A&A 623, A126 (2019)
c ESO 2019
Effects of a revised 7 Be e− -capture rate on solar neutrino fluxes⋆
D. Vescovi1,2 , L. Piersanti3,2 , S. Cristallo3,2 , M. Busso4,2 , F. Vissani5 , S. Palmerini4,2 ,
S. Simonucci6,2 , and S. Taioli7,8
Gran Sasso Science Institute, Viale Francesco Crispi, 7, 67100 L’Aquila, Italy
[email protected]
INFN, Section of Perugia, Via A. Pascoli snc, 06123 Perugia, Italy
INAF, Observatory of Abruzzo, Via Mentore Maggini snc, 64100 Teramo, Italy
University of Perugia, Department of Physics and Geology, Via A. Pascoli snc, 06123 Perugia, Italy
INFN, Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso, Via G. Acitelli, 22, Assergi, L’Aquila, Italy
Division of physics School of Science and Technology Università di Camerino, Italy
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
European Centre for Theoretical Studies in Nuclear Physics and Related Areas (ECT*-FBK) and Trento Institute for Fundamental
Physics and Applications (TIFPA-INFN), Trento, Italy
Received 28 December 2018 / Accepted 4 February 2019
Context. Electron-capture on Be is the main production channel for 7 Li in several astrophysical environments. Theoretical evaluations
have to account for not only the nuclear interaction, but also the processes in the plasma in which 7 Be ions and electrons interact. In
recent decades several estimates were presented, pointing out that the theoretical uncertainty in the rate is in general of a few percent.
Aims. In the framework of fundamental solar physics, we consider a recent evaluation for the 7 Be+e− rate, which has not been used
up to now, in the estimate of neutrino fluxes.
Methods. We analyzed the effects of the new assumptions on standard solar models (SSMs) and compared the results obtained by
adopting the revised 7 Be+e− rate to those obtained by that reported in a widely used compilation of reaction rates (ADE11).
Results. We found that new SSMs yield a maximum difference in the efficiency of the 7 Be channel of about −4% with respect to what
is obtained with the previously adopted rate. This fact affects the production of neutrinos from 8 B, increasing the relative flux up to a
maximum of 2.7%. Negligible variations are found for the physical and chemical properties of the computed solar models.
Conclusions. The agreement with the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory measurements of the neutral current component of the 8 B
neutrino flux is improved.
Key words. neutrinos – nuclear reactions, nucleosynthesis, abundances – Sun: abundances – Sun: helioseismology – Sun: interior
1. Introduction
Solar models and their comparisons with observations are a powerful tool for probing the solar interiors with high accuracy,
describing the trend of the sound speed, and predicting how
neutrinos are distributed among the various channels (see, e.g.,
Bahcall et al. 2001, for a review).
Solar neutrino measurements in particular those from the 8 B
channel (Aharmim et al. 2013; Abe et al. 2016) yielded information on fundamental neutrino properties; nowadays these properties are measured with an increasing accuracy and detailed
knowledge of neutrino fluxes is also important to this aim.
Very recently the Borexino collaboration presented the first
global analysis of three individual neutrino components of the
proton–proton (pp) chain, namely pp, 7 Be, and pep neutrinos,
also putting an upper limit for those from CNO, over an energy
range from 0.19 MeV to 2.93 MeV (Agostini et al. 2018).
These new data on neutrino fluxes can be used to improve
our knowledge of the solar interiors (Vinyoles et al. 2017),
which is still beset with problems; among these, of special
relevance are those raised by the compilations of solar abundances based on 3D atmospheric models (Asplund 2005),
The electron-capture table is only available at the CDS via anonymous ftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or via http:
which lead to disagreements with the measured sound speed
(Bahcall et al. 2005b).
Standard solar model predictions for neutrino fluxes are then
very sensitive to the reaction rates adopted, obviously including
electron-captures in the plasma (which are also of great importance for several other astrophysical problems). The electroncapture rate on 7 Be itself is strongly dependent on the density
and temperature distribution in the stellar structure (Simonucci
et al. 2013); in solar conditions, in particular, this destruction
channel of 7 Be dominates over proton captures (Adelberger et al.
