International Journal of Public Health Science (IJPHS)
Vol.2, No.4, December 2013, pp. 151~158
ISSN: 2252-8806
The Role of Community in Malaria Vector Control
Solikhah, Lina Handayani, Nooria Sukmaningtyas
Department of Public Health,Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Article Info
Article history:
There are 40% (3 billion) of the world's population at risk of suffering from
malaria with the addition of some 300-500 million cases and 1.5 to 1.7
million people died from suffering from malaria. In Indonesia to date,
infectious disease, especially diseases that are transmitted by animals,
especially insects, are still a public health problem. This study aimed to
determine the role of the community in the prevention, control and
eradication of malaria. This research was a qualitative study. Subjects of the
study were public, community leaders, and health care providers. Data were
analyzed by using content analysis and theory validation source. Community
participation in malaria vector control through several ways to eradicate
mosquito breeding, usage of mosquito nets, use of insect repellent, avoiding
a night out and a survey of patients who return from leave. The community
plays an active role in malaria vector control efforts by closing puddles,
community service every week, and some people are already using nets.
Received Jun 12, 2013
Revised Aug 29, 2013
Accepted Nov 27, 2013
Community participation
Infectious disease
Copyright © 2013 Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science.
All rights reserved.
Corresponding Author:
Departement of Public Health,
Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
Yogyakarta, Indonesia
[email protected]
Malaria is an infectious disease that causes morbidity and mortality in children and adults in
developing countries, including Indonesia [1]. The death was due to malaria are estimated more than one
million people per year, and are increasing annually [2]. Malaria can cause death of approximately 1-2
million people each year and the addition of about 300-500 million are found each year [3]-[5]. The spread of
malaria is mediated Plasmodium-infecting Anopheles mosquitoes. There are four types of Plasmodium
species that cause malaria, such as: P.falcifarum, P. vivax, P. ovale, P.malarie. Cases of deaths due to malaria
are mostly caused by P. falcifarum [4]. Elimination of malaria through various ways such as: medication
management, prevention and control of vector mosquitoes, the malaria eradication program interventions is
attempted to do. Targeted elimination of malaria in the whole world according to the Global Malaria Action
Plan, WHO, is the number of malaria zero cases at least 8-10 countries in 2015 [6]. Therefore we need
cooperation between cross-program and cross-cutting to achieve zero cases and it need supporting to do is
both government and society. Community involvement in the eradication of malaria is necessary because the
public has an important role not only as objects but as subjects of disease eradication program as well. People
who become the subject of an eradication program will impact on the sustainability of the program itself.
This is because creating a perception in the community since program is community property can be invote
their consciousness. Another case if the public is only the object of program, people will not feel ownership,
just as executor, so the sustainability of the program will not run long.
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ISSN: 2252-8806
In Indonesia, malaria is disease that threatens the community, especially people living in malaria
endemic areas and remote areas far from health services [7]. Kulon Progo is one of malaria endemic areas in
Indonesia located in Central Java.
In 2000 Kulonprogo district experienced outbreak malaria (AnnualParasite Incidence / API) 85.9 per
1000 population. Range 2001 to 2010 API has decreased to 0.07 per 1000 population. From 6 villages are not
found malaria. In 2000 malaria is not found in 6 villages but in 2007 malaria is found in 94 villages. These
cases have increased again starting in August 2011 and there were two people who died of malaria. The
increasing of malaria patients in the District KulonProgo caused by the alternation from natural vegetation to
crops of economic value such as coffee and cocoa [8]. In 2011 malaria spread throughout many in the
district KulonProgo district including malaria-free region in the previous years, so it is set as the outbreak
back in 2012 [9]. Malaria can affect the Human Development Index (HDI) increase morbidity and mortality,
impair maternal and child health decrease intelligence, workforce productivity, and harming tourism [5];[10].
Therefore, this study was conducted in order to determine the role of community participation in the
eradication programof malaria.
The study was qualitative and descriptive technique. The research aimed to make systematic
observation, factual, clear and accurate description of the facts and characteristics of the population
associated with an event in a particular area. Triangulation is used for the approach of this study. The
population was all residents in the subdistrictKokapKulonprogo and the subject is the head of the hamlet,
village heads, village malaria interpreters, and community health workers. The research instruments were
1).The interview guide that has a function to determine the role of community participation in planning
efforts, prevention and eradication of diseases malaria; 2) Observation participatory of subject in the district
KulonProgo. Data were analyzed using content analyzes of the way. The process of data analysis through the
validation process of the subject and compared with theory.
