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1999, Thin Solid Films
7 pages
1 file
Metal/conjugated polymer film/silicon structures have been fabricated. Current-voltage measurements have been performed with both AI and Au metal electrodes on n-and p-type Si substrates. The conjugated polymer was regioregular poly @octylthiopheneI (P30T). Rectificalion ratios as high as-10" have been observed, with turn on voltages of-i.5 V. Evidence of Schottky barrier formation at the Al/polymer interface, and Fowler-Nordheim tunneiling at the PjOT/p-Si interface is shown. Capacitance-voltage characteristics were obtained in the frequency range 10 H2 to I MHz, Strong frequency dispersion is observed which is indicative of the presence of traps. A model is proposed to explain this dispersion which shows good agreement with the experimental results. Preliminaq optical results indicate that these diodes maq' have applications as optical sensors.
Thin Solid Films, 2010
We have fabricated a poly(aniline-3-methyl thiophene) organic thin material on p-Si substrate by placing a solution of copolymer in acetonitrile on top of a p-Si substrate and then evaporating the solvent. The electrical and interface state density properties of the poly(aniline-3-methyl thiophene) copolymer/p-Si/Al diode have been investigated through methods using current-voltage (I-V), Cheung's, and a modified Norde's function. Good agreement was observed with the values of barrier height as obtained from all of these methods. The diode shows a non-ideal I-V behavior with an ideality factor greater than unity, which could be ascribed to the interfacial layer, interface states and series resistance. The interface state density of diode was determined using the forward-bias I-V characteristic technique at room temperature, and it decreases exponentially with bias from 1.39 × 10 16 cm −2 eV −1 in (0.06 − E v ) eV to 4.86 × 10 15 cm −2 eV −1 in (0.51 − E v ) eV.
Applied Surface Science, 2008
Organic/inorganic junction diodes of Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) poly(styrenesulfonate(PEDOT:PSS) and its nanocomposite with titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanoparticles on n-type silicon substrate have been fabricated. To study the electrical properties of nanocomposite based organic devices, the ac and dc measurements have been carried out under the dark conditions at room temperature. The PEDOT:PSS/n-Si and PEDOT:PSS-TiO2/n-Si devices have exhibited rectifying behavior. Different important electronic properties such as diode quality factor turn on voltage, and charge carrier concentration have been extracted by I-V and C-V data. The experimentally measured values of the ideality factor of PEDOT:PSS/n-Si and PEDOT:PSS-TiO2/n-Si diodes are 12.8 and 4.59, while the turn on voltage values for these devices are 2.75 and 1.48 V, respectively. The charge carrier concentration values measured by the forward bias C-2-V characteristics are 1.75 × 1013 and 4.80 × 1015 cm-3, respectively. The ...
IEE Proceedings - Circuits, Devices and Systems, 1997
Schottky barrier diodes based on All poly(3-methylthiophene)/Au have been fabricated and their electrical behaviour investigated. ILV characteristics revealed a dependence on the fabrication conditions, speciGcally on the time under vacuum prior to evaporation of the rectifying contact and post-metal annealing at elevated temperature. The available evidence is consistent with the formation of a thin insulating layer between the metal and the polymer following these procedures. Long periods under vacuum prior to deposition of the aluminium eleclrode reduced the likelihood of such a layer forming. Capacitance-voltage plots of the devices were stable to voltage cycling, so long as the forward voltage did not exceed-1 V. Above this a srnall degree of hysteresis was observed, which is attributed to the fillingiemptying of interface states or traps in the polymer.
Modern Journal of Language Teaching Methods, 2012
This e-book is in copyright. No reproduction may take place without the express written permission of the Modern Journal of Language Teaching Methods (MJLTM) No Unauthorized Copying All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means Electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the Modern Journal of Language Teaching Method.
The purpose of this paper is to analyze and discuss the strategies for 'Disability Inclusion' which include: legislations for disability rights, reasonable accommodations (universal design, accessibility and assistive technologies), and awareness raising for attitudes change. Likewise, in this paper five countries were used as case studies on legislations for disability rights enacted to remove barriers and accommodate persons with disabilities into society. Also, secondary data was used for writing this paper.
Evidence, 2024
Evidence in Context • Showcases SPSS v29's meta-analysis tools tailored for health professionals. • Provides detailed instructions and examples for conducting various types of meta-analyses. • Includes practical examples for handling continuous, binary, and correlation data. • Outlines methods for evaluating publication bias and heterogeneity in meta-analyses. • Recommends enhancements for future SPSS versions to improve meta-analysis functionality.
Esse documento não tem qualquer poder legal, sendo apenas material de referência para que estados e municípios elaborem e instituam legislações locais a respeito do assunto tratado NADAV/DIMCB/ANVISA 2009 Esse documento não tem qualquer poder legal, sendo apenas material de referência para que estados e municípios elaborem e instituam legislações locais a respeito do assunto tratado NADAV/DIMCB/ANVISA 2009
EUTOPÍA 14, 2018
En este artículo se aborda la situación histórica de la elaboración, el consumo y la comercialización de los destilados de agave que se producen en México, a partir de la Ecología Política, con enfoque ecomarxista. Se argumenta que, tras la mercantilización del mezcal, los productores artesanales vinculados a prácticas diversas y heterogéneas, que resultan más sustentables, son sistemática y legítimamente excluidos y despojados tanto de los agaves como del conocimiento para elaborar mezcales. Esto, con miras a favorecer la producción industrial ligada a la acumulación de capital. A través de un análisis histórico, con énfasis a partir de la segunda mitad del siglo XX e inicios del XXI, se definen los principales cambios en las condiciones y medios de producción del mezcal. Se examina la transformación de valor de uso a valor de cambio y la mutación de los agaves en mercancías ficticias, como resultado de la mercantilización del mezcal. Por último, se describen los esquemas políticos y legales que el Estado mexicano utiliza contemporáneamente para legitimar la exclusión y el despojo de los pequeños productores.
Rassegna Economica, 2015
Teaching Gender Studies in Hungary. ed. Andrea Pető, 2006
Vulnerabilidade e novas tecnologias, 2023
مجلة التربية، كلية التربية، جامعة الأزهر بالقاهرة العدد 196، ص ص 110-148, 2022
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 1964
Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia
Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice, 1985
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 2017
Revista Brasileira Multidisciplinar, 2010
Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 2007