1998). From this latter branching, through 8 B-decays, further
neutrinos are emitted and can be detected by experiments such
as Super-Kamiokande, Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO),
and KamLand. The observed flux of 8 B neutrinos is expected
to be inversely proportional to the electron-capture rate on 7 Be
because the counting rate in experiments is determined by the
number of proton-capture reactions occurring per unit of time
(Bahcall & Moeller 1969). Despite many different estimates presented (Bahcall 1962; Bahcall & Moeller 1969; Johnson et al.
1992; Gruzinov & Bahcall 1997), the accuracy in our knowledge of the relative importance of these two channels in not yet
satisfactory and improvements have been limited over the years.
In this work we make a step forward by using a new estimate of the electron-capture rate on 7 Be (Simonucci et al. 2013,
hereafter STPB13) to compute standard solar models (SSMs).
Article published by EDP Sciences
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A&A 623, A126 (2019)
The results are then compared with those obtained by the widely
used rate by Adelberger et al. (2011; hereafter ADE11), focusing
our attention on solar neutrino fluxes. We make use of a tabulated version of the decay rate by STPB13. The aforementioned
table, available at the CDS, contains the following information.
Column 1 lists the density over the mean molecular weight for
electrons in units of g cm−3 , Col. 2 gives the temperature in units
of K, and Col. 3 provides the value of the electron-capture rate in
units of s−1 . All the quantities are expressed in logarithmic scale.
We also present an analytical approximation to the electroncapture rate. Our work is organized as follows. In Sect. 2 the
main features of the adopted stellar evolutionary code and of
SSMs are described. Section 3 illustrates the calculation of the
electron-capture rate on 7 Be and presents a comparison with the
previous estimate. In Sect. 4 we analyze the main characteristics
of the ensuing SSM, while in Sect. 5 the impact of the adopted
rate on neutrinos from the 8 B channel is discussed. We summarize our results in Sect. 6.
2. Standard solar model
A SSM represents the mathematical way of fitting the presentday Sun status, provided some boundary conditions as luminosity, radius, mass, and composition are available. Other
important features such as temperature, pressure, sound-speed
profiles, solar photospheric abundances, and neutrino fluxes can
then be predicted. Each of these quantities strictly depends on
the nuclear reactions at work in the Sun’s interiors, whose main
outcome is helium production by hydrogen burning. This occurs
through the pp-chain (∼99%) and, to a much lesser extent,
through the CN-cycle (∼1%). Although the latter is not very
important for the energy production in our Sun, it is relevant for
the details of the neutrino production and as a test of the correctness of the predictions. Other ingredients of the input physics,
such as equation of state (EoS), opacity, and chemical composition are also crucial for predicting the solar quantities mentioned
The essentials of a SSM include the full evolution of a 1 M⊙
star from the pre-main sequence to the present solar age t⊙ =
4.566 Gyr, usually by considering that mass loss is negligible.
In addition, a SSM is required to reproduce, once the presolar
composition is fixed, the present-day solar mass M⊙ , age, radius
R⊙ , and luminosity L⊙ as well as the observed metal-to-hydrogen
ratio (Z/X)⊙ at the surface of the Sun. In order to do this, in our
models we calibrated accordingly, with an iterative procedure,
the initial helium and metal mass fractions Yini and Zini , respectively, as well as the mixing-length parameter (αMLT ). Our solar
models have been calculated with the FUll Network Stellar evolution (FUNS) code (Straniero et al. 2006; Piersanti et al. 2007;
Cristallo et al. 2011). All the models assume a present solar
luminosity of L⊙ = 3.8418 × 1033 erg s−1 , a present solar radius
R⊙ = 6.9598 × 1010 cm, and a solar mass M⊙ = 1.989 × 1033 g
(Allen 1963; Bahcall et al. 2005a).
The input physics is basically the same adopted by Piersanti
et al. (2007), but includes a few recent updates as listed below.
