T h e
A g e
o f
E c o n o m i c
M e a s u r e m e n t
A n n u a l S u p p l e m e n t to Volume 33
of Political
Edited b y
Judy L.
and M a r y
K l e i n
M o r g a n
D u k e University Press
D u r h a m a n d L o n d o n 200,1
Making Measuring
M a r y S. M o r g a n
In the mid-nineteenth century, economists had many numbers but relatively few measurements; by the mid-twentieth century, they began to
take for granted that they had measurements for most of the phenomena
about which they theorized. This is the change that marks the impact
of the age of measurement, and my interest in this prespective essay is
to provide an understanding of what this change entailed. Out of many
different economists' individual practical measuring projects around the
late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, there emerged a number
of different kinds of measuring instruments, each carefully fashioned
for economics. By looking carefully at the materials collected in this
volume, we can discern that these instruments can be grouped according to the strategies or recipes that were followed in making such measuring instruments. As a historical development, first the instruments,
then the strategies, served to connect the ambitions of economists seeking accurate scientific measures of their world with the practically necessary, sometimes mundane, but never trivial tasks of data collection.
Correspondence may be addressed to Mary S. Morgan, Department of Economic History, London School of Economics, Houghton Street, London WC2 2AE, U.K.; e-mail:
[email protected]. My thanks go to all the members of and contributors to the measurement workshops at the University of Amsterdam and the London School of Economics over the
last few years and to the hard-working contributors to the HOPE workshop and this volume.
I thank particularly Marcel Boumans, Harro Maas, and Hasok Chang for guiding my thinking
about measurement issues. I acknowledge support from the British Academy for funding this
Mary S. Morgan
Both measuring instruments and measurement strategies are a consequence of the age of measurement, not a prerequisite for it.
Making measurements of economic entities requires instruments of a
certain kind. The second broad historical thesis suggested by the essays
in this volume is that the measuring instruments that economists built
in this period were also analytical devices. These instruments embodied
frameworks and techniques to turn observations into measurements and
to organize the empirical data into particular types of arrangements so
that economic phenomena might be arrayed before us. On one view, we
can see this as a historical process of establishing facts about phenomena, paralleling the epistemological interests of Bogen and Woodward
(1988).' On another view, this process can be seen, ultimately, as one
of creating new categories of phenomena, paralleling the historical interests of Theodore Porter ([1994] 1996). I begin in the former tradition
and will return to the latter interpretation.
Measuring Instruments
It is a conventional, and surely uncontested, claim that taking measurements requires instruments of measurement. From our childhood use of
fingers and rulers to the technicalities of clocks and Geiger counters, we
rely on tools to help us measure our world. Economics is no different, except perhaps in being relatively slow to develop such measuring instruments. The discipline did not develop such devices until the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, whereas there had been a dramatic
increase in the number and range of measuring devices in the natural
sciences in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries (Heilbron 1990).
Economists of the late nineteenth century wanted to measure all sorts
of things, from the close-up single choice of an individual to the aggregate price level changes in the economy as a whole. But they had few instruments that would allow them to do these things. Whereas some might
suppose that economic measurement is merely counting "what is there,"
a similarly naive view would have us think that x-ray machines merely
look through our flesh to reveal our bones. We don't see a macroeconomy, nor a consumer price index, nor an individual choice decision,
hence fashioning measuring instruments in economics has been, in part,
1. Within this framework, the problem of differentiating facts from artifacts, and the role
of measuring instruments in this process, are particularlyfinelytreated in Franklin 1986.
Making Measuring Instruments
a matter of developing ways of observing the economy. It is consistent
with this to note, from the history of science, that the design and use of
measuring instruments are often aligned to experimental investigations.2
Our analogy continues with the advanced medical scanners, instruments
of investigation that are designed and programmed to enable us to "see"
certain things inside us by picking them out in a particular way. The
ways in which the economic body is investigated and data are collected,
categorized, analyzed, reduced, and reassembled amount to a set of experimental interventions—not in the economic process itself, but rather
in the information collected from that process. Economic observations
must not only be registered but also converted into measurements, and
converted in ways which serve particular theoretical or empirical or bureaucratic purposes.
