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Perbandingan perangkat lunak komersil dengan perangkat lunak open source.
Dengan semakin ketergantungannya user kepada teknologi internet tentu harus diimbangi dengan ketersediaan internet yang memadai dan handal, berbagai masalah justru muncul ketika internet tidak menjamin keamanan yang maksimal tanpa adanya metode-metode tertentu karena internet sendiri terbuka untuk umum, siapapun dapat mengakses didalamnya, untuk itu maka kerahasiaan serta autentifikasi atas informasi yang dikirim atau yang diterimapun bersifat terbuka. Sebelum mengimplementasikan Virtual Private Network (VPN) perlu dilakukan perbandingan antar protokol terutama protokol PPTP dan OpenVPN. Metode penelitian yang digunakan metode Network Development Life Cycle (NDLC) untuk mengimplementasikan konsep VPN beserta penerapan QoS. Perbandingan dilakukan dengan parameter kecepatan dan keamanan data pada saat dikirim maupun diterima. Hasil penelitian didapat kedua protokol memiliki kelebihan dan kekurangan masing-masing. Pada sisi kecepatan PPTP lebih unggul ketimbang OpenVPN, sedangkan pada ...
Ideas : Jurnal Pendidikan, Sosial dan Budaya, 2022
Bakti Sekawan : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
The era of globalization is one of the impacts of the development of information technology. The rapid development of technology and communication networks makes it easier for people to get information. Nunu Village is one of the villages in the Talaud Islands Regency on the border area of Indonesia and the Philippines. The research team made observations at the Village Office by conducting interviews with village heads and staff. The results of the observation focus on queuing in using computer or printer access. This happened because the data was stored on a certain computer and the printer was only connected to one computer in the Nunu Village Secretary's room. In Nunu Village, it is still done by sharing data from one computer to another manually, using external data storage devices such as flash drives and hard drives. Doing so can spread viruses and spyware that can damage computer data and operating systems. The initiative researcher conducts an online network system with...
An employee who has high and good performance will support to achieve objectives and target which has been determined by the company. Performance is the result of the quality and the quantity of work that has been accomplished by an employee in carrying out their tasks in accordance with the responsibilities which has been given to him (Mangkunegara, 2008). Employees can work well when they have high performance so they can produce good work. The existence of high performance that is owned by employees has been expected that the organizational objectives can be achieved. The importance of performance which has been achieved by employees guides the reseacher to find out some variables which can influence the performance of the employees.This research examines the influence of job motivation, career and work discipline to the performance of the employees with the compensation variable as the intervening. The data has been obtained by issuing questionnaires to the employees as the respondent at PT Bank Tabungan Negara Surabaya Branch. The data is obtained and then it is analyzed by using regression test and path analysis. The result of the statistic test to the variables which have been observed shows that either directly or indirectly job motivation, career and work discipline variables have been proven that these variables have significant and positive influence to the performance of the employees through the compensation as the intervening variable.
Teknologi informasi berkembang demikian pesat baik dari sisi perangkat keras ( kecepatan processor, memory, kapasitas media penyimpanan ) maupun dari sisi perangkat lunak jaringan internet atau aplikasi. Salah satu yang paling signifikan di dalam perkembangan teknologi adalah masalah data dan bagaimana proses mengamankan data melalui proses penyimpanan yang baik dan aman dari segala hal. Istilah penyimpanan dalam bahasa inggris dikenal dengan nama Data Storage yang merupakan gudang data untuk pengelolaan data mulai dari pengumpulan, pengolahan, penyimpanan hingga penemuan kembali data baru yang memberikan dukungan dalam pengambilan keputusan. Untuk menunjang hal tersebut perlunya diterapkan suatu media penyimpanan atau data storage yang baik dan aman. Ada banyak jenis media penyimpanan yang dapat digunakan dalam menunjang hal tersebut dua diantaranya adalah Pydio 8.0 dan Open Media Vault atau OMV. Untuk menerapkan kedua media penyimpanan tersebut perlu dilakukan analisis perbandinga...
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