We adopted the nuclear reaction rates presented in Table 1,
except for the case of the 7 Be electron-captures, for which
we used either the rate suggested by Adelberger et al. (2011)
or that computed by Simonucci et al. (2013). Concerning the
mean energy loss in the individual branches of neutrino production, we used the experimental values suggested by Vissani
(2018; see their Table 2). For electron screening effects in the
solar plasma we adopted the Salpeter formula for the weakscreening, as recommended by Gruzinov & Bahcall (1998) and
A126, page 2 of 7
Table 1. Major reaction rates included in the SSMs presented in this
H(p, β νe ) H
H(e− p, νe )2 H
H(p, γ)3 He
He(p, β+ νe )4 He
He(3 He, α)2H
He(α, γ)7 Be
Li(p, α)4 He
Be(p, γ)8 B
Be(e− , νe )7 Be
C(p, γ)13 N
C(p, γ)14 N
N(p, γ)15 O
N(p, γ)16 O
N(p, α)12 C
O(p, γ)17 F
O(p, γ)18 F
O(p, α)14 N
C(p, γ)15 N
O(p, γ)19 F
O(p, α)15 N
F(p, γ)20 Ne
F(p, α)16 O
Li(p, γ)7 Be
Li(p, 3 He)4 He
Be(p, γ)10 B
B(p, α)6 Li
B(p, γ)11 C
B(p, α)7 Be
B(p, γ)12 C
B(p, αα)4 He
C( β− , ν̄e )14 N
F( β+ , νe )18 O
O( β− , ν̄e )18 F
2, 5
References. (1) Marcucci et al. (2013); (2) Adelberger et al. (2011);
(3) Lamia et al. (2012); (4) Zhang et al. (2015); (5) Simonucci et al.
(2013); (6) Marta et al. (2011); (7) Di Leva et al. (2014); (8) Bruno
et al. (2016); (9) Iliadis et al. (2010); (10) Buckner et al. (2012); (11) La
Cognata et al. (2010); (12) Angulo et al. (1999); (13) Indelicato et al.
(2017); (14) Lamia et al. (2015); (15) Rauscher & Thielemann (2000);
(16) Oda et al. (1994).
Bahcall et al. (2002). The EoS is the same as that described by
Straniero (1988) for fully ionized matter, in the form updated
by Prada Moroni & Straniero (2002) for log T [K] ≥ 6.0 and a
Saha equation for log T [K] < 6.0. Atomic diffusion has been
included, taking into account the effects of gravitational settling and thermal diffusion, by inverting the coupled set of
Burgers equations (Thoul et al. 1994; Piersanti et al. 2007).
For radiative opacities, we used the OPAL tables (Iglesias &
Rogers 1996) for high temperatures (log T [K] ≥ 4.0) and the
Ferguson et al. (2005) molecular opacities for low temperatures
(log T [K] < 4.0), corresponding to the scaled-solar composition given either by Grevesse & Sauval (1998) or by Palme
et al. (2014; hereafter GS98 and PLJ14, respectively). Different
choices of (Z/X)⊙ correspond to different metal distributions in
the solar structure, which, in their turn, change the calculated
D. Vescovi et al.: Effects of a revised 7 Be e− -capture rate on solar neutrino fluxes
depth of the convective zone. Indeed, it was pointed out that
SSMs with low metal abundances (i.e., with low (Z/X)⊙ values)
disagree with the helioseismologically measured sound speed,
the depth of the convective zone, and the surface helium abundance (see, e.g., Bahcall et al. 2004). Solving this disagreement,
known as the “solar abundance problem”, is an issue not related
to 7 Be decay and is therefore beyond the scope of this work.
We show that the effects of using the new rate are independent
from the solar mixture assumed and can be stated in a general
Finally, we have to mention that all the analyses presented
in the various cases of this work were performed by keeping
all the physical parameters fixed, except for the 7 Be electroncapture rate, to evaluate the specific role of this rate and to minimize the effects related to other inputs. The results obtained with
the updated estimate of the 7 Be electron-capture rate given by
STPB13 were compared with those obtained with the evaluation given by ADE11 for the two mentioned stellar choices of
the chemical composition. In principle, different assumptions for
the composition, i.e., for the metal abundances, may lead to differences in the solar core temperature, hence also in the solar
structure and in neutrino fluxes; see Sect. 4 for a quantitative
3. Electron-capture on 7 Be
Fig. 1. Fractional variation of the 7 Be electron-capture rate, ∆λ/λ [%] =
100 · (RSTPB13 − RADE11 )/RADE11 , as a function of ρ/µe and T , adopting
the Simonucci et al. (2013) rate, as compared to that of Adelberger et al.
