Papers by José Luis Chávez-Servia
Beverages, Jan 27, 2018
Mezcal is a traditional Mexican spirit produced by distilling fermented Agave. The effects of Aga... more Mezcal is a traditional Mexican spirit produced by distilling fermented Agave. The effects of Agave species, origin, and season on the volatile compound profile were studied in mezcal from Oaxaca, Mexico. Liquid-liquid extraction was used to isolate volatile compounds from mezcals made from Agave angustifolia Haw. and Agave potatorum Zucc. These compounds were identified using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Eighty-four volatile compounds were identified, including alcohols, esters, fatty acids, ketones, furans, and others. Using variance analysis, it was possible to observe significant differences for the 26, 24, and 10 compounds in mezcal samples that differed based on Agave species, origin, and season. 3-Ethyl-phenol was identified only in samples of mezcal from A. angustifolia, and this volatile compound could be used as an authentic marker of mezcal from A. angustifolia (p ≤ 0.01).
Agrociencia, Feb 6, 2015
La diversidad de razas y poblaciones nativas de maíz (Zea mays L.) tiene gran importancia aliment... more La diversidad de razas y poblaciones nativas de maíz (Zea mays L.) tiene gran importancia alimentaria, social y económica para las comunidades rurales de México, y debe ser estudiada con fines de documentación, conservación y aprovechamiento. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la variación en proteína, lisina, triptófano, fibra cruda, cenizas, aceite y almidón del grano, en una colección de 41 poblaciones nativas de maíz de la región centro-norte de Yucatán, México, de las poblaciones conocidas localmente como Nal t'eel, Xmejen nal, T'síit bakal y Xnuuk nal. Los materiales se incrementaron en Iguala, Guerrero, en el ciclo otoño-invierno 2002-2003. El diseño experimental fue de bloques al azar con dos repeticiones por tratamiento; se realizó un ANDEVA y las medias de los tratamientos se compararon con la prueba de Tukey. Hubo diferencias significativas (p0.05) en contenido de proteína (9.35 a 12.50 %), lisina (0.27 a 0.39 %), triptófano (0.08 a 0.13 %), cenizas (1.12 a 1.83 %), aceite (3.37 a 4.52 %), fibra cruda (0.72 a 1.65 %) y almidón (57.54 a 69.92 %). Además, los patrones de variación están asociados con las poblaciones: los precoces Nal t'eel y Xmejen nal tuvieron los contenidos mayores de proteína y triptófano y los tardíos T'síit bakal y Xnuuk nal cantidad menor de proteína y mayor de lisina. Destacaron seis poblaciones de Xmejen nal, una de Xnuuk nal y una de Nal t'eel. También hubo correlación significativa (p0.05) y positiva entre el contenido de cenizas y lisina (0.99) y triptófano (0.97) en el grupo Nal t'eel. Los resultados mostraron la variabilidad
Nova Scientia, Nov 29, 2019
Introducción: México es el principal productor de tuna en el mundo, con aproximadamente 400,000 t... more Introducción: México es el principal productor de tuna en el mundo, con aproximadamente 400,000 toneladas por año. Sin embargo, es un fruto muy perecedero (9 a 15 días a temperatura ambiente), además la presencia de espinas en su pericarpio reduce su consumo y limita su comercialización causando así pérdidas en su producción. Por lo tanto, es necesario proponer alternativas de consumo como producto mínimamente procesado (PMP) y el uso de atmósferas controladas (AC) para alargar su vida poscosecha. Método: En rodajas de tuna roja minímamente procesada se aplicaron diferentes tratamientos de AC (AC1: 5% O2 + 95% N2, AC2: Aire + 10% CO2, AC3: 10% CO2 + 5% O2 + 85% N2 y aire como control) durante 16 días de almacenamiento a temperatura de 5 ºC. Cada cuatro días se analizó la concentración de azúcares totales (AT), sólidos solubles totales (SST), pH, actividad de polifenol oxidasa (PFO), pérdida fisiológica de peso (PFP) y calidad visual (CV). Resultados: Los tratamientos en AC presentaron menor PFP. El tratamiento con 10% CO2 + 5% O2 + 85% N2 contribuyó