Ecological Theory
and Community
Restoration Ecology
Margaret A. Palmer1,4
Richard F. Ambrose2
N. LeRoy Poff 1,3,5
Community ecological theory may play an important
role in the development of a science of restoration
ecology. Not only will the practice of restoration benefit from an increased focus on theory, but basic research in community ecology will also benefit. We
pose several major thematic questions that are relevant to restoration from the perspective of community
ecological theory and, for each, identify specific areas
that are in critical need of further research to advance
the science of restoration ecology. We ask, what are
appropriate restoration endpoints from a community
ecology perspective? The problem of measuring restoration at the community level, particularly given the
high amount of variability inherent in most natural
communities, is not easy, and may require a focus on
restoration of community function (e.g., trophic structure) rather than a focus on the restoration of particular species. We ask, what are the benefits and limitations of using species composition or biodiversity
measures as endpoints in restoration ecology? Since
reestablishing all native species may rarely be possible, research is needed on the relationship between
species richness and community stability of restored
sites and on functional redundancy among species in
regional colonist “pools.” Efforts targeted at restoring
system function must take into account the role of individual species, particularly if some species play a
1 Department of Zoology, University of Maryland, College Park,
MD 20742, U.S.A.
2 Environmental Science and Engineering Program, Box 951772,
University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1772, U.S.A.
3 Trout Unlimited, 1500 Wilson Blvd., Suite 310, Arlington, VA
22209, U.S.A.
4 Corresponding author.
5Current address: Biology Department, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523, U.S.A.
© 1997 Society for Ecological Restoration
Restoration Ecology Vol. 5 No. 4, pp. 291–300
disproportionate role in processing material or are
strong interactors. We ask, is restoration of habitat a
sufficient approach to reestablish species and function? Many untested assumptions concerning the relationship between physical habitat structure and restoration ecology are being made in practical restoration
efforts. We need rigorous testing of these assumptions, particularly to determine how generally they
apply to different taxa and habitats. We ask, to what
extent can empirical and theoretical work on community succession and dispersal contribute to restoration
ecology? We distinguish systems in which succession
theory may be broadly applicable from those in which
it is probably not. If community development is
highly predictable, it may be feasible to manipulate
natural succession processes to accelerate restoration.
We close by stressing that the science of restoration
ecology is so intertwined with basic ecological theory
that practical restoration efforts should rely heavily
on what is known from theoretical and empirical research on how communities develop and are structured over time.
he science of ecological restoration—that is, the development and testing of a body of theory for repairing damaged ecosystems—is in its infancy. Natural
resources managers and regulatory agencies are wrestling with the development of prudent approaches for
restoring damaged ecosystems; however, restorationists have received little input from the scientific community, even when efforts have been made to seek their
advice. This is unfortunate, because judgments concerning ecological restoration and conservation are fundamentally based on conceptual or theoretical models
of nature (Naveh 1994; Pickett & Parker 1994; Lubchenco 1995). On the flip side of the coin, research ecologists have generally not viewed restoration ecology as
a field offering opportunities for advancing basic theory. Indeed, ecological restoration efforts may be ideal
for testing important hypotheses in unique ways. For
example, large-scale experimentation, including manipulations, may be more acceptable at restoration sites
than in pristine settings. Further, interpretation of experimental outcomes may be easier because restoration
sites often harbor simpler communities.
In this paper, we address the role of community ecological theory in restoration ecology. The practice of
ecological restoration may benefit by an increased focus
on how and when ecological theory can guide restoration efforts and a focus on how and when ecologists can
use restoration settings to gain insight into how natural
communities work. Further, the time is ripe for basic researchers to ask if current ecological theory is adequate
Community Theory and Restoration
for the development of principles of restoration ecology.
Where are the gaps in our knowledge? What new theory needs to be developed? What existing theory needs
to be tested in a restoration context?
Community ecological theory is extremely relevant
to restoration ecology because restoration efforts so
often involve a focus on multi-species assemblages.