Kokap is suburban area in KulonProgo district which is appoximatelly 32 Km west from
Yogyakarta, Indonesia, which is included malaria endemic area that consists of 5 villages such as:Hargotirto,
Hargowilis, Hargorejo, Hargomulyo and Kalirejo.
Geographical conditions Kokap are mountains with the description such as 5% flat to choppy, also
choppy to hillyand 60% hilly to mountainous. Its administrative center is 250m above sea level with
temperatures ranging from 18 0 C to 29 0 C. The number of rainy days is 20 days and the amount of rainfall is
Total area of all Kokap is 73.799.505 Hectares, including the 231 Sermoreservoir and its population
comprised 9935 head of family, consist of 18 867 male and 19,261 female.Based on the reports of the capture
of mosquitoes in the area conducted by Sermo Reservoir in KulonProgo, species of Anopheles obtained are:
Anophelesaconitus, Anopheles vagus, Anopheles maculates, Anopheles anularis, Anopheles kochi,
Anopheles barbirostris, Anopheles balacensis
Malaria is a serious disease because it can kill up to 2 million people per year and 300-500 people
experience pain due to malaria each year. Spread of the disease vectors through female Anopheles mosquito
is caused by four species of Plasmodium, namely: Plasmodium Falcifarum, Plasmodium vivax, Plasmodium
ovale, and Plasmodium malaria [1]. Most of deaths because by Plasmodium Falcifarum [4].The disease is
widely spread due to environmental health factors such as: physical, chemical, biological, and socio-cultural
factors that influence the spread of malaria in Indonesia [3]. Other researchers also noted that is influenced by
geography, temperature, social economic and local culture [11].
Although malaria eradication program efforts have been made, the explosion of malaria and
exceptional outbreak still arises. Constraints are faced by among others; sharp targets for malaria area
mapping is not yet completed, health care centers and sub-health centers do not reach the endemic areas
especially the quantity and quality of factors with do not support the minimum requirements for the
implementation of the program. Besides geographically malaria patients were difficult to reach by any
transport resulting mobility difficulties to access health services. The role of public facilities such as
transportation, telecommunications, networks, road conditions greatly affect the general public access to
health care centers such as community health centers, hospitals and doctors or midwife practices [7].The role
of the community in helping themselves to malaria program implementation is still low in motivation, looks
as follows: let herself be bitten by a mosquito, make the standing water around the house, sleep in the open or
outside the room without using mosquito repellent, the habit of a night out until morning. There is still people
IJPHS Vol. 2, No. 4, December 2013 : 151 – 158
ISSN: 2252-8806
who do not want to take medication according to the instructions, and do not known that Anopheles
mosquitoes as intermediaries for distributing very active malaria bite at night. Therefore, this makes malaria
difficult to eradicate.
Besides, there are other difficulties found such as resistance falcifarum against Plasmodium malaria
drugs such as Irian Jaya, Central Kalimantan and Java. Lack of skilled personnel in the field entomology, the
boredom of the officers in carrying out eradication, inaccuracy of report and late report, and activity of
surveillance are not sufficient to the low coverage of the discovery and treatment of patients. In addition the
mobility of the population in the region Kokap to endemic areas outside Java is due to family economic
limitations that resulted in the head of the family works seasonally to Sumatra and Borneo. For example in
2010 there was an increase of outbreaks in the region due to the transmigration from Kalimantan to Kokapto
visit family or seasonal workers (miners). [12];[13].
3.1. Community efforts to eradicate mosquito breeding / breeding mosquitoes
Health is right of every human being and one of the elements of well-being is the responsibility of
each person. The participation of individuals, families, and communities are indispensable in promoting
health. Participating in the health field is visible when individuals, families, and communities are jointly
responsible for the health of themselves, their families and the environment, involve in the planning and
implementation as well as to solve problems in society. Health development is intended to increase
awareness, willingness and ability of healthy life of each individual in the society. Efforts to improve health
should be done comprehensively and continuously through disease prevention, health promotion, disease
treatment and health recovery.
A society is said to be independent in the health sector if:fistly communities are able to identify
health problems and the factors that affect the issue in their living environment, one example is malaria.
