Academic Research on cattle’s acclimatisation process


ACADEMIC RESEARCH ON CATTLE’S ACCLIMATISATION PROCESS Flávio Silva1, Cristina Conceição1,2, Liliana Cachucho3, Catarina Matos1, Ana Lúcia Garrido1, Ana Geraldo1,2, Elsa Lamy2, Fernando Capela e Silva2,4, Paulo Infante5 & Alfredo Pereira1,2, 1Departamento de Zootecnia, Universidade de Évora, Portugal; 2ICAAM, Universidade de Évora, Portugal; 3CEBAL, Beja, Portugal; 4Departamento de Biologia, Universidade de Évora, Portugal; 5Deparatamento de Matemática, Universidade de Évora, Portugal. ABSTRACT Animal’s welfare and performance is compromised by environmental heat stress, present during summer in the Mediterranean climate. Heat stress effects are well known and widely studied, although the mechanisms of season acclimatisation are less well understood. Throughout the last 20 years, we have been studying this process in the Mediterranean and tropical regions, aiming to understand it better, developing and improving methodologies and search for reliable biomarkers of thermal stress. The ...

1st page ACADEMIC RESEARCH ON CATTLE’S ACCLIMATISATION PROCESS Flávio Silva1, Cristina Conceição1,2, Liliana Cachucho3, Catarina Matos1, Ana Lúcia Garrido1, Ana Geraldo1,2, Elsa Lamy2, Fernando Capela e Silva2,4, Paulo Infante5 & Alfredo Pereira1,2, 1 Departamento de Zootecnia, Universidade de Évora, Portugal; ICAAM, Universidade de Évora, Portugal; 3 CEBAL, Beja, Portugal; 4 Departamento de Biologia, Universidade de Évora, Portugal; 5 Deparatamento de Matemática, Universidade de Évora, Portugal. 2 ABSTRACT Animal’s welfare and performance is compromised by environmental heat stress, present during summer in the Mediterranean climate. Heat stress effects are well known and widely studied, although the mechanisms of season acclimatisation are less well understood. Throughout the last 20 years, we have been studying this process in the Mediterranean and tropical regions, aiming to understand it better, developing and improving methodologies and search for reliable biomarkers of thermal stress. The climatic changes, the more frequent extreme events and the increase of ambient temperature at the surface of the earth were identified as a problem to the animals in general and particularly under production systems conditions. Then, the main question is how those factors can affect the farm animals, especially those with higher genetic merit for production and lack of environmental adaptation. With these premises, were developed research projects on cattle’s acclimatisation process. These projects outcomes were: 2 PhD thesis and 5 Master dissertations, alongside ten articles peer-review and index journals and 20 publications in the book of abstracts and also several communications in national and international symposiums. Keywords: acclimatisation; heat stress; cattle. ACADEMIC RESEARCH ON CATTLE’S ACCLIMATISATION PROCESS Flávio Silva1, Cristina Conceição1,2, Liliana Cachucho3, Catarina Matos1, Ana Lúcia Garrido1, Ana Geraldo1,2, Elsa Lamy2, Fernando Capela e Silva2,4, Paulo Infante5 & Alfredo Pereira1,2 * 1Departamento de Zootecnia, Universidade de Évora, Portugal; 2ICAAM, Universidade de Évora, Portugal; 3CEBAL, Beja, Portugal; 4Departamento de Biologia, Universidade de Évora, Portugal; 5Deparatamento de Matemática, Universidade de Évora, Portugal. * [email protected] Background Acclimatisation Thermogenesis decreased Latent thermolysis increased Skin and hair adaptation HSP expression increased Behavioural changes Objectives To study the mechanisms of season acclimatization, in the Mediterranean and tropical regions, to better understand it, developing and improving methodologies and search for reliable biomarkers of thermal stress. Some methodologies approached SDS-Page bands showing differences in saliva protein expression of cows with different genetic merit for milk production Rectal temperature measurement Collecting blood samples for hemogram and hormonal analysis Collecting hair samples to access seasonal morphological changes Collecting saliva for HSP expression detection Using image software to analyse morphophysiological variations in epidermal tissue samples Red Blood Cell lysis protocol for HSP expression analysis : A B Blood samples after centrifugation D C Removing buffy coat Adding the lysis buffer Lymphocytes pellet Outcomes Since the results obtained, over the year, are to vast to be all represented, we let you know some of our academic works: PhD Alfredo Pereira (2004). Adaptação ao ambiente geofísico mediterrânico de bovinos nativos e exóticos - tolerância ao calor. Universidade de Évora Msc Flávio Silva (2015). Anatomic and physiologic variations of seasonal acclimatization – study in dairy cows with different milk yield potential. Universidade de Évora Ana Geraldo (2013). Thermotolerance in cows: cellular and physiological approaches, Universidade de São Paulo Liliana Cachucho (2015). Salivary biomarkers of acclimatization – study in dairy cows with different milk yield potential. Universidade de Évora Catarina Matos (2015). Sweat Glands Histophysiology In Dairy Cows Face To Seasonal Acclimation. Universidade de Évora