Review Article
Contemporary issues in precocious puberty
Anurag Bajpai, P. S. N Menon1
Department of Pediatric Endocrinology, Regency Hospital Limited, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India, 1Department of Pediatrics, Jaber Al-Ahmed
Armed Forces Hospital, Kuwait
Precocious puberty poses significant diagnostic and therapeutic challenge to the physician. Recent advances in the understanding of
pathophysiology of precocious puberty have resulted in improved management. Timely intervention is mandatory to achieve successful
outcome. The identification of critical role of KISS-1-kisspeptin-GPR54 system has gone a long way to provide an insight into pubertal
physiology. It is likely that the system would become an important diagnostic and therapeutic target in children with precocious puberty.
Epidemiological studies point toward earlier thelarche. This is, however, associated with slower progression as the age of menarche
is static. These changes have led to suggestions of lowering the age cutoffs for precocious puberty in girls. New developments in
assessment of precocious puberty including gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) agonist test have made characterization of
precocious puberty easier. Longstanding GnRH analogs have become the mainstay of treatment of gonadotropin-dependent precocious
puberty, while aromatase inhibitors and inhibitors of sex hormone action are increasingly being used in gonadotropin-independent
precocious puberty.
Key words: GnRH analog, precocious puberty, recent advances
Precocious puberty, premature development of secondary
sexual characteristics, represents a significant diagnostic,
psycho-social and therapeutic challenge for the physician.
Recent advances have enhanced the understanding of
pathophysiology and epidemiology of precocious puberty
and have translated into improved management. Timely
diagnosis and careful clinical assessment, however, remains
pivotal to successful management of the condition.
Contemporary Issues
The understanding of pubertal regulation has undergone
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a sea change with the discovery of the KISS-1-kisspeptinGPR54 system [Figure 1].[1] Before the identification of the
system, gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) secreting
neurons in the hypothalamus were considered the chief
regulator of pubertal onset. GnRH acts on anterior pituitary
to induce the secretion of gonadotropins, luteinizing
hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH),
which in turn stimulate sex steroid production by gonads.[2]
While this GnRH–gonadotropin–sex hormone model
explained most issues related with pubertal regulation,
some key questions remained unanswered. Firstly, the
mechanism of regulation of GnRH neurons via central
and peripheral regulators of pubertal onset was unclear.
Moreover, the mediator of effects of nutritional signals
on pubertal onset was not identified. These lacunae are
highlighted by the fact that no cause was identified in
over 90% children with hypogonadotropic hypogonadism
and 95% girls with gonadotropin-dependent precocious
Genome wide search in kindreds of patients with
hypogonadotropic hypogonadism revealed inactivating
mutation in the G protein-coupled receptor, GPR54, as
a cause of delayed puberty.[3] The ligand of this receptor
Corresponding Author: Dr. Anurag Bajpai, Department of Pediatric Endocrinology, Regency Hospital Limited, A2 Sarvodaya Nagar, Kanpur, Uttar
Pradesh, India. E-mail:
[email protected]
Indian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism / 2011 / Vol 15 / Supplement 3
Bajpai and Menon: Contemporary issues in precocious puberty
Central signals
GABA, NP–Y, Glutamate
Peripheral signals
Leptin, ghrelin
Figure 1: Hypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal axis. Kisspeptin is the key
regulator of the onset of puberty by stimulating gonadotropin secretion.
(Adapted from Bajpai A, Menon PSN, Regulation of puberty, In Essential
Endocrine Disorders, Eds- Desai M, Menon PSN, Bhatia VL, II Edition,
Orient Blackswan Publishers, Chennai, 2010)
was identified as kisspeptin, a peptide initially identified
as a metastasis suppressor agent.[4] Subsequently, KISS-1
neurons were identified in the arcuate and anteroventral
periventricular (AVPV) nucleus of the hypothalamus.
The expression of KISS-1 mRNA and GPR54 receptor
correlates with the onset of puberty.[5] The identification
of GPR54 receptors in the GnRH secreting neurons,
synapses of central regulatory neurons with kisspeptin
neurons and ghrelin and leptin receptors in KISS-1 neurons
confirmed the role of kisspeptin in pubertal regulation.[6,7]
The identification of activating GPR54 mutation as a cause
of precocious puberty has further strengthened the role of
kisspeptin in pubertal regulation.[8] The KISS-1-kisspeptinGPR54 system is thus the gatekeeper of puberty and central
to the regulation of pubertal onset and progression.[9]
This axis is a potent target for diagnostic and therapeutic
advances in precocious puberty.