Since these assemblages consist of populations of cooccurring species, they must be understood not only in
terms of species interactions but also in terms of population processes, habitat and resource dynamics, and disturbance theory. There have been debates over whether
or not communities can be described as units that are discrete, clearly defined, and integrative (i.e., defined by interactions). Without digressing into those debates, let us
say that we agree with views similar to those expressed
by Michael Palmer & Peter White (1994) in which they
“liberate the definition of communities from particular
space-time units” and conclude that community boundaries (and community theory) are somewhat arbitrarily
set by ecologists in order to study operationally this level
of ecological organization.
Clearly, communities exist in a landscape or sometimes a metapopulation context, and thus theories typically associated with ecosystem or population-level
ecology (e.g., spatial ecology, source-sink population
structure) are relevant to community ecology. However, community ecology does have something discrete to
offer the field of restoration ecology. Thus we limit ourselves, in this essay, to a discussion of those theoretical
areas that are typically associated with community
ecology, freely recognizing that other theoretical areas
(e.g., landscape ecology [Bell et al. 1997] or ecosystem
ecology [Ehrenfeld & Toth 1997]) are relevant to understanding pattern and process at the community level.
Our essay is a discussion of those community-level
topics we deem most relevant to restoration practices
and theory. We address several major thematic questions, including: What are appropriate restoration endpoints from a community ecology perspective? What
are the benefits and limitations of using species composition and biodiversity as an endpoint in restoration
ecology? and, Can empirical and theoretical work on
community succession “inform” restoration ecology?
The problem of how to measure restoration at the community level is not trivial, particularly given the high
amount of variability inherent in most natural communities. Community ecologists have long worked to
make sense of this variability by developing theories for
predicting ecological patterns and processes. Much of
this theory is germane to restoration ecology and is the
focus of this paper. Recent debates over the role of
biodiversity in ecosystem stability, the functional role
of species, and the role of habitat and natural disturbance regimes in maintaining communities have impli292
cations for how we approach ecological restoration. Finally, successional processes in the broadest sense,
including the roles of dispersal, colonization, and community assembly theory, are central to restoration.
Throughout, we highlight specific questions that are
critically in need of further research to advance the science of restoration ecology.
Choosing Appropriate Restoration Endpoints
Defining ecological restoration is not as obvious as it appears at first glance. The Society for Ecological Restoration has reevaluated and altered its definition of restoration ecology at least five times in the last six years.
Further, there continues to be much debate over how we
assess restoration, including what constitutes a reference
or comparison site and what metrics are most appropriate to assess restoration (Michener 1997; White & Walker
1997). The National Research Council’s (1992) definition
of restoration as “returning a system to a close approximation of its condition prior to disturbance, with both
the structure and function of the system recreated” implies that we know what should be measured to assess
restoration, i.e., we know the appropriate endpoints.
What we select as endpoints may determine our evaluation of restoration success, particularly since the
units of resolution (e.g., presence/absence of a species
vs. absolute abundances) may constrain assessment.
From a community ecology perspective, appropriate
structural endpoints include measuring species richness
of focal groups (Davis 1996) or entire assemblages.
Functional restoration endpoints in the strictest sense refer
to measures of processes such as primary or secondary
production. Restoration of a system to its proper functional state may require restoration of key linkages related to food web structure (e.g., number of trophic levels and their connectance) or of taxa critical to material
processing (e.g., functional groups necessary for processes critical to particular systems, such as decomposers
in detrital-based systems). There is considerable evidence that a feedback exists between species composition and ecosystem processes and that many ecosystem
processes will develop over different time scales. This
means that restoration in practice may involve the setting of sequential, multi-step goals: restore desired species richness (community structure) → monitor the development of community structure → verify that linkages
between community structure and function have been
Imbedded in many definitions of ecological restoration is the notion that a restored community is stable,
i.e., persistent over time. Restoration in practice often
takes this to the extreme by assuming that ecological
stability is synonymous with stasis. For example, the
goal of many stream restoration projects is to attain
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Community Theory and Restoration
geomorphic stasis (Rosgen 1994; Smith & Prestegaard
1995). This concept is flawed because it fails to recognize that the very nature of stream channels is to move,
and physical stasis in no way ensures ecological “stability.” Indeed, equilibrium concepts are no longer
broadly accepted by ecologists as adequate for understanding community structure. Many communities exist in perpetual states of nonequilibrium or dynamic
equilibria where natural disturbance prevents most
populations from reaching maximum densities (Wiens
1984; DeAngelis & Waterhouse 1987; Pickett et al. 1992).
