Field Evaluation of a Commercial Feeder to Control Wild Pigs
Jeffrey P. Duguay, Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries, P.O. Box 98000, Baton Rouge, LA 70898.
Maria Davidson, Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries, 200 Dulles Drive, Lafayette, LA 70506
James Lacour, Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries, P.O. Box 98000, Baton Rouge, LA 70898.
Tony Vidrine, Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries, 200 Dulles Drive, Lafayette, LA 70506
Abstract: Wild pig (Sus scrofa) populations have exploded across much of the southeastern United States. In order to combat increasing wild pig numbers in an effort to reduce both ecological and economic damage caused by wild pigs, toxicant baits are being investigated as a possible method to
reduce wild pig numbers at the local scale. In fall 2017, we tested the HogStopper® feeder to ascertain if this feeder design would deliver bait to wild
pigs while preventing non-target species from accessing bait. We examined visitation rates at feeders for wild pigs and non-target species using both
digital and video cameras. We had a three-week acclimation period (feeder doors remained open allowing free access to bait) followed by a three-week
activation period (feeders were closed). Wild pigs visited eight of 10 feeders but fed from only one of these feeders during the activation period. With
the exception of the Louisiana black bear (Ursus americanus luteolus), non-target species were effectively prevented from accessing feeders. Wild pigs
frequently (95% of the time) spilled corn while feeding during the activation period. Due to the potential for wild pigs to spill toxicants when feeding,
spill rates should be addressed during research and development of feeders and their associated toxicants in order to minimize non-target species exposure. We recommend manufacturers carefully consider bait load capacities and feed spillage when designing feeders to deliver toxicants to wild pigs.
Key words: toxicant, feed, bait, spillage, non-target, warfarin
Journal of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 7: 221–226
Since the introduction of wild pigs (Sus scrofa) by Spanish explorers to North America in the 1500s, their population has rapidly expanded. Wild pigs have expanded into most U.S. states,
Mexico, and parts of Canada (Ditchkoff et al. 2017), with greater population densities in the south and southwest United States
(West et al. 2009). Wild pigs are predators of reptiles, amphibians,
ground-nesting bird eggs, and mammals including white-tailed
deer fawns (Odocoileus virginianus; Mayer and Brisbin 2008).
They also are a source of E. coli contamination in aquatic ecosystems (Kaller et al. 2007) and carry numerous diseases including
influenza A, Leptospira spp., Trichinell spp., Toxoplasma spp., and
Brucella spp. (Pedersen et al. 2014, 2017). Rooting from wild pigs
can destabilize surface soils and increase soil erosion (Lucas 1977),
threaten endangered plants (Chavarria et al. 2007), damage native
plant communities (Engeman et al. 2007), and damage crops, pastures, and timber (Jerrolds et al. 2014). Damage to vegetation has
been shown to parallel increases in wild pig abundance (Chavarria
et al. 2007).
Wild pigs have the highest reproductive rate among ungulates
(Taylor et al. 1998, Massei et al. 2011) and depending on environmental conditions may produce up to two litters per year (Barber
and Coblentz 1987, Taylor et al. 1998, Ditchkoff et al. 2012) with
mean litter size ranging from 4–6 piglets (Taylor et al. 1998, Ditch-
koff et al. 2012). Because wild pigs have such a high reproductive
rate and low natural mortality (Sweitzer et al. 2000, Adkins and
Harveson 2007, Hayes et al. 2009), it can be difficult to control
their populations and thus minimize the ecological and economic
damages they cause. Bieber and Ruf (2005) suggested that during
years of good environmental conditions (i.e., good mast years)
survival of juvenile wild pigs would need to be reduced to approximately 15% in order to control wild pig populations. Other studies
(e.g., Katahira et al. 1993, Sweitzer et al. 2000) have also indicated
the need to remove a significant proportion of the population to
control wild pig numbers.
Many different methods have been employed to try to reduce
wild pig populations. Opportunistic shooting (Hanson et al. 2009,
Hayes et al. 2009, Sparklin et al. 2009), night shooting (McCann
and Garcelon 2008), aerial shooting (Cowled et al. 2006, Massei
et al. 2011), hunting with dogs (Katahira et al. 1993, McCann and
Garcelon 2008), trapping (Sweitzer et al. 1997, Williams et al. 2011,
Smith et al. 2014), and poisoning (Hone and Pedersen 1980, Massei et al. 2011) have all been used with varying levels of success.