Contemporary Issues
Conventionally, precocious puberty has been defined as the
onset of breast stage II development before the age of 8
years in girls and genital stage 2 development before 9 years
in boys.[10] The timing of onset of puberty in girls has been
decreasing all over the world.[11] This secular trend, first
recognized in the developed countries, has been noted in
developing countries as well.[12] This has been attributed to
improved nutrition and effects of environmental endocrine
disrupters. In a study conducted in a pediatric outpatient
setting in the United States, as many as 4.5% of girls
attained thelarche before the age of 7 years and 8% by
the age of 8 years.[13] However, the tempo of pubertal
progress is slower and the difference between thelarche and
menarche appears to have become longer. The mean age
at attainment of testicular volume of 4 mL in boys has not
changed significantly and is largely constant at 11.4 years.
These studies led to the recommendation by the Lawson
Wilkins Pediatric Endocrine Society to decrease the age
“cutoff ” for precocious puberty to thelarche before 7
years in White girls and to 6 years in African American
girls, whereas no change was suggested for boys.[14] The
applicability of these guidelines in Indian girls is unclear
in the absence of similar population-based data. Girls
born small for gestational age are predisposed to the
development of early puberty especially if they have rapid
catch-up growth during early childhood.[15]
Contemporary Issues
Precocious puberty represents increased sex hormone
production by the gonads either independently
[gonadotropin-independent precocious puberty (GIPP)]
or under the effect of gonadotropins (gonadotropindependent precocious puberty). [16] Most girls with
precocious puberty have gonadotropin-dependent etiology,
while GIPP is commoner in boys. Over 90% girls with
gonadotropin-dependent precocious puberty have no
identifiable neurological cause. The case is reverse in boys
who are more likely to have an underlying cause for central
precocious puberty [Figures 2 and 3]. Organic pathology is,
however, more likely in Indian children as highlighted by a
study where 16 out of 77 (20.8%) girls with gonadotropindependent precocious puberty had an organic pathology.[17]
Importantly, organic pathology was identified in as many
as seven girls with gonadotropin-dependent precocious
puberty presenting after the age of 6 years.
Contemporary Issues
The aim is to exclude a life-threatening disease and identify
the need for urgent management to prevent deleterious
effect on growth, reproduction and behavior. The key
questions to be addressed include the following.
Is this precocious puberty?
Confirmation of precocious puberty is mandatory to avoid
unnecessary investigations and treatment. A significant
proportion of children presenting with concerns of early
Indian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism / 2011 / Vol 15 / Supplement 3
Bajpai and Menon: Contemporary issues in precocious puberty
Precocious puberty
Incomplete variants
Premature thelarche
Premature adrenarche
Premature menarche
Gonadotropin independent
Estrogenic ovarian cyst
Estrogenic ovarian tumor
Estrogenic adrenal tumor
McCune Albright syndrome
Primary hypothyroidism
Precocious puberty
Complete precocious puberty
Testosterone cream
Gonadotropin dependent
Brain tumor
Hypothalamic hamartoma
Congenital anomaly
Arachnoid cyst
Cerebral dysgenesis
Neurological insult
Activating GPR54 mutation
Figure 2: Etiology of precocious puberty in girls
pubertal development represent physiological variations
that do not require treatment. The differentiation of
lipomastia from thelarche is particularly important in
obese girls. Inspection of vaginal mucosa is a reliable
indicator of estrogenic status, with red, glistening mucosa
suggesting pre-pubertal state and pale mucosa indicating
estrogen exposure. Bone age and uterine ultrasound are
vital in confirming the progressive nature of precocious
puberty. Tubular uterus with no visible endometrial stripe
is suggestive of pre-pubertal state, while pubertal state is
characterized by pear-shaped structure and endometrial
thickness greater than 3 mm. Estradiol levels above 10
pmol/L and testosterone levels in the pubertal range
are indicative of pubertal development in boys and girls,
Is this complete or incomplete precocious puberty?
This is particularly relevant in girls as incomplete variants
are common. Isolated thelarche is characterized by normal
growth, isolated FSH elevation with prepubertal LH levels,
age-appropriate skeletal maturation and small ovarian cysts
on ultrasound [Table 1].[18] Onset before 3 years of age
is frequently associated with regression over 1–3 years.
