International Journal of
Molecular Sciences
Bottom-Up Proteomics: Advancements in Sample Preparation
Van-An Duong
and Hookeun Lee *
College of Pharmacy, Gachon University, Incheon 21936, Republic of Korea;
[email protected]
* Correspondence:
[email protected]; Tel.: +82-32-820-4927
Abstract: Liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS)-based proteomics is
a powerful technique for profiling proteomes of cells, tissues, and body fluids. Typical bottom-up
proteomic workflows consist of the following three major steps: sample preparation, LC–MS/MS
analysis, and data analysis. LC–MS/MS and data analysis techniques have been intensively developed, whereas sample preparation, a laborious process, remains a difficult task and the main
challenge in different applications. Sample preparation is a crucial stage that affects the overall
efficiency of a proteomic study; however, it is prone to errors and has low reproducibility and
throughput. In-solution digestion and filter-aided sample preparation are the typical and widely used
methods. In the past decade, novel methods to improve and facilitate the entire sample preparation
process or integrate sample preparation and fractionation have been reported to reduce time, increase
throughput, and improve reproducibility. In this review, we have outlined the current methods
used for sample preparation in proteomics, including on-membrane digestion, bead-based digestion,
immobilized enzymatic digestion, and suspension trapping. Additionally, we have summarized and
discussed current devices and methods for integrating different steps of sample preparation and
peptide fractionation.
Keywords: proteomics; sample preparation; in-solution digestion; FASP; S-Trap; SP3; LC-MS/MS;
Citation: Duong, V.-A.; Lee, H.
Bottom-Up Proteomics:
Advancements in Sample
Preparation. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2023, 24,
Academic Editors: Christof Lenz and
Christine Carapito
Received: 19 January 2023
Revised: 28 February 2023
Accepted: 9 March 2023
Published: 10 March 2023
Copyright: © 2023 by the authors.
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
This article is an open access article
distributed under the terms and
conditions of the Creative Commons
Attribution (CC BY) license (https://
1. Introduction
Proteomics is an analytical technique that examines protein expression, structures,
functions, and interactions in a particular cell, tissue, body fluid, or organism [1,2]. Protein composition and abundance are currently analyzed to identify disease markers or
treatment mechanisms, as all changes in proteomes indicate pathological or biological processes [3–5]. Over the last two decades, liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry
(LC-MS/MS)-based proteomics has been developed as an alternative to time-consuming
and labor-intensive gel-based proteomics and immunoassays [6]. LC–MS/MS-based proteomics has high throughput because thousands of peptides and proteins can be analyzed
in a short time [7]. Furthermore, it can be automated to improve high-throughput performance, precision, and repeatability [8]. Some liquid-handling workstations, such as
Agilent AssayMAP Bravo [9] and Biomek NXP Span-8 [10], can perform most steps of
proteomic workflows.
The two analytical procedures frequently used in proteomics are top-down and bottomup approaches. In top-down proteomics, intact proteins are directly separated and analyzed
using LC–MS/MS to identify, characterize, and quantify proteoforms (distinct proteins
generated from a particular gene owing to genetic variations), alternative RNA splicing,
and post-translational modifications (PTMs) [11–13]. Conversely, in bottom-up proteomics,
proteins undergo enzymatic proteolysis and the resultant peptides are analyzed and identified. This strategy has been widely used because peptides are easier to separate and identify
than proteins [14]. The peptide mixture in bottom-up proteomics comprises thousands of
peptides; thus, multidimensional separation is usually performed for in-depth proteome
analysis [15].
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A typical LC–MS/MS-based proteomic workflow consists of three major steps: sample preparation, protein/peptide separation coupled with MS/MS analysis, and data
analysis [16,17]. The two proteomic approaches differ mainly in sample preparation.
Top-down proteomics include protein extraction from biological samples and sample
purification [18]. However, bottom-up proteomics require additional steps including protein reduction, alkylation, and enzymatic digestion [14]. Each stage of the bottom-up
proteomic workflow has tremendously developed over the last two decades. The development of high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) instrumentation over the past
decade has facilitated proteomic research by simultaneously separating many peptides
in a single run [19,20]. Reversed-phase liquid chromatography (RPLC) plays a critical
role in protein/peptide separation prior to MS/MS analysis [21]. Other separation mechanisms, such as strong cation exchange chromatography (SCX), strong anion exchange
chromatography (SAX), size exclusion chromatography (SEC), and hydrophilic interaction
chromatography (HILIC), are frequently combined with RPLC to develop multidimensional
separation platforms [15]. Advances in multidimensional separation of proteins/peptides
have been demonstrated in various systems, including SCX–RPLC [22,23], SAX–RPLC [24],
SEC–RPLC [25,26], HILIC–RPLC [27,28], RPLC–RPLC [29,30], SCX–RPLC–RPLC [31–33],
The mass spectrometer has also been improved in the past decade with the development of new fragmentation techniques and substantial increases in scan speed and mass
accuracy [37–39], enabling the first profiling of the human proteome draft in 2014 [37,38].
Some types of mass analyzers frequently used in proteomics are quadrupole, ion-trap,
time-of-flight, orbitrap, and Fourier-transform ion cyclotron resonance [39,40]. In recent
proteomic studies, data have been analyzed using high-throughput and time-efficient
software [41]. Raw MS/MS data are searched against databases to identify and quantify
peptides and proteins using search engines such as X!Tandem [42], Mascot [43], Sequest [44],
Comet [45], Maxquant [46], Byonic [47], MSFragger [48], and Open-pFind [49]. The results
are further subjected to statistical tests to identify differentially expressed proteins (DEPs),
enrichment analysis to determine biological relevance, and network analysis to visualize
protein–protein interactions and protein groups [41].
Apart from these stages, sample preparation remains a difficult task and the main
challenge of bottom-up proteomics with laborious steps [50]. Generally, sample preparation
aims to create a less complex peptide mixture that is suitable for analysis. It requires prefractionation; depletion of most unnecessarily abundant proteins; removal of DNA, lipids,
and small metabolites; and sample clean-up from impurities (salts and remaining solid
particles) [51]. Therefore, typical sample preparation processes for bottom-up proteomics
usually include lysis/homogenization, protein extraction/precipitation, reduction, alkylation, enzymatic digestion, fractionation, and desalting (Figure 1). Sample preparation is an
essential stage affecting the overall efficiency of proteomic studies. However, it is errorprone and has low reproducibility and throughput [52]. The early stages of proteomics used
in-gel sample preparation [53]. Gel-free sample preparation has been developed in the past
decade and is widely used in proteomic studies. Typical strategies include in-solution digestion (ISD), filter-aided sample preparation (FASP) [54], suspension trapping (S-Trap) [55],
and single-pot solid-phase-enhanced sample preparation (SP3) [56]. Many groups have
reported novel methods to improve and facilitate the entire sample preparation process or
some of its steps to reduce time, increase throughput, and improve reproducibility. Singlecell proteomics has been developed in the past decades to handle samples with low protein
amounts [57]. Typical single-cell proteomic approaches are: nanodroplet processing in
one pot for a trace sample (nanoPOTS) [58]; nanoliter-scale oil-air-droplet (OAD) chip [59];
an integrated device for single-cell analysis (iPAD-1) [60]; digital microfluidic isolation
of single cells for -omics (DISCO) [61]; and integrated spectral library-based single-cell
proteomics [62]. However, this review does not cover single-cell proteomics due to their
unique characteristics. In this review, we have summarized the current methods for preparing different proteomic sample types. In addition, we have presented and discussed recent
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developments to enhance the sample preparation process and integrate different sample
preparation steps as well as their applications to biological samples.
