Schottky barrier diodes from semiconducting
H.L. Gomes
D.M.TayIo r
Indc,xitzg- lernzs: Schoitlcy-burrier diodes, I- V cliui.ucter'i.ctics,Senziconducting polymer,v. Polymer ,films
Abstract: Schottky barrier diodes based on All
poly(3-methylthiophene)/Au have been fabricated
and their electrical behaviour investigated. ILV
characteristics revealed a dependence on the
fabrication conditions, speciGcally on the time
under vacuum prior to evaporation of the
rectifying contact and post-metal annealing at
elevated temperature. The available evidence is
consistent with the formation of a thin insulating
layer between the metal and the polymer
following these procedures. Long periods under
vacuum prior to deposition of the aluminium
eleclrode reduced the likelihood of such a layer
forming. Capacitance-voltage plots of the devices
were stable to voltage cycling, so long as the
forward voltage did not exceed -1 V. Above this a
srnall degree of hysteresis was observed, which is
attributed to the fillingiemptying of interface
states or traps in the polymer.
Although the first semiconducting polymer was prepared some 20 years ago [I], it was the discovery three
years later [2] that the films could be doped which led
to intense research activity in this field. This early
research focussed mainly on the mechanism of charge
transport in these materials and led to an understanding of the main features required to obtain highly conducting polymers. Already the outcome of this work is
seen in commercial applications such as antistatic coatings, capacitors and batteries.
More recently, under the umbrella of molecular electronics, much of the research has been directed towards
the development of stable, processable polymers that
exhibit optoelectronic and semiconducting properties
with the ultimate goal of developing electronic devices
and circuits entirely from polymers, e.g. the electroluminescent devices reported by Friend and coworkers
Devices such as MISFETs [4-61 and Schottky barrier
diodes [7, 81 have been fabricated from almost all semiconducting polymers. MISFETS generally operate in
the accumulation mode [4] with only polyacetylene
MISFETs apparently showing any evidence for inversion [SI. Schottky barriers formed from semiconducting
polymers have been shown to have good rectification
ratios and solar cells made from thiophene oligomers
were reported [9] to have a quantum yield close to
unity under low illumination (pW/cm'> although this
fell to less than 0.15'%1at higher levels of illumination.
Clearly, these devices are still far from being competitive with those based on inorganic materials but the
results were sufficiently encouraging to promote considerable research effort in an attempt to understand
barrier properties. In a recent paper [lo], we reported
the results of a systematic investigation into both the
DC and AC behaviour of the Schottky barrier formed
at the interface between aluminium and electropolymerised poly(3-methylthiophene). Here we summarise
the main findings of that work and present new results
showing the effect of fabrication conditions on the barrier properties.
0IEE, 1907
IEE Proceclding.s online no. 19971003
Paper received 21st Dccember 1995
H.L. Gomes is with Uniddde de Ciencias Exactas e Humanas, Universidade do Algarve, Campus de Gambelas, 8000 Faro, Portugal
D.M. Taylor is with the School of Electronic Enginecring and Computer
Systems, University of Wales, Dean Street, B;ingor, Gwynedd LL57 IUT,
IEE Eroc.-C'ircuit.s Devices Sysl., Vol 144, No. 2, April IY97
Fig. 1
p-type semiconductor
Clus,r.icSchottky harrier to U p-type smziconductor
The energy band diagram for a classic Schottky diode
formed on a p-type semiconductor is shown in Fig. 1.
A metal of work function I $ ~contacting the polymer
has created a depletion layer at the semiconductor surface [l I]. Hole transport across the interface is controlled by the associated potential barriers, qvy0in the
semiconductor and q5/, froin the metal. Based on this
classical model, the current-voltage characteristic is
described by
where J , is the reverse saturation current density, q the
electronic charge, k Boltzmann's constant, T the absolute temperature and V the applied voltage. When
transport is limited by thermionic emission across the
interfacial potential barriers, Jo is given by
are themselves independent of frequency. The situation
may be further complicated by the presence of traps
and interface states [12]. Furthermore, we have shown
[ 131 that Mott-Schottky plots for electropolymerised 3methylthiophene display a significant change in slope
which was interpreted in terms of a second, much
deeper acceptor state which only became active when
the band bending was sufficiently great.
where A* is the modified Richardson constant. When
transport is limited by diffusion, then Jo is given by
where NV is the effective density of states in the valence
band, ,U the hole mobility and E,,, the maximum electric field in the depletion region, i.e.