Despite varied and intensive measures, landscape-scale control of
wild pigs has not been achieved.
Toxic bait is considered a potential option for reducing wild pig
abundance (Choquenot et al. 1990, Poché et al. 2018). Only one
Wild Pig Feeder Trial Duguay et al.
toxic bait is registered for use on wild pigs in the United States
(Kaput®; Scimetrics Ltd. Corp., Wellington, Colorado), a warfarin-based toxic bait. A prototype toxic bait, Hoggone® (Animal
Control Technologies Australia Pty. Ltd., Somerton, Victoria,
Australia) containing the active ingredient sodium nitrite is being
evaluated for registration in the United States as a toxic bait for
wild pigs (Snow et al. 2017). A major concern of using toxicants to
control wild pigs, however, is the potential impacts on non-target
species (Leopold et al. 1964, Allen et al. 1996, Stone et al. 1999,
Wobeser et al. 2004).
The manufacturer recommends that Kaput® Feral Hog Bait
be delivered to wild pigs via the use of a specialized feeder, the
HogStopper® feeder, that allows wild pigs to access the bait but
excludes non-target species. Although specialized feeders may exclude non-target species from accessing bait, there may be little to
prevent spilling by target species thereby making toxic baits available to non-target species. Access by Louisiana black bears (Ursus americanus luteolus) to feeders designed to deliver toxicants
to wild pigs is of particular concern to the Louisiana Department
of Wildlife and Fisheries. The species was listed under the Endangered Species Act as threatened from 1992 until its recent removal
from the list in 2016 (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 2016), and
continued recovery is a management priority.
The goal of this study was to test HogStopper® feeders (hereafter feeders) in the field to ascertain if 1) wild pigs are able to
access bait within these feeders, 2) non-target species are able to
access bait at these feeders, and 3) bait is spilled outside the feeder
by feeding wild pigs and therefore would be accessible to non-target species.
Study Area
Ten different sites in black bear populated areas were selected
on private lands in Louisiana within two primary study areas. The
five northern-most sites were centered around the town of Livonia in Pointe Coupee Parish and the five southern-most sites were
located south of Iberia in Iberia and St. Mary parishes. The Pointe
Coupee study sites consisted of two tracts of land totaling 1,902
ha. Both sites were bottomland hardwood forest composed of oaks
(Quercus spp.), hickory (Carya spp.), sweetgum (Liquidambar
styraciflua), red maple (Acer rubrum), baldcypress (Taxodium distichum), and water tupelo (Nyssa aquatic) with agricultural crops
comprised of soybeans, rice, and corn on adjacent properties. The
Iberia and St. Mary parish sites consisted of four tracts of land totaling 3,490 ha. These sites averaged 70% bottomland hardwood
forest composed of water oak (Quercus nigra), sugarberry (Celtis
laevigata), red maple, sweet gum, and camphor tree (Cinnamomum
camphora), 25% marsh dominated by Panicum spp., cattail (Typha
spp.), and Sagittaria spp., and 5% agriculture composed of sugarcane. Average daily temperature during this study ranged from
26.1˚ to 26.9˚ C at the study sites. Average precipitation during this
study ranged from 21.6 cm in Pointe Coupee Parish to 44.3 cm in
Iberia and St. Mary parishes (NCEI 2019). Wild pigs were hunted
normally during the hunting season at all study sites, otherwise no
wild pig management occurred at our study sites.
In August 2017, we placed one HogStopper feeder on each of 10
sites (five feeders of heavy gauge [12 gauge] steel and five feeders
of light gauge [16 gauge] steel). Overall feeder dimensions were
0.81 m wide x 0.71 m high x 0.85 m deep. Total feeder mass for
the heavy gauge steel feeders was 89.8 kg and the feeder door had
a mass of 11.2 kg. The total feeder mass for the light gauge steel
feeders was 57.2 kg and the feeder door had a mass of 8.4 kg. The
minimum distance between any two feeders was 1.2 km and the
greatest distance was 49.3 km.
The feeders had two guillotine-style weighted doors, each with
a lift bar, on opposing sides; animals had to lift the doors vertically to access the feeder contents. We staked the feeders down
with four t-posts driven approximately 0.61 m into the ground,
one on each corner through existing brackets on the feeder. As we
installed the feeders, we loaded them with corn through a hinged
lid which was secured shut with a pin. Kaput Feral Hog Bait, which
the manufacturer recommends be used in the feeders for the activation period, consists of a paraffin wafer. Our study used corn
for the acclimatization period as well as for the activation period.
