Macrofungi of Burdur Province
Mehmet Halil SOLAK , Hakan ALLI ,
Mustafa IŞILOĞLU2, Halil GÜNGÖR2, Erbil KALMIŞ3
Program of Elementary Science Education, Faculty of Education, Muğla Sıtkı Koçman
University, Kötekli, Muğla-Turkey
Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University, Kötekli,
Department of Bioengineering, Faculty of Engineering, Ege University, İzmirTurkey
Abstract: In this study, an attempt has been made to determine macrofungal
specimens collected from Burdur in 2006-2008. After field and laboratory studies, 35 taxa
belonging to 17 families and 2 divisio were identified. 3 taxa belong to Ascomycota and 32 to
Basidiomycota. Two of them; Inocybe maculipes J. Favre and Tricholoma portentosum var.
lugdunense Bon. are new records for Turkey.
Key words: Biodiversity, macrofungi, new records, Burdur, Turkey
Burdur İlinin Makrofungusları
Özet:Çalışmada 2006-2008 yılları arasında Burdur'dan toplanan mantar örneklerinin
belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Arazi ve laboratuvar çalışmaları sonrasında 17 familya ve 2
bölüme ait 35 takson belirlenmiştir. Bunlardan üç tanesi Ascomycota bölümüne aitken 32
tanesi Basidiomycota'ya aittir. İki tanesi; Inocybe maculipes J. Favre ve Tricholoma
portentosum var. lugdunense Bon Türkiye için yeni kayıttır.
Anahtar kelimeler: Biyoçeşitlilik, makrofungus, yeni kayıtlar, Burdur, Türkiye.
is the first study on macrofungal biodiversity of
Burdur Province.
Burdur is a province located in the
southwestern part of Turkey, bordered Antalya to
the south, Afyon, Denizli and Isparta to the north,
Denizli to the west, Isparta to the east (Figure 1).
Burdur has a gateway climate between Central
Anatolia, Aegean and Mediterranean regions.
But much more influenced by continental
climate. Burdur is a natural habitat for a number
of trees such as Pinus brutia Ten., P. nigra
J.F.Arnold, P. pinea L., Liquidambar orientalis
Mill., Quercus L. spp. and Juniperus L.spp.
Studies on Turkish mycota are going on.
However, not all of the fungal diversity growing in
different parts of Turkey has been determined. In
published 457 studies 2388 macromycete taxa
recorded studies from Turkey until the end of
2008 (Solak et al. 2007; Sesli and Denchev
2008). During the following 5-years period,
some new records have been given by Akata et
al. (2011a, 2011b), Akata (2012), Akata et al.
(2012), Aktaş et al. (2009), Aktaş et al. (2010),
Alkan et al. (2012), Allı et al. (2011), Allı et al.
(2012), Castellano and Türkoğlu (2012), Doğan
and Aktaş (2010), Gücin et al. (2010), Güngör et
al. (2013 a, 2013b),
There is only one study on the macrofungi
of Burdur and it is about Entoloma clypeatum (L.)
P.Kumm poisoning (Işıloğlu et al., 2011). So this
Corresponding author:
[email protected]
Kaşık et al. (2012), Kaya (2009a, 2009b),
Kaya et al. (2010), Sesli and Helfer (2013), Solak
et al. (2009), Uzun et al. (2010), Watling et al.
(2010), Yaratanakul et al. (2012). With these
kinds of studies, about 985 studies were done on
Turkish Macromycetes, so total number stands
at around 2900 taxa. About 497 studies of the
total number were on macrofungal systematic.
morphological and ecological characteristics of
the macrofungi were recorded and
photographed. After field studies, specimens
were taken to the laboratory for further studies.
Specimens were identified using the literature on
macrofungi by Breitenbach and Kränzlin (19842000), Brensinsky and Besl (1990), Cappelli
(1984), Ellis and Ellis (1990), Knudsen and
Vesterholt (2008), Kränzlin (2005), Marchand
(1971-1986), Moser (1983), Pacioni (1985),
Phillips (2006), Riva (1988), Watling and
Gregory (1987, 1989). New records were
checked with the relevant literature: Allı et al.
(2011), Demirel et al. (2010), Doğan et al.
(2005), Doğan et al. (2012), Kaya (2009), Sesli
and Denchev (2008), Solak et al. (2007),
Türkoğlu ve Yağız (2012).
The current study aims to contribute to
the knowledge of Turkish macromycota by
adding new records.
Materials and methods
The specimens were collected from
different localities of Burdur Province between
2006 and 2008. The field studies were
conducted mostly in autumn and spring,
because of suitable climatic conditions for
growth of fungi. During field studies
The identified specimens are kept at the
fungarium of Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University.
Figure 1. Map of the research area
In this study 35 taxa belonging to 17
families were identified. These taxa are
presented with their localities, habitats,
collection dates, and accession numbers.
Nomenclature is given according to Index
Fungorum (Accession date 18.3.2013).
Syn: Calvatia excipuliformis (Pers.)
