlargement of the mass is often reflected in the clinical presentation, specifically
with headache (followed by a heterogeneous spectrum of visual anomalies of different
degrees of severity), which is a common finding with the data we currently have on other
types of PA outside gestation. The specific medication for prolactinomas, as cabergoline or
bromocriptine, was stopped within the first weeks of pregnancy confirmation as generally
recommended. Most studies enrolled subjects within their third decade of life [20,64–92].
3.2. Patients’ Characteristics: Pregnancy Features
The age at the presentation of gestational PA ranged between 21 years [90] and
41 years [69] with an average age of 27.76 years. In total, 21/44 patients presented with
signs and symptoms of PA during the 3rd trimester [20,70–74,76,77,79–91], and 1 female
was admitted for PA during the first trimester [65] (the others presented during the second
trimester). The mean WG at presentation was 26.38, the earliest at 10 WG [65] and the
latest at 39 WG [20]. Most subjects (N = 9) were prim gravidae [20,65,70,73,76,80,81,87,89].
Moreover, one patient was nulliparous [85], one was primipara [77], one was P1 [88], two
were G2 [81,92], two were G3 [86,90], two were G5 [74,85], one patient was G6P3A2 [20], and
one was G6P4 [75]. A total of seven females had previous deliveries [20,74,75,81,84,88,90].
In total, 30/44 patients with data available regarding the method of delivery, 19/30 patients underwent a C-section (CS) [64,66,67,70,71,74,76,78,80,82,85–91], and 11/30 women
underwentvaginal delivery (VD) [20,65,69,73,83,84,89,90]. In addition, one subject underwent CS
in both of her pregnancies [86]. Furthermore, 32/44 patients with data available regarding WG
at delivery, 25 underwent full-term delivery [20,64–67,69,71,73,74,76,79–81,83–85,87,88,90,91],
and 7 females are mentioned to have delivered preterm babies [70,82,86,88,89]. Notably,
one subject delivered preterm twins at 28 WG who died 7 days after birth [89].
3.3. Onset of PA in Pregnancy: Focus on Clinical Panel
The most frequent symptom that was found in almost all patients was headache;
only 2/44 females were headache free [88,90]. In the study of Barraud et al.’s [82]
patients, specific symptoms were unavailable [82]. Headache was described as “severe” [20,70,71,73–76,80,81,90,91], “unbearable” [90], or with acute onset [20,71,81]. Similarly, a pulsating character was reported by Geissler et al. [86]. A lack of response to antipain treatment was also mentioned in two persons [79,91]. Chan et al., however, described
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a mild headache [84]. Localization of the pain varied: fronto-parietal, fronto-orbital, temporal, and occipital were all present, as well as irradiation to the forehead [70,74,81,86,87,92].
Headache was often accompanied by nausea and vomiting [20,64,74,81,83,86,87,91,92].
Projectile vomiting was also observed [92].
Other frequent symptoms were visual symptoms. Visual disturbances decreased
visual acuity [74,77,81,84,92], varying from visual blur [64,74,77,81] to the transient loss
of vision [74] and visual field defects [20,68,69,71,77,79,80,82,85,88,90], including hemianopia [66,69,75,88,90] and unilateral vision loss [68,71,80,90]. Repetitive flashes of light
were also reported [86]. In terms of cranial nerve palsies, oculomotor nerve palsies, manifesting as ptosis [92]; anisocoria [83,84]; and diplopia [75] were observed. Another form
of presentation was transient DI as an initial symptom [90]; moreover, DI accompanied
headache, nausea, vomiting, and anisocoria [83]. Signs of meningism such as photophobia [70,75,90] and neck stiffness [20] were reported too. Interestingly, in addition to
headache and visual disturbances, a 30-year-old patient presented at 37 WG with numbness
and weakness of the left side of the body. The author hypothesized that vasospasm of the
intracavernous carotid artery was the probable cause of this phenomenon. The patient was
treated with low-molecular-weight heparin. Following conservative management with
hydrocortisone, symptoms resolved, with the exception of blurred vision and persistent
hypocortisolism [74].
