GASTROENTEROLOGY 2006;131:69 –75
Hepatopulmonary Syndrome in Patients With Hypoxic Hepatitis
*Intensive Care Unit 13H1; ‡Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology; §Pulmonary Division, Department of Internal Medicine IV, Medical
University Vienna, Vienna, Austria
Background & Aims: The hepatopulmonary syndrome
(HPS) is defined as the triad of liver disease, arterial
deoxygenation, and widespread pulmonary vasodilatation. Hypoxic hepatitis, also known as ischemic hepatitis, is the leading cause of acute liver impairment in
hospitals. It is unknown whether HPS occurs in hypoxic
hepatitis. We assessed the prevalence and clinical consequences of HPS in patients with hypoxic hepatitis.
Methods: Forty-four patients with hypoxic hepatitis were
screened prospectively for HPS using established criteria: (1) presence of hepatic disease, (2) increased alveolar-arterial difference for the partial pressure of oxygen
greater than the age-related threshold, and (3) intrapulmonary vasodilatation detected via contrast-enhanced
echocardiography. Sixty-two critically ill patients with
different cardiopulmonary diseases but without hepatic
disease were screened for prevalence of intrapulmonary
vasodilatation as a control group. Results: Criteria of
HPS were fulfilled in 18 patients with hypoxic hepatitis.
HPS-positive patients had a significantly decreased partial pressure of arterial oxygen (P ⴝ .001) and partial
pressure of arterial oxygen/fraction of inspired oxygen
ratio (P ⴝ .034) at the time of diagnosis of HPS, a
significant decreased area under the curve of the partial
pressure of arterial oxygen/fraction of inspired oxygen
ratio during the first 48 hours after diagnosis of hypoxic
hepatitis (P ⴝ .009), and a significantly increased peak
serum aspartate transaminase level (P ⴝ .028), compared with patients without HPS. Complete resolution of
intrapulmonary vasodilatation was observed during follow-up evaluation. Contrast-enhanced echocardiography
was negative for intrapulmonary vasodilatation in all 62
control patients. Conclusions: Intrapulmonary vasodilatation indicating HPS frequently occurs in patients with
hypoxic hepatitis. It is reversible after normalization of
the hepatic dysfunction. Clinicians should consider intrapulmonary vasodilatation and HPS in patients with
hypoxic hepatitis.
he hepatopulmonary syndrome (HPS) is defined as
the triad of liver disease, arterial deoxygenation, and
widespread intrapulmonary vasodilatation (IPVD). The
hallmarks of pulmonary vascular changes in HPS are
dilated vessels at the precapillary and capillary level and
direct arteriovenous communications. This causes rightto-left shunting of blood flow, mismatch between ventilation and perfusion, and diffusion limitation. Clinical
consequences are impaired arterial oxygenation, respiratory insufficiency, and increased mortality in patients
with cirrhosis and HPS.1,2
There are few case reports of HPS in patients without
cirrhosis.3–9 A histopathologic study described widespread pulmonary vasodilatation in patients who died of
fulminant hepatic failure, indicating a high frequency of
HPS in these patients.10
Hypoxic hepatitis (HH), also known as ischemic hepatitis, is characterized by centrilobular liver cell necrosis
caused by passive congestion, ischemia, and arterial hypoxemia of the liver.11,12 The disorder usually is identified by an acute marked and reversible increase in serum
transaminase levels in the absence of other causes. HH is
caused mainly by cardiac failure.11,13
Although HH is the most common cause of massive
increase of serum transaminase levels in the hospital,
there are no data concerning the prevalence of HPS in
these patients.14,15
The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence
and clinical consequences of HPS in patients with hypoxic hepatitis. Furthermore, critically ill patients with
several cardiopulmonary diseases but without HH or
other kinds of hepatic disease were screened for the
presence of IPVD via contrast-enhanced echocardiography (CEE) as a control group.