Figure 1. Sample preparation in bottom-up proteomics.
2. From Biological Samples to Proteins
The first stage of a bottom-up proteomic workflow is to obtain a protein mixture from
biological samples. This includes sample pretreatment, enzyme inhibition, homogenization,
protein extraction/precipitation, and protein fractionation. The procedures vary depending
on the sample type. They are also used for sample preparation in top-down proteomics.
2.1. Cells
For cell samples, it is necessary to break down the cell membranes and homogenize
the samples with lysis buffer and sonication [63]. During this process, some enzymes
that may affect the protein structure, such as proteases and phosphatases, are released.
Therefore, these enzymes should be inhibited by maintaining the samples at a low temperature and adding an enzyme inhibitor cocktail. Typical protease inhibitors include
pepstatin A, leupeptin, aprotinin, and chymostatin [64]. They are commercially available
independently or in mixtures. Phosphatase inhibitors, including sodium fluoride, sodium
orthovanadate, sodium pyrophosphate, and beta-glycerophosphate, are used to protect
phosphorylated proteins [65]. These enzyme inhibitors are usually added to the lysis
buffers prior to sonication.
Homogenized samples are then subjected to a protein extraction step to obtain samples with high protein concentrations before digestion. Protein precipitation is the most
common method for protein extraction, particularly for diluted samples. Organic solvents
(such as acetone, methanol, or ethanol) and their mixtures with trichloroacetic acid or
sodium deoxycholate are generally used to precipitate proteins. The protein pellets are
then collected and washed with pre-chilled solvent to remove contaminants [66,67]. Protein
precipitation with acetone is widely used because it rapidly dissolves non-polar contaminants (such as lipids). In addition, chromatography, electrophoresis, dialysis, ultrafiltration,
lyophilization, and crystallization have also been used for protein purification [68].
2.2. Biological Fluids
Biological fluids (blood, urine, saliva, nasal fluids, tears, and aqueous humor) need
to be diluted with an appropriate amount of buffer to facilitate the subsequent enzymatic
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digestion process [69,70]. In the case of urine samples, proteins are extracted using solvent
precipitation, ultrafiltration, centrifugal filtration, dialysis, and lyophilization [71]. Previously, Jesus et al. developed an ultrasonic-based, membrane-aided sample preparation
for urine proteomic analysis, which includes urine filtration through a membrane (to retain proteins and remove salts) and ultrasonic energy-mediated tryptic digestion in the
membrane [72].
Blood samples are usually centrifuged to collect plasma or serum. Plasma and serum
are generally subjected to immunodepletion to remove high-abundance proteins, thereby
allowing the identification of low-abundance proteins [73]. Approximately 10,000 proteins
are present in plasma, ranging from albumin at 35 to 50 mg/mL to low-abundance proteins
at pg/mL [74]. Immunodepletion (spin columns and LC) and magnetic beads can remove
up to the 20 most abundant plasma proteins [75–78]. Depletion results in carry-over, low
reproducibility, low throughput, and loss of many albumin-bound proteins [79]. Other
fluids are centrifuged to remove debris before protein extraction [80].
2.3. Tissues
Tissue samples are usually rinsed with ice-cold saline to remove blood, serum, and
fat [81]. Subsequently, they are homogenized using different apparatuses.
Manual tissue homogenization involves the use of a pestle and mortar. Pestles and
mortars can be made of glass, glass teflon, or stainless steel. Glass mortars and pestles can
generate heat, whereas glass Teflon mortars and pestles (with a nonstick Teflon surface)
minimize heat generation and sample loss. The apparatus is particularly suitable for soft
tissues, such as the brain and liver. After placing the tissues in a tube on ice (such as a
Potter homogenizer) with lysis buffer, a pestle is used to manually homogenize the tissues
until no large tissue pieces are observed [82]. Under the mechanical shear force, proteins
and other molecules are released into the buffers. Mechanical rotor–stator grinders are
used to vigorously mix, accelerate, and press samples through the narrow gap between
the rotor and stator. They can be used for most tissue types, from soft to tough tissues [83].
Bead-beating homogenization is a flexible and efficient method for preparing soft or hard
tissue in seconds. This involves shaking tissues with tungsten carbide, stainless steel, or
glass beads in pre-chilled tubes [84,85]. Commercially available bead-beaters can process
4–24 samples simultaneously [86]. Sonication is effective for homogenizing soft tissues. It
is typically equipped with a tip generator that causes cavitation effects that disrupt the
tissue [87].
Liquid nitrogen pulverization involves the use of liquid nitrogen to freeze tissues for a
short time. It can preserve protein integrity without generating heat [88]. The frozen tissues
are then disrupted using a pestle and mortar [89]. A pulverizer (such as Covaris CP02
cryoPrep automated dry pulverizer) can be used to disrupt the tissues placed in strong and
flexible plastic tissue tubes [90]. The resultant powder is mixed with lysis buffer containing
enzyme inhibitors and lysed. This method is applicable to all types of tissues, particularly
hard tissues and those with tough connective fibers.
Pressure cycling homogenizer (PCT) is a technique that involves the use of hydrostatic
pressure and mechanical grinding. The instrument (Barocycler) compresses air to create
high pressure inside the reaction chamber. The pressure rapidly increased from ambient
pressure to ~45,000 psi over several cycles, resulting in tissue disruption. This method is
only applicable to soft tissues, whereas some hard and large tissues remain incompletely
lysed [91].
Similar to cells, homogenized tissues can be subjected to a protein extraction step to
obtain samples with high protein concentrations.