Fig.2 Simple equivalent c i m d used here to model the Schottky diode
R , and C, represent the depletion region while R, and C, represent the bulk
(Vs0 - V )3
In practice, the forward characteristic of a polymer
diode follows the more general behaviour
where the ideality factor n is in the range 1.2 to 8. A
number of mechanisms have been proposed to explain
the departure of n from unity, one of which is the presence of an interfacial layer between the metal and the
semiconductor [12]. Other factors include the high
series resistance of the bulk polymer between the
Schottky barrier and the ohmic gold contact [lo, 121. It
is also the case that reverse currents increase more rapidly with applied voltage than suggested by eqns. 2-4.
We have suggested that, following Rhoderick [ 121, this
may be due to image-force lowering of the interfacial
barrier, whence, for negative values of applied voltage
V, the reverse current density J R has the form
The polymer films for this study were prepared in a
class two semiconductor clean room by electropolymerisation onto a working electrode using a classic threeelectrode cell. The working electrode in this instance
was formed by depositing 30nm of gold onto a clean
microscope slide previously coated with 3 nm of chrome
to improve adhesion. The metals were deposited by
evaporation in a turbomolecular pump system. The reference and counter electrodes were made from silver
wire and platinum foil, respectively. A 0.5M solution
of 3-methylthiophene dissolved in propylene carbonate
was prepared, to which was added 0.1 M tetrabutylammonium fluoride as the supporting salt. Electropolymerisation was conducted in two steps: 2.0V was applied
across the cell for the first 5s and then 1.6V for 38min depending on the film thickness required. The
working electrode was then transferred to a second
monomer-free cell and undoped with a voltage in the
range -0.1 to +0.2V until the current was less than
0.1pA. The films were then washed with acetone and
within 5min placed in the turbosystem for deposition
of the aluminium counter electrode. Generally, films
were left under vacuum for several hours prior to metal
evaporation, although in some cases this time was
reduced to as low as 8min to determine what effect, if
any, this process step had on diode behaviour. Some
devices were also subjected to a post-metal anneal at
90°C under vacuum.
After preparation, the devices were mounted in a
temperature-controlled sample holder located inside an
earthed, steel chamber evacuated to less that
for 24h prior to taking measurements. The DC characteristics of devices were generally obtained using a PFG
model 605 Function Generator and a Keithley model
6 15 electrometer, manually incrementing the voltage
firstly in the forward direction (positive voltage to the
gold electrode) and then in the reverse direction. Readings were taken after allowing the currents to stabilise
for 2min to enable any slow states to equilibrate. For
some devices, the characteristics were obtained automatically using a Keithley model 487 picoammeteri
voltage source in which the voltage was incremented at
where N A is the acceptor density, e, and E~ the highfrequency and static relative permittivities, respectively,
E, the permittivity of free space and VC = { Vso
4)).Now In J R is expected to vary as ( V , - Vs0)1'4,
behaviour which has been observed experimentally [lo,
The capacitance-voltage relation of a Schottky barrier diode is often used to determine the doping density
N A in the semiconductor since the capacitance per unit
area, C, of the depletion region is given by the MottSchottky relation
where E E ~is the absolute permittivity of the semiconductor. Unfortunately, the relatively low bulk conductivity of semiconducting polymers poses a problem in
the accurate measurement of the depletion capacitance
C,. As can be seen from the simple equivalent circuit in
Fig. 2, the measured admittance Cp in parallel with Rp
is strongly frequency-dependent even when the capacitances and resistances of the bulk and depletion regions
IEE Proc -Circuits Devices Syst , Vol 144, No 2 April 1997
the faster rate of 10mV/s. These latter measurements
were carried out under dry argon.