The feeders are capable of holding 90.7 kg of corn, which is the
amount we placed in the feeders on a weekly basis. Although the
manufacturer recommends using 11.3 to 22.7 kg of non-toxic feed
during the acclimation period, a representative from the manufacturer assisting in setting up and baiting the HogStopper feeder had
our field technicians fill the feeders to capacity. This suggests that
users will fill them to capacity.
We set up one still digital camera (Bushnell Trophy Cam) and
one video camera (Bushnell Trophy Cam) 1.5 m from each feeder
mounted 0.9 m above the ground on a t-post. The cameras were
placed so that both feeder doors would be captured when images were taken. Still cameras were motion activated; there was a
two-minute minimum delay between activations. Video cameras
were also motion activated; they filmed for 15 seconds which was
then followed by a minimum two-minute delay.
Feeder doors remained open (acclimation period) for the first
three weeks to condition animals to feed from them, after which
we closed the doors (activation period) for the additional three
weeks. During the initial acclimation period, raspberry-scented
Wild Pig Feeder Trial Duguay et al.
Bear Scents attractant (Bear Scents LLC, Lake Mills, Wisconsin)
was used to increase the likelihood of both wild pigs and bears
locating the feeders.
We monitored feeders and checked cameras once weekly for six
consecutive weeks. Bait was replenished to 90.7 kg of corn during
the weekly checks. SD cards were collected each week. Images were
examined to determine: 1) what species of wildlife fed at the feeders,
2) whether corn was spilled outside of the feeders by feeding wildlife,
3) whether wildlife fed on any spilled corn, and 4) whether wildlife
were able to gain access to feeders once the doors were closed. We
only considered corn to be spilled if we could observe it falling from
the mouth of wildlife and there was additional corn on the ground
in the next consecutive photo frame or video clip or if we observed
wildlife removing corn from the feeder and there was corn on the
ground in the next consecutive photo frame or video clip.
We used descriptive statistics to describe feeding events at feeders by encounter rather than by number of individual animals. This
was done because an encounter often consisted of multiple photo
frames or video clips with several animals and it was often not
possible to distinguish individual animals. We considered pictures
and recordings separated by <10 minutes to be the same encounter
at a feeder. Digital pictures and video recordings separated by >10
minutes were considered to be different encounters at a feeder. An
encounter could consist of one animal or several animals.
Although it is likely the same individual visited a feeder for
more than one encounter this is not a concern since certain toxicants (e.g., warfarin-based toxicants; Poché et al. 2019) need to be
consumed over several days by the same individual to be effective.
We combined encounters from both still and video cameras and
calculated overall encounter rate. We did this because the number
of encounters by species did not differ between digital and video
cameras (P ≥ 0.80; one-way ANOVA) for either the acclimation
or activation periods for our three most abundant species detected (wild pig, bear, raccoon). We report species-specific encounter
statistics of all detected species relative to accessing feeders, spilling feed, feeding at feeders, and feeding on spilled feed. For every
defined encounter, we identified the maximum number of each
species present during the encounter by identifying the image(s)
with the greatest number of each species. We used the general linear models procedure (one-way ANOVA; Proc GLM, SAS 2013) to
test for differences in maximum number of individuals per feeder
per encounter between the acclimation and activation periods for
wild pigs, bears, and raccoons.
During the acclimation period there were two digital cameras
(one week each) and four video cameras (one week each) that mal-
Table 1. Number of encounters by species recorded feeding from feeders and feeding on spillage at
feeders for both the acclimation and activation periods August to September 2017 in Pointe Coupee,
Iberia, and St. Mary parishes, Louisiana.
Acclimation period
n encounters
feeding from
Wild pig
Louisiana black bear
White-tailed deer
n encounters
feeding on
Activation period
Sciurus spp.
Virginia opossum
n encounters
feeding from
n encounters
feeding on
Nine-banded armadillo
Sylvilagus spp.
Rattus spp.
Peromyscus spp.
Northern cardinal
Common grackle
Corvus spp.
a. All encounters were a result of bears making access.
functioned and did not record data. There was one digital camera
(one week) that malfunctioned during the activation period and
did not record data. We recorded a total of 2,870 encounters. Wild
pigs visited 8 of 10 feeders (523 total encounters; range 9–280 encounters per feeder) and bears visited all 10 feeders (581 total encounters; range 25–179 encounters per feeder).
