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2023, International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing (IJCSMC)…
5 pages
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The medical field provides enormous quantities of data that contain an unobserved pattern that can be useful for decisions. This paper intended to develop a forecasting system to detect the early existence of heart diseases based on fourteen variables from patients’ historical data. The system used the naïve bayes data mining technique to analyze the inputted medical data. This paper used the Rapid Application Development (RAD) Software Life Cycle in designing and developing the system. The system was simulated using synthetic datasets namely, Cleveland and Statlog. Results of this study showed that the system provided adequate features, the dataset input training page, data verification page, and forecasting results page for predicting heart diseases.
Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research, 2021
Data Mining is a methodology that use a variety of ways to uncover patterns or extract information from databases for use in decisionmaking and forecasting. In this study, an intelligent and effective method for predicting cardiac illness is examined utilising the Naive Bayes modelling technique. For the web-based application, the user must fill in the relevant values for the attributes. The data is retrieved from a database and is used to link training data to the value entered by the user. Traditional approaches cannot reliably detect cardiac illness, but this research can help clinicians make the best judgments possible. To diagnose heart illness, Naive Bayes is utilised for classification, and this method divides output data into no, low, average, high, and extremely high categories. As a result, two basic functions, categorization and prediction, are carried out. The accuracy of the system is determined by the method and database employed, and the Naive Bayes data categorization technique achieves a 98 percent accuracy. I.
Data Mining refers to using a variety of techniques to identify suggest of information or decision making knowledge in the database and extracting these in a way that they can put to use in areas such as decision support, predictions, forecasting and estimation. The healthcare industry collects huge amounts of healthcare data which, unfortunately, are not "mined" to discover hidden information for effective decision making. Discovering relations that connect variables in a database is the subject of data mining. This research has developed a Decision Support in Heart Disease Prediction System (DSHDPS) using data mining modeling technique, namely, Naïve Bayes. Using medical profiles such as age, sex, blood pressure and blood sugar it can predict the likelihood of patients getting a heart disease. It is implemented as web based questionnaire application. It can serve a training tool to train nurses and medical students to diagnose patients with heart disease.
CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research - Zenodo, 2022
As large amount of data is generated in medical organisations (hospitals,medical centers) but as this data is not properly used. There is a wealth of hidden information present in the datasets. This unused data can be converted into useful data. For this purpose we can use different data mining techniques. This paper presents a classifier approach for detection of heart disease and shows how Naive Bayes can be used for classification purpose. In our system, we will categories medical data into five categories namely no,low, average,high and very high.Also, if unknown sample comes then the system will predict the class label of that sample. Hence two basic functions namely classification (training) and prediction (testing) will be performed. Accuracy of the system is depends on algorithm and database used.
The main objective of this research is to develop a n Intelligent System using data mining modeling tec hnique, namely, Naive Bayes. It is implemented as web based application in this user answers the predefined questions. It retrieves hidden data from stored database and compares the user values with trained data set. It can answer com plex queries for diagnosing heart disease and thus assist healthcare practitioners to make intelligent clinical decisio ns which traditional decision support systems cannot. By providing effec tive treatments, it also helps to reduce treatment costs.
In this research, data mining techniques will helpful to handle the predictive model. Research will show the most effective parameter of the heart disease prediction which gets the scenario for least predictive value and most predictive value from the dataset. Initially need to identify the exact state of the user entering parameter which can be frequent item although random value of dataset in data modeling. Results show that unique strength which identifies the objectives of the defined mining goal and expert system. Some medical exponent attributes such as age, sex, blood pressure and blood sugar, glucose and some related factors can predict the likelihood of patients getting a heart disease with its exact probability. Basically this technique is expended on the defected and non-defected parameter which works as result class. The System can discover and extract hidden knowledge associated with diseases (heart attack) from a historical heart disease database.
International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 2020
The health care field provides enormous quantities of data that contain unseen pattern that can be useful for decisions. It is perplexing to orchestrate in an appropriate manner. Nature of the information association has been influenced because of improper administration of the information. Improvement in the measure of information needs some appropriate ways to concentrate and procedure information adequately and proficiently. This paper intended to develop a Decision Support System (DSS) for diagnosing cardiovascular diseases. The system used data mining technique, the Naïve Bayes Classification algorithm. This paper used Rapid Application Development (RAD) Software Life Cycle in designing and developing the system. The system was simulated, and its performance was evaluated in terms of accuracy using synthetic datasets namely, Cleveland and Statlog. Results showed that the system provided the adequate features for predicting heart diseases with an accuracy of 91% using the Cleveland dataset, 89% using the Statlog dataset and 90% using the combined instances of the two datasets. .