2.4. Protein Quantification
Protein concentrations in the samples are determined using different methods before protein digestion. Colorimetric dye methods are based on the color change upon
protein–dye binding, whereas fluorescent dye methods rely on the fluorescence associated
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with the dye after protein–dye binding. Colorimetric dye methods (such as Bradford
assay) are straightforward, fast, and compatible with most solvents, buffers, reducing
substances, salts, thiols, and metal-chelating agents [92]. Fluorescent dye methods (such
as EZQ fluorescent and Qubit protein assays) are susceptible and suitable for low protein
samples [93]. Biuret methods rely on protein–copper chelation in an alkaline environment
to reduce Cu2+ to Cu+ , which reacts with a reagent in a bicinchoninic acid assay to form
a purple complex that is detected between 550 and 570 nm [94]. In Lowry assays, Cu+ reacts with Folin–Ciocalteu reagent containing phosphotungstic acid and phosphomolybdic
acid [95]. Biuret methods are compatible with most detergents and are less likely to cause
protein-to-protein variations than Bradford assays [94].
3. From Proteins to Peptides
Sample preparation from proteins to peptides includes various steps, such as detergent
removal, buffer exchange, reduction, alkylation, digestion, optional peptide fractionation,
and desalting. The major bottleneck among these procedures is protein cleanup and digestion, which considerably affects the accuracy and reproducibility of protein quantification.
3.1. Protein Digestion
3.1.1. In-Solution and In-Gel Digestion
ISD and in-gel digestion have been used since the beginning of proteomics research.
The ISD can handle 100–1000 µg protein. Urea and thiourea are generally used to solubilize
proteins and denature their three-dimensional structures. Proteins in 8 M urea solution
are reduced and alkylated to reduce intra- and intermolecular disulfide bonds within and
between protein molecules [96]. Typical reduction reagents include dithiothreitol, tris(2carboxyethyl)phosphine (TCEP), tris(3-hydroxypropyl) phosphine, and 2-mercaptoethanol.
The free sulfhydryl groups formed by reduction are alkylated with alkylation agents
(iodoacetamide, iodoacetic acid, N-ethylmaleimide, and S-methyl methanethiosulfonate) to
prevent disulfide bond reformation. The protein samples are then diluted to reduce the urea
concentration before enzyme addition. Typical digestion enzymes are trypsin and LysC. The
trypsin:protein ratio usually varies from 1:20 to 1:50. Trypsin cleavage sites are located at
the amino acid residues arginine and lysine. The obtained peptides obtained after digestion
are 800–2000 Da, which is appropriate for MS/MS sequencing [97]. ISD is associated with
inevitable sample loss and cannot be used for detergent-containing samples. It requires a
large starting amount of protein (typically > 100 µg) and long digestion time (overnight).
A modification of ISD, which can be applied to samples containing sodium dodecyl
sulfate (SDS), has been developed recently [98]. This is a simple, robust, and reproducible
SDS–cyclodextrin-assisted sample preparation (SCASP) method that can be applied to
different sample types. After reduction and alkylation, the samples are mixed with cyclodextrin solution. SDS molecules are quickly incorporated into the internal cavities of
cyclodextrins. Trypsin is then added for digestion. The SDS–cyclodextrin complex is
removed from the peptide mixtures during desalting. When SCASP was used to analyze
5000 HeLa cell samples, ~2500 proteins were identified. Another ISD modification combines lysis, reduction, and alkylation into a single step to reduce time and sample loss. It is
performed using the reducing agent TCEP and alkylating agent 2-chloroacetamide (CAA),
which are compatible and can be directly incorporated into the lysis buffer [99,100].
Doellinger et al. have recently developed sample preparation by easy extraction and
digestion (SPEED) [101]. The main feature of SPEED is the use of pure trifluoroacetic acid
(TFA; pKa = 0.2) to dissolve cells and tissues within a few minutes and form clear lysates.
After neutralization with a weak base (Tris(hydroxymethyl)-aminomethane, pKa = 8.1), the
lysates become slightly turbid due to protein precipitation as fine particles. The proteins are
then simultaneously reduced and alkylated using TCEP and CAA, respectively. Then, the
samples are heated up to 70–80 ◦ C to shorten the incubation time to 5 min. Subsequently,
tryptic digestion is performed similar to that in ISD. Using SPEED, the authors identified
~2700 and ~1900 proteins in Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus, respectively, which
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were higher than those reported in previous studies [101]. The authors demonstrated that
the SPEED was highly reproducible and performed better than FASP, ISD, and SP3 for
quantitative proteomics [101]. These results suggest that SPEED is a potential method for
future studies in bottom-up proteomics. However, further studies are needed to evaluate
this method.
In-gel digestion is time-consuming and more laborious than ISD. Proteins are first
separated by one- or two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Subsequently,
the gel spots containing the proteins of interest are collected, cut into small pieces (approximately 1 × 1 mm2 ), and destained with 100 mM ammonium bicarbonate/acetonitrile
(1:1, v/v). The proteins are then reduced, alkylated, and digested. Peptides are usually
extracted from gel pieces using 50% acetonitrile/5% formic acid [53]. ISD and in-gel
digestion are less efficient, particularly for clinical samples, which require high sample
processing throughput and reproducibility. Therefore, other methods have been developed
to overcome these limitations.
3.1.2. On-Membrane Digestion: FASP and MStern
These methods utilize membranes to separate proteins from detergents and other small
molecular impurities. The FASP was developed in 2005 by Liebler et al. [102] and in 2009
by Mann et al. [54]. This method has been widely used for bottom-up proteomic sample
preparation over the past decade. All sample preparation steps in the FASP are performed
on an ultrafiltration unit containing a membrane with a proper molecular cut-off (typically
3000 or 10,000 Da) [103]. The proteins are first solubilized in a strong denaturing lysis buffer
containing SDS and transferred to an ultrafiltration unit. SDS and other contaminants are
removed by ultrafiltration, whereas proteins are retained over the membrane (Figure 2).
Reduction, alkylation, and digestion are performed on the membranes. After digestion,
the peptides are separated from undigested materials via ultrafiltration and collected for
peptide clean-up, fractionation, and MS analysis [104]. Compared to ISD, FASP can be
used for samples containing detergents [105]. However, each centrifugal step of the FASP
is time-consuming (typically 20–30 min). In addition, the performance of FASP reduces
when processing low amounts of protein (such as <20 µg) [106].
The FASP method has been modified for various analytical purposes. McDowell et al.
developed iFASP, which combined FASP with isobaric labeling techniques, such as tandem
mass tag (TMT) and isobaric tag for relative and absolute quantitation (iTRAQ) [107].
Erde et al. reported an enhanced FASP (eFASP) workflow with the substitution of 0.2%
deoxycholic acid for urea to increase the efficiency of trypsin digestion of both membrane
and cytosolic proteins [108]. In an express eFASP method variant, TCEP and 4-vinyl
pyridine are combined for simultaneous protein reduction and alkylation, which increases
the alkylation specificity and reduces the process time [108]. Yu et al. described a FASP
method adapted to 96-well filter plates (96FASP) for urine sample processing [109].