a la retención de la CV (6.24), PFP (9%) y pH (5.34), y el tratamiento con 10% CO2 + Aire en el contenido de azúcares (176.21 mg Glucosa mL-1); mientras que los (SST) y la actividad de PFO no presentó diferencia entre los tratamientos. Por su parte, el análisis multivariado de componentes principales (CP) explicó el 85% de la varianza en dos componentes para seis variables fisicoquímicas de los frutos de tuna. Conclusión: El uso de AC prolongó la vida poscosecha de los frutos de tuna roja mínimamente procesados hasta por 16 días de almacenamiento. Uso de atmósferas controladas para conservar la calidad de tuna roja (Opuntia ficus-indica (L.)) mínimamente procesada
Horticultura Brasileira, Oct 18, 2018
Variation of plant and fruits traits in costeno pepper ( Capsicum annuum L.) native from Mexico I... more Variation of plant and fruits traits in costeno pepper ( Capsicum annuum L.) native from Mexico In a collection of pepper costeno conserved by indigenous producers from the municipalities of Santa Maria Tonameca and Santo Domingo of Morelos, Oaxaca, Mexico, a description and classification of the agromorphological variation was undertaken, by a characterization in greenhouse of 46 populations distributed under a complete randomized block design with three replications. Days to first flowering, planta and fruit traits and yielding per plant were evaluated. In the analysis of variance were detected significant differences over all traits, except to plant height at 120 days after planting. In the principal component analysis, the variables green and dry weight of 15 fruits, average weight of fruit, number of fruits and yield per planta were the characters of major descriptive values from the total phenotypic variance. In addition, two patterns of agromorphological variation were determined; one of them it was highly variable and integrated with pepper populations from La Oscurana, Villa Union and San Juanito communities, and other by populations less variables such as those from the Las Pilas. These phenotypic patterns were confirmed in the cluster analysis, where five phenotypic groups were different statistically. Complementarily, an inverse relation were determined between number of fruits per plant and average weight of fruit; and ten costeno pepper populations presented high agronomic potential; yield major than 500 g per plant, more than 100 fruits per plant and an average weight major to 3.9 g per fruit. Keywords : Phenotypic diversity, plant genetic resources, characterization, multivariate analysis.
Revista De La Facultad De Ciencias Agrarias, Dec 1, 2014
Agromorphological phenotypic variation and postharvest biophysical changes in fruits after 10 day... more Agromorphological phenotypic variation and postharvest biophysical changes in fruits after 10 days of storage at room temperature were evaluated in a collection of tomatoes from Oaxaca, Mexico. The collection of 57 accessions were planted and characterized under greenhouse. During postharvest the pH, degrees Brix (°Brix), weight loss and color parameters (L*, a*, b*, chromaticity and Hue angle) were evaluated at 0 and 10 days after harvest. The accession showed significant differences (P < 0.01) over all agromorphological traits, and there were differences among genepools classified a priori as cultivated, ruderal, and intermediate populations between cultivated and ruderal. Nine groups of phenotypic diversity were determined. The storage times (0 and 10 days) presented significant differences at all biophysical traits. After 10 days of storage at room temperature (20.6±5°C and 34±10% RH) the °Brix increased from 4.1 to 4.6 and similarly pH from 3.7 to 4.3. Among phenotypic groups and interaction storage times-groups, significant differences were found for °Brix, color coordinates L* and b*, and Hue angle. The differential postharvest changes indicate phenotypic divergences among and within genepools, which can be exploited in the plant breeding programs with regional objectives.