Small-signal admittance measurements over the range
lOHz to 3MHz as well as capacitance-voltage (C-V)
measurements were carried out with a Hewlett-Packard
model 4192A impedance analyser using a test signal of
50mV. When obtaining C-V data, the applied voltage
was incremented steadily from the highest reverse bias
(usually -2V) to the highest forward bias (+2V) and
then the sweep was reversed.
negative-going sweeps a negative contribution is made.
Furthermore, in forward bias, the depletion region
capacitance is expected to increase rapidly with increasing bias leading to increasing values of In and large
hysteresis. At high reverse bias, when the depletion
capacitance is small, 1, is also small and makes little
contribution to the total current, hence little hysteresis
Normally, the two zero-crossing points would be
expected to straddle zero applied voltage. As indicated
above, that this does not occur is due to the presence
of a small offset voltage in the device. Interestingly, the
magnitude of this offset voltage was dependent on
preparation conditions as can be seen from Fig. 4. The
two characteristics presented here were obtained from
two devices formed in the same polymer film. Prior to
metal evaporation, this film was left under vacuum for
3h by which time the pressure in the chamber had
decreased to 6 x 10 torr. With half the film protected
by a metal mask, electrodes were then evaporated onto
the remainder. Curve ( U ) in Fig. 4 is typical for devices
from this group. Subsequently, the vacuum was broken
and the mask moved across so that electrodes could be
deposited on the remainder of the film. This time, however, evaporation was carried out after 8min with the
pressure at 1 x
torr. Curve (b) in Fig. 4 is typical
of the plots obtained from this second group of
devices. Clearly, the time under vacuum prior to aluminium evaporation has had a major influence on
device behaviour.
Results and discussion
The electropolymerisation technique developed in this
programme resulted in dense, relatively smooth films
although scanning electron microscopy did reveal the
presence of rounded humps of the order of lOOnm in
size projecting slightly out of the film surface [lo].
-2.0 -1.5
-1 0
applied voltage V
Fig.3 Dynamic J-V plots obtained for
CL diode ,formed by evtrporuting
the aluminium electrode soon ujter ph&g in vacuum
The measurements were made under dry argon by applying a triangular waveform to the device commencing from OV. The sharp minima on this semilog
plot signify a change in the polarity o f t h c current
A typical J-V characteristic collected automatically
using thie Keithley model 487 system is shown in Fig. 3.
The voltage sweep commenced at zero bias and was
incremented initially to +2V in the forward direction.
For the first three points the current flowed in the
opposite sense to the applied bias owing to a small offset voltage associated with the device. Between 0.02
and 0.03V the current reversed and then increased in
the direction consistent with a positive applied bias.
Upon decrementing the voltage from +2V, the currents
for particular values of forward voltage were generally
smaller and current reversal was observed between 0.18
and 0.17V. A similar pattern was seen for reverse bias,
i.e. currents were higher when the voltage was
increased. Upon reducing the voltage from -2V to
zero, the current regained its intitial value. Identical
curves were obtained if the voltage cycle was repeated.
Two interesting features of these curves are
a the shift in the voltage at which the current reverses
(these zero-crossing points are clearly identified as the
sharp minima in the plots)
h the general offset in the curves towards positive bias.
The shifts in the zero-crossing points are readily
explained by considering the contribution of the displacement current ID (= C U'Vldt) to the total measured
current. For positive-going voltage sweeps Z
, makes a
positive contribution to the measured current, while for
applied voltage, V
Fig.4 Dynamic J-V plots obtuined as in Fif 3 .:bowing the eflect o j
time under vacuum prior to evaporation o j the a uminium electrode
Thc devices were formed after (a) 3 hours and (b) X mins under vacuum For
clarity curve (h) has been shifted vertically upwards by multiplying the currents
by a factor of 250
First, the zero-crossing points are well-separated in
curve (b) indicative of a much larger depletion capacitance. This is consistent with our previous finding that
atmospheric oxygen is a reversible dopant [lo] in
poly(3-methylthiophene). After 3 h under vacuum,
residual oxygen would be removed from the film thus
reducing the doping density and hence the depletion
capacitance. This is confirmed by the much smaller
separation of the zero-crossing points displayed by
curve (a).
