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Custom post type slug localization

I need to have 2 languages in a website (EN and LT). I have a custom post type 'services'. I need to have the links like this: English version of the service: '/en/services/some-service' Lithuanian (...
LinasK's user avatar
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Save translation file of third party plugin in a custom plugin?

I have a custom plugin that I install on a handful of client sites. All the client sites uses a third party premium plugin, and I have translated that plugin to another language and saved the ...
Torben's user avatar
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Admin Notice is only localized when displaying the "Plugins" Backend Page

My plugin checks if a specific theme is activated. The check is hooked on init. If the theme is not activated, it displays a warning, hooked on admin_notices. This works fine. Now I added localization ...
Maxwwos's user avatar
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Should I include colon in my msgid in PO file? [closed]

Which of the below is recommended when creating msgid a PO file? msgid "Available Balance:" or msgid "Available Balance"
ratib90486's user avatar
3 votes
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WordPress: After Gutenberg plugin migration to block.json the localization/ translations with PolyGlot in JavaScript does not work anymore

I made a plugin with existing localization on for free. I migrated to block.json and made all changes by comparing it to the output of npx @wordpress/create-block todo-list. I read ...
Marc's user avatar
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Use localized plugin name and description even when the plugin is disabled

I'm working on plugin development and I'd like to localize my plugin name and description, so that these two pieces of information are shown to other WordPress developers in their native languages (if ...
zeko868's user avatar
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2 answers

Setting Email locale before retrieving gettext translations

I developed several plugins which I localized using the standard approach with __() functions and the .po or rather the .mo files. All of this works like a charm. What I now want to be able to do is ...
DevelJoe's user avatar
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Issue with translation - Gutenberg

Here is my code. I based it on CapitaineWP formation and template. I have the .pot, .po, .mo and .json files. $script_asset_path = PERSO_FOLDER."/build/index.asset.php"; if ( ! file_exists( $...
David Dufour Morin's user avatar
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1 answer

how to unlocalize theme/plugin?

I have theme with this code in one php file : 'logged_in_as' => '<p class="logged-in-as">'. sprintf( __( 'Logged in as <a href="%1$s">%2$s</a&...
masoud nkh's user avatar
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Generate JSON files for language translation from po file without wp-cli i18n make-json

My plugin uses wp_set_script_translations() to load translations for JS as mentioned here I understand that when ...
itsoft3g's user avatar
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Plugin language always shows WP site language, not profile language

I wrote a plugin that I translated from English to German. The German translation only shows up, when I change the site's language to german. Once the site language is set to German, it will always ...
Skymonkey's user avatar
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Is hint for translator compulsory while internationalizing a string containing variables?

I am following this official guide to internationalise my plugin. But I am confused if the hints are must required incase of variables inside string? printf( /* translators: 1: Name of a city 2: ...
SkyRar's user avatar
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`wp_set_script_translations` with `wp.i18n` does not return translated strings in simple plugin

Short description: I try to translate strings in JS file. To test it I decided to create a simple test plugin. I have PHP and JS strings there. Translated PHP strings work fine, JS strings don't work. ...
kanlukasz's user avatar
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String translation within WordPress multisite with i18n not working on all sites

Using WordPress Multisite (subdir) Child themes Loco Translate The Issue One of our multisite sites isn't string translating (Japanese). We started with non-multisite with just English. Then, ...
Will Ashworth's user avatar
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How to become a translator on

I tried to find the solution on, but to me as a new contributer, the documentation seems confusing, and links like "Become an editor." in the "Translation Editors" on a plugin's ...
Ingo Steinke's user avatar
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Translation from .mo file not working in theme

I'm trying to add translations to my theme. I went through the documentation and many questions here on Wordpress Development Stack. Setted a text domain in my style.css file: /* Theme Name: My ...
Camilo's user avatar
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Wordpress in French Language [closed]

I am migrating a French wordpress website. After completion the website keeps displaying special characters, specially the black diamonds with white question mark inside �. I have installed the PO ...
Albuquerque Web Design's user avatar
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I dont know why my localization is not working

I am working on a Plugin for Wordpress and I'm not able to get the Internationalization working. Here is the GitHub Link: I used as a ...
Nicolas Mierbach's user avatar
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Should I change text-domain of TGM library inside theme?

I created a theme and I want to publish it in I used TGM library to check to require plugins. but the Theme-check get bellow warning: Warning: More than one text-domain is being used ...
iliyamas's user avatar
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Can't translate the post meta data (Date) in another language

I want to translate the post meta data (date) in chines language for example, September 13, 2017, should be translated as 2017年9月13. But my code gives it in English. Do you see any error? Please help. ...
Shamima Saleem's user avatar
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WooCommerce does not translate every string

So I have an issue with WooCommerce translation to German language - basically it does not translate every single string. I'm using a child theme of "Neighborhood" theme and we have a plugin Loco ...
kneles90's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Problems with localization

I'm creating a plugin and I've put: define ('WPLANG', 'it_IT'); into wp-config.php file. After plugin Name in the Header of the Plugin declaration: * Text Domain: endpoint * Domain Path: /...
Salvio's user avatar
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What can be reason for no plugin-strings available under stable section on

I cannot see any plugin-strings under the stable section on What can be reasons for that? P.S.: Under development section, I can see all the plugin-strings.
learning_13's user avatar
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What is the way to ship read-me strings like plugin-strings for internationalization?

