Published on Innovation Policy Platform
Thailand was classified an upper-middle-income economy by the World Bank in 2016 and the second
largest in South East Asia. In spite of recent political turmoil, the Thai economy gained pace in 2015
and growth is expected to grow at an average annual rate of 3.6% between 2017 and 2021. While
agricultural exports (mainly caoutchouc, manioc, sugar, and rice) have suffered from low commodity
prices in 2014 and 2015, tourism re-emerged as one of the top drivers of growth. Simultaneously,
Thailand has diversified its manufacturing sectors towards higher value added industries to escape
the middle-income trap. It is the second largest hard-disk drive exporter and a regional hub for
automotive manufacturing. Imports and exports were comprised notably of machinery and electrical
products in 2016. Thailand’s 12th National Economic and Social Development Plan (NESD, 2017-21)
was approved in 2016 in accordance with the 20-year National Strategy 2017-36. The latter intends
to spur the competitiveness of Thailand’s agricultural, manufacturing and service industries;
promote green growth and research in energy security; enhance the potential of human capital;
enhance the efficiency of public sector management; and reduce social disparities. GERD has ranged
between 0.25% and 0.3% of GDP for the last two decades (1). In the new NESD Plan, the government
has set ambitious R&D spending targets of 1% and 1.5% of GDP by 2018 and 2021, respectively.
Major societal challenges include social inclusiveness and environmental sustainability.
Hot Issues:
Improving the framework conditions for innovation (including
Thailand's innovation performance requires continued attention to framework conditions such as
enhancing the supply and quality of human resources; conditions for innovation financing (especially
of SMEs); entrepreneurship and investment in network infrastructure such as telecommunications,
transport and electricity. Greater political stability and leadership are crucial to reduce uncertainty in
the policy making process and to improve the ability of the government to implement longer term
budget planning. In 2014, the Thailand Science Park (TSP) underwent an expansion (Incubation
Cluster 2) and in 2016, the TSP was designated as the base of Food Innopolis, one of the super
cluster initiatives formed by the government. Reducing the regional economic disparities in the
country remains a challenge. The majority of the foreign direct investment (FDI) as well as public and
private resources tend to be directed to export-oriented technology and science hubs in the Bangkok
region, leading to a geographical concentration of financial and human capital and knowledge. Since
2014, Regional Science Parks were established as a supplement to the existing TSP. They build on
the existing regional economic specialisation, i.e. in electronic industries in the north of the country,
food and automotive industries in the centre, petrochemicals industries in the east, and rubber/
agricultural industries in the south of the country. The Eastern Economic Corridor of Innovation
(EECi) is currently being developed under the auspices of the Ministry of Science and Technology
and offers a complete eco-system for innovation. The project aims to develop key infrastructure to
underpin the university-industry-government collaboration and will include a Living Lab, a
Fabrication Laboratory and a Test-bed sandbox. Public participation will be promoted, expanding the
concept of Triple Helix to Quadruple Helix. An End-to-End Intelligent Supply Chain management will
be employed to connect and integrate the Thai industry to the world market, making EECi an
investment hub of smart technologies. EECi will be spearheaded by the Ministry of Industry. The
Office of the Permanent Secretary of the Interior also launched the SME Provincial Champions
programme in 2015 that offers non-financial support to competitive regional SMEs. Staff of selected
firms participates in trainings in three categories: i) overseas marketing and public relations; ii)
business development; and iii) in-depth analysis.
Encouraging business innovation and innovative entrepreneurship
Business sector R&D investment has increased by 360% between 2008 and 2014 with a strong
sectoral focus on manufacturing. Yet, BERD as a share of GDP still lags considerably behind in terms
of OECD standards (5d). Tax incentives and innovation vouchers are the most important policy
instruments for business R&D funding in Thailand (6). A recent tax reform increased the maximum
deduction for R&D and innovation tax expenditures from 200% to 300%. Similarly, the Company
R&D Facilitation Centre (CRDC-FC) intends to facilitate private company investment in R&D. It was
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set up in 2015 in co-operation with the National Science Technology and Innovation Policy Office (STI
Office). Its main services include i) human resource development services; ii) technology transfer
and acquisition; iii) IP management; iv) access to government support and incentives; v) and
provision of space, tools and equipment for R&D to stimulate R&D investment from multinational
companies. In 2016, a series of public events called “Start-up Thailand 2016” was launched to create
inspiration for new entrepreneurs ranging from college and university students to farmers and
corporate executives. The government has also implemented regulations for start-ups with
incentives to attract global entrepreneurs and investors. The Government Procurement Programme
to Support Local Innovation is another new initiative to boost innovation in the local business sector.
Initiated in 2016, this programme gives fast-track treatment in the government procurement process
to local innovation products. A system has been set up by the Ministry of Science and Technology to
evaluate and qualify applications to commercialise locally manufactured products.
Improving the governance of innovation system and policy
Until recently, the governance of science and innovation policies encompassed a multitude of
overlapping administrative bodies and lacked a clear distinction of responsibilities (National
Research Council (NRC), National Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Committee, Institute of
Scientific and Technological Research (TISTR), National Science and Technology Development
Agency (NSTDA), etc.). The government therefore implemented a STI Governance Reform in 2016
that consists of three major objectives: i) to revise the STI administration system; ii) to integrate STI
into the 12th NESD Plan; and iii) to introduce an agenda-based budgeting system. As a result, the
National Research and Innovation Policy Council was established in October 2016 as a single body to
set the policy direction for research and innovation and its implementation. The STI Office and the
National Research Council of Thailand jointly share the secretariat role of the Council.