(2011) for the PLJ14 solar composition (see Sect. 2). The solar core
conditions are highlighted with the common solar symbol.
The deep stellar interiors are characterized by high densities
and high temperatures. This implies that atoms are almost completely ionized; therefore, when describing the stellar core matter, it is necessary to apply the methods of plasma physics. The
radioactive decay of a particular radioisotope (and its mean lifetime τ) is strongly dependent in such plasma conditions on the
density ρ and temperature T of the plasma itself. In short, to provide an estimate of decay rates in stellar conditions we have to
rely on accurate models for the plasma.
Many contributions, developed between the 1960s and
1980s, considered a ionized plasma, whose degree of ionization
is described through the Saha equation. Free electrons, acting as
a screen inside the Debye radius, are treated as a Maxwellian
gas (Takahashi & Yokoi 1987). Concerning the specific case of
Be electron-captures, the first detailed calculation from continuum states was done by Bahcall (1962). Subsequently, estimates of the bound-electron contributions were also made (Iben
et al. 1967; Bahcall & Moeller 1969; Bahcall 1994). A recommended resulting rate, based on all these calculations, was proposed by Adelberger et al. (1998) and Adelberger et al. (2011).
More general treatments have also been developed over the years
(Gruzinov & Bahcall 1997; Brown & Sawyer 1997; Sawyer
2011), but always referring to solar core conditions and maintaining an approach resembling the Born–Oppenheimer (BO)
one. In addition to this, it was recognized that the major uncertainty affecting the decay rate arises from possible deviations
from a pure Debye screening. Indeed, Johnson et al. (1992)
estimated these possible corrections to the Debye–Hückel (DB)
approximation by means of self-consistent thermal Hartree calculations, concluding that the proposed rate was correct within
an accuracy of about 2%. In this regard, it has to be remarked
that the temperature at the center of the Sun (T ≃ 15.5 MK) is
too high for electron degeneracy to set in. Hence, the classical
approximation used, for example, by Bahcall to derive his rate is
well founded for the solar conditions.
Recently, Simonucci et al. (2013) developed a first-principles
approach to derive the 7 Be electron-capture rate by modeling the
electron-capture as a two-body scattering process 7 Be-e− . To this
aim, the e− -capture process is assumed to be proportional to the
electronic density at the nucleus ρe (0), which is screened and
modified by the presence of the surrounding particles. We notice
in passing that the DB approximation used by Bahcall represents
the high-temperature classical limit of the approach developed
by Simonucci et al. (2013), which provides the e− -capture rate
on 7 Be over a range of plasma densities and temperatures definitively wider than that in the solar core conditions.
In this approach, the plasma is assumed hot and is modeled
as a homogeneous Fermi gas made by 7 Be atoms, surrounded
by Np protons (hydrogen nuclei) and Ne electrons, at various
temperatures T and densities ρ. The motion of quantum Fermi
gases is ruled by the Schrödinger equation and described in a
reference frame fixed on the Be nucleus. Because of the adopted
non-inertial frame, the Hamiltonian of the system contains noninertial terms, coupling the motion of particles of the different
species. As Be is definitively more massive, all these terms can
be safely neglected, so that a factorization of the eigenfunctions
can be performed and separable eigensolutions can be found.
This procedure is reminiscent of the conditions for the adiabatic theorem, and thus it represents an adiabatic approximation. In this way the many-body scattering problem is reduced
to a screened two-body problem. As such, ρe (0) is computed by
solving a coupled Hartree–Fock (HF) self-consistent system of
equations for both protons and electrons in the electric field generated by a 7 Be nucleus located at the origin of the reference
frame. The HF treatment of the Coulomb repulsion is satisfactory and accurate enough to comply with the electron correlation
in stellar conditions (see Simonucci et al. 2013).