Community awareness about malaria, clinical symptoms, how to spread both directly and indirectly, how to
prevent it, how to control and prevention, environmental factors and physical, chemical, biological, and
socio-cultural influence on the increasing incidence of this disease needs to be introduced by the healthcare
provider to society. Likewise what actions to take when they are infected with this disease should be
understood by all people so that there is not resistance to drugs antimalarial. Some areas have reported a few
cases of treatment failure are caused by malaria parasites resistance to antimalarial drugs, especially
chloroquine resistance [14]. Public knowledge about the disease is necessary because the number of high
morbidity despite low mortality rate it can cause low body resistance, their power decreases, inhibiting
smooth because of the tourism sector in the attraction of malaria [15]. Factors affecting malaria in humans
are the matter of behavior, where is composed of knowledge, attitudes and actions. While transmission of
determinants of malaria is divided into two major categories, namely: [16] the direct factors and indirect
factor. The direct factors affect the average human biting mosquitoes in a day, an average of Plasmodium
gametocytes in the population and the average ability of daily life in mosquitoes.The indirect factors,
including: the environment and climate, rainfall, drought, management of the built environment, changes in
the pattern of biting vectors, air temperature, humidity, importation of malaria parasites through population
movement and migration of non-immune population.
Secondly communities are able to cope with health problems independently using the potential of
the local community. Potentiality that exists in the society such as family wealthfare movement, mathernal
and child clinic, integrated health care community, study groups, youth clubs, etc. can be used as a means to
provide counseling to improve public knowledge about malaria transmission and its prevention. Efforts made
by the people and the government to overcome malaria vectors can be done with the cooperation between
local governments, religious leaders, traditional leaders, community leaders and the parties are deemed to be
influential among the general public. Efforts are made in the form of:
a. Education and outreach, continually to increase public awareness, reducing the habit of being outdoors
mosquito egg until late at night, where the vector is exophilic and exophagic will facilitate mosquito
bites. Public awareness about the dangers of malaria will affect people's willingness to eradicate malaria
among other healthful environment, use netting, wire netting installed at home and using insect repellent.
b. Establishment of working groups in the community that make the community programs including mutual
assistance to build aqueducts, dams, road construction, mining, and construction of new settlement /
resettlement friendly environment should be kept in a change environment favorable transmission of
malaria ("man -made malaria ").
c. Support from the government is fully needed to community efforts that are bottom up, as a continuation
of government programs that are top-down evaluation periodically from community groups and
governments on programs that have been carried out. Good program to eradicate the disease and
economic empowerment programs for the community should be done to eradicated of disease. This is
because almost all malaria endemic regions across the world are in poor areas [1]
The Role of Community in Malaria Vector Control (Solikhah)
ISSN: 2252-8806
Through these efforts on malaria control programs are expected to become part of daily life in the
community, so that morbidity and mortality decreased.
Increased public awareness will hopefully make people able to maintain and protect themselves
against vectors of malaria diseases, can improve health status dynamically and independently.
Based on the results of research in subdistrict Kokap, Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, public
knowledge about the causes of malaria and how the treatment are still low, it is seen from the interview
I do not know the cause of malaria, primarily if the pain in order to the clinic, but at the public
health center is not free and did not recover ......
From interviews with respondents obtained information nisthat the community in malaria vector
control through community service each week to cover the puddles. Efforts that have been made to eradicate
mosquito breeding are also carried out by health authorities such as fogging, regular counseling through
every maternal and child clinic hamlets.
...........Spraying and extension maternal and child clinic/ health post also conducted by health
Required personal protective equipment such as necessary long lasting nets (LLNs), door nets, and
window nets to avoid mosquitoes bite that carry malaria vector. Based on result of case control study in 2003,
the use of personal protective equipment such as mosquito nets, mosquito net installation on windows and
doors correlate to malaria incidence [7].
The attitude of society towards malaria awareness is pretty good. They do service projects including weekly
to clean up the environment. The role of community leaders in reducing malaria has also been quite good. If
there is a puddle of water, community leaders immediately directed the people to perform community
service. This is an effort to prevent water pooling which later can become breeding places of Anopheles
mosquitoes. This is evident from the results of the interview are as follows:
....................if there is a puddle of water, the nas a public figure, I will give to the
community in order to align the stream............
Controlling environmental factors will affect an infectious disease. Environmental health studies and
handling of human relationships with the environment in the balance of the ecosystem aims to improve
public health through optimal prevention against diseases and health disorders by controlling environmental
factors that can cause disease. Present and future interaction will affectone another [17].