Even though most patients suffered a single episode of PA in pregnancy, Geissler et al.
reported a repeated PA episode during two of her pregnancies. The patient presented with
similar symptoms both times, with headache and visual disturbances at 34 WG and 32 WG,
respectively. She also suffered from gestational diabetes mellitus (DM) requiring insulin
therapy during both of her pregnancies. PA was conservatively approached each time. She
delivered healthy babies by CS at 36 and 34 WG but was unable to breastfeed [86].
The diagnosis of PA was established starting from clinical presentation, as mentioned.
A good multidisciplinary collaboration is required in this circumstance. The hormonal
panel is classical for newly onset hypopituitarism. It investigates each line of pituitary
hormones, mostly according to baseline blood assessment rather than using dynamic
tests during pregnancy. In addition to endocrine confirmation of central hypothyroidism,
adrenal insufficiency, and, in some cases, diabetes insipidus, the diagnosis also includes the
imaging scans that show distinct features of apoplexy, tumor remnants or even intact areas
of the pituitary gland [20,64–92].
3.4. Risk Factors for Developing PA in Pregnancy
Additional risk factors that have been identified are summarized in Tables 1 and 2 and
include treatment with DAs (15/44), gestational DM (N = 2), type 1 DM (N = 1), and acute
COVID-19 infection [20,84,86,89,90]; moreover, the case studied by Grand’Maison et al. [20]
suffered from both gestational DM and preeclampsia during previous pregnancies [20].
Overall, 15/44 females had previous treatment with DAs, as follows: 11/15 persons underwent cabergoline treatment [20,69,73,76,81,85,89,90], 4/15 used bromocriptine [68,71,73,90],
and one woman was under terguride [88]. De Ycaza et al. [73] introduced a subject switching from bromocriptine to cabergoline due to side effects; when pregnancy was confirmed,
DA was stopped [73].
Another risk factor was anticoagulant therapy. For example, Watson V et al. [74]
reported the case of a 30-year-old woman, with an undiagnosed pituitary adenoma, who
underwent prophylactic treatment with low-molecular-weight heparin throughout pregnancy. She displayed severe headache and visual disturbance at 37 WG. A pituitary
hemorrhage was confirmed by MRI. The patient received conservative treatment with
hydrocortisone and delivered the baby at term by CS. On discharge, she was offered oral
hydrocortisone for persistent hypocortisolism [74].
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3.5. Differentiating PA in Pregnancy from Other Entities
The differential diagnosis of PA in pregnancy first starts from headache, as is this
case with, for example, eclampsia. The importance of differentiating between these conditions is highlighted by Sedai et al. [92]. In their report, a 40-year-old woman presented
at 21 WG with headache, projectile vomiting, ptosis, decreased visual acuity, and altered
consciousness. The patient received conservative management for eclampsia at first, but
the progression of neurological deficits was consistent with further PA expansion of a previously undiagnosed PitNET. A craniotomy for tumor resection and hematoma evacuation
was performed with a fatal outcome in the second postoperative day [92]. This case further
emphasizes the importance of adequate management in PA. With regard to PA-associated
meningism in terms of photophobia and neck stiffness, a differentiation from meningitis is
necessary in these cases [20,70,75,90].
3.6. Conservative Management of PA Amid Pregnancy
Most patients (N = 29) received conservative management that included glucocorticoid supplementation with hydrocortisone or dexamethasone (1 case), thyroid substitution (in 3 cases) in addition to DAs; the cases with DI required desmopressin [20,64,65,67,68,73,74,76–79,81,83,84,86–91].
Kanneganti et al. [87] reported a 26-year-old primigravida at 37 WG who was free of previous medical problems and developed headache and visual disturbance in pregnancy. A
pituitary MRI scan showed an enlarged pituitary gland with optic chiasma compression.
The patient was treated conservatively with hydrocortisone. She gave birth a week later by
cesarean section [87].
Cases with prolactinomas developing PA in pregnancy seem the most frequent with
regard to the type of PitNET. Chegour et al. [68] reported PA in a 29-year-old woman
with a macroprolactinoma unconfirmed before pregnancy, who received treatment with
bromocriptine for hyperprolactinemia of uninvestigated etiology. At 19 WG, she presented
with headache and visual disturbances due to PA, and she was conservatively managed
with cabergoline leading to the complete regression of the visual symptoms [68]. Another
interesting case history was reported by Couture et al. [64]: a 37-year-old female with a
known lactotroph PitNET larger than 1 cm was treated with cabergoline before pregnancy.