Euphytica, Jan 29, 2018
The genetic distance analysis for selection of suitable parents has been established and effectiv... more The genetic distance analysis for selection of suitable parents has been established and effectively used in many crops; however, there is dearth of conclusive report of relationship of genetic distance analysis with heterosis in sesame. In the present study, an attempt was made to estimate the associations of genetic distances using SSR (GDSSR), seed-storage protein profiling (GDSDS) and agromorphological traits (GDMOR) with hybrid performance. Seven parents were selected from 60 exotic and Indian genotypes based on genetic distance from clustering pattern based on SSR, seed-storage protein, morphological traits and per se performance. For combining ability analysis, 7 parents and 21 crosses generated from 7 9 7 half diallel evaluated at two environments in a replicated field trial during pre-kharif season of 2013. Compared with the average parents yield (12.57 g plant −1), eight hybrids had a significant (P \ 0.01) yield advantage across environments, with averages of 26.94 and 29.99% for better-parent heterosis (BPH) and mid-parent heterosis (MPH), respectively, across environments. Highly significant positive correlation was observed between specific combining ability (SCA) and per se performance (0.97), while positive non-significant correlation of BPH with GDSSR (0.048), and non-significant negative correlations with GDMOR (− 0.01) and GDSDS (− 0.256) were observed. The linear regressions of SCA on MPH, BPH and per se performance of F 1 s were significant with R 2 value of 0.88, 0.84 and 0.95 respectively. The present findings revealed a weak association of Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (
Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research, Dec 1, 2011
Reports of the last decade show that some types of food and spices included in the human diet, su... more Reports of the last decade show that some types of food and spices included in the human diet, such as pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) can have a positive effect on human health. The Mexican pepper germplasm is poorly documented with regard to variety and the amount of phytochemical compounds that it contains. In the present study, the variation of phytochemical compounds was evaluated in nine fruit variants (morphotypes) of wild and cultivated pepper grown in Oaxaca. ANOVA detected significant differences among pepper morphotypes and ripeness stages of fruits; vitamin C, total phenols, flavonoids, β-carotene, coordinated chromatic of color, and capsaicinoids. The highest values of vitamin C were found in 'Tabaquero', 'Güero' and 'Costeño' morphotypes (151.6 to 183.2 mg 100 g-1). With regard to total phenols and flavonoids, 'Piquín' and 'Solterito' had the highest levels. Coordinates of color a* and b*, and chroma presented a positive correlation with phenol and flavonoid contents. The evaluated morphotypes differed in capsaicin and dihydrocapsaicin; C. annuum had higher capsaicin content (4.9 to 142 µg mL-1) than dihydrocapsaicin (1.5 to 65.5 µg mL-1) and C. pubescens Ruiz & Pav. showed the opposite pattern.
Esta obra está bajo licencia de Creative Commons Atribución-No Comercial 4.0 Internacional (CC BY... more Esta obra está bajo licencia de Creative Commons Atribución-No Comercial 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC 4.0) Clasificación de poblaciones nativas de frijol utilizando visión artificial
Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Agrícolas, Jun 1, 2018
La explotación y conservación de las poblaciones nativas requieren del estudio de la variabilidad... more La explotación y conservación de las poblaciones nativas requieren del estudio de la variabilidad genética o genotípica la que no ocurre de manera aleatoria porque la determinan factores biológicos, ambientales y selección que hace el agricultor (Terzopoulus et al., 2009). populations of globe fruit type and tomatillo showed wide variability that can be used in breeding programs towards local interest objectives.
African Journal of Agricultural Research, Jul 4, 2011
Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Agrícolas, Aug 10, 2017
Zimatlán-Tacolula and Etla also presented Phytophthora and Pythium. The results show the presence... more Zimatlán-Tacolula and Etla also presented Phytophthora and Pythium. The results show the presence of two or more pathogens in the same site, and consequently higher incidence in the field of the disease.
Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture, Nov 8, 2020
et al. (2020) reported a similar interval in 10 common bean crops from Portugal (22.0-31.3 g 100-... more et al. (2020) reported a similar interval in 10 common bean crops from Portugal (22.0-31.3 g 100-1), and Gundogan and Karaca (2020) recorded a narrower interval in four local bean types from Turkey (20.5-24.5 g 100 g-1). Amino acid content in common beans has been recorded in a wide range, although most authors agree that the major essential amino acids are lysine (10-104 mg g-1), leucine (14-92 mg g-1) and phenylalanine + tyrosine (53-105 mg g-1); conversely, bean lacks the sulfur amino acids: methionine + cysteine (4.0-20 mg g-1) (
Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research, Jun 1, 2018
The Mesoamerican region is a center of domestication and high genetic diversity of Phaseolus vulg... more The Mesoamerican region is a center of domestication and high genetic diversity of Phaseolus vulgaris L., which continues to evolve on-farm as part of multi-cropping systems (milpa) and is commonly associated with maize. The genetic resources of the common bean provide knowledge of its agronomic potential. However, there is also a need to document the biochemical composition of the seed in the genetic resources preserved by Mesoamerican farmers. To assess the genotypic and environmental effects on the polyphenol, flavonoid and monomeric anthocyanin contents, and antioxidant activity (DPPH) in seed coats and cotyledons of the common bean, 54 native populations and five improved varieties were evaluated from seed samples that were cultivated in two cropping seasons under a randomized complete block design with four replicates. In addition, seed color parameters were evaluated. At harvest time, a dry sample of grain was obtained from each population, and after a soaking treatment of 12 h, seed coats were separated from cotyledons. The evaluated populations and varieties of common beans showed significant differences (P < 0.05) in polyphenol, flavonoid and anthocyanin compositions, antioxidant activity, and seed color parameters. The geographical origins of the populations and cropping season significantly affected the compositions of the seed coats and cotyledons, and the regions of origin and populations had significant interactions with the cropping season. Among populations, phenolic compound concentrations and antioxidant activities were higher in dark or pigmented seed coats than in the cotyledons. The genotype-environment interaction effects in bioactive compounds provide insights into options for genetic improvement of the common bean to promote their consumption.
Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture, 2016
The aim of this work is to assess and describe a collection of Mexican populations of common bean... more The aim of this work is to assess and describe a collection of Mexican populations of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) based on their contents of monomeric anthocyanins, polyphenols, and flavonoids; antioxidant activity; and grain physical characteristics. A collection of 26 bean populations was assembled at five states and regions in Mexico. The beans were cultivated in Santa Cruz Xoxocotlan, Mexico, using a randomized complete block design with four replications. From a sample of seeds per population, the polyphenol and flavonoid contents were evaluated using UV-visible spectroscopy; the anthocyanin content was evaluated based on differential pH; antioxidant activity was measured using the DPPH method; and a morphologic description of the grain was recorded. Analysis of variance was used to determine significant differences (P < 0.01) within and among the population groups for all evaluated variables. Populations from Oaxaca and Puebla presented high anthocyanin contents, 1.6 and 2.1 mg C3GE/g, respectively. Polyphenol content was higher in the seed coat (27.7 to 127.0 mg GAE/g) than in the whole grain (1.3 to 5.4 mg GAE/g). Similar patterns were noted for flavonoids (from 5.9 to 21.5 mg CE/g in the seed coat and from 0.10 to 0.78 mg CE/g in the whole grain) and antioxidant activity (AA; from 132.5 to 1,021.7 μmol ETrolox/g in the seed coat). AA was significantly correlated with anthocyanin and polyphenol contents. Several populations were exceptional regarding the evaluated compounds; these populations were OAX-011-29, OAX-011-30, PUE-011-15, PUE-011-34, EM-01-01 and GRO-10-87. These beans can be used in participatory plant breeding to improve the local beans, and their consumption can be recommended to low income families with poor nutrition.
Frontiers in Nutrition, Jan 11, 2023
Frontiers in Nutrition 01 Moreno-Quiroga et al. 10.3389/fnut.2022.1029826 health ... more Frontiers in Nutrition 01 Moreno-Quiroga et al. 10.3389/fnut.2022.1029826 health effects. The C. ficifolia fruit mesocarp has bioactive compounds with high antioxidant activity with the potential to both improve diet and to obtain other benefits against nontransmissible diseases derived from food and its associated risk factors.
Revista Fitotecnia Mexicana, Dec 28, 2012
Agro productividad, Aug 23, 2022
To study the heterosis and agronomic performance of raspberry (Rubus idaeus) F 1 families derived... more To study the heterosis and agronomic performance of raspberry (Rubus idaeus) F 1 families derived from open-pollinated parents, and to investigate the heterotic relationships between yield and its components. Design/methodology/approach: A total of thirty-five genotypes, including eight open-pollinated raspberry cultivars, their 28 F 1 families and one check, were evaluated for vegetative and fruit traits. The trial was carried out under a randomized block design and under open field conditions. Results: Mid-parent heterosis (MH) ranged from 94.83 to 311.67 %, whereas the better parent heterosis (BPH) values varied from 94.26 to 235.00%. We observed that the heterosis values for yield had a strong and positive correlation (r0.89) with the heterosis values for number of fruits per plant. Limitations on study/implications: Heterosis and performance of F 1 families in raspberry would depend on the pedigree of parents as their relativeness is a key factor to exploit the heterosis in plants. Findings/conclusions: High values of heterosis were found in some raspberry crosses. Progeny derived from parents MU1 and TD865 showed considerable mid-parent heterosis (MH) and good performance for fruit size-related traits, soluble solids content and yield, evidencing that both parents may be utilized as donor parents in raspberry breeding program.
Papers by José Luis Chávez-Servia