Later onset usually represents slowly progressive form of
precocious puberty. Isolated pubarche is a benign condition
requiring no treatment. The condition, however, needs to
be differentiated from other causes of androgen excess,
including non-classical congenital adrenal hyperplasia and
androgen producing adrenal or ovarian tumors [Table 2].
Isolated vaginal bleeding without significant breast development
Gonadotropin independent
Testicular source
Testicular tumor
Adrenal source
21 OH deficiency
11 OH deficiency
Adrenal tumor
Apparent LH excess
McCune Albright Syndrome
HCG producing tumor
Gonadotropin dependent
Brain tumor
Hypothalamic hamartoma
Congenital anomaly
Arachnoid cyst
Cerebral dysgenesis
CNS insult
Head Trauma
Radiation exposure
Figure 3: Etiology of precocious puberty in boys
Table 1: Comparison of isolated thelarche and atypical
Isolated thelarche
Atypical precocity
Bone age
Pelvic ultrasound
Usually before 2 years
High FSH, normal LH
None required
Usually after 2 years
High LH and FSH
Pubertal changes
GnRH analog
Table 2: Diagnostic assessment of a girl with isolated
Mildly elevated Low
Mildly elevated
Probable diagnosis
Premature pubarche
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
(measure 17-OHP)
Adrenal tumor (ultrasound)
Significantly elevated Ovarian tumor
DHEAS: Dehydroantrostenidione sulphate
is unlikely to be due to an endocrine cause and should
prompt evaluation for local pathology including infection,
foreign body, abuse and rarely tumors.
Is this gonadotropin-dependent or -independent
precocious puberty?
Testicular volume is the most important indicator for
etiology of precocious puberty in boys. Boys with
gonadotropin-dependent precocious puberty have
pubertal testicular volume (more than 4 mL), while prepubertal testicular volume is characteristic of GIPP. Boys
with isolated “apparent LH excess” [human chorionic
gonadotropin (HCG) secreting tumor, GIPP] have smaller
testes for the same pubertal status compared to those with
Indian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism / 2011 / Vol 15 / Supplement 3
Bajpai and Menon: Contemporary issues in precocious puberty
gonadotropin-dependent precocious puberty. Discordant
pubertal development (vaginal bleeding within 1 year
of breast development) indicates hyperestrogenic state
due to ovarian cysts, McCune Albright syndrome or
GnRH-stimulated gonadotropin level remains the gold
standard for differentiating gonadotropin-dependent
and -independent precocious puberty. The development
of third-generation assays for gonadotropin levels
has prompted the use of basal gonadotropin levels in
diagnosing gonadotropin-dependent precocious puberty.
LH is a better indicator of pubertal status compared to
FSH as it shows greater increase during puberty. Basal LH
of more than 0.6 IU/L and LH to FSH ratio of more than
1 are suggestive of gonadotropin-dependent precocious
puberty. Recently, basal LH levels greater than 0.1 IU/L
were shown to have sensitivity of 94% and specificity of
88% for gonadotropin dependent precocious puberty.[19]
The specificity was increased to 100% using a cutoff
of 0.3 IU/L although at the cost of lower sensitivity.
GnRH stimulation test is required if baseline gonadotropin
levels are inconclusive. Different protocols are available
for the test measuring 2–7 samples after injection of
intravenous or subcutaneous GnRH (100 g). Pubertal LH
levels (>5 U/L) and LH to FSH ratio of more than 0.9
are diagnostic of central precocious puberty.[20] Blunted
response is pathognomonic of peripheral precocious
puberty. The difficulties in procuring GnRH have led to
the development of GnRH agonist test in the assessment
of pubertal disorders. Recently, the test has been found
to have good diagnostic accuracy with the use of single
sample after administration of GnRH agonist, Triptorelin
(100 µg subcutaneously).[21] The role of allopregnenolone
and kisspeptin as markers of gonadotropin-dependent
precocious puberty remains speculative at the moment.[22,23]
Thyroid profile and ovarian and adrenal imaging should
be done in girls with GIPP [Figure 4]. In boys with prepubertal LH levels, imaging for adrenals and estimation of
17 hydroxyprogesterone (17-OHP) and 11 deoxyxortisol
(11-OHDOC) should be done [Figure 5]. Blood HCG
levels should be estimated if these investigations are noncontributory. Testotoxicosis should be considered in boys
presenting with peripheral precocity at an early age after
exclusion of adrenal pathology or HCG secreting tumor.