FASP has been widely used in proteomics studies. For example, a recent study reported the use of MED-FASP with trypsin and LysC to analyze human muscle biopsies [110].
The authors identified >4000 proteins in slow- and fast-twitch muscle fibers. Notably, they
found 237 and 172 DEPs in slow- and fast-twitch muscle fibers, respectively, after endurance exercise training for 12 weeks. In another study, 124 pairs of tumor and non-tumor
esophageal tissue samples were digested using FASP, and the resultant peptides were
labeled in 25 groups in a TMT 11-plex experiment [85]. The authors identified 14,252 proteins, with 784 upregulated and 747 downregulated proteins in tumors (fold-change > 1.5,
adjusted p < 0.01). Subsequently, they stratified the samples into two subtypes based on
proteomic analysis: low-risk S1 and high-risk S2. They identified ELOA and SCAF4 as
subtype signatures and constructed a subtype diagnostic and prognostic model.
In a recent study, a Resolvex A200 positive-pressure solid-phase extraction unit was
combined with a Bravo liquid-handling platform to perform positive-pressure FASP in
a 96-well plate [111]. The method exhibited high reproducibility (Pearson correlation
coefficient: r = 0.9993) when analyzing 40 technical replicates of mouse heart tissue lysates.
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Figure 2. Sample preparation with FASP, S-Trap, and SP3 in bottom-up proteomics.
Zhang et al. developed a miniaturized FASP method (micro-FASP) for processing
small amounts of samples [112]. The authors used a filter with approximately 0.1 mm2
surface area to reduce the total reagent volume to <10 µL. This device has been used to
identify 1895 and 3069 protein groups in 100 and 1000 MCF-7 cells (~10 and 100 ng protein),
respectively. The authors have also developed a 96-well plate version of the micro-FASP
method, which showed high reproducibility (R2 > 0.99) when processing Xenopus laevis
lysate (12 replicates, 1 µg each). Similarly, Sandbaumhüter et al. developed a flexible
well-plate µFASP device suitable for a small amount of protein (1 µg) [113]. The filter area
for the centrifugal filter units of the conventional FASP was reduced from approximately
119 mm2 to 0.785 mm2 for the µFASP device. The authors identified ~1300 proteins from
1 µg HeLa digest. From single islets of Langerhans, with <0.4 µg protein, the µFASP
identified ~450 proteins.
The MStern method involves using a 0.45 µm pore polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF)
membrane to reduce the FASP processing time [114]. This method uses vacuum for each
liquid transfer, which is compatible with liquid handling systems. In a 96-well PVDF filter
plate, each liquid transfer step took only 1–2 min. This method processed 89 urine samples
in <3 h. Subsequent analysis identified serpin B3 and B4 as potential biomarkers for ovarian
cysts, since these proteins exhibited significantly higher abundance in urine from patients
with ovarian cysts than in those from patients with abdominal pain controls [114]. However,
MStern has not been widely used, probably owing to the lack of individual filter devices.
In addition, this method increases the number of missed cleaved peptides [114,115].
Doellinger et al. have recently developed filter-aided sample preparation by easy
extraction and digestion (fa-SPEED) [101]. Similar to SPEED, fa-SPEED uses TFA for
protein solubilization. Acetone is used to facilitate protein aggregation before tryptic
digestion. Apart from FASP, the authors used a 0.2 µm spin filter, which decreased the
centrifugation time. The total hands-on time for fa-SPEED was 22 min, excluding the
digestion time. This method has the advantage of a reduced processing time and is an
alternative to FASP. However, this requires further investigation.
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3.1.3. Bead-Based Methods: Proteomic Reactor and SP3
These methods use beads to trap proteins and separate them from other contaminants.
Protein trapping mechanisms include ion-exchange chromatography, HILIC, and RP chromatography. A proteomic reactor is based on protein binding on the surface of SCX beads
at a low pH in a capillary column. This method was first developed by Figey et al. [116].
Reduction and alkylation are performed within capillaries. Trypsin digestion is performed
by pumping trypsin solution at pH 8 into the column. At this pH, the proteins are released
from the SCX beads and digested with trypsin. Subsequently, the peptides are eluted
from the capillary using an ammonium bicarbonate solution. This proteomic reactor can
process samples of small amounts (~10 µg protein or even 300 mouse P19 cells). Reduction,
alkylation, and digestion are performed in a small effective volume (~50 nL) [116]. The
mechanisms of the proteomic reactor have been used to develop a simple and integrated
spin tip-based proteomics technology (SISPROT) [23], which is discussed in Section 4.
Proteomic reactors have been applied in several studies. In a previous study, a centrifugal proteomic reactor was used to identify 945 plasma membrane proteins and 955 microsomal membrane proteins in rat hepatoma cells [117]. Tao et al. used this centrifugal
proteomic reactor to investigate the neuroprotective effects of huperzine A in Alzheimer’s
disease and identified 2860 proteins, of which 198 were DEPs in huperzine A-treated mouse
neuroblastoma N2a cells. They found that huperzine A might protect N2a cells from
β-amyloid-induced cell death via p53 downregulation [118]. Liu et al. used a proteomic
reactor to analyze 12 colonic biopsies from 6 patients with colorectal cancer [81]. They
identified 2620 protein groups, of which 403 were differentially expressed in cancer tissues
compared with that in normal tissues. Three proteins (SOD3, PRELP, and NGAL) were
validated by Western blotting and could be potential tissue biomarkers for colorectal cancer.
From SCX proteomic reactor, Figey et al. developed SAX proteomic reactor combined with
SAX fractionation and identified ~1100 yeast proteins [24]. They also developed a 96-well
plate proteomic reactor for high-throughput applications [119].
SP3 protocol is based on the use of hydrophilic carboxylate-coated paramagnetic
beads [56]. Reduced and alkylated proteins are mixed with SP3 beads in a tube for
protein–bead binding. These beads are separated from the contaminants in the supernatant using a magnetic rack (Figure 2). Subsequently, the proteins are digested and the
resultant peptides are eluted. This method allows integration of protein and peptide enrichment, cleanup, digestion, and chemical isotope labeling in a single tube. However, the
disadvantages include bead clumping and aggregation [120].
Blankenburg et al. applied the SP3 protocol for proteomic profiling of S. aureus,
Streptococcus suis, and Legionella pneumophila [121]. The authors identified ~1470, 1150,
and 1570 proteins from 5 million S. aureus, S. suis, and L. pneumophila cells, respectively,
which are higher than the results obtained by ISD. Paulo et al. combined SP3 with TMT
labeling for the proteomic profiling of two yeast species [122]. They quantified 4756 and
4429 proteins, which covered 79% and 86% proteins in the search databases of Saccharomyces
cerevisiae and Schizosaccharomyces pombe, respectively. In a recent study, SP3 was used to
analyze gastric tissues of 40 patients with gastric cancer [123]. Patients were divided into
those with or without diabetes mellitus type 2. The authors identified ~6600 protein groups,
of which 37 were differentially expressed in the diabetic cohort.