Natural variability both physically and biologically is
part of nature (Duarte 1991; Li & Reynolds 1994; Horne &
Schnieder 1995; Palmer & Poff 1997) and the challenge
to restorationists is to develop tools for assessing acceptable levels of variability in restored systems (White
& Walker 1997). Perhaps the way to proceed is to view
local communities in regional contexts (Menge & Olson
1990; Cornell & Lawton 1992; Ricklefs & Schluter 1993)
or historical contexts (Richter 1995) that act to define the
local restoration potential. Regional constraints, such as
limits on the pool of species available to colonize damaged sites or limits set by regional climate, may determine which species we can potentially expect in restoration sites. However, actual species establishment in
restored sites depends ultimately on local habitat constraints, both abiotic (e.g., substrate types) and biotic
(e.g., species interactions).
Future research questions
• How much variation in community attributes is
acceptable in restored systems?
• How do we quantify natural variability in community-level properties (e.g., trophic structure) given
often limited reference or pre-impact data?
• How do we define the restoration potential for community attributes (i.e., identify regional contexts)?
• To what extent can we practice hard versus soft engineering restoration practices (Gore et al. 1995) that
allow systems to be dynamic?
Biodiversity and Restoration Ecology
Central to community ecology is the study of species diversity, particularly the creation and maintenance of local and regional biodiversity. Of all areas in community
ecology, the study of species diversity probably has the
longest history and the most voluminous literature.
Even a cursory look at recent publications reveals an
abundance of new books and articles on biodiversity
(e.g., Ricklefs & Schluter 1993; Huston 1994; Humphries
et al. 1995; NRC 1995). It is generally well accepted that restoring biodiversity is desirable for a variety of ecological,
applied, and aesthetic reasons. Restoration projects are,
Restoration Ecology
Figure 1. Successful restoration of a community depends on
both regional and local factors. There must be an intact supply
of colonists at the regional scale that can survive the environmental regime and reach (disperse to) local sites. For species
to become established locally, there must be suitable local conditions, including environmental and habitat features (e.g.,
abiotic factors, habitat structures, and natural disturbance regimes such as flooding or fires). Finally, species interactions
may preclude species establishment locally.
in effect, experiments that introduce different numbers
and kinds of species, experiments that can be used to
test the effects of species richness and species roles on
community recovery and functioning. The effort expended in trying to restore a community can range
from minimal to extremely extensive, with concomitant
costs. Therefore, restorationists have to be concerned
with cost/benefit ratios. It is important to determine the
minimum numbers and types of species necessary for
proper community functioning.
Can community or ecosystem stability be increased
by adding more species (enhancing diversity) or particular species in the restoration process? If the answer to
this is yes, it implies that restoration success may depend on careful consideration of community level attributes, not just a focus on single species or clusters of
“desirable” (e.g., endangered) species. May (1973) presented mathematical evidence that diverse systems are
less stable than simpler ones. The idea was that the
more diverse a community, the more complex the web
of species interactions and thus the larger the effect disturbances would have on the system. We now know
(and actually, May suggested this himself just one year
after his 1973 paper) that diversity may make individual species more vulnerable to extinction, but total community or ecosystem properties (e.g., energy transfor293
Community Theory and Restoration
mation, biomass) may be stabilized, since some species
compensate functionally for others (Naeem et al. 1994;
Tilman et al. 1994; Tilman 1996).