Yeşilova, Güney, Horozköy, in pine forest,
3.11.2007, Solak 3222. Edible.
9.Lycoperdon lividum Pers.
Yeşilova, near Salda lake, in pine forest,
13.4.2007, Solak 3135; Yeşilova, Güney,
Horozköy, in pine forest, 3.11.2007, Solak 3223.
10.Lycoperdon pyriforme Schaeff.
Yeşilova, Güney, Horozköy, in pine forest,
3.11.2007, Solak 3225. Edible.
Bolbitiaceae Singer
11.Conocybe semiglobata Kühner &
Yeşilova, Güney, Horozköy, in pine forest,
3.11.2007, Solak 3227. Inedible.
Geastraceae Corda
12.Geastrum fimbriatum Fr.
Syn: Geastrum sessile Fr.
Yeşilova, Güney, Horozköy, in pine forest,
13.04.2007, Solak 3131. Inedible.
Gomphidiaceae Maire ex Jülich
13.Chroogomphus rutilus (Fr.) O.K. Miller
Ağlasun, Doğandere village, in pine
forest, 25.10.2008, Solak 3805. Edible.
Inocybaceae Julich
14.Inocybe maculipes J. Favre (Figure 2)
Cap to 2 cm, hemispherical to spherical,
surface dull, radially fibrillose, covered with white
arachnoid veil remnants when young, later
ocher-brown, center white for a long time, margin
crenate. Flesh whitish, when cut slowly
browning, odor spermatic, taste mild. Lamellae
white, grey brown, narrowly attached edges
whitish. Stipe 2.5-3 cm cylindrical, solid, surface
whitish when young, later light ocher and
spotting dark brown, fibrillose, apex whitepruinose. Spores elliptical to amygdaliform,
smooth, yellow-brown, thick walled, 9-13 × 5-6
µm. Cystidia 50-70 × 15-20 µm, cylindrical to
fusiform, with crystals. Grows in alpine pastures
and meadows (Breitenbach and Kärnzlin, 2000;
Moser, 1983).
Yeşilova, Güney, Horozköy, in pine forest,
in meadows, 13.04.2007, Solak 3127.
List of Taxa
Helvellaceae Fr.
1.Helvella acetabulum (L.) Quél.
Syn: Paxina acetabulum (L.) Kuntze
Yeşilova, Güney, Horozköy, in pine forest,
13.4.2007, Solak 3130. Inedible.
2.Helvella leucomelaena (Pers.) Nannf.
Yeşilova, Güney, Horozköy, in pine forest,
13.4.2007, Solak 3129; Yeşilova, near Salda
lake, in pine forest, 13.4.2007, Solak 3138.
Morchellaceae Rchb.
3.Morchella conica Krombh
Yeşilova, near Salda lake, in pine forest,
13.4.2007, Solak 3136. Edible.
Agaricaceae Chevall.
4.Bovista plumbea Pers.
Yeşilova, near Salda lake, in pine forest,
13.4.2007, Solak 2293. Edible.
5.Coprinus comatus (O.F. Müll.) Pers.
Yeşilova, Yarışlı village, under poplar and
walnut trees, 3.11.2007, Solak 3230; Yeşilova,
Yarışlı village, under walnut trees, 25.10.2008,
Solak 3797. Edible.
6.Coprinopsis nivea (Pers.) Redhead,
Vilgalys & Moncalvo
Syn: Coprinus latisporus P.D. Ort
Yeşilova, Hacılar village, in meadows,
27.10.2006, Solak 2299. Inedible.
7.Cystodermella granulosa (Batsch)
Syn: Cystoderma granulosum (Batsch)
Ağlasun, Doğandere village, in pine
forest, 25.10.2008, Solak 3824. Inedible.
8.Lycoperdon excipuliforme (Scop.) Pers.
Figure 2. Inocybe maculipes a. Fruiting bodies b. spores c. cystidia
15.Inocybe queletii Konrad
Yeşilova, near Salda lake, in pine forest,
27.10.2006, Solak 2297. Poisonous.
Meruliaceae Rea
16.Bjerkandera adusta (Willd.) P. Karst.
Yeşilova, Yarışlı village, on poplar,
25.10.2008, Solak 3799. Inedible.
Mycenaceae Roze
17.Mycena seynii Quél.
Ağlasun, Doğandere village, on pine
cones, 25.10.2008, Solak 3804. Inedible.
Pleurotaceae Kuhner
18.Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq.) P. Kumm.
Yeşilova, Yarışlı village, on poplar,
3.11.2007, Solak 3228; Yeşilova, Yarışlı village,
on poplar, 25.10.2008, Solak 3795. Edible.
Polyporaceae Fr. ex Corda
19.Trametes trogii Berk.
Syn: Funalia trogii (Berk.) Bond. & Sing.
Center, Çine village, on poplar,
25.10.2008, Solak 3801; Center, Çine village, on
willow, 13.5.2007, I 8376. Inedible.
Psathyrellaceae Vilgalys, Moncalvo
20.Psathyrella candolleana (Fr.) Maire
Yeşilova, Yarışlı village, under walnut
trees, 3.11.2007, Solak 3229. Inedible.