Based on the SP3 protocol, Webb et al. developed a universal solid-phase protein
preparation (USP3) method for bottom-up and top-down proteomics [124]. The modifications of USP3 are the use of TCEP and CAA for simultaneous reduction and alkylation,
as well as TFA to hydrolyze DNA and RNA. The advantages of this USP3 method for
bottom-up proteomics are its rapid performance, scalability, high throughput, high sample
handling efficiency, and low number of modification artifacts. It can also be applied to
top-down proteomics [124].
The SP3 protocol has been automated in a 96-well format (AutoSP3) using a liquidhandling robot [125]. It reduced the sample processing time and increased the reproducibility of protein quantification. AutoSP3 identified ~1000 proteins from HeLa cell lysates (1 µg
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protein) and 459 proteins from 100 HeLa cells. Furthermore, it identified approximately
3600 proteins when analyzing a cohort of 51 clinical formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded
(FFPE) pulmonary adenocarcinoma samples, AutoSP3. From the proteomic data, these
51 samples were grouped into 5 clusters corresponding to known histological growth
patterns. The lepidic tissues were separated from other groups and contained 167 DEPs
that could be used in further studies.
In addition to SCX and HILIC beads, RP beads have been used for protein entrapment
in proteomics. Clark et al. developed a C4 RP resin tip (C4-tip) to analyze the human
urine proteome [126]. The method identified >1000 protein groups in five samples (three
technical replicates and two TMT 10-plex sets) with high reproducibility (R > 0.9). Adding
30% acetonitrile to the digestion buffer effectively increased peptide recovery and reduced
the percentage of missed cleavage. This method demonstrates the applicability of RP beads
in protein digestion. However, further studies are needed to evaluate this.
3.1.4. Immobilized Enzymatic Digestion
Immobilized enzyme reactors (IMERs) are flow-through devices widely used in biological and chemical reactions. They have a high specific surface area, low reagent
consumption, and a fast reaction rate [127]. In these devices, enzymes are adsorbed, entrapped, or covalently bonded to nanostructured materials or solid supports without losing
their activity [128]. IMERs can process a small amount of protein (<1 µg) [129]. They can
be directly coupled to HPLC or LC–MS/MS systems; however, this task is challenging due
to the complexity of the instrumental setup.
Various IMERs have been developed for proteomic applications in the last two
decades [130,131]. For example, an IMER with a matrix of graphene oxide-modified
polymer microspheres has been developed for simultaneous protein digestion and 18 O
labeling [129]. It has been integrated online with 2-dimensional (2D) SCX–RPLC–MS/MS
for the quantitative analysis of hepatocarcinoma ascites syngeneic cells. The authors quantified approximately 2950 proteins and identified 69 DEPs in samples with high lymph node
metastasis rates. Qu et al. have developed an IMER that integrated hydrophilic interaction
chromatography, a strong cation exchange precolumn, and PNGase F IMERs for N-linked
glycosylation site profiling [132]. The authors applied this system to a soluble fraction
extracted from rat brains and identified 196 N-linked glycosylation sites and 120 unique
glycoproteins. Wei et al. developed an integrated microfluidic chip that combines reduction, alkylation, and on-chip trypsin IMERs [133]. Zhang et al. integrated IMERs, isotope
dimethyl labeling (on a C18 precolumn), and two-dimensional peptide separation [134].
3.1.5. Suspension-Trapping Method
S-Trap has gained much interest in proteomics since its development in 2014 by
Zougman et al. [55]. The S-Trap tip comprises a quartz or borosilicate glass depth filter for
protein trapping and an RP membrane compartment for peptide cleanup and fractionation.
After reduction and alkylation, a binding buffer containing 90% methanol is used to
precipitate proteins into fine suspensions stabilized by SDS [135]. The protein particulates
are captured in the filter, whereas the detergents and other contaminants are separated
(Figure 2). Finally, the digested peptides are cleaned up using the same tip and ready
for LC–MS/MS analysis. Unlike FASP, which requires a long centrifugation time, each
spinning step in the S-Trap protocol requires only 1 min, resulting in a total processing time
of 20–30 min [55].
S-Trap devices, including microspin columns for <50 µg of protein, mini spin columns
for <300 µg of protein, and 96-well plates, have been commercialized by ProtiFi [115].
In 2020, Zougman et al. modified S-Trap by replacing SDS with ammonium acetate or
ammonium hydroxide [136]. After the proteins are trapped in the filters, detergent- and reduction/alkylation reagent-free flow-through samples containing small molecules suitable
for metabolite profiling are collected. Therefore, this modified method is a simultaneous
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trapping (Si-Trap) method that integrates proteomics and metabolomics in the same sample
extract. This method has identified 2655 proteins and 59 metabolites in renal tumor samples.
The performance of S-Trap and other protocols (such as ISD, FASP, and SP3) has been
compared in some studies. For example, Miriam et al. analyzed the Klebsiella pneumoniae
proteome and identified similar numbers of proteins (~1100) and peptides (~6300) using
FASP and S-Trap [115]. The MStern method identified less proteins (<1000) and peptides
(~6000) and had a high percentage of miscleavage. In Spongospora subterranea, S-Trap
identified ~14- and ~10-fold higher numbers of peptides and proteins than SP3, respectively [137]. When characterizing the gut microbiota in mouse feces, S-Trap identified more
protein and peptide with higher overlap in protein identification among three replicates,
and had better reproducibility than FASP and SP3 [138]. Other studies have revealed that
SP3 performs better than S-Trap in terms of peptide and protein identification, digestion
efficiency, repeatability, and handling time [139,140].
The S-Trap method was used to analyze HEK 93 cells. The authors identified 4341
proteins, of which 243 were differentially expressed in methylmalonyl-CoA mutase enzymeknockout HEK 293 cells as compared with those in HEK 293 wild-type cells [141]. Wojtkiewicz et al. used S-Trap to analyze human heart tissues, and identified ~4200 protein
groups without fractionation and ~7000 protein groups with 10 high-pH RP fractions
from 50 mg tissue [142]. S-Trap was used to analyze 36 sputum samples associated with
Mycobacterium tuberculosis [115]. The authors identified 2465 human proteins and >400
microbial proteins, of which 49 were potential biomarkers for distinguishing patients from
healthy participants.