During the acclimation period we recorded five species of wildlife feeding from feeders for 368 encounters (Table 1). Nine species
of wildlife for 1,091 encounters were recorded feeding on corn on
the ground during the acclimation period (Table 1). During the
activation period, we recorded three species (wild pig, black bear,
raccoon [Procyon lotor]) feeding from feeders (271 encounters).
Wild pigs spilled corn most frequently when feeding from feeders
(95% of encounters; Table 2). Twelve wildlife species for 1,134 encounters were recorded feeding on spilled corn during the activation period (Table 1). The maximum number of wild pigs visiting
feeders per encounter was greater during the acclimation (x‒ ‒ = 4.2
± 0.2) than activation (x‒ ‒ = 1.7 ± 0.1) period (F = 197.69, df = 1,
1043; P < 0.0001). The maximum number of bears (F= 3.08, df = 1,
1610; P = 0.08) and raccoons (F = 0.33, df = 1, 2769; P = 0.57) visiting feeders per encounter did not differ between the acclimation
(bear x‒ = 1.15, raccoon x‒ = 1.97) and activation (bear x‒ = 1.11,
x‒ raccoon, x‒ = 1.99) periods.
Wild Pig Feeder Trial Duguay et al.
Table 2. Number of encounters and spill rate by species recorded feeding from feeders during
the activation periods August to September 2017 in Pointe Coupee, Iberia, and St. Mary parishes,
n encounters
spilling feed
n encounters
if feed was
% spill
n encounters
feeding from
n encounters
not spilling
Wild pig
Louisiana black
This study examined feeders under field conditions to determine if wild pigs were able to access bait once the feeders were
activated, if non-target species were able to access bait within feeders, and if bait was spilled by wild pigs. Both visitation and access
to feeders by wild pigs was reduced once the feeder doors were
closed. Wild pigs did not visit the feeders as frequently and the
maximum number of wild pigs per feeder per encounter decreased
from the acclimation to activation period. Wild pigs only attempted to access one of eight feeders (HS7) that they visited during
the activation period and every time it was a single large male.
We never observed an unsuccessful attempt to access a feeder by
wild pigs. Wild pigs in our study were, however, observed rooting
in front of the door at feeders without attempting to lift the door.
Lavelle et al. (2018) and Snow et al. (2017) found that some, but
not all, wild pigs attempted to lift a bait station lid to access bait.
Campbell et al. (2013) also found wild pigs in their study did not
attempt to access some of the feeders during the activation period
that they had visited during the acclimation period. It is unclear
why wild pigs at our study only attempted to access one of eight
feeders during the activation period and why it was only a large
male that attempted to access the feeder. We were not able to determine if there was more than one large male that accessed the feeder
or if it was the same male every time. Although warfarin bait may
effectively reduce wild pig numbers (Choquenot et al. 1990, Poché
et al. 2018), they need to consume enough of the toxicant for it to
be lethal. Indeed, Poché et al. (2019) stated lower concentrations
of warfarin can be efficacious against wild pigs if feeding occurs
over consecutive days. With a reduction in the number of wild pigs
visiting feeders and few of these wild pigs accessing feeders once
feeder doors are closed it’s unlikely that toxicants alone will greatly
reduce wild pig densities across the landscape.
The number of encounters by non-target species was reduced
once the feeder doors were closed. Fewer species of wildlife visited feeders once the feeder doors were closed. Bears and raccoons
Figure 1. Louisiana black bear opening guillotine style door on a HogStopper® feeder during a pilot
study in Pointe Coupee Parish, Louisiana
were the primary non-target species that removed bait during the
acclimation period, each visiting nine of 10 feeders during this
time. Other studies have shown raccoons (Campbell et al. 2011,
2013, Lavelle et al. 2018) and white-tailed deer (Lavelle et al. 2018)
to be the primary non-target species removing bait from wild pig
feed systems. Unlike other studies testing the efficacy of wild pig
bait delivery systems, we intentionally placed our feeders in black
bear populated areas.
With the exception of bears, non-target species were effectively prevented from accessing feeders during the activation period.