Materials and Methods
A total of 646 patients were admitted to our intensive
care unit (ICU) between October 2003 and May 2005. FortyAbbreviations used in this paper: CEE, contrast-enhanced echocardiography; HH, hypoxic hepatitis; HPS, hepatopulmonary syndrome;
ICU, intensive care unit; INR, international normalized ratio; IPVD,
intrapulmonary vasodilatation.
© 2006 by the American Gastroenterological Association Institute
four patients fulfilled the criteria of HH and were screened for
the presence of HPS.
The control group consisted of all the remaining 602 patients, who fulfilled the following criteria: (1) presence of
cardiogenic pulmonary edema, pneumonia, acute respiratory
distress syndrome, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,
pleural effusion, atelectasis, or pulmonary embolism; (2) no
sign of severe liver dysfunction (defined as serum transaminase
levels reaching maximum 3-fold the upper limit of normal and
serum bilirubin levels ⬍1.5 mg/dL), viral or drug-induced
hepatitis, or cirrhosis; and (3) necessity of routine CEE (detection of intracardiac shunting, evaluation of right ventricular
function, and enhancement of tricuspid regurgitation Doppler
signals).16 –19 Sixty-two patients fulfilled these criteria and
were assigned to the control group.
The study was approved by the local ethical committee of
the Medical University of Vienna, Austria. Conscious patients
gave written informed consent and unconscious patients, who
were not able to give written informed consent, received
written patient information after regaining consciousness according to Austrian law.
Definition of HH
HH was defined according to 3 widely accepted criteria11: (1) clinical setting of cardiac, circulatory, or respiratory
failure; (2) acute but transient increase in serum transaminase
levels reaching at least 20-fold the upper limit of normal
(normal range in the University Hospital of Vienna: serum
aspartate transaminase [AST] ⬍ 35 U/L, serum alanine
transaminase [ALT] ⬍ 45 U/L); and (3) exclusion of other
putative causes of liver cell necrosis, particularly viral or druginduced hepatitis.
Liver biopsy examination was not required for the diagnosis
of HH, in agreement with other studies showing that a
histologic confirmation is unwarranted and even inadvisable
when all criteria listed previously are met.11,20 –22
Exclusion criteria were the presence of cirrhosis, high level
of serum transaminases after liver surgery, and viral, autoimmune, or drug-induced hepatitis.
Definition of HPS
HPS was defined by the following: (1) presence of
hepatic disease, (2) increased alveolar-arterial difference for the
partial pressure of oxygen above the age-related threshold, and
(3) IPVD detected via 2-dimensional CEE. The alveolar-arterial difference for the partial pressure of oxygen was not
included in the analysis in patients who required oxygen
support via face mask because the fraction of inspired oxygen
is indeterminable in these patients. However, the alveolararterial difference for the partial pressure of oxygen was considered as increased in these patients because they required
oxygen support.
Agitated saline was used as a contrast medium, which
creates a stream of microbubbles after intravenous injection. In
healthy individuals, these microbubbles, greater than 15 m
in diameter, opacify the right heart chambers only because
they are filtered in the pulmonary capillary bed and do not
appear in the left heart chambers. In intracardiac shunt, the
microbubbles generally appear within 3 heartbeats after their
appearance in the right heart chambers. In IPVD, they appear
4 – 6 heartbeats after the initial appearance in the right side of
the heart.
CEE was performed after a median of 1 day (range, 0 – 4
days) after diagnosis of HH in patients with IPVD and after a
median of 1 day (range, 0 – 4 days) after the diagnosis of HH
in patients without IPVD (P ⫽ NS).
Arterial Blood Gas Analysis
Arterial blood gas samples were obtained via an arterial
catheter that was inserted as clinically indicated. Samples were
analyzed with a fully automated blood gas analyzer (Radiometer ABL 700; Radiometer Medical ApS, Brønshøj, Denmark).
