A WBAN-based System for Health Monitoring at Home
Chris A. Otto, Emil Jovanov, and Aleksandar Milenkovic
Abstract—This paper describes a prototype system for
continual health monitoring at home. The system consists of an
unobtrusive wireless body area network (WBAN) and a home
health server. The WBAN sensors monitor user’s heart rate and
locomotive activity and periodically upload time-stamped
information to the home server. The home server may integrate
this information into a local database for user’s inspection or it
may forward the information further to a medical server. The
prototype may be used for ambulatory monitoring of patients
undergoing cardiac rehabilitation or for monitoring of elderly
at home by informal caregivers.
IRELESS body area networks are one of the mostsuitable technologies for building unobtrusive,
scalable, and robust wearable health monitoring systems. A
WBAN for health monitoring consists of multiple sensor
nodes. Each node is typically capable of (i) sensing one or
more physiological signals, (ii) processing these signals
(e. g., filtering, feature extraction, and feature recognition),
(iii) storing the processed data, and (iv) transmitting the data
to other nodes and/or a WBAN server.
Continual advances in sensing technology, systems-on-achip (SoCs), wireless communication, and batteries promise
further miniaturization, reduced sensor weight, increased
processing power, and higher communication bandwidth.
These advances combined with expected proliferation of
wireless sensor network applications (e.g., environmental
monitoring, home automation) will result in commoditization
of wireless sensor network components. All these make it
possible to design robust, cost-effective, and unobtrusive
WBAN networks for personal health monitoring.
WBAN health monitoring systems may benefit a variety of
users: from healthy outdoor enthusiasts who would like to
track their fitness level during exercise, to users with
impeding medical conditions or patients undergoing
rehabilitation. Proliferation of such systems may prove
crucial in promoting proactive approaches to healthcare. The
importance of such systems is further underscored by current
demographic, social, and economic trends (increased life
expectancy, increased elderly population, increased costs in
healthcare, and a lack of healthcare personnel) [1].
In this paper we focus on one particular deployment of
WBAN-based health monitoring systems – health monitoring
at home. In order to better understand design and operating
issues of a WBAN system for health monitoring at home, we
have built a prototype that consists of a motion sensor, a
heart sensor, and a home health server application. The
prototype has been tested by several users who wore the
system from several hours to over a day. Our preliminary
results indicate that the system prototype provides relatively
robust operation without interfering with a user’s normal
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2
overviews the architecture and functionality of the proposed
health monitoring system at home. Section 3 describes both
hardware and software architecture of the prototype. Section
4 provides results of the system evaluation – detailing system
performance, reliability, and wearability.
Section 5
concludes the paper.
The architecture of the WBAN-based health monitoring
system at home is multi-tiered – similar to the one described
in [1] [2]. Tier 1 encompasses a set of tiny, smart, wireless
sensors that are strategically placed on the user’s body.
These sensors sample, process, and store information about
user’s physiological signals.
The WBAN sensors
communicate directly to a WBAN gateway that may be
plugged into either a home server or a wired or wireless
network appliance (Fig. 1). The WBAN gateway provides
time synchronization services (by transmitting periodic
beacon messages) and forwards messages to a home server
and/or a medical server. If a user moves out of the WBAN
gateway range, the sensors automatically begin buffering
data locally. When the user returns and the WBAN link is
reestablished, the sensors automatically upload stored sensor
and event data.
Chris A. Otto is with Lewis Innovative Technologies, Inc., Huntsville,
AL (e-mail:
[email protected]).
E. Jovanov is with the Department of Electrical and Computer
Engineering, The University of Alabama in Huntsville, AL 35899 USA (email:
[email protected]).
A. Milenkovic is with the Department of Electrical and Computer
Engineering, The University of Alabama in Huntsville, AL 35899 USA (email:
[email protected]).
Fig. 1. System for health monitoring at home.
In order to evaluate the overall system performance and
specifically its wearability, reliability, robustness, and
scalability we have built a system prototype. The main
component of the WBAN-based system prototype and the
data flow are illustrated in Fig. 2. The prototype features an
activity (motion) sensor and a heart sensor. The motion
sensors can be used to differentiate user activity states (e.g.,
sitting, walking, running, lying), or estimate intensity of
his/her activity. Depending on the target application, the
activity sensor can be attached to the user’s belt, an ankle, a
knee, or the trunk. More activity sensors can be deployed to
achieve a more robust state differentiation and a better
estimation of the user’s activity. Once the deployment
scenario is determined (exact position of the user’s body), a
user-specific sensor calibration may be needed to allow
reporting of energy spent in calories.