At 16 WG, she presented with headache, nausea, vomiting, and blurred vision, and MRI
confirmed PA. Cabergoline treatment was resumed, resulting in regression of the pituitary
mass after 5 weeks. Her pregnancy ended successfully at 38 WG with delivery by CS [64].
Annamalai et al. [76] reported a 25-year-old individual with a known macroprolactinoma
treated with cabergoline; at 37 WG, she complained of headache, and MRI confirmed PA.
She was offered hydrocortisone and resumed cabergoline. Two days after admission, the
patient delivered a healthy baby by cesarean section. After 4 months of follow-up, the
complete resolution of the pituitary adenoma was registered [76]. De Ycaza et al. [73]
introduced a young female with a known macroprolactinoma treated with cabergoline
that experienced headache at 28 WG confirmed with MRI as being PA. Cabergoline was
resumed, and then she gave birth vaginally at term; 1 year later, the tumor was less
than 1 cm, and substitution with hydrocortisone was stopped [73]. Additionally, Janssen
et al. [65] reported a woman with a lactotroph PitNET larger than 1 cm who received
treatment with bromocriptine until pregnancy was confirmed. At 10 WG, she developed
PA, and bromocriptine was resumed in association with hydrocortisone and L-thyroxine
replacement. She gave birth vaginally at 40 WG [65].
3.7. Surgical Management in PA Amid Pregnancy
We have data concerning 22 females who underwent TSS for tumor resection, either
as an initial measure (N = 10) [66,69–71,75,77,82,85,90], following conservative treatment
(N = 4) [67,79,81], or electively after birth (N = 8) [80,82,84,88,90]. The endoscopic surgery
was necessary in cases associated with acute nerve compression. TSS was performed
as an initial measure or following conservative treatment in selected cases due to the
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persistence or worsening of visual defects [69,71,75,77,79,81,82,85,90] or the deterioration
of their neurological condition [77].
Hayes et al. [69] reported a case of pituitary hemorrhage and compression of the optic
nerve and chiasma. After corticosteroid treatment, the patient underwent TSS due to visual
decline. She vaginally delivered a healthy boy at term. No hormonal deficits were detected,
and, at 14 months after birth, the patient remained well [69]. Oguz et al. [85] reported a
26-year-old female diagnosed with prolactinoma 2 years prior to pregnancy. She presented
at 22 WG with headache, nausea, and visual disturbance. After 8 days of admission, TSS
was performed due to the persistence of visual symptoms. She delivered in good condition
at 37 WG. Eight months after delivery, she was still treated with levothyroxine [85]. O’Neal
et al. [79] reported a case of undiagnosed pituitary microadenoma in which the female
had headache and visual disturbances at 29 WG. MRI showed an expanded pituitary
with compression of the optic chiasma. Two days after admission she underwent TSS.
She delivered at term a healthy boy. She also developed DI after surgery [79]. Abraham
et al. [75] reported a spontaneous PA in pregnancy with sensory loss. The patient, a 32-yearold, developed headache, photophobia, and right-sided numbness at 23 WG. Emergency
surgery was performed with decompression of the optic nerve. She developed DI on
the second postoperative day, requiring desmopressin [75]. In another case, a 27-yearold female received the first diagnosis of prolactinoma at 19 WG and bromocriptine was
administrated. At 36 WG, she had headache and acute vision loss in the left eye with
MRI confirmation of a hemorrhagic pituitary mass of 2.1 cm maximum diameter with
optic chiasm compression. The patient underwent TSS with good postoperative course. A
cesarian section was performed, and a healthy baby was born. At follow-up, MRI showed
the complete resolution of tumor [71].
In other studies, pituitary surgery was performed PP (N = 9) [70,80,82,84,88,90], during the second trimester (N = 9) [66,67,69,75,77,81,82,85], and during the third trimester
(N = 4) [71,79,82,90]. As mentioned, a craniotomy was the alternative to TSS when a fatal
outcome might be found [92].