Bears were able to bend back the lid on the light gauge model as
well as remove the pin holding the lid closed on the heavy gauge
model, thereby allowing them access to feeders. Once access was
gained by bears, raccoons were then able to access feeders through
the opening created by bears from bending back the lid or by raccoons lifting the lid once bears had removed the pin. We did not
observe raccoons gaining access to the activated feeders without
bears having facilitated that access. No other species of wildlife
gained access to the feeders once the feeder doors were close. Neither bears nor raccoons were observed attempting to lift the guillotine style door. However, in a pilot study conducted by LDWF
bears were recorded by video camera lifting the guillotine style
door on the light gauge feeders (Figure 1).
It’s likely that the feeders we tested could be modified to prevent bears from accessing feed via the lid. However, something
that needs to be considered when using toxicants in feeders is the
manner in which wild pigs feed. We found that wild pigs spilled
corn from the feeders 95% of the time while feeding once the feeder doors were closed. Although spill rates with corn do not provide
Wild Pig Feeder Trial Duguay et al.
information on potential spill rates when toxicants are used, this
does indicate that attention to spill rates is warranted when developing both feeders and toxicants.
We recorded 39 encounters of wild pigs feeding from a feeder (HS7) during the activation period. In 37 of the 39 encounters
(95%) wild pigs spilled corn. We identified wild pigs feeding from
feeders in three manners during the activation period: 1) they
would lift the door and eat corn in the feeder, 2) they would lift
the door repeatedly and let it fall until corn spilled, then feed on
spilled corn, 3) they would lift the door and sweep corn out with
their snout, then feed on spilled corn. Feeding methods two and
three, resulting in spilled corn, make feed available to non-target
species. If wild pigs fed in the same manner on toxic baits, then
these toxicants would potentially be available to non-target species. Like other studies (Campbell et al. 2011), we found that
although wild pigs fed on spilled corn, they did not always consume all of the spilled corn. We recorded six non-target species
(nine-banded armadillo [Dasypus novemcinctus], Louisiana black
bear, white-tailed deer, Virginia opossum [Didelphis virginiana],
raccoon, squirrel [Sciurus spp.]) and wild pigs feeding on corn
spilled by wild pigs feeding from this feeder during the activation
period. Competitive interactions with wild pigs could reduce or
eliminate raccoon visitation rates at feeders (Campbell et al. 2013),
but we observed wild pigs and raccoons simultaneously feeding at
feeders. Although bears visited this feeder, they did not attempt to
gain access to it.
Management Implications
The feasibility of using toxic baits to reduce wild pig numbers
depends partly on maximizing bait consumption by wild pigs and
minimizing risk to other species. We did observe wild pigs rooting
in front of feeder doors during the activation period. Residue could
decrease wild pig access (feeding under the door as opposed to lifting it) and increase non-target risk. We therefore recommend that
residue be removed whenever feeders are visited. We also found
that once the feeders were activated wild pig access and visitation
rates declined. Since the goal of using feeders is to reduce wild pig
numbers across the landscape this is problematic. Our study was
conducted during the summer months in Louisiana. It is possible
that during other times of the year or in different geographic locations that pig visitation rates and access could differ from our
study; this is something that warrants further investigation. Due to
the potential for non-target species to gain access to toxic baits we
recommend that any bait and delivery system being considered for
use first undergo rigorous field testing. Field testing should examine both the potential for non-target species to access bait within
the bait delivery system and spill rates by wild pigs feeding at the
bait delivery system. Furthermore, considering bait formation dictates feeder type it is important to use the proper delivery system
with its associated bait to obtain the most relevant results.
Feeders placed in bear populated areas should be designed in
such a way that bears cannot access them. We found bears were
able to access the feeders through the lid. Lids should be designed
so that bears cannot lift or bend them. Mechanisms such as hot
wires or steel bars over the lid should be tested prior to the feeders
being placed in areas with bears.
In order to reduce manpower needs, it’s possible that users of
feeders will fill them to capacity regardless of manufacturer recommendations. A high-density wild pig population may require more
toxicants than a low-density wild pig population. Manufacturers
should develop best management practices for differing wild pig
densities. Manufacturers could limit the capacity of feeders or develop label requirements based on wild pig densities.
T. Dufour, K. Ford, C. Gaspard, and K. Moreau provided field
assistance. K. Avery and K. Travis assisted with examining SD
cards. HogStopper® feeders were provided by Genesis Laboratories, Inc. Comments from two anonymous reviewers improved
this manuscript.
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