The heart sensor monitors heart activity. One version of
the heart sensor has a single-channel bio amplifier for threelead ECG. This sensor is capable of sending either raw ECG
signal (signal is filtered) or R-peak events recognized by the
on-sensor feature extraction software modules. The other
version of the heart sensor interfaces a standard Polar belt
and it can record each heart beat. As it does not require
ECG electrodes (and thus increases the user’s comfort), we
used this heart sensor in our experiments. The user typically
carries the heart sensor in his/her shirt pocket (close to the
Polar belt). The WBAN gateway is implemented using a
standard wireless platform. Finally, the home health server
application runs on a personal computer.
The prototype may be used to monitor recovery and
compliance of patients undergoing cardiac rehabilitation at
home and who have been prescribed an exercise regiment. It
can also be used in many other health monitoring
applications with minimal or no modifications. In addition,
the WBAN system is energy efficient, scalable, and its
current implementation can accommodate more than a dozen
sensor nodes as described in [4].
Polar HR
Heart Rate
Home Server
+ WBAN Gateway
Fig. 2. WBAN prototype (top) and the data flow (bottom).
A. Hardware
The activity WBAN sensor encompasses an intelligent
daughter card with accelerometers and a connected Tmote
sky wireless platform from Moteiv [3]. The daughter card
samples acceleration in the X, Y, and Z axes; the raw signals
are filtered and sent to the Tmote sky. The Tmote sky
platform performs further processing (e.g., AEE
computation, step detection, etc) and wirelessly transmits the
processed data to the network coordinator.
The WBAN heart sensor encompasses a heart rate
daughter card attached to a Tmote sky platform. The heart
rate daughter card receives signals from a Polar WearLink
wireless transmitter. The Tmote sky platform performs heart
beat detection, time-stamping, and coordinates WBAN
The WBAN network coordinator is implemented on a
Tmote sky platform. It is responsible for WBAN gateway
access and providing time synchronization services to the
sensors in the WBAN. It can be connected directly to the
home server or it can be connected to a Tmote connect
appliance from Moteiv [3] and then accessed over the home
B. Software
The embedded sensor software is responsible for sampling
and acquisition, real-time processing, event queuing, and
WBAN communication.
This software runs on the
intelligent daughter cards and the Tmote sky platforms.
Software running on sensor platforms and the network
coordinator is developed using nesC language under TinyOS
operating system. This implementation follows a general
software architecture and WBAN communication protocol
described in [1] [4].
The home health server is responsible for communicating
with sensors in the WBAN, fusing sensor event messages as
they arrive, generating per-user health monitoring session
files, and providing visual and quantitative feedback to home
users. In addition, it may include an agent responsible for
data uploads to the medical server. The software runs on a
home PC and was developed using Visual C# and Microsoft
.NET 2.0 framework. The .NET framework facilitates our
handheld PDA version of the home health server as we have
described in [1]. The home health server is capable of
WBAN communications using either a direct connected
network coordinator (USB) or a remote network coordinator
connected via a Tmote connect. In the latter scenario,
messages are transported over the local network using
reliable TCP/IP sockets.
C. Signal processing
The WBAN prototype provides two parameters of user’s
activity: (a) activity-induced energy expenditure (AEE) and
(b) RR-intervals for heart activity.
AEE. The AEE feature is calculated by processing
accelerometer signals in real-time on WBAN sensor nodes.
Employing embedded signal processing in this fashion
extends battery life by reducing costly message transmissions
(AEE updates every δ=15 seconds versus 100Hz raw
sampling rate) and also promotes system scalability by
minimizing processing and storage requirements from central
server resources. Each axis is sampled at 100Hz and prefiltered using simple low-pass averaging functions to remove
frequencies above 20Hz. The resulting data stream is passed
through a high-pass filter with an ultra low cutoff frequency
(0.01Hz) for the sole purpose of separating AC and DC
signal components.
The DC signal represents static
acceleration due to gravity and is preserved for determining
sensor orientation, discerning category of user activity, and
step recognition. The AC signal component represents
acceleration induced by user activity and is used in our AEE
algorithm originally proposed by Bouten, et al [5]. It is
described in Eq. 1, where AC(ax), AC(ay), and AC(az) are
AC components of accelerations on x, y, and z axes.