3.8. PitNET Analysis
Overall, 18/44 patients had a pituitary adenoma undiagnosed before pregnancy,
and 21 patients had a known pituitary adenoma (please see Tables 1 and 2). However,
three studies included only patients with known pituitary adenomas, and some of them
further developed PA [77,78,82]. Notably, one female was diagnosed during pregnancy
with a pituitary adenoma and developed PA later during pregnancy [71]. Even though
almost all patients had pituitary adenomas, one patient developed PA due to pituitary
hyperplasia, without adenoma [20], and in another case, no pituitary adenoma was found
at all [75]. Most pituitary adenomas were lactotroph PitNETs (N = 26), while one patient
had a lacto-gonadotroph PitNET [88], and a non-functional adenoma was present in three
subjects [66,78,81]. Out of lactotroph tumors, the majority (N = 16) were larger than 1 cm,
while one prolactinoma was giant, measuring 4.5 cm maximum diameter [89].
3.9. Outcome of PA in Pregnancy
Most patients experienced the post-PA resolution of symptoms. Seven patients experienced
a decrease in tumor size, and four had no residual tumor [64,67,68,85]. Following PA, some patients developed hormonal deficits, including corticotropic deficiency [65,74,83,84,89,90], central
hypothyroidism [70,77,84,85,89], hypogonadism [84], persistent DI [66,77,79,83,90], or transient
DI [71,75], while at least eight patients had normal pituitary function [20,67,69,75,76,80,86].
Moreover, Ye et al. [91] published a case of PA associated with extra-pontine myelinolysis in pregnancy at 32 WG with no previously known pituitary adenoma and that
presented with vomiting. The laboratory analysis showed hyponatremia, so the patient
received sodium repletion. She developed aphasia and hemiplegia the next day. MRI
showed PA and abnormal signals in some areas that suggested extra-pontine myelinolysis.
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The patient received treatment with hydrocortisone and levothyroxine. She gave birth at
38 WG (CS) to a healthy baby [91].
A fatal outcome of the newborn was reported by Khaldi et al. on a case of a giant
prolactinoma complicated with PA in pregnancy. The subject was treated with cabergoline
and surgery and presented at 22 WG with symptoms of PA. She received treatment with
bromocriptine and hydrocortisone. She developed corticotropic and thyrotrophic insufficiency. Unfortunately, she gave birth prematurely at 28 WG to twins who died on the
7th day of life [89]. In another study, a fatal maternal outcome was reported following a
craniotomy for PA at 21 WG [92].
Regarding breastfeeding in females who experienced PA in pregnancy, we have the
data on three patients who were unable to breastfeed [86,90,91], while one patient was able
to breastfeed for only 2 weeks [69]. Two patients were able to have an uneventful second
pregnancy following PA amid previous gestation [20,73].
3.10. PA during PP
Six cases of PA in PP state were identified during our search [20,93–97]. The findings
are summarized in (Table 3; one study being also cited in Tables 1 and 2—please see
reference [20]).
The mean age of patients who suffered PA in PP was 33 years. Three patients were in
their second pregnancies, two patients were prim gravidae [93,95–97], and one female was
G4P1A3 [20]. Overall, 4/6 individuals had CS, 2/6 had VD (including one that was homeconducted) [20,93–97]. The timing of symptoms was as early as 5 min after delivery [93]
and as late as 12 days after delivery [95], including 3/6 females with PA 2 days following
delivery [94,96,97].
All patients presented headache as the main symptom, which was described as severe
(2/6); throbbing/pulsatile (2/6); either frontal (1/6), frontotemporal (1/6), or occipital
(1/6); and accompanied by eye pain (1/6), nausea (3/6), and vomiting (1/6). In the case of
Mathur et al.’s patient, headache persisted over the course of 48 h without remission after
treatment with paracetamol [93]. Visual symptoms (N = 3) included a decrease in visual
acuity, diplopia, ptosis, and anisocoria. Photophobia (N = 1), fever (N = 1), polyuria and
polydipsia (N = 2), and the inability to lactate (N = 1) were also identified. Raina S et al. [94]
presented a case of PA in PP associated with isolated third cranial nerve palsy; the patient
had a history of PP hemorrhage following a full-term home-conducted vaginal delivery.
On the second day of admission, she complained of blurred vision, headache, and diplopia.