All this is to say that modern economics has rulers that are as complicated and as technical in design as those of modern medical science. Economic measurement requires counting and arithmetic on a grand scale
according to certain procedures. Of course, those procedures involve bureaucratic regimes, clerical workers, automated information systems,
and so forth. But they also require sets of instructions, provided, as Marcel Boumans (1999) has recently suggested, by certain mathematical
models, or parts of models, that we can think of as constituting measuring instruments in economics. Using this important insight here, we can
interpret the mathematical formulae, statistical formulae, and accounting rules, as well as the rules of data elicitation and manipulation, described in the essays in this volume in terms of measuring instruments.
The appropriateness of such a labeling lies in the fitness and fruitfulness
of the historical reinterpretations it prompts.
The terminology and concept of measuring instrument fit happily onto
the work of several late-nineteenth-century masters of measurement.
Marcel Boumans (this volume) uses his earlier insight to understand
Fisher's index number formulae; Harro Maas (this volume) shows how
William Stanley Jevons can be understood as using a "virtual balance";
and Franck Jovanovic and Philippe Le Gall (this volume) recount how
2. See for example, Chang 2001. Heilbron (1990, 6) suggests that the early scientific instruments can be labeled either as "measurers" (for example, the barometer) or as "explorers"
(such as the air pump) which "produced artificial phenomena for demonstration, investigation,
and measurement." This distinction might be difficult to maintain for instruments made by
economists in the age of economic measurement, where the relation between these aspects of
measuring instruments is very close.
Mary S. Morgan
instrument terminology was explicitly used by Lucien March to describe
his "business barometers." When such economists wanted to solve a new
measurement problem, they adapted, or fashioned anew, an instrument
to make those measurements. These measuring instruments can now be
grouped and typed according to certain general features. For example,
this is a period when many different index number formulae are developed, each one offering a differentiated measuring instrument for a
particular purpose. But we can also see that all index numbers follow a
generic recipe or strategy of "weighted averages." For another example:
we can understand how the umbrella strategy of "using causes to make
measurements" can describe the various ways Jevons used assumptions
about causes to make measurement possible, although the different ways
might be thought of as different measuring instruments. Once such instruments are forged, they tend to be taken for granted, and once strategies are recognized, they provide recipes for new instruments. Each individual instrument has its own history, but the sum total of the age of measurement is the emergence of strategies for making such instruments.
Strategies for Making Measurements
Using Causes to Bootstrap Measurements
One strategy of measurement is to pay attention to causes. Since the
1920s or 1930s, econometrics has focused its energy on building models to represent relations in the economy. It then uses these models to
establish which are the relevant causal factors and to measure the relevant strength of those factors in explaining certain economic phenomena
represented in the models. This approach relies both on techniques, developed only in the twentieth century, to measure causal relations in statistical data and on the already established measurements of the variables
in the relationships (see Morgan 1997). Econometricians practice a kind
of indirect measurement of the causal connections in relationships based
on their theoretical preferences and what are perceived, at best, as direct
measures (or at worst proxies for those) of the elements to be related.
But we find the role of causes was rather different in the measuring instruments of earlier times. Whereas twentieth-century econometricians
assume measurements to access causes, nineteenth-century economists
interested in measuring assumed causes to make measurements.
Making Measuring Instruments
The problem as understood from Mill's time had been how to deal
with multiple causes, some permanent and some accidental, and to pick
out the effects of single causes from the multitude. Though it appeared
possible in thought experiments to consider man as driven by a single
motive of wealth acquisition, attempts to isolate and make measurements
of single, even constant, causes in such circumstances were fraught with
difficulty. Simple averages, the main statistical technique of the day,
were thought to work on the assumption of many small disturbing causes
which cancel out in the average, as in measurement errors. Sometimes
these averages worked well, as in Jevons's measurement of the wear on
coins discussed by Sandra Peart (this volume). Other times, as in Jevons's
investigation of poverty, they were inappropriate—in such situations, often found in economics, each item involved in the aggregate is subject
to many causes, all of them valid, and none necessarily small or assumed to cancel. We can also see these difficulties of multiple causes
in Adam Smith's thinking about the value of money (in Kevin Hoover
and Michael Dowell's discussion in this volume) and in Jevons's work
on the same topic (as discussed by Hoover and Dowell, Peart, and Maas
all in this volume).
