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1998, physica status solidi (b)
8 pages
1 file
physF sttF solF @A PHSD RS @IWWVA ujet lssifitionX UIFPQFenY UIFQHFChY UIFRSF± ±d hononless ropping in the goulom qlss tF lmntes @A nd eF w oius @A @A heprtment of hysisD gliforni tte niversityD fkersfieldD ge WQQIID e elFX VHSTTRPQQSY pxX VHSTTRPHRHY eEmilX jtlmntesdsukFedu @A snstitute for olid tte nd wterils eserhD hEHIIUI hresdenD qermny elFX CRWQSIRTSWSQRY pxX CRWQSIRTSWSQUY eEmilX moeiusdifwEdresdenFde @eeived eugust IWD IWWUA
physica status solidi (c), 2006
The phononless hopping conductivity of a disordered system with localized states is studied in a broad range of frequencies by straightforward computer simulations taking into account Coulomb interactions. At sufficiently low temperatures, the conductivity is determined by the zero-phonon absorption of the photon by pairs of states. The laser frequency dependence of the conductivity is examined and compared with the analytical model of Efros and Shklovskii and with recent experimental data obtained on Si:P. The range of parameters is determined, for which the conductivity dependence on photon energy best reproduces the experimental results.
arXiv Disordered Systems and Neural Networks, 2020
We investigate the effect of a metal plate on the variable range hopping (VRH) conductivity of a two dimensional electron-glass (EG) system. The VRH conductivity is known to have a stretched exponential dependence on temperature, with an exponent p that depends on the shape of the EG's single particle density of states (DOS). For constant DOS p = 1/3 and for linear DOS p = 1/2, also known as Mott's and Efros-Shklovskii's VRH respectively. The presence of the plate causes two effects on the EG system, static and dynamic. The well known static effect accounts for the additional screening of the Coulomb repulsion in the EG and for the partial filling of the Coulomb gap in the DOS. This in turn causes an increase of the conductivity at very low temperatures. Here we investigate the complementary dynamical effect, which is related the polaronic/orthogonality catastrophe phenomena. Our main result is the dynamical suppression of the standard phonon assisted hopping and, thus, suppression of the conductivity in a much wider range of temperatures as compared to the low temperature static effect. The relation to experiments is discussed.
Physical Review Letters, 1971
PHYSICAL REVI E%' LETTERS 29 MARcH 1971 anism consistent with existing data which can explain exponential edges in both ionic and covalent solids in a unified manner. The details of such a unified theory (and of the present calculation) will be presented in a subsequent paper" in which other types of theories of exponential edges will be considered and will be found to be incapable of the generality which this model provides. Experiments supporting and testing these arguments will be cited and suggested, respectively.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2012
The Coulomb glass on a fractal lattice A Vojta, G Vojta, M Vojta et al. Wonderful life at weak Coulomb interaction: increasing of superconducting/superfluid transition temperature by disorder V E Kravtsov A Monte Carlo Study of the Low-Temperature Properties of Strongly Correlated Localized Particles in
Physical Review B
A three-dimensional model of the electrons localized on randomly distributed donor sites of density n and with the acceptor charge uniformly smeared on these sites, ϪKe on each, is considered in the random phase approximation ͑RPA͒. For the case Kϭ1/2 the free energy, the density of the one-site energies ͑DOSE͒ , and the pair OSE correlators are found. In the high-temperature region (e 2 n 1/3 /T)Ͻ1 (T is the temperature͒ RPA energies and DOSE are in a good agreement with the corresponding data of Monte Carlo simulations. Thermodynamics of the model in this region is similar to the one of an electrolyte in the regime of Debye screening. In the vicinity of the Fermi level ϭ0 the OSE correlations, depending on sgn(1 • 2) and with very slow decoupling law, have been found. The main result is that even in the temperature range where the energy of a Coulomb glass is determined by Debye screening effects, the correlations of the long-range nature between the OSE still exist.