This suggests that some communities or ecosystems
may be more stable if you increase diversity, but individual species may or may not be persistent. Thus, a
clearly defined restoration goal is imperative at the outset of each project. For example, if the goals are related
to management of endangered species, then a restorationist’s concern with biodiversity need not be to maximize the number of species but simply to understand
how biodiversity influences the establishment and persistence of the focal species. This is not necessarily simple, since it may require an understanding of complex
species interactions—both direct and indirect effects—
and the context in which the interactions occur (Karieva
1994; McPeek 1996). If the goal is to restore a community to a proper functional state, then restorationists
may care little about individual species and focus instead on restoring functional groups or suites of species, as outlined in the next section.
Future research questions
• Do we have existing data to explore the relationship
between community or ecosystem stability (e.g., of a
restored site) and species diversity? If so, for which
• What is the relationship between restoration of community structure (e.g., species composition) and restoration of function (e.g., material processing)?
Restoration of Function: Do Species Matter?
Proper ecological “functioning” is a loose concept but
basically refers to keeping systems “working,” i.e., cycling energy and nutrients through trophic levels to retain system integrity (Schulze & Mooney 1993; Davis &
Richardson 1995). Thus, a system that is properly functioning is one that will persist despite natural environmental fluctuations. So, for example, if decomposers are
essential to the integrity of a community’s food web,
then perhaps we should focus first on restoring the
amount and tempo of organic matter inputs to the system and second on the introduction of suites of decomposing species.
When focusing on system function, we need not concern ourselves with individual species if there is some
degree of functional redundancy among the pool of colonists. With high functional redundancy, the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem function (and
stability) may plateau (Tilman et al. 1994). This suggests
that it may be possible to set a minimum for restoration
of species richness that ensures proper functioning.
This clearly relates to the initial conditions: how much
of the community needs to be established initially in order for the site to ultimately support the desired community, with its proper structure and function?
The idea that there may be thresholds of species diversity needed to ensure recovery of function is somewhat controversial because some scientists argue that
all species matter and that assuming some species are
more important than others in communities is poorly
substantiated in general (Hay 1994; Gitay et al. 1996). In
restoration efforts, we believe there is a greater need for
pragmatism and acceptance that restoration of all species will not typically be possible. Unfortunately, at this
time there are few data on functional redundancy and
the role of species in system functions. The sparse data
available apply to only a few terrestrial or soil ecosystems (e.g., Lawton & Brown 1993; Freckman 1994; Tilman 1996). Work on this topic for aquatic systems is
rare (Covich 1996), and, in fact, aquatic systems were
recently targeted by the Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment as being in dire need of an understanding of how species affect system processes
(SCOPE 1996).
Efforts targeted at restoring system function must not
ignore the possibility that some species play a disproportionate role in communities. The concept of the keystone species is quite old and focused most often on the
fact that some species may be strong interactors having
large impacts on community structure (e.g., Paine 1996).
More recently there has been a push to rethink our concept of keystone species based on whether or not a species has a disproportionate effect on an ecosystem relative to its biomass contribution. Such a species is said to
be a keystone species, or engineer (Jones et al. 1994;
Brown 1995; Stone 1995). This is a broad concept in
which “effect” can include the creation, modification, or
maintenance of habitat (Jones & Lawton 1995). In restoration practices, we should think carefully about the needs
of such species, since their successful reestablishment may
determine community restoration outcome and maintenance of diversity or function once reestablished.
The difficulty is that keystone species are not always
easy to identify. This is particularly problematic if a
keystone species is not abundant or its actions are not
obvious. Boyer and Zedler (1996) found that an inconspicuous beetle controlled scale insects that damaged
cordgrass; when the beetles were absent from the constructed marsh, cordgrass performance was poor. Specific studies or field experiments are often needed to
identify and confirm the role of keystone species.
