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Türkiye Ekopatoloji Dergisi, 2006
International audienc
Begitu istimewa dan beragamnya kecerdasan manusia dan begitu banyak pula sisi- sisi lainnya yang belum terkuak, bukti bahwa kita masih belum begitu memperhatikan kecerdasan- kecerdasan yang lain, selain IQ, Peserta didik biasa dites IQ nya tapi dengan sedikit sekali kekecualian tidak pernah diberi tes- tes kecerdasan yang lainnya,seperti El dan SI. Dalam sistem pendidikan di Indonesia, siswa yang cerdas adalah siswa yang nilai- nilai rapor sekolah atau Indeks prestasinya tingi. Sementara sikap, kreativitas, kemandirian, emosi dan spiritualitas belum mendapat penilaian yang proporsional. Betapa pentingnya kecerdasan emosi ( EQ), yang telah dianggap banyak orang sebagai penentu keberhasilan. Hal tersebut juga terbukti secara ilmiah bahwa kecerdasan emosi memegang peranan yang sangat penting dalam mencapai keberhasilan di segala bidang. Adapun Sikap baik seperti integritas, inisiatif, motivasi, etika, kerja sama dalam tim, kepemimpinan, kemauan belajar, komitmen, mendengarkan, tangguh,...
Mary Dillwyn was Wales’s earliest female photographer, and one of Britain’s notable early female photographers, one of four children born to Lewis Weston Dillwyn and Mary Adams of the Penllergare estate near Swansea. She is said to have ‘captured the first smile’ on camera. Glynn Vivian has invited nine international contemporary artists respond to Mary Dillwyn and her work. This major exhibition will explore ideas of private and public, landscape, still life photography and notions of collaboration and ownership. The idea for the exhibition stemmed from Helen Sear’s work “Pastoral Monuments” referencing the flower photographs of Mary Dillwyn, the 19th Century Swansea photographer, made by Helen in 2012. Helen Sear is one of Wales’ significant contemporary artists, and is known for her practise that explores the crossover between photography and fine art. Helen represented Wales at the Venice Biennale 2015 and was recipient of the Wakelin Award 2013. It became clear that the large r...
Tekst predstavlja dio širega projekta koji se odnosi na ulogu predpojmovnih kompleksa u formiranju paradigmatskih teorija, poglavito u povijesti fizike. Nakon analize određenih tekstova (Aristotelovih, Galilejevih, Newtonovih i drugih) uočeno je postojanje takozvanih općih kompleksa koji imaju ulogu regulacije same teorije. Opći kompleksi funkcioniraju po istome mehanizmu kao i paradigme koje je u svojim radovima opisao Kuhn. Ovaj rad ima zadatak pokazati kako je njegov koncept paradigme usko povezan s općim kompleksom i kompleksnim mišljenjem. Također, izvršena je i dublja analiza ideje paradigme koju Kuhn određuje u svojim radovima. Došlo se do zaključka da on nije shvatio samu bit paradigme, tj. općega kompleksa, što je dovelo da lutanja kako u definiciji toga koncepta tako i u primjeni same ideje. Kuhn je pokušao definirati paradigmu kao neki opći pojam ili matricu, što je u biti nemoguće zbog same njezine prirode, a posljedica je toga činjenica da se sam koncept paradigme u nje...
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Kapitalizm ve Türkiye I: Kapitalizm, Tarih ve Ekonomi içinde, Ed: Fuat Ercan ve Yüksel, Akkaya, Dipnot Yayınları, 2005
Writers Editors Critics (WEC), 2012
DergiPark (Istanbul University), 2023
International Journal of Qualitative Methods
Zagadnienia Ekonomiki Rolnej, 2013
The National Herald, 2022
Complex Mediums VI: Light and Complexity, 2005
Desalination, 2012
The American Journal of Interdisciplinary Innovations and Research, 2020
International Journal of Nursing Practice, 2010