The alveolar-arterial difference for the partial pressure of
oxygen was calculated via the alveolar gas equation.23,24 The
age-related threshold for the alveolar-arterial difference for the
partial pressure of oxygen was calculated according to the
standards of the Austrian Thoracic Society, as reported previously.2
Chest Radiograph
A chest radiograph performed on the day of screening
for HPS via CEE revealed pleural effusion in 5 patients (3 HPS
positive), pulmonary infiltrate in 6 patients (2 HPS positive),
and congestion in 7 patients (4 HPS positive).
Laboratory and Respiratory Features
Laboratory parameters were collected during routine
laboratory control. The individual respiratory support was
performed as clinically indicated in all patients.
Data Analysis
Results are expressed as mean ⫾ SD or median and
range if appropriate. The area under the curve was calculated
via GraphPad Prism 4.00 software program (GraphPad Software, Inc., San Diego, CA). Comparisons between groups were
performed with the Mann–Whitney U test. For qualitative
data, 2 analysis or Fisher exact test were used. Comparisons
between peak value and follow-up value of the same parameter
were performed via Wilcoxon test. Analysis was performed
using statistical software (SPSS for Windows 12.0; SPSS, Chicago, IL). For all comparisons, statistical significance was defined as a P value of less than .05.
Study Population
Data were collected and analyzed in a total of 44
critically ill patients with HH. Figure 1 shows the
recruitment algorithm of the study patients.
July 2006
Figure 1. Overview algorithm of the recruitment of patients with HH
fulfilling inclusion criteria in terms of presence or absence of HPS.
PFO, patent foramen ovale.
The median age of the study patients was 62 years
(range, 22– 83 years); 29 (66%) were men and 15 (34%)
were women. The mean acute physiologic and chronic
health evaluation III score was 82 ⫾ 31. Demographic
data and patients’ characteristics are summarized in Table 1.
Control Population
The control group consisted of 62 critically ill
patients without HH but several cardiopulmonary diseases causing hypoxemia. The median age was 62 years
(range, 18 – 89 years), the mean acute physiologic and
chronic health evaluation III score was 78 ⫾ 31, and
there were 39 (63%) men and 23 (37%) women. Ten
patients had chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (8
patients were ventilated mechanically), 10 patients were
treated at the ICU for acute respiratory distress syndrome
(all were ventilated mechanically), 9 patients had pneumonia (7 patients were ventilated mechanically), 9 patients had pleural effusion (8 patients were ventilated
mechanically), 13 patients had congestion or cardiogenic
pulmonary edema (12 patients were ventilated mechanically), 3 patients had pulmonary embolism (2 patients
were ventilated mechanically), and 8 patients had atelectasis (7 patients were ventilated mechanically). None of
these patients had HH, cirrhosis, or another cause of
hepatic disease.
Prevalence of HPS in Patients With HH
Eighteen patients had IPVD detected via CEE
and fulfilled the criteria of HPS. Of the remaining 26
patients, 21 patients had no IPVD and were HPS negative. Three patients had an intracardiac shunt owing to
patent foramen ovale and 2 patients had inadequate
echocardiographic image quality. These 5 patients were
neither considered HPS positive nor HPS negative because the presence of IPVD could not be assessed sufficiently. Therefore, the prevalence of HPS in patients
with HH was 46% (18 of 39 patients).
CEE was negative for IPVD in all control patients.
Intracardiac right to left shunting was diagnosed in 4
control patients via CEE (1 patient with cardiogenic
Table 1. Demographic and Clinical Data of Patients With HH
Median age, y (range)
Men, n (%)
Height, cm
Weight, kg
Mechanical ventilation, n (%)
ICU survival, n (%)
ICU length of stay, days (range)a
Vasopressor therapy, n (%)
Factors predisposing patients to HHb
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, n
Acute myocardial infarction, n
Cardiomyopathy, n
Arrhythmia, n
Septic shock, n
Pulmonary embolism, n
Valvular heart disease, n
Pericardial effusion, n
HPS-positive patients
(n ⫽ 18)
HPS-negative patients
(n ⫽ 21)
P value
63 (22–78)
13 (72%)
175 ⫾ 8
77 ⫾ 15
87 ⫾ 33
13 (72%)
10 (56%)
5.5 (3–23)
11 (61%)
56 (29–83)
12 (57%)
172 ⫾ 11
82 ⫾ 28
78 ⫾ 31
17 (81%)
9 (43%)
6 (4–19)
17 (81%)
NOTE. ⫾ values are mean ⫾ SD.
