Abb. 5: Weindiferenzierung nach Jahrgang
hauptsächlich 2008, 2009 konnte mit 97 % iger Wahrscheinlichkeit richtig zugeordnet werden ( Abb. 5 ).
Weiterhin erscheint die quantitative Bestimmung von Weininhaltstofen über einen weiten Konzentrationsbereich möglich (
Zucker, organische Säuren, Aminosäuren, Phenole, etc. ) – Targeted Analyse. Durch Non-targeted-Analyse lassen sich Verfälschungen und Manipulationen sowie Weinfehler erkennen.
1. Godelmann R, Fang F, Humpfer E, Schütz B, Bansbach M, Schäfer H, Spraul M, in
Regulatory Control of Energy Drinks Using 1H NMR
K. Wegert1,2, Y. B. Monakhova1,3,4, T. Kuballa1, H. Reusch1, G. Winkler2, D. W. Lachenmeier1
Chemisches und Veterinäruntersuchungsamt ( CVUA ) Karlsruhe, 2Department of Life Sciences, Albstadt-Sigmaringen University, Sigmaringen, 3Bruker
Biospin GmbH, 4Department of Chemistry, Saratov State University, Russia
400 MHz 1H nuclear magnetic resonance ( NMR ) spectroscopy
was used in the context of food surveillance to control the regulatory limits of selected constituents of energy drinks. he preparation of the samples required only degassing, addition of 0.1 %
of TSP in D2O for locking and referencing and phosphate bufer ( pH 4.0 ) for chemical shits adjustment. he quantiication of
cafeine, glucuronolactone, taurine and inositol was simultaneously possible using external calibration curves and applying
TSP as internal standard. he applicability of the method was
proven by analysis of 73 samples of energy drinks. he average
cafeine concentration was 0.30 g / L, which is below the maximum limit of 0.32 g / L.
Alcohol-free beverages containing ingredients with presumed
stimulant properties ( so-called energy drinks ) are increasingly
ofered on the market [1], and, although they might be harmless, overdoses or combination of energy drinks with alcoholic
beverages could be harmful to the health of some consumers under certain circumstances [2]. Energy drinks oten contain ingredients such as cafeine, the cafeine-containing plant guarana ( Paullinia cupana ), glucuronolactone, inositol and taurine.
To protect the consumer from harm arising from these beverages, some regulations regarding composition and labelling of
energy drinks exist. On a European level, the regulation ( EU )
No 1169 / 2011 on food information demands that beverages with
high cafeine content ( i. e. in excess of 150 mg / l ) must be labelled
with the following warning: ‘High cafeine content – not recLebensmittelchemie 66, 129–168 (2012)
ommended for children or pregnant or breast-feeding women’
as well as with the actual quantity of cafeine. he EU regulation does not contain requirements for any other constituent of
energy drinks. On a German national level, energy drinks are
deined in the “Fruchtsat- und Erfrischungsgetränkeverordnung ( amendment of 21.05.2012 )” as cafeine-containing sot
drinks, which may additionally contain taurine, inositol and / or
glucuronolactone. he German regulation also deined maximum limits for these constituents in energy drinks, which are
320 mg / l for cafeine, 4000 mg / l for taurine, 200 mg / l for inositol and 2400 mg / l for glucuronolactone.
To control the demands of EU and national legislation, analytical methods are required to determine the four regulated
substances. Currently, several diferent methodologies have to be
used, e. g. cafeine is typically determined using HPLC / DAD according to the German reference method ( § 64 LFGB L 18.0016 ) [3]. As taurine does not possess a chromophore, a diferent
methodology is required and we have applied amino acid analysis with post-column ninhydrin derivatization or alternatively a
screening analysis with FTIR [1]. Glucuronolactone may be determined as 1-phenyl-3-methyl-5-pyrazolone ( PMP ) derivative
using HPLC [4]. For inositol, HPLC with post-column derivatization with ferric perchlorate has been suggested [5]. For eiciency and economic reasons, it would be desirable to have a single
method suitable for simultaneous identiication and quantiication of all four substances. A possible methodological candidate
certainly is NMR, which has been applied in analysis of alcoholcontaining [6–10] or alcohol-free beverages [11–16], most typically for qualitative analysis. We have recently shown that caffeine and several additives can be simultaneously quantiied in
cola beverages using 1H NMR [17]. Based on this research, this
study will be the irst to use 1H NMR for quantitative analysis of
the regulated constituents in energy drinks.