The Healthcare exchange generally clinical diagnosis is ended commonly by doctor's knowledge and practice. Computer Aided Decision Support System plays a major task in the medical field. Data mining provides the methodology and technology to modify these rises of data into valuable data for decision making. By utilizing data mining techniques it requires less time for the prediction of the diseases with more accuracy. Among the expanding research on coronary diseases predicting system, it has happened significant to classifications the exploration results and gives readers with a layout of the current coronary diseases forecast strategies in every discussion. Data mining tools can respond to exchange addresses that expectedly being used much time over riding to decide. In this paper we study different papers in which at least one algorithm of data mining used for the prediction of coronary diseases. As of the study it is observed that Naïve Bayes Technique increase the accuracy ...
Nowadays, the healthcare sector is one of the areas where huge data are daily generated. However, most of the generated data are not properly exploited. Important encapsulated data are currently in the data sets. Therefore, the encapsulated data can be analyzed and put into useful data. Data mining is a very challenging task for the researchers to make diseases prediction from the huge medical databases. To succeed in dealing with this issue, researchers apply data mining techniques such as classification, clustering, association rules and so on. The main objective of this research is to predict heart diseases by the use of classification algorithms namely Naïve Bayes and Support Vector Machine in order to compare them on the basis of the performance factors i.e. probabilities and classification accuracy. In this paper, we also developed a computer-based clinical Decision support system that can assist medical professionals to predict heart disease status based on the clinical data of the patients using Naïve Bayes Algorithm. It is a web-based user-friendly system implemented on ASP.NET platform with C# and python for the data analysis. From the experimental results, it is observed that the performance of Naïve Bayes is better than the other Algorithm.
The healthcare industry is a vast field with a plethora of data about patients,added to the huge medical records every passing day. In terms of science, this industry is 'information rich' yet 'knowledge poor'. However, data mining with its various analytical tools and techniques plays a major role in reducing the use of cumbersome tests used on patients to detect a disease. The aim of this paper is to employ and analyze different data mining techniques for the prediction of heart disease in a patient through extraction of interesting patterns from the dataset using vital parameters. This paper strives to bring out the methodology and implementation of these techniques-Artificial Neural Networks, Decision Tree and Naive Bayes and stress upon the results and conclusion induced on the basis of accuracy and time complexity. By far, the observations reveal that Artificial Neural Networks outperformed Naive Bayes and Decision Tree. Keywords Heart disease Á Prediction Á Neural networks Á Decision tree Á Naive Bayes Á Classification 2 Objective This paper aims towards concluding the most efficient technique among Neural Networks, Decision Tree and Naive Bayes employed for the prediction of heart disease on the basis of accuracy or prediction rate and time complexity. It also accounts for the methodology or implementation tools used for each of them. 3 Methodology The prediction system in this work is implemented using data mining techniques namely,ANN,Decision Tree and Naive Bayes on C# and Python platform. Using medical & Ritika Chadha
International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology, 2013
As large amount of data is generated in medical organisations (hospitals,medical centers)but as this data is not properly used. There is a wealth of hidden information present in the datasets. This unused data can be converted into useful data. For this purpose we can use different data mining techniques. This paper presents a classifier approach for detection of heart disease and shows how support vector machine(SVM) and Naive Bayes can be used for classification purpose. In our system, we will categories medical data into five categories namely no, low, average,high and very high. Also, if unknown sample comes then the system will predict the class label of that sample. Hence two basic functions namely classification (training) and prediction (testing) will be performed. Accuracy of the system is depends on algorithm and database used.
Heart diseases remain the fundamental driver of death around the world. Conceivable identification in the prior stage will forestall the assaults. Clinical experts create information with an abundance of shrouded data present, and it isn't appropriately utilized for the forecast [1].
There were several mechanisms used for managing diagnostic results and forecasting systems that are based on computers may play a vital role. The health care field generates big data about clinical assessment, a report regarding patients, cure, follow-ups, medication. Improvement in the measure of information needs some appropriate way to concentrate and procedure information adequately and proficiently [2].
Techniques of data mining help to process the data and turn them into useful information. Prediction results from information mining are valuable in different fields like Healthcare Management. This field requires precise and convenient mannered analysis which can spare numerous patients' lives. Data mining strategies play a vital role in healthcare analysis [3].
This study focused on forecasting heart disease to a patient based on historical data set. Datasets being used are Cleveland and Statlog.