Ptosis on the right side was also noted. MRI established the diagnosis of PA. She started
thyroid hormone replacement therapy along with oral hydrocortisone. During follow-up,
the subject had a full recovery with the normalization of thyroid function [94].
In one study, 5/6 subjects had no underlying pituitary adenoma [20,93–96]. Pop et al.
reported a non-functioning large pituitary adenoma of 3.3 × 1.05 × 1.55 cm that was
undiagnosed before pregnancy [97].
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Table 3. Characteristics, clinical presentation, management, and outcome of patients with pituitary apoplexy during PP [20,93–97].
Reference (Name,
Number, and Year
of Publication)
Type of Study
Case report
Case series
Four cases of PA
related to
pregnancy, of
which one, a
female, was of
PA during PP
Case report
Case report
Case report
Gravidity and
Days at PP on
5 min PP
headache for 48 h
following CS with
spinal anesthesia
(with onset 5 min
after delivery)
Transient DI
6 h PP
2 days PP
12 days PP
2 days PP
Headache and
unable to lactate
Blurred vision
Right facial
Eye pain
Blurred vision
LB by CS
adjacent to the
Ten days after
PA the patient
The patient
also suffered
from type 1
DM and
primary hypothyroidism
The patient
suffered from
No pituitary
with oral
No pituitary
with cortisol
LB at 36 WG by
VD with forceps
insufficiency for
7 months
GH deficiency,
and atrophic
pituitary gland
No pituitary
50 mg 6 times
LB by VD
recovery and
thyroid function
No pituitary
(NSAIDs and IV
LB at term by CS
LB at 38th by CS
No pituitary
The patient
also suffered
from a
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Table 3. Cont.
Reference (Name,
Number, and Year
of Publication)
Type of Study
Case report
Gravidity and
Days at PP on
48 h PP
3rd cranial nerve
palsy: left ptosis
and anisocoria
Polyuria and
NFPA of 3.3 ×
1.05 × 1.55 cm
compression on
the optic
and LT4
LB at 40th by CS
recovery at
2 years
follow-up: HRT
for panhypopituitarism
Abbreviations: A = abortion; NSAID = nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug; CS = cesarian section; DI = diabetes insipidus; DM = diabetes mellitus; G = gesta; GH = growth
hormone; HRT = hormone replacement treatment; IV = intravenous; LB = live birth; NFPA = non-functioning pituitary adenoma; P = para; PA = pituitary apoplexy; PP = postpartum;
RCVS = reversible cerebral vasoconstrictive syndrome; TSS = trans-sphenoidal surgery; VD = vaginal delivery; WG = weeks of gestation.
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Two patients associated additional risk factors: type 1 diabetes [20] and postpartum
hemorrhage [94]. A co-morbidity in terms of subdural hematoma is reported by Hoang
et al. [96], in which a 34-year-old subject experienced PA in PP and subdural hematoma
following epidural anesthesia. She delivered by CS at 38 WG, and 2 days after delivery,
she showed signs of right facial paralysis, which was associated with headaches, eye
pain, and blurred vision. MRI confirmed PA and a left frontal subdural hematoma. PA
was conservatively approached followed by a full recovery within 1 year [96]. Another
incidental event is reversible cerebral vasoconstrictive syndrome (RCVS). Mathur et al. [93]
reported a 34-year-old female who developed PA after an emergency CS under spinal
anesthesia. She had severe PP headache and neurologic deficits. MRI showed PA. DI
developed after 48 h. She was managed conservatively with oral hydrocortisone in order to
prevent secondary adrenal insufficiency. Ten days following PA, the persistent headache led
to the identification of a new subarachnoid hemorrhage on MRI; she was further confirmed
with reversible cerebral vasoconstrictive syndrome. Twenty months after the event, she did
not require any hormone replacement therapy, but the MRI showed the enlargement of the
pituitary bordering the optic chiasm [93].
Overall, 5/6 patients were managed conservatively [20,93–96], and 1/6 underwent
TSS [97]. The conservative treatment consisted of vital sign monitoring, airway support,
nutritional support, glucocorticoids supplementation, fluid, and electrolyte replacement,
as well as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs [20,93–96]. The patient of Pop et al.
underwent TSS following initial conservative management due to deteriorating consciousness [97].