Secondly, it is seen that the shorter the time under
vacuum prior to metallisation the larger the initial offset voltage. Under these conditions it is likely that,
when the chamber is insufficiently evacuated prior to
metallisation, an interfacial layer forms between the
IEE Proc.-Circuits Devices Syst., Vol. 144, No. 2,April 1997
deposited metal and the polymer. Polarisation within
such a layer would then be a possible cause of the offset voltage.
Fig. 5 shows the J-V characteristics of three diodes
obtained under vacuum by iiicrementiiig the voltage
manually at the much slower rate of 50mV every 2min.
Now, the effect of the displaccmcnt current has been
eliminated, as expected. Interestingly, the slow scan
coupled with placing devices under vacuum appears to
have removed the offset voltage. Good rectification
ratios were observed in all devices left under vacuum
for long periods prior to deposition of the aluminium
electrode. The highest ratio (-50 000 at 2V) was shown
by the annealed device DLl.As discussed in our previous
publication [lo], this is because of an order of magnitude reduction in the reverse currents, probably arising
from the formation of a thin insulating layer bctwcen
the metal and polymer during the annealing process.
case (device F) a reversal of the rectification occurred.
This behaviour is reminiscent of that observed in a sibcon MIS device with a thin insulating layer between the
metal and semiconductor. According to Green and
Schewchun [14], the plateau signifies a transition from
inversion to depletion to accumulation at the silicon
surface upon increasing the forward voltage, the plateau arising from the absorption of the applied voltage
by the depletion region
It is generally assumed that at high forward bias
device CLirrents are limited by the bulk coiiductivity of
the polymer. By fitting numerically generated capacitance and loss curves based on the equivalent circuit in
Fig. 2 to experimental data such as that in Fig. 7 the
bulk resistance per unit area of the device R , (expressed
in Qcni’), may be estitnated. The values so obtained for
four of the devices tested here are given in Table 1
together with estimates of bulk resistance based on the
current flowing at an applied forward bias of 2V. It is
clear that the latter values are several orders of magnitude greater than the former
applied voltage,
Fig. 5
- I
- 1 -
Steadystate J- V chamcteristics of deu’ce.c il, L,
In all cases, the pol)iiici- was placed under v x u u i i i for sexera1 hours prior to
deposition of thc aluminiitin electrode. Onc of the del ices. D(,.
~ a subjected
to a post-metal anncal a t 90°C
% device A
+ devicc L,
0 device D,
Fig.7 Fiequeticy depenLLnce.c or cuppncilance and loss jbr device C
The continuous curvcs arc the best tit based on the equivalent circuit in Fig. 2
5 loss
Table 1: Comparison of bulk resistance values obtained
from DC and AC measurements
-1 2
-2.0 -1.5
Thickness, p m
In addition t o being of different thicknesses, the samples w e r e
u n d o p e d t o different extents
0 5
applied voltage, V
Fig. 6 Stcady-stutc J- V clzuractcvistics obtuiiwd under vaciunz f b v
devices F, L , and N that M J ~ E undeer vacuum for o n l j a short time prior to
the deposition of the aluminium electrode
x devicc I;
0 device L ,
+ dcvice N
When Schottky barriers are formed after about 10
min under vacuum, the resulting characteristics
obtained manually (see Fig. 6) are different from those
in Fig. 5. Although no offset voltage can be seen, a
pronounced plateau appears in forward bias and in one
Possible reasons for this discrepancy include current
limitation at the gold electrode or the presence of an
interfacial layer between the aluminium and the polymer which limits direct current flow but not an alternating current. It has already been suggested that an
interfacial layer may be responsible for the high ideality
factors of polymer Schottky diodes. Indeed, when such
a layer is present Rhoderick [12] shows that eqn. 5
applies but with y1 given by
IEE Proc.-Circuits Devices Syst,, Vol. 144, No. 2,April 1997
where D , is the density of surface stakes, Dss the density of' occupicd surface states and
where b and E, are, respectively, the thickness and absolute permittivity of the Interfacial layer. Thus we sec
that the ideality factor would now depend strongly on
the presence of interface states and would be expected
to vary with both bias and temperature, as indeed is
observed experimentally [lo]. Furthermore, the presence of the layer can lead to inversion at the semiconductor surface as discussed above. If 6 is large enough
even a reversal of the rectification can occur. It is interesting in this contcxt to note that Garnier and coworkers [ 1 S] reported a reversal in the rectification of Ag/athienyl oligothiophene diodes after thermal annealing
in air at 1SO"C. They suggested that this was caused by
the transformation of the polymer from p-type to ntype. The results are more readily explained, howcver,
by the formation of an insulating layer between polymer and electrode during the anneal process.