Non-native species may also have huge impacts on
communities. Exotic species may alter species diversity
or prevent the reestablishment of native species in restoration sites (Simberloff 1990; Vitousek 1990). Human
disturbance often increases the likelihood of invasion
by exotics (Holzner et al. 1983; Mills et al. 1994). Once
Restoration Ecology
Community Theory and Restoration
established, these species may be particularly difficult
to remove, since they are often subject to less pressure
from competition or predation than are native species.
It may be necessary, or at least more practical, to rethink restoration practices that do not require the exclusion of exotics that have become well-established. If, on
the other hand, these exotics preclude any reasonable
level of restoration, then we must develop effective
ways to reduce their impact on a system.
Future research questions
• Is the existing evidence of functional redundancy sufficient to allow different subsets of a regional species
pool to be selected for restoration efforts? If so, for
which systems?
• In which systems is the presence of keystone species
required for successful restoration?
• How do we assess the degree to which established
exotic species will prevent successful restoration of a
functioning community?
Is Restoration of Habitat Sufficient?
While the study of what fosters the establishment and
maintenance of diverse communities is far from complete, there are some broad generalizations that most
ecologists would accept. One of these is that as habitat
heterogeneity increases, generally so does biological diversity (MacArthur 1965; NRC 1992). Indeed, central to
many restoration efforts is the assumption that rehabilitation of physical habitat diversity will lead to the restoration of biological communities. Obviously, practitioners
have to begin somewhere, and given that environmental heterogeneity is associated with increased species
diversity in many terrestrial and aquatic habitats (Giller
et al. 1994; Huston 1994), we generally endorse rehabilitation of habitat heterogeneity in restoration efforts.
However, it is important to recognize that the assumed
relationship between habitat heterogeneity and biodiversity in a restoration context remains largely untested.
The importance of habitat structure in restoration can
be stated as the Field of Dreams hypothesis: “if you
build it, they will come.” There is some support for this
hypothesis. In wetland restoration, “getting the hydrology right” seems to be the most important ingredient
for restoration success, with proper soil characteristics
also necessary. Although wetland restoration projects
generally include vegetation planting as well, there is
some thought that the proper vegetation will colonize
as long as the physical conditions are there. However,
this has not been demonstrated, and the habitats and
conditions under which this would occur are not
known. At the other extreme, the initial floristics model
of succession proposes that all species desired on a site
Restoration Ecology
must be reintroduced for successful restoration, because few will be able to colonize. Research is needed to
determine which model is more accurate for different
communities and different conditions. Almost invariably, the Field of Dreams hypothesis is invoked with respect to wetland fauna, since animals are rarely introduced or manipulated in wetland restoration projects.
Unfortunately, this hypothesis is generally assumed
rather than tested. It needs to be rigorously tested in
communities where it has regularly been invoked, and
its generalizability to different habitats and different
taxa also needs to be tested.
We also need to know much more about the role that
spatial habitat arrangement plays in the success or failure of restoration efforts. It is now clearly established
that the shape and size of a habitat may determine the
number of species and other community attributes
(Forman 1995). For example, a greater fraction of
“edge” versus “interior” species is expected in habitats
with large perimeter/area ratios (Galli et al. 1976; Helle
& Muona 1985). Additionally, the inclusion of critical
habitat (e.g., for reproducing or surviving natural disturbance) may be essential for long-term persistence of
communities. All habitat patches are not equal, and the
ability to move freely between patches that vary in resource quality and quantity may be essential for many
species (Hanski 1995), particularly if some patches
serve as refugia (Sedell et al. 1990).
Future research questions
• Are there critical thresholds of physical habitat restoration that will ensure restoration of species and ecological function?
• At what spatial scale do we need to restore species
diversity and how does this relate to successful restoration of ecosystem function?
• Are there key spatial attributes (e.g., connectivity
between habitat patches that allow adequate dispersal) that are required for species persistence?