Pituitary function recovered and remained normal at the latest follow-up in three of
the six patients [93,94,96], while the other three subjects required therapy for hypopituitarism [20,95,97].
In the case of Mathur et al.’s patient, a differential diagnosis of headache included
multiple conditions: this is a 34-year-old female who underwent CS under spinal anesthesia
and received a bolus of oxytocin at delivery. The patient complained of persistent headache
over the course of 48 h after delivery. MRI scans were performed and showed pituitary
hemorrhage. Both spinal anesthesia and oxytocin bolus may cause headache in PP, therefore
complicating the differential diagnosis of PA [93].
Overall, a negative outcome concerning the newborn was reported in one twin pregnancy within the seventh day after birth [89]. PA in pregnancy caused premature babies
in some cases [70,82,86,88]. Peripartum data suggested PA onset a few hours following
domestic birth (after 36 weeks of gestation) [20] or a few days [94]. The confirmation of PA
in pregnant females required an emergency cesarean section due to visual field progressive
anomalies [82]. However, since PA is typically diagnosed in advanced pregnancies, data on
healthy living are specifically provided in 29 reports [20,69–71,73,74,76,77,79,81–90,92–98].
4. Discussions
Our case-sample-based analysis followed 35 original publications: 7 studies (selected
cases on PA from larger cohorts that included 22 women), and 28 case reports (1 patient/article, N = 28); thus, a total of 50 subjects were considered (44 with PA in pregnancy
and 6 with PA diagnosed after delivery). We noticed that the original studies were of small
sample sizes (the highest number of females with the actual diagnosis of PA was 5), and
the studies addressed different issues of PitNETs outside PA (the largest cohorts consisted
of 35, 46, and 71 patients with PitNETs). Notably, we used the terms of “case series” or
“study” in a table according to the original publication, but our final report, as introduced
below, takes into consideration 28 case reports (1 female/paper) and 7 non-case reports
(2–5 females/paper) that specifically refer to PA (Figure 2).
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Figure 2. Timeline diagram of studies regarding PA in pregnancy according to our analysis [20,64–97].
Abbreviations: CR = case report; N = number of patients; OS = original study.
4.1. Integrating PA in Pregnancy and PP to the Larger Frame of PAs
The growth of pituitary tumors, especially lactotroph tumors, during pregnancy, as
well as pituitary hypertrophy, increases the risk of PA in gestation. The low number of
cases found between 2012 and 2022, however, suggests the rarity of the disease. The
clinical presentation of patients with PA in pregnancy and PP is similar to the clinical
presentation of non-pregnant
patients with PA with sudden and severe headache; nausea
and vomiting; visual disturbances including a decrease in visual acuity; and signs and
symptoms of cranial nerve palsies such as visual field defects, ptosis, anisocoria, and
diplopia [14,39,98–102]. Presentation with hypocortisolism occurred in one of the patients
with PA in pregnancy [91].
We also observed DI as an initial presentation in patients with PA during pregnancy
and PP [83,93,97]. The manifestation of DI during pregnancy ranges from the exacerbation of pre-existing central or nephrogenic DI to pregnancy-induced transient DI due to
the increased metabolism of the antidiuretic hormone vasopressin (AVP) by placental
vasopressinase [12,99,103–105].
We mentioned that many patients present during pregnancy or PP with PA as the initial
symptom of a previously undiagnosed PitNET. In patients with known pituitary tumors,
the most frequent type was lactotroph PitNET. Additional risk factors are gestational and
type 1 DM, while pre-gestation treatment with DA was discontinued at the moment of
pregnancy confirmation. The majority of prolactinomas were macroadenomas; thus, it
could be hypothesized that the tumor size may increase the risk of PA in pregnancy.
The management of PA is similar to that of non-pregnant patients. Most patients were
treated conservatively, while surgery was reserved for cases with persistent and evolving
visual disturbances or altered consciousness. The TSS was preferred in all postpartum cases
except for one [92].