Materials and Methods
Samples and chemicals: A total of 73 energy drinks were analyzed using NMR. he samples were randomly selected from
supermarkets in Karlsruhe and Freiburg, Germany. Additional
brands were purchased from an internet shop specialized in energy drinks. Reference substances ( cafeine, glucuronolactone,
taurine and inositol ) as well as sodium azide, H3PO4 and HCl
were purchased from Sigma Aldrich ( Steinheim, Germany ),
KOH and KH2PO4 were purchased from Merck ( Darmstadt,
Germany ).
he NMR bufer was prepared by dissolving 10.21 g of
KH2PO4 and 9.75 mg of sodium azide in 50 mL of pure water
and then by adjusting the pH to 4.0 with H3PO4 or KOH. Sodium azide was used for the preservation of the samples because
this addition was proved to be advantageous, so that even longer
storage of samples at room temperature in the autosampler did
not lead to signiicant changes in the spectrum [17].
Sample and standard preparation: he sample preparation is
based on a previous method developed for measuring cola samples [17]. he energy drinks were degassed by ultrasonication
for 10 min and 800 µL of the degassed solution were combined
with 100 µL of an internal standard ( D2O containing 0.1 % of
TSP ( sodium salt of 3-( trimethylsilyl )-propionate acid-d4 ) and
100 µL of NMR bufer ( see above ). We did not observe considerable shit changes in NMR spectra of our samples, and, therefore, more precise pH adjustment of the mixtures was not necessary [17]. 600 µL of the inal solution were poured into an NMR
tube for direct measurement.
Stock solutions with concentrations of 10 000 mg / L were prepared in deionized water from the pure substances. By diluting
the stock solutions in pure water, about 10 calibration standards
were prepared so that the calibration curves were accomplished
across the concentration ranges encountered in the sot drinks.
he calibration standards were then prepared by the same procedure as it was used for the samples.
H NMR measurements at 400 MHz: All NMR measurements
were performed on a Bruker Avance 400 Ultrashield spectrometer ( Bruker Biospin, Rheinstetten, Germany ) equipped with a
5-mm SEI probe with Z-gradient coils, using a Bruker Automatic Sample Changer ( B-ACS 120 ). 1H NMR spectra were acquired
similar to our previous study of carbonated cola beverages [17].
However, to ensure increased throughput, only 64 scans were
acquired, which decreases measurement time to only 15 min.
In comparison, the spectra acquisition for cola beverages took
31 min. Additionally, 2D J-resolved NMR spectra were acquired
using 4 scans and 16 prior dummy scans of 8.2k points with a
spectral width of 16.6595 ppm ( F2 ) and 0.1952 ( F1 ) ppm, a receiver gain of 28.5, an acquisition time of 0.61 s.
he data were acquired automatically under the control of
ICON-NMR ( Bruker Biospin, Rheinstetten, Germany ). All
NMR spectra were phased, baseline-corrected and calibrated by
the TSP signal at 0.0 ppm.
Quantiication and validation studies: he spectra of energy
drink samples were compared to the spectra of the standards.
Separated peaks ( i. e. peaks not overlapped or interfered by matrix ) corresponding to each substance were identiied and integrated. he singlet at δ 7.92–7.89 ppm for cafeine was selected
in 1D spectra. All other compounds were quantiied using 2D
J-resolved spectra, i. e. the doublet at δ 3.62–3.66 ppm for glucoronolactone, the triplet at δ 3.24–3.26 ppm for taurine as well
as the triplet at δ 3.30–3.29 ppm for inositol. It was found that in
all cases a linear relationship exists between the concentration
of the analyte and the ratio between the peak area of the analyte
and the internal standard ( TSP ) ( R > 0.99 ).
For the method validation, energy drink samples and standard solutions were analyzed several times daily ( intraday, n = 5 )
and over several days ( interday, n = 4 ). he limit of detection
( LOD ) and the limit of quantiication ( LOQ ) were calculated
according to the German Institute for Standardization standard
DIN 32645 [18] using a separate calibration curve. he recovery
rate was ascertained by adding standard solution at two diferent
concentrations to a real sample. For all calculations statistical
signiicance was assumed at below the 0.05 probability level.
