Policy Committee
The Copyright Committee shall monitor, promote, and advocate for legislative, regulatory, and judicial developments on copyright issues that may impact AALL members and the legal information profession.
The Copyright Committee shall:
- Monitor, promote, and advocate on copyright issues covered by the AALL Government Relations Policy that may have an impact on AALL members and on the legal information profession.
- Coordinate with the AALL director of government relations to prepare AALL letters, testimonies, and other materials.
- Provide copyright training for AALL members.
Committee members average two to four hours per month. This may include drafting program proposals, developing issue briefs, following copyright issues in the news, and attending a monthly conference call. The time commitment ebbs and flows, and at times the Committee needs to respond to an issue quickly. Note: Time commitments are estimates from past assignments and can change with new projects or requests for assistance from the Executive Board.
Members must have demonstrated knowledge and expertise in copyright law. Members must be willing to commit time to the Committee’s work. All members must submit a conflict of interest statement in accordance with the AALL Conflict of Interest Policy. When appointing members to subcommittees or to work on particular tasks, the chair shall use their best judgment to avoid any real or perceived bias or conflict of interest.
Membership on the Committee shall normally be for three years. The vice chair will serve for one year and become chair the following year.
The Committee shall normally consist of a chair, a vice chair, five members, and a nonvoting Executive Board liaison and staff liaison.
- Goal 5: Advocacy
The Committee will refer issues outside of its charge to the Government Relations Committee. The Committee may work with the Continuing Professional Education Committee on educational programs related to copyright issues.