Generally, the maternal–fetal outcomes are favorable. Hormonal deficits are relatively
frequent, and they include hypocortisolism, hypothyroidism, and sometimes hypogonadism or growth hormone deficits. One noticeable postoperative complication observed
in patients with PA in pregnancy that underwent surgery was DI, either transient or persistent [66,71,77,79]. No case of neonatal abnormalities and congenital malformation were
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observed. We still do not have long-term surveillance studies of children born from mothers
who experienced PA in pregnancy or PP.
As seen outside pregnancy, the differential diagnosis of headache is crucial in establishing an adequate diagnosis. PA in pregnancy may mimic a series of conditions including
eclampsia [92], meningitis due to photophobia [70,75,90], and nuchal rigidity [20]. In the
PP, a differential diagnosis includes anesthesia and ocytocin bolus [93]. Another condition
associated with headache was RCVS (N = 1) [93]. RCVS is a condition accompanied by
the constriction of cerebral arteries, manifesting with headaches and possible neurological
deficits. Its frequency is higher during PP. Its resolution is spontaneous, but it may lead to
subarachnoid hemorrhage and even hemorrhagic or ischemic strokes [98,106–108].
Due to the gravity of the aforementioned conditions, differential diagnoses and prompt
and proper treatment are essential, as illustrated by one case with an initial misdiagnosis
that led to a delay in identifying and treating PA and, finally, to exitus [92].
4.2. PA in Pregnancy versus Postpartum
As expected, we found more cases of PA in pregnancy than postpartum (44 versus
6 individuals). PA during pregnancy and PP share a similar clinical presentation with
headaches of similar patterns and localizations accompanied by not only nausea and
vomiting but also visual symptoms including a decrease in visual acuity, visual field defects,
diplopia, and anisocoria. Ptosis was observed only in one patient suffering from PA during
PP [97], and it was observed in pregnancy-associated PA. Further clinical similarities include
photophobia, polyuria, and polydipsia and lack/difficulties of lactation [20,86,90,91]. In
terms of underlying conditions, prolactinomas are most important for PA in pregnancy,
while 5/6 patients suffering from PA during PP had no pituitary adenoma; however,
the analysis remains at case report levels [20,93–96]. Similar risk factors such as type 1
diabetes are commonly listed too [20,90]. Most patients received conservative treatment
both in pregnancy and PP. During pregnancy, TSS was performed due to the persistence
or worsening of visual symptoms [69,71,75,77,79,81,82,85,90], while in PP, TSS (N = 1) was
performed due to a decrease in consciousness [97]. Outcomes in these cases were similar.
Notably, DI was reported only in relation to PA during gestation [66,71,77,79]. (Table 4).
Table 4. Synthesis of the most important results according to our analysis.
reviewed period
number of original studies
number of observational studies
case series
case reports
total number of patients with PA
PA in pregnancy/postpartum ratio
PA in pregnancy: age ranges
mean age at PA diagnostic in pregnancy
presentation during third trimester
average week of gestation
cesarean section
21–41 years
27.76 years
dopamine agonists 15/43
terguride (1/43)
22/43 (10/22 neurosurgery as initial approach)
prolactinomas (26/43)
33 years
5 min–12 days
pre-pregnancy medication
conservative approach
trans-sphenoidal surgery
number of patients with pituitary tumor not diagnosed before surgery
type of pituitary tumors
PA in postpartum: mean age at diagnosis
rate of PA in postpartum after second pregnancy
timing (after delivery) of PA
rate of persistent hypopituitarism after PA in postpartum
Abbreviations: PA = pituitary apoplexy.
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4.3. Integrating PA Amid Other Endocrine Complications of Pregnancy
Generally, despite a low level of statistical evidence, PA in pregnancy remains a key element of the endocrine conditions that require particular intervention amid gestation, which
involve the thyroid, adrenal, and pituitary glands [57,109–111]. Moreover, PA in pregnancy
is one of the causes of acquired hypopituitarism in females during gestation [112]. For
instance, Bichard et al. [83] reported the case of a 29-year-old woman developing headache,
nausea, vomiting, and polyuria at 30 WG. MRI confirmed PA. She experienced panhypopituitarism, requiring hydrocortisone, levothyroxine, and desmopressin [83]. Another
example was published by Pop et al. [97]: A 26-year-old female underwent CS. Forty-eight
hours later, she complained of headache, photophobia, and nausea, and MRI confirmed
a pituitary tumor of more than 3 cm, the largest diameter without compression, on the
optic chiasma. On the 8th day after giving birth, she developed panhypopituitarism. Initially, she received conservative treatment, but due to deteriorating consciousness, surgical
decompression was performed. At the 2-year follow-up, the patient remained on levothyroxine, prednisone, and estrogen–progestin replacement therapy [97]. Pregnancy-related
hypophysitis is another cause of gestation-related pituitary insufficiency, and a recent
retrospective analysis identified 148 of such published cases [112]. Additionally, Sheehan
syndrome leads to hypopituitarism after a post-partum dramatic event, such as a hemorrhage, due to an obstetric event, and it should be differentiated from PA in PP [34,113–115].
