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2023, Media, Politics and Environment: Analyzing different experiences from Europe and Asia…
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The destruction of the natural environment is a serious problem in Indonesia. Areas with rain forests have been reduced dramatically by the creation of palm oil plantations, rivers contaminated by mining activities, and the air pollution in the cities is among the highest worldwide. Environmental civil society organizations, but also the national media should have the task to report critically and to inform the general public about environmental destruction and pollution. In practice, however, Indonesian media representatives are often intimidated, and critical voices suppressed not only by private business interests but also by state actors, such as politicians, army, and police personnel. This article will thus critically analyze the possibilities and limits of current Indonesian media when exposing and covering environmental scandals.
A complex issues on environment requires the journalist in developing country such us Indonesia to develop attitudes: pro-sustainability, and pro-environmental equality
Indonesia's environmental reporting has been dynamically developed as it has been influenced by the interlinked factors of freedom of the press, media conglomeration, and the emergence of online technology. Regarding to those factors, how are the competence of the Indonesia's environmental reporters? How do Indonesia's environmental reporters perceive challenges? This research conducts survey and interviews to Indonesia's environmental reporters who are also the members of the Society of Indonesia's Environmental Journalist (SIEJ).
Jurnal ilmu Komunikasi, 2014
The decisions made at the 2007 United Nations Climate Change Conference, in Nusa Dua Bali, have the potential to influence environmental policies in countries around the world, particularly policies to reduce global carbon emissions. This paper analysed how the Indonesian media portrayed climate change issues during the Conference and the whether the Indonesian media and political actors have the same perspective on climate change issues. After examining approximately 160 news articles and press releases from political actors it was clear that the media and political actors, particularly environmental NGOs, paid careful attention to climate change. However, we found that the Indonesian government did not seriously manage this issue in the media, despite having the responsibility and authority to make environmentally friendly policies. Abstrak 2007 United Nations Climate Change Conference di Nusa Dua Bali merupakan even yang sangat penting, bukan hanya bagi Indonesia sebagai tuan rumah konferensi, tetapi juga bagi umat manusia di dunia, karena keputusan tentang pengurangan emisi karbon global akan dapat memengaruhi kebijakan tentang lingkungan hidup di seluruh negara di bumi ini. Penelitian ini menjawab pertanyaan tentang bagaimana media di Indonesia menyajikan isu masalah perubahan iklim kepada audiensnya dan mencari tahu bagaimana aktor-aktor penentu kebijakan lingkungan mempunyai pemahaman tentang masalah perubahan iklim. Metode analisis dilakukan dengan analisis framing dengan menganalisis 160 artikel media dan press release dari harian KOMPAS, REPUBLIKA, Kementrian Lingkungan Hidup Indonesia, WALHI, dan GREENPEACE Indonesia selama-sepanjang-setelah even 2007 UNCCC diselenggarakan dan hasilnya menemukan bahwa media dan NGO menganggap sangat serius issue perubahan iklim ini, namun pemerintah Indonesia tidak menganggapnya serius, sehingga pemerintah Indonesia tidak serius dalam mengorganisasikan issue masalah perubahan iklim ini, padahal mereka adalah penentu kebijakan utama pengurangan emisi karbon.
Environmental journalists nowadays work within an evolving environmental media ecosystem that is participatory, pluralistic, and social. Globally, online technology has challenged the historically dominant and special role of environment reporters as privileged messengers of environment information to general audiences. Locally in Indonesia, contemporary environmental journalism is driven by political transformation, conglomeration of media structure and technological change. Departing from the New Order –when environmental journalism had been overlooked— and adopting the digital technology, Indonesia's journalism of environment has a great opportunity to develop its role in a more plural ways. Regarding to the contexts, is this occupational group performing a wider plurality roles? Do Indonesian online environment journalists have a more collaborative relationship with their audiences and sources? Are they generally adopting a more critical or collaborative stance towards the environment advocates, industry, and policy-oriented organizations? This research employs desk study, survey to environmental journalists who write for online news sites and interviews with emerging figures in environment journalism of Indonesia.