3.1.6. On-Slide Digestion
On-slide tissue digestion is a straightforward method used in matrix-assisted laser
desorption/ionization imaging mass spectrometry (MALDI IMS) to analyze FFPE or fresh
frozen tissue slides [143]. FFPE tissue sections are washed with xylene and ethanol to
remove paraffin, rehydrated using a series of ethanol washes, and subjected to antigen
retrieval in Tris−HCl (pH 8.0, 95 ◦ C, 20 min). Fresh frozen tissue sections are subjected to
serial ethanol washes to remove any contaminants. Tissue slides are reduced, alkylated, and
digested by adding reagents [144]. A modified protocol has been reported for simultaneous
glycomic and proteomic profiling of tissue sections [143]. From a 1.8 mm-diameter rat brain
fresh frozen tissue section, the authors identified ~1200 proteins, 50 N-glycan compositions,
14 heparan sulfate disaccharides, and 11 chondroitin sulfate disaccharides.
3.1.7. Enzymes for Digestion
Various enzymes, such as trypsin, Lys-C, Lys-N, Glu-C, Asp-N, and chymotrypsin, are
used to digest proteins. Among them, trypsin is the most commonly used enzyme [145]. By
cutting the polypeptide backbone on the C-terminal side of lysine and arginine, which are
frequently present in proteins, trypsin digestion usually produces peptides with a positive
charge of +2 or +3 and an ideal m/z for LC-MS/MS analysis [146]. Other enzymes target
different amino acid residues. For example, Lys-C and Lys-N cut the polypeptide backbone
on the C- and N-terminal sides of lysine, respectively. Glu-C and Asp-N target aspartic
acid. Chymotrypsin targets hydrophobic amino acids, such as phenylalanine, tyrosine, and
tryptophan [147].
3.1.8. Enrichment of Post-Translational Modifications
PTMs are the covalent addition of functional groups to proteins after protein synthesis [148]. They can occur on the amino acid side chains or at the C- or N-termini of
proteins. More than 400 types of PTMs have been identified, which alter the structure
and functions of proteins and generate highly diversified and expanded proteomes. The
most common PTMs are phosphorylation, acetylation, ubiquitination, methylation, and
glycosylation [149]. These PTMs have been investigated using proteomics with specific
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PTM enrichment techniques [150]. In this part, we briefly mention some typical enrichment
methods for phosphorylation, N-glycosylation, and acetylation.
Phosphorylation is the reversible addition of a phosphate group on serine, threonine, or tyrosine residues of proteins mediated by more than 800 protein kinases. It is
considered the most common PTM in eukaryotic cells, which occur in ~30% of the whole
proteome [151]. Typical methods for phosphorylation enrichment include immobilized
metal affinity chromatography (IMAC), metal oxide affinity chromatography (MOAC),
and polymer-based metal ion affinity capture (PolyMAC). They have been comprehensively discussed in some previous articles [152,153]. Zhuo et al. performed Ti4+ -IMAC and
SCX-HILIC fractionation for phosphoproteomic analysis of human cancer HeLa and K562
cells [35]. The authors identified 22,148 unique phosphopeptides and 4708 unique phosphoproteins in K562 cells from 3 mg K562 cell lysate and 11,980 unique phosphopeptides
and 3424 phosphoproteins from 500 µg HeLa cell lysate.
N-glycosylation is the attachment of an oligosaccharide (glycan) to an amide nitrogen of an Asn residue in the sequence asparagine-X-serine/threonine, where X is any
amino acid except proline. Typical N-glycosylation enrichment techniques are based on
hydrazide, boronic acid, and lectin [154]. In the hydrazide-based technique, dialdehyde
groups derived from the glycan moiety of glycoproteins or glycopeptides bind to the
bead-immobilized hydrazide group [155]. Boronic acid can selectively bind to monosaccharides on glycan moieties that contain cis-diols. Therefore, boronic acid has been used for
N-glycosylation enrichment in proteomics, such as immobilized–boronic acid (on magnetic
beads) [156], on-plate boronic acid-modified gold nanoparticles [157], and boronate affinity
monolithic columns [158]. A variety of lectins have been used to capture glycoproteins and
glycopeptides. Each lectin can enrich glycoproteins and glycopeptides containing a specific
glycan structure. Lectin-based N-glycosylation enrichment includes lectin affinity chromatography [159], lectin magnetic beads [160], and on-membrane lectin [161]. Mann et al.
have developed a FASP-based N-linked glycopeptide capture method (N-glyco–FASP)
to efficiently map the N-glycosylation sites of proteins [161]. They used lectins to enrich
N-glycopeptides and PNGase F to deglycosylate the enriched N-glycopeptides. Mann et al.
later described multiple enzymes for sample digestion with FASP (MED-FASP), which
increased the identification of peptides, proteins, and PTM sites [162].
Acetylation is the addition of an acetyl group to the N-terminal peptide residue or
the -NH2 of lysine. The N-terminal acetylation occurs in up to 80% of the cellular proteins
and is considered one of the most frequent PTMs in eukaryotes [163]. Acetylation of the
-NH2 of lysine residues involves some physiological processes, such as protein subcellular
localization, protein–protein interactions, cell cycle, splicing, and nuclear transport [150].
Enrichment of acetylation is usually performed using an antibody-based method.
3.2. Peptide Purification
Peptide purification (or desalting) is typically performed using RP solid-phase extraction (SPE). Organic solvents (such as methanol) are used to condition a C18 SPE cartridge,
followed by an equilibrium step using water acidified with 0.1% formic acid or trifluoroacetic acid [164]. Peptide mixtures are loaded into the cartridge and trapped by C18 RP
beads, whereas contaminants are washed with washing solutions (water acidified with
0.1% formic acid or trifluoroacetic acid). Finally, the peptides are eluted with elution solutions (e.g., acetonitrile: water (8:2) acidified with 0.1% formic acid) and subsequently
dried [165,166].
3.3. Peptide Fractionation
Peptide fractionation is performed to reduce the complexity of the peptide mixtures.
Different types of fractionation have been reported, including size-exclusion chromatography [26], SCX [167], SAX [168], and middle- and high-pH RP LC [36]. These are orthogonal
LC to the final low-pH RP LC step. RP LC separates peptides with respect to their hydrophobicity into long carbon chain resins [50], whereas SCX and SAX are based on the ionic
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properties of peptides [48,49]. Low-pH RP LC can also be used for peptide fractionation
using C18 RP LC with heptafluorobutyric acid as the ion-pairing modifier. High-pH RP LC
fractionation has been widely used in proteomic studies. Its elution solutions are generally
acetonitrile and ammonium formate (pH 10.0) [36]. SCX fractionation is performed using
elution solutions composed of water (0.1% formic acid) and 890 mM ammonium acetate
solution (pH = 2.88) [167].