Results and Discussion
Fig. 1 shows the complete 1H NMR spectrum of a typical energy drink as well as a magniication of the δ 10–6.0 ppm region,
where the resonances of aromatic protons can be seen. In general, an extensive spectral overlap of chemical shits of several
compounds exists especially in the mid-ield region. Moreover,
Fig. 1: 1H NMR spectrum of an energy drink. he insert shows 1H
NMR spectra in the 10–6 ppm region.
resonances of some major compounds ( for example, sugars )
have much higher intensity than our compounds of interest.
Nevertheless, we were able to develop a method aimed at simultaneous quantiication of cafeine, glucuronolactone, taurine and inositol in energy drinks. he singlet of cafeine is located quite distinctly in the NMR spectra of energy drinks and
we encountered no diiculties to quantify this compound in the
aromatic region. he singlet peak in the δ 7.90–7.80 ppm range
( derived from the imidazole ring of the molecule ) can easily be
distinguished from other compounds even in 1D spectra. As an
example, Fig. 2 shows the signal of cafeine in standard solutions
and an energy drink sample.
Fig. 2: 400 MHz
H NMR spectra of cafeine in
standard solutions
and energy drink
he other compounds have signals only in the mid-ield region, which are too complicated for interpretation in 1D ( Fig.
3A ). herefore, J-resolved spectra have to be used for quantiication. Using a triplet at δ 3.25 ppm for taurine, a triplet at
δ 3.29 ppm for inositol and a doublet at δ 3.66 ppm for glucuronolactone in 2D spectra, a reliable identiication of these
compounds is possible in most of our samples ( Fig. 3B ). However, in some cases it was not possible to identify target resonances even using 2D NMR. hus, more advanced techniques, such
as multivariate regression or curve deconvolution, would be required for these samples.
he maximum limits for the investigated compounds are comparably high and well within the linear range of the NMR method. he limits of detection and quantiication were 1.3 mg / L and
3.8 mg / L for cafeine, 3 mg / L and 9 mg / L for taurine, 5 mg / L
and 15 mg / L for glucuronolactone, and 4 mg / L and 12 mg / L for
inositol. he intraday and interday precisions ( expressed as rela-
Fig. 3: 1H NMR
spectra of an energy drink sample containing
548 mg / L inositol,
3746 mg / L taurine
and 3213 mg / L
measured in 1D
( A ) and 2D Jresolved ( B ).
tive standard deviation ) were 0.3 % and 0.4 % for cafeine, 4 %
and 11 % for taurine, 7 % and 8 % for glucuronolactone, and 6 %
and 8 % for inositol. he recovery was 97 % for cafeine, 102 % for
taurine, 99 % for glucuronolactone, and 123 % for inositol.
Lebensmittelchemie 66, 129–168 (2012)
Tab. 1: Cafeine concentrations ( g / L ) in energy drinks
Energy drinks 2010-2012 (HPLC)
Energy drinks 2012 (NMR)
Combined results
To demonstrate the applicability of the method, 73 diferent
energy drink samples were measured. As mentioned above, we
were able to quantify cafeine in all samples and the distribution
of cafeine contents is shown in Table 1. Additionally, Table 1
shows the distribution of cafeine results previously determined
using a HPLC method. No signiicant diference was found between NMR and HPLC distributions ( ANOVA p = 0.46 ), so that
both distributions can be combined, e.g., for the aim of exposure
assessment ( Table 1 ). he average concentrations of cafeine,
taurine, inositol and glucuronolactone were 0.3 g / L, 2.8 g / L,
0.2 g / L and 1.5 g / L. Only few samples exceeded the above mentioned limits of the German regulation for energy drinks ( however, it must be noted that the regulation was not yet in force
during time of our sampling in March 2012 ).
16. Spraul M, Schütz B, Rinke P, Koswig S, Humpfer E, Schäfer H, Mörtter M, Fang F,
Marx UC, Minoja A ( 2009 ) Nutrients 1: 148–155.