METHODS AND TOOLS This study used the Rapid Application Development (RAD) Software Life Cycle in designing and developing the system. This model targets developing the system in a short span of time [4]. The first phase of this model is Analysis and Quick Design. In this phase, finding related studies are done and hardware and software requirements are identified. System functionalities' conceptualization is also done in this phase. The second phase of the model is the Build phase. In this phase, the system user's designs are coded and designed. Chosen the data mining technique was embedded in this phase. The third phase of the model is Demonstrate, Refine, and Testing. In this phase system's functionalities are tested using synthetic data sets from UCI Machine Learning Repository. Fourteen (14) medical data with categorical values were used in testing the system: the age, sex, chest pain type, resting blood sugar, cholesterol, fasting blood sugar, electrocardiographic result, maximum heart rate achieved, exercise induces angina, ST depression, slope, number of major vessels colored by fluoroscopy and defect type.
A. Naïve Bayesian Algorithm
Naive Bayes classifier is based on Bayes theorem. This classifier algorithm used conditional independence, means it assumes that an attribute value on a given class is independent of the values of other attributes [5].
1. Convert the dataset into a frequency table 2. Create a likelihood table by finding the probability. 3. Calculate the posterior probability of each class. 4. The class with the highest priority probability is the outcome of the prediction.
The Naive Bayes model is easy to build and particularly useful for very large data sets. Along with simplicity, Naive Bayes is known to beat even profoundly advanced characterization techniques. A preferred position of the Naive Bayes classifier is that it requires just a modest quantity of preparing information to appraise the parameters (means and variances of the variables) necessary for classification. Since independent variables are assumed, just the changes of the variables for each class need to be resolved. It very well may be utilized for both binary and multiclass classification issues [2].
Naïve Bayes is one of the data mining techniques demonstrating impressive achievement compared to other data mining techniques over different heart disease datasets. Palaniappan and Awang explored contrasting various information mining strategies in the diagnosis of heart disease patients. These techniques included naïve bayes, decision tree, and neural network. The outcomes indicated that the naïve bayes achieved the best accuracy in the diagnosis of heart disease patients. Rajkumar and Reena investigated Naïve Bayes, k-nearest neighbour, and decision list in the diagnosis of heart disease patients. The results showed that the Naïve Bayes achieved the best accuracy in the diagnosis of heart disease patients [6].
Fig. 1 Using Naïve Bayes Classification Algorithm
Medical data are entered classification algorithm in order to be learned as shown in figure 1. Mostly, the connection between attributes needs to be found by the algorithm to forestall the result. At the point when another case is shown up the developed classification algorithm is used to classify it into one of the predefined classes. For example, the training set in the medical database would have a lot of important patient data recorded as of now, where the forecast result is whether the patient had a heart disease.
B. Data Source
The publicly available heart disease database was used, the Cleveland and Statlog datasets. Fourteen (14) medical data with categorical values are used in testing the system; the age, sex, chest pain type, resting blood sugar, cholesterol, fasting blood sugar, electrocardiographic result, maximum heart rate achieved, exercise induces angina, ST depression, slope, number of major vessels colored by fluoroscopy, defect type and the target value. The table 1 describes the three datasets to be used in this research. Synthetic_03 dataset is the combined dataset of Cleveland and Statlog datasets Table 1 Dataset's Description Figure 2 shows the page where the user can enter the medical data of a patient for data testing. Medical data was made categorical for better understanding. Users can select the values in every combo box, the ward should carefully select values in order to get an accurate forecast result from the developed system. Figure 3 shows the page where Doctor's approval is needed if the patient's data did not match any record in the historical database. If the doctor-approved the prediction result, the patient's data will be added to the historical database, else the data will not be stored in the database. This feature of the developed system will let the system's data reserve its integrity since all predictions are verified by a specialist. Figure 4 shows the prediction result's page. If the patient's data is 100% matched correlated to any record in the database, the forecasting is with heart disease or no heart disease, else doctor's approval for the data is needed.
Table 1
Figure 2
Dataset Input Training Page
Figure 3
Figure 4
Forecasting Result's Page
IV. CONCLUSION Based in the findings of the study, this paper developed the features of forecasting system for heart diseases with the use of the different tools cited in hardware and software requirements. The researchers wrote the equivalent program code of Naïve Bayes Classification Algorithm and embed it to the developed forecasting system. Integrating concept of the Naïve Bayes Algorithm in the developed system provides forecasting that can be use as basis for interpretation, diagnosing and decision making.
RECOMMENDATION Based on the findings and conclusions made, the researchers recommend the following: (1) The developed forecasting system needs to be deployed to a real scenario for testing and for user's approval. System Evaluation also must be done. (2) Future researchers of this study may use the features of the developed system for heart diseases as basis to create and design other prediction systems specially for human diseases. (3) The developed system can have additional features such as Patients Information Repository System for diagnosing heart diseases.
Datasets No. of records No. of attributes No. of With Heart Disease No. of Without Heart Disease
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