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Geltung, 2024
We argue that the recent debate over the meaning and identification of content has led to a shift in the theoretical circumstances that favored Frege’s divergence from Kant. Quine’s critique of the theoretical distinction of intensional identities removed the certainty that we can distinguish necessary from accidental identifications of content. The decline of the stability of language as a central object for the study of recognizable and predetermined attributes of meaningful information marks the end of the era of philosophical optimism about the superiority of language analysis over psychologism and leads to a resurgence of philosophical emphasis on the study of mind and cognition. The extent of this shift is such that the central discrepancy between Frege's formal methodology of second-order quantification and Kant's synthetic theory of content identification has lost its significance. With the removal of these circumstances and the erosion of this discrepancy, we can now perceive the aspects in which Frege's theory is consistent with, rather than in direct opposition to, the cognitive perspective that Kant himself endorses. These aspects have always been present, but under unfavorable conditions they have been suppressed or disregarded.
Convegno internazionale
The goal of this paper is to report results of research of the infl uence that economic specifi cs of the Epipalaeolithic sites in the Elbrus region had on the composition of lithic industry. The traceological analysis made it possible to determine a functional variability of tools in sites dated from diff erent age. Based on the correlation of the habitation activity index and technical, typological and traceological analyses, the sites dating after the Last Glacial maximum and to the beginning of the Holocene were preliminarily divided into three groups. At these sites, not only the percentage of retouched tools diff ers, but also their functional use is diff erent. The determination of functional specifi city of assemblages and economic specialization of the site is an important component of inter-assemblage comparison, especially those assemblages that existed simultaneously within a chronological cycle and were located on the same territory.
Крымского федерального университета им В.И. Вернадского
Environment and Planning C, 2013
With this study we evaluate the impact of diff erent training methods (TMs) on small and medium-enterprises’ (SMEs’) business performances, utilising a dataset of 3521. We consider the relationship between the satisfaction SMEs have towards their employees’ training needs being met by a diverse range of TMs and the levels of impact the training has had on business performance. To investigate both the interdependence and dependence of satisfaction levels of training needs met with business performance, we undertake bivariate correlations and multivariate regression-type analyses (using Regression-type Classifi cation and Ranking Belief Simplex). The results presented offer novel insights into the relationships between TMs and business performance.
Emotions as Commodities. Capitalism, Consumption and Authenticity. Edited by Eva Illouz
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Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 2021
Skenoo : Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Agama Kristen, 2021
Axiomathes, 2022
The Archaeological Journal, 2023
1521-1821: nacimiento y ocaso del México colonial (coordinador Marco Antonio Landavazo), Morelia, Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, 2022
Frontiers in Psychology, 2022
HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory, 2021
Annals of Saudi medicine
Azhar International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Sciences
Frontiers in Earth Science
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2006
Hyperfine Interactions, 2005
Microsystems and Nanoengineering, 2022