Restoration and Natural Disturbance Regimes
It is generally agreed that some low level of natural disturbance (e.g., fires, floods) may enhance biological diversity. Whether one embraces Connell’s (1978) intermediate disturbance hypothesis or more complex
explanations of the relationship between disturbance
and species diversity (Huston 1979, 1994), the implication is that restoration of natural disturbance regimes
must be a part of rehabilitation efforts. As a consequence of the important role of disturbances, restoration cannot simply reintroduce species, but must also
consider small- and large-scale disturbances and how
these influence the sustainability of a restored commu295
Community Theory and Restoration
nity. This may be one of the greatest challenges of restoration, both because the nature and role of disturbance
are not always obvious, and because reproducing the essential dimensions of the disturbance may be difficult.
The need for continued manipulation (either active or as
the result of processes that have been established) after
initial establishment of species on the restoration site requires that we identify the dimensions of disturbance
regimes that are essential for successful restoration.
By dimensions of disturbance, we mean the size, intensity, duration, seasonality, etc. of a disturbance. Note
that both spatial and temporal aspects are important.
For example, Moloney and Levin (1996) showed that
the impact of disturbance depends on a complex interaction between the life history characteristics of the species making up a serpentine grassland community and
the spatial and temporal structure of the disturbance regime. This issue has two components. First, the dimensions of disturbance in the natural community must be
identified. This can be a difficult task, both because of
the complexity of the disturbance regime and because
of the lack of an appropriate reference site. Second, after
the disturbance regime has been identified, its essential
elements must be defined. It may not be necessary to
duplicate exactly the natural disturbance. The disturbance regime in tallgrass prairie provides an example of
both aspects. It appears that the disturbance regime includes at least two components, fire and grazing, which
interact in a complex way (Vinton et al. 1993). Unfortunately, there is no remaining “natural” prairie habitat
where the natural disturbance regime occurs, so identifying the exact nature of the disturbance is not simple.
With respect to grazing disturbance, it may not be necessary to have large herds of free-roaming bison; instead,
grazing by cattle under a specific regime might provide
the essential element of that disturbance.
If one cannot reestablish the intensity or frequency of
past disturbance regimes, it may be possible to factor
into restoration designs periodic disturbances that
mimic natural events. River regulation in the Grand
Canyon has resulted in loss of high flows that create
and maintain important sandbar habitat for native species. The experimental release of water from the Colorado River storage system in the spring of 1996 was an
attempt (largely successful) to mimic pre-dam flooding
to redistribute sand and recreate sandbar habitat in the
canyon (Schmidt 1996). Even if this is done only on a
decadal scale (certainly not the temporal scale that existed pre–flow regulation), it may play a key role in system restoration.
Future research questions
• What is the evidence that natural disturbance enhances
• How do we restore a “natural disturbance regime,”
especially if the signal is changing over time or significant landscape alterations (e.g., from forest to agricultural lands) have occurred?
• What is the minimum level of manipulation required
to mimic natural disturbance events?
The Roles of Succession and Dispersal in Restoration
In the classic sense, ecological succession is viewed as a
progressive change in community composition and dynamics over time (Putnam 1994). From a restorationist’s
perspective, it would be ideal to work on systems that
are typified by predictable directional changes in structure during community development. In such a system,
we could view any attempt to restore an altered community as an attempt to manipulate natural successional processes. Such manipulations might attempt to
accelerate natural succession, so that the community
develops along the same lines as it would in the absence of intervention, but the desired endpoint is
reached sooner. Manipulations might also attempt to
bypass some of the stages of natural succession, for example by establishing some late successional species in
the initial plantings. In such cases, the goal is to accelerate the rate of natural succession so we achieve the desired community sooner rather than later.