The mean lifetime, resulting from this method, is in
general compatible with estimates by Bahcall (1962, 1994),
Bahcall & Moeller (1969), and Adelberger et al. (1998, 2011);
however, the mean lifetime has values that in solar conditions are
smaller by ∼3−4% with respect to those estimated in the mentioned works. Far from these conditions, the differences can be
much more pronounced (see Fig. 1). Details of the calculations
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Table 2. Coefficients for the analytical approximation to the STPB13 and ADE11 electron-capture rates.
This paper
5.9065 × 10−9
5.6 × 10−9
−1.3614 × 10−2
+4 × 10−3
−9.2042 × 10−4
−1.5334 × 10−1
are provided in Simonucci et al. (2013). The total reaction rate λ
for 7 Be(e− ,νe )7 Li by STPB13 can also be expressed analytically
in an approximate formula, as a function of temperature, density,
and composition.
An expression that agrees with an accuracy of 2% to the
tabulated results for the rate λ [s−1 ], in the region of relevance
for solar physics, i.e., 35 . ρ/µe [g cm−3 ] . 105 and 10 ≤
T 6 [MK] ≤ 16, is written as
ρ κ h
λ( , T 6 ) =
1 + γ (T 6 − 16) . (1)
√ 1 + α (T 6 − 16) + β
µe T 6
In this equation, µe is the mean molecular weight per electron,
T 6 is the temperature in units of 106 K, and ρ is the density in
units of [g cm−3 ]. Thus, the electron density is ne = ρ/(mp µe ),
where mp is the proton mass. The values of the four coefficients
κ, α, β, γ, whose units ensure the correct dimension of Eq. (1), are
reported in Table 2. We notice that a nonlinear term in the density
is present, while it was absent in Bahcall’s calculations. In fact,
this term results from the Coulomb repulsion (electron screening) acted upon the electrons, which modifies the density close to
the nucleus. Taking into account such a nonlinearity requires the
introduction of a higher number of polynomial terms. We recall,
however, that in this work we make use of a tabulated version
of the decay rate by STPB13: in fact, the adopted fine resolution allows us to compute highly accurate solar models without
adding further uncertainties deriving from the use of an analytical formula. We note that in our discussion, none of the nuclear
reaction rates relevant for the standard solar model has been
modified, so that expected variations are entirely a consequence
of the new approach adopted in computing 7 Be electron-capture
rate. Nevertheless, the change in the electron density, due to the
formalism introduced by Simonucci et al. (2013) to describe e− capture on 7 Be, might also be relevant for other charged-particle
interactions, leading to a correction in the screening factor. An
investigation of this possibility and the quantitative estimation of
this effect deserves dedicated analyses and future work.
4. Solar neutrino fluxes
Stars with initial mass M . 1.2 M⊙ primarily burn hydrogen
through the pp-chain. The latter has three main branches, namely
the ppI-, ppII-, and ppIII-cycles. The pp, 8 B β-decay, and hep
reactions produce neutrino spectra with characteristic shapes and
with energies from zero up to a maximum energy q. In particular, the neutrinos coming from the weak hep branch are the
most energetic neutrinos produced by the Sun (q ≤ 18.773 MeV)
and, thus, are observed in the SNO and Super-Kamiokande event
distributions because they populate energy bins above the 8 B
neutrino endpoint. The electron-capture reactions p + e− + p
and 7 Be + e− produce, on the contrary, emission lines, possibly broadened by thermal effects. Concerning the 7 Be neutrinos,
they form two distinct lines, corresponding to population of both
the ground state (89.5%) and the first excited state (10.5%) in
Li (Vissani 2018).
The ppI, ppII, and ppIII contributions to solar energy generation can be determined from measurements of the pp/pep, 7 Be, and
A126, page 4 of 7
Table 3. Main relevant quantities for the solar models adopting the
ADE11 rate, as defined in the text.
