n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l
m e dic i n e
clinical implications of basic research
Harnessing Plasticity to Reset Dysfunctional Neurons
Andres M. Lozano, M.D., Ph.D.
For a long time, it was thought that the adult
mammalian brain was hard-wired and that once
circuits were laid down and their functions assigned, little change was possible. This notion is
no longer tenable. The brain has a lifelong inherent ability to change and adapt: individual
neurons and neural circuits can change their “job
descriptions” and their allegiance in response to
demands. The mechanisms underlying this process are complex, have varying time courses
(from milliseconds to months), and are incompletely understood. They include changes in synaptic strength, the pruning and growth of neuronal connections, and even the introduction of
new neurons within certain existing circuits. The
brain can thus develop attributes and abilities
far beyond those that are present at birth. This
malleability, termed “plasticity,” allows the nervous system to respond to environmental pressures, physiological changes, and experiences —
both good and bad — with changes in function
that may persist long after the events that elicited the expression of neural plasticity are no longer present.
Brain plasticity is usually adaptive and beneficial, permitting such useful processes as acquiring a new language or learning to play the
piano. Structural and functional imaging studies have shown that new skills are associated
with brain reorganization; for example, changes
have been observed in the cortical representation of the hand in the pianist or the increased
volume of the hippocampus in persons who
have become taxi drivers in London.1,2 Plasticity
is also at play in the recovery of movement or
speech that occurs after a stroke or injury, with
healthy areas of the brain taking on new responsibilities to compensate and overcome neurologic
deficits. In both the acquisition of new skills
and the recovery of function after injury, plasticity can be beneficial, leading to enhancement of
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the brain’s repertoire and improved function.
Plastic changes, however, can also harbor potential danger. The new pattern of neural activation
may in itself lead to reorganization and new behaviors that are maladaptive and that not only
lack an obvious protective or reparative benefit
but, in fact, make matters worse. Examples of this
“dark side” of neuroplasticity occur in the amputee who has serious phantom pain in the absence of an ongoing pain stimulus and in the
millions of patients with ongoing, bothersome
auditory perceptions in the absence of external
sounds, as is characteristic in tinnitus3,4 disorders that are disabling and challenging to treat.
Engineer and colleagues5 recently provided an
example of how to recalibrate the activity and
reset dysfunctional neurons in a rogue neurologic circuit in which plasticity has gone wrong.
The primary auditory cortex is organized tonotopically; individual tones of low-to-high frequencies are represented by clusters of neurons distributed in a continuous band along the cortex.
Exposure to high levels of noise causes major
plastic changes in the auditory cortex, which can
result in disruption of the tonotopic map, exaggeration of responses, defocusing of neurons
(responding nonselectively to a wide range of
stimuli), and increased cortical oscillatory behavior. These physiological abnormalities putatively underlie tinnitus in humans.
By delivering auditory tones paired with vagusnerve stimulation (VNS) in normal animals, the
investigators found that they could shift the receptive fields of auditory neurons to respond to
new tones. This result suggested that “retuning”
auditory neurons with VNS–tone pairing might
be used to reverse the map distortions and disrupted neural activities observed in a rat model
of tinnitus that was induced by exposure to
noise. Indeed, the investigators showed that the
abnormally responding neurons in the rats that
april 7, 2011
The New England Journal of Medicine
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Copyright © 2011 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
Clinical Implications of Basic Research
Table 1. Conditions in Which Maladaptive Neuroplasticity Is Implicated.
Writer’s cramp, musician’s dystonia, post-stroke dystonia
Drug-induced dyskinesia
Deficits requiring long-term levodopa treatment in Parkinson’s disease
Progressive motor deficits
Worsening of weakness after motor stroke (“learned disuse”)
Kindling (repetitive seizure activity in one area of the brain induces spontaneous seizure activity in another related area)
Drug addiction
Cocaine addiction
Pain and sensory disorders associated
with deafferentation
Phantom pain, post-stroke pain, anesthesia dolorosa, tinnitus, the Charles
Bonnet syndrome
Psychiatric disorders
Anxiety, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, attention deficit–hyperactivity disorder
were exposed to noise ceased their maladaptive
responses and were reprogrammed to respond
to a variety of new tones when these tones were
delivered in conjunction with VNS. The resetting
of the physiological response was accompanied
by a reversal of the abnormal auditory behavior
in the rats. The way in which the simultaneous
pairing of VNS with the new tones shifts the
focus of neurons and resets the altered behavior
is not understood and was not investigated by
the authors in much detail. However, weakening
or disrupting the abnormal existing associations (“depotentiation”), driving the adoption of
the new, more physiologically appropriate association (heightening potentiation of the tone–VNS
response, which seems to be a more likely mechanism), or both in rats with the coupled tone-VNS
stimuli are possible ways in which this resetting
is accomplished.
Understanding the molecular and physiological mechanisms that regulate neuroplasticity
and developing tools to modulate these phenomena may lead to insights into such diverse
processes as memory and learning. These insights may increase the potential to enhance
the recovery of function and to reverse maladaptive function in a number of disorders.
Drugs and interventions could affect the abnor-
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mal set point in a variety of neurologic and psychiatric disorders in which maladaptive plasticity is implicated (Table 1), resulting in treatment
of the disease rather than just the symptoms.
Techniques such as repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation and deep-brain stimulation
have been used in tens of thousands of persons
and have been shown to induce plastic changes
in the brain. The study by Engineer et al. shows
that VNS — which has been used in the treatment of more than 50,000 patients with epilepsy
— is a potentially important addition to the
weaponry to rein in misbehaving neurons and
combat disorders of brain plasticity.
Disclosure forms provided by the author are available with the
full text of this article at
From the Toronto Western Research Institute, Toronto.
1. Krings T, Töpper R, Foltys H, et al. Cortical activation pat-
terns during complex motor tasks in piano players and control
subjects: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study.
Neurosci Lett 2000;278:189-93.
2. Maguire EA, Gadian DG, Johnsrude IS, et al. Navigationrelated structural change in the hippocampi of taxi drivers. Proc
Natl Acad Sci U S A 2000;97:4398-403.
3. Davis KD, Kiss ZHT, Luo L, Tasker RR, Lozano AM, Dostrovsky JO. Phantom sensations generated by thalamic microstimulation. Nature 1998;391:385-7.
4. Møller AR. Plasticity diseases. Neurol Res 2009;31:1023-30.
5. Engineer ND, Riley JR, Seale JD, et al. Reversing pathological
neural activity using targeted plasticity. Nature 2011;470:101-4.
Copyright © 2011 Massachusetts Medical Society.
april 7, 2011
The New England Journal of Medicine
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Copyright © 2011 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.