Peptide fractionation can be performed using two consecutive LC for in-depth proteomic profiling. For example, from 30 SCX-RP fractions, Betancourt et al. identified
5051 proteins from 29,843 peptides in mouse embryonic fibroblasts [169]. Spicer et al. identified >14,000 proteins from 126 RP–RP fractions in Jurkat cells [36]. Xu et al. developed
high-pH RP LC using a polystyrene–divinylbenzene bead-packed solid-phase extraction
column and then performed online SCX–RP 2D-LC–MS/MS analysis, which identified
>2700 proteins from 36 RP-SCX fractions in hepatocellular carcinoma and normal liver
tissues [170].
4. Integration of Protein Digestion, Peptide Clean-Up, and Fractionation
Integration of protein digestion, peptide clean-up, and fractionation in the same device
is a promising approach to reduce sample loss and time [171]. These devices also process
samples with low protein content. The primary principle of these devices is to combine
different materials (such as C18, SCX, and SAX) in the same device and use appropriate
solvents to perform all sample processing steps.
In some devices, C18 is used as the membrane for digestion. Mann et al. introduced
stop-and-go extraction tips (StageTips) for multidimensional fractionation and desalting of
peptides in 2006–2007 [172,173]. These devices were used to develop an in-StageTip (iST)
method for integrating lysis, reduction, alkylation, protein digestion, peptide clean-up, and
fractionation in the same device [99]. The iST devices consist of an enclosed tip stacked
with a C18 membrane as a filter and optional SCX or SAX disks for fractionation. In the
device reaction chamber, cell lysis, reduction, and alkylation are performed in one step,
followed by protein digestion. An iST device packed with C18 and SCX disks allows
in-device sample cleanup and SCX peptide fractionation. When applying the iST–SCX
method, the authors identified 9667 proteins in six SCX fractions of HeLa cells with high
reproducibility (R2 > 0.96) by label-free quantification [99]. The authors also developed an
in-house iST 96-well device for high-throughput sample processing [99]. However, proteins
can non-reversibly bind to the C18 materials in these iST devices, resulting in sample loss.
These iST devices have been used in several studies. Adahi et al. applied C18-SCX
StageTip with acid- and salt-based elution methods and identified >22,000 phosphopeptides
in 7 SCX fractions from HeLa cells [174]. Similar to SP3, the iST method is suitable for
low amounts of starting protein. Sielaff et al. found that iST, SP3, and FASP performed
similarly when processing 20 µg HeLa cell lysate (concerning the number of protein
identifications and reproducibility) [106]. However, when the sample amount was reduced,
the performance of FASP decreased, whereas SP3 and iST showed similar proteomic
coverage. From samples of 25,000 immune cells, the number of proteins identified using
SP3 was the highest (3152), followed by that using iST (2343) and FASP (109). Geyer et al.
used the iST protocol in a 96-well device to process capillary blood plasma samples [175].
Plasma was depleted before performing the iST protocol. From 1 µL plasma, sample
preparation took <2 h for denaturation, reduction, alkylation, short enzymatic digestion
(1 h), and peptide clean-up. In a 20 min LC–MS/MS run, the authors identified 347 protein
groups with high reproducibility (R2 =0.994) for 15 technical replicates.
A device similar to StageTip which combines micro-FASP and C18 microreactors in a
single device, has recently been developed by Zhang et al. [176]. Digestion was performed
in a C18 microreactor, whereas high-pH RP fractionation was performed using a C18
membrane. The authors identified ~4700 protein groups from 1 µg K562 cell lysate using
this device.
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In other devices, protein digestion is performed using SCX, SAX, or mixed SCX–SAX
materials. For example, Tian et al. developed a rare cell proteomic reactor (RCPR) in
2011 to integrate protein preconcentration, contaminant removal, reduction, alkylation,
and digestion in a capillary [177]. Cells were loaded onto an SCX monolith column for
reduction, alkylation, and digestion. The column was then connected to a C18 RP column
for online 2D LC–MS/MS analysis. Recently, Yang et al. have developed a three-frit mixedmode RCPR that integrates protein preconcentration, reduction, alkylation, digestion, and
peptide clean-up [178]. They identified ~3900, 3000, and 950 protein groups in 500, 100,
and 10 cells, respectively, and ~2000–2600 protein groups in 500 mouse cochlear hair cells.
Chen et al. have developed a SISPROT device consisting of SCX beads and a C18 disk
in a pipette tip [23]. This device integrates protein preconcentration, reduction, alkylation,
digestion, and high pH RP peptide fractionation. Using this device, the authors identified
1709 and 717 proteins from 5000 and 2000 HEK 293 cells, respectively, within 1.4 h of MS
without fractionation. In addition, the device identified 4293, 5304, and 6111 proteins
from 20,000, 50,000, and 100,000 HEK 293 cells, respectively, with 5 high-pH RP fractions.
Lin et al. used this device to process 1 µL serum without depletion and fractionation
and identified >300 proteins within 50 min of MS using data-independent acquisition
analysis [179].
Later, they developed SISPROT combining 3D peptide fractionation (3D-SISPROT) [34].
The device was similar to the SISPROT, except that SCX was replaced with SAX. Protein
digestion was performed on a SAX disk, followed by SAX fractionation and high-pH RP
fractionation. This 3D-SISPROT device was used to generate 3 SAX fractions using 3 buffer
solutions at pH 12, 6, and 2. Subsequently, the peptides in these SAX fractions were further
fractionated into five, three, and three high-pH RP fractions, respectively. As a result, the
authors identified >8000 proteins from 11 high-pH RP fractions with a starting amount of
30 µg HEK 293 cell lysate. Subsequently, they developed a mixed-mode SISPROT using a
1:1 SCX and SAX beads [32]. From 1 mL serum, they generated 4 mixed-mode SCX–SAX
fractions and 12 mixed-mode high-pH RP fractions and identified 862 proteins within 12 h
of MS. They have also developed SISPROT–Ti4+ -IMAC enrichment for phosphoproteome
profiling [180] and Glyco–SISPROT for glycoproteome profiling [181].
5. Authors’ Outlook and Concluding Remarks
Sample preparation is the most crucial stage of a proteomic study, yet it can be timeconsuming, labor-intensive, and error-prone [50]. Many methods, including on-membrane
digestion (MStern, FASP, and fa-SPEED), bead-based digestion (proteomic reactor, SP3,
and C4-tip), IMERs, S-Trap, and on-slide digestion, have been developed to replace ISD to
reduce time, increase throughput, improve reproducibility, and integrate different steps in
the process. The primary features of these methods are summarized in Table 1.
Among these methods, FASP has been the gold standard over the past decade [54,102].
However, it requires a long centrifugation time for each step and shows reduced performance at low protein amounts [106]. FASP cannot be integrated with downstream peptide
cleanup and fractionation. The filter membrane of the FASP spin device can be damaged
during a long centrifugation time [115]. Micro-FASP [112] and µFASP [103] have been
developed to make this method applicable to samples with <1 µg protein. In addition,
fa-SPEED can reduce the total hands-on time to 22 min by using a 0.2 µm spin filter [101].