T c [107 K]
ρc [g cm−3 ]
Notes. The models using the STPB13 rate show negligible variations
for the same quantities. The value RCE is the radius at the base of the
convective envelope, T c and ρc are the central temperature and density,
and α MLT is the value of the mixing-length parameter. The values Xini ,
Yini , Zini and (Z/X)ini are the initial hydrogen, helium and metal abundances by mass and the initial metal-to-hydrogen ratio, while X⊙ , Y⊙ ,
Z⊙ and (Z/X)⊙ are the corresponding present-day photospheric values.
B neutrino fluxes. Because the relative rates are very sensitive
to the solar core temperature T c , it is possible to infer important
information about the physics of the solar interior from neutrino
fluxes. Nowadays the pp, 7 Be, and 8 B fluxes are well known, while
the measured pep neutrino flux is strongly model-dependent. In
particular, this flux depends on the metallicity assumed for estimating the competing CNO neutrinos (Agostini et al. 2018). The
solar core physics is sensitive to metallicity effects because of
the free-bound/bound-free transitions in metals, which are important contributors to the opacity. This means that metallicity variations alter the solar core temperature and, in turn, the fluxes of
temperature-sensitive neutrinos, such as those from 8 B β-decay.
Heavier metals (Mg, Si, and Fe) also affect the predicted neutrino
fluxes (see Bahcall et al. 1982). Even if not very abundant, they
are important opacity sources at the Sun center, as they are highly
ionized. Instead, in the region just below the convective zone, at
temperatures of a few millions kelvins, they are small contributors to the opacity. On the contrary, abundant, lighter, volatile
heavy elemements (C, N, O, Ne, and Ar) are partially ionized there
and significantly affect the radiative opacities. This is the origin
of discrepancies between helioseismological measurements and
the predictions made using solar compositions with low (Z/X),
as discussed in Bahcall et al. (2005b) and Bahcall & Serenelli
(2005). As a matter of fact, abundance variations of different metals influence different regions in the solar interior. Moreover, different CNO abundances also imply an effect on CNO burning efficiency (and corresponding neutrino fluxes) and a minor effect on
the mean molecular weight and, in turn, on the thermodynamical
The net effect is that models using the GS98 compilation
of abundances exhibit higher temperatures and higher densities
D. Vescovi et al.: Effects of a revised 7 Be e− -capture rate on solar neutrino fluxes
Table 4. Predicted fluxes in units of 1010 (pp), 109 (7 Be), 108 (pep, 13 N, 15 O), 106 (8 B,
models, presented in Table 3, for the STPB13 models and relative differences.
Φ(7 Be)
Φ(8 B)
Φ(13 N)
Φ(15 O)
Φ(17 F)
F), and 103 (hep) cm−2 s−1 for the reference ADE11
with respect to those using that of PLJ14 (see Table 3). On the
other hand, while pp and pep fluxes are only slightly modified,
Be, 8 B, 13 N, 15 O, and 17 F neutrino fluxes are rather enhanced.
Their fluxes are indeed strongly dependent on the central temperature T c , with a power law of the form Φ ∝ T cm , where m = 10.0,
24.0, 24.4, 27.1, and 27.8, respectively (see Bahcall & Ulmer
1996). CNO neutrino fluxes are also enhanced because of the
increased burning efficiency caused by the higher CNO abundances in the GS98 compilation. As was already mentioned,
using modern solar compositions such as that of PLJ14, with
low surface metal abundances, solar models have been found to
be in disagreement with helioseismological measurements (see
Bahcall et al. 2004, 2005a; Basu & Antia 2004; Serenelli et al.
2011; Haxton et al. 2013; Vinyoles et al. 2017). We checked that
the predicted sound speed profiles of our computed SSMs are
in agreement with others in the literature. We found that for the
PLJ14 abundance choice the prediction disagrees with that measured (Schou et al. 1998). Instead, the choice of the older GS98
composition gives a better match.