Rhizopogonaceae Gäum. & C.W. Dodge
21.Rhizopogon luteolus Fr.
Yeşilova, near Salda lake, in pine forest,
27.10.2006, Solak 2292. Edible.
22.Rhizopogon roseolus (Corda) Th. Fr
Ağlasun, Doğandere village, in pine
forest, 25.10.2008, Solak 3818. Edible.
Russulaceae Lotsy
23.Lactarius deliciosus (L.) Gray
Ağlasun, Doğandere village, in pine
forest, 25.10.2008, Solak 3808. Edible.
24.Lactarius deterrimus Gröger
Ağlasun, Yazı village, in pine forest,
25.10.2008, Solak 3803. Edible.
Sclerodermataceae Corda
25.Pisolithus arhizus (Scop.) Rauschert
Yeşilova, Güney, Horozköy, in pine forest,
25.10.2008, Solak 3788; Yeşilova, near Salda
lake, in pine forest, 25.10.2008, Solak 3790.
Suillaceae Besl & Bresinsky
26.Suillus bellini (Inzenga) Watling
Ağlasun, Doğandere village, in pine
forest, 25.10.2008, Solak 3816. Edible.
27.Suillus granulatus
(L.) Roussel
Ağlasun, Doğandere village, in pine
forest, 25.10.2008, Solak 3820. Edible.
Tricholomataceae R. Heim
28.Clitocybe vermicularis (Fr.) Quél
Yeşilova, near Salda lake, in pine forest,
13.4.2007, Solak 3137. Inedible.
29.Lepista nuda (Bull.) Cooke
Yeşilova, Güney, Horozköy, in pine forest,
13.4.2007, Solak 3132. Edible.
30.Melanoleuca cognata var. cognata
(Fr.) Konrad & Maubl.
Yeşilova, Güney, Horozköy, in pine forest,
13.4.2007, Solak 3128. Edible.
31.Melanoleuca melaleuca (Pers.) Murrill
Yeşilova, near Salda lake, in pine forest,
13.4.2007, Solak 3134. Edible.
32.Melanoleuca paedida (Fr.) Kühner &
Yeşilova, Yarışlı village, in meadowss,
3.11.2007, Solak 3231. Edible.
33. Tricholoma fracticum (Britzelm.)
Ağlasun, Doğandere village, in pine
forest, 25.10.2008, Solak 3814. Inedible.
3 4 . Tr i c h o l o m a p o r t e n t o s u m v a r.
lugdunense Bon. (Figure 3)
Fruiting body 6-8 cm, convex-wavy,
viscid, cuticle silky. Lamellae white with light
yellow reflection. Stipe cylindrical, bent, solid.
Odor and taste farinaceous. Spores subglobose
to elliptical, hyaline, 5.5-6.5 × 4.5-5 µm.
Specimen is separated from Tricholoma
portentosum (Fr.) Quel with white and yellow
colours of pileus, especially toward the disc. Also
cap cuticle completely or almost completely
devoid of black fibrils (Riva, 1988).
Burdur –Isparta way 5. Km, in Cedrus
forest, 21.4.2006. Solak 2107b. Unknown.
35.Tricholoma terreum (Schaeff.) P.
Yeşilova, near Salda lake, in pine forest,
21.4.2006, Solak 2106; Burdur –Isparta way 5.
Km, in Cedrus forest, 21.4.2006. Solak 2107a;
Yeşilova, near Salda lake, in pine forest,
27.10.2006, Solak 2289. Edible.
Figure 3. Tricholoma portentosum var. lugdunense a. Fruiting bodies b. spores
Discussion and conclusion
As a result, the number of taxa reported from
earlier researchers is 1. We have added 35 taxa.
Thus, the number of total species reached 36 for
Burdur. All of the given families were found for the
first time in Burdur. However Inocybe maculipes
and Tricholoma portentosum var. lugdunense
are new records for Turkey. This study
represents significant contribution to the
knowledge of Turkish and Burdur's mycota.
In this study, 35 taxa belonging to 17
families and 2 divisio were identified. 3 taxa
belong to Ascomycota and 32 to Basidiomycota.
The distribution of the taxa and their families is as
follows: Helvellaceae 2, Morchellaceae 1,
Agaricaceae 7, Bolbitiaceae 1, Geastraceae 1,
Gomphidiaceae 1, Inocybaceae 2, Meruliaceae
1, Mycenaceae 1, Pleurotaceae 1, Polyporaceae
1, Psathyrellaceae 1, Rhizopogonaceae 2,
Russulaceae 2,
Sclerodermataceae 1,
Suillaceae 2 and Tricholomataceae 8. Most of
the determined species belong to the families
Tricholomataceae (22.8%) and Agaricaceae
We would like to thank TUBİTAK (the
Scientific and Technical Research Council of
Turkey) for supporting this project (TBAG104T236) financially.
Also 18 of the determined taxa are edible,
12 are inedible, 3 are poisonous and 1 unknown.
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