The solution used by Jevons in his study of gold can be interpreted
as assuming a cause (namely, variation in the supply of gold, which alters all prices equally) in order to bootstrap a measure of the change
in the value of gold money, whereas later economists might start from
measurements of money stock and prices and use these to measure the
parameter relating the two as a test of the quantity theory. Jevons assumed that there was a reciprocal relationship between the value of gold
money and the general level of prices, that the supply of gold would determine the general level of prices, and that other causes of individual
price changes reflected in the data on individual prices were independent and would cancel out. He could then interpret the average change
as attributable to variations in gold supply and thus provide a measure
of the change in the value of gold: the assumptions about causes provided the basis for the measurement of the element of interest, namely,
the change in the value of gold.
The kind of circularity inherent here, that of inferring a quantity on
the basis of assuming a lawlike relation, is found in many fields, and
need not necessarily be dismissed on the basis of its circularity, for as
Chang (1995) argues, such circularity can be fruitful in concept building
and inferences may mesh with other measurements obtained elsewhere.
Mary S. Morgan
The circularity would only become dangerous if Jevons's measure of the
change in the value of gold was then followed by the kind of work undertaken in modern econometric practice in which such a measurement
is used in a test of the quantity theory. It is to Fisher's credit that his
work on this problem in the early twentieth century steered away from
this measurement circularity in two connected steps: first, he represented
the relation between money and prices in an equation of exchange which
incorporated two other elements, velocity and trade; and second, he constructed independent measurements of all four elements in the equation.
Nevertheless, using causal assumptions to measure money changes
remained fraught during the period from Jevons through the twentieth
century. Thomas Humphrey's analysis (this volume) of the 1920s debate
between Federal Reserve Board economists, who believed in the real
bills doctrine of money, and the quantity theorists shows how intimately
causes, concept definitions, and measurement structures (including the
rules of the institution) are all bound together. The inextricable mixture
of definitional questions and the use of causal claims with measurements
represented in this episode might be considered common for the period
between Jevons's usage of causes in constructing measurements and the
methods generally accepted after the 1940s for establishing causal relations (assuming existing measurements of variables) which came with
Adding with Weights to Make Index Numbers
Index number formulae conceived as measuring instruments are based
on the strategy of aggregating in a way that allows each individual element to be assigned its due weight in the whole. Such a "weighted average" strategy provides a solution to a general problem in economics,
namely that many concepts refer to aggregates of things which may be
considered homogeneous in the dimension of prices or money value, but
are nonhomogeneous in another dimension, namely amounts consumed
or produced. The solution is to use weights to overcome the problem
of how to average in a manner that takes account of both amounts and
The weighted averaging strategy of measurement that forms the basis
of index numbers was developed in the late nineteenth century and became well accepted by the early twentieth century, although the problem
Making Measuring Instruments
of designing good index numbers is far from trivial and vibrant arguments remain over which particular design should be used in which circumstance. For example, the arguments recounted by Spencer Banzhaf
(this volume) are concerned with the problem of taking into account a
third dimension, namely quality, alongside quantity in the price index.
In his account we see arguments from microeconomic theorists that index numbers should measure constant utility equivalents and complaints
from aggrieved consumers (during times of price rises) that official indices did not measure price changes accurately because of hidden quality
changes. The hopes of both groups were defeated by the practical problems about how to weight items to take account of quality changes—
despite the advice of academics on committees of inquiry and the willingness of bureaucrats, who collect the data and construct the measurements, to take these problems seriously.
Measurement strategies, and the particular measuring instruments
they spawn, often have an inherent design tension between satisfying
consistency requirements and providing a measure of a concept that coheres with features of the empirical world. Instruments often embody
both theoretical and empirical requirements in their design, creating two
forms of internal consistency which ought to be met. Both these may
place strain on the design and use of the instrument, a strain exacerbated
by the desire for coherence. For example, it is well known that there is
no perfect index number, just a very large set of possible ones. Some
satisfy particular criteria from economic theory, others satisfy criteria
which come from data rules. But the instrument design also needs to mediate between these two levels if it is to provide coherent measurements
that link the empirical to the theoretical levels.