We recall however that this work is not aimed at giving the
best prediction for the total neutrino fluxes nor at probing the
solar metallicity problem, rather we want to probe the effects
induced on solar neutrino fluxes by varying the 7 Be electroncapture rate alone, in the light of the mentioned evaluation by
5. Impact of a revised 7 Be + e− on the 8 B neutrino
In this section we want to evaluate the impact of using a
revised rate for the 7 Be electron-capture, computed following the
approach suggested by Simonucci et al. (2013), on the 8 B neutrino flux. While pp neutrinos originate in a wide range of the
Sun, corresponding to the main energy-producing region, 7 Be
and 8 B neutrinos are produced in a hotter and narrower zone,
ranging from the solar center to about 0.15–0.2 R⊙ . The quantities RSTPB13 and RADE11 represent the electron-capture rate given
by STPB13 and by ADE11, respectively. As shown in the top
panel of Fig. 2, there is an appreciable variation: the new rate is
lower with respect to the ADE11 choice in solar core conditions,
meaning that the 7 Be neutrino production channel is slightly suppressed in favor of all other channels. In particular, the solar neutrino fluxes from 7 Be and 8 B, Φ(7 Be) and Φ(8 B) are proportional
to the local density of 7 Be ions. The Φ(7 Be) flux depends on
both the electron-capture (Rec ) and the proton-capture rate (Rpc )
Φ(7 Be) ∝
Rec + Rpc
where Rpc ≈ 10−3 Rec (see Adelberger et al. 1998). The
flux Φ(7 Be) is therefore basically independent from the rates
and dependent only upon the branching ratio of the reactions
He+3 He e 3 He+4 He. On the contrary, Φ(8 B) can be written as
Φ(8 B) ∝
Rec + Rpc
meaning that it is inversely proportional to the electron-capture
rate Rec . This means that a variation of the Rec should have a
linear effect on neutrino flux of 8 B and negligible effects on
other channels. Indeed, the STPB13 models present exactly the
same physical and chemical features of the ADE11 models (see
Table 3). If we take into account neutrinos that originate in each
fraction of the solar radius (Fig. 2, middle panel), we thus deduce
that the 8 B neutrino production channel becomes more efficient
and so Φ(8 B) is increased because of the less efficient electroncapture on 7 Be rate. It is also possible to see that, in correspondence of a change from negative to positive values of the
variations in the electron-capture rate, the neutrino flux variation
shifts from positive to negative values, thus corroborating the
hypothesis of linearity between the electron-capture rate on 7 Be
and the 8 B neutrino flux. Furthermore, if relation Eq. (3) holds,
then we see that
nν (8 B)STPB13 Φ(8 B)STPB13
nν (8 B)ADE11
Φ(8 B)ADE11
or alternatively,
nν (8 B)STPB13 RSTPB13
≃ 1,
nν (8 B)ADE11 RADE11
where nν (8 B) is the number of neutrinos coming from the 8 B
decay. The bottom panel of Fig. 2 shows the product in the lefthand side of relation Eq. (5). Its value is consistent with unity
at less than one part per thousand, meaning that relation Eq. (3)
is indeed valid and that an increase of the Rec has the effect of
linearly decreasing the flux of 8 B neutrinos. Finally, variations
by +2.6% and +2.7% in Φ(8 B) are obtained for SSMs using a
PLJ14 or a GS98 composition, respectively (see Table 4). The
adoption of the STPB13 rate for electron-captures on 7 Be has
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A&A 623, A126 (2019)
Φ(8B) (106cm-2s-1)
1.04 0
nν (8B)
nν (8B)
Φ( Be) (10 cm s )
-2 -1
Fig. 3. Fluxes of Φ( B) and Φ( Be) compared to solar values (Aharmim
et al. 2013; Agostini et al. 2018). The black dot and error bars indicate
solar values, while the squares and circles indicate the results obtained
with the ADE11 electron-capture rate (older) and that of STPB13
(current), respectively. Ellipses denote theoretical 1σ confidence level
(C.L.) for 2 degrees of freedom.
Fig. 2. Top panel: ratio of the STPB13 electron-capture rate to that
of ADE11 in the production region of 8 B neutrinos. These are both
computed on the solar structure resulting from the ADE11 SSM,
with a PLJ14 composition. Middle panel: ratio of the neutrinos
fraction produced in STPB13 SSM to that of ADE11, both com8
puted with
Bottom panel: product nν ( B)STPB13 ·
a PLJ14 composition.