The interfacial layer will also control the reverse current density JI, in the device so that [12]
Thus, for reverse voltages the device current should
increase exponentially with bias so long as Dsn is a
slowly varying function of bias. This is indeed seen to
be the case over most of the reverse bias range in Figs.
5 and 6. It should be noted though, that for an interfacial layer less than I n m thick to have any observable
effect on the characteristic, D, would have to be of the
order of l o t 7m 2V I,
devices. They attributed such shifts to the field-induced
drift of dopant ions in the device. The consequence of
such an effect within the polymer, however, would be
to 'flatten' the C-V curve not to shift it. This is so
because in reverse bias, negatively charged acceptors
would drift into the depletion region thereby maintaining a higher capacitance than would otherwisc be ineasured. In forward bias, the dopant ions would drift
away from the depletion region, thus reducing its
capacitance below that which would be expected. The
translation observed by these workers was probably
related to the drift of impurity ions within the insulating oxide layer. The small degree of hysteresis observed
in Fig. 8 is likely to arise from the charging and discharging of interface states or traps in the depletion
applied voltage, V
Fig.9 Mott-Schottky plots ohtuitzed ut d@wnl fiequencic.c
Tlic systematic variation is caused by the lowfrequency dispersioii evidciit in
Fig. 7. Thc general shapc of thc plot is retained and shows two distinct
regimes, t h c transition from one to the othcr occurring ncar zero bias
+ 200147
3 2013L
applied voltage, V
plot,r ijht(~ii~ed
under vm1cuum
-0 5
The voltagc was sciinncd From -2V Lo -1 2 V at IOmVis and 5OinV/s The
mcasuremcnt frcqueiicy was IOOHz. The sinall degree of hysterehis Teen in forward biar is only prcsent when the voll~igeis ramped a b m e about I V
SO mV/s
Fig. 8 shows C ~ - Vcurves obtained at lOOHz for two
different voltage sweep ratcs. The capacitance increases
from a low value in reverse bias to a high value in forward bias, consistent with the presence of a depletion
layer in the device. A small degree of hysteresis was
observed when the forward voltage exceeded --I V but
this decreased with dccreasing swecp rate. We did not
observe the large reversible translation of the curves
along the voltage axis that was reported by Ziemelis et
al. [ 161 for Si/Si02/poly(3-hexylthienylenej!Au MIS
IE,5 Proc.-C'irmir.s Dcvir.c.s S'),,\r., Cid 144. IVO. 2, A p d 1997
The effect of the dispersion in Fig. 7 on the C-V
plots is to cause a general increase in capacitance with
decreasing frequency. According to the equivalent circuit in Fig. 2, so long as RI, << RI, the low-frequency
capacitaiice should asymptote to the depletion capacitance. The lack of agreement between theoretical
curves and experimental data obtained at low frequencies, suggests that the results may be influenced by
interface states and/or trapping effects. The effect is to
introduce a frequency-dependence in the MottSchottky plots (Fig. 9) but without changing significantly the nature of the C-V dependence. For all
devices, the Mott--Schottky plots decreased in two
stages as the bias was swept from reverse to forward
with a change of slope occurring near zero bias. In an
effort to minimise the effects of both the main dispersion and the low frequency dispersion only the data
obtained at a frequency in the range IO-IOOHz, i.e.
some two orders of magnitude below the main relaxation frequency, were used to estimate doping densities
in the polymer [lo].