3.2. Community efforts in the use of mosquito nets and insect repellent
The community avoiding mosquito bites in various ways, namely by using mosquito coil, insect
repellent cream, use crushed leaves and then rubedon the hands and feet and wear mosquito netswhile
sleeping. The use of mosquito nets while sleeping can prevent people from mosquito bites and reduce malaria
transmission [18]. The use of mosquito nets in malaria-risk areas in babies and pregnant womenare
recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) in order to eradicate malaria [19]. It is seen from
the interview below:
…....... We use mosquito nets if going to bed, and mosquito repellent while watching TV in the
In addition, peopleused toburndry leavesto repelmosquitoesin the afternoon..
.....when going to the field, leaves crushed and rubbed into the hands and feetto avoid mosquito
bites..... the afternoon dried leaves were burned to repel mosquitoes....
From interviews to the respondents, it is known that the nets have been distributed to the entire
population in malaria-endemic areas for free, but did not used for the reason because it feels hot when using
mosquito nets while sleeping. Bed nets are used only in case of outbreaks.
IJPHS Vol. 2, No. 4, December 2013 : 151 – 158
ISSN: 2252-8806
...right now did not use nets because it was stifling and dry season there is no mosquitoes,
and when the rainy season there are many mosquitoes, but if you use a mosquito net will
feel hot ....
...right now did not use mosquito nets, because now there is no malaria....
The use of mosquito nets to avoid mosquito bites will affect the number of malarian incidence
[19];[7];[5].The mosquito nets are not used by people for many reasons due to lack of awareness and attitude
of people to live healthy in order to prevent malaria. Lack of local government monitoring system to
supervise the use of mosquito nets cause ineffectiveness of programs that have been initiated [20].
Decreasing the number of malaria cases in the previous period of 7 years from 2004 to 2010 is likely to be
the cause. This is in line with research that states that there is a relationship between the habit of using nets
with vivax malaria transmission in South Bengkulu, Bengkulu Province [21].
Malaria patients in remote areas of the district Kulonprogro in habit houses with roofs made of
bamboo which is not sealed, making it easier for malaria mosquito esentering the house at night and bite in
habitants [20]. Based on the results of research are showed 92.8% of patients with malaria in Kokap,
Kulonprogo Regency not installed netting on windows and ventilation vent [22]. Approximately 78.4% of the
population does not use insect repellent during sleep or leave the house at night [20].Use of mosquito nets
when sleeping, and installation of netting on the windows and ventsare in dispensable in malaria-endemic
areas to avoid mosquito bites [19].
3.3. Community effortsin the relocation ofthe cattle
The existence of cattle sheds around the house attractive to Anopheles mosquitoes to come. There
are about 42% of cattle are in the enclosure surrounding the home of the patient in Kulon Progo Regency
[22]. Distribution of malaria vectors in the evening were around the barns [22]. Respondents said that the
cage can not be separated from the house because it could be stolen by thieves. It looks from the interview as
Cattleplaced around the house...because if it is located far away from home can bestolen by
3.4. Community efforts to seek treatment
From interviews to research subjects that society given the treatment of patients with malaria to
health centers are not free. The result showed that the community data not know about the causes of malaria
illness. This is because lack of knowledge and awareness of symptoms when suffering from malaria and the
spread of this disease. This is evident from the results of the interview are as follows:
..........Ido notknowthe cause
Need to understand together that the people affected by malaria will affect the economy of
individuals (patients) and the government [1]. Among those affected by malaria will miss time due to illness
and should take medication to health care centers, as well as to prevent being transmitted to the society.
Efforts to eradicate malaria program has been undertaken by the government through health centers
and sub-health centers, However the service having some problems emerge because hilly area in kokapcan
not be reach by transportation but on foot [5].
Based on research resuts, it can be conclude people play an active role in malaria vector control
efforts by closing puddles, community service every week, and some people are already using nets.
After concluding this research, it is advised by author, counseling and motivation are needed in the
village, especially for community leaders to improve the knowledge society of the vectors of malaria
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IJPHS Vol. 2, No. 4, December 2013 : 151 – 158
ISSN: 2252-8806
Senior Lecturer
Department of Public Health,
Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
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Senior Lecturer
Department of Public Health,
Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
Thirth author’s
Departement of Public Health,
Faculty of Public Health, Ahmad Dahlan University
The Role of Community in Malaria Vector Control (Solikhah)
IJPHS Vol. 2, No. 4, December 2013 : 151 – 158
ISSN: 2252-8806