RSTPB13 / nν ( B)ADE11 · RSTPB13 is shown; we note, in comparison with
the other two panels, the much finer vertical scale. The consistency of
this value with the unity means that there is practically no difference in
computing a SSM with the revised STPB13 rate or applying it directly
on the solar structure of a ADE11 SSM.
negligible effects on all other neutrino fluxes because it induces
no variation on the physics and chemistry of the SSM itself (see
Table 3).
At the present moment we cannot tag our predicted fluxes
with well-defined uncertainty estimates. We should construct
Monte Carlo (MC) simulations of SSMs to provide statistical
errors to our results (see Bahcall et al. 2006; Serenelli et al.
2011; Vinyoles et al. 2017). Still we can estimate these uncertainties starting from known literature. Concerning the predicted
B neutrino flux, Bahcall et al. (2006) found that the 1σ theoretical uncertainty varies from 17% to 11%, depending on the
adopted composition (see their Table 15 and Fig. 6). Similar
but lower values were also found by Serenelli et al. (2011) and
Vinyoles et al. (2017). Then we can choose, in a conservative
way, the higher value of 17% as our uncertainty on the predicted
B neutrino flux. Similarly we can adopt an error of 10% 1σ
on the 7 Be neutrino flux, as predicted by Bahcall et al. (2006),
which is the highest found in the literature. We also use, as correlation coefficient of the 7 Be-8 B neutrino fluxes, that given by
Bahcall et al. (2006) for the GS98 composition. In this way we
A126, page 6 of 7
only give a rough, but still reliable, estimate of the uncertainties
affecting our neutrino flux predictions, to be compared with the
measured values.
The final joint fit to all SNO data gave a total flux of
neutrino from 8 B decays in the Sun of Φ(8 B) = 5.25(1 ±
0.04) × 106 cm−2 s−1 (Aharmim et al. 2013). The latest results
of the Borexino collaboration (Agostini et al. 2018) provided a
total flux of 7 Be neutrino flux of Φ(7 Be) = 4.99(1 ± 0.03) ×
109 cm−2 s−1 . Such a value is somehow model-dependent, being
obtained from the measured rates assuming a specific mechanism of neutrino oscillations (see Agostini et al. 2018, for
details). In fact, elastic scattering measurements, such as those
performed by Borexino, are mainly sensitive to νe chargedcurrent interactions. On the contrary, the neutral-current detection channel in SNO is sensitive to all neutrino flavors and so
it is a direct model-independent observation of the 8 B solar neutrino flux. Figure 3 shows that adopting either the GS98 or PLJ14
compositions leads to a fair agreement with the total 8 B neutrino flux measured by the SNO neutral current experiments. The
use of the revised electron-capture rate RSTPB13 increases the old
values of the predicted 8 B neutrino fluxes with respect to the
measured value. The measured value of the 8 B neutrino flux is
compatible with the solar model predictions for each of the two
adopted solar compositions.
6. Conclusions
We have presented new SSMs for two different mixtures of solar
abundances, GS98 and PLJ14. We performed the simulation
with the FUNS code suite. We used recent values for the cross
sections in our nuclear reaction network. In particular, we adopt
the e− -capture rate on 7 Be provided by Simonucci et al. (2013)
based on a description of the physical conditions in the solar
interior that is more accurate than previous works (e.g., ADE11)
and is also applicable to more general stellar environments. A
tabulated version of this rate is available at the CDS. The comparison with models computed with the ADE11 widely adopted
electron-capture rate shows maximum differences of about
3–4% in solar conditions. The effects on the standard solar model
calculations, along with the effects on neutrino fluxes, have been
discussed. We found that variations in the solar structure and in
D. Vescovi et al.: Effects of a revised 7 Be e− -capture rate on solar neutrino fluxes
neutrino fluxes are negligible, except for the 8 B neutrino flux.
The estimated increase is 2.6–2.7%, depending on the composition assumed. Finally, we have also shown that the solar 8 B
neutrino flux is reproduced rather well, both using the GS98 and
PLJ14 abundance sets.
Acknowledgements. We warmly thank the referee, S. Degl’Innocenti, for the
insightful comments and suggestions that helped us to improve the manuscript.
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