The classic Clementsian view of succession as a deterministic process with the community moving toward a
climax condition after passing through a series of distinct seral stages is not universally applicable (Connell
& Slatyer 1977). Disturbances and stochastic events can
introduce substantial unpredictability to community
patterns over time (Fisher 1983; Levin 1989; Roughgarden 1989). The whole field of supply-side ecology, with
an emphasis on recruitment limitation and stochastic
arrival of colonists, suggests that in many systems the
succession “paradigm” may not apply (Roughgarden et
al. 1987; Olafsson et al. 1994). Much of the supply-side
literature has focused on when and if variation in settlement rate controls population structure, emphasizing
that colonization may be more important than internal
population processes such as predation and competition (Niering & Goodwin 1974; Underwood & Fairweather 1989; Palmer et al. 1996).
Given that both deterministic and stochastic processes may be important in community development,
what are the implications for restoration ecology? If
succession theory allows one to predict the trajectory of
communities, then it may be a powerful tool for restorationists, for example, to control the direction by timed
seeding programs. This is most likely to be useful in
systems that have strong species interactions and infrequent or highly predictable disturbances, so that local
interactions largely govern community development
Restoration Ecology
Community Theory and Restoration
(Cornell & Lawton 1992). In such systems, community
assembly theory suggests there may be “rules” that
constrain membership in a community (Drake 1991;
Wilson 1995; Wilson & Whittaker 1995), and these rules
may have important implications for how restoration
should be approached. Careful attention should be
given to the order in which species are introduced in
such systems so that priority effects and direct species
interactions do not interfere with the desired restoration sequence.
The importance of initial conditions is not restricted
to which species are first established at a restoration site.
Physical conditions, including hydrology, soil characteristics, topography, and so on, can be critical (Bentham et
al. 1992). For example, inappropriate sediment characteristics (low nitrogen and organic content, coarse grain
size) can affect wetland community development (Langis
et al. 1991; Moy & Levin 1991; Gibson et al. 1994). Although we recognize that initial conditions can affect
restoration outcomes, we generally do not understand
much about the nature of these effects.
In less biologically predictable systems that have
larger stochastic elements to recruitment, community
“assembly” may be a function of dynamic dispersal
processes and less predictable local interactions among
species post-recruitment (Sale 1977). In such a situation,
guild-based views of community assembly (Keddy
1992; Fox & Brown 1995) may be more appropriate, so
that the restorationist is more concerned with environmental and biotic interaction effects on suites of species
with particular functional traits.
Regardless of what happens once colonists arrive,
restorationists must worry about the scale of restoration
and the connectedness of the site to a regional colonist
pool, unless seeding is tractable and affordable. Indeed,
the distance to the nearest intact regional pool of colonists in conjunction with the degree of site degradation
will determine whether or not species must be manually introduced to a restoration site and the extent of
site preparation needed prior to their introduction
(Cairns 1993).
With respect to the regional pool of colonists, theoretical and empirical work suggests that restoration efforts
will fail if we do not evaluate the need for dispersal corridors (Forman 1995), if we do not meet critical threshold connectivity (between restoration site and regional
pool) levels (Hansson et al. 1995; With & Crist 1995), or
if the arrangement of physical habitat structure critical
to species persistence is not ensured (Harrison & Fahrig
1995). These are particularly important for the restoration of communities that rely on the continual flux of individuals to and from regional dispersal pools (Holt
1993; Palmer et al. 1996). Indeed, because local processes such as competition and predation may be
strongly influenced by regional dispersal, community
Restoration Ecology
Figure 2. The utility of different community ecology theories
in restoration efforts will vary depending on attributes of the
natural (unperturbed) communities. For those that have fairly
predictable community structure through time (species composition and abundance relatively constant), a focus on the
restoration of community structure (e.g., particular species)
may be possible. In such cases, community assembly theory
and ecological succession models may be useful for deciding
the order of species introduction and for deciding when the
level of restoration is sufficient to allow natural communities
processes to take over (i.e., the site is far enough along successionally to be self-sustaining). For those communities that exhibit stochastic flux in species composition and abundance, a
focus on restoration of community function (e.g., community
processes like decomposition) may be more appropriate. In
such cases, supply-side ecology, lottery models, or recruitment limitation theory may be useful in deciding how much
connectivity to regional dispersal pools is required and what
level of variance in community structure is reasonable for restored sites.
assembly at restored sites may be a function of the influx
and efflux of individuals in some systems (Gaines &
Bertness 1993).
