W orking t he cont ract
Arrangements were made to dig the ren June of 1993, Allin Companies,
quired material late in the season to aca $2 million landscape company
company went into action to
based in Erie, Pa., was awarded the commodate the projected opening date.
Some plants were dug "at customer risk"
$75,000 landscape construction
fulfill a supermarket contract
bid for the Wegmans Food market, due to the time of year. Plant material was
through a rough winter. zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
scheduled to arrive in early November.
also in Erie. zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
A look at how an Erie, Pa.
The specs
Irrigation subbed
Allin Companies subbed out the irrigaF A I L S zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
The bid specs for the project stated that
tion portion of the project to Rain Makers,
the landscaping had to be completed by
a local company that has worked with
the opening date of March 1, with no exAllin before. By November 1, most of the
ceptions. Bids were due by October 18,
irrigation mainlines and lateral were in.
Rotor and sprinkler head pipes were
Allin received the project on October
out and taped off.
25. Owner John Allin realized that bad
Allin hauled 250 cubic yards of topsoil
weather was probably approaching. After a
from the site back to Allin Companies,
review of the blueprints, it was recommended that 44 poplar trees be substituted where it was stored inside one of the warehouses. Using a bulldozer, the soil was
with maple and ash. The site was exposed
stacked under the roof to keep it dry so
to heavy northwest winds and there was
some concern that thefragilepoplars could that it could be used later in the winter to
topdress bed areas.
possibly break off and damage customers'
Landscape installation work began on
site November 4. Five days later, a tremenWorking closely with Lake County
dous snowfall hit. By November 11, the
Nursery in Madison, Ohio, the plants and
The Wegmans project "was a classic examtrees were ordered and scheduled for deliv- Erie lake shore had 48 inches of snow and
55 plus at the Wegmans site. Installation
ple of everyone working together to get the
ery. Lake County supplied 90 percent of
work was stopped till November 18, with
job done," says John Allin. zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
the plant material needed for the project.
by J E N N I F E R
tion work. However the mums were scheduled for March 1 delivery.
Crews took the mums to a vacant company office, placed them on plastic and set
the room temperature at 65° F. The flowers were watered each day, and a window
was left open at night to simulate normal
fall conditions in the Erie area.
The weather worsened as March 16
neared. On the 14th, Allin Companies hydroseeded previously seeded areas so
everything would be green. The mums
were to be planted at 4 o'clock in the
morning on the 16th to be in before the 7
Allin employees found themselves planting viburnum and juniper one day, and shoveling
a.m. grand opening.
off the planter islands the next as they worked to meet the store's grand opening date. zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONM
On the 15th, the temperature hit 15° F,
and a hard snow began to fall. At 8 p.m. on
March 15th, Allin and Wegman officials
a foot of snow still on the ground. Snow re- opening. A grower was called, and several
decided not to plant the mums till Easter.
hundred mums were "forced" so they
moval work then began at the 95,000
would be in full bloom for the opening.
Instead of planting mums at 4 a.m., the
square foot site.
Allin crews salted the lot, touched up bark
Allin Companies told Wegmans that the
In early December, Allin Companies
mulch and removed plow stakes. Every
mums would last only a few days, but the
was also awarded the turfgrass installation
grass area not covered by snow was hyclient insisted on color for the opening.
portion of the contract. Taken away from
droseeded again. All planting was complete
Tim e f or t h e grassing
the site development contractor, the hyand on time.
By mid-January, most available areas
droseeding would need to be complete by
By mid-May, only two trees and six
were planted. A significant space near the
the March 1997 opening. The stored topbuilding was not ready for planting because plants had died from the weather.
soil back at the warehouse was definitely
President John Allin says the Wegmans
of the building construction.
going to be put to good use.
project was an exciting challenge, but he
Installation work progressed between
It was now time to begin the grass the
snowstorms throughout the winter. Allin
areas. Crews began the long process of rak- would prefer not to do many more winter
employees found themselves planting
ing the island areas to remove the large
viburnum and juniper one day, and shovel- pieces of frozen soil. At the same time,
"Because we could not predict the
ing off the planter islands the next.
crews were back at the warehouse breaking snowfalls we had to work around," says
Prot ect ion f or plant ers
down the stored pile of top soil. As the isAllin. "It was nerve racking and a logistical
lands became ready the dry pulverized unnightmare."
Working closely with the site civil engifrozen top soil was hauled to the site and
Allin Companies employees were glad
neer from Urban Engineers of Erie and
used to topdress the islands.
to be working, but conditions were cerWegmans, obstacles were met and overtainly not what most landscape contractors
come. Aside from the snow piled on the
As areas became ready for seeding, a
are used to.
planting islands, the main planters against
Bowie 900 gallon hydroseeder was used to
the building needed support and had to be
seed with a bluegrass and ryegrass mixture.
Allin credits the work of his site foreprepped so that freezing temperatures
The hydroseeder then had to be winter- man, Jerry Kunco, and the teamwork
would not damage the planters.
among the Wegmans personnel for the
ized for the cold nights and prepped again
of the project.
Planting areas had to be built in as soon
"It was a classic example of everyone
Weat h er delay
as possible. Trees had to be planted and
working together to get the job done," says
The winter conditions provided hardstaked before the ground froze. Ed Kris
Allin. The company has been asked to bid
ships for the landscape contractors, and also
from Lake County Nursery visited the site
on future Wegmans construction sites in
regularly throughout the winter to help
New York. •
grand opening date was pushed back to
Allin in properly protecting the plants and
March 16.
trees from the wind and snow.
Towards the end of the year, Wegmans
This was both good and bad news. The
requested flowers on-site for the grand
later date gave two more weeks for installa-