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7. Yuan M, Konstantopoulos N, Lee J, Hansen L, Li ZW, Karin M, et al.
Reversal of obesity- and diet-induced insulin resistance with salicylates or
targeted disruption of Ikbeta. Science 2001;293:1673-1677.
Transcription factors are proteins that possess separate
10. Pickup JC. Inflammation and activated innate immunity in the pathogenfunctions,
such as DNA binding and transactivation and/or
esis of type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Care 2004;27:813-823.
11. Senn JJ, Klover PJ, Nowak IA, Mooney RA. Interleukin-6 induces cellular transrepression, that are restricted to distinct domains. In
insulin resistance in hepatocytes. Diabetes 2002;51:3391-3399.
general, the DNA-binding domains are particularly well
12. Christ B, Yazici E, Nath A. Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase and protein
conserved and used for classification of phylogenetic relakinase C contribute to the inhibition by interleukin 6 of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase gene expression in cultured rat hepatocytes. HEI>A'I.OL-tionships. Also, transcription factors that share the same design for DNA interactions tend to display similar functions,
OGY 2000;31:46 1-468.
13. Chen RH, Chang MC, Su YH, Tsai YT, Kuo ML. Interleukin-6 inhibits such as the capacity to heterodimerize and transduce intratransforming growth factor-beta-induced apoptosis through the phosphacellular signals.
tidylinositol 3-kinasdAkt and signal transducers and activators of tranConsiderable progress has been made in the understandscription 3 pathways. J Biol Chem 1999;274:23013-23019.
14. Kortylewski M, Feld F, Kruger KD, Bahrenberg G, Roth RA, Joost HG, et
ing of the network of transcription factors, collectively real. Akt modulates STAT-3-mediated gene expression through a FKHR
ferred to as hepatocyte nuclear factors (HNF), that
(FOX0 la)-dependent mechanism. J Biol Chem 2003; 278:5242-5249.
Copyright 02004 by the American Associationfor the Study of Liver Diseases.
Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.
interscience. wiley.com).
DO1 10.1002ihep.20444
Outfoxing liver Cancer With plSARFTumor
Kalinicbenko W Major ML, Wang X, Petrovic K
Kuecblej, Yoder HM, etal. Foxml b transcription factor is
essential for development of hepatocellular carcinomas
and is negatively regulated by the ~
1 tumor
9 suppres~
sor. Genes Dev 2004;18:830-850. (Reprinted with permission of Genes & Development.)
participate in liver development, differentiation, and regeneration.'" The HNFs are composed of several different fmilies of transcription factors that include the forkhead box
(Fox) family.3
The Fox family of transcription factors consists of
more than 50 mammalian proteins that share homology
in the winged helix DNA-binding domain'4.5 (for useful
information visit http://www.biology.pomona.edu/
fox.htm1). Although the Fox family is not among the biggest family of transcription factors, it displays an
extraordinary functional diversity and is involved in a
wide variety of biological processes that include differen~tiation,
~ cellular proliferation, apoptosis, metabolic homeostasis, longevity, and transformation.> The Fox
transcription factors that belong to the HNFs are Foxal,
2 and 3 (also referred to as Hnf3a,P,y), Foxfl (hfhhs,
Freacl), and Foxmlb ( H f h l l B , Trident). Among the
Fox transcription factors that belong to the HNFs,
Foxml b is unique in that it is required for efficient regeneration of adult hepatocytes.6 Indeed, when the Foxml b
gene was originally cloned, it was realized that expression
of the gene strictly correlated with cell cycling independent of cell type.7 Subsequently, a number of studies have
confirmed and extended these original observations.3,s-1"
Recent studies have also demonstrated that activation of
Foxml B protein requires both Cdk-cyclin phosphorylation-dependent recruitment of p300/CBP and binding of
activated Cdk-cyclin complexes to the activation domain. ] Selective overexpression of the Foxml B in hepatocytes results in an 8-hour acceleration of hepatocyte
entry into S phase and mitosis during liver regeneration.l0.l2The premature entry into S phase and mitosis is
associated with early hepatic expression of cyclin D 1 and
CIEBPP, and decreased induction of cdk inhibitor
p2 1Cip 1 (p2 l ) , as well as early expression of cyclin B 1,
cyclin B2, cdc-2 (CdkI), and cdc25B p h o s p h a t a ~ e . * In
contrast, liver regeneration in the Alb-Cre Foxmlb -/mouse revealed that Foxmlb deficiency results in signifi-
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a leading cause of cancerrelated deaths worldwide. Here, we provide evidence that the
Forkhead Box (Fox) mlb (Foxmlb or Foxml) transcription factor
is essential for the development of HCC. Conditionally deleted
Fomnlb mouse hepatocytes fail to proliferate and are highly resistant to developing HCC in response to a Diethylnitrosamine
(DEN)IPhenobarbital (PB) liver tumor-induction protocol. The
mechanism of resistance to HCC development is associated with
nuclear accumulation of the cell cycle inhibitor ~ 2 7 ~ protein
and reduced expression of the Cdkl-activator Cdc25B phosphatase. We showed that the Foxmlb transcription factor is a novel
inhibitory target of the p l F tumor suppressor. Furthermore, we
demonstrated that conditional overexpression of Foxmlb protein
in osteosarcoma U20S cells greatly enhances anchorage-independent growth of cell colonies on soft agar. A p l y 26-44 peptide
containing nine D-Arg to enhance cellular uptake of the peptide
was sufficient to significantlyreduce both Foxmlb transcriptional
activity and Foxmlb-induced growth of U20S cell colonies on
soft agar. These results suggest that this (D-Arg)9-p13ARF26-44
peptide is a potential therapeutic inhibitor of Foxmlb function
during cellular transformation. Our studies demonstrate that the
Foxmlb transcription factor is required for proliferative expansion during tumor progression and constitutes a potential new
target for therapy of human HCC tumors.
