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Complex target structures are necessary to take full advantage of the unique laboratory environment created by inertial confinement fusion experiments. For example, uses-ofignition targets that contain a thin layer of a low density nanoporous material inside a spherical ablator shell allow placing dopants in direct contact with the DT fuel. The ideal foam for this application is a low-density hydrocarbon foam that is strong enough to survive wetting with cryogenic hydrogen, and low enough in density (density less than ~30 mg/cc) to not reduce the yield of the target. Here, we discuss the fabrication foamlined uses-of-ignition targets, and the development of low-density foams that can be used for this application.
This paper reviews the processes developed at General Atomics (GA) in the past several years to fabricate a variety of spherical foam targets at various densities for the inertial confinement fusion (ICF) community. The two most common chemical systems used to produce spherical foam targets have been resorcinol-formaldehyde (R/F) aerogel and divinylbenzene (DVB). Spherical targets have been made in the form of shells and beads with diameters ranging from approximately 0.5 to 4.0 mm, and densities from 100 mg/cc to 250 mg/cc, with typical high yield of intact shells or beads of 90%-95%. Permeation barriers have been developed and deposited on both R/F and DVB shells. We have also made R/F foam shells with higher pore size (0.10-0.50 mum) in order to increase the cryo-fill fraction when these shells are cryogenically layered with D2. Another spherical target that is currently under development that will also be discussed is silica aerogels shells and beads. Other foam target materials currently under development, such metal doped R/F aerogel beads for extreme ultra violet (EUV) source experiments will also be discussed
Fusion Science and Technology, 2011
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 2016
We report on the development of foam-based double-layer targets (DLTs) for laser-driven ion acceleration. Foam layers with a density of a few mg cm −3 and controlled thickness in the 8-36 μm range were grown on μm-thick Al foils by pulsed laser deposition (PLD). The DLTs were experimentally investigated by varying the pulse intensity, laser polarisation and target properties. Comparing DLTs with simple Al foils, we observed a systematic enhancement of the maximum and average energies and number of accelerated ions. Maximum energies up to 30 MeV for protons and 130 MeV for C 6+ ions were detected. Dedicated three-dimensional particle-in-cell (3D-PIC) simulations were performed considering both uniform and clusterassembled foams to interpret the effect of the foam nanostructure on the acceleration process.
Development of foam capsule fabrication for cryogenically cooled fuel targets is overviewed in the present paper. The fabrication development was initiated as a part of the Fast Ignition Realization Experiment (FIREX) Project at the ILE, Osaka University in the way of bilateral collaboration between Osaka University and National Institute for Fusion Science (NIFS). A foam cryogenic target was designed where low-density foam shells with a conical light guide will be cooled down to the cryogenic temperature and will be fueled through a narrow pipe. The required diameter and thickness of the capsule are 500 μm and 20 μm, respectively. The material should be low-density plastics foam. We have prepared such capsules using 1) mixtureing a new material of (phloroglucinolcarboxylic acid)/formalin (PF) linear polymer to control kinematic viscosity of the precursor, 2) phase-transfer-catalyzed gelation process to keep density matching of three phases of the emulsion. 3) non-volatile silicone oil as outer oil of emulsion in order to prevent hazard halogenated hydrocarbon and flammable mineral oil. The obtained foam capsule had fine structure of 180 nm (outer surface) to 220 nm (inner surface) and uniform thickness reaching to resolution limit of optical analysis (~0.5 μm). A small hole was made before the solvent exchange and the drying process to prevent distortion due to volume changes. The density of dried foam was 0.29 g/cm 3. After attaching the petawatt laser guiding cone and fueling glass tube, ablator of poly([2,2]paracyclophane) was coated on the foam surface. The fabricated foam capsules were supplied for a fueling test of cryogenic hydrogen. Generally, there is a trade-off relation between lower density and smaller pore, with keeping density. Then precise control of nano-and micro-pore with keeping density is important. We have clarified the relation between pore size and preparation conditions, using several precursor materials, and revealed how to control pore size of low density foams. In the relation, the solvent affinity for the polymer chain played a fundamental role. The fabricated foam capsules were PF aerogel was obtained to be 145 mg/cm 3 , its pore size was less than 100 nm while that of previous RF/PF mixture was 200-500 nm. The PF foam had a particle-like structure while RF had fibrous-like foam structure.
Applied Organometallic Chemistry, 2013
In the framework of the increasing need for metal-doped polymer materials for inertial confinement fusion targets, we report the preparation of low-density titanium-containing materials. For this purpose, we developed a new monomer based on hydroxyl and oxime chelation: Ti 3 (5-vinylsalicylaldoximato) 2 (Oi-Pr) 8. We report here the synthesis, characterization and first results of polymerization of this new titanium-containing monomer.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 1985
The design of both laser fusion and particle beam fusion targets has become increasingly more complex with greater demands on both target tolerances and the physical and mechanical properties of target materials. The Materials Technology Group at Los Alamos has been given the responsibility for fabricating these targets. In order to meet the demands of the ICF program, the target fabrication effort maintains a wide variety of processes to provide metallic, non-metallic, and composite materials for target components. These processes are also geared to provide superior surface finishes, wall uniformity and, in the case of metals, a fine grained equiaxed structure. The materials technologies that will be described include chemical vapor deposition (CVD), physical vapor deposition (PVD), electrochemical deposition, vapor phase pyrolysis (VPP), low pressure plasma coating (LPP) and the so~tion/diffusion (SD) process. This paper will also discuss the materials and the material properties that can be obtained by these processes. The result of maintaining all these technologies and processes is to allow the greatest latitude for ICF target designers.