Boumans's detailed examination of Fisher's work (this volume) shows
how, during his work on index number design, Fisher moved from a design focus on theoretical consistency, regarded as mathematical features
of the index formulae, to a realization that since index numbers could
not meet all such criteria at once, his tests would be better interpreted
as ones of coherence—how well a particular index number captured the
relevant theoretical concept in a way that minimized distortion of the
aspect of the empirical world being measured. As Roy Weintraub (this
volume) reminds us, mathematics connects to the other sciences in different ways as its image changes. The mathematical virtues of truth and
exactness might sometimes be connected with measurement virtues of
accuracy and precision, while at other times they might cut loose from
Mary S. Morgan
them. Boumans (this volume) uses the history of mathematics to analyze Fisher's changing understanding of measurement: theory dictates
the nature of possible measurement assuming the theoretical picture of
the world is correct, but that world itself may be differently arranged. A
parallel example comes from the early work on the "identification problem" in econometrics. Econometricians of the 1920s and 1930s were
adamant that in order to measure the parameters in relationships, not
only did the mathematical structure representing those relations need to
have certain features, but the statistical data needed to have variability
over the same features (see Morgan 1990). The issue of coherence between these two sets of conditions lay at the heart of the 1930s "pitfalls"
debate.3 The problem of coherence between theory and the world raises
dangers for any measurement strategy.
Using Properties of the Balance
The strategy of using a balance for measurement purposes should come
as no surprise: that is what a balance is for, and as Peart (this volume)
shows, Jevons used a physical balance to measure the wear on coins.
What is unusual in economics is that the balance is used not as a physical measuring instrument, but as a virtual instrument. We can see this in
Maas's analysis (this volume) of Jevons's work both on the value of gold
and on the measurement of individual feelings. In the former case, the
balance analogy is used in a specific argument to structure the measurement problem and so to provide a solution to the problem of measuring
the value of gold: here the measurement involves a weighing up procedure, and an averaging procedure, both of which, in their detail, depend
on the properties of the balance. The measurement of feelings applies the
idea of the balance to the individual and her perceptions of utility: here
the mind is portrayed as the balance, the mind registers both moments
of equality and the points at which the balance between two things tips
in one direction. Jevons describes a procedure of measuring sufficient
for the individual to decide action; there is a judgment of equality or
inequality and no numbers are needed. Just as an hourglass can measure the passage of an hour without telling the time of day, the balance
3. See Hendry and Morgan 1995 for extracts from the debate and earlier papers on identification along with a commentary on these matters. The insights of those years were temporarily
lost as "identification" came to be understood as a characteristic of the mathematical structure
Making Measuring Instruments
can judge the comparative heaviness of two things without telling their
Accounting, Wholes and Parts
Accounting principles provide another generic strategy for economic
measurement. Identities, accounting coventions and arithmetic identities defined by theory, hold things together and provide an important
rule constraining the measured parts to fit together in a particular way:
if two sides of the identity don't equate, something is missing or overcounted. Balancing requirements within accounting, either by the imposition of an equation or by using double-entry systems, provide another
constraint available where theoretical structures stress equivalences of
inputs and outputs as in the Leontief system (discussed by Martin Kohli
in this volume), or the overall total equivalents of expenditure, output
and income as in Richard Stone's national income accounts (discussed
by Flavio Comim in this volume). These accounting elements provide
both a strength and a weakness. Their summing and balancing requirements seem to ensure accuracy, whereas in reality they ensure only a
type of precision. Everything that has to balance or add up must do so:
precision, but this might be achieved at the cost of only partial coverage
of the aggregate: inaccuracy. The strategy rewards consistency at the empirical and theoretical levels but shortcomings of coherence between the
two may be neglected.