Contemporary Issues
The aims of management include treatment of the
Precocious puberty
Extent of pubertal development
Complete/ Thelarche
Bone age
Isolated pubarche
Exclude hypothyroidism
Slowly progressive variant
Isolated menarche
Local examination
Pelvic ultrasound
Low LH
GnRH stimulation test
Basal LH, FSH
Elevated LH
Gonadotropin independent
Ultrasound adrenal and ovary
Bone scan for fibrous dysplasia
Gonadotropin dependent
MRI head
Figure 4: Approach to a girl with precocious puberty
Precocious puberty
Assess extent, testicular size
Baseline LH, FSH
Is there a serious underlying cause for precocious puberty?
The main aim of evaluation of gonadotropin-dependent
precocious puberty is the identification of an underlying
organic etiology. High resolution magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI) of the hypothalamic–pituitary region is
desirable; however, computerized tomography scan may be
considered if MRI is not feasible. Currently, CNS imaging
in central precocious puberty (CPP) is recommended
in girls with the onset of pubertal changes before the
age of 6 years.[24] Studies have, however, indicated that
neurogenic etiology may be present in girls with pubertal
onset, between 6 and 8 years of age.[25] The need for CNS
imaging should therefore be individualized according to
the age at onset, rate of progression and neurological
features. CNS imaging is mandatory in boys with CPP
where the likelihood of organic pathology is very high.
Pre-pubertal LH
GnRH stimulation test
Adrenal imaging
ACTH test
Normal 17OHP
HCG levels
LH receptor study
Pubertal LH
Mass lesion
Adrenal tumor
MRI head
High 17OHP
HCG tumor
CT head, chest and abdomen
Figure 5: Approach to a boy with precocious puberty
Indian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism / 2011 / Vol 15 / Supplement 3
Bajpai and Menon: Contemporary issues in precocious puberty
underlying cause, attainment of target height and
amelioration of psychological distress. The major concern
is compromised final height due to advanced skeletal
maturation. Although these children appear tall for age,
the height for bone age is compromised. Height deficit in
untreated gonadotropin-dependent precocious puberty is
in the range of 8–12 cm in girls and 12–20 cm in boys.[26]
Increased risk of early intercourse, substance abuse and
worse academic achievement have been identified in a
subset of children with precocious puberty.[27]
T r e at m e n t o f G o n a d ot r o p i n Dependent Precocious Puberty
Efforts should be directed toward correction of the
underlying cause. Neurosurgery is indicated for CNS
tumors with the exception of hypothalamic hamartoma,
which is a benign condition. These treatments, however, do
not reverse the pubertal changes and endocrine intervention
is required in addition in most cases.
Medroxyprogesterone acteate
Medroxyprogesterone acetate (10 mg once a day) may
be used if treatment with GnRH analog is not feasible.
Importantly, the drug does not increase the growth
potential of the child. Injectable medroxyprogesterone
(50 mg monthly) is commonly used in girls with intellectual
disability and precocious puberty where auxological
concerns are minimal.[28]
(height standard deviation score for bone age less than −2)
and compromised final height (predicted height below the
target height range). GnRH analog may also be considered
for psycho-social reasons.
Intranasal GnRH analogs have been replaced by longacting
depot preparations. These agents have the advantage of
prolonged duration of action and need to be administered
monthly [Table 3]. Sustained release depot preparations of
gosorelin, triptorelin and leuprolide acetate have also been
developed, which can be administered after 3–6 months.[30]
Once-yearly implants of GnRH analog, histrelin, have
also become available in the United States and represent
a major advancement in management of the condition.[31]
Conventional protocol is to start with monthly injections
and assess adequacy of suppression after three doses.
If suppression has been achieved, 3-monthly injections
can be started with periodic assessment of adequacy of
suppression. The dose of leuprorelin required for gonadal
suppression is unclear, with higher doses employed in the
USA (7.5 mg monthly) compared to European countries
(3.75 mg monthly). This was addressed in a trial comparing
the effect of 7.5 mg leuprolide monthly against 11.25
mg and 22.5 mg 3-monthly in girls with gonadotropindependent precocious puberty.[32] The study demonstrated
that at 6 months, greatest suppression was observed in the
22.5 mg group, but the effects were similar at 1 year. Thus,
the initial use of higher-dose leuprolide may be worthwhile,
particularly in girls weighing more than 30 kg.
