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2023, Ishmah Radhiah
5 pages
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tugas ini dibuat untuk memenuhi mata kuliah manajemen paud
Aulia Rahmi , 2023
Manager/Leader is a person whose experience, knowledge and skills are recognized by the organization to lead, organize, manage, control and develop organizational activities in order to achieve goals. As a leader, of course you have to have good performance. Coordination and performance are two interrelated meanings, because coordination can only be achieved as well as possible by carrying out effective performance. Employee performance is a form of administrative communication, which helps achieve coordination. Therefore it is said that the end result of performance is the achievement of coordination in an effective and efficient (efficient and effective) way.
Jurnal Sekretari, 2009
Manajemen adalah kegiatan melakukan pekerjaan dengan menggunakan orang lain atau "to get things done through other people" (Terry). 2. Ilmiah-Modern : Manajemen adalah suatu himpunan proses untuk merubah sumber daya (masukan) menjadr hasil (keluaran) yang berguna, secara efisien dan ekonomik. PROSES MANAJEMEN l. Perencanaan (Planning) a. Menenrukan tujuan atau hasil yang ingin dicapai. b. Menenrukan cara bertindak (CB) atau cara-cara bertindak untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut. c. Menentukan keburuhan sumber-daya untuk mendukung CB. 2. Implementasi (Mempersiapkan segala sesuatunya untuk bertindak = to make something work) : a) Mengorganisasikan (organizing) Organisasi adalah himpunan tugas (responsibility), wewenang (authority) dan pertanggung.yawaban (accountability) manusia beserta interaksinya dan sumberdaya lain untuk mencapai tujuan yang telah digariskan. Organisasi memunyai tiga aspek: 3C. Isi (Content). mission (rugas). fungsi Abstrak. Manajemen merupakan suatu kegiatan dalam melakukan pekerjaan dengan menggunakan orang lain dalam mencopai suatu tujuan. Keberhasilan suatu organisasi tergantung pada beberopa faktor yang diantaranya adalah kepemimpinan dalam organisasi. Adapun fungsi pimpinan/manajer adalah memberikan motivasi kepada seluruh anggota yang ada dalam organisasi tersebul, dengan demikian dapat diharapkan seluruh anggota organisasi dapat melakukon tugas-tugas nya dengan baik sehingga tujuan organisasi dapat tercapai.
Telah sejak lama diskusi tentang kepemimpinan ada, dan hingga saat ini masih tetap menarik untuk dilakukan. Diskusi tentang kepemimpinan tak dapat dilepaskan dari pemahaman tentang pengertian atau definisi tentang kepemimpinan itu sendiri. Namun pada kenyataannya hingga saat ini definisi yang baku tentang kepemimpinan itu sendiri belum ada. Hal ini antara lain disebabkan karena banyak ide tentang kepemimpinan yang dipecah menjadi komponen yang lebih kecil untuk kepentingan penelitian, teori dan penelitian tentang kepemimpinan masih jauh dari sempurna, dan ide-ide yang mendasari konsep kepemimpinan telah berubah sebagai rangkaian dari sejarah
Swiss Journal of Palaeontology, 2023
Strophodus is a speciose and geographically widespread taxon of large durophagous hybodontiform chondrichthyan, with a stratigraphic range extending from Middle Triassic to the Early Cretaceous. Here, we describe a new species of Strophodus, S. atlasensis sp. nov., based on an incomplete articulated dentition recovered from marine Bajocian deposits of the eastern High Atlas Mountains in Morocco. The new species is diagnosed by a unique combination of dental characters that includes, among others, the presence of triangular first lateral teeth, mesio-distally wide and bulbous second lateral teeth without an occlusal crest or dome and uniquely shaped first posterior teeth that are shorter mesio-distally than being labio-lingually long, as well as small second posterior teeth whose roots protrude below the crowns to meet each other in an efficient interlocking manner. The holotype and only specimen of Strophodus atlasensis sp. nov. represents the hitherto oldest known record of Strophodus from Gondwana and the first record of that genus from the Bajocian, thus adding valuable novel information to our incomplete understanding of the evolutionary history of extinct hybodontiform chondrichthyans.
During the first half of the 14th century, the council of Seville, supported by the Castilian monarchy and the local nobility, responded to the fear of a new invasion from North Africa by embarking on a defence programme that required unprecedented logistical efforts, far beyond the resources available at the time. This programme consisted in building a defensive system across the south of the territory, the so-called “Moorish strip”, which included at least 40 defensive towers and small fortifications situated in strategic, visually connected positions. Their aim was to neutralise the Nasrid raids in this border area. Very few of these towers remain intact today, most of them having fallen into an advanced state of decay or having disappeared completely. Since they were abandoned at the end of the Granada War, very little documentation has survived and in some cases all that we have today is a handful of drawings, engravings by travellers and postcards. However, the analysis of thi...
Imaging and Radioanalytical Techniques in Interdisciplinary Research - Fundamentals and Cutting Edge Applications, 2013
ESSKA Instructional Course Lecture Book, 2018
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2022
Romanian Journal of Clinical Research, 2024
European journal of Korean studies, 2022
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 1997
Fractal : Revista de Psicologia, 2015
Jurnal Pendidikan Anak, 2018
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2020
Ogigia: Revista electrónica de estudios hispánicos, 2020
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2009
Ius et Praxis, 2020
Toward a Practice of Autonomous Systems Proceedings of the First European Conference on Artificial Life Edited by Francisco J. Varela and Paul Bourgine, 1992