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2009, Acta Crystallographica Section E Structure Reports Online
9 pages
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Acta Crystallographica Section E-structure Reports Online, 2009
Acta Crystallographica Section E Structure Reports Online, 2011
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Revista Universitară de Sociologie, Issue I, 2024
Over the past two decades throughout Europe, there has been a noticeable increase in public demonstrations of populist discourses, and the rise to power of populist political factions. With the aim of comprehending the reasons behind this phenomenon and identifying the factors underlying the growth of populist parties, this study centers on the Romanian case. The objective is to offer insights and solutions to ensure a stable democratic path of the European countries. For this, the study embraces a mixed approach of the cultural backlash theory and the dual process theory to explain the social change in the light of the current international events, and identifies reasons and motivations of the voters turning towards populist ideologies. The paper begins with a historical analysis of the development of Romanian political parties to discern potential variations in the preferences of the Romanian electorate. Then, the study follows the emergence of new parties in Romania over the past four years, aiming to assess the balance between pro-European and populist parties. In the end, the study follows the discourse delivered by representatives of populist parties in Romania, identifies keywords and specific subjects in their speeches, and emphasizes their impact on voters' choice.
The Zambia Law Students’ Journal (ZLSJ) is a publication of the Zambia Law Students’ Journal Editorial Board, a Committee of the Students’ Law Association of Zambia (SLAZ) with the purpose of spearheading inter-university scholarly publications and encouraging legal debate among law students. The 2022 publication is its third issue. This issue seeks to address a number of thought-provoking issues in environmental law, law of tort, law contract and constitutional law. The journal also extends its concern to trust law while discussing matters of public law in general. The journal is a living evidence of students’ willingness to be involved in attending to legal matters that call for the urgent attention for research. As the Editorial Board, we would like to thank everyone who took some time off their busy and tedious schedule to write an article for inclusion into this years’ publication. Happy reading Yours in encouraging student legal writing and research, Davison Mwale Editor in Chief |Zambia Law Students’ Journal
This paper departs from biblical images of creation (wisdom, word, mirror), and goes on to consider those images in three medieval thinkers from the Neoplatonist tradition. Firstly, Johannes Scotus Eriugena, who uses sapientia and in principio images. Secondly, St Hildegard of Bingen, in whose visions the images of wisdom and mirror-God appear. In third place, M. Eckhart, who refers in his Latin writings to God’s creation in se ipso. The article will try to show that a common feature regarding creatio can be found in all the three authors: the explanation of the origin of the world as manifestation of the first principle and the final return–union–to it. This subject has recently been partly dealt with by authors such as W. Beierwaltes, W. Otten or M. Marder. The present research follows the thread of previous studies, claiming at the same time to be an original contribution to the history of Neoplatonic thought about creation.
ÖZET Çeviribilim, dilbilim, metindilbilim, erekbilim, kültürbilim, edebiyat, bilişsel psikoloji, sosyoloji, gibi pek çok alanla disiplinlerarası çalışan bir bilim dalıdır. Yorum ve anlama sanatı olarak tanımlanan hermeneutik de çeviribilimin iç içe olduğu diğer bir alandır. Hermeneutikte kullanılan çoğu kavram çeviribilimde de yer almaktadır. Her iki alan tarafından kullanılan kavramların incelenmesi ve farklıklar ile benzerliklerinin ortaya konması çeviribilim alanına katkı sağlayacaktır. Bu çalışmada anlama, tecrübe, tarihsellik, önyargı ve ufukların kaynaşması kavramları hermeneutik ve çeviribilim açısından karşılaştırılmıştır. GİRİŞ Yorum anlamına gelen hermeneutik kavramı 17. yüzyıldan beri kullanılıyor olmasına rağmen metinlerin yorumlanması açısından hermeneutik kavramının kökeni Antik çağlara kadar uzanmaktadır. Tarihsel süreç içerisinde öncelikle dini metinlerin anlaşılmasında etkin bir rol oynayan hermeneutik alanı, zaman içerisinde hukuk, tarih ve edebiyat gibi alanlarda metinlerin yorumlanmasında kullanılmaya başlanmıştır. Birçok alanda yer bulan hermeneutik, kapsamlı bir alan olduğu için zamanla çeviribilim içerisinde de önemli bir konuma sahip olarak araştırma konusu haline gelmiştir. Bu çalışmada hermeneutik alanının bütün detaylarını incelemek mümkün olmadığı için çalışmanın sınırını belirleyebilmek açısından hermeneutikte öne çıkan ve çeviribilim içerisinde yer bulan tarihsellik, deneyim, ön yargı, ufukların kaynaşması, anlama ve yorumlama gibi kavramlar ele alınarak bu kavramların öne çıkmasında etkin rol oynayan, klasik hermeneutiğin başlatıcısı olarak kabul edilen Schleiermacher ile Dilthey, Heidegger ve felsefi hermeneutiğin öncüsü olarak kabul edilen Gadamer'in görüşleri doğrultusunda mevcut kavramlar açıklanmaya çalışılacaktır.Bu kavramların ele alınmasındaki temel amaç, hermeneutikte bulunan kavramların çeviri süreçleri ve çevirmen açısından incelenerek çevirmenin, en son aşama olan yorumlama safhasına varmak için hangi süreçlerden geçtiğini gözlemleyebilmektir.