Cyproterone acetate
Cyproterone acetate is an anti-androgen with
antigonadotropic properties. It causes regression of
secondary sexual characteristics, but has no effect on the
prospects for height gain.[29]
Longacting GnRH analogs
GnRH analogs have been developed by chemical
modification of the GnRH molecule to ensure prolonged
receptor occupancy culminating in prolonged duration of
action. Continuous as against pulsatile GnRH exposure
desensitizes the pituitary, resulting in reduced gonadotropin
production and reversal of pubertal changes.
The decision for treatment should be individualized based
upon age at presentation and extent of growth acceleration.
The benefit of this therapy has been clearly demonstrated
in girls with onset of puberty before the age of 6 years and
those with significant bone age advancement and height
compromise. In girls presenting with precocious puberty
between the age of 6 and 8 years, GnRH analogs should be
considered in the presence of advanced skeletal maturation
Table 3: Comparison of GnRH analog preparations
Preparation Route
Frequency Brand
1 puff
60 µg/kg
300 µg/kg
900 µg/kg
3.6 mg
10.8 mg
Triptorelin 3.75 mg
Leupride depot
3.75 mg
Leupride depot
Zoladex 3.6 mg
Zoladex implant
IM: Intramuscular, SC: Subcutaneous
What is New in Precocious Puberty?
• KISS-1-Kisspeptin-GPR54 system is the key regulator of pubertal
• The age at thelarche is decreasing around the world.
• GnRH agonist test has emerged as a reliable test for hypothalamicpituitary-gonadal function.
• Longer acting GnRH analog depot preparations are effective in
gonadotropin dependent precocious puberty.
• Aromatase inhibitors, anti-androgens and selective estrogen
receptor modulators are effective in gonadotropin independent
precocious puberty.
Indian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism / 2011 / Vol 15 / Supplement 3
Bajpai and Menon: Contemporary issues in precocious puberty
Patients on GnRH analogs should be followed up 3-monthly
for pubertal status and growth parameters. Treatment is
expected to result in cessation of pubertal development,
but may not cause regression of all features. GnRH
analog treatment has no effect on pubic hair development
as it is controlled by adrenal androgens. Initial flare-up
following GnRH analog may result in advancement of
pubertal changes and rarely withdrawal of vaginal bleeding.
Cyproterone acetate or medroxyprogesterone acetate
may be combined with GnRH analog during the first 3
months of treatment to avoid the flare-up response. Good
compliance to GnRH analog is mandatory as delay in
treatment may result in resensitization of gonadotropes to
GnRH and may cause flare-up response with the next dose.
Adequacy of treatment is assessed by demonstration of prepubertal LH levels in response to GnRH stimulation test
performed 6-monthly (peak LH less than 2 IU/L).[33] Given
the difficulties in procuring native GnRH and the need for
separate intravenous injection, measurement of LH levels
after GnRH agonist injection has been evaluated. LH levels
below 6 IU/L, 2 hours after longacting GnRH agonist,
indicates adequate gonadal suppression.[34] Children with
inadequate gonadal suppression on 3-monthly injections
should be shifted to monthly injection. If the suppression
still remains inadequate, the frequency of injections should
be increased. Bone age should be obtained annually and
used for prediction of final height.
Discontinuation of treatment
GnRH analog should be continued till the age of 10
years in girls and 12 years in boys.[35] Discontinuation of
treatment results in gradual reappearance of secondary
sexual characters. Menarche is usually attained around
12–18 months following discontinuation of treatment.[36]
Effect of treatment
The efficacy of GnRH analog in improving the final height
is difficult to estimate. Most girls attain height in the target
height range with an increase over the projected height
at initiation of treatment by 8–12 cm.[37] In 87 girls with
idiopathic gonadotropin-dependent precocious puberty,
GnRH analog treatment for 3–8 years was associated with
adult height being 9.5 ± 4.6 cm higher than the predicted
adult height at the onset of treatment.[38] Similar findings
have been observed in an Indian study of 30 girls with
gonadotropin-dependent precocious puberty treated with
GnRH analog, triptorelin, where a height gain of 6.4 cm
compared to pre-treatment predicted adult height was
observed, after a mean treatment of 3.7 years.[39]
Adverse effects
GnRH analog treatment has been found to be safe in a
large number of subjects. The treatment is associated
with decrease in growth velocity, which may occasionally
drop down to pathologically low levels. It is important to
exclude growth hormone (GH) deficiency in girls who
show significant deceleration in growth following GnRH
treatment. GnRH analog treatment may theoretically cause
decreased bone mineral density due to decreased estradiol
levels. While this adverse effect has not been observed
in most studies,[40] calcium supplementation (1 g calcium
carbonate every day) should be given to all girls on GnRH
analog. There is no increased risk of polycystic ovarian
disease, obesity and compromised reproductive potential.