I want to translate my plugin for non-English languages. But for readme strings, I could find the only option to submit translations over Is there any way like the one ...
learning_13's user avatar
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Interface translation without plugins

EDIT 2: I am planning to implement a language switcher, but I don't have a clear understanding of how interface translation works in WordPress out-of-the-box, without multilanguage plugins (I don't ...
Stefano Tombolini's user avatar
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Menu names not getting translated

I've got the following code in a theme to register two menus: register_nav_menus( array( 'primary' => esc_html__( 'Primary', 'text-domain' ), 'secondary' => esc_html__( 'Secondary', 'text-...
user54141's user avatar
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Translation issue with global variables

I'm creating a plugin that supports internationalization. Everything is working fine, except for global variables. Strings in global variables will not get the appropriate translation. Explanation: ...
Michele Fortunato's user avatar
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Single translation for many locales

Greetings to everyone, Is it possible to do make a single translation for many locales? Let me explain it better: Can I create a single translation file for my theme called es.po and so it ...
Ivan Montilla Miralles's user avatar
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Is there a way to test that readme looks in other language before submitting translation?

I am adding the translation for my plugin's readme file in Spanish. I want to check if there is a way to test how my file will look on Wordpress site's page before submitting the translation?
learning_13's user avatar
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Can I set Wordpress to display languages based on system language without a plugin?

This question seems extremely straightforward, but hours of googling have led to no results. Here's the basic gist: I am building a site for Japanese viewers, and am using the theme's language folder ...
DEVIGNR's user avatar
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How to ignore extra whitespaces in translation functions like _e?

I am passing few big strings in my code for translation to _e(). These strings were earlier broken into multiple lines with few leading white spaces before every line to maintain indentation & ...
learning_13's user avatar
1 vote
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Should I always prefer esc_attr_e & esc_html_e instead of _e?

I am working to internationalize my plugin. As I can see on Wordpress site about esacaping, it says you should always use it. But as I can see in many popular plugins, they have used _e instead apart ...
learning_13's user avatar
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Can't we use strings defined as PHP constants if we want to translate them in a plugin?

I want to translate constant strings in my plugin defined as: define( 'CONSTANT', __( 'string-A', 'textdomain' ) ); And later using it somewhere like: $x= '<h4>'.CONSTANT_NAME.'<h4>'; echo ...
learning_13's user avatar
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How to prevent someone from entering strings without making it available for translation?

I am working to make all strings in my plugin ready for translation by putting them under __() or _e() as per requirement. Now in future to avoid others in my team to add strings without making ...
learning_13's user avatar
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Translation not working for Constant strings in Plugin

I want to translate constant strings in my plugin defined as: define( 'CONSTANT', __( 'string-A', 'textdomain' ) );. The 'string-A' is available for translation and I have uploaded the mo files in the ...
learning_13's user avatar
2 votes
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How does WordPress choose which translation file to use?

One of my WordPress plugins has ended up with 2 different sets of translations for the same exact language (Spanish)... there's the one set of .mo/.po files I bundle with the plugin itself, and ...
David R.'s user avatar
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POEdit with Custom mu-plugins code

I have a very strict directory structure I must adhere to within mu-plugins, but I would like POEdit to be able to help me generate translation files for specific code within this structure, while ...
Tom Auger's user avatar
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3 answers

How to print translation supported text with HTML URL

I am somewhat new in WordPress if it is about "deeper" customization. Now I am having this function: esc_html_e( 'Dear Guest, with Your information we not find any room at the moment. Please ...
Simon Vetterli's user avatar
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get_the_date() for translating date format

I want to display dates in Hindi format like jan 10 using get_the_date() function. What I have tried so far: echo get_the_date(_e('F j')); which outputs: F jJanuary 10, 2017.
shubham shah's user avatar
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/languages/ folder missing in default themes

I noticed that previous default themes used to have /languages/ folder which is now gone. Is it now a good practice to not include the /languages/ folder when creating a custom theme? How do theme ...
Bld's user avatar
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How to translate functions.php?

I am working on functions.php in a child theme, Here I have a CPT and custom taxonomies for my project. The only thing I need to translate taxonomies and CPT right from the functions.php and be sure ...
Arsenii's user avatar
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Localization works but still get "This plugin is not properly prepared for localization" msg in directory

Several users of my RSVPMaker plugin have submitted translation/localization files that I have redistributed, but for some reason the page in the repository that is supposed to help with ...
David F. Carr's user avatar
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How can I change the language of automated Mails?

I've got a problem with translations, that sounds pretty simple, but I can't find a way around this. The Situation I got a software running on WordPress, and I need to send Emails to my users after ...
fischi's user avatar
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Difference between 2 internationalization (i18n) functions __() & _e()

I'm learning from a plugin development course, and encountered two different internationalization functions: <?php __('Newsletter Subscriber', 'ns_domain'); ?> & <?php _e('Title:'); ?&...
Steve's user avatar
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Override plugin text domain in child theme

I have a plugin YITH Wishlist in use and I want to override their translation with my own translation which I have included in my child theme. So basically I created this folder: /mychildtheme/...
Torben's user avatar
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Plugin not properly prepared for localization

I published my first plugin ( on and I get this notice about it not being prepared for localization, even though it's perfectly ...
Ahrengot's user avatar
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Can the qTranslateX-Plugin translate non-article text? [closed]

I started using the qTranslateX plugin for a bilingual Wordpress site, and I am very happy with how it translates posts and pages. However, there is some text on the site that was entered as part of a ...
clstaudt's user avatar
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Proper use of internationalization

Regarding internationalization which of the two would be the proper correct way to process the translation. echo '<p>' . esc_html__( 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing', '...
user3174600's user avatar
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Generate PO File

I wish to localize some text in my child theme. I followed the instructions here: However, I just created empty po files (eg: he.po) ...
theyuv's user avatar
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Localization of WP theme

I am working on WP theme localization. On custom search template I have function which gets text of some search terms and replace them with other (just visually). function search_replace_search() { $...
Advanced SEO's user avatar