Physical Review B, 2012
Motivated by evidence of local electron-electron attraction in experiments on disordered insulating films, we propose a new two-component Coulomb glass model that combines strong disorder and long-range Coulomb repulsion with the additional possibility of local pockets of a short-range interelectron attraction. This model hosts a variety of interesting phenomena, in particular a crucial modification of the Coulomb gap previously believed to be universal. Tuning the short-range interaction to be repulsive, we find non-monotonic humps in the density of states within the Coulomb gap. We further study variable-range hopping transport in such systems by extending the standard resistor network approach to include the motion of both single electrons and local pairs. In certain parameter regimes the competition between these two types of carriers results in a distinct peak in resistance as a function of the local attraction strength, which can be tuned by a magnetic field.
Physical Review Letters, 2005
A nonlinear screening theory is formulated to study the problem of gap formation and its relation to glassy freezing in classical Coulomb glasses. We find that a pseudo-gap ("plasma dip") in a single-particle density of states begins to open already at temperatures comparable to the Coulomb energy. This phenomenon is shown to reflect the emergence of short range correlations in a liquid (plasma) phase, a process which occurs even in the absence of disorder. Glassy ordering emerges when disorder is present, but this occurs only at temperatures roughly an order of magnitude lower. Our result demonstrate that the formation of the "plasma dip" at high temperatures is a process distinct from the formation of the Efros-Shklovskii (ES) pseudo-gap, which in our model emerges only within the glassy phase.
Physical Review B, 2007
We have calculated the phase diagram and density of states of single-particle excitations of a lattice model of the Coulomb glass. We employ the replica method to average over disorder and then use linked-cluster expansion to obtain the free energy in the random phase approximation. We find that the system has a transition to an antiferromagnetic phase below a critical disorder. Above the critical disorder, the system has a glassy "independent spin phase" at zero temperature which crosses over to paramagnetic phase as the temperature is increased. In the antiferromagnetic phase, the single-particle excitation density ͓density of states ͑DOS͔͒ has a feature including the gap at the Fermi level due to long-range order. To obtain DOS in the glassy phase, we analyze cavity-field equations for local magnetization ͑occupation͒. We obtain DOS at nonzero temperatures and find that with temperature the DOS at the Fermi level increases quadratically and the Coulomb gap decreases linearly.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
We have studied the ground states of two dimensional lattice model of Coulomb Glass via Monte Carlo annealing. Our results show a possibility of existence of a critical disorder (W c) below which the system is in the charge ordered phase and above it the system is in the disordered phase. We have used finite size scaling to calculate W c = 0.2413, the critical exponent of magnetization β = 0 indicating discontinuity in magnetization and the critical exponent of correlation length ν = 1.0. The distribution of staggered magnetization for different disorder strengths shows a three peak structure. We thus predict that two dimensional Coulomb Glass shows a first order transition at T=0.
AIP Conference Proceedings, 2004
Despite the presence of topological disorder, phonons seem to exist also in glasses at very high frequencies (THz) and they remarkably persist into the supercooled liquid. A universal feature of such a systems is the Boson peak, an excess of states over the standard Debye contribution at the vibrational density of states. Exploiting the euclidean random matrix theory of vibrations in amorphous systems. we show that this peak is the signature of a phase transition in the space of the stationary points of the energy, from a minima-dominated phase (with phonons) at low energy to a saddle-point dominated phase (without phonons). The theoretical predictions are checked by means of numeric simulations.
Culture & History Digital Journal, 2023
Convergencia. Revista de Ciencias Sociales, 2020
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Encyclopedia of Erotic Literature. Ed. by Gaetan Brulotte and John Phillips. Routlege, 2006
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Cuadernos de Etnomusicología Nº16(2), 2022
Családi Jog, 2009
Uluslararası Türk Dünyası İnanç Merkezleri Kongresi, 23 – 25 Eylül 2002, 2002
DergiPark (Istanbul University), 2000
Computational and Theoretical Chemistry, 2013
Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 2020
Evolutionary Applications, 2014
British Journal of General Practice, 2010