Another well-known advantage of the accounting strategy is that it is
flexible to many different theoretical accounts of the economy, to different economic ideologies and to many different levels of application
(see Morgan 2002). National income counting predated Keynesian economics and although it later became strongly associated with Keynesian
theory, it has not, historically, been tied irredeemably to Keynesian concepts. Input-output accounts can be used within a Marxian economics
framework and a planned economy accounting system as well as with a
regulated or managed market economy. They can be constructed for fineor coarse-grained measurement and analysis, for use with national income accounts or as part of a national budgeting system. This flexibility
points to the fact that whatever accounting scheme is adopted is largely
a matter of choice and is historically contingent, determined by the requirements of governments in war, the local economists hired to make
Mary S. Morgan
the accounts, and so forth. Thus, in the same period, we see the MeadeStone accounts developed to work out wartime expenditures in Britain;
Leontiefs input-output accounts used to predict future manpower levels
and as a check on the national accounts developed by Simon Kuznets
in the United States (see Comim's and Kohli's articles in this volume);
and a particular form of national budgeting developed in Norway (see
Bjerkholt [1998] 2000). The choice becomes a conventional one once
national income accounts have been standardized under the auspices of
international economic agencies in the later twentieth century and those
agencies used their power to insist on their own measuring instruments.
Related to these accounting measures are strategies of measuring
wholes and parts. One of the oldest and well-measured wholes is the population, with censuses becoming widely established just after 1800. The
population might be considered something like a natural whole: difficult
though it might be to count every person, in principle it is relatively easy
to define the whole. Sybilla Nikolow's essay (this volume) shows how
far early measurers in the German cameralist tradition could emphasize the importance of such population and geographical measures of the
whole by using them to work out ratios of economic power and comparing different national results. With the twentieth-century development
of macroeconomics, attempts to measure "the economy" taken as a unit
whole (rather than an aggregate) proved much more difficult. Conventional definitions tend to cover only things which pass through the market place (including the government sector) and are thus accounted for in
monetary terms. But this leaves out all sorts of economic activity ranging from neighborly exchanges to unpaid housework. Immediately, then,
the strategy of what counts as part of the whole excludes some things
and includes others in the count. The strategy of extending the accounts
to wider wholes and breaking them down into narrower categories, or
into different sets of parts, is associated with the accounting ideal along
with a desire for classification and naming. But each such redefinition
of wholes and reclassification of parts results in a complete revision of
the measurement task. We can see this equally well in Comim's discussion (this volume) of Stone's desire to extend the accounts while standardizing them and in Kohli's discussion (this volume) of Wassily Leontief's difficulties in stretching the input-output accounts to focus beyond
Making Measuring Instruments
Constructing Indicators
The measurement strategy which makes indicators to inscribe the path
of the economy over time has often been derided as hopelessly empiricist, subject to "measurement without theory" jibes. Yet the creator of
the French economic barometer, Lucien March, considered his task to be
the extraction of regularities out of a complicated pattern of information,
in much the same way as others had tried to extract measurements on
one common cause out of the whole set of interlocking multiple causes.
March referred to his indicators as "instruments of observation and analysis" (Jovanovic and Le Gall this volume). He characterized the numbers
the barometer inscribed as "conventions," in the same way, we might
add, as numbers registered by thermometers are conventions (either degrees Fahrenheit or Celsius), but nevertheless valuable for comparisons,
and once the convention is known, for indicating absolutes.
Although called "index numbers" by March, these business barometer indicator measures had little in the way of principles dictating their
construction compared to the weighted averages measures referred to
above. Nor were they like the indicator diagrams produced in engineering and in psychology in which the indicators are a directly inscribed
outcome of some physical process or some physiological reaction (see
Brain and Wise 1999). The indicator diagrams of economics, seen in the
Manchester Statistical Society's pursuit of a "weather glass" to indicate
the "dark days" of the trade cycle (see Judy Klein's essay in this volume) and in March's business barometer of the early twentieth century,
are both forerunners of the business cycle measurements of the 1930s.
These measurements are the results of time-series data, carefully filtered
and amalgamated according to different rules. Some rules are conventional (for example, detrending), some rules are driven by theories (for
example, about which data series constitute the phenomena), and some
are more ad hoc (for example, based on correlation measures). The indicators are then charted so as to trace out the movements of economic
activity over time. This is a measurement strategy which depends heavily
on quantitative techniques yet is barely bound by rules from accounting,
balancing, or weighting conventions and makes little call on principles
deriving from theory or knowledge of causes. More than other strategies, this strategy makes measurements without the benefit of any blueprint other than the techniques supplied by earlier makers of business
barometers. This is ironic, for this measuring instrument is one of the
Mary S. Morgan
few in economics named after an existing scientific measuring instrument which is theory bound.