APACHE III, acute physiologic and chronic health evaluation III score.
aSolely ICU-surviving patients included.
b20 patients (51%) had more than 1 predisposing event.
Table 2. Arterial Blood Gas Analysis and Respiratory Parameters During CEE in Patients With HH
HPS-positive patients
Arterial blood gas analysis during CEE
7.34 ⫾ .15
PaO2, mm Hg
76 ⫾ 11
PaCO2, mm Hg
40 ⫾ 15
AaDO2, mm Hg
231 ⫾ 126
Respiratory parameters in mechanically ventilated patients during CEE
PEEP, mbar
7.5 ⫾ 2.8
P max insp, mbar
22.2 ⫾ 5.3
Tidal volume, mL
485 ⫾ 90
Respiratory rate per minute
18 ⫾ 5
152 ⫾ 61
266 ⫾ 102
AaDO2, mm Hg
AUC48hr of PaO2/FiO2, mm Hg · h
7465 ⫾ 2409a
HPS-negative patients
P value
7.40 ⫾ .06
92 ⫾ 16
40 ⫾ 9
204 ⫾ 118
8.9 ⫾ 4.1
22.9 ⫾ 6.2
531 ⫾ 152
16 ⫾ 5
203 ⫾ 63
215 ⫾ 112
11,620 ⫾ 4281b
NOTE. ⫾ values are mean ⫾ SD. For the arterial blood gas analysis during CEE there were 18 HPS-positive patients and 21 HPS-negative
patients. For the respiratory parameters in mechanically ventilated patients during CEE there were 11 HPS-positive patients and 18 HPS-negative
PaO2, partial pressure of arterial oxygen; PaCO2, partial pressure of arterial carbon dioxide; AaDO2, alveolar-arterial difference for the partial
pressure of oxygen; PEEP, positive end expiratory pressure; P max insp, maximal inspiratory pressure; PaO2/FiO2, ratio of the arterial oxygen
tension and the fraction of inspiratory oxygen in mechanically ventilated patients; AUC48hr, area under the curve during the first 48 hours after
diagnosis of HH.
aNumber of HPS-positive patients ventilated mechanically for at least 48 hours after HH ⫽ 10.
bNumber of HPS-negative patients ventilated mechanically for at least 48 hours after HH ⫽ 14.
pulmonary edema, 1 patient with pulmonary embolism,
1 patient with pleural effusion, and 1 patient with
Laboratory Features
Admission laboratory parameters did not differ
significantly in HPS-positive vs HPS-negative patients:
the AST levels were 490 ⫾ 872 U/L vs 348 ⫾ 749 U/L
(P ⫽ NS), ALT levels were 321 ⫾ 551 U/L vs 206 ⫾
506 U/L (P ⫽ NS); serum lactate dehydrogenase levels
were 683 ⫾ 699 U/L vs 642 ⫾ 624 U/L (P ⫽ NS);
bilirubin levels were 1.29 ⫾ .73 mg/dL vs .86 ⫾ .40
mg/dL (P ⫽ NS); and the international normalized ratios
(INRs) were 1.43 ⫾ .64 vs 1.19 ⫾ .15 (P ⫽ NS). The
mean peak AST levels were significantly higher in HPSpositive patients compared with HPS-negative patients
(6959 ⫾ 5267 U/L vs 3719 ⫾ 3964 U/L; P ⫽ .028). The
mean peak ALT levels (2693 ⫾ 1938 U/L vs 1992 ⫾
1838 U/L; P ⫽ NS) and the mean peak serum lactate
dehydrogenase values (5226 ⫾ 4286 U/L vs 3955 ⫾
3490 U/L; P ⫽ NS) were higher in HPS-positive patients, but this was not statistically significant. The mean
peak bilirubin levels (2.06 ⫾ 1.38 mg/dL vs 1.93 ⫾ 1.47
mg/dL; P ⫽ NS) and the mean peak INRs (2.57 ⫾ 1.45
vs 1.78 ⫾ .45; P ⫽ NS) did not differ between HPSpositive and HPS-negative patients.