The spatial pattern of interventions (e.g., planting
patterns and distribution of structural elements) is also
likely to influence the course of community development. For example, different planting patterns in a
mine reclamation project in Wyoming led to different
spatial and age-structure patterns of vegetation and different soil characteristics and biota (Parmenter & MacMahon 1983). This result was obtained because the
plantings were done in a careful experimental design;
however, experimental manipulation of spatial patterning of interventions is rarely done. The temporal patterns of interventions are also likely to influence the
course of community development. Community development may differ depending on when organisms at
specific life stages are introduced. For example, community development may proceed along one trajectory
if initial plant establishment is from seed germination
Community Theory and Restoration
and another trajectory if sod blocks with intact soil
biota are transplanted. Sequencing of interventions is
also likely to be important. Community development
may depend on when different stages of site preparation
take place, where in the sequence planting occurs, and so
forth. In the prairie example, there might be different outcomes if grazing follows rather than precedes burning.
Future research questions
• Do we have an adequate knowledge of the roles that colonization source, rates of movement, and the sequence
of species introductions play in community restoration
• Can we identify communities in which it is possible to
“manipulate” natural successional processes to accelerate restoration?
• Can we predict how much site preparation and transport of species into an area are needed as a function of
the extent of local and regional degradation?
• Is community assembly theory useful for restoration
in practice?
Closing Comments
One of our goals in writing this paper was to stress that
the science of restoration ecology is so intertwined with
basic ecological theory that practical restoration efforts
should rely heavily on what is known from theoretical
and empirical research on how communities develop
and are structured over time. Great care should be
taken in selecting restoration endpoints so that the goal
guides project implementation and assessment. When
the goal is to reestablish a functional community, one
should focus on the rehabilitation of functional groups
or clusters of focal species, not the needs of single endangered species. Even when the goal is aimed at a particular species, efforts must include broad perspectives
since the reestablishment and persistence of that species
depends on the regional environmental context (the
ability of the system to supply recruits and support established individuals) and on species interactions once
the community is established. The need to focus on dispersal and colonization dynamics is particularly important since many of our project sites are highly degraded
and disjunct from a healthy regional pool of colonists.
Community theory can guide seeding processes (e.g.,
seeding processes based on known patterns of community structure; Howe 1994).
We can identify some areas of community theory so
poorly understood that our ability to restore damaged
ecosystems may be greatly hampered. Research in these
areas will benefit both basic ecology and restoration
practices. We will point out just two of these to serve as
examples. First, the relationship between dispersal/col298
onization dynamics and habitat arrangement, particularly in the face of natural and human-induced disturbances, is poorly understood for most systems. Spatial
ecology, patch dynamics, and metapopulation theory
are but a few examples of basic research areas that we
need much more work on—particularly in a restoration
context. Second, links between community or ecosystem function and biodiversity are not established for
most species. If we can learn which species really matter to system functioning, not only will we have a much
better understanding of the relationship between structure and function in natural systems but we may be
able to target particular species or functional groups in
order to restore a system to a self-sustaining level of
functioning. In sum, we expect that the use of community ecological theory by restorationists will contribute
not only to the development of a science of restoration
ecology but to basic ecological research.
We thank the Community Ecology working group (William Michener, James MacMahon, Annette Olson, Jack
Ewel, and Thomas Parker) at the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis symposium on Restoration
Ecology, as well as Brad Cardinale, Jim Dietz, Chris Hakenkamp, David Inouye, Scott Collins, Chris Swan, students in the Conservative Biology Program, and the
stream ecology research group at the University of Maryland for discussions and comments on the ideas presented in this manuscript. This work was supported by
NSF grants DEB9318060 and DEB9622288 to M.A.P.
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