Future directions
Combination of GH and GnRH analog: GH has been used to
counter growth suppression induced by GnRH analog.[41]
While the role in children with underlying GH deficiency
is clear, the effect on GH sufficient children is modest.
Combination of oxandrolone and GnRH analog: Oxandrolone,
a non-aromatizable androgen, has been found to be an
effective alternative to GH in countering GnRH analog
associated growth deceleration.[42] This, however, needs
to be studied in detail before implementing in routine
clinical practice.
Combination of GnRH agonists and antagonists: GnRH analog
treatment is associated with flare-up in the pubertal
development in the initial phase due to agonist action.
This can result in enhanced bone age and vaginal bleeding.
Addition of GnRH antagonists to GnRH analog in the
initial phase has been tried to counter these effects. Studies
have shown that three doses of certorelix, a GnRH
antagonist, 72 hours apart administered with GnRH analog
are associated with reduced flare response as indicated by
urinary gonadotropin levels.[43] The implication of this in
routine clinical practice, however, remains unclear.
Gonadotropin-independent precocious puberty
Treatment of GIPP is directed toward correction of the
underlying cause and suppression of sex steroid production
or action.
McCune Albright syndrome
Main indication of treatment is reversal of pubertal changes
and compromised height. Treatment strategies include the
use of medroxyprogesterone acetate (10 mg once a day);
ketoconazole (400–600 mg/day in four divided doses) and
spironolactone (2–4 mg/kg/day). Testolactone (40 mg/kg/
day), an aromatase inhibitor, has been found to be effective
in reversing pubertal changes; the need for frequent dosing
limits its widespread use.[44] Third-generation aromatase
inhibitors such as letrozole and anastrazole have been
Indian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism / 2011 / Vol 15 / Supplement 3
Bajpai and Menon: Contemporary issues in precocious puberty
increasingly used in the condition.[45] Letrozole, but not
anastrazole, has been shown to be effective in controlling
bone age maturation and vaginal bleeding.[46] However, the
drug has been linked with rupture of ovarian cysts. Studies
on tamoxifen, a selective estrogen receptor modulator,
have also been encouraging.[47] GnRH analog treatment is
indicated in girls with triggered gonadotropin-dependent
precocious puberty.
Functional ovarian cyst
Most ovarian cysts regress spontaneously and do not
require surgical intervention. Patients with complex ovarian
cysts (size greater than 8 cm or multiseptate cysts) should
undergo estimation of tumor markers (beta-HCG and
alpha-fetoprotein) and laparotomy. Thyroid functions
should be assessed in all girls with ovarian cysts before
performing extensive investigations and surgery.[48]
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
Physiological glucocorticoid therapy is effective in retarding
the pubertal progress in boys with the condition. However,
diagnosis is often delayed in most patients, resulting in
triggered gonadotropin-dependent precocious puberty.
These children should be treated with GnRH analogs.
Combination of GnRH analog and growth hormone
treatment may be required in the presence of severely
compromised growth potential.[49,50]
Treatment with aromatase inhibitor, testolactone, and
ketoconazole has been disappointing. Combination of
anastrazole and anti-androgen biclutamide has recently
been shown to be effective.[51]
There have been tremendous advances in the understanding
of pathophysiology and therapeutics in precocious puberty.
It is likely that these advances will result in better patient
management and outcome of these patients in the near
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Cite this article as: Bajpai A, Menon PS. Contemporary issues in precocious
puberty. Indian J Endocr Metab 2011;15:172-9.
Source of Support: Nil, Conflict of Interest: None declared.
Indian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism / 2011 / Vol 15 / Supplement 3