AEEt =
AC (a x ) 2 + AC (a y ) 2 + AC (a z ) 2 ⋅ dt
Eq. 1
t −δ
In our prototype, an activity event records AEE for δ=15
seconds. A 4-byte AEE value is accompanied by a 4-byte
time-stamp. It should be noted that the time-stamp may be
redundant as the home health server may know the value of
the time window δ used for AEE calculation, so just the first
time-stamp in a session would suffice. However, in cases of
a sensor malfunction or lost radio packets we might benefit
from having time-stamps, thus achieving an increased level
of confidence in our readings.
RR-intervals. The heart sensor detects and records Rpeak events. An R-peak event is described by two fields: an
exact 4-byte timestamp of the R-peak and a 2-byte RRinterval (distance from the previous R-peak). The redundant
format of the R-peak event allows full data recovery in all
single occurrences of lost event messages.
of buffered time-stamped AEE samples.
Buffering analysis for heart sensors. One heart beat
produces a 6-byte record. Assuming a typical heart rate
range between 30 bpm and 220 bpm, and similar memory
budgets to the activity sensor, we can buffer from 4.65 min
[6144 B / (6 B/b*220 b/min)] to 34.2 minutes of heart
activity in the local RAM buffer, and from 13 hours [1 MB /
(6 B/b * 220 b/min)] to 4 days if the external flash is used.
B. WBAN Testing
WBAN testing involved several users wearing the activity
and the heart sensors for extended periods of time at home.
In addition, we conducted testing in our laboratory with
augmented user’s activities. Below are results for two
typical sessions.
Experiment #1. Fig. 3 shows AEE and heart rate of a
healthy user in his early 30s during 15 minutes of augmented
activity in laboratory conditions. The experiment includes
the following sequence of activities: 3 minutes of sitting, 1
minute of standing, 2 minutes of slow walking, 2 minutes of
fast walking, 3 minutes of slow running, and 3 minutes of
sitting. Increases in heart rate can be clearly seen at the
beginning of periods with more activity (slow walking, fast
walking, and running) simultaneous with increased AEE.
The user spent most of the time in a relatively close
proximity of the network coordinator (distance less than 50
feet). Approximately 0.5% event messages were lost (10 out
of 1,962 messages). All 10 of these lost packets were Rpeak event messages. Of these, only two were consecutive
packets allowing full recovery of 9 out of 10 lost R-Peak
events (by utilizing redundant RR-interval message fields).
x 10
A. Event storage
Buffering analysis for activity sensors. If an activity
sensor node has not received a beacon message from the
network coordinator, the current AEE sample with the
corresponding time-stamp (8 bytes total) is buffered in a
local buffer in on-chip RAM memory. Once the local buffer
is full, the samples are stored in external flash memory.
With δ = 15 seconds, we calculate the maximum out-ofrange operating time before event data is lost. The size of
the local buffer is determined by the application
requirements and for the activity sensor it is over 6 KB.
With 8 bytes produced every 15 seconds, we can store up to
192 minutes of time-stamped AEE samples [(6144 B)/32
B/min = 192 min] in the local memory. If the external flash
is employed, its capacity of 1 MB would allow over 20 days
Time [min]
Heart rate
Time [min]
Fig. 3. AEE and heart rate collected on the home health
server for 15 minutes with different types of activity.
Out of range
Burst uploads
Time [min]
Fig. 4. AEE (top), heart rate (middle), the number of received packets by the network coordinator per minute
(bottom) for a 2-hour session.
Experiment #2. Fig. 4 shows AEE and heart rate for a 2
hour session. The user has been working in his office
(sitting) with short periods of fast and slow walking. The
bottom graph shows the number of received messages by the
network coordinator per one minute. In this experiment the
user walked out of the WBAN gateway range twice for
relatively short periods of time (several minutes). Increases
in the number of messages correspond to automatic uploads
of buffered events once the user reenters the WBAN gateway
Based on testing, our WBAN-based prototype represents a
viable system for health monitoring at home.
experiences suggest potential for high user and patient
compliance. The sensors are wireless and unobtrusive. In
addition, system features such as event buffering and
automatic uploads allow users to carry out normal activity.
By providing AEE and heart rate on-sensor, the system
is already very useful for home health monitoring. Further
research is required, however, in order to correlate activity
and actual caloric consumption. Additionally, research is
required to perform accurate step recognition and discern
user activity states through software algorithms.
The authors thank Dr. Piet de Groen and Dr. Bruce
Johnson from Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN for many
inspirational discussions and continual support.
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