According to eqn. 7 a semiconductor uniformly
doped with a single acceptor species should give a linear Molt-Schottky plot. Interestingly, for our devices
such plots yield two almost linear regions. Whilst such
behaviour may be indicative of a lower doping density
near the interface, we have dismissed this as the likely
cause because similar results were obtained for a wide
range of diodes varying in both thickness and doping
density. We have argued previously [lo] that the
observed dependence was caused by the presence of a
second dopant species in the polymer which provided a
set of acceptor states deep in the forbidden gap. Such
states only become active when band-bending near the
polymer surface is sufficient for their energies to fall
below the Fermi level. Based on this analysis, it was
shown that the density of the shallow acceptor ranged
from (1 to 20) x 1023m-3while that for the the deeper
state was about an order of magnitude higher ranging
from (9 to 200) x 1023m-3.Both were sensitive to the
degree of undoping.
A third possible explanation is that the presence of
an interfacial layer is affecting the capacitance of the
Schottky barrier: not directly (it is a series capacitance
of high value) but because it results in only a fraction
of the applied voltage appearing across the depletion
region. In this case, eqn. 7 must be replaced by
For diodes prepared after several hours under vacuum, no such plateau was seen. However, when one of
these devices, D, in Fig. 5 , was annealed at high temperature, the improved rectification ratio arose from a
decrease in the reverse current, again suggesting that an
interfacial layer had formed during the anneal. Indeed,
close inspection of the forward current did reveal the
presence of a small plateau [lo] which is consistent with
this view.
None of our diodes yielded linear Mott-Schottky
plots. Rather, two regimes were identified which we
have attributed previously [IO] to the presence of two
sets of acceptor states, one shallow and one deep. The
present work shows that for some devices, at least, the
existence of a thin interfacial layer between the metal
and the polymer may control device behaviour. Further
detailed work is now necessary to distinguish the various contributions.
The authors are grateful to JNICT (Portugal) for their
continued support of this work.
where C is the effective capacitance of the barrier after
correcting for the main frequency dispersion, C, is the
capacitance of the interfacial layer and a = qsD,,l~,
where D,, is the concentration of interface states in
equilibrium with the semiconductor [12]. Thus, if C, >>
C, a linear plot is again expected but with a modified
slope. Once again though, an interfacial layer l n m in
thickness will only affect the estimate of doping density
when D,,is of the order of 10’7m-2V-1.The model does
suggest though that for a device in which a >> 1 an
increased slope can be expected in forward bias when
C, >> C,. Since C, will generally exceed C,, a change
of slope similar to that observed in Fig. 9 could also
occur if the Fermi level at the semiconductor surface
passed through and activated a second set of interface
A final possibility is that the presence of the interfacial layer allowed the polymer surface to go into weak
inversion. This would certainly be consistent with the
anomalous I-V plots in Fig. 6 but not with the more
normal plots such as those in Fig. 5.
This work shows, not surprisingly, that fabrication
conditions play a major role in determining the electrical behaviour of Schottky barrier diodes formed from
semiconducting polymers.
When polymers are left for only short times under
vacuum prior to evaporating the rectifying contact then
the dynamic I-V characteristics show clear evidence for
a higher doping density in the device, probably owing
to the presence of absorbed atmospheric oxygen. We
have also argued that the larger offset voltage seen in
such measurements arises from polarisation in an interfacial layer created during electrode deposition. Steady
state measurements on these devices yield anomalous
I-V characteristics, the forward currents displaying a
plateau similar to that observed in MIS diodes, thus
providing further evidence for the presence of an insulating interfacial layer in these diodes.
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I E E Proc.-Circuits Devices Syst., Vol. 144, No 2,April 1997