Notably, PA in PP and Sheehan syndrome might be found in women who were otherwise
healthy, thus displaying a low index of clinical suspicion [34,113–115].
4.4. COVID-19 Infection Associated with PA
Chan JL et al. [84] reported a case of a pregnant woman with PA suffering from SARSCoV-2 infection. The patient presented at 38 WG with visual disturbance and headache.
MRI showed a previously undiagnosed pituitary tumor with acute hemorrhage. She
received conservative treatment with dexamethasone and gave birth to a healthy baby at
39 WG by VD. Two days later, TSS was performed. Two months further on, she still had
hypothyroidism, hypogonadism, and hypocortisolism requiring hormonal substitution.
It remains unclear whether the SARS-CoV-2 infection was a factor leading to PA or a
mere coincidence [84]. However, we already know that COVID-19 infection is a new
trigger for many conditions, during pregnancy or not, which are located at different
organs and systems, and further evidence on coronavirus-associated PA is expected to be
published [116–120].
5. Conclusions
PA in pregnancy is a rare, life-threatening condition. Most patients presenting with PA
are primigravidae in the second or third trimester. Headache is the most frequent presentation, and its prompt distinction from other conditions associated with headache, such as
preeclampsia and meningitis, is essential. The index of suspicion should be high, especially
in patients with additional risk factors such as pre-gestation treatment with dopamine
agonists, diabetes mellitus, anticoagulation therapy or large pituitary tumors. PA management is conservative in most cases, and it mainly includes corticosteroid substitution
and dopamine agonists. The most frequent surgical indication is neuro-ophthalmological
deterioration, although the actual risk of pituitary surgery during pregnancy remains
unknown. PA in PP is exceptionally reported. To our knowledge, this sample–case series
study is the largest of its kind that is meant to increase the awareness to the benefit of the
maternal–fetal outcomes.
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Author Contributions: Conceptualization, A.-M.G., A.-I.T., M.C. and M.S.; methodology, A.-M.G.,
A.-I.T., M.C., C.N. and M.S.; software, A.-M.G., M.C. and F.L.P.; validation, A.-M.G., A.-I.T., M.C. and
C.N.; formal analysis, A.-I.T., C.N., F.L.P. and M.S.; investigation, A.-M.G., A.-I.T., M.C. and M.S.;
resources, C.N., F.L.P. and M.S.; data curation, A.-M.G., A.-I.T., M.C., C.N. and M.S.; writing—original
draft preparation, A.-M.G. and A.-I.T.; writing—review and editing, A.-M.G., A.-I.T., M.C. and M.S.;
visualization, M.C., C.N. and F.L.P.; supervision, M.C., C.N. and M.S.; project administration, A.-M.G.,
C.N., M.C. and M.S.; funding acquisition, M.C., C.N. and M.S. All authors have read and agreed to
the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Acknowledgments: This article is part of the PhD doctoral research and associated collaborations of
Alexandra-Ioana Trandafir (Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania,
no. 28970/3 October 2022).
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
A = abortion; CS = cesarian section; DA = dopamine agonist; DI = diabetes insipidus; DM = diabetes
mellitus; G = gesta; GH = growth hormone; NFPA = non-functioning pituitary adenoma; N = number
of patients; MRI = magnetic resonance imaging; P = para; PA = pituitary apoplexy; PitNET = pituitary
neuroendocrine tumor; PP = postpartum; RCVS = reversible cerebral vasoconstrictive syndrome;
TSS = trans-sphenoidal surgery; VG = vaginal delivery; WG = weeks of gestation.
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