Physics of Plasmas, 2007
Ignition target designs for inertial confinement fusion on the National Ignition Facility ͑NIF͒ ͓W. J. Hogan et al., Nucl. Fusion 41, 567 ͑2001͔͒ are based on a spherical ablator containing a solid, cryogenic-fuel layer of deuterium and tritium. The need for solid-fuel layers was recognized more than 30 years ago and considerable effort has resulted in the production of cryogenic targets that meet most of the critical fabrication tolerances for ignition on the NIF. At the University of Rochester's Laboratory for Laser Energetics ͑LLE͒, the inner-ice surface of cryogenic DT capsules formed using -layering meets the surface-smoothness requirement for ignition ͑Ͻ1-m rms in all modes͒. Prototype x-ray-drive cryogenic targets being produced at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory are nearing the tolerances required for ignition on the NIF. At LLE, these cryogenic DT ͑and D 2 ͒ capsules are being imploded on the direct-drive 60-beam, 30-kJ UV OMEGA laser ͓T. R. Boehly et al., Opt. Commun. 133, 495 ͑1997͔͒. The designs of these cryogenic targets for OMEGA are energy scaled from the baseline direct-drive-ignition design for the NIF. Significant progress with the formation and characterization of cryogenic targets for both direct and x-ray drive will be described. Results from recent cryogenic implosions will also be presented.
Physics of Plasmas, 2007
Ignition target designs for inertial confinement fusion on the National Ignition Facility ͑NIF͒ ͓W. J. Hogan et al., Nucl. Fusion 41, 567 ͑2001͔͒ are based on a spherical ablator containing a solid, cryogenic-fuel layer of deuterium and tritium. The need for solid-fuel layers was recognized more than 30 years ago and considerable effort has resulted in the production of cryogenic targets that meet most of the critical fabrication tolerances for ignition on the NIF. At the University of Rochester's Laboratory for Laser Energetics ͑LLE͒, the inner-ice surface of cryogenic DT capsules formed using -layering meets the surface-smoothness requirement for ignition ͑Ͻ1-m rms in all modes͒. Prototype x-ray-drive cryogenic targets being produced at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory are nearing the tolerances required for ignition on the NIF. At LLE, these cryogenic DT ͑and D 2 ͒ capsules are being imploded on the direct-drive 60-beam, 30-kJ UV OMEGA laser ͓T. R. Boehly et al., Opt. Commun. 133, 495 ͑1997͔͒. The designs of these cryogenic targets for OMEGA are energy scaled from the baseline direct-drive-ignition design for the NIF. Significant progress with the formation and characterization of cryogenic targets for both direct and x-ray drive will be described. Results from recent cryogenic implosions will also be presented.
Optics Communications, 2015
In this paper, the interaction of high power laser with low density polymer foam with density as low as 2 mg/cm 3 , 4 mg/cm 3 , 20 mg/cm 3 30 mg/cm 3 and 50 mg/cm 3 targets are investigated and compared with solid polymer targets. An understanding of such interaction is important from fusion research point of view. Low density foam coating of fusion capsule has been proposed in order to smooth in direct drive scheme and also it is being used as efficient x-ray converter in indirect drive scheme. It is observed that about 75-80% of the laser energy is absorbed in the subcritical (with density o4 mg/cm 3) foam targets and the soft x-ray yield in this case is almost two times that measured in the over dense (supper critical) targets. The optical shadowgraphy of the targets shows that the laser coupling in low density foam is associated with a supersonic heat wave while, with increasing density this phenomenon is replaced by subsonic absorption and shock formation. In the case of a 50 mg/cm 3 foams the foil velocity reduced by 35% (i.e. 5 Â 10 6 cm/s), which further reduced to 3.8 Â 10 6 cm/s in case solid polymer targets.
Pattern Recognition, 2020
Статья посвящена исповедальности как первичной форме автобиографизма. Автор связывает опыты самоосмысления древнерусского человека с таинством покаяния, укоренившимся на Руси вместе с христианизацией. Попытки самоопределения личности рассмотрены на материале трех текстов «Духовной грамоты и исповеди» игумена Иосифо-Волоколамского монастыря Евфимия Туркова, «Повести о житии Мартирия Зеленецкого», «Жития протопопа Аввакума». Как показывает исследование, исповедь почти всегда обусловлена не только потребностью или необходимостью покаяния перед Богом, но и попытками осмысления собственной жизни, создания «истории своей субъективности», куда входят различные формы «исповедания себя». Исповедальность русских авторов включает попытки рефлексии, элементы самоанализа и автобиографизма, молитвенность, назидание, проповедь религиозной нравственности и проч. Через приобщение к христианству человеку Древней Руси стала приоткрываться тайна собственной личности.
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