billion procurement fraud. The graft case has become more complex as it is involving highrank police officer, Insp. Gen. Djoko Susilo and some lawmakers. This paper reveals that Indonesian press dominantly poses its political role as an agent of restraint. The roles become very strategic mainly when other three democratic institutions are unable (or unwilling) to perform well. However, the challenges of press in performing such a role are not easy. The Kompas laboratory highlights some problems to be resolved regarding the need to improve journalistic professional competency; the need for the press to be independent from proprietor"s ideology; and the need to enforce media policy on empowering the journalist"s professionalism and the public.
Media surveillance in forest and land fires in Riau during 2019 is essential in protecting the environment and enforcing environmental crimes perpetrators. Online media coverage, apart from having a vital obligation to disseminate information to the public and a form of control over the government. The purpose of this study was to determine how the framing used by was related to the coverage of forest and land fires in Riau in 2019. The news was analyzed using Robert Entman's framing analysis method. There are four elements used in this research, namely, define problems, diagnose causes, make moral judgments, and treatment recommendation. The results found were that tended to frame the arrest of suspects who caused forest and land fires in Riau in 2019 as defining problems. Then, framed that the forest and land fires in Riau in 2019 were a deliberate mistake by humans, that it was an easy and cheap method to extend the farm. The assessment given by Tir...
This paper explains how the concepts of management applied in the news-production process, particularly in reporting on environmental issues Reporting on environmental issues has its own difficulties that require the strategy to package it into newsworthiness news for the reader (audience). News about the environment is generally based on the story obtained from technical-academic sources such as ecology experts or scientists. For that, we need the media’s ability to interpret the information and process it into a story that can be understood by the public. This is important because environmental issues have become crucial things to be known and recognized by the community. All of these efforts are the framework for maintaining survival all life on Earth. Communication management concepts are to identify strategies used in the production of the news. Researchers used a research method that combines the methods of observation, interviews, and literature review to obtain conclusions a...
This paper examines journalism practice of regional environmental journalist in network journalism scheme for multiplatform context in Indonesia. Regional journalists usually have direct exposed to environmental problems in Indonesia, but the authority, either related to environmental problems or news coverage dissemination, both situated in Jakarta office. Within the media conglomeration industry in Indonesia, these context led network journalism practice with the limitation access of credible news sources in regions, while demand of multiplatform context need more information to produce news coverage. This paper aims to explore how regional environmental journalist does their job within this limitation and demand context
This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach in explaining the function of local press control in news framing of the Kendari bay reclamation policy implementation. The results of the study revealed that the local press as a public information media, had not yet carried out its control function in presenting a news frame about the beach reclamation policy of Kendari City. The direction of the news tends to favor the interests of the local authorities and does not advocate for the interests of the surrounding community. Local press reporting that is not critical of the reclamation policy makes the city government more free to carry out sea fill activities that cause siltation, sea water pollution, disruption of marine life, and have an impact on major flooding every rainy season even though the rainfall intensity is not high.
Journal of Hunan University, 2021
After the period of reform with Law Number 40 of 1999 concerning the media, it is in line with the desire of the masses to elevate the media as the fourth pillar of democracy in Indonesia. This study is to know the role of the government and journalists in interpreting media freedom. This research was conducted using a qualitative approach, which involved 20 informants consisting of media actors, kingdoms, academic experts, communication experts, and the crowd. The results showed that the model of media freedom and mutual understanding is to maintain media diversity with their respective functions. The two elements make an agreement in the form of mutual understanding in realizing harmonious media freedom. The roles of each, namely the government and journalists, strengthen each other to realize press freedom in accordance with the dynamics that affect the level of literacy and education in a country. The media is not only about news but also a broader understanding of what is happening in Indonesian society.
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