HEPATOLOGY, Vol. 40, No. 5, 2004
Fig. 1. Schematic representation
of FoxMlB regulation of cell cycle
genes. Modified from Costa et al.3
cant reduction of hepatocyte replication and mitosis.13
This reduction in hepatocyte replication is associated with
increased levels of Cdk inhibitor p21 and decreased expression of Cdc25A phosphatase, resulting in decreased
Cdk2 activation and delayed progression into S phase.
Also, no expression of the Cdc25B phosphatase is detected in the regenerating Alb-Cre Foxmlb -1- livers
resulting in delayed activation of the Cdkl-cyclinB complex and attenuated cell cycle progression. Taken together, the data from the Alb-Cre Foxmlb-/- mouse
indicate that the critical targets for the Foxmlb are genes
coding for proteins that limit Cdkl and 2 activities
needed for the normal cell cycle progression (Fig. 1).
In an impressive paper, Kalinichenko et al.14 have extended earlier studies and examined the role of Foxmlb in
chemically induced liver cancer. The diethylnitrosamine/
phenobarbital (DEN/PB) liver tumor-induction protocol
was used to demonstrate that Alb-Cre Fuxmlb-/- mouse
hepatocytes fail to undergo proliferation and are highly resistant to developing hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). The
authors provide evidence that the mechanism of resistance to
HCC development in Foxmlb-/- hepatocytes involves (1)
increased polyploidization; (2) sustained nuclear accumulation of the Cdk inhibitor ~ 2 7 ~ protein
and diminished
expression of the M-phase promoting Cdc25B phosphatase;
(3) transient hepatic expression of p l Ftumor suppressor
during DENPB tumor initiation; and (4)increased levels of
Foxml b protein, which can stimulate anchorage-independent growth (at least in osteosarcoma U20S cells). The authors
also provide evidence that the ( D - A r & - p l F 2644 peptide
can inhibit Foxmlb transcriptional activity and might be an
effect;ve therapeutic inhibitor of Foxmlb function.
Given the critical role of Foxmbl transcription factor in
promoting efficient cell cycle progression, it is perhaps not
surprisingthat loss ofthe Foxrnbl gene in hepatocytes shortly
after tumor initiation would significantly reduce and/or delay development of liver cancer. Indeed, one would predict
that similar reduction in tumor formation would also occur
in other tissues in which the Foxmbl gene was selectively
deleted in the target cell population. Although Kalinichenko
et al.14 provide an impressive data set on the role of Foxmbl
in experimental liver cancer, there are still unanswered questions regarding the precise role of Foxmbl in the development of liver cancer. The fact that Alb-Cre-mediated
allele is accomplished 2 to 3
deletion of the Foxmbl
weeks after the chemical initiation of the carcinogenic process does not provide precise insight into the potential role or
importance of Foxmbl in the later stages (it.,promotion
and progression) of the process. It is worth noting that
Foxmbl -/- mice do develop liver cancer (albeit with much
longer latency, so Foxmbl is not essential for the development of HCC), and therefore it is possible that Foxmbl is
not important for the later stages of the process, but these
issues need to be clarified. The importance of stage-specific
deletion has been well illustrated for another transcription
factor, c-jun, that is required for efficient cell cycle progression of hepatocytes and is critical for chemicallyinduced (it.,
DEN/PB) liver cancer.l5 Wagner and colleagues15 used liver-specific inactivation of c-jun at different stages of HCC
development in the mouse to demonstrate that the requirement for c-jun was restricted to early stages of tumor development and inactivation of c-jun in advanced tumors did not
impair tumor progression. Similar studies with the
Foxml b f j mouse would be highly informative.
The most provocative finding reported by Costa and
colleagues14 is the demonstration that Foxmb 1 transcription factor is a novel inhibitory target for the ~
1 tu- 9
mor suppressor. The p 19ARF(p 14ARF
in humans) is one of
2 tumor suppressors encoded by the InR4a-Arflocus (the
~ ~ " critical
other is p 1
The p 19ARFand ~ 1 6 ' "occupy
10 12
HEPATOLOGY, November 2004
nodal points in a signaling network that is disrupted in
CbieJf Laboratoy of Experimental Carcinogenesis
most, if not all, cancer cells. Recent evidence, primarily
Centerfor Cancer Research
from mouse tumor models, has demonstrated a clear dif~
a ~ i 5 nCancer
Institute, ~ a t i o n Institutes
o f Health
ference between the activities of
and p16'"k4a in
regulating both tumor onset and responsiveness to
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the importance of developing new molecular approaches to
identii and test novel targets for the treatment of liver cancer.
Copyright 0 2004 by the American Association for the Study ofLiver Diseases.
This is particularly important in the context of the current lack
Published online in Wiky Interscience (www.interscience. wiley.com).
DOI IO.I002/hep.20443
of effective treatment of human liver cancer.