Alternatively, S-Trap and SP3 have been used in many studies to replace the FASP. Their
performance is comparable to or better than FASP performance [115,138].
In addition, many devices and methods have been developed to integrate the multiple
steps of the sample preparation process (such as reduction, alkylation, digestion, and
desalting) and peptide fractionation. SISPROT [23,32,34] and iST [99,106] have successfully integrated all the sample preparation steps in a single device. They considerably
minimize sample loss and reduce the initial amount of protein. They are also applicable
for deep proteome profiling with integration of peptide fractionation in the same device.
Some sample preparation methods are compatible with automated sample preparation
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performed by liquid-handling workstations, such as FASP [109], S-Trap [115], SP3 [125],
and iST [99,106]. They are applicable to high-throughput proteomics, particularly clinical
proteomic studies, and have high precision and reproducibility. In addition, some methods,
such as microFASP [112], µFASP [113], SP3 [56,121], S-Trap [55,115], SISPROT [23,32,34],
and IMERs [127,128], are applicable to samples with low protein.
We expect that more technologies will be developed in the future. They may focus
on three primary goals: (i) increasing the precision and reproducibility of the sample
preparation process; (ii) integrating multiple steps of the sample preparation process and
peptide fractionation, thereby reducing sample loss caused by manual transfer steps; and
(iii) fully automating the sample preparation process for clinical studies. Advances in recent
years have formed the basis for the future development of sample preparation processes
in proteomics.
Table 1. Features of different protein digestion methods.
Urea-based ISD
Proteins are not separated from contaminants during reduction,
alkylation, and digestion; not applicable for
detergent-containing samples; sample loss; large starting
amount (>100 µg protein); long digestion time; low throughput
and reproducibility
Use cyclodextrin to remove SDS before digestion
Simultaneous lysis,
reduction, and alkylation
Use TCEP and CAA; reduce time and sample loss
Use pure TFA to dissolve cells and tissues without strong
detergent; use tris(hydroxymethyl)-aminomethane to neutralize
sample and precipitate proteins; reduce time and sample loss
Use polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis to separate proteins;
cut, digest, and analyze gel spots separately; low throughput
and reproducibility
Use a membrane (3000 or 10,000 Da) to separate proteins from
detergents and contaminants; on-membrane digestion; tolerant
to strong detergent; long centrifugal time; reduced performance
with samples of low protein amount (<20 µg)
Use lectins to enrich and PNGase F to deglycosylate
Use multiple enzymes for digestion
Combine FASP with TMT or iTRAQ
Use 0.2% deoxycholic acid instead of urea; increase efficiency of
trypsin digestion
Express eFASP
Use TCEP and 4-vinylpyridine for simultaneous reduction
and alkylation
Use a filter with surface area of ∼0.1 mm2 to process low
amount samples; applicable to samples of 100 cells or
1 µg protein
Use 96-well plates with small filter area (∼0.8 mm2 ) to process
low amount samples; applicable to samples of 0.4 µg protein
Use a membrane with 0.45 µm pore size to reduce processing
time; high number of missed cleaved proteins
Use pure TFA (similar to SPEED); use acetone to facilitate the
protein aggregation; use 0.2 µm spin filter to reduce
centrifugation time; quick hands-on time (~22 min,
excluding digestion)
In-gel digestion
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Table 1. Cont.
Proteomic reactor
Use SCX or SAX beads to bind proteins; all steps are performed
in a small volume (~50 nL) of a capillary; applicable to samples
of low protein amount (<10 µg)
Use hydrophilic carboxylate-coated paramagnetic beads to bind
proteins; use a magnetic rack to separate proteins from
contaminants; applicable to low protein amount (~100 ng); bead
clumping and aggregation
Use TFA to hydrolyze DNA and RNA; use TCEP and CAA;
reduce time
Use C4 RP resin tip to entrap proteins; use 30% acetonitrile in
digestion buffer to increase peptide recovery and reduce missed
cleavage percentage
Flow-through devices contain entrapped enzymes; less reagent
consumption; fast reaction rate; applicable to low protein
amount (<1 µg); integration with fractionation and LC-MS/MS;
complex instrumental setups
Use methanol to precipitate proteins; use a quartz or
borosilicate glass depth filter to trap proteins; quick centrifugal
time (~1 min per step, total process time ~20–30 min);
integration with RP fractionation
On-slide digestion
Applicable to FFPE and fresh frozen tissue slides; suitable for
Combine C18 membrane (filter) and SCX or SAX disks
(fractionation); all steps are performed in a device; sample loss
due to C18 material-protein binding; applicable to low protein
amount (~1 µg)
Combine micro-FASP and C18 microreactor (sample
preparation and fractionation); chemical solution volumes
~5 µL
Use SCX column for cell loading, protein reduction, alkylation,
and digestion; combine the SCX column and a C18 RP column
for 2D-LC
Integrate SCX or SAX or SCX+SAX beads with C18 disks in a
pipet tip for digestion and fractionation (1 or 2 dimensions);
applicable to low protein amount (~1 µL serum)
2D, 2-dimensional; CAA, 2-chloroacetamide; eFASP, enhanced filter-aided sample preparation; fa-SPEED, FASP by
easy extraction and digestion; FFPE, formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded; iFASP, isobaric labeling with FASP; IMERs,
immobilized enzyme reactors; ISD, in-solution digestion; iST, in-StageTip; LC–MS/MS, liquid chromatography–
tandem mass spectrometry; MALDI IMS, matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization imaging mass spectrometry;
MED-FASP, multiple enzyme digestion with FASP; RCPR, rare cell proteomic reactor; RP, reserved-phase; SAX,
strong anion exchange chromatography; SCASP, sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)–cyclodextrin-assisted sample
preparation; SCX, strong cation exchange chromatography; SP3, single-pot solid-phase-enhanced sample preparation; SPEED, sample preparation by easy extraction and digestion; TCEP, tris(2-carboxyethyl)phosphine; TFA,
trifluoroacetic acid; TMT, tandem mass tag; iTRAQ, isobaric tag for relative and absolute quantitation; USP3,
universal solid-phase protein preparation.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, V.-A.D. and H.L.; writing—original draft preparation,
V.-A.D.; writing—review and editing, H.L.; visualization, V.-A.D.; project administration, H.L.;
funding acquisition, H.L. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This work was funded by National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)
(No. 2017M3D9A1073784) and Korea Evaluation Institute Of Industrial Technology (KEIT)
(No. 20018578).
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
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Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest. The funders had no role in the design
of the study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript; or
in the decision to publish the results.
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