Targeting priority areas/sectors
Under Thailand 4.0, ten “S-Curve” industries have been identified for the establishment of future
industrial bases for a knowledge-based economy. As part of the prioritisation, new skill-intensive
industries replace former labour-intensive ones, improving the country’s productivity and
competitiveness potential. The “S-Curve” industry approach includes an upgrade of five existing
industries, namely automotive, smart electronics, medical and tourism, agriculture and
biotechnology, and the food processing industry. In addition, five new industries are being promoted
to create the “New S-Curve” for Thailand: i) robotics, ii) aviation and logistics, iii) biofuels and
biochemicals, iv) digital industries, and v) the medical sector. Investment promotion and human
resource development measures have been formulated to boost these ten industries.
Improving overall human resources and skills
Although the government has reformed and improved the education system over the last two
decades, the share of Thailand’s spending on higher education relative to GDP is still low by OECD
standards (5s). The low adult population with tertiary level education (5t) and the low performance
of 15-year olds in science (5v) imply the need for a thorough re-examination of education to respond
to the rising demand for a skilled STI labour force. Simultaneously, the demand for R&D staff in the
private sector has increased by over 400% between 2008 and 2014. The government aims to
improve overall human resources and skills through specific policies and programmes such as the
STEM Education and Workforce Development Policy, the Dual Education Program, the Workintegrated Learning Program and the Skill Development Program. Managed by the STI Office, Talent
Mobility is a national platform to co-ordinate and increase mobility of research personnel between
public and private sectors. Since its inception in 2013, Talent Mobility has supported the mobility of
240 researchers and 157 students, working on 127 research projects and a total of 111 companies
have joined the programme as of mid-2016. To ensure comprehensive coverage of enterprises
throughout Thailand, the Talent Mobility Clearing Houses have been set up in four regions of
Thailand. The National Innovation Agency (NIA) which was established by the Ministry of Science and
Technology has promoted the national innovation culture and increased the awareness of the
importance of innovation at all levels of Thai society. The NIA has developed the Innovation
Management School (IMS) programmes, which aim to further develop the innovation system
management in education, public and private sectors by working with educational institutions (e.g.
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Ramkhamhaeng and Chulalongkorn University). In addition, the STI Office has developed the
Entrepreneurial Univeristy Programme to strengthen entrepreneurial skills of graduates with the goal
to enhance Thailand’s entrepreneurial capacity and to ultimately raise the number and quality of
start-ups. As of September 2016, thirty universities, such as Suranaree University of Technology, had
joined the programme.
Selected Highlights:
New challenges
Thailand’s environmental performance, as measured by GDP per unit of CO2, is below the OECD
median and decreased between 2012 and 2013 (3). To reverse this trend, authorities recently
introduced several policies related to climate change mitigation and the transition towards a low
carbon society in three main sectors: i) energy (electricity generation and transportation), ii) waste
management, and iii) industrial processes. The STI Office acts as the focal point for the Climate
Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
Change (UNFCCC). It supports the articulation and prioritisation of requests and proposals and
manages the submission of technical assistance requests to CTCN. It recently analysed and
benchmarked the energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions of iron and steel industries. In
terms of energy efficiency, power consumption in production is intended to be reduced by 25%
within the next two decades. The share of renewable energies is set to reach 20% of final energy
consumption by 2036.
ICT and Internet infrastructures
An array of programmes has been established to promote ICT use in urban and rural areas, though
barriers to further expansion remain to be addressed. These include inadequate ICT use, the lack of
a proper regulatory framework for Internet infrastructure and services, using ICT to improve the
efficiency of trade administration, private investment in the sector, computer literacy and advanced
Technology transfers and commercialisation
While linkages between research and industry have developed as illustrated by the rise in the share
of private R&D funding in PRIs and universities, Thailand continues to lack sufficient qualified human
resources in technology transfer and commercialisation of research, both in terms of quality and
quantity. Therefore, the Alliance for Innovation Managers (AIM) was launched in 2015 to strengthen
the exchange between technology professionals from private and public sectors with a special focus
on science park personnel and incubators. The Research and Innovation Exploitation Act encourages
the commercialisation of public research by reforming patent and trademark laws. The Act allows an
inventor whose research was publicly funded to choose to pursue ownership of an invention in
preference to the government, if technology transfer capabilities can be demonstrated.
Clusters and regional policies
Clusters are crucial for linking manufacturers, suppliers, and supporting industries with academic
institutions and public research institutions (PRIs). The government in conjunction with the Board of
Investment inaugurated the Special Economic Development Zone Policy in 2015 to develop two
types of clusters: Super Clusters include advanced technology and industry networks, such as
automotive, electronics, telecommunication, petrochemicals, food and medical industries. Other
targeted clusters englobe agro-processing, and textile sectors. This initiative is supported by
government agencies in terms of human resource incentives, infrastructure development and logistic
systems, tax incentives, financial support, and amendments of rules and regulations to facilitate
Benchmark: [1]
BERD: [2]
IPM: [3]
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RTA: [4]
Other STI Outlook Resources: STIO Highlights [5]
Printable Thailand 2016 Country Profile [6]
STIO Country Profiles Reader’s Guide [7]
Methodological Annex to the 2016 OECD STIO Country Profiles [8]
Source URL:
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