17. Maes P, Monakhova YB, Kuballa T, Reusch H, Lachenmeier DW ( 2012 ) J Agric
Food Chem 60: 2778–2784.
18. DIN 32645 ( 2008 ) Chemische Analytik: Nachweis-, Erfassungs- und Bestimmungsgrenze, Ermittlung unter Wiederholbedingungen. Begrife, Verfahren,
Auswertung. Beuth Verlag, Berlin, Germany.
Rapid determination of 4-methylimidazole in
caramel colours using 1H NMR spectroscopy
Y. B. Monakhova1,2,3, C. Schlee1, T. Kuballa1, R. Schneider1, D. W.
Chemisches und Veterinäruntersuchungsamt ( CVUA ) Karlsruhe, 2Bruker
Biospin GmbH, Rheinstetten, 3Department of Chemistry, Saratov State
University, Russia
he method was found to be suitable for the purpose of simultaneous quantiication of all regulated compounds in most energy
drink samples ( approx. 90 % of the analysed samples ). In the rest
of the samples, some or all resonances of taurine, inositol and
glucuronolactone were interfered by matrix compounds, so that
integration was impossible even in 2D spectra. he samples in
question were typically cloudy due to contents of fruit material.
Future research may be directed to either improving the sample preparation to avoid the interferences, or alternatively using
multivariate regression techniques to quantify in the overlapped
regions. Currently, NMR can provide a rapid screening analysis
of energy drinks especially for cafeine, but samples above limits
should be conirmed by HPLC before the results are used in expert opinions about regulatory non-conformance.
Acknowledgements: he authors are grateful to Margit Boehm and Bernd Siebler for excellent technical assistance.
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5. Franz H, Maier HG ( 1993 ) Deut Lebensm Rundsch 89: 276–282.
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10. Monakhova YB, Schäfer H, Humpfer E, Spraul M, Kuballa T, Lachenmeier DW
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Magn Reson Chem 47 Suppl 1:S130–S137.
Lebensmittelchemie 66, 129–168 (2012)
A method utilizing 1H NMR spectroscopy has been developed
to measure the concentration of 4-methylimidazole in caramel
colours used as food additive ( E150a-d ). For sample preparation,
a very simple dilution with water-ethanol mixture and addition
of internal standard is suicient. 4-Methylimidazole produces a
distinct peak of the methyl group of the molecule in the δ 2.27–
2.25 ppm range, where it can be distinguished from other matrix compounds. he method was shown to be of adequate sensitivity with a limit of detection ( LOD ) of 5.0 mg / L adequate to
control the 4-methylimidazole regulatory limit. he developed
method was applied for the analysis of 7 authentic food colourings. Only two products ( E150d ) contained detectable concentrations of 4-methylimidazole ( 662 mg / kg and 401 mg / kg ). he
NMR method may be used by governmental or industry laboratories for routine control of food colourings.
According to Regulation ( EC ) No 1333 / 2008 on food additives,
plain caramel ( E150a ), caustic sulphite caramel ( E150b ), ammonia caramel ( E150c ) and sulphite ammonia caramel ( E150d ) are
authorised at quantum satis for the use as food additive for colouring in a wide range of food products but are especially applied in certain beverages including cola. he term caramel in
the sense of the food additives regulation relates to products of
a more or less intense brown colour which are intended for colouring. It does not correspond to the sugary aromatic product
obtained from heating sugars and which is used for lavouring
food ( e.g. confectionery, pastry, alcoholic drinks ). he Regulation ( EU ) No 231 / 2012 laying down speciications for food additives speciies that not more than 200 or 250 mg / kg of 4-methylimidazole ( 4-MI ) may occur in E150c and E150d, respectively.
his purity criterion is expressed on equivalent colour basis i.e.
it is expressed in terms of a product having a colour intensity of
0.1 absorbance units.
4-MI was found as being carcinogenic in animal experiments
[1] and was recently evaluated by the WHO International Agency for Research on Cancer ( IARC ) as “possibly carcinogenic to
humans” ( group 2B ) [2, 3]. Some consumer organizations took
this evaluation to postulate a “cancer fear over cola colourings”
and demanded the minimization of 4-MI in the cola beverages
[4]. Based on an evaluation from the European Food Safety Authority ( EFSA ), which has concluded that the efect of 4-MI is