Though not shaped by strong principles, such time-series indicators
have become one of the more well-used measuring instruments in
twentieth-century economic life. Just as those who own a barometer read
it on their way out the door, business people, investors, government ministers, and their economic advisors check the leading and lagging indicators of the economy to see where it is heading.
Social Surveys
Social surveys are perhaps the most easily conceived of as a strategy for
measurement, for they embed the sampling principles and techniques
from statistics alongside an open-ended, flexible observation and counting method which can be applied across a range of topics, depending on
the historical context in which this demand for measurement is made and
met. As Bradley Bateman (this volume) suggests, there were many examples of survey data being collected in economics in the late nineteenth
century—on budgets, on insurance systems, on poverty and wages, and
so forth. Though the survey went out of fashion in economics during the
mid-twentieth century, replaced by the strategy of causal measurement
in econometrics, it has since returned as an essential element of econometrics itself. Much of modern microeconometrics and microsimulation
(which perhaps ought to be treated as a measurement strategy on its own)
relies on data gained through surveys, and econometric techniques have
had to be adapted to the measurements generated by such instruments.
The Components of Strategies
The development and adoption of strategies of measurement that I describe here may have been overlooked, but they have been no less effective for all that. Historians of economics have focused on individual
cases of measurement history, and, taken individually, what we see is
the development of specific measuring instruments, each of which might
be described as a mixture of the conventional and the ad hoc. It is only
when these developments are viewed together that we can discern and
describe a history in terms of a few generic types of measuring instruments. The historical change that marks the age of measurement is not
therefore to be understood just as a massive increase in the collection
Making Measuring Instruments
of numbers but as a set of processes that only begin with counting, and
then go on to analyze, reduce, aggregate, and reform our measures of the
economy in ways unthinkable in the early nineteenth century. It is these
processes, taken together, and with hindsight, that reveal themselves as
a set of measurement strategies.
What do I mean by the term strategy here? It may be defined as a
method for making, doing, or accomplishing something. Its synonyms
suggest an idea, plan, or design: a pleasing combination of practical and
ideal, yet the terms are still too vague to describe what was happening in
economic measurement during the period from the late nineteenth to the
mid-twentieth century. Each economic measuring instrument can be understood as involving three elements, namely, of principle, of technique,
and of judgment; but there is also an overall element of design which I
call a strategy. A particular strategy constrains the choices and the combinations of the three elements, and these elements in turn shape the
way individual measuring instruments are constructed and so the measurements that are made in economics. For example, we can characterize both accounting principles and the equations we get from economic
theory as the kinds of principles or rules which are embodied in measuring instruments. Techniques also come in various forms: techniques
for counting and calculating, for cleaning data of outliers and "noise,"
for choosing samples, for meshing observations, and so forth. Judgment
plays a role in many places, but particularly where design decisions have
to be made about classification, exclusion, and inclusion. These judgments or decisions are often determined by the purpose for which the
measurement is made. But judgment, techniques, and principles are not
freely chosen: in the case of each measuring instrument, they hang together within an overall strategy for making instruments of that particular kind.
Economists with as diverse aims and epistemological beliefs as Irving
Fisher and Lucien March could both, at the beginning of the twentieth
century, write seriously about the design of measuring instruments, their
construction, and the criteria they should meet. Both indeed constructed
"index number" measuring devices, but with very different principles
and techniques. Because they were following different strategies, they
constructed different kinds of instruments, and made different measurements. In contrast, the individual designs and constructions developed
by Stone and Leontief can be recognized in terms of the same generic
strategy—although, since Stone and Leontief judged different categories
Mary S. Morgan
to be important, their measuring instruments were constructed to measure different things. Fisher, March, Stone, Leontief, and many others
shared a strong commitment to the measurement ideal, and their measuring work forms the basis for now well-accepted measuring instruments.4
The Life of Measurements
s I Si
I have painted an account of measurement strategies as epistemological
instruments—to the neglect of the social, economic, and bureaucratic
realms in which their history lives (see the essays by Klein and Porter
in this volume). Yet the change wrought by the age of measurement is
at least as evident in the way that we now habitually accept that the
measurements provided by these instruments give us reliable representations of what is happening in the economy, and provide an impetus on
which we as individuals, and on which our governments, act. The importance of numbers to social knowledge and action is made most evident in
Bradley Bateman's essay. But Porter (this volume) emphasizes another
aspect of the importance of numbers and reminds us of one of his cherished themes when he suggests that only in the period after 1900 did
economists "systematically construct and analyse new entities through
measurement." The measuring instruments discussed here are critical
to this, for as Porter ([1994] 1996, 36) argues, "standardized quantitative rules have been almost as fertile as standard experiments and massproduced instruments in the making of new things."