Trabajos de Prehistoria 81(1), 2024
Un nuevo torques de oro ha sido adquirido por la Junta de Extremadura y ya se expone en el Museo Arqueológico Provincial de Badajoz. Hemos efectuado un estudio micro-topográfico mediante técnicas de observación (MO) y análisis (FRX) con el objetivo de reconstruir la biografía de la pieza. En origen era un torques anular, de aro doble, con pieza de cierre y ornamentación incisa, característico del Bronce Final Atlántico. En la actualidad solo se ha recuperado uno de los aros, muy deformado y con huellas de violencia ritual. Desde el punto de vista artesanal hemos definido un posible taller que denominamos PPSV, en referencia a los torques que han servido para su identificación: Penela, Portel, Sagrajas y Villar del Rey. Abstract: A new gold torc has been acquired by the Autonomous Regional Government of Extremadura, which is already in exhibition at the Museo Arqueológico Provincial de Badajoz. We conducted a micro-topographic study of the item by means of analytical (XRF) and visual inspection (OM) techniques aiming at reconstructing the torc biography. Originally, the item was a double penannular torc with a clasp piece and incised geometric decoration, characteristic of the Atlantic Late Bronze Age. Currently only one of the rods, distorted and with traces of ritual violence, has been recovered. From the craftsmanship point of view, we have defined a possible workshop, naming it PPSV, on behalf of the torcs involved in its identification: Penela, Portel, Sagrajas and Villar del Rey.
Journal of Adolescent Health, 2009
Purpose-Four forms of school bullying behaviors among US adolescents and their association with socio-demographic characteristics, parental support and friends were examined. Methods-Data were obtained from the Health Behavior in School-Aged Children (HBSC) 2005 Survey, a nationally-representative sample of grades 6 to 10 (N = 7182). The Olweus Bully/Victim Questionnaire was used to measure physical, verbal and relational forms of bullying. Two items were added using the same format to measure cyber bullying. For each form, four categories were created: bully, victim, bully-victim, and not involved. Multinomial logistic regressions were applied, with socio-demographic variables, parental support and number of friends as predictors. Results-Prevalence rates of having bullied others or having been bullied at school for at least once in the last 2 months were 20.8% physically, 53.6% verbally, 51.4% socially or 13.6% electronically. Boys were more involved in physical or verbal bullying, while girls were more involved in relational bullying. Boys were more likely to be cyber bullies, while girls were more likely to be cyber victims. African-American adolescents were involved in more bullying (physical, verbal or cyber) but less victimization (verbal or relational). Higher parental support was associated with less involvement across all forms and classifications of bullying. Having more friends was associated with more bullying and less victimization for physical, verbal and relational forms, but was not associated with cyber bullying. Conclusions-Parental support may protect adolescents from all four forms of bullying. Friends associate differentially with traditional and cyber bullying. Results indicate that cyber bullying has a distinct nature from traditional bullying.
Agroproductividad, 2015
Mharti Elye Wiranto, 2024
Proceedings of the The First International Conference On Islamic Development Studies 2019, ICIDS 2019, 10 September 2019, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia, 2019
Routledge Handbook of Global Citizenship Studies, 2013
Études et Travaux, 2018
Francisco de Bruna (1719-1807) y su colección de antigüedades en el Real Alcázar de Sevilla, 2018
Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2016
Photosynthesis Research, 2012
Materials Letters, 2018
Canadian Journal of Higher Education, 2019
Optoelectronics, Instrumentation and Data Processing, 2009
Pediatric Blood & Cancer, 2013