In the control group the mean AST level was 51 ⫾ 26
U/L, mean ALT level was 41 ⫾ 31 U/L, mean serum
lactate dehydrogenase level was 408 ⫾ 246 U/L, mean
bilirubin level was .75 ⫾ .37 mg/dL, and mean INR was
1.41 ⫾ .81.
ICU Course
All patients with HH received respiratory support
at diagnosis of HH: 34 (77%) patients were ventilated
mechanically and oxygen supply was given via face mask
to 10 (23%) patients. During CEE, the partial pressure of
arterial oxygen values and the partial pressure of arterial
oxygen/fraction of inspired oxygen ratio were significantly lower in HPS-positive patients compared with
HPS-negative patients. Table 2 shows arterial blood gas
analysis and respiratory support during CEE.
The partial pressure of arterial oxygen/fraction of inspired oxygen ratio was calculated 3 times daily in all
mechanically ventilated patients. We found a significantly lower area under the curve of the partial pressure
of arterial oxygen/fraction of inspired oxygen ratio over
time in mechanically ventilated HPS-positive patients
during the first 48 hours after diagnosis of HH (Table 2).
The ICU survival rate and the overall length of ICU
stay for patients surviving the ICU were comparable in
both groups (Table 1).
Follow-up Evaluation
Follow-up examination was possible in 7 of the 10
HPS-positive patients surviving their ICU stay after a
median time of 4 weeks (range, 1– 42 weeks). At the
time of follow-up evaluation, all of these patients revealed a decrease in transaminase levels and an increase in
INR compared with peak laboratory parameters (peak
AST levels, 8685 ⫾ 7563 U/L vs 90 ⫾ 153 U/L during
follow-up evaluation, P ⫽ .018; peak ALT levels, 3247
July 2006
Table 3. Reversibility of HPS in Seven Patients With HH
Parameters at diagnosis of HPS
Age, y
Mean ⫾ SD
62 ⫾ 8
85 ⫾ 26
O2 via
face mask
mm Hg
76 ⫾ 8
Weeks between
Parameters during follow-up
diagnosis of
HPS and
O2 via
MV face mask mm Hg
10 ⫾ 15
87 ⫾ 17
APACHE III, acute physiologic and chronic health evaluation III; MV, mechanical ventilation; O2, oxygen support; CPR, cardiopulmonary
aPatient required oxygen support after aspiration and CPR 2 weeks after discharge from the ICU; between ICU discharge and CPR she did not
require oxygen support.
bPatient required oxygen support because of nosocomial pneumonia.
⫾ 2464 U/L vs 199 ⫾ 419 U/L during follow-up
evaluation, P ⫽ .018; peak INRs, 2.64 ⫾ 1.40 vs 1.21
⫾ .33 during follow-up evaluation [INR only available
in 5 patients during follow-up evaluation], P ⫽ .028).
Three of these patients required oxygen support during
follow-up evaluation (2 patients because of nosocomial
pneumonia and 1 patient after aspiration and cardiopulmonary resuscitation). However, all patients were negative for IPVD during follow-up evaluation. Patients’
characteristics are shown in Table 3.