Measurement, maybe even more than theory, contributes to the making of new ontic furniture for the economic world. Porter reminds us, in
his 1994 essay, that the history of science is riven with examples in which
theoretical disagreements over the nature of things or lack of knowledge
of causes failed to impede measurement; that quantities often displace
concepts; and that quantitative "laws" have often been taken as evidence
for the reality of elements in the laws. Though the wealth of the nation or
the economic power of the national economy was an early category for
discussion, it was only after 1950 that the Gross National Product (GNP)
4. One indication of the importance the profession attaches to these measurement strategies is to note that nine master craftsmen of measurement have been awarded Nobel prizes in
economics: for the causal account (econometrics) strategy, by Jan Tinbergen, Ragnar Frisch,
Trygve Haavelmo and Lawrence Klein; for the accounting strategy by Simon Kuznets, Richard
Stone, and Wassily Leontief; and most recently to James Heckman and Daniel McFadden, who
fashioned the econometric techniques which enabled economists to use survey data effectively.
Making Measuring Instruments
moved from being a category of economic analysis to being a number
of everyday concern to government. Its measurement, tied at some point
to a particular theory of macroeconomics, broke away from its theoretical roots to become a theory-neutral (though not value-neutral) measure of the economy's progress and health. The monthly change in the
consumer price index (CPI), like the daily temperature, is a regularly reported number in our newspapers and influences all sorts of decisions at
all sorts of levels. Again, almost regardless of changing knowledge and
theories about what causes the CPI to change, it is treated as a real quantity by the participants in an economy. Other categories of measurement
are more limited in their circulation, being "real" for certain economists,
officials, and businesses, but otherwise remaining technical terms that
hardly touch the general consciousness.
As we have seen, these "real" quantities are constructed with measuring instruments that have become conventional quantitative tools of
analysis yet whose starting point and reasoned development has often
since been forgotten. Like thermometers, we need only to know how to
use such instruments, not necessarily how and why they work. These
measuring instruments report "facts" about phenomena for us, but the
phenomena they describe have been constructed on instruments fashioned long ago from the experiments and choices made by scientists
in the past (see Chang 2001). There is no "right" set of rules for GNP
construction, one that fits naturally to our economic world. Like a new
glove, awkward at the start, a new measurement gradually becomes comfortable, though it may never fit tightly. We choose our accounting conventions, and only after the passage of time does a measured concept
like the GNP conform to our other knowledge and come to seem "real."
If we do our own taxes, we make the same transition: tax authorities'
accounting conventions rarely fit each human experience—our experiences have to be made to fit their conventions. This same process happens with economic measurement at other scales and with instruments
other than accounting. Economic measuring instruments are not devices
given by God for us to reckon his own preordained economy; they are
the inventions of economists and we fit ourselves to their measures. As
Werner, one of Goethe's fictional characters, remarked of double entry
bookkeeping, "It is among the finest inventions of the human mind; every prudent master of a house should introduce it into his economy." The
character of Wilhelm replied, "You begin with the form, as if it were
Mary S. Morgan
matter: you businessmen commonly forget, in your additions and balancings, what the proper total of life is."5
Bjerkholt, O. [1998] 2000. Interaction between Model Builders and Policy Makers
in the Norwegian Tradition. In Empirical Models and Policy-Making: Interaction and Institutions, edited by F. A. G. den Butter and M. S. Morgan. London:
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