HPS is a known complication of chronic liver
disease associated with increased morbidity and mortality.1,2,25 Most of the clinical studies focused on patients
with cirrhosis. There are only a few cases reporting the
occurrence of HPS in patients without cirrhosis.3–9 A
histopathologic study of the lungs in patients who died
of fulminant hepatic failure revealed pleural spider nevi,
diffuse dilatation of the pulmonary vascular bed affecting
arteries, precapillary vessels, and veins of all structural
types, and precapillary anastomoses.10 These findings
indicate that HPS also may occur in patients with acute
liver injury. We present results of a prospective clinical
study investigating the prevalence, clinical presentation,
and consequences of HPS in patients with HH, a frequent cause of severe acute hepatic impairment in hospital.14,15
The prevalence of IPVD in patients with HH was
46% in our study. Although the reported prevalence of
IPVD in cirrhotic patients ranges from 13% to 47%,26
arterial deoxygenation and therefore HPS was observed
only in about 20% of cirrhotic patients.1 Patients with
HH and IPVD had significantly impaired oxygenation
indices compared with patients with HH but without
IPVD. However, all of our patients with HH had severe
gas exchange abnormalities owing to their underlying
diseases that had caused HH. Other techniques such as
macroaggregated albumin lung perfusion scanning
would be helpful to quantify the impact of IPVD on the
observed gas exchange abnormalities.27 This method was
not feasible in our critically ill patients. Because all of
our patients with HH and IPVD had arterial deoxygenation and therefore fulfilled the criteria of HPS, we
defined them as HPS positive.
IPVD was reversible after normalization of hepatic
function in all 7 patients with HH who were available for
follow-up examination after discharge from the ICU. In
addition to 2 case reports,4,7 this prospective study shows
the reversibility of IPVD in patients with acute hepatic
A number of potential mechanisms contributing to
IPVD like pulmonary nitric oxide overproduction, carbon monoxide, endothelin-1, transforming growth factor
, and tumor necrosis factor ␣ have been found in
experimental and human HPS.1,28 –38 Independently of
the pathophysiologic mechanism causing IPVD, our data
suggest that acute liver injury is associated frequently
with the development of IPVD and HPS. Further studies
will need to clarify whether factors causing acute hepatic
impairment in cirrhosis like infection and acute gastrointestinal bleeding also may trigger the development of
Length of stay at the ICU and survival were comparable in HPS-positive and HPS-negative patients. In
contrast to patients with cirrhosis, in whom the presence
of HPS is associated with an increased mortality rate,2
the prognosis of patients with HH seems to depend
mainly on the reversibility of the basic, HH-causing
disease: if it is possible to stabilize the acute decompensated pulmonary and cardiocirculatory dysfunction, reversibility of HH and HPS are likely.
IPVD appears to be a finding that is highly specific for
patients with hepatic disease. It is well known that the
combination of arterial deoxygenation, IPVD, and liver
disease supports the diagnosis of HPS also in the presence
of coexistent chronic cardiopulmonary diseases.1,39,40 We
could not detect IPVD via CEE in any of the 62 critically
ill patients in the control group without acute or chronic
hepatic impairment but with severe cardiopulmonary
diseases. However, we cannot exclude the presence of
IPVD in selected individuals without hepatic disease in
a larger cohort of critically ill patients.
We acknowledge potential limitations in our study.
First, the number of patients in our study was relatively
small. However, this is one of the largest prospective
studies in patients with HH.11 Second, because critically
ill patients may suffer from many causes of respiratory
impairment, the contribution of IPVD to the gas exchange abnormalities may vary as discussed previously.
Third, because some patients with HH died early after
the occurrence of HH—possibly before the development
of IPVD—the number of HPS-positive patients probably
would have been higher if a longer observation period
had been possible.
In conclusion, our study shows that HPS criteria are
fulfilled frequently in patients with HH. IPVD was
reversible after normalization of hepatic dysfunction.
HPS-positive patients had severe arterial deoxygenation
in the first days after evolvement of HH. IPVD was not
detected in critically ill patients without HH. Clinicians
should consider IPVD and HPS in patients with HH.
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Received October 15, 2005. Accepted April 7, 2006.
Address request for reprints to: Valentin Fuhrmann, MD, Department of Internal Medicine 4, Intensive Care Unit, Medical University
Vienna, Waehringer Guertel 18-20, A-1090 Vienna, Austria. e